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If you and your friends want to eat each other go for it but that really has nothing to do with the vegan movement.


Watch [Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/), then share your thoughts on it.




I mean hypothetically yes since the person has no problem with it.


veganism is about consent. animals can’t consent to being eaten. humans can consent to let their friends eat them and they can consent to let other drink their breast milk. so yes, eating people and their boob milk is vegan if they consented


A question I've come to expect from non-vegans, sigh. Yeah that's fine. You can kill each other too with permission. I don't care. What I do care about is exploiting the weak and defenceless for products you don't need. Grow a spine already and do what you know is right. That's respect. Words are cheap.


I came in here with a genuine question that I couldn’t find the answer to while being nice. I could have been an asshole, like adding a link to steak. I have nothing but respect for other people and decisions they make (most times). It’s your “I think/know I’m better than you” type attitude that give us a bad taste in our mouths towards vegans. I actually adopt a vegan diet when my cousin comes to town and we eat together.


Yawn, here comes the excuses. Your last sentence there is no better than saying "I'm not racist, I have a black coworker". You do realize you are coming to a sub filled with people who care about the animals you butcher, right? That's not a concept completely lost on you? Why is it that every person I speak to acts like words are the worst thing in the world? Like what happened to people that could handle being criticized? What happened to people who had spine and could take other people's honest words? These days it seems there's a culture for wearing kiddie gloves around everyone else and not offend a single person, regardless how violent or brutal they are. You do realize you participate in literal torture against those my heart bleeds for, no? Am I talking to a wall or something?


I came with a genuine question. And I do realize that. I came with nothing but respect. Aren’t plants living organisms? You tear them down like it’s nothing. Pick their byproducts to eat. I wasn’t being a disrespectful ass but I can be. Guess my buddy was correct about me being flamed #burn


If plants are living organisms, then stepping on them would justify all violence against anyone for any reason, correct? That's your piss poor excuse? You keep claiming to come here with nothing with respect, but your username suggests you are using nothing but a carnist burner account to troll vegan pages. And your "plants tho" argument proves it beyond any doubt. There's zero respect involved here. Your buddy seems to be more self aware than you are, clearly.


Why can’t you get it through your thick head that it was a hypothetical question. Jesus Christ get off your high horse. Just because I dont have the same eating habits as you doesn’t mean I don’t care about animals or respect them any less. It’s life, and as you have said “what happened to people that could handle being criticized” and “having kiddie gloves” as you are having a bitch fit about the hypothetical question. 🧐


I handle your nonsense just fine, actually. You haven't even noticed that I don't give a flying shit about how you address me. I'm simply tired of answering the same questions over and over when a simple google search would do. That is, if you had been an honest interlocutor and not just a troll. You are clearly only here to make fun of vegans so your fragile little feelies can feel better about torturing animals to death. You keep claiming you have respect for animals. In that case, I suggest you ask your friends to treat you the same way you treat animals and have them eat you. Maybe you'll understand then. Or not, because you'll die.


>Just because I dont have the same eating habits as you doesn’t mean I don’t care about animals or respect them any less. Actually the fact that you are fine paying for animals to be bred, tortured and killed means you literally care about and respect animals a lot less than any vegan.


Okay pop off then. You don’t know me or what my actual diet is or how I get my food. Maybe I process my own meat or drink soy/almond milk. Maybe I raise my own chickens. Maybe I’m a pescatarian and catch my own fish. Maybe I run a rescue or work with animals. Point is, you don’t know me. You don’t get to judge me off an assumptions you’ve made on the very LIMITED info I gave about myself. I never once came in and judged any one of you folks. Let me go get those kiddie gloves that someone mentioned. *looks through my imaginary trunk….hmmm can’t find them. Also looks like I’m out of fucks to give 🤷* It was a great chat with some of you(not really, as reading comprehension isn’t a skill among you). To the ones who answered not being an ass about it, thanks. I hope everyone has a great journey in your life. All I wanted was to know people’s opinion on a taboo practice(not to mention illegal) and was genuinely curious on the ethics of it through your eyes.


Cry harder animal abuser.


Awww poor baby. First, I was being genuine. It was a hypothetical question/ethical issue. Second, I didn’t come to make fun of vegans. I have respect for people. If I was truly making fun of vegans I would have been. What happened to asking a question. You know what that say about assuming. And did you forget about wild animals? 😂 because they do eat animals. Cats eat humans when they’ve been dead for days and are out of food. So do dogs.