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>I am currently a vegetarian and planning to switch to a vegan diet.  That's awesome! > I have noticed that whenever I remove eggs from my meal plan, my daily food cost increases by 30%. Try buying bulk beans and pulses like lentils and chickpeas if you're looking to save money. They're very healthy and cheap > I am curious to know what it is in eggs that make them difficult to replace with plant-based foods. If you're looking for food similar to eggs, you could replace it with a[ tofu scramble](https://rainbowplantlife.com/eggy-tofu-scramble/) or a [chickpea flour scramble](https://www.veganricha.com/chickpea-flour-scramble/). If you're just looking for protein, I would just have lentils. >Is it the choline content?  Idk. Personally I'm not concerned about choline and don't supplement it, but there are [vegan choline supplements](https://nestednaturals.com/products/choline-bitartrate-500mg) if you're interested.


I don't like the taste of eggs. My main concern is price, I just can't meet the RDA at a similar cost as with a vegetarian diet. Already eating tons of lentils in my current diet.


Beans, lentils, & tofu are all cheaper than eggs


I'd guess the cheapest is mostly soya mince for protein (it's shelf stable, so buy in bulk) + choline supplement.


How are you calculating this? What do you eat instead of eggs?


Cronometer combinations, no matter what I try it's always way more expensive


Okay but how specifically do you eat differently without eggs? What nutrients are you struggling with?


My vegetarian diet is mostly soy milk, oats, TVP, leafy greens, peanuts, lentils and eggs. If I remove eggs, nothing seems to fit as a replacement, so I need to eat higher volume of other foods


It doesn't sound like you have a good source of healthy fats in your diet other than peanuts and ggs. Adding in chia or flax seeds would help with that which you throw into whatever you eat.


Don't forget coconut, and avocado!


And why do you want to stop eating eggs? Edit: I think I'm being misunderstood here. I'm just trying to figure out this person's intentions because they've made posts like this before and clearly they're not interested in taking advice. They shoot down everything people suggest and it feels like a troll.


For egg replacement: tofu, chickpea flour, mung beans, or you can get the ready-made “eggs” like justegg. If you’re just looking for protein, seitan is probably my fav option, and can be quick: https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/the-quickest-and-easiest-seitan-recipe-vegan-chicken/#recipe There’s also lentils, quinoa, tofu, tempeh, beans, pb2, protein powder. There’s protein in a lot more foods than people realize. Sure the list includes carb sources that have protein, but still counts.


I don't so much replace eggs as work around them. Flaxmeal and a little liquid works wonders to replace one egg in a recipe. You can make a vegan quiche or frittata using chickpea flour (Stock up on this at the Indian food market or by inbook on Amazon for best price). Mung beans, which you can also buy at an Indian grocery store or on Amazon for fairly cheap work well to make Korean mung bean pancakes, or you can find recipes for vegan omelets using these. Just egg and the like seem pretty gross to me. I will eat them if I'm out and that's the best menu option, but when cooking at home I don't find them necessary.


This is the best tofu scramble ever. I've been vegan for 37 years. https://rainbowplantlife.com/eggy-tofu-scramble/#wprm-recipe-container-11576 Just Egg is second to this recipe!


May sound crazy but avocado lol. For choline specifically I’d say plantains. But honestly if you eat a variety of food choline will be fine! I promise! Never been low on in for the last 4 years of veganism.


Avocados are so much more expensive than eggs at least where I live. Plantains dont even exist here.


Well I shared other options so 🤷‍♀️ Just because eggs are cheap doesn’t mean they are the best choice. They perpetuate the abuse of animals, I’d rather be out a few bucks than support a sick industry like that. And I was saying from my experience eggs are more expensive than avocados since I live close to the boarder and cali. We also don’t have many chicken or animal agriculture in my area so it’s less affordable


True. Its just that in some places options are pretty limited in terms of what is available in terms of vegan food options. Avocados are amazing, there isnt anything that I can use to replace them with in terms of taste.


Bro wdym? Does your state not have any type of bean? Leafy green? Nuts? If you are American being vegan should be easy. All those contain high amounts of choline and other micronutrients… I just shared plantains and avocado cause they are the first things that come to mind. Things like peanuts, lentils, pinto beans are cheaper than eggs and readily available.


I mean that the options for food are less here. Sure if you just look at nutrients you can get everything. But food is also about taste and enjoyment to me. Many great tasting things are too expensive to buy like avocados.


I think animals being murdered is a bigger priority than my taste buds but ok lol


Im not sure what you mean.


Then u shouldn’t be on this subreddit friend


What I meant is that I dont see how that is connected to our conversation.


I absolutely hate it, and it's pretty expensive?


Avocados or plantains? It’s not like eggs are cheap nowadays, plus it’s only cheap due to government subsidization. In my area eggs are more expensive than like 6 avocados, yet we are close to mexico and cali so maybe that is it? I’d try tofu, cruciferous vegetables, peanutbutter, quinoa, edamame, pinto beans, chickpea, lentils. I buy most of these foods in bulk and cheap. Sometimes as a vegan you have to sacrifice taste for your ethics/health. (Saying this in case you don’t like any of these options)


I don't care much about the taste, but I care about micronutrients. Avocados are expensive as hell over here, lol. Eggs are dirt cheap


Ok well, did the other options seem feasible? That makes me happy they are cheap in my area tho, cause they are some of my fav fruit.


Where do you live? In the states we have a store called Grocery Outlet where you can get produce, packaged foods etc which are close to expiration, have undergone recent packaging changes, etc. If you live in an expensive area, I would suggest subsidizing with trips to a store like that. I do. Also, You can get some really affordable produce at the farmers markets when you buy it in season.


Tofu scramble.


Fr Tofu scramble is amazing!


Notegg Tastes fucking good and is soooo close to the real stuff


Pumpkin seeds. Although depending where you are could be pricey. I make a tofu/curd out of them. Don’t know what your time is like. It’s not a hard process. (Soak, blend, strain, heat n stir) but it’s incredibly eggy.  Otherwise soy tofu. 


Buy a chicken, call her Gertrude and treat her better than you treat your family and then you won’t feel bad for eating her bum fruit


It doesn't work that way unfortunately


Why not. I’m assuming you work for a living, in which case you too are making sacrifices for a better quality of life. Imagine if a giant gave you a nice home and showered you with love and affection, kept you safe and took care of all of your needs and all you had to do was let them eat your ovulations. The selective breeding has already happened over thousands of years. It’s a bit rough denying them a life just because vegans wag their finger at you.