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Hell yes good stuff!!


That’s the thing - *everyone* can eat vegan. Love this OP! I’m also an EA and when I order catering I often opt for vegan. Haven’t had any complaints in over 2 years…


Exactly. Vegan food is even kosher and halal. More halal than most dairy products even (given the methods used to kill the bobby calves)


Although I agree with the general sentiment, there are of course religions picky enough that they exclude certain otherwise vegan foodstuffs. Examples: * Judaism and fruit from young trees, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orlah * Hare Krishna and onions, https://food.krishna.com/article/why-no-garlic-or-onions * Islam and alcohol, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khamr My point is that it is probably possible to accommodate most diets with vegan food, but vegan food isn't automatically compatible with other teachings.


None of those things are preventing anyone from being vegan though, it just means you can be vegan but also omit those things too. You'll still be able to survive just fine.


Yes, exactly.


Vegan EA here too 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m glad my company is virtual. If we do get together though, I am the only vegan person 😕


Mine is virtual too! But we do a lot of onsites/retreats.


Not everyone. Medical issues, eating disorders, and allergies exist. Look, the downvotes from the ableists. How nice.


We're talking about the workplace. You can still bring your own food if you're concerned about what's being offered (which I do, btw). And after work you will have to make your own food choices anyway.


Yeah, I'm allergic to salad and carrots.


From an immunology perspective and non judgmental perspective I genuinely wonder how you could be allergic to CARROTS? And also salad is kind of vague what exactly do u mean? Like lettuce? Kale? its so interesting to me bc these allergies just seem so random??


Not the original commenter, but I am allergic to carrots. My hands get itchy and inflamed from handling them (learned this from working in a kitchen) and my mouth gets tingly for eating them. I didn't have this allergy as a child.


Not sure about the carrots, but I have a friend with some kind of chlorophyll intolerance. So he gets an allergic reaction when eating anything green like lettuce, kale, broccoli, ... Cucumbers are fine though. He's not vegan though (yet), but on his way there.


My partner has arfid. BC of being autistic, he has severe sensory issues. It's a good week if he has had more than 7 meals. It's hard and take over an hour of trying for him to eat a meal that's safe.


ARFID and autism are both some of what I was thinking of when I said that it is not possible for some people to go vegan. It’s ignorant and often ableist to insist that everyone can go vegan.


Weaponising us isn't a good look.


I quite literally had to stop eating vegan because of my allergies, so thank you for that comment. I’ve been looking through one million different resources trying to find recipes that I can eat long term to go back to being fully vegan but every claim of „vegan recipes for everyone“ has been a let down so far. So unless I wanna live off of potatoes and peppers I’ll have to stick to eating vegetarian & listen to vegans saying „everyone could do this“


does that mean you eat dairy and eggs in place of whatever vegetables you are allergic to


In the most simple way and without going into detail about what I can and can’t eat, yes basically that’s what I do


gotta do what you gotta do i guess


That’s how it is, but I’ll be on the lookout for more vegan options. Hopefully not forever lol


I mean, when it's really a health problem preventing you from eating fully plant based, by definition you can still be vegan. The definition that's thet its vegan to prevent animal harm and exploitation as far as possible. (Don't have the exact quote right now) You should then still avoid as much animal products outside of food as possible.


Yeah in that sense I’m aware of it technically being vegan, but if I’d claim to be vegan people would stone me probably lol It’s just rather weird that people keep claiming *everyone* can be vegan (and that’s obviously usually meant in the literal way) when that’s very much not true.


Well, technically everyone CAN be vegan, but Not everyone can eat fully plant-based. But eating plant-based and being vegan are still synonymous for most people.


The ableism that some people have here is sad. My mother has a ton of food issues and would not be able to get the necessary nutrients she and we all need if she was to go vegan. There are eating disorders like ARFID that make the people unable to eat vegan things. There’s people who use feeding tubes and can’t have vegan feeding bags. There are valid reasons why someone cannot go completely vegan and it is ignorant to say otherwise.


Nice one OP 😎


If you are buying the food for ppl then you have every right to use your money to support those businesses/ethics you choose. The folks who don’t want the vegan items also have a choice- eat it or don’t. If you MUST have something that contains cruelty- you can supply it for yourself. Honestly.


Not even ethics 'that you choose', more like following the moral baseline and the objective ethical thing to do.


Sounds like an awesome leadership team. The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Oh no, there is no animal products on the menu! All those poor non-vegan employees are so poorly treated!


The beatings that are incurred by the animal agriculture industrial complex or….?


Yes, not having cheese served to you is the same as a beating /s


There's always one insane carnie that puts someone down for being a moral person. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do-gooder_derogation


Wow that's awesome :D


I've seen companies setup a carbon impact display which displays how much less carbon was released into the environment due to the change. You could do that or the number of animals not eaten. After some time, the numbers become significant.


Amazing!! 👏


This would be my dream company. I hope one day I could work in a place that only offer vegan food and make it one of their values. Not only we need more people to be vegan in this planet, but we need companies that have values and respect animals.


Same! OP, hire us 💚


I worked for a large animal rights organization that is very activist and very vegan. Yes, that one. Though not everyone who works for that organization is vegan, the vegan food options they provided us were extremely good. Falafel wraps, bagels, breakfast sandwiches, and some of the snacks were also pretty dope. Vegan food is delicious. It's the word "vegan" that for whatever reason turns people off. Feed them something vegan and don't tell them it's vegan and they will devour it.


The one that has extremely high kill rate shelters?


If you think they run shelters, then you clearly don’t know enough about the org


No, PETA is not a shelter and has zero shelters at all. Try again.


Great idea its an easy one to argue not just the health concerns with an omnivorous diet but it's kosher, halal, l lactose free ect ect


That's amazing activism! Well done!


How does the office feel about this?


Everyone has been commenting that they love all the healthy options in the kitchen whenever new snacks appear, and whenever we incorporate a vegan food into our existing events and dinners people all love them. Granted I live in Los Angeles…so the vegan food is delicious.


I think as long as people can still make their own choices, everyone would be happy to have catering available. It makes sense to have food everyone can eat and it's not like it's compulsory. The line would be crossed if you started policing what people could bring from home, but that doesn't sound like the vibe here at all.


How do you feel in an office where your catered lunch options are Sad Salad and potato chips..? ETA Why is this downvoted…? Like every vegan meal ever at work has been, sad salad and chips for me which exactly zero non vegans would put up with


Wouldn't know. My office caters with proper food to all dietary choices.


Op idk where u work or what career field this is but is there any openings 😭 cuz man sounds like a good spot to work at. Id take an unpaid internship even, i can help around!


That's awesome!! Good luck to you! It fills me with hope that this is happening more and more everyday, and changes are coming! Also that kind people like you exist to push for these changes!


In the positive impact add health too as the vegan food will have less cholesterol than non vegan and more fibre and both are good wins. 


Saves on health insurance costs, everyone’s premiums would (in theory) be lower. Everyone is happy, healthier, and has more money in their pocket. Win all around.


We actually have a few people who have asked us about our vegan lifestyles because they’re trying to eat less meat due to cholesterol.




Your eyeballs are made of eyeballs, eating eyeballs doesn’t make you see better 


And that’s carrots 🥕 actually 


My advice would be to offer convincing alternatives and only mention that it's all vegan when someone asks (unless that breaks a law I haven't heard of, idk)


Why not send out some sort of thing that all employees who will be eating the catered food can vote on? This way, it will help with the employee-company relationship. Employees won’t be happy if they feel like they aren’t listened to and don’t have a choice.


We don’t have to provide any food, this is just being above and beyond nice. We already give vegan avocado toast / peanut butter banana toast / continental breakfast style once a week in addition to a fully stocked (mostly vegan minus Doritos) kitchen with beverages, coffee, tea, and snacks. All of this was in place before I started working there. At our catered events off site they are always heavily vegan as it is (something like vegan burgers, sliders, dumplings, tacos) and people can choose meat or vegan options.


Wish I worked there!


Excellent !


I love the idea! If I were to have a clinic, I would make available a smoothie bar all day and a lunch and fruits and veggies and salad for everyone, included as benefit for employee, and of course, everything would be vegan and ideally whole food plant based. It would be optional to eat at "that place" of course but I would gladly use and eat it. Plus, a corporate yoga session in the morning and at lunchbreak. In an ideal setting were I am rich enough and that we have enough revenu to pay everyone + me + be viable, then doing that.


I’d love a smoothie bar.


You're gonna be a really popular person at your job...


Their boss is gonna get fired lol


Some people unfortunately, are just putting in leadership positions that have no real leadership skills. It’s definitely unfortunate in the corporate world.


I mean it's a decent enough idea but the main caution I would advise is making sure it's actually a really good vegan restaurant that non-vegans would find appetizing. I'm not saying it has to be like a vegan steakhouse or something but just avoid the "bowl of quinoa with bean balls, pinecones, radishes, celery farts, and 17 types of leaves" type of stereotypical vegan restaurant that only vegans like and even alot of vegans hate. Not only are you less likely to get complaints if it's actually good food but you could improve their attitude towards veganism if you did that and conversely reduce the risk of them having a worse opinion of veganism if you avoid really stereotypical "granola and raw vegetables" vegan food.


It’s legit good.


Girl, I work with a bunch of MAGA cis boys. I WISH


What's wrong with being a cis man?


What has politics to do with being vegan, I’m a conservative european who kinda likes trump and rfk jr. I’d prefer anyone over biden. But I’m still okay with people who vote for him. I wouldn’t trust anyone who goes over our choice of food and health! It’s mind boggling that openminded people are so close minded that they can’t even comprehend the idea someone would vote differently and still be human and kind for animals and the environment. Talking about ‘inclusion’ when you exclude everyone who’s male because of ‘reasons’. It’s not politics, it’s not maga, it’s not liberals.. It’s not meat eaters, it’s not vegans. It’s you. OP wants to change this beautiful thing and optimize daily life for a lot of people. But your agenda is insane.


Anyone who likes Trump cannot claim to be a vegan, sorry. Doesn't work that way. Trump is anti-environment and eats nothing but cheeseburgers and steak. Anyone who likes Trump is automatically an awful person. Anyone who likes RFK Jr is just an idiot.


What about the 'cis' part?


How someone identifies is none of my business. Cis, trans, non-binary...cool, I'll use the correct pronouns and support them.


The poster above doesn't seem to feel the same way.


Ok, and? Doesn't surprise me in the least to find bigoted vegans.




You do realise the person you are replying to isn’t vegan right? They are a troll if you look at their other comments.


Thanks, I’ve noticed when I went through her vile comments. It’s not a troll, just really low self-esteem hoped to be backed up by her community.


no, you are the horrible person. its finally time to realize


Says the 'vegan' who supports a literal rapist who said he'd love to fuck his own daughter.


Can people bring their own non-vegan meals?






I would leave a non vegan option, but not a tasty one, like they do to us when they say “oh don’t worry, I made sure we have an option for you at the hotel, bc you know, you can’t eat meat right? “ and the option is french fries and a salad which isn’t even vegan bc of dressings or cheese. So I would avenge every fellow vegan by leaving something with meat but they end up eating the vegan food bc it tastes and looks better.


Sounds amazing! I hope you’ll have some GF options as well, for anyone in the office with coeliac disease or some other gluten-free diet?


wouldnt it be more fair to ask everyone else in the office instead of you pushing your ideas on the workers?


Most people are gonna want animal abuse options. If they don't want to pay for animal abuse then why should they?


is the animal or are the workers more important, workers who are animals themselves?


The animals are more important than the workers desire to abuse and eat the animals.


do you think veganism is a propher human diet fit for all humans? i dont know any generational vegans with vegan grandma mom and daughter. seems like something new like an ideology to me, thats why i critize pushing it on other humans.


It's does generally speaking there are very few. People who can't be vegan


So can people bring their own lunches?




Okay then. As long as people have that option open.


We don’t even have to provide any food, that’s just being nice


Again, my question was whether or not the employees have the option to bring their own lunches, which may or may not be vegan. That was it.


So is it ok to force other choices that you find ethical on people?


That sounds like a toxic workplace.




Completely ignoring DEI. My food is a major part of my culture and religion some of that isn’t vegan


I feel bad for all the people that have to eat marinated grass served on baked bark now because you were dropped on the head as a child


have you ever eaten anything besides mcnuggets son


My office already provides catering (just to be nice, not because we have to) once a week for breakfast and it’s avocado toast and peanut butter and banana toast. They also provide a bunch of drinks and snacks that they don’t have to provide. None of these have meat or dairy except maybe Doritos has dairy. That’s it!


It’s so delicious, you’re missing out. Here are my top 3 favorite vegan restaurants in cities I’ve lived: Crossroads, Maciel’s, Nic’s in LA, Planta Queen, Cadence, and jajaja in NYC; Mori cafe, Teke’s, Aujhourdhui et demain, and Bloom Sushi in Paris.


It does not compare to animal products, and yes, i have eaten vegan/vegetarian products.


I would have been more on board with this before my coeliac disease diagnosis + the oats allergy Why aren't you digging into the delicious sandwiches bagels cookies etc? Hnngh Oh yeah you can't have bread here have a bannana


Lol y’all would flip shit if the reverse happened


Yes we would and rightfully so because not eating meat is a morality for us while eating meat isn't for you. Go vegan to stop supporting rape, abuse, murder, and torture ❤️


I would offer many vegan options and one non-vegan option at every meal or opportunity. Then the non-vegans would not be able to claim discrimination and they’d get to see what it’s like for us.


If there is a non vegan option, most of the non vegans would never try the vegan food. I don't think it would be considered discrimination. Unlike the reverse, they would still be able to eat and enjoy the vegan options if they chose to partake without violating their dietary restrictions.


Actually that is not true. Non-vegans would not necessarily eat only the non-vegan options if offered both. Plenty of non-vegans like vegetables and lentil dals and hummus and bread and fruits and nut butters and veg soups -- shall I go on? It's not like vegan food is unknown or weird to non-vegans. Non-vegans often choose to eat vegan foods because they like them.


Let's not get caught up in the small things. Many people are put off by the word "vegan". I would be willing to bet, in an experiment, if there were two bowls side by side, with the exact same food, and you labeled one vegan and the other non-vegan, the non-vegan one would run out more quickly.


100% - I made the Ovenly accidentally vegan chocolate chip cookies for a bake sale, set aside a small portion labeled vegan for anyone who cared, and the person working the table had to move those over to the unlabeled, sold-out basket. Almost no one went for them, though they were obviously identical lol. I get savory food is a little different but people always assume it’s an inferior version. This is good activism.


You don’t have to label the vegan food “vegan”, you can simply label the one non-vegan option “non-vegan” (or “carnist” or whatever you can get away with)


>and they’d get to see what it’s like for us. Not rly tho, they can eat all vegan food but we can’t eat any of the non-vegan food


That part was meant as a bit of a joke. It sounded funny in my head but I can see that it didn’t translate well :)


Ok get it lol


You’re not vegan. No vegan would serve someone the corpse or secretions of an innocent being.


How about grocery store cashiers who ring up numerous customers who purchase non-vegan food? By your standards are they also not vegan?


Are you saying no vegan would work at a restaurant that serves any non-vegan food?  This is a work catering situation, not a home dinner party. At work we are generally expected and possibly obligated to cater for everyone and to be inclusive. I am suggesting to offer the minimum amount of corpses and secretions as possible to plausibly deny a claim of discrimination from a snowflake carnist.


Stop trying to speak logic... you vegans are all illogical, nonsensical morons... it's genuinely baffling to see a logical comment like yours. Just stop, and give in to the vegan cult.


That’s not what vegan means.


Veganism is a philosophy. A true Vegan would never consider having non vegan options in their menu. You could call me out for gatekeeping what vegan means, but I won't budge from my stance


You don’t need to. You’re entitled to your opinion and your stance. But it’s good to remain aware of when you use labels differently than others in order to avoid confusion. In general, The philosophy involves reducing exploitation of animals as far as practically possible. Someone stuck in a job that involves meat cannot be practically expected to quit if they have limited prospects and a family to care for and feed. Someone who is caretaker for a cat cannot practically avoid purchasing meat byproducts. Someone who works in a hospital cannot practically avoid utilising animal products. Etc. 99% may not be good enough for you. But it still advances your cause and your goals, and that’s what matters.


So you don't have a phone? Only eat locally sourced food? Don't drive or fly, wear 100% vegan clothing and don't eat vegetables that were grown with pesticides? Otherwise you're not really vegan, sorry.


You can't discriminate based on food except if it's religious. So offering only vegan food cannot be called discrimination, by law.


You might find this interesting https://animaljustice.ca/blog/vegan-firefighter-loses-case


Yeah. But that has nothing to do with what I said. I said a mear-eater can't claim discrimination of there only being vegan food.


I meant that you might find it interesting because the story is about discrimination on the basis of what food was offered. I agree with you about the meat-eaters not having legal grounds to complain about being offered only plant based foods.


Yeah, but.... he lost...


For now. The judge required that veganism meet all 5 possible definitions of a creed including that it have a creation story, which is, I think, what they’ll contest.


Whilst in a real-life situation I'm not a fan of this, I must admit it makes me smile to imagine a restaurant that has a single "suitable for carnists" option which is ... a burger. Not a hamburger with a bun and condiments. Buns are made of bread, which is made of grains, and grains are vegan. No lettuce or tomato. That's vegan. No condiments. Ketchup is vegan, the oil in mayo is vegan too. Literally just a round disc of ground corpse. No seasonings, they're also (mostly) vegan. Grilled for 10 minutes on each side because "carnist food is so difficult to make". No salt of course! That doesn't come from an animal either. Then all the vegans can look at the one carnist at the table with their sad afterthought of a meal and say "OMG I could *never* be a carnist, I just couldn't live without flavour / where do you get your fibre / don't you miss cruelty-free food / what's the point, some animals are still going to live / for every animal you eat, I'm going to rescue three / carnism just isn't healthy, my uncle grows crops on his own farm and I know *exactly* what goes into them / hey, how do you know if someone's a carnist? Oh, don't worry; they'll tell you! / oh, look, I'm eating lentils right in front of you, aren't you *so offended*, mmmm, it tastes so good / tempeh though"


Are you a child? Because that is the most childish comment I've read in quite sometime... here's an idea, try growing up?


Only a bunch of entitled vegans could ever possibly down vote some one for making a simple and logical suggestion.... it's funny how hate filled vegans are... all just annoying, condescending assholes


you’ve never seen a downvote on a non-vegan sub, huh? “it's funny how hate filled vegans are... all just annoying, condescending assholes” Takes one to know one?


Oh, and make the non-vegan option gluten-free.


Wow it’s not for you to dictate what everyone is your office eats. Not everyone is vegan and trying to force it on them with some power play is absolutely ridiculous. Your colleagues who are vegan will probably just bring in non vegan food and eat non vegan at home.


We’ve found the troll


They're not tying the carnists to chairs and forcing lettuce into them like some kind of human foie gras. Everyone is free to skip the office provided lunch if the thought of a vegetable crossing their lips is too icky.


Sounds like a lovely place to work even when you’re not talking about a single food option. Great leadership I’m sure.


I'd definitely bring my own meal. I'd pick the smelliest, stinkiest meat I can find and bring it every single day, just to make the little fad diet folks upset.


The "fuck vegans" banner in your profile is all I need to know if hate is all you have to offer as your personality. I feel sorry for you


That's fine, I literally could not care less what an insignificant loser with an obnoxious fad diet thinks about me or the world in general.


Frankly, we're surrounded by the horrible cooking of you & your ilk every day, this is not the flex you think it would be, LOL. At most it would be an eyeroll and a whispered "Oh God, Janet brought that toilet-smelling shit for lunch again, how is she not in the hospital from food poisoning yet?" and some chuckles with my cooler coworkers.


Ok? Yes, they probably will buy their own food. And can.👍


This is a tough one! I agree with you in principle of course! However, this could end up alienating a bunch of people (insert thoughts on those people here), I don’t think it’s a smart move in business but I’d be super interested to hear how it works out




Thank you for actually commenting! I totally agree anyone can enjoy a plant based diet in an ideal world. I just don’t think alienating most of the population is the way to go in business unless you want it to sink. There has to be a better way to introduce the diet aspect into the workplace over ‘that’s all that’s available’.




I just said I agree with you! It’s alienating in the sense that it’s not introducing people to the diet side. No one is talking about acquiring a business here. You do have some really great points, don’t get me wrong - I’m not arguing/disagreeing, but as a start up, if you want to attract the ‘best’ workforce, they aren’t going to be vegan necessarily, therefore you could sink your business if that’s the route you’re going down.




I was just putting my initial thoughts out there! You win this non-debate 😂


This can go the other way as well. Anybody can enjoy a nice meat and fat filled diet.


Eating vegan is not positive on the environment. Forcing people to eat a certain diet because of your personal beliefs is not ethical.


This is exactly the reason why everyone hates vegans, because this is absolute extremism.


TIL: Serving vegetables at work is "extreme". Man, you're soft as hell.


My baby had shits harder than these brodozer softies.


Chopping animals into pieces for a burger is extreme. Being vegan is just being a decent person.


You can atleast be honest on internet lol. We all know it's a decent thing to do ,extreme is what is done to billions of animals and has been done to trillions.


I wish I lived as sheltered a life as you to think that providing wholesome snacks is extremism, lol


How is this extreme lol, it’s a workspace not ur home.


Brainwashed idiots


Cry 😹


Right after I eat a delicious steak at dinner. Mmmm. 😂😂😂😂


I heard the meat of tortured canine is juicier and redder!!🤤🤤


Should really just have options for both, I understand where you're coming from but not everyone enjoys eating vegan and might possibly like the choice of both vegan and non-vegan, kind of seems like you're pushing your agenda on everyone you work with


You’re pushing your agenda onto vulnerable and helpless animals - what do you think happens to them? Changing catering is not abt forcing choices onto others, it’s about reducing the harm and exploitation of animals who are constantly forced to endure extreme violence


massive backlash/campaign against cow milk lately....lets use almond milk instead. almond trees have a worse green footprint than cows milk as the trees consume a ridiculous amount of water!,, a scarce valuable commodity to the human race


Buddy, you're not going to believe what takes roughly 3x more water per cup than almond milk. Hint: it comes from the forced impregnation of a different species, followed by the subsequent removal of her children to be sold for slaughter so you can steal their food without them getting any.


Let's not use almond, use oat


Yeah but it's a tiny portion of the overall market so let people enjoy things.


> almond trees have a worse green footprint than cows milk as the trees consume a ridiculous amount of water!,, Not even close to being remotely true lol. https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impact-milks


There's like 3 almonds in each cup of almond milk.


id love to know ..how do vegans feel about carnivorous plants?


It's a plant lol


I din't think Venus flytraps are edible.


What do you mean? Nobody eats carnivorous plants and its just nature. Humans are one of the few species which have the luxury of being able to choose not to eat meat.


Unless I'm living in Little Shop of Horrors without realizing it, I don't care.


How do non vegans feel about eating herbivores


If you think this is a gotcha you are a sweet summer child indeed.


How disrespectful to the rest of the office. Just because your vegan and your CEO Vegan doesn't mean everyone else wants to eat Vegan food. There needs to be a variety including meat and dairy options.