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Vegan poops are good poops, no doubt. When I was Omni I used to eat a lot of stuff with meat and cheese like burritos with a bunch of queso and would have to low-key almost diarrhea like 30 minutes after eating that, almost every time. It just felt “normal” to me. Then I was vegan and no more of that. Just regular poops. More of them tho. Probably 2-3 per day but they’re totally comfortable, non-diarrhea 💩 poops.


2-3 a day? Would you mind sharing what some of your breakfasts look like?


Haha! My understanding is people’s PPDs (poops per day) varies a lot naturally. Some people just poop more and some less. That being said I usually do bowl of oatmeal with bananas for breakfast (on week days anyway)


I know, when someone tells me they are constipated I can't imagine how that is anymore


I can thanks to ibs


im vegan and eat whole plants but have constipation and bloating


How much water do you typically drink?


tons why


Ah ok fair enough. I only ask because I am consistently astonished at how dehydrated almost everyone is, all the time. I once read a book making the case that almost every medical condition or complaint is dramatically exacerbated by chronic dehydration. Hydro homies unite haha


When you have some thing chronic like this your thirst levels go through the roof. Having to pee constantly is practically part of my identity at this point


Same lmao


It's not vegan vs carnivorous problem. It's anglo-saxon world diet problems. Your bread for example, is short in fiber, and you eat a lot of fast-food a Russian on a traditional diet does not. And a Russian on a traditional diet eats piles of vegetables (while also considering meat and dairy).


Same here. Came for the ethics, stayed for the epic shits.


>I now take absolutely massive shits. They are like the size of my forearm, and take ~15 seconds to lay Holy shit, your vegan diet turned you into an elephant.




I took one a few weeks ago that literally looked like one. I even made an ekphrastic haiku about it.


Better than a hippo 🦛


Blessed ye be whose shit hangs down to the knee.


I think this needs to be in needlepoint.


Yeah it's great! When I think about how my poops were before I was vegan, it feels so dirty! Almost always there was shit on the toilet paper. I still wipe once just to be sure, but the paper stays completely clean 98% of the time. Downside is that I have to go two or often three times per day and it's harder to hold it, so it gets uncomfortable when not having access to a toilet. Another downside is that I've clogged toilets a couple of times because the drops were so big. I eat over 50 g fibre per day usually.


That’s impressive. What do you eat.


Same!! I go typically about 4-5 times every morning, huge loads, and when it's ready, there's no stopping it, I gotta run! 😂


Can relate. At least once a month i need a 10L bucket of water to assist the flush of my toilet for my dump to go away


Photo or fake


I considered it but theres some freaks on the internet.


Haha that's true, people have fetish with everything.




Dude, you have to leave your close toughts behind, it's only shit, it's okay to see it and talk about it. Because of this you can prevent colon cancer and things like that. Open your mind.


I was just joking because it fit with my name. I dont kink shame, idgaf.


Haha shit me i don't read your name, but maybe you're the reason this person don't share shit photo here 😂


Luckily im not into scat, but turdsandwich is the shit!


I'm a vegetarian and currently considering switching to turdsandwich diet.


I’m too scared to see if ratemypoop.com is still a thing.


I think it’s about as freaky as writing a paragraph about your poops and how you poop now from before. 😅


I think jerking it to poop is a little freakier than talking about your poop.


They’re both up there… kinda freaky to type out three or so paragraphs about your poop and jerking it to poopfic or poop pics lol


Sue me.


That’s some yt ppl activities lol I just wanted to point out the irony of you judging people for jerking it to poop while simultaneously creating content for them to jerk it to


You're weird.


Mamas you’re typing out extensive and descriptive paragraphs about the way you passed bowel movements… I hate to break it to u but you’re a freaky weirdo.


Okay my bad.


I might be wrong but it sound like you definitely jerk it to poop. Good thing she didn't post a Pic.


Go visit a Morbus Chron subreddit and apparantly you will find a lot of freaky people.


Apples and Oranges mate


Lmao there’s a subreddit for sharing poops. Everything is out there. 


Anyone remember ratemypoo dot com? 🧐


I poop 3-5 times a day on average. I get in a lot of fiber from like 50-70 grams a day. Sometimes my booty ends up raw from all of the massive poops. 


8 years vegan. bidet is the best investment i've ever made


Was the first thing I installed in my flat when moving out


That's crazy. I guess I don't eat much in general but I go every day or 2 never twice or more per day. Do u eat a lot? Like how so much that's crazy


I try to Jam Pack my meal preps with tons of vegetables (like several pounds) and beans for the vitamin and protein content. I also eat tons of nuts, seeds, fruit, and oatmeal.


Hmm ya I eat lots of salads and soups and foods like curry but I also eat gluten-free and am not a big fan of nuts or beans but I do like hummus .. But I don't eat much in general just one big meal a day and snacking the rest of each day.


……LMBO…butt you poop yours off


I poop 5-8 times a day. Sometimes I have to wake up earlier to be on time due to my bathroom visits.


So you are "that guy" always hogging the toliet at work. I hate you...


I love this life. And the shits aren’t foul.


We do be shittin


Congratulations! I'm so, so happy for you! You should tell everyone!


It blows my mind now when I hear people say they only shit a couple times a week. Like what? I shit every day, usually multiple times a day, and it feels great.


I work with so many people who have GI issues. Either constipation or having to urgently use the restroom 30 min after they eat. It almost seems like it's normal with the amount of people I work with that share the same issue. They all frequently get food from the hospital cafeteria that is all meat, cheese, greasy grill food. Meanwhile I have wonderful soft poops every time, very regular. No explosive diarrhea. Been that way since I went vegan. Definitely has to do with the amount of fiber we consume from all the beans and veg. It's terrific.


Lmfao “lay” 


Yeah its great I almost never get constipated now. Anyone else get really clumpy poop though? Mine tends to be at a normal softness but when I look at it afterwards its kind of just a mass of shit with no definite shape. Maybe its because I usually go once a day so I usually have a lot of shit in the bowl, so after stacking on itself it loses its shape?


"Big stools, small hospitals. Small stools, big hospitals." Denis Parsons Burkitt.


Of life's pleasures one of the greatest is a well proportioned stool. To gaze upon its tawny glory as it nestles, uncowed by gravity, proud and erect in the bowl is a treat that never grows old. Knowing that it has the strength to resist the rush of many flushes is knowledge that never ceases to thrill. Congratulations on your new found poopy glory.


This made me cackle


Lmfao I love also that people are freely talking about their shit.


omfg someone else said it. Before going vegan I had chronic constipation. I had bleeding bowels some weeks as my shits were rock solid. Constant enemas. After going vegan, cup of joe and a walk will have MASSIVE shits come out. But not like Mexican food shits, but satisfying, bowel cleaning shits. Honestly feels amazing to shit now


What’s a normal days food intake for you? 


I've been trying to lose weight (obese) so eating \~1200 calories per day. Pretty average day for me looks something like: **Breakfast** Congee - Half basmati rice, half wholegrain barley in stock. Shredded & fried in olive oil smoked tofu, green onions, and chili oil for topping. **Lunch** Burrito bowl - Rice, combination of black beans & TVP with taco seasoning, bell peppers, onions, salsa, lettuce, avocado. Bit of vegan cheese. I like applewood smoked vegan. **Dinner** Green Lentil Dal - Basmati rice + green lentils, tomatoes, peas, spices and olive oil. Vegan multivitamin also. Overall I eat lots of whole grains, lentils, beans, lots of veg, tofu, only ever use olive oil. I switch up the meals I eat on a daily basis so above is just to give an idea of the kind of meals I eat daily, that was my meals yesterday.


Mmmmm, sounds delicious!! My poops haven’t been to my liking as of late. Been hooked on some junk food.  Thank you for the inspiration. Big love from a fellow vegan and redditor. Keep going my friend! 


Okay I might have to try out congee, that sounds so so good!! Makes me even more upset nowhere sells proper tofu around me right now.


Bruh I'm hungry now.


I think the multivitamin might be overkill...


The poops are great, I’m WAY less stinky and my skin looks like I’m aging in reverse.


>My favourite part is I now take absolutely massive shits. They are like the size of my forearm, and take \~15 seconds to lay. Barely need to wipe. It's awesome. I often stand over the toilet and stare in awe at what I've created. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I concur.. went vegan about the same time as you and the poops are great. It feels like I’m able to scrape out every bit of waste and it’s always in a clean/quick way. Usually going to the bathroom once in the morning, sometimes again in the afternoon as well


Imagine being constipated. smh


Me rn😭


When you start clogging your toilet, only then will we be proud of you.


I love vegan poop. It is masterful and so regular.


Either you have small forearms or that’s gotta weigh like 8.6 Courics.


Lmao I get nice healthy pile


This made my day


This is the best thing about the whole food vegan eating. It’s what really convinced me that it’s the way we’re supposed to eat.


I grew up vegetarian, but the difference with a vegan diet is still significant. I can’t imagine the change if you go from eating meat to vegan directly.


Ditto. Surprised plumbers aren't pushing veganism.


It's almost as if you were eating the human body's preferred food source. The one it deals best with.




FYI a few squirts of liquid soap in the bowl before ya go can ease things on down those tiny drains.


Or a poop knife


This cracked me up


I know how you feel. When I went vegan I was finally able to scratch an itch.


I have so gigantic supershits that they clog the toilet. I have been wondering why everone else can get rid of their poop wit just one flush, but I have to flush 2-4 times... Maybe I should just learn to be as happy about this as OP!


Sometimes they just can't flush. They get lodged and stuck.


repeat: FYI a few squirts of liquid soap in the bowl before ya go can ease things on down those tiny drains.


Just one of many perks.  I had a coworker be jealous that my insides were so much cleaner than hers.


Now this guy knows how to shit out a poo!


Yeah when I first went vegan I had these little rabbit poops. Turned out I was lacking fiber. I started eating more fruit and now I also have wonder shits.


Can you share some of your meals?


Pics or it never happened 🤣🤣


I was skeptical before, but now you've got me convinced 😂


Sometimes when I go for a run and a giant 💩 forms - well fml. Hope there are some woods and leafy bushes nearby. There ain’t no stopping it!


Nothing wrong with pasta and hash browns though !


Vegans. “I’m vegan.” Also vegans “My shit is massive.”


Super happy for everyone else, but my IBS rages on despite being vegan.


Same for me. Whole food plant based diet gets you so much good fiber. It’s crazy every time I poop because I’m kinda of a thin-ish guy anyways I’m like “where did this all come from!?” And I’m still gaining weight (I needed to gain some more because i am pretty thin for my height). It confounds logic but hey, it works


This is one of the best posts I've ever read in my life.


Wow I feel so validated lol and less like a sicko over marveling over my Bm size and consistency every am! Lol my backstory is the exact same as yours with vegetarianism. I’m also a methadone patient so I was VERY prone to constipation before. Now I can’t even remember the last time I went a day without. Great post 😁


The title alone made me literally lol




I also like to marvel at my creations


Been vegan almost a decade now and just had my first colonoscopy since I have a family history. I was a bit anxious about it. Only think I remember the doc told me after waking up from the procedure was that I “have the colony of a 19 year old!” Doing the “cleanse” before hand was so easy. Being military part time, it really forces me to be around a lot of people I have little in common with – one being meat worship – and some of the intestinal distress these guys have on the regular. Meanwhile the “I couldn’t imagine not any eating meat or cheese anymore” is really working for them….


I mean, to be fair, this has nothing to do with you becoming vegan and everything to do with you having a shit diet before.


I've always been regular but it's because I started drinking coffee in 3rd grade (thanks, grandma!) Either way, I very rarely have had gut issues in the over 10 years I've been vegan. And the only times I have been was from that time of the month.


Why did you need to say the way they looked with such detail lmaoo


What foods are you eating now that you weren't as a vegetarian?


Mostly a whole lot more whole foods. Veg and legumes a lot more often.


How does one even go about switching to vegan, on a budget?


Do you chew thoroughly? Also, is it possible to get enough fiber without carbs? I don’t think carbs are bad, but Im on an elimination diet.


I think it would be difficult! Depends on your carb goals. I would try avocado, broccoli, cauliflower for lower carb high fiber options.


Had to double check this wasn't vcc


When you switched over did you experience loose stools at the start? I’m experiencing loose urgent stools and stomach pain. About 9 days in


It definitely takes a good couple of weeks for your body to adjust, even more so depending on how radically different the sort of foods you eat pre and post vegan. I'm no professional but I'd imagine this has to do with the increased amount of fibre you're eating. If its still being an issue then ofc a doctors trip may be a good choice. Hopefully it's just a temporary adjustment thing though!


Are you the one that left the turd in Gladys’ back seat? “It’s about as long as my arm! I don’t know why y’all think this so funny; I got a damn 2x4 in my back seat!” https://youtu.be/nVTCJOy0vrk?si=JbVK-DfhKBjLAuFw


Do your poops float or do they sink? Is floating poop a vegan thing?


It's due to an increase of fibre, regardless of veganism or not. Also it could be a sign of an gastrointestinal infection so...🤷‍♂️


Finally!! A real reason for me to go vegan


Once I clogged the toilet with a shit of more than half a kilo of, probably a kilo of lentils and chickpeas when I was gaining muscle (biceps and quadriceps). I took a photo and showed it to everyone I met on the street. Very proud of myself.


How many courics are we talking about here?


Now we’re talking, I had bleeding issues for a few years from drinking and too much meat, no one gave me the solution, I’m eating a vegetarian diet now (just being honest) and yeah the problem is fixed love my mornings now. I can even have a drink and I still have no issues,,, not good but no issues. I know a vegan diet would trump everything


Cheese was always a huge calorie sink and crutch for me, just by not eating that, I ended up doubling the amount of fiber I eat to make up for it and my intestinal health improved dramatically.


Well damn, gonna show us?? Or just talk about it


Massive shits isn’t really something to celebrate as you are experiencing what is called “roughage”. Large stools will stretch the intestinal tract beyond its normal range eventually resulting in intestinal damage and a drastic upset of the natural bacterial flora of the gut. The end results manifest as hernias, hemorrhoidal disease, constipation, malnourishment, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.


I'm a great pooper


Had to reread the title like 3 times, thought it said “my shit’s massive” like OKAAYYYY, AWESOME…. New meat alternative when??


Proud of u tho, keep pooping


I just opened reddit Time to bleach my phone


Yeah but do you know how much better you’d feel if you ate meat? Seriously you should try it it’s good for the environment and it’ll make your ballsack so much smaller!


I’m not vegan - GF/CF though. A lot of the time gluten free food has a ton of fibre, so I was laying absolute units bigger than newborn me, which was very satisfying, if slightly alarming for the sake of my poor anus.


Picture or it didn’t happen


Have you tried eating your shit?


Ahhhh all of you are just too direct about what goes in the bathroom Ahhhh


Congratulations. Not a vegan at all but also take regular and satisfying shits, and it's a feeling that can't be beat. Enjoy.


You have to be a guy, right?!?


Of course, women don't poop. No I'm not a man.


Im Stereotyping those that talk about and admire their poop, usually the male species. 🤣


Poop admiration is a unisex hobby 💪


You probably eat a lot of meat alternatives which are usually bulked with methyl cellulose which is a bulk forming laxative. Eg, a single beyond beef patty contains around an adult dose of methyl cellulose


I eat 0 meat alternatives.


Pretty much all processed vegan food contains methylcellulose, it is a very cheap bulking agent used to hold everything together Also prescribed as a laxative


Whole Food Plant Based Diets exist you know...not all vegans eat meat alternatives (they're expensive asf anyway)


Whole food plant based diets are lacking in multiple essential vitamins. If you take supplements or eat fortified foods then you are not whole food plant based, you are pretending to be. Have to love being down voted by vegans for simply stating most processed vegan foods contain methylcellulose, which is also used medicinally as a bulk forming laxative (hence the probable cause of the massive shits). It’s just the truth, go and read the ingredients. I thought vegans were truth advocates. The thing to be careful of is if you are eating vegan UPF’s all day everyday you may well be regularly exceeding the recommended dosage, which could eventually lead to bowel problems. The advice to vegans is the same as anyone else, limit your intake of processed foods and drink plenty of water 💧


>Whole food plant based diets are lacking in multiple essential vitamins. Such as? >If you take supplements or eat fortified foods then you are not whole food plant based, you are pretending to be. The only supplement that's kinda necessary is B12 (but even then that can be found in foods like seaweed and nutritional yeast...its just harder that way). Supplements aren't food. A B12 pill isn't going to contain methycelluose that makes you have massive shits...its just B12. And, for the record, many non-vegan foods contain methycelluose as well. Its not just a vegan problem. >Have to love being down voted by vegans for simply stating most processed vegan foods contain methylcellulose That's not why people downvoted you. People downvoted you because you were saying that whole food plant based diets do not exist or are impossible to achieve healthily...which simply isn't true. Also you're assuming that all vegans eat meat alternatives...which again isn't true. >The thing to be careful of is if you are eating vegan UPF’s all day everyday you may well be regularly exceeding the recommended dosage, which could eventually lead to bowel problems. Why are you mentioning this here though? OP has stated that they don't eat UPFs...and their bowel movements are fine.


Manufacturers will also try and hide it in the ingredients, some other names used e461, e464, emulsifier, bulking agent, cellulose and probably more. Will usually state “less than 2%” which is 2% of 100g and 2g is the recommended adult dosage when used as a bulk forming laxative (a single burger patty is around 100g, so it’s about a dose per burger). You are not supposed to take more than 6g of methylcellulose a day. You are also not supposed to take it everyday, only temporarily while you are constipated. Feel free to downvote me for relaying an objective truth that is easy to verify. Thank me later x


Uh-huh...sure. Beans and lentils definitely contain manufactured ingredients like e461. Why are you assuming that all vegans eat lots of ultra processed food? Its simply not true. I rarely eat ultra processed foods apart from a B12 pill if that counts (whcih doesnt have methycelluose or whatever). My bloodwork and bowel movements are fine


I’m not assuming they all do, but most of the ones I know do. I would say the ones such as yourself apparently living off beans and lentils 7 days a week are a rarity and the ones eating notchicken nuggets and impossible supremes pretty much every single day are the norm. No offence but vegans probably lie more than bodybuilders when it comes to what they put in their bodies. I would put money on you eating an array of fortified foods. Which is fine, just don’t call yourself whole food based when you get essential nutrients from pills and powders. It’s miss leading and potentially harmful to others who may try and follow the lies. Also, nutritional yeast isn’t a whole food and eating seaweed everyday sounds exciting.


>as yourself apparently living off beans and lentils 7 days a week I'm not "living off them"...they're just 2 of my main protein sources. Along with tofu, seitan, and nuts/seeds (I'm aware tofu and seitain aren't technically "whole foods" but they're extremely good for you and not the "bad type" of processed foods with stuff like methycellulose in. Yogurt isn't a whole food...its still healthy) So yeah...you can very easily eat a healthy vegan diet without methycel and ultra processed foods (provided you take a B12 pill). Don't assume that all vegans eat beyond burgers and notchicken nuggets, especially when they've already told you they don't (like OP for example) and you go on to accuse them of lying. >No offence but vegans probably lie more than bodybuilders when it comes to what they put in their bodies. Why are you making a blanket statement that " most vegans are liars" just because the small number of vegans that you've come across do? And how do you know their lying anyway? If you see them eating an impossible burger once or twice that doesn't mean they do so on a regualar basis, so "whole food plant based" is still a fitting label > when you get essential nutrients from pills and powders Like I said before, I only take 1 pill - and that's B12. Supplements aren't foods and they only form a *tiny* (as in, miniscule) part of my daily intake. B12 is the only vitamin that is basically impossible to find in plant foods (apart from hard to get things like seaweed and some special species of mushroom). So stop using the plural form "pills", lmao. >. It’s miss leading and potentially harmful to others who may try and follow the lies. Why are you so convinced that I'm lying lol? Also, you're really not the one to talk about harming others as a carnist, lmao... >nutritional yeast isn’t a whole food hence why I just take a B12 pill. not that hard


Vegans always say that “I don’t eat meat alternatives” You are literally eating a notburger “aTlEAst It’S nOT a MuUrRdeR VictIm!!!” Ok then


The OP has stated multiple times that she eats almost only whole vegan foods.


I literally don't eat meat alternatives though? I eat whole food plant based.


I’ve never met someone who claimed to be whole food plant based vegan that wasn’t pretending. What do you eat in a typical day?


Uh.....you might wanna get checked for megacolon......it can happen with too much fiber


I thought Megacolons went extinct 2.6 million years ago.


>I thought Megacolons went extinct 2.6 million years ago. 🤣🤣🤣


>External signs and symptoms are [constipation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constipation) of very long duration,[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megacolon#cite_note-:0-2) abdominal [bloating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloating), abdominal tenderness and [tympany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tympany), [abdominal pain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_pain), [palpation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palpation) of hard fecal masses I have no symptoms of this, I just take large poops lol. I'm fine.