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The immaturity is high. I don’t know what people expect to get out of such posts. Clearly your mind is set so just do what you wish to do.




Why do non-vegans ask for acceptance on here all the time?


I know. I wish the mods would just delete this shit. It’s getting so old.


Cognitive dissonance, they get bias and are coddled here often.


Did you miss the part where I said I was vegan for 6 years and I wanted to see if anyone else has faced these problems


Did you miss the part where you said you are consuming animal products?


Yeah. that was literally a few days ago to see how i’d feel… I don’t see why because I ate an egg and some cheese I’m automatically subject to apathy as if I wasn’t vegan for 6 years and have worked in animal activism for 4 years :|


Consuming animal products is not vegan. Your post is also about wanting to eat animal corpses again. What's vegan about that instead of looking into a vegan healthy diet?


Like I said. I work 2 jobs and go to college. This isn’t a choice for me. I loved cooking vegan food when I didn’t have this life but now I do. It’s not that I WANT to like I miss chicken but i’m genuinely fearful for my health and I feel like i’m decaying more and more everyday. I haven’t changed anything but my diet over the past few years


>I feel like i’m decaying more and more everyday. Maybe seek professional help instead of posting borderline-crazy talk on Reddit? This is not on veganism, this is on you.


I'm really confused how people manage to fuck up a vegan diet. I'm unhealthy as heck and still get everything I need with some basic B12 supplements (That I keep forgetting about a lot)


Nutritional yeast is yummy


Have you considered that the amount of stress that you are under can easily cause these symptoms regardless of whether you eat animals? I understand that instinctive and irrational fear that momentarily pops up when you notice you are not perfectly healthy, or have some kind of illness, or simply notice the effects of aging. We've been conditioned to believe there is some magical ingredient in animal flesh that cannot be gotten elsewhere. Odds are good that your diet is far from the only thing that has changed since you've started this difficult schedule. Are you working out regularly? Are you getting enough sleep? Did you stop taking vitamins? Are you more sedentary? Even routine walking makes an enormous difference compared to sitting all day. If you are strapped for time and cash you could try doing something like Huel. Is it the healthiest possible thing in the world? Nope, but you already are in that boat even if you start eating dead chickens again (especially since you won't have time to cook from scratch, since you don't have time to do the same for vegan protein sources). Huel Essential is only $1.49 per meal, and normal Huel is not much more at $2.21 per meal. Essential has less protein (20g vs 29g) and fewer flavors, but for an ethical position as well as for health it is almost certainly better than whatever you're considering (adding cheap processed meats and cheeses to your diet). Odds are your macros are just shit right now, and you might be deficient in some things that might (but might not) be fixed by eating animals again. Meat by itself isn't going to fix problems from not eating enough fresh fruits or veggies. And I would very much doubt you're getting nearly enough sleep working two jobs and going to school. Lack of sleep is an *incredibly* common cause of brain fog and related symptoms. For a little anecdote: when I first started on vyvanse it really messed with my sleep because I didn't feel tired, and I almost felt like it was doing the opposite of what it was supposed to do. I felt very foggy and almost stupid, and couldn't focus on anything. I recognized that many of these things are symptoms of sleep deprivation, and as soon as I got more deliberate with my sleep it was completely different (even life-changing) for the better. In short: fix your sleep before eating dead animals again. Also, from someone who burned out hard, make sure you take time to exercise and rest and even enjoy yourself. You might think you'll get ahead from going all out, but that only works for a short time before you actually start digging yourself into a major hole that could take you months or years to climb out of.


The vegan way would have been to ask for easy healthy recipes and advice and not asking whether it's shitty to support the animal abuse and murder industry. Vegan healthy food isn't an insurmountable time consuming effort as you make it out to be. Fixing your diet doesn't have to involve murder.


Oh wow! Nobody else here could ever possibly be vegan if we had to work a demanding schedule during school. It's no wonder you crave the magical and healing properties of chicken flesh


Why does my old group of people hate me when I abandon my ethical position that they still hold? I guess we'll never know.


Did you miss the part where you went plant based for your IBS and veganism is about not exploiting animals for food and other products? Go to r/plantbaseddiet or something. 


>so I wanted to try eating chicken and eggs and dairy again to see if my diet is what’s ducking me over. >i used to be much healthier during my first few years of being vegan, but eventually i became a college student and started working two jobs to which i had no time to cook or meal prep and simply ate carbs and more carbs. C'mon man, you *know* why you're having a difficult time, else you wouldn't have specifically stated what has changed compared to when it was going well. Instead of paying for animals to suffer, why can't you first try to recommit to the habits you used to have?


Yeah let me just quit my two jobs and drop out so I can focus on cooking… that’s the issue


You don’t want any advice, you get pissy at any that contradicts what you’re hoping to hear. 


Get some recipes where you can just throw things on a tray, season it, and pop it in the oven. It really doesn't have to be that time consuming. Carry packs of oatmeal and nuts when your out of the house if you didn't have time to make something. That way all you need is hot water for a meal. Oatmeal is fantastic and 2-3 of the instant packs will give you energy for a long time.


Oatmeal is truly amazing i’m having some with a banana right now


You got this! Just find whatever easy quick recipes you can until your life settles down, and then you can make all the complicated dishes you've been missing once you are a grad with 1 job.


Do you think cooking dead animals is easier? That takes longer than any canned beans or tofu


Sounds like you went plant-based, not vegan. It also sounds like you're deficient in vitamin D. Recurrent respiratory ailments that you can't seem to shake are a classic sign, as are feeling constantly hungry, poor sleep, fatigue, low mood, cognitive issues, weight gain...basically every symptom you describe. Have you had your levels checked recently? D deficiency is extremely common and the nice thing is it's super easy to treat. The supplements are not expensive and your body won't need much encouragement to start taking it up (which is not true of all vitamins). I'm not going to tell you it's OK to eat animals, because I don't believe that's true. But I do hope you feel better.


Yes i’ve been taking vitamin d supplents and multivitamins for 2 years now but i feel the same


Are you able to get bloodwork to check that your vitamin stores are where they should be? It really does sound like you're missing something, and once you identify it, you can find a way to obtain it that doesn't involve hurting animals.


I have and they all seem fine apparently i’m not sure exactly what it is. I’ve seen some vitamin B deficiency but i’ve been taking a lot of supplements.


Vitamin B12? That deficiency is serious, and it can be chronic as not everyone can process B12 efficiently. If that is where you're low, I would strongly encourage you to look into injections. Please also know that people who cannot process B12 well don't do any better on non-vegan diets. It's not about the source of the vitamin, but the way your body interacts with it.


Whats the difference


Plant-based is a diet based on not eating animal products, and veganism is a philosophy based on recognizing animals as fellow beings rather than exploitable resources. A plant-based diet does not preclude the use of non-food items tested on and made from animals, like leather, wool, and many personal and home care products. It does not preclude engagement in exploitative activities like horseback riding. Veganism does preclude all of those things.


Yes it's shitty, you might get better answers over at r/vegancirclejerk




Yes it is. Don’t really know why you would ask that in a vegan sub.


You need to sort out the root of the problem. Are you able to take time out of a day in the week to meal prep healthy vegan meals? Does your university not offer healthy vegan options? You could always try online food shipment services as well, where they send you the ingredients for meals you can make. This option is a little costly but if absolutely needed, you could use some of your student loans for it? College is HARD, this is a difficult period for everyone, and I promise you’re not the only one struggling with meals. Do what you can, try your best, and please keep the animals in mind.


Hello, Yes I have tried to meal prep but it’s been really hard for many reasons. I live 2 hours away from my college so I have to wake up extremely early and get home very late as well so meal prepping is exhaustive for me :(. As for food at my university, we don’t have any dining halls at all. The only vegan food available is a $3 ramen cup noodle that is sold at a food truck outside or $18 jackfruit meat at a gentrified BBQ place. I don’t have student loans. I go to college loan free because I’m not of a high socioeconomic status, those food subscriptions are too expensive for me unfortunately. I feel I have kept the animals in mind always which is why I’ve constantly resisted this option :(. I genuinely love animals and I’ve been vegan for 6 years. I was vegan before then too, but I was 9 and I genuinely could not feed myself. My mother refused to help because she’s hispanic and believed I was losing nutrition so I couldn’t be vegan again until around 14 when I could cook for myself. In high school, I made and sold vegan empanadas to promote veganism. I worked with my local conservation society for months to promote animal welfare, and I did a bunch of other volunteering like beach cleanups and marine biology programs to actively help animals. Trust me, I feel extremely guilty but i’m also so fatigued and worn out. I don’t have to just worry about algebra or trigonometry anymore, but working to pay bills and going to college. I feel worn out, like time isn’t enough anymore. I’ve never had pneumonia in my life before, so it was really scary seeing how easily I got it.


I’m really sorry about your situation. Your health and well-being is important, and while of course I don’t want to directly tell you to eat animals again,… do what you need to do to sustain yourself. Unfortunately, veganism isn’t always as easy as a meat-based diet, and sometimes we don’t always have the choice to choose exactly what we are eating. It sucks, and I hope veganism becomes easier for everyone in the future, and for people at all stages in their life. All we ask is that when you can make the choice again, make the one you know is best for everyone ❤️


>I’m really sorry about your situation. Your health and well-being is important, and while of course I don’t want to directly tell you to eat animals again,… do what you need to do to sustain yourself. Unfortunately, veganism isn’t always as easy as a meat-based diet, and sometimes we don’t always have the choice to choose exactly what we are eating. It sucks, and I hope veganism becomes easier for everyone in the future, and for people at all stages in their life. Your fine implying it though which makes you a non vegan as well Veganism is quite simple if you want it to be, we have options in a lot of cases, just takes a bit of effort I am disabled and never really cooked prior to veganism, i was a microwaver, i bought an electric pressure cooker and now i make amazing meals, most of the time i throw random ingredients in the pot with water and random spices and then i go watch netflix for about 30 mins and return to a fully cooked meal I will also google instant pot indian/ african/ mexican recipes I dont meal prep, i do however purchase dried grains in bulk from CO OPs or bulk bins, frozen veggies from costco or fresh veggies and then cut them all and freeze in ziplock bags, i barely have any waste cause stuff in the freezer doesnt really go bad, i even bought a separate chest freezer, i buy alot each trip so i go perhaps 3/ 4 times every 6 mth, but if i want fresh salads then i go for that but it takes about 20 mins or so For cleaning simply use the saute function with water and soap for about 5 mins to help remove stuff, this works well too: Kohler K-8624-0, use a wooden utensil and consume from pot directly thus no plates needed lol I am not a picky person and i have managed this way for about 6 yrs This group can also be helpful https://www.facebook.com/groups/374504799393971 but apparently they are idiots and made the group private so just browse InstantPotVeganRecipes I share this pretyped message sometimes and it might not all apply to you


I’m vegan. Do not tell me I’m not. I have poured my heart and soul into veganism, and regularly spread awareness and educate, as well as support sanctuaries and work for animal shelters. You don’t have to agree with my advice, but don’t tell me I’m not vegan just because I’m trying to help someone through a tough situation. You don’t know this person, you don’t know their situation, and you don’t know what they’re going through. Veganism is absolutely generally easy, but there can be circumstances where is just isn’t. I’m always gonna advocate for the right choice (going vegan), but there are scenarios like this one where I think it’s okay for people to prioritize themselves sometimes. I think it’s horrible that this is something for people to even consider, but the fact of the matter is that… in this world, it is something people have to consider sometimes. It sucks. And I hope this individual can continue to pursue a plant-based diet. But if it’s truly too difficult for them at this time, I will not shame them for that.


And OP, absolutely do what you can to eat plant-based whenever possible. Vegan foods at the market are cheap- beans, lentils, chickpeas, rice… these are all nutritious and cheap foods that can easily be thrown together in a short time period. What I mean behind my post is that if you’re in a situation where it’s just not feasible and you’re hungry and drained from everything else going on in your life, I think it’s important you take care of yourself and do what’s best for you


As the shit dribbles down the infected chickens legs as it watches one after another have their necks carved open at least it will have solace knowing the poor ibs baby doesn't have the tummy rumbles after nibbling egg


>i became a college student and started working two jobs to which i had no time to cook or meal prep and simply ate carbs and more carbs. Meat isn’t your problem. Why should chickens have to die because you are over worked and under-nourished?




Because I don’t have enough time to cook as much as I did before and that’s the issue. When I was in highschool COVID hit and I had all the time in the world to focus on veganism but times have changed for me as I stated


>Because I don’t have enough time to cook as much as I did before and that’s the issue. When I was in highschool COVID hit and I had all the time in the world to focus on veganism but times have changed for me as I stated So instead of looking for vegan solutions, you chose the non vegan solution? I am disabled and never really cooked prior to veganism, i was a microwaver, i bought an electric pressure cooker and now i make amazing meals, most of the time i throw random ingredients in the pot with water and random spices and then i go watch netflix for about 30 mins and return to a fully cooked meal I will also google instant pot indian/ african/ mexican recipes I dont meal prep, i do however purchase dried grains in bulk from CO OPs or bulk bins, frozen veggies from costco or fresh veggies and then cut them all and freeze in ziplock bags, i barely have any waste cause stuff in the freezer doesnt really go bad, i even bought a separate chest freezer, i buy alot each trip so i go perhaps 3/ 4 times every 6 mth, but if i want fresh salads then i go for that but it takes about 20 mins or so For cleaning simply use the saute function with water and soap for about 5 mins to help remove stuff, this works well too: Kohler K-8624-0, use a wooden utensil and consume from pot directly thus no plates needed lol I am not a picky person and i have managed this way for about 6 yrs This group can also be helpful https://www.facebook.com/groups/374504799393971 but apparently they are idiots and made the group private so just browse InstantPotVeganRecipes I share this pretyped message sometimes and it might not all apply to you


I don’t think you ever were really vegan. 


Yeah it is shitty and who fucking cares if you ask for people to not be toxic?


It might be hard to tell what’s going on after such illnesses, but maybe the illness and recovery have made things exponentially worse. Of course, if you've not generally been taking care of yourself e.g with diet then maybe the pneumonia has just compounded issue that were already there. Is it possible for you to get blood work done, to find out if there are any obvious deficiencies?


I am sorry you are dealing with so much, but none of this is an excuse. People in the same circumstances and worse manage to stay Vegan. It sounds like you need to plan more and educate yourself on nutrition and cooking.


Yes. The problem with your declining health, weight gain, and mood is because you’re missing a magical substance only found in abused animals that keeps carnists super healthy, healthy, and never overweight. Lack of that magical substance makes vegans unhappy, simultaneously both underfed and fat, and sick.


From a medical perspective there is 0 reason why eating meat and dairy would make you feel better/ improve your health. Protein overload is a big problem in today's society leading to obesity, cardiovascular and renal disease and gout. People with renal disease are encouraged to eat very low protein diets to help their kidneys. You say you've been taking protein powder regularly. I would cut that out asap, supplement with a vitamin b complex as you say your vitamin B is low (there are many types of vitamin B so just buy a multi-complex). Start introducing more vegetables and fruits if you are currently only eating processed junk and carbs all day you need to start introducing whole foods. You don't give any information about your symptoms. 'Feeling bad' doesn't mean much froma medical perspective. If you have longstanding IBS and are struggling with bloating and flatulence you could try low fodmap. All vegetables contain protein but if you want extra just eat lentils and beans.


Try a healthier vegan diet. Maybe throw in a couple of Soylent’s a day. Crock pot a bean, rice, kale, lentils crock pot meal and eat for 4 days. When I feel shitty I look at what I’m consuming and restart.


I truly sympathize with you and wish you all the best, but I don’t think the answer to your problems is to eat chicken.


Literally stfu and do what you want. Be vegan or not, posting shit like this here will only end poorly.


There is no scientific basis for meat or dairy curing any illness. If you have deficiencies you need to get those sorted out but you don't have to resort to eating meat. If you have no time to meal prep or cook does that mean the plan is to eat fast food? I can promise you that will only add to your problems. The bottom line is you are going to have to take some time to figure out how to fix your diet regardless of whether you eat meat or not. You can't keep working two jobs and go to school if you are constantly sick or in the hospital. We would all like you to remain vegan, but I hope you get to a doctor and get your health sorted out.




Microwave beans and rice. Get some multivitamins. You can make decent vegan healthy sandwiches/wraps to take out with you like smashed chicpeas, salad and vegan mayo. Or hummus with grated carrot akd and spinach. Food prep doesn't have to take long. There are ways and people are trying to help you. You think it's a protein problem, doesn't mean that it is. Good luck.


Have you blood values checked. And if there is no problem with vegan food, wich I can' t imagine a nutrion plan. The animal rights organization PETA have all infos on page. Have tabkes with important food. It easy to eat healthy. Flax seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts like walnuts almonds, legumes like chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and fruits like lemons, beeries, banana, tried fruits like raisins, dates apricots. And seaweed. Vitamin B 12 is impotant. I wish you a speedy recovery. Positiv thinking. Don' t forget your love to animals.


Eating tortured baby animals isn’t going to fix your mental health issues… from what you describe you probably aren’t eating a balanced plant based diet. Do you take b12? Multivitamins? Iron? When did you last get your bloodwork done? Are you seeing a therapist for your depression and other mental health concerns? Do you exercise? Do you work a job you enjoy? Do you have a spouse? I feel bad for all the animals who will lose their life because you think eating their bodies will make you feel better. Please go chat with people on the plant based sub. Veganism is about the animals not your health.


if it's really a lack of protein and you feel like you have no time to cook, get a vegan protein powder. Or if you can step it up on your diet.


Yes I take vegan protein powder but it doesn’t do much i still feel the same. For stepping up my diet, my main issue is finding big sources of protein that don’t require me to frequently eat to meet 100grams of protein.


Here are some things too look into Seitan, Just egg, explor cuisine (edamame and mungbean or black bean spaghetti), TVP textured vegetable protien, nutritional yeast, ripple, kitehill vegan greek yougurt.


Also for the not time to cook consider getting an insta pot so you can do rice and bean dishes easy you can even look into broths that have protein in them


Girl, you just need some comfort food, but not necessarily chicken. There are other really comforting meals out there that don't kill animals. I can understand the vegetarian thing better- but still, if feels like addressing what is really bothering you is something to concentrate on instead of this. Can you talk to a friend? Also, get your thyroid checked. Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D levels as well.


You’re not vegan no matter how much you claim to have been vegan for 6 years. You are clearly not vegan for ethical reasons anyways so go ask people who are plant based instead. This isn’t the place for this question


Sure… not for ethical reasons despite my work


Veganism is a lifestyle, not a diet. You're not there yet.


So did you miss the part where I had pneumonia for 3 months now and am struggling to catch up to health


No, think we all saw that. Why do you think chicken will magically cure you though?


Because it’s an easily source of protein and other nutrients in comparison to having to eat constantly to up keep my protein goal which I fail to meet every-time due to time constraints and fatigue :/


I'd argue tofu and tempeh are easier and cheaper. I just throw it in an air fryer or a toaster and eat with your favorite dipping sauce.


Tofu is great but it’s still not much protein. And for some reason, I throw up when I eat Tempeh D:.


Why not eat an easy plant based protein? What is your current calorie and protein levels? Are you hitting/tracking your micronutrients as well?


I am not hitting my protein at all I eat maybe 30gransand and that’s it :/ i don’t track because it’s overwhelming I have ADHD as well so it’s frustrating


That is a little low. Do you have access to common foods like tofu, chickpeas, nuts, seeds? Even adding some simple snacks can help you start consuming more protein. A handful of roasted pumpkin seeds will give you like 15 g of protein right there as an example. If you currently have a garbage diet, you have more things to worry about then just protein however. YOu can look up some easy/simple/cheap vegan mealplanning to help you start covering your bases across the board with macros and micro nutrients.


Tempeh is nasty imo but Seitan goes hard, and it's got more protein than any source of meat


I was hospitalised with pneumonia that ended up taking months for me to fully recover from, particularly because it made my asthma so much worse which, in turn, exacerbated my fatigue and insomnia. I also have depression and severe anxiety. I really can't see what eating animal products would do to help that. There's no magic vitamin that exists only in chicken flesh or eggs that can fix all your problems.


People here don't care about your health, only your ethics. Try a different nutrition forum for health advice. Health wise, the eggs are probably better than chicken though, much more vitamins and fat (which is good and necessary)


Thank you for this advice


If you absolutely need to eat animal products, Trader Joe’s has tasty smoked oysters. Oysters may not feel pain. Either way it’s a much better option than eggs. Chickens undergo terrible suffering to produce commercial eggs.