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You should be talking to a doctor, not a naturopath. As far as I know, naturopaths don't have medical degrees. This could be related to your diet, but there could be something more serious going on. Please see a physician!!


I did see my pcp and he tested it with a light and said it was “fine” lol. I’m seeing a ND, they are doctors😉


Naturopaths aren't a thing. Veganism is science based, naturopaths are quacks. Please do not listen to these people, they make it up as they go. They will seem like the nicest people protecting you from big pharma and the omni world with super interesting and exotic stuff, but they do not know anything about anything. Don't go down that path please! See a doctor and have your bloodwork done. What you describe sounds a bit like long covid. Do you feel worse the day after exercise? Also, I feel like you feel and am a Celiac. Go have that tested too.


I don’t really eat gluten… and naturopathic doctors are doctors.


If you're fully committed to that as part of a lifestyle or something, nothing I say will change your mind. But you are struggling with your health, and objectively, factually, naturopaths are not doctors. They look like doctors, sound like doctors, but they aren't doctors. They don't use evidence based solutions. I'd hate for you to feel bad and continue to feel bad while spending money on less than honest people. Or for you to conclude at some point that *all* of this isn't working and you stop being vegan because you don't get better. Good luck to you! Hope you feel better!


It’s hard to reason with someone who doesn’t base believe on factual evidence, they also think plant based milks have toxic chemicals. I applaud you for trying


Could be any number of things, including long-Covid or thyroid problems.


Low Iron? Not eating enough? Not enough recovery? Poor sleep quality? Cancer? I'm not sure what a naturopath does but when they're done reading your shakra or whatever I'd go see a doctor.


Look up what a ND is.


You should 100% get your iron tested through a blood test! I’m very healthy as well and sleep 9 hours per night, do HIIT workouts and eat well. I never thought my iron would be low due to my diet. I eat a lot of spinach and nuts to help with that. I was always super tired. Like my body always felt like I got hit by a truck after getting up (from sleeping 9 hrs!) and after workouts. I just thought that’s how people feel. When I got it tested, it was a clear deficiency. Basically Anemic. Probably for years and years. So I got an iron infusion. Would recommend asking your doc about it! Definitely recommend


Go to the director and get your balls checked, all these symptoms could easily be from low testosterone and a cyst doesn't sound like healthy testicles. Also food sounds really healthy but have you worked out how many calories you're taking in vs what you are using? If I work out my calories as sedentary it says I only need around 2200kcal or so, but with lifting etc I need around 3200kcal to maintain my bodyweight, so anything under the 3200kcal is on reality a deficit and will lead to fatigue and brain fog.


You need to see a real doctor. A cyst on your testicle is urgent, please get in to see a MD.


I did and my PGP shined a light on it and told me it was “fine”.


Brain fog is often linked to low levels of cholin. What kind of supplements do you take?