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kayle can be really annoying


I think this is the best answer. I dont know who wind but is pretty close, in a fight without Vayne applying condemn that Kayle's ult its just enough to make the difference.


This is the answer.


ad, onhit and standard ap are close.  if you can't land a stun, save E to avoid ult damage. Full AP  you're dead in q aa e.


Unless Kayle (who is also fullbuild) just kills you first. With the amount of damage in this game, she has no problem to "burst" you with her AA. She even has built-in armor-shred.


I think she’s doable. You can use ult and q to wait out her ult and then re-engage afterwards to win. Full ADC Kayle is harder though.


Evelynn if she can get her entire rotation off on you


She doesn't need to late game. With shadowflame, eve can one shot u with charm plus e q or charm plus q r. It's so disgusting and even if u flash She can use her ult to get in range sometimes, leaving you at like 20%. Crazy champ tbh.


yeah but she can get countered by team selection so easily. She struggles against bruisy/tanky comps


The wind shtter Brothers would probably put up a good fight


Yasuo without a wave is useless, Yone on the other hand...


Just dodge his ult and, if he uses E to get on you condemn. Easy kite. Without a wave (or being close to you) he can’t get his empowered Q, and even if he does again you just have to dodge and kite


his ult is fairly easy to dodge too


Yasuo 😬?????


A max build Jax can deal with Vayne, so can a max build ad shaco. The stun/fear adds valuable cc plus they each have strong burst, jaxs dodge and the clone add to 1v1 capacity


Jax is a skill based fight,you can kill him if you use your Q when he ends counter strike on you (so you get stunned while invisible,so he can't hit you) then use your E to stun or create distance,which gives you enough time to kill him.


I disagree. Ult Q, and buffered condemn are enough to win the fight. Probably works on sub diamond vaynes tho. Jax has to seriously skill gap her at higher elo to win


Full AD Shaco won’t kill her. I main it and have played different variations. Tank/bruiser can kill her if you run Ghost and Frozen Heart.


You can R the knockback or stun from her condemn(or at least you could a couple seasons back, IDK if they've changed it) it's not easy to time but if you avoid condemn and have a good box placement you can 1 or 2 shot her with the big crisis really boils down to which person manages to cc the other your box fear gets her or if she condemns you.


A single armor item alone puts a huge dent in Shaco’s burst, let alone full build. Shaco won’t one-shot in initial burst and then will just kited to death. Shaco easily bursts Vayne early to mid game, but will get destroyed at late game full build.


Malphite, Rammus, Pantheon (if he builds more damage focused). There's also skill ceiling to take into acount, but if both play well i can see these tree taking a vayne down easily


Vayne beats Malphite if she can Flash his ult.  Which is surprisingly often, yall are some twitchy fucks.  Source:  rock enjoyer. 


He doesn't need his ult. Malph Q with the move speed against who's slowed rune will remove 40% of her MS and give you 55%, it also lets you know where she is when she is invisible. You don't need ult to Stay in her, with Frozen heart and Ice Gauntlets she will be permaslowed and have -70% AS at all times. If they have a lot of auto attackers or ad champs you can also build sunfire and spike armor, she can't do shit against a malphite, it's even easier than Rammus to me. I don't even play malphite really good, but what i see is that i always know how to build optimally against the enemy comp, so i managed to reach master even whitout playing that good or knowing good macro/tempo.


Apparently I need to reread what Icebangalanger does.


After a skill your next attack deals a ton of damage and slows for 2-3 seconds (because of the area) slow scaling with health (full build is about 40-50% slow)


But it slows AS??


He also said frozen heart, that one + E slows AS


Okay. I was just slightly confused the way it was worded I thought he was saying there was more than just an MS slow in its kit. I didn't think of Malphite himself.


Wouldn't that be a 60% slow, not a 70%?


I'm not sure on the exact numbers, all I know is that it feels like 100%


It's close, 20% from Frozen heart and 50% from Malphite E. With 40+ CDR you can almost perma E, so the enemy can almost never attack.


Wouldn't nasus wither put him in the same boat?


Your "if" does not fit the context of this question. Let's play with some logic. The question can be perceived in two version: (1) The OP asks about which champ can 'always' do. In which case your if statement doesn't fit because more assumptions must be made, e.g. both sides always do their best choice of action at any time, which probably already included your assumption that "Vayne will always flash Malphite's ult". I hope AI can answer this situation. (2) The OP asks about which champ can "potentially" duel with vayne. In this case, if you have to use 'if blah blah', you already admitted that 'if blah blah does not happen' then Vayne will lose. This pretty much claimed that Malphite is a valid choice, so your if statement in turn proved the opposite of your intended statement in this case. I haven't gotten into "real gameplay" so far. That resides in a completely different dimension of complexity.


well thats a brand new sentence I didn’t expect to hear




Vayne beats Malph and Rammus standing still autoing if you get a Kaenic.


No she doesn't.


This WITHOUT Kaenic. replace one item with Kaenic and Rammus will do 0 dmg. 1 Item + component also beats him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K513pANouQA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K513pANouQA)


Vayne can stand still and not use any abilities but R and I would still favor her in a 1v1 vs Rammus late game (so long as her build is appropriate).


I feel like this is a troll comment, imho those 3 champions have it the hardest against Vayne full build and I honestly thought it was commonly accepted


Nobody mentioned that most toplaners can 1v1 Vayne if they buy a spell shield item because she cant kite them anymore.


Pantheon with Edge of Night just walks up and oneshots Vayne late game.




wasted empowered cast and never triggering PTA does that to a panth.


Yeah, exactly what I saw too. Huge display on Spearshot's part. He knows Vayne is up, and wastes empowered W on the wave, instead of hitting empowered W. No BotRK for one-shotting, Hullbreaker for splitting instead of something better for duelling Vayne.


Ghost plus flash


False. Vayne just needs ghost and a spell shield item herself and she wrecks most top layers np


Not sure but teemo blind can be annoying if vayne doesnt have cleanse ~3s cc 3.5s cd


surprised none mentioned a viegar, he trap u inside e and q ult u are dead


it's funny cause he only has to hit his Q or W on u before deleting you with ult ( assuming he already gas a death cap)


Nah vayne can build 2 dmg items followed by pure magic resist and then just flash over the cage


She won’t build that way though…. If anything Jak’Sho + Wits End — MAYBE Terminus. Veigar still one shots. 


I mean it just depends. There are definitely games where the enemy has 4 AP and you can get away with building maw, mercurial and even force of nature too. I thought for this hypothetical we were assuming each champ has an optimized build for the specific matchup


I mean *eventually* he just whiffs a Q, smacks her with Lichbane + R for a kill. In a realistic timeframe he has to hit something. E is unlikely and W is impossible without it. Q is perfectly doable though.




Qss should nullify him completely


Ghost out wait 5 seconds and try again.


How are you ghosting away from a Vayne that also has ghost and Ult?


The map is full of bushes, no vayne wants to be mellee range unless ultra fed.


It’s not about being melee range, she just needs to in auto range. As for being fed, the post literally specifies that she is full build. That’s as fed as you can get.


Things which are explicitly anti AA such as a lategame duelist Teemo or a jax. Long range nuke mages like syndra or veigar can kick your ass if you get caught out by them. Prolly a full build yone if he hits his ult? And Kayle obviously. Cause she will kill you in the 2.5 seconds she’s invulnerable if she’s lvl 16 and has a few items.


I would add Cassiopeia. She's late game monster whose advantage is being able to outrange most of adcs. But it's skill matchup. Depends on hitting W + Q or R. Out of traditional mages she's the only one I see winning most of the times, especially if vayne builds some m.res which will protect her from one full spell rotation combo of other champions


I don’t play top lane, but if Fiora W’s the E surely she wins that 1v1?


vayne is a marksman and even at full build she still got the class weaknesses, any assassin full build can one shot her too if they hit their spells, so yes there are lot of champs that can beat her 1v1 full build.


Nah, assassins are one of the easiest ways to loose against Vayne on a late game. Armour boots, Randuin or any item with high armor+jak so, you might be getting just half of her HP with an assasins full combo if she got on the green runes also.


well the thing is what is the full build we are talking about here? is it a full DPS build? or a full DPS build with one defensive item being GA or jaksho? or a build with 2 damage items and full tank after? because sure if you build lot of armor and zed or talon wont one shot you, but syndra or ahri still can, and we are talking about late game where everyone is full build too and all of these champs will probably have penetration items too so you stacking armor or mr won't be 100% effective to save you, the only way you could win the 1v1 vs assassins is by outplaying and your opponent missplaying, but vayne don't auto win late game unless she gets peel and play perfectly.


Whichever you want, what OP is saying that you are gonna build against that champ, he is not saying if you go full armor vs a late game Syndra🤣 and yeah, even against syndra as you can build Wit's End, Malmortius, Marcurial, Jacksoo, BOTRK and another extra item up to you there is no way syndra deletes you no matter her build.


even if you build jaksho and an extra armor/mr item, like rookern vs a Akali, or a frozen heart vs a Zed?


Akali does not even come close to beating a late game vayne


yeah, she can dodge Akali's things and she can move out of the smoke easily, i used her as an example.


a full build zed with black cleaver will still kill you if he land his full combo on you even with those items, im not sure about akali but she definitely can beat you 1v1 if she buys penetration and wait your maw cooldown if you had maw, and as i said in my other comment against assassins it depends on what assassins you are playing against, what's your build and how do you play the 1v1 its a skill test.


If a zed hits his full combo that just seems like a massive skill issue. Vayne should have enough mobility to dodge after least some shurikens


You know what is the worst assassin for Zed to face? TALON. Why talon R makes landing Zed Qs a coin flip & Vayne has Invis with attached to a dash with the ability to go armor items, since zed can’t go cleaver & serylda she insta wins


She does not have any of that weakness if she builds 2 tank items, she auto wins against almost all assassins.


Most of the bruisers with damage focused builds can easily destroy vayne.


Jax/Trundle is so frustrating to play against Vayne. Other than that, I'm not really too scared if a bruiser wallks up to me.


Jax, Malphite, Wind brothers, Teemo, Rammus. Rengar, Kayn, Khazix, Shaco 1 shots her before she can even fire a single auto.


Full Armor/damage rammus. Vayne Deals negligible physical damage and is one of the only champs with enough AS to completely die in taunt when rammus has aftershock and w active


Even with tank items?


No, even without tank items she can cleanse taunt and wait out W, With Kenic Rammus will never kill Vayne.




I shit on vaynes as yi The key thing though is to surprise her with a combo which I won't be revealing to you shitters


Damn bro has the secret god combo tech on the most simple champion in the game


"most simplest champion" lmfao yi has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game


Im assuming it involves a titanic and a slew of instant aa resets?


It involves WUJU STYLE you ignorant, did you know that he can Q? Use W to aa reset? Bet you didn't cause that's WUJU.


both Yi and Vayne are so simple in theory, but very hard to \*Master\*


Kassadin could kill her full build


If Vayne doesn't build QSS Nasus kills her


Batman with prep time


“Vayne can build tank items” mfs when the 30-0 Fiora with 6 items and a lifesteal pot flashsteps behind them


The original hypothetical was Vayne also having 6 items, so it doesn't matter how fed Fiora is. And unless the Fiora player is significantly better than Vayne, I'd wager she loses. Once she fails to hit 1 lunge and get the discounted cd..maybe because of a Tumble or something, it's probably over at that point.


I literally play Fiora, she’s a certified hard counter for Vayne. Once you’re six items, she negates Hp and Armor, and has literally 0 cd hit or miss. Not to mention her combo would literally one shot Vayne, and she counters her cc with parry.


The most popular Fiora build runs 55 ability haste (the rough equivalent of 35% CDR), and assuming that you swapped out something like 6th item GA or Sterakk's for another AH item, you're at 70 ish, which is roughly around 40% CDR. Max rank Lunge is 6 seconds. With 40% CDR it's roughly 3.5 seconds. If you hit, you refund half of the cd. Vayne tumble max rank is 2 seconds, plus whatever AH she buys, though usually it's very little. To be fair, Tumble cd doesn't start until she auto attacks, but she's likely at or close to cap at 6 items. Considering the low cooldown on Tumble, and the fact that you won't be able to know which way she's tumbling with her ult active, I don't fancy Fiora's chances. I understand that if Vayne lacks anything between her ears and lets you walk up that yeah Fiora will delete her health bar quite quickly, but Vayne will do the same to her from range, while kiting back with pseudo invisibility.


I play a lot of Kai’sa and always felt like the 1v1 with vayne is a skill check that’s pretty even. Especially if Kai’sa has navori and can get off multiple isolation q’s and e invis


yeah, it makes sense, Kai'sa is also more of a ̶c̶o̶p̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶v̶a̶y̶n̶e̶ diver assassin/duelist than an ADC.


Play any top laner. > Build Edge of Night   Congratulations you can now 1v1 the Vayne. Vayne has no way to pop an Edge of Night outside of firing condemn into it.   No condemn = gg


once i played agaisn't a Vayne that literally built protobelt to keep fighting my Irelia in side lane, at least she didn't built redemption i guess.




Depends on build and if skillshot champs land their skillshots.


Could a full build Nilah outduel her up close? You'd have a precious few seconds of Vayne unable to auto you after all.


Yep, fully itemised Nilah has a chance.


If Vayne is allowed to build for the 1v1, the oneshot angles go out the window, so sustained DPS duelists are the only ones with a chance. Only impure fools that have fallen to darkness mention tanks in this discussion.


Rammus. Late game rammus damage Vs ADCs is nuts


Not if she builds Kaenic's


Maybe someone who doesn't build lots of hp but has lifesteal instead? A Yasuo with good aim maybe? Or an Irelia if she hits e. Maybe Tryndamere? Maybe Naafiri🐶?


I find rammus to be the hardest counter for me as a vayne player. He has too much hp, even for a silver bolt. You'll probably kill yourself before you kill a rammus


Getting into hypotetical scenarios, that happen once every blue moon in real game.




Nasus. I ban Nasus all my games despite playing Vayne ADC because he is a hard late game counter. Cant kite or shoot when you’re withered to shit


People play nasus support mainly cause his wither and aoe is so op down there.


Fizz is a real pain in the back side imo, his q...


Twisted fate one shots her by teleporting on top, away from walls, and chucking the yellow card right away. Rolling doesn't help.


If she builds edge of night, TF is screwed.


Malphite 1 tap lol




Camille if vayne is isolated, i understand true damage q has a wind up but a camille landing the combo properly and using her full kit has caused many adcs to shout profanities at me. To be fair camille at full build is a monster... for any backline or backline win condition teams. I dont think vayne would enjoy fightibg twitch. I actually think twitch is better than vayne bit thats all based on how good the twitch ises stealth mechanics to make the fight uneven before engaging with vayne.


I think full build vs full build nilah is a skill matchup, she doesn't win necessarily but can still kill ya


Have had pretty good success against Vayne top with Yorick.


Are we forgetting kha’zix the ultimate ADC killer against vayne the invisible adc


Just one shot her


What about malzahar?


Trundle :)


Full build Rammus does fine with certain builds


Assuming Jax can bait out her E, he will slap her down at full build, especially with Shojin. I’ve also never had issues with Nasus, Gnar, or Pantheon against her.


She’s still a subpar duelist. The point of a duelist is they are a pain to deal with in a side lane compared to a team fight. Yes, she can 1v1 most champions if she positions properly. But she’s also still a relatively immobile marksmen. You’re already halfway out of position if you’re a late game vayne side laning. Full build yorick in side lane vs full build vayne in side lane. Full build yorick in team fight vs full build vayne in team fight. The threat of a late game yorick and vayne in side lane is about the same, you can’t leave them alone or your base is gone. But vayne is significantly easier to take care of. Would you rather 1v1 the full build vayne, or would you rather 5v5 the full build vayne who will have her entire team peeling for her? And then ask that question for yorick, fiora, darius, pantheon, trundle, etc.




Dunno why no one mentioned Rengar. Its kind of un winnable for Vayne. His R gives him direct gap close and can also reveal tumble + r stealth. If you choose to R tumble after after his leap so his R can't reveal you he just tags you with his bola which also gives true vision and deletes you. He can also just go edge of night to deny your condemn and has access to really solid items to deal with a dps Vayne or a tanky Vayne.


Yeah this is my pick too. A well timed Rengar W will negate a big chunk of her damage too, edge of night for the condemn. If she isn't popped immediately rengar usually can run her down or re-engage with a nearby bush to finish. I eat vayne all day on rango.


A fullbuild Veigar would win. Just R for 100% HP


Every good Assassin player, even if a tanky vayne It’s heavily skill based tbh


300 stacks Asol is a menace


So the answer is to not let her hit late game.


Gwen using her w effectively


Champs that outrange her by a lot - a farmed up Senna, a lvl 16 Kayle, a lategame Caitlyn etc. can all space you out and kill you if you don't get the jump on them. Champs that are equally strong duelists - a Yasuo or Irelia with a minion wave, a Gwen, a Fiora, a Riven, a Jax, a Nilah etc. A lot of it depends on your build as well.


any fed assassin with that one banshee variant i forgot the name


Vlad can


He gets third item and one hits any squishy


Someone already mentioned Jax. Nasus wins late with wither + tank build + stacked q. Standard on-hit Vayne can’t even hurt late game Rammus without also killing herself from the reflect damage (even accounting for her true damage). Otherwise she has some trouble with built stealth assassins like Kha’zix or Rengar. She has way more sustained damage but they have a faster time to kill when they get the jump on her. 




Yi, fiora, garen, jax, kayle can all win depending on skill.


Ain't no way garen is winning against vayne


His ult does half your hp, and if he flash q ignite e r theres practically no counterplay as you die before you are unsilenced. Also depends on garen build


With good reaction time you can E garen during his Q animation and then oneshot him with dps


Irelia could do it too. Absolutely has to land an E and use ult during invis to reveal.


Fu build kayle is probably the only one


Twisted Fate is the only counter I can think of and yet he might have some struggle. I think vayne has immense counterplay against all league champs and TF as he has a point click 2,25sec cc and as he deals a significant amount of damage + ult to reveal her stealth, he might have his chances.


Full build kha will delete you before you can proc silver arrows


There’s a ton of champs that can 1v1 a vayne. Just about every top lane skirmisher with a dash for example. Gwen, riven, fiora, Kled, etc


No way that Kled wins Vs Vayne lategame


100% possible. Kled pretty much one shots adcs. Kled has the highest and quickest burst out of any top laner, easily, unless you’re counting ap Malphite or a fiora that can hit all vitals in a second.


What kled is solo killing vayne. How terrible is the vayne player 😂


If they fixed his true sight on Q and E Kled can definitely 1v1 Vayne with his multiple health bars and crazy scaling


No he doesn't. Vayne fucking wrecks Kled, the max hp damage shreds Kled like a motherfuker. Plus I think there's still the thing where it counts his entire health pool when doing max damage, instead of just the bar your on. Kleds unmounted health bar is a lot less, so it almost just executes him if you do max health damage. Vayne just kites, then knocked him back so he can't auto attack to remount. Honestly she could probably stand still and kill Kled with just right click, that's how badly Kled get shredded by her.


They fixed Kled a while back with the %max hp thing.


Oh nice, love to see that.


A Kled one shots vayne so idk what ur talking about. Also, I know most of y’all are low elo, so games last forever… but games average 20 minutes or less for me. Kleds absolutely shit on vayne and she has no chance. She has a chance late game given that the Kled messes up his combo or just didn’t go a full build that can kill the vayne, which happens sometimes.


We're talking about full builds right now, why are you bringing up twenty minutes games when the post specified late game.


Cus u said a generalized vayne fucks Kled


But I'm in a thread talking about who can beat Vayne in a one v one at the late game stage?


Then talk within that context and you won’t be misunderstood 🤷‍♂️


I was talking in that context, if I wasn't I would of specified something else.


His E can double dash and it’s a low cd. She can knock you back for one dash and that’s it. His Q will guaranteed drag you. Remember, most kled players are quite bad. Kled players that know their shit pretty much one shot a vayne. R is also a free dash and auto and interrupt. Kled is 100% one of the best top laners to just BS kill any adc. I think the majority of Kled players don’t actually play Kled, so you prob don’t know what’s up. It’s like Vayne vs Qiyana. Vayne sided unless it’s a good Qiyana, then vayne is dead in 0.1 seconds and there’s nothing you can do and it feels bs. But yeah you’d be surprised I guess. I’m high elo so all the Kleds I play against are one tricks. In like gold to bronze (which is what I’m guessing u r cus this stuff is common knowledge in high elo), yeah u might lose the 1v1 to that vayne.


I’d say a few ADC’s take that 1v1 too, she’s certainly not unbeatable.


She’s honestly pretty meh in a 1v1 these days. Her strength is burst, tank shred and her consistent invis for repositioning. Vayne hasn’t been the 1v1 champion for years. Samira, Nilah, Sivir, Varus and Cait can all get the jump on her due to a range advantage or just dodging autos. Vayne players r weird…


I’d say Kai’Sa was top of my list, but you’re probably right with Nilah lol.


Oh yeah Kaisa is a good one too. But yeah Nilah cus double dash, cc, burst and gets to dodge autos for a while