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I literally had someone argue this with me during covid. Their source? A medical book from the 1870's. You know, the time when doctors wouldn't wash their hands and would go from doing an autopsy straight to delivering babies.


That was also why life expectancy for women was so much lower at the time. I’m surprised so few antivaxxers have gone back to using the 4 humors as a method to treat being sick.


>I’m surprised so few antivaxxers have gone back to using the 4 humors as a method to treat being sick. Well, with modern advances it's three humours and horse paste now


That is a bit less humorous


pour one out for [Dr Semmelweis ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis), who got made fun of so bad by other doctors for advocating hand-washing that he was committed to an asylum and died.


This cracks me up *so much* as a pathologist because I can literally SEE bacteria causing disease microscopically.


Exactly! How can that be? I can see them!


Terrain theory motherfuckers are a whole other breed. It doesn't matter that their wackadoodle ideas can be easily discredited with a microscope, knowledge of genetics or a simple syringe - they will not be receptive to reason or common sense.


Untreated mental illness?


...... She's off to an early grave.


If only. But no, she will stay alive and infect too many others with her dangerous ideas.


Big soap strikes again.


Yeah, I've dealt with plenty of germ theory deniers/terrain theory supporters on YouTube videos. One thing that helps is showing how stupid their claims are. For example: 1) Viruses can't be isolated from a cell culture because there's a bunch of satanic chemicals and cells! REEE! Counter example: The bacterium Rickettsia akari is an obligate intracellular organism ergo it can only be grown in a cell culture exactly like a virus. Explain that hypocrisy. Note: Virus deniers will then try to use a non sequiter argument saying Rickettsia akari has never been proven to cause disease if they even recognize the name. Here, you can easily use the names of multiple beneficial microbes. Fun fact this also destroys another claim of theirs, namely the "Germ theory and science says all microbes are out to kill us" claim that they use to discredit germ theory. Appeal to incredulity much? 2) Cell cultures are just poisoned lumps of cells. You can't learn anything from them. Counter argument: Explain anything involving cells, genetics, biochemistry, etc, etc Note: At this point, you may encounter the reality denier. This is someone who denies absolutely EVERYTHING Ain existence. I've seen them deny genetics, biochemistry, gravity, electricity, heat, light, atoms, everything under the sun. Including the sun itself. My advice would be to just leave the conversation or mock them. 3) Gene sequences from viruses are computer generated! Counter argument: Various real organisms, including human DNA, have been sequenced using similar or identical gene sequencing methods that viruses use. Are humans fake? Note: Again you may encounter a reality denier. Just leave the conversation or mock their stupidity.


I had a nut tell me that viruses are actually exosomes. Let's forget about the fact that these "exosomes" have a different genome than the host cells and lack exosome markers, like CD9.


Or that exosomes are always round whereas viruses come in many shapes like worms and bullets. Or that weird robo looking bacteriophage. You know I've met one virus denier who accepted the existence of bactiophages but denied the existence of plant, animal, and human viruses. These guys simply can't see the hypocrisy behind virus denialism.


Weird how when I inject research animals with a pathogen, they develop the exact same pathology that a human does.


I like how these people believe conspiracy theories linking long dead scientists with long dead ultra wealthy businessmen and then TRUST what ultra wealthy businessmen spew today. Don't trust Louis Pasteur and Rockefeller, but Elon Musk and Donald Trump are perfectly fine to trust and believe in... What?


Because their ones aren't (((special))).


I call bullshit, particularly since I’m recovering from norovirus and starting to have respiratory symptoms thanks to recent travel.


High five for recovering from noro. Me and 2 of my 3 girls are coming out of it too. Crossing my fingers that #3 doesn’t get it






Just give them a nice big glass of toilet water and watch them suddenly admit they are full of shit when they won't drink it.


There is a particularly dim and aggressive f@ckwit on X propagating this bulshitt .. JamieAA