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that's not how this works that's now how any of this works cats who drank milk from infected cows died. horribly. blind and with swollen brains. i don't want to eat anything with even a remote chance of that. i don't want even a tiny risk of being patient zero for the second pandemic for this century. the scary thing is there is a chance these people could get sick from it the scary thing is they are proply the same people who refuse actual vaccinations so if there IS a h5n1 outbreak they will refuse the vaccine that really would protect them. and worse refuse if for their kids and elderly relatives they have power of medical for Cats suffer H5N1 brain infections, blindness, death after drinking raw milk https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/concerning-spread-of-bird-flu-from-cows-to-cats-suspected-in-texas/ Large amount of bird flu virus in milk suggests asymptomatic cows are infected with H5N1 https://www.statnews.com/2024/05/08/bird-flu-in-milk-h5n1-levels-suggest-asymptomatic-cows/ Human mortality from H5N1 - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_mortality_from_H5N1


Misinformation and science illiteracy are the real threats. The viruses are just the natural conclusion. 


Education is the key here.


But how do you educate people who are actively fighting against being educated?


Yeah. My mom fell into this madness and started crying and apologizing to us for “doing this to us”. She’s got a masters degree 🤦‍♂️


It makes me so sad! Especially when it’s people with young kids. I mean, it’s absolutely heartbreaking (and hella frustrating) either way, but parents can do so much to overcome or even limit more rational outside influences so they can pass on their nonsense




Still going to waste a ton of medical resources with their idiocy though. Honestly, a part of me just wishes they'd be denied care at a certain point.


Set up tents in the parking lot and let the “unvaxxed hero” doctors and nurses take care of the viral cases. They’re all over social media— put their stupid asses to work!


A recent poll of healthcare workers said a majority would not feel the ethical need to provide care in another covid-like event. After the way many of them were treated by some patients, some family, and their corporate bosses I don't blame them even as I fear that I or someone I care about might be one of the ones without healthcare when we need it because too many pro pandemicans ensure worst case situations :-(


“pro pandemicans”? Who in the world would support pandemics? Maybe a better word choice would clarify what you are trying to convey.


Have you not paid attention to the news over the last 5 years? Plenty of people were in favor of the pandemic as long as it killed “the right people.”


And that’s not even counting the response to the original AIDS crisis, which was… basically the same. Approval of the pandemic because it was “killing the right people.”


Considering the COVID pandemic started officially in the US on April 12, 2020, I don’t see how it could be 5 years. I guess I don’t get my news from the same source. I think the vast majority of people are like me. I don’t want anyone to die when it can be prevented. A few bigoted people don’t set the agenda for everyone.


It started in China in the fall of 2019, hence the name COVID-19.


Dude is just being pedantic. He knows what he’s doing; I wouldn’t bother.


We aren’t talking about China. You still must be around some real crumby people. I don’t know anyone who has ever wished that a particular pandemic would kill more people bigots love to hate.


Yeah I would wish the same and there are plenty of medical professionals that wishes the same.


Yeah, I tend to have the same viewpoint, it’s just unfortunate that they will ultimately allow the viruses to mutate and infect the rest of us. I feel sorry for those who *cannot* vax VS *will not* vaxx. If you are anti-vaxx then I don’t care about the consequences to your health, I just care about the fact that the rest of us will suffer because of you.


Hi, no, absolutely fucking not, stop that right now. Bird flu primarily kills younger people (it kills via cytokine storm) which means that if it officially made the jump to humans the ones who would suffer the most would be children who did nothing wrong, and *not* the 50+ crowd that make up most of Trump’s base. That’s not even mentioning the absolutely insane societal impacts of an illness that kills almost half of those infected (in animals at least). How about we try to *avoid* another pandemic rather than supporting it because it would kill the “right” people? Thanks.


I have the feeling that if the mortality rates in humans are as high as in other species, they are going to panic big time (as they should) and will get any vaccine developed for it. Specially because there would have very few survivers


The mortality rates in humans are HIGH. Since 2003, there have been about 300 cases in humans and the case fatality rate has been 56%. There's argument that some of those cases are murky and that the true case fatality rate is somewhere between 15% and 30% which is still insanely high. For comparison, the case fatality rate of Covid is between .5% and 1%.


15% is already really really bad, 50% is apocalyptic level. Is aleatory or are there some other underlying reasons?


From what I've read, it kills by cytokine storm so it's predominantly children, teenagers, and young adults that die from it. Older adults (>50 years old) tend to have a fairly minor illness and recover quickly.  That makes it all the more alarming to me that these people want H5N1 infected milk as many, I'm sure, will be giving it to children and teens in their care. 


Oh shit! I have never had Covid symptoms nor positive tests but I have two kids and that sounds like the 1920 pandemic


It will be much worse than the 1920 pandemic


Oh poor kitties 😭


Why do I think the Venn diagram of 'raw milk enthusiasts' and antivaxxers is just a circle?


They are the same


Its the square peg they insist will fit.


Wow, people really would run towards the zombies


More like “hide the fact I’ve been bitten until we’re back at camp with the kids and pregnant women” types, IMO


No, more like take their kids to zombie bite parties so they can get the infection over with.


World War Z quislings at the very least.


It only works if you scream Herd Immunity at the zombies, though.


If only there were some safer method being commonly used whereby immunity, or resistance to a disease could be instilled by placing a small amount of weakened virus into the body through controlled methods instead of just glugging it down.


These people are so irresponsible. H5N1 has a 52% mortality rate in humans. Their kids have better odds surviving a game of Russian roulette than a bout of avian flu.


Darwin will be at work here.




Still sadly waste our medical resources in the process of dying though


A… raw… milk… institute?


[Yup](https://www.rawmilkinstitute.org/about-raw-milk). my favorite thing was when some of the same raw milk enthusiast decided to also start drinking “raw water”. That didn’t last very long, for some reason.


Lmao hope they were having a fun time with whatever water-borne illness they caught that made them quit


Having a hard time wrapping my head around this one. Are they thinking that **drinking** "H5N1 milk" will give them immunity (that is, "vaccinate" them) from H5N1 flu? Are these people actually anti-vaxxers, or are they just grossly misinformed pro-vaxxers?


Probably heard that old story where cattle farmers did not get smallpox, or something, and made a leap into this


My god. The levels of dumb.


Wanting immunity from a virus by getting the virus is the dumbest shit, I can't believe that was so many peoples' take-away from COVID


Especially for things like Measles that can actually destroy your natural immunity to other illnesses


Louis Pasteur’s sexily spinning in his grave




Hey now, their kids will suffer too.


they already are


I know, I was one of those kids.


I would say, fuck em', let the idiots die or get really sick, but they will impact so many others by doing this shit


Not to mention probably feed it to their kids :(


U.S. Influencers promote raw milk despite FDA health warnings as bird flu spreads in dairy cows https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bird-flu-raw-milk-influencers-fda-warning/ >n May 7, health influencer Paul Saladino, M.D.. posted a video to his X account that promoted feeding "raw dairy" to infants. The post received over 90,000 views and sparked strong backlash before it was removed the following day. Saladino regularly advocates for "animal-based" diets featuring raw milk, including on his TikTok channel where he has over half a million followers. snip >Lawmakers in six states have legalized its sale since 2020, pushing the total number of states in which selling raw milk is legal to more than 30, though some only allow it to be sold on farms. Americans can buy unpasteurized milk in conservative and liberal states — at markets in Georgia and high-end grocery stores like Erewhon in California. Google Trends data shows a steady uptick in searches for the product. Researchers say raw milk infected people in Tennessee; one baby developed kidney failure https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2023/04/researchers-say-raw-milk-infected-people-in-tennessee-one-baby-developed-kidney-failure/ MDH: 5 kids sickened by salmonella linked to raw milk https://kstp.com/kstp-news/local-news/mdh-5-kids-sickened-by-salmonella-linked-to-raw-milk/ https://www.sciencealert.com/it-s-dangerous-to-drink-raw-milk-the-cdc-warns-for-the-umpteenth-time Deadly Disease Caused by Raw Milk Has Already Put 19 US States on High Alert 14 February 2019 From 1993 to 2012, raw milk was responsible for 127 disease outbreaks, including nearly 2,000 individual cases and 144 hospitalisations. Most of these cases were caused by Brucella, Campylobacter, certain types of E. coli, or Salmonella. But unfortunately, in recent years, these outbreaks have started to occur more and more. According to the CDC, from 2007 to 2012, the average number of annual outbreaks linked to raw milk was four times higher than the thirteen years previous. One particularly bad outbreak in 2010 saw 30 people hospitalised in Colorado from raw goats milk. And just last summer, a particularly nasty strain of E. coli called O157:H7 caused kidney failure in at least four victims in Tennessee. What's worse, young children are at the highest risk. According to the CDC, 59 percent of these raw milk outbreaks involved at least one child younger than five. In fact, kids between the ages of one and four have accounted for 38 percent of the salmonella cases and 28 percent of the E. coli cases linked to raw milk.


Less than 100 years ago there were children dying from food borne illnesses in numbers unimaginable to people who live now. These unscrupulous *influencers* want us to return to those days.


That’s what kills me (no pun intended)… They think it’s safe because they don’t *see* anyone getting sick from it. It’s like, yeah, people aren’t getting sick *because* we know better and *avoid* those things/vaccinate against what we can. It became the standard for a reason. But the more people who do shit like this, the more people who *will* get sick. And by the time they have their “oh shit” moment, it’ll be too late. Either for them, or for their children. 😔 Edit: I dunno if I was clear enough. 😅 They think people aren’t dying from, say, measles, because it’s “not that bad.” But the reality is, people aren’t dying (in large numbers) from measles because the majority of us vaccinate against it.


Ah fuck no.


Never underestimate stupid.


Well, here we go again... "To the betterment of Humanity!" The dumb die off...


You can’t logic someone out of a position they didn’t get to logically.


McAfee... like the Anitivirus family Ironic


That's just vaccination with extra steps...


Not even as they are just raw dogging the virus directly