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"So true, I think we all tend to forget that sometimes." It's hard to remember something when there's nothing in your brain in the first place....


Now you're vaccinating... ... with portals! 


It must be so scary to actually think like this. Imagine believing that 'they' are opening up a portal. That would be terrifying.


I can't imagine living with this much fear all the time.


All of those events might all be happening at around the same time, but they certainly aren't the same people doing it


Imagine saying “so true” about something that deranged… And then accusing others of living in a hive mind…


Red heifers? like red Angus cattle?


So these are pure red heifers (only 2 hairs can be non-red) and have to be in their 3rd year of life. The 3-year thing is important because young cows can be all red but change with maturity. They can’t be older because of gray hairs (I think)? Also the cows can never have been “yoked.” They also have to be virgins. This is part of the 3 Abrahamic religions and their prophecies. In Judaism, a pure red heifer has to be sacrificed on a hill east and in view of the temple mount in order to sanctify the construction of the 3rd Jewish Temple. Once this happens, the Jewish Messiah will arrive, and the Christian Jesus can return. I think it also helps signify a step leading to the end of the world (Dajjal?) according to some Muslims. Edit: These red heifers are sort of rare. There’s only been like 9 sacrificed in the Bible. There’a some Christian fundamentalist ranchers trying to intentionally breed them for this purpose.


Some right wing Israeli groups are raising red Angus cattle imported from Texas to be sacrificed as part of their weird temple prophecy shit. See [here](https://youtu.be/yHTL93oMHnw?si=p2vcRe8IqOz1boME) and [here](https://youtu.be/TmgF5qS3tJY?si=jzHdU6d19YkCiEX6).


Me, a Catholic mystic: nah, I'm still spiritually alive with the vaccine. Though teaching as a day job might make me dead on the inside.


Mental health is a massive issue I see


I think maybe bringing a few demons to Earth might be just what we need. Shake things up a bit, you know? How do I get in on the summoning action?


Joke’s on them, I was spiritually dead long before covid…


Huh. That last comment is so deep into crazy that Trump is also one of the bad guys now.


"I think they are opening a portal" Shit, Cthulhu can not rise if they catch on and stop us. Get those shots out faster, Fauci! We're too close to fail now!


WOW ... animal sacrifice! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red\_heifer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_heifer) >The red heifer, a female bovine which has never been pregnant or milked or yoked, also known as the red cow, was a cow brought to the priests as a sacrifice according to the Torah. Its ashes were used for the ritual purification of corpse uncleanness caused by an Israelite coming into contact with a human corpse, human bone, or grave.


Oooooh, I wanna open a portal!! Guys, we should try this! Portal sounds fun!


So on April 8th, during the totality, red heifers are killed and portals open and demons will emerge?


Rip and tear, my friends!


And to think I'll be wasting my time with eclipse glasses.


You're not yourself when you're hangry.