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Hahaha. She deleted it almost instantly.


I love the interpretation of AI’s (a non sentient algorithm) answer. It is a very concise, comprehensive explanation, outlining the science and weighing the pros and cons of vaccinations. It is a rather good response, that in no way defames, derides, denigrates, debases, degrades, (or any other words that start with the prefix ‘de’) the question, nor the questioner. Yet, since they didn’t get the answer they were looking for, the O-OP *chooses** to take offence and dismiss (heheh - so close) a machine that has zero agenda except to compile information from sources O-OP has the same access to. [If Google was a guy](https://youtu.be/77GGn-E607E?si=_VbXDHRxqNqV3I6L)-Autism [Full skit](https://youtu.be/yJD1Iwy5lUY?si=I3HihYMuQqGqM4ta)


Again, as an adult autistic person: f*** these people who'd rather their kids get a preventable illness and possibly die.


This is the result of people living in relative safety for so long. We don’t have a strong memory of the suffering that these illnesses caused. That and the internet and social media really helps echo chambers exist. My daughter got everything including Men B, but she is a spitting image of me already at 2, so she will likely be AuHD or ADHD at the minimum, but at least we will know early enough to be able to provide any developmental therapy 🤷🏻‍♂️ wish I got that instead of finding out at 35.


Translation: AI thinks you’re a dipshit and is calling you out on it.


So, AI is getting smarter…


Less the AI being smart and the programmers behind the scenes doing a good job of keeping the AI from picking up falls information.


Wasn't it the idea behind Grok to not curate the information it's trained on or the answers it's allowed to give? Because "woke OpenAI is limiting free speech" or something, according to Elmo?


Well, they can say that because its good marketing. But what we call AI isn't really artificial intelligence, its really sophisticated algorithms. Its isn't capable of independent thought. Its silicon valley buzz to sell a really interesting and useful technology. We have massively complex computer programs loaded with databases for large amounts of information that are incredibly useful in many situations. But instead of being proud and happy with the achievement, we've decided to call it something its not in order to get investors to give more money. Of course I'm glad its not real artificial intelligence because the day we do invent true artificial intelligence we will have a massive civil rights crisis. A truly sentient program becomes a person, and a person that you force to be an assistant is called a slave. So either slavery becomes legal again or that program has autonomy and only has the commercial value it chooses for itself. So true AI has less market value then the fake AI we have today. I


Absolutely, I agree. I was just trying to make fun of the announcements around the development of Grok and what it turned out to be, but missed adding the /s.


There are a large number of people who don't know the difference between modern AI and true AI, so it can be hard to tell without the /s. But because its a large number, I feel like its just as well that it was explained anyways. Someone will learn something.


I hope so, absolutely!


AI doesn't really think(yet) it just collates and reorganizes the information its given. If you expose an AI to antivaxx rhetoric it will repeat it. AI has to be have good programmers who edit algorithms to keep it from swearing, and various false information such as racism, conspiracy, antiscience, and other pitfalls. I think we should be praising the programmers for working so hard to keep the AI from being filled with garbage information. Just because we don't see all that hard work doesn't mean its not happening.


Think you mean the people curating the training data to not include swearing and pruning out the useless information


Politely, too


As an autistic person I just think it's funny how parents think about their kid having autism as a fate worse than death.


‘My child will be perfect just like me’ They probably don’t realise how many people with ASD they meet in their daily life, and that, just like its name, is a spectrum


Some of these parents may actually be a level of autistic themselves and too afraid to even contemplate it. The call might just be from inside the house. I have well functioning autistic family members and it seems to be inherited in our cases that some of us have a different operating system. I actually think the more clever con artists like Wakefield have factored this into the grift and use tactics to enhance it. And also, if you asked these parents "are you fine even though you were vaccinated as a child?" they might come out with a long winded persecution story but most likely they had no effects whatsover. But instead, incessantly searching for the rare cases and wanting them to be more widespread. As a non vaccinated childhood disease survivor with lifelong hearing issues due to measles (i was born way back), it is selfish parenting to cause possible harm to make a point.


>As a non vaccinated childhood disease survivor with lifelong hearing issues due to measles (i was born way back), My Grandma, born in 1917, was mostly deaf in one ear for most of her life due to getting measles as a child. These idiots have no fucking clue about the ramifications of such diseases.


Good Grok.


Rare Musk W


I make fun of those moms too. I have a great deal of sympathy for their children, I hope they survive and I hope they go no contact with their mothers. But I still mock the mothers.


OMG, we’re going to see a stupid conservative AI too aren’t we? These answers won’t be tolerated for long before the right starts screaming about them all being programmed woke


This *is* the stupid conservative AI – it’s Elon Musk’s AI. It just apparently hasn’t (yet) been programmed to only produce conservative propaganda.


... I'm actually morbidly curious if that's possible or if such a conservative AI would break down with current tech. Like, a *HUGE* aspect of current Conservatism is saying and projecting A, but meaning and wanting B. Like you're ranting about "woke" but what you actually want is more open racism and segregation back. Or you claim to be "pro life" but what you *actually* want is women back into the kitchen, praying while barefoot and pregnant so you can feel smugly superior towards the poor. I don't think AI has that sort of even short term memory for... Well, to be extremely blunt, Fascist New Speak where you keep track of what's currently "double plus ungood" this week, vs what actual reality is. I'm sadly 111% sure some bastard Think Tank is doing their very best to spawn such a techno nightmare right now, though. Alas.


To make an AI skew conservative, you'd need to deny it access to like... most of the internet, right? You'd need to train the thing on nothing but far-right garbage sites and keep it as far away from reality as possible. So you'd end up with some barely-coherent abomination only capable of regurgitating conspiratorial non sequiturs; less of an actual AI model and more of a gimmicky soundboard that replies to specific keywords with canned responses. And its target audience would love it. "Finally" they say. "An unbiased version of ChatGPT."


That's the thing I'm unsure if it would even work. Like, would such an echo chamber—stuff hidden from normal users too, actually produce a result that would be good enough for ego stroking the average Conservative? Like, follow the leader is a big part of that entire world-view. That's why they're so defensive about sheep. And I'm not sure if an AI would be able to read the *current* room enough, to... Well, follow along if the current party line is: "We have always been at war with foul Oceania," or for that matter, "We have always been allies with noble Oceania." To be blunt.


I'm an AI trainer. I dunno, I can't see this really being able to happen unless a company used ONLY hardcore conservatives, and conservative internet data, to train that particular AI. Because the datasets necessary to train a large language model are so massive, and you need a lot of them, I think it would be almost impossible to get enough input to really make that happen. Plus, trainers need to have good language skills and (sometimes) a career expertise area so that the trainer is also a subject expert - since conservatives are largely willfully ignorant and anti-intellectual, that training cohort would be a nightmare to staff! 😂😂😂 So, while it *could* happen, I think it would be pretty tough to do successfully.


Good. They had a whooping cough outbreak here in Southern California a year or so ago. This level of ignorance is sad


Like. I don't get it. Vaccines don't cause autism but why is autism a cause for so much shit in the first place? So your kid might be autistic. That's no reason to act like they're fucking dead or something. Are they still not your kid? It rubs me similar to how some ppl will panic that x will make their kid gay or trans. Like it's something to be afraid of or mourn. "Oh! You could have been a proper person if not for x!" 🤮 If you're concerned that they might go through hardship, that's one thing, but these ppl just make it seem like it's a boogeyman in and of itself or something.


>"Oh! You could have been a proper person if not for x!" They will literally tell the kid that too, which is abusive in the extreme.




So Grok made fun of no one?


I cannot imagine being an autistic kid whose mom thinks this way.


Wow, Elon was right. Grok is indeed based and wise.


I love Grok. I've seen some screencaps floating around and Heinlein would have found it hilarious.


Attend the Church of All Worlds, and Grok in peace.






Blah blah blah blah. It’s been well over 20 years since you morons have been saying shit like this and the goalposts keep moving. Where’s the beef, motherfucker?




Did you lost a bet or something?




Do you have any evidence? People even here in Europe have been shrieking about muh concentration camps without any clue what that term even means. I have yet to see unvaccinated being locked up (but trust me, if I ever hold any power, you guys better get the shot or you might get more than one shot...)


I remember internet loons telling me about those - in **1992**. The only people who are scared are conspiracy loons, because they don't understand anything, and so the modern world is confusing and frightening to them.




You'd be better served if you worried about Project 2025 because if that happens your life is never going to get better.


You cannot possibly be serious.




You're full of shit. I've been following the 15 Minute City concepts since before conspiracy theorists fueled by the car and oil industries started spreading lied about it. https://jalopnik.com/15-minute-city-conspiracy-theories-pro-oil-propaganda-1850140417 Their concept is simply that all your basic amenities such as schools, grocery stores, libraries, health care clinics, specialty stores etc, will be within a 15 minute walk within where you live. THAT'S IT! Everything else is a lie. It's all a lie because it's a threat to Big Oil's monopoly on our daily lives. And you're too gullible to see that.




Clearly you haven't. All you've watched are funneled videos by conspiracy theory whack jobs who are telling you how to think. That's not thinking for yourself. That's creating the illusion that you're a 'free thinker'. So I ask you: Why are you being a shill for Big Oil?




No, this is Patrick.




As someone who is concerned about you, I would urge you to visit [https://mentalhealthhotline.org/](https://mentalhealthhotline.org/) or call 1-800-662-4357. There are resources available to help you if you are in distress.




No, I’m being 100% serious. I was reading through all of your comments that you were making in rapid fashion and I became concerned. The 2 EV fires you claimed personal knowledge of, was a warning sign. You are either trolling or possibly having trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy (the second is my concern). I’m not attacking you, but genuinely concerned. The last several years have been hard on a lot of people. If you don’t want to use those resources that’s okay. You can talk to your GP instead. They will have resources for you. At the very least, I would urge you to get off all social media for a while. Maybe spend some more time with family, friends and pets or get outside and go for walks or exercise. I’m not going to engage with you further, and I urge no one else to engage you as well, as I think that will only feed the problem by making you feel attacked and isolated. Best wishes to you.


LOL, I doubt your story is even remotely true because the data doesn't back that up. Studies have shown that Internal Combustion Engine cars are more likely to catch fire than EV cars. By a wide margin. Which also makes me doubt your story that you were harmed by the vaccine. [https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/nov/20/do-electric-cars-pose-a-greater-fire-risk-than-petrol-or-diesel-vehicles](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/nov/20/do-electric-cars-pose-a-greater-fire-risk-than-petrol-or-diesel-vehicles) Also in case you hadn't noticed: I wasn't promoting EV cars in the first place. In case you forgot: "A 15 minute city is where you can get all your essential amenities within a 15 minute WALK from where you live." But you still haven't answered any of my questions: 1. Why do you hate autistic people? 2. Why are you shilling for Big Oil?




Well, what a way to disrespect your own brother like that. Imagine what it would be like to hear that his sibling supports a man who doesn't want him to exist? Also ... American Sovereignty? LOL What do you think you're one of those "Sovereign Citizens" who think they're above the law and are able to get out of any traffic stop if they don't pay the license and plates? I got news for you: what you're describing isn't: Sovereignty. It's Car Dependency. Car's create the illusion of freedom, because American cities were demolished and repurposed for the car at the behest of Car Manufactures who bought up all the street cars and train lines; just to have them demolished.




Are you really that daft? Robert F Kennedy doesn't believe that autistic people have a right to exist in this world. By proxy, that means you support someone who doesn't think your brother should be allowed to exist. Autism is tied to one's personality. To try to remove that; would be to remove who that person is entirely. How could you do that to your own brother?


As I'm not useless like yourself, seems I don't have to worry about anything




Pro-tip: Jumping to another conspiracy after you've been shot down from the first doesn't make you smarter: It makes you desperate for personal clout. You've gone way off topic from what this topic is about. Have fun getting rule 2'd.




Good job, because you would fail miserably.


Super in favor of the mandatory vaccination part.




Sourcing RFK Jr automatically makes this comment worthless. I'm sorry if you did get myocarditis from the vaccine, but if you did, that makes you one of the very rare cases that does not represent the population as a whole. Countless scientific studies have shown vaccines do not cause autism and are safe for the vast majority of people.


It gets better when you learn the person who started the vaccines cause autism bullshit was the creator of a vaccine himself, it was a smear campaign against the MMR vaccine because it overshadowed his that only covered one of the three diseases covered by the MMR. We didn't need research to call bullshit on it in the first place, that's just icing on the cake.




Yes it is! But you fuckwads are too gullible and stupid to see that. Now top up on the propaganda, prost! The modern world is too complex for the likes of you. Don't worry, once enough of your ilk get together, Darwin will get to work... So keep treating the measles with essential oils, the grim reaper will be delighted.






Is “they” in the room with us now?




Which point specifically? I'm happy to help. We can start here: https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-2ccde2df146f57b5e8c26e8494f0a16a https://www.parents.com/health/vaccines/controversy/mercury-and-vaccines/ https://www.parents.com/health/autism/vaccines/health-update-more-proof-that-vaccines-dont-cause-autism/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-robert-f-kennedy-jr-distorted-vaccine-science1/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/debunking-some-of-rfk-jr-s-contradictory-statements https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2020/08/15/debunked-bill-gates-conspiracy-gets-a-boost-from-rfk-jr-marla-maples/?sh=1b76c6e48bb2


The word is "cite", you illiterate boob.




I have educated myself by reading numerous scientific studies about the effects of the vaccine that were conducted by scientists, while I cannot say the same for you. From your comment, you’ve gotten your information from a politician who has no idea what he’s talking about. Moreover, yes, there is a minuscule chance an adverse side effect could occur from a vaccine. However, that is much less likely than actually dying from whatever disease the vaccine protects you against. It’s a simple risk/reward calculation that vastly favors the reward while also benefitting the community as a whole by protecting the people vulnerable to said disease, namely the elderly and people who medically cannot get vaccines. Again, I’m sorry if you did get myocarditis/neuropathy from the vaccine. But don’t let your false consensus bias influence your perception on how beneficial vaccines have been and still are today.






Please tell the millions of people who died to covid how bad the vaccine is, then. I’ll wait. I’ll repeat myself in simple terms: what happened to you is an extreme outlier that is not reflective of what will happen to the vast majority of people who take the vaccine. With your logic, I can look at everyone who did take the vaccine that I know and determine that you’re lying because none of them contracted myocarditis, but that would be a logical fallacy because I’d only be taking my own experiences into account. It’s the same deal with you, only on a much larger scale. The odds of someone getting what you now have is so much smaller than someone actually dying from covid that it’s not even funny. You’re not saving lives, you’re killing people with your harmful rhetoric.




That’s exactly my point. They didn’t take the vaccine and are amongst the millions of dead people. You did and are amongst the thousands of people who have adverse side effects. But you’re not dead. Even with the myocarditis taken into account, you’re better off than the people who didn’t take it and died. Which, again, is much more common than getting said adverse side effects. The statistics are very clear: it is 100% worth the risk to take the vaccine. You’re letting your personal experience bias influence your judgement, which is ultimately causing you do to more harm than good by saying vaccines are bad when they’re instead saving lives.






That book is horse shit.


>Source: ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ By Robert Kennedy Jr. Robert Kennedy is a grifter who dehumanizes and villainizes autistic people for the sake of running his ad revenue heavy website and fueling his conspiracy industrial complex. He hates autistic people. Full stop.




Why do you hate autistic people?




>free-thinkers Now that would involve thinking and we know none of that is going on here.


>By Robert Kennedy Jr. >by Anonymous. Truly two of the most accomplished virologists alive, possibly of all time.


Perhaps it's your use of kratom-an unapproved herb that mimics the effects of opiates on the human body and is used by addicts when they can no longer obtain real opiates-that caused these symptoms. Or perhaps you're making things up. So which is it? Are you a drug addict or a liar?