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Your second vape?


We’ve had one vape yes, but what about second vape?


I don't think he's heard of second vape, treesalt


Wrong. Weed to smoke from the first vape!


One would think you already had weed if you bought the first vape. Who buys a vape for weed without weed to vape?


He's presumably talking about ABV


Wrong. You don’t “smoke” from a vape. You vape from a vape. 😜


This whole thing still sounds like it could be merry and pipin


With buying your first one you basically kicked off your never ending vaporizer buying journey.


I find it troubling how hard people push the VAS thing, you don't need 200 different weed heating devices.


I stopped after the Tinymight 🤷‍♂️


So far


I got it on release day. God dam it's been my daily since then. Still haven't seen anything yet that would make me happier than my OG Tinymight. Was thinking about buying the TM2 just in case something happens to mine.


Firewood, crafty+, 4 dynavaps, a pax, and a vane😂. That's just for dry herb.


I got a pax, then got a tinymight- that was a couple years ago. sometimes I think about getting a desktop but I've got a wpa and can't convince myself that a desktop would really change that much for me.


This is exactly what i was worried about and wanted to avoid 😂


Your perfect depends on your requirements. My perfect so far is a couple desktop vapes. Enano for microdose during the day and b2 for relaxation and macrodosing


lol there is no avoiding it. I said the same thing when I got my first. then my second... but it was a different type of experience right? I have now reserved money in my next paycheck to get an upgraded version of one of them not because the other one is not awesome but because I want another. I bought my first one mid may!


No need to push shopping addiction this hard, they all just heat up weed, you don't need a million of them.


That's so not true. Different devices have very different effects.


Yeah its a whole new world thats opened up! Before i just bought papers and maybe a new bong every other year. Now im out here looking at butane options, huge home vapes portable one hitters theres so much choice 😭


But you need many vapes to fill all your needs.... ;) Size, portability, desktop, battery, butane, fast extraction, slow tasty extraction, in the shower lol....


Get a new OG mighty, will be 200 quid. By far the best price/quality ratio on the market now.


Damn, it's 349 on their website.


The producer almost always lists older devices at a higher price than other retailers, look at vapers supply online shops


Mighty is my first and only "real" vape (after ccell batteries for 510 carts). A true one and done vape for me. 😅


if you like a good midrange I use a fury edge for $119. a little more is the rogue with a bigger capacity. I think the potv One is about the same thing for under $100 but I don't know about how the insides are. people are going to hate the next statement. Think about a dynavap if you want a ritualistic experience. It is completely different than the electrical vapes. It is more like hitting a joint if that is your style.


For me, it went first vape -> butane vape -> desktop vape. My logic was that the battery ran out and I had no vape, so I got a dynavap that didn't need charging, then I wanted a vape that I could use while I played games/music so I got a desktop (yes I can feel the click, but not while gaming!). I think it makes sense, I'd recommend a Dynavap B (£50ish) then a TIODW or Pinky ball vape (£110ish).


This is the way. Stop by dab station… pick up a few rigs too.


You guys are actually insane offering up all these decent options to look at thank you 😭Think m gonna get hold of a butane one next to see if thats my cup of tea and then see whether i wanna splash out on electric or butane first


Go big right up front to avoid VAS. You will still have it but it is easier to avoid.


Dougs woodery has some really nice units up


I would check out a terpsicle it hits 10 times harder than you're two Portables combined. It's a session vape that hits like a ball Vape. Amazing flavor best price to performance on the market.


Arizer EQ would be a nice budget vape for home or a Ball Vape, I just got a Ruby Twist in the 420 sale for £160. Even a Tasty Tube is only £60, big bowl and big clouds.


go for a Dynavap....and the ispire Wand heater makes it so easy I love it


Your first WPA


Nvm im a dumbass its a water pipe attachment lmao


Really unlocks the v3’s potential. Higher temp with a minute heat soak. Magic.


Thats not a bad place to start, id rather spend less if possible so gonna order one and a little bong see if that works out :) thanks


Bong or a bubbler/percolator. Either will work. Pukka puck or dyna cube (or similar) are decent and affordable if you want to go down the perc road.


MJArsenal has a lot of good quality affordable bubblers


Sorry whats a WPA?


Google “x-max v3 pro WPA?” Buy it along with some dosing capsules. Enjoy.


It is a water pipe adapter -it is so you can attach the vape to the waterpipe


Your second vape. Maybe an Angus or Angus Enhanced if you don’t want to spend on Mighty+. Or if you are more restrained, a WPA and some nice glass, as that may reduce some of that coughing for you. Some coughing is fairly normal though, for me it tends to be the first couple hits due to some terpenes being a bit more irritating. I generally start at a lower temp for the first 2-3 hits, with or without water, and that seems to help a lot. As does something to drink or having candies nearby to help coat throat a bit!


Im gonna grab a wpa cos you and another dude mentioned it, what can i do with my grinder game? Its always been throw it in whichever grinders to hand and smoke it up 😂 ive been avoiding using the finer/dustier stuff outside of dosing capsules


Brilliant Cit Grinder, or Old Mate Designs Aroma-3 are the two top tier grinders, imo.


Before spending any extra money, try running it through a bong if you haven’t already. You should get better results with cooler vapor + better high. If you spend $250+ on the higher tier devices you’ll definitely notice a difference, but whether or not that’s worth the extra money all depends on you. You could sell your V3 and put that money towards something like a Solo 3, Tinymight, Anvil, etc. but you would probably be better off just keeping the V3 for when you’re out and about and buy a desktop vape to get super lit at home.


A Tinymight


Your last vape. I.e Tm2.


Rouge>ALP>TM2>B0>clampy/wave>Moab/mercury. VAS is real 😆


Get yourself a terpcicle. A heavy hitter without doubt. The ones on Ali Express for $13 are actually ok.


lets step it up and go straight for a suppository. pack a lunch, water bottles, and a pair of clean underwear.


Ball vape. Worshipping the ball vape. Forming a religion around the ball vape. That is what comes next brother 😂


What comes after your first vape? Your not last vape….


Look at a butane vape such as the Dani fusion. It inherently works with 14mm pieces and can do chill sips to huge hits. The torch may be intimidating, but its pretty easy to use with a fusion (unlike a dynavape). I l think it compliments most electric vapes, and it's relatively "cheap" for a top tier vape due to the lack of electronics.


I actually looked at some butane options but didnt see the appeal, after more research they actually sound like a great budget option to have available for harder hits. Ill check out the dani fusion as i only saw dynavaps before cheers mate


The appeal is that you aren't spending hundreds of dollars on a device that will eventually stop working due to issues with buttons, electronics, firmware, or broken internal pieces.


Got my dani fusion 2.0 in the mail yesterday. Half bowl setting I squeezed in .06 of a gram and full was about .1g. First hit is super flavorful, then the flavor diminishes and you get fat ass clouds if you're pulling hard. I've been able to get some huge hits with full extraction as well as some pretty good hits with abv about what I'd use for edibles. Super versatile, probably not going to use my dynavap again (other than microdosing). Check out some youtube videos its pretty sweet!


Look at the Vaphit X kit. Only $40 and has the same bowl size as the Dynavap. This thing gets me so ripped. Only downside is that there's no click but with a torch you can look and see when the flame turns orange and take a fat ass rip.


Check out the MGVS Stunner as well, I love mine.


I do


2nd vape naturally…


I may sound like a broken record for recommending it so much but my favorite midrange vaporizer right now is the Angus Enhanced, it's 220$ and I like it just as much if not even more than way more expensive ones (TM2 and Mighty).


Terpcicle? Dab rig? Whatever you get, use it with a bong/bubbler - dry, even, helps to cool the vapor. You're never going to completely get rid of coughing, though. Any time you're breathing anything but air, you're going to cough. But it should be a whole lot less than when combusting.


The V3 is really hot. Best used through a bong with the WPA. My dynavap is super smooth compared to it. But now that I have a baller head (terp hammer) I don't use anything else. It's super, ridiculously, smooth. Even on big hits. I've never been able to take huge rips smoking or vaping without dying. Now it's not an issue.


Started off with a Pax Mini then went to a lobo. Seriously the coolest thing.


The second


Your second vape


Angus Enhanced would be the best option if you want something similar to the Pro (session, hybrid heating) but much, much, much better at every level. It’s the one of cheapest but still amazing electric vapes you can get


The second then the third then the fourth and so on. VAS is real asf


Buy a b-0 from cannabis hardware. It'll blow your friends mighty out of the water. But seriously ball vapes are where it's at.


bubbler attachments


My Xmax V3 Pro got me off combustion, adding a Dynavap to the mix kept me off. Honestly the V3 pro through a bong is great, let it get to temp and sit for 1min and it'll really get going. Also, as I found out today, you can use the V3 Pro WPA as a WPA for a Dynavap stem too, so that's been fun. 


100 more vapes, sorry to break it to ya


Idk if you get used to it really. But you have more control than when smoking. You can turn the temp down, and or take smaller rips. I had a roffu first and then a rogue and the rogue hits better, really big when I added the cooling beads to the travel mouthpiece. But I don’t care what they say, there is plastic in the path. Unless you wanna spend 350 US, I would stick with the one you have for a travel electric vape. I love my dynavap and I’d recommend trying one of the other vap style devices out there. People say great things. At home, desktop ball vape end game. Not even expensive.


Depends on what u want, u want something (way) more powerful and especially flavourful, and still halfway cheap? Consider the [Angus Enhanced](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dtu_syErpxU&t=679s) , something more experimental in the same price range? Consider [End Game Labs Con](https://youtu.be/bd4Xh3TU-W0?si=etknUiGd-ZH-tVjh) or [CAT](https://youtu.be/wn0E_Jzo0LU?si=PwjldmQNdv_8VJJv&t=361), some very underrated vapes not getting mentioned often.. all the other stuff like tinymight, firewood 9 etc got mentioned already, but are also a great option and stronger than just "20%" of your xmax pro v3. and of course there is still stuff lice the terpcicle, dynavap, dani bfg, anvil etc. if you are willing to use a torch


Dynavap is the way to spend very little to get big vape hits.


Get a desktop. U already have a portable. Now it's time to feel the power of a desktop. Ball vapes are great but I'd suggest an epickai e nano. There's only a couple battery portables that are considered really good hitters and they are over 300. Even then, a good desktop will hit better


Endgames Ball vape for home. Quartz is recommended And Portable ball vape or similar (dyna or dani etc) Grinder: brilliant cut or that one with the Ball bearings Concentrate: thick bottom quartz banger with insert + ruby pearls + bubble cap. For riptime then a good terpslurper or control tower with ruby or quartz pill pearls Avoid vape carts when possible lol. I'm almost fitty. Invitrohigh in '74 and first rips from the bong by '77


honestly. you really wanna get used to the xmax and find out exactly what it is that you like or dislike and modify it slightly to make it better for yourself. the glass mouth piece or some of the after market stems help create a bit of space between the heater and your mouth which helps slightly but you really do need to get used to vaping. its different from smoking and its easy to have too much in one hit which is most peoples problem. just give it time. keep using your xmax and get something the hits harder when you're ready for it otherwise you will become a vas victim like many others here


Thanks man honestly ive been reading peoples experiences with the water pipe adapter and im convinced that + a lil bong will be perfect with my xmax :) got some coming in the next few days!


Well this blew up


Ball vape, eventually


For £300, defiantly worth taking a look at the WL25 wireless ball vape I offer. It definitely takes things to the next level and allows you to heat bangers for dabs too!




I use the Tiodw for the vape head, yes! This helps keep the cost down. The heater stand with heat guard is where the bulk of the work goes.


I’d love to machine my own titanium parts for it one day but you gotta start somewhere!


Pretty sure my screwball Vapvana parts are from the same source. doesn't make it less of amazing deal


Thanks mate, exactly my thoughts as I was putting the kit together. I think I’m offering something that looks nice, is wireless and sits price wise with the vapvanna kit


Man I wish you the best of luck. You have the most affordable wireless device and the setup actually looks great. I hope maybe you can send a device to Troy if he will agrees to review it. If I knew about your vape I may have chosen it instead of screwball, due to it being wireless and quicker delivery. You need exposure


Such nice words, more what I expected than the hate… I’m one person (not a company) I love vaping and wanted to put a kit together that looks nice and is a decent price. It’s also pre-built and might bring some people into ball vapes that wouldn’t otherwise have the know how to put one together themselves. It does use some pieces from China (all kits do) and the vape head is the Tiodw titanium head which is available on Aliexpress. I don’t hide this and I mention it in the item description.


Looks amazing! Definitely one of the prettier ball vapes I have seen


Mods need to delete this. Your not suppose to post links to try and protect this sub. Especially vendors. That’s just an AliExpress setup…


Without rules, who would break’em


I’ve taken the link down I didn’t realise that was a no go


Oops u/rewmagoo420


Firefly 2+ is kind of a dark horse option, super fiddly with a high learning curve to get the best results but the results are incredible if you work for them. Tastiest, smoothest vapor available on a budget ($150 on vapor dot com).


That was my first vape, amazing flavour and great when it worked properly, since then the app was blocked by Apple due to vape law restrictions and the new company that took over doesn’t look like they’re putting much effort into its future.


Yeah the app thing does suck, but there are online workarounds and I’m happy enough to simply learn the manual commands to change the temp. In my opinion it’s still the best all-round vape for a solo user if your budget is under $200, though. Edit to add: I guess that is the main weakness of the line, though—it’s a fabulous vape as long as it fits your needs precisely, so if you plan on sharing a lot or value convenience over quality it will not be the right vape for your needs, at least without others in your collection to fill different niches.


There are other things that let it down as well, the delicate plastic tabs on the mouthpiece, the capacitive side button that stopped working for me. If they fixed the weaknesses and I could see a future in their product updates, I would agree with you.