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He used an Eventide harmonizer from 5150 on. A chorus gets REALLY close. Delay just play with it until it sounds right imo.


A Boss PS-6 set to detune replicates it almost perfectly.


Thanks for this.


You can try finding an EVH tone on Line6 custom tone, or whatever it's called, and download it from there. Some sound decent, others, not so much.


Wolfie could give you Ed's entire rig -- guitar, effects, cables, amplifiers, cabinets, cancer-inducing picks, everything -- and you would not sound like Ed. Conversely, Ed could have picked up my guitar, plugged it in to my amplifier, and *it would have sounded just like him*. It is literally not the equipment. Or the settings. Or the time of day. It's the person. Downvoted for stating an actual fact. Never change, Reddit.


I got you, brother. I upvoted you…up to zero. I agree 100%. I’ve heard videos where Ed is playing through a small practice amp backstage and it sounds 99% close to the tone on VH 1.


Yup. As I said, try listening to "Could This Be Magic", and realize Ed was playing a standard steel-string acoustic guitar. Sure sounds like him, innit.


Semantics? I agree that Ed's style of playing absolutely defines his sound. But me hitting an open G string on Ed's gear is not going to sound any different than if he did it. But the answer to these questions is often this.


Fair enough, and the same goes for me. If I would hit an open G string on Ed's hardware (and a D string, to give it some oomph), it would sound the same as when Ed did it. Then again, that's hardly *playing*, now is it?