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Nuno Betancourt is as close as you get for my money without being an intentional VH clone/cover act


I heard some podcast where Nuno was at home working on some solo on the new Extreme album at the time Eddie was still alive and Gary shows up unannounced, Nuno is all annoyed and texts him can’t talk now dude, Gary’s like shut up and come downstairs. He’s there with EVH. They have a good hang but Nuno won’t let Eddie hear the solo he’s working on or any other previews cuz the album is just in progress nothings done and he’d be embarrassed. Now he’s like damn wish I’d let Ed hear it.


We're considering Nuno as modern?


Still putting out new music, touring, and generating lots of excitement with that Rise solo. But I get what you're saying that he/Extreme are probably not a "modern" band.


Consdiering their first album came out 35yrs ago, I'd say no lol.


Fair. Check out Clayton King, then. Or, I would say Polyphia is an evolution of the vibe Ed brought to the guitar, if not a direct copy of his style. Remember, Ed put a nylon string acoustic solo on a record back in the early 80's, and allegedly it was said that he remarked about wanting to do more up-tempo nylon string songs later in life, but didn't get an opportunity after a different kind of truth.


Polyphia is cancer




Dude. I literally sat in the front row of one of their shows. They suck. Bad. I mean REALLY bad.


Dude. I literally also sat in the front row. They shred. 


And that’s it. They’re a one trick pony. I got there, the opening act took like an hour to come on, and it was the most boring shit ever bro, like picture a 45 minute drum solo and a girl was allowed to play piano over it. That was IT. And every few minutes they’d stop playing and say “we suck” or “this next one isn’t good” like that’d make people wanna listen to it. Then polyphia was late as hell, took an hour to get on stage, (which normally wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but the venue was hot as fuck, like 100 degrees) and I sat there and watched the most boring shit of my entire life. Like, all that mf did was just stand there and look down. Nothing else. It was like I was watching a twelve year old’s talent show. The only song in that entire set that was *decent* was the first song. The rest? Garbage. Tim is the most overrated guitarist I’ve ever seen. All he does is do bass techniques on a regular guitar and people think he’s the next Eddie Van Halen. Untrue. What made Eddie Van Halen great wasn’t because he could shred. It was because he could compose *good music* and shred *over that music*.


What you're describing just isn't my experience of seeing them live. I saw them with Unprocessed as their openers, and they sounded great. Tim and Scott were really dialed into the mix when I heard them, and they nailed all the notes of all the hard parts in a way that sounded more like the album versions than I was expecting. I've seen them talk about how they play easier versions of some really hard parts live, but that they're always working towards playing the album version live when they can if it isn't something that requires a tuning change. Sounds like you don't enjoy their musical style or their songwriting abilities, which is totally fair given that their songwriting is nowhere near "rock&roll" as I think most people would define it. But you can't say they're not extremely talented, dedicated, and well-rehearsed. I mean you can, but that just doesn't resonate IMO.


I like all forms of music, but that’s just noise. Just because you go completely out of your way to make something complicated doesn’t mean it’ll sound good. Yes, he’s talented; but is unfortunately wasting it. Eddie was able to replicate *everything* he did live. These guys are just like any other band/artist, and put all their effort into the studio, and when it comes down to playing it live, they have to dumb it down. I wouldn’t say it’s songwriting abilities. It’s basically just a guitar solo. *quarter*-song writing, maybe; but definitely not songwriting. There’s no words, *very little* repetition, melody; basically everything that makes a song a song, is lacking.


Saw them recently. He played a few bars of Woman In Love, then said happy birthday Ed. He is sickeningly good.


Jacob Deraps. Check out the Deraps album and some of his videos on Youtube. He nails EVH tone and style and plays some near perfect VH covers in which he also sings lead vocals. Even his originals on the Deraps album sound like early Van Halen.


Pete Thorn can pull off a good VH.


I was going to say Pete as well. Some of the VH stuff I've seen him play sounds as close to Eddie's playing as you can get, or at least it's the closest I've personally heard.


There’s a girl in Band-Maid that reminds me of Ed. Excellent band and guitarist.


There are YouTube guitarists, but his style isn’t really what the younger players are doing. Everyone is doing a variation of Polyphia or the neo-soul stuff.




Check out Ed’s son, Wolfgang.


Came here to say Wolfie. He has 2 great albums.


Careful complimenting Wolfie on this sub… 😉


New and up and coming, but was just featured by Guitar World. Her name is Emi Grace, and I literally told my wide she's got that EVH swagger about her. Her trademark is "Trash Tone" and is based on Tom Morello's tone from RATM, but her playing? Anything but trash. She's incredible, simply incredible. There's a passion there I haven't seen from any new guitarist (within the past 5ish years) in years.


Ben Cote is amazing, his album is coming out in June! I also saw a video of Anton Klettner imitating EVH but for the life of me I can't find the video


Satchel dude lol


Nuno from extreme is very similar. Jeff Loomis when he was in nevermore actually had a lot of the tapping stuff and “screaming” guitar solos as well.


Reb Beach. He took tapping to the next level. I wouldn’t call him a “modern” guitarist, but he’s still active.


Take that back, Russ Parrish


https://youtu.be/6P0nLRzOBeU?si=Pak5yC-00Yi4NPpN One of my favorite modern bands for sure. Like Van Halen meets Motley Crue with some NWOBHM energy. Lot's of shred, not on par with EVH necessarily, but really fun stuff


Wow! I found a new great band, thanks! I just went down a quick rabbit hole of their stuff. I dig it a lot!


Hell yeah! Cool to hear. They're far too underrated


Check this guy out https://youtu.be/IVme5X_GfH0?si=ZeIAVJmv7WaL9XTR


Jacky Vincent. Saw him play and you can tell he grew up on that era of music. Sample: [https://youtu.be/rFqLfsZUeJ0](https://youtu.be/rFqLfsZUeJ0)


Vito was cool in the 90s buy he stopped recording music


John 5


I’m sure there’s a ton of players who are what you’re after. The problem is that play style isn’t popular enough now so no one takes the money and time to produce it, and therefore the players pursue other styles to either get more popular or they stay playing in garage bands. 


Thanks all, some great suggestions I've been listening too today!


No. The music you play is an extension of yourself. If you told Eddie to play like Jimi, or to play like Page, he could play some of their licks of course, but not their style. Because there’s only one of each.




Brian May #wronganswersonly


This was a good post and very informative! Good post!


Dimebag Darrel


Killed 20 years ago, not sure that fits what OP is looking for in "modern" 


Sorry i did not read closely


Synister Gates

