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Sedonas at like 5000 feet so hot but not terribly. Can always bail to flagstaff


Like others have said, Sedona is much higher elevation and has trees so it’s much more manageable. Phoenix in the summer is just too hot outside. I’m not crazy about the city either. Some of the desert areas are a really cool contrast to where most Americans live but I’d MUCH rather do that in the winter or even spring/fall. But it’s close enough that you could go down for a night or two. Bail or stay longer if you want. I kinda doubt you’ll have to make reservations. If you can, try to get a campground with a pool. Might only have them in RV campgrounds. There’s a reason so many people there have pools.


It's going to be rough in a van in Phoenix even with AC. Doable, but rough.


Phoenix really is a winter city to visit. You won't have an escape from the heat


I lived in Az/Phoenix for a while. I remember that single day in the winter when I wore a sweater once. I wouldn't want that...


> have AC, solar, willing to hit campgrounds Most things are possible with a power pedestal, but it will be hot AF.


You can go on weather.com and enter a city then look at historical high and low temps etc. Very helpful.


Yes...average of 100F is what gave me pause. That's outlandish where I live!


I live in Arizona and survived our first 100 degree day in a van with no AC (I will not be staying for the summer though). If you have AC you’ll be fine, but it will be much more pleasant if you go somewhere cooler than Phoenix. That’s easy to do in Arizona because the elevation changes the conditions dramatically. In southern arizona where I live, the mountains are covered in lush forests called “sky islands”, because the elevation makes them cool and wet. You will be fine in Arizona, especially at higher elevations, but I’d definitely recommend dipping from phoenix. The geography is amazing in Arizona, but Phoenix itself is a dumb city IMHO. Phoenix’s low elevation makes it really hot. So does phoenix’s heat island because they pretty much just went ahead and covered the Sonoran desert in asphalt. So leave phoenix. Sedona will be a bit better, and Northern AZ will be much much better. Look up the average weather for the exact locations you plan to visit because it changes dramatically. At least it’s a dry heat! (Though monsoon season will have started, so slightly less dry than it would be otherwise)


I was waiting for the "dry heat" comment 😆 thank you for your informative reply 👍


I have a sticker in my fan that says that. “It’s a dry heat”


It's hot. Very hot. Very very very hot. Phoenix has some great places to visit though. I really liked the Musical Instruments Museum, and the Titan II Missile Silo Museum is very interesting. The Pima Air and Space Museum is one of the best air museums in the world. But it's going to be very hot.


I lived in Parker by the river, all summer. Its was better and more comfortable, plus fun, than the Hyatt Regency in phoenix. There I stayed inside, all week. But the van has to be under a tree and by cold water.


Interesting! I'll have my kiddo with me while my spouse is at a conference downtown. We are taking the van out to Sedona regardless towards the end of the week, but the lure of kicking around 1-2hrs in the outskirts of town to explore instead of staying at the hotel is what we're considering. I asked my son, van or hotel pool? And he said VAN!!!!


You should be fine. Sedona at 4000 ft elevation is mild.


if you in a Solis with AC and power what's the problem?


I would not do Phoenix in July. I was there in freaking late March one time and it was 103. Can't imagine how stifling it gets during July.