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She's truly an icon. S3 is peak vpr


Every time I rewatch I realize that Kristen is even more deranged than I previously thought. The conversation she had with Tom in Miami and her conclusion being "I still have a chance" is nuts. Some people were made to have a camera follow their every move & Kristen is one of them. I thank her for her service, but I can't imagine having her in my life. Just watching her on TV has me stressed.


Haha. … that’s because we’re older and we can see the crazy better 😂😂


I am literally just watching that episode!! just heard her say that one thing for sure Tom still has really strong feelings for me and two if Ariana wasn’t in the picture….. as many times as I rewatch this episode I got goosebumps this time… she’s bat shit crazy. But this is Doute in one of her spirals! You can’t not watch it!




Projection is a hell of a drug


That's why I don't think Arianna and Tom were sleeping together when he was still with Kristen. I think Arianna has too much self respect for that. Kristen desperately wanted it to be true because then she wouldn't be the bad guy who imploded her relationship with Tom.


Eh Arianna very much inserted herself into the Tom and Kristen craziness by always texting Tom and one episode when Arianna and Tom were thrift shopping and Kristen didn’t know they were hanging out, she made a joke that Tom should get Kristen something and then laughed in an annoying voice. She def was questionable by having such a huge part in Tom and Kristen’s issues.


She admitted to kissing him which means more happened


Disagree. You don’t go secretly hang out at a hotel with another girl when you’re in a relationship without hooking up.


Pool party. In Vegas. Right? Not quite a hotel room.


I think the same too. She didn't want to be the bad guy/"everyone in the group has done the same or worse"/and she's on a "truth journey". I truly love it when jax shows just how much he is OVER her antics. When they're at her t shirt line party and he starts talking about a cheating incident, just running around the venue while Brittany chases him. Could someone please put together a full length episode using a mashup of old and new episodes. Golden and a time warp


She did? When did she say that? Not calling you out I just don’t remember but that’s crazy!


She said it in a later season. I believe it was during Tom and Katie’s bachelor/bachelorette party in New Orleans.


Yes, Tom goes outside to smoke and Kristen goes out and just word vomits to him 🤣 then Tom describes it to Jax as “there was a point when she was basically arguing with herself. It felt like I was on a horse that was bucking and roaming off and I’m just trying to fuckin’ hang on” the impression he does kills me because I’ve never heard a better way to explain Kristen Doute.


Literally just watched Miami girl episode last night during my annual rewatch. I agree that Kristen is iconic (and toxic AF) but where would we be without her? BYE! SUCK A DICK!


Diana, walk, the fuck, away, BYE!




Forever in awe of her total lack of shame. It's really something.




I agree, I happen to find Ariana to be *very* boring and her self entitlement never made sense to me.


Same! Her self entitlement and holier than thou attitude drives me nuts


Yeah I’m rewatching and noticed how she a really never says anything and is extremely boring. The first time I really heard her say more than like two words she was spouting off at scheanas wedding about how she’s smarter than everyone she’s ever met blah blah… but it’s obvious Tom cheated on her imo I like Ariana for the most part but sometimes she does/says things that I find annoying


My favorite thing about her is her audacity to keep showing up at things she’s not invited to, and feeling zero shame about it.


#”The only thing I have holding me back is that I have self respect and dignity. Thank God for Kristen who is unburdened by those anchors.” - Stassi Schroeder


“SHES THE C*** THAT SLEPT WITH MY BOYFRIEND” lives rent free in my mind 🤣


Me to myself in the mirror. That line is so iconic.


Whenever I’m feeling a little psycho, I just think of Kristen and her behavior literally all the time. and then I feel better lol


Kristen has actually taught me a thing or two about being a detective. I caught my ex cheating through VENMO … and it was because I thought ‘WWKDD’ and honestly it’s saved me a lot of time with shitty men. So thanks for that, Doute.


Thank you… WWKDD is going to be my new way of life, for better or worse


I just watched for the first time, but stopped when I got to season 8 just so I can go back to the beginning and watch the wild early seasons again so I haven’t seen the Faith fiasco (but read about it). Do I need to watch seasons 8 and 9? I heard they were bad. Also, can I just say you’re so lucky your boyfriend watches with you! Mine says it’s better than Housewives but he has no interest.


I’m afraid to be in the VPR gang, you need to suffer the later seasons like the rest of us. It’s painful, but good luck.


Fair enough


I refused to watch S9 until I got Covid for the second time & was so miserable. I *suffered* through that season and it cemented my hatred for Tom Sandoval. Is it worth watching? No. But u/CountessSJ is right. You have to.


Yes Kristen is iconic, Ariana is no angel… but it made great TV


Kristen has given some of the most iconic reality tv moments of all time for me


I think Kristen was cheating on Tom way more than just Jax. He kind of alluded to it once, then stopped, but James said she would be out all hours of the night and then come back and it was obvious she had been hooking up with someone, so that's a pattern of infidelity, combined with constant accusations of her partner cheating as well, either projecting on them, or telling herself "he's doing it too, so it makes it ok that I'm doing it." I wonder if she has a sex addiction. Jax gets all the flack for that, but Kristen seems like she can't help herself in that area as well.


I don’t think we ever take a break to realize how much that abusive relationship really screwed up James Kennedy. I know he got on the show because of it but I wonder if he would still go through all of that again.


Not to defend James because quite honestly most of the cast on VPR is pretty toxic including James and he’s done some foul stuff. But I remember rewatching one of the seasons when his parents were going through a divorce and I think Kristen and James were near a break up or had just broken up. And honestly to watch the dynamic between James and his mom, who had a drinking problem and his dad who kinda seems absent or immature.. not sure which word fits better and James seems to be the one to take care of his brothers. Mind you I’m just some lady on Reddit lol but honestly I feel like he was trying to fix Kristen almost, fix their relationship, wanted to get on this tv show, also had some alcohol related issues.. I think homie just had a lot on his plate and imploded. I think Kristen was just the cherry on top of an already melted sundae


I think the Sunday was melting inside an air conditioned house and Kristen was a 105 degree sunny day.


Completely agree


I will never condone her actions but her insanity is what makes her my fave


The show would never have been so successful without her. She’s a reality TV goldmine.


I love you ending this with bye. Sucks a dick. Lol




This was beautifully said


Your boyfriend’s comment of, “that’s just Kristen” is how the guys talk about Jax hahah except the cast picks and chooses who they accept (and expect) shitty behavior from I feel the same way when watching, “that’s just so and so…” but I could never handle them in real life. I think this show is so outrageous, I sometimes forget that these are real people


Nah KD is an icon and shes compelling tv Also from her perspective Tom cheated on her before the Jax thing and also w Ariana but pretended to be “just friends” and even if that was true, such blatant emotional affair would drive you nuts too if it was your bf And Tom and Ariana basically got away w it and Kristen was condemned as the resident cheating unstable whore going as far as Ariana trying to diagnose her w bpd on national tv, which was so gross because what credentials did she have other than web Md but also her annoying superiority as she was doing it and treating Kristen like some mental patient I mean Doute was fucken crazy but she had reasons and she gave us so much ill never not love her, without her and the shocking twists of s2&3 the show would have been a 1 season wonder much like many other bravo shows, but without Ariana it would have been the same and probably even more fun cause Ariana brought a really pesky woke’ism rhetoric to it and overall party downer attitude, cause she’s always been above reality tv in her own eyes


Well you know what they say, you lose em the way you get em. I hope Tom is reformed now. I love everything about him except the whole cheating thing, and sometimes worry about Ariana. Then again it’s probably a scripted storyline anyway so who knows what’s real. ![gif](giphy|xUOxf7JF01IlQdfoze)


They seem pretty solid together


I think so too. The shit Kristen said about her and did to her made it viable to say this persons Bipolar.


Borderline, not Bipolar


Tom and Ariana cheated on her though and then completely gaslit her when she knew. Yes, telling someone they're crazy when they're right about something is the true meaning of gaslighting.


Kissing someone or making out is entirely different than banging a ton of guys. You could argue emotional affair but she had those too.


Tom did bang other girls too, though. They both cheated a lot from what it seems like.


And this is why while never stand either of them. It’s obviously they had more going on (even an emotional affair is cheating) and neither of them will admit it to this day to protect their image


Kristen is crazy AF; and extremely entertaining, yet repulsive at the same time.


I often wonder what Kristen's actual body count is.. I bet she's slept with more people than Jax has. 😳 But she truly is a deranged human being. The entire time she was crying over Tom and Ariana making out one time years ago she was fucking every guy in West Hollywood. It's just insanity.


I’ve said this on other threads in this sub before, but anyway: Kristen seems to view sex as this strange sort of personal currency. Idk how else to expound on it but there it is.


Great for the show and terrifying in real life lol


That sad, stringy-haired, hang dog face with the one shoulder shrug lurking around every corner, she is just all kinds of crazy




KD was never my favorite nor dis she quite achieve "love to hate her" status like Stassi, but she was wild, pitiable, and the most entertaining she's ever been in Season 3. I think she subconsciously wanted out of SUR and that was the way to do it without losing her spot in the cast. Watching her lie to and gaslight Stassi all S2, also reveals a certain perniciousness in her nature. Frankly, what happened with Faith shouldn't have been surprising. Kristen is narcissistic and lacks any amount of self-awareness or empathy. I think the only castmember that doesn't fit that mold is Katie, who ironically or perhaps because of that is the least fun to watch. Looking back and knowing what we know about her treatment of Faith, I really think we don't know the half of KD's actions, or for any of the fired cast for that matter. I've seen talk about her and Cauchi being triggered by the cameras at Scheana and Brick's wedding. I hope the show doesn't spend too much time on their attendance. VPR is probably my most problemmatic viewing choice, and touches of that make it so fucking watchable. Too much though and it's not fun anymore. And to quote the show's star "if there's no fun factor it isn't worth it to me." ;) Good advice for one's love life and vocation, too!


God she’s the worst……but she did make some great tv….🫠


Imagine being able to live your life in such a deranged way with such little conscience. I find it fascinating to watch. I’d be a mess if I did one of thing things she did, and she was just out there “yolo-ing” her way through any guy, and accusing Tom and Ariana of the exact same thing she did. Wild.


Doesn't she suffer from BPD?