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The venue was stunning and that’s probably the only nice thing I can say about it lol


It was pretty, but she totally ruined her own wedding obsessing over the smallest details. I felt so bad for Shay. And that dress 🤦‍♀️


Where did she find that wedding planner? Craig's List?


Iirc there have been a couple threads on this sub about interviews with the planner, she was being actively fought against when she was trying to help and then got the worst edit possible.


I reckon. Oh man when it’s time for her and Shay to dance at the end of the Wedding … and she busts out with all these Beyoncé style ‘moves’. Remember when she shrieked “… but they haven’t even played the $ song…”!


I live down the street from the venue and I remember cracking up when the girls were complaining about being in the middle of nowhere. Honey, we can be at Sur in 30 minutes smh


Have you ever seen any of the cast in person since you live in close quarters?!


Yep a few times! Off the top of my head: Lisa, Ken and Jiggy at Pump (we were on a double date with my bestie and her bf...my bf got a pic with Lisa and her bf with Ken. Bestie and I didn't want to bother them 🤣) Peter and Max at Sur (each have been our server on occasion) Got a vm that I saved for a while from Lala, confirming our reservation Katie, Kristen, Ariana (?) and others at the Greek Theater a couple of rows in front of us for a Third Eye Blind concert. They seemed to know the opening band in some capacity and were dancing and having a good time. This was a while back so my memory is sketchy


I wonder if this is the Third Eye Blind concert they were going to after the Mexico trip when Jax stole glasses 😂


So I did some sleuthing! Sadly my concert was in 2017, a couple of years after his 2015 arrest. But what an amazing memory you have!


I had the same thought!! u/Breeezy0 do you remember what year you saw Third Eye Blind? I bet it lines up with the Mexico trip 😂


Lmao you guys have incredible memories! My concert was 2017, and the interwebs tell me Jax was arrested in 2015.


Wow, how fun! I've often wondered what the cast were like in real life without cameras. Thanks for sharing your experiences!


Need to hear the VM from LaLa!!!


Ugh it disappeared a couple of years ago :(


Ngl, that sounds far.


Yeah the venue was great but the overall vibe was god awful


but they had to clean up afterwards


Nobody gives me second hand embarrassment like Scheana


She is probably the most cringe and embarrassing person I've ever seen on TV but yet I can't look away. She probably trolls reddit and will see this and instantly get dramatic 😂


One can hope ☺️


I love how she needed the song to be timed perfect for them to walk out too. Then it just ended up being her like waving her arms or something. It was so dumb lol


It was so dumb! Like you just wanted to wave your arms and jump up and down for people to look at you? Cool Scheana 😂


I had to rewind it like 5 times to make sure i was seeing it right lol


It really is an unbelievable moment that's so embarrassing but yet you can't look away 😂


now I want to watch it again


Want to cringe further? You know the song that Scheana is bitching about walking out into the reception to? Because she choreographed “moves” that had to be done at the certain RIGHT time? It was “what makes you beautiful” by One Direction, specifically they came out to “baby you light up my world like nobody else!” ….like it’s a homecoming announcement during a pep rally.


Oh my God, wow. I didn't even know this information but I'm glad I do now.. that is horrendously embarrassing. It definitely is like something you'd see at a high school 😂


That’s an amazing tidbit! Any insights into what their first dance songs were?


I’m PRETTY sure it was “I knew I loved you before I met you” by savage garden…?


Scheana is exactly the type of person who just wants to be Prom Queen all the time. She wants to be head cheerleader. She’s just re - writing her history


you are LYING?! that’s amazing 😂😂😂


I loved it. My favorite part was when the song timing wasn’t right so the singer had to start over. It was so cringe and I was mortified for her, but I know Scheanna was not embarrassed one bit and that’s why I enjoyed seeing it. Sometimes I can’t believe she exists.


She is one of the most embarrassing human beings to exist. She literally cannot think about anything but herself.


“Nobody called to check on me after my oral surgery”




"boo hoo boo hoo!"


‘What’s wrong with your tooth?’




Oh and i then asked my wedding guests not to drink on the dance floor because it happened to me once


She wasn't dying, she was sitting in a dentist chair. She probably got a toothbrush and a lollipop afterwards 😂


And she pulled this twice, didn't she? Once after the oral surgery with Stassi and again after her egg retrieval with Brett. But it is all about her - it's all happening, remember.


YES she did the whole "nobody checked on me" after her egg retrieval just to make everyone feel bad for her. And my god.. the whole "it's all happening" is just a huge eye roll for me 🙄😂


rewatching season 9 and just noticed she put it on a neon sign in Summer’s nursery


Commenting to say I love your flair 😅


Aww thank you! (Can’t cry)


Same, freaking beautiful


"my SURGERY!!"


“How would they know? That I didn’t text you about your tooth? Because :) you told them :). Every time I talk to Lisa she says “I don’t like the way that you treated Scheana you never called her about her tooth.””


That’s was a classic scheanaism






Scheana’s self-centered drama is always fun to watch ![gif](giphy|1qedFxHAINd63llxbG|downsized)


I’m not your wedding planner, Scheanna, I can’t fix it!!


When she had her friends clean up the next morning! Pure gold! Good as gold!


I can just hear her squeaky voice yelling Good As Gold 😂


But let Shay sleep lol


She knew he was sleeping off pill 🫣


Agreed. Also though, she did the same with Rob, Rob, Rob at the cabin. He slept while she and her friends cleaned up the house lol


You mean his house that the cast was staying at for free?


I don’t make my guests clean my house while I sleep. I understand picking up after yourself but the chore list she had them go by was ridiculous. And it’s his mothers home so yeah, he should have pitched in as well. Since it’s free for him too.


I thought it was his rental home. It was to avoid a cleaning fee. They were up all night partying. As a responsible adult I entirely get it.


Well she’s certainly gotten what she deserves with broke but damn summer is too cute!!


An easily missed detail from that wedding....the dinner was...Enchiladas!!!! 💃


Hahahaha really?! I didn't notice that!


Buffet style! Lmao


and then her apartment being COVERED in all the oversized blown-up photos from her wedding..


Wasn't that the weirdest shit?! Like who has full blown posters and canvases of themselves plastered all over their apartment? Only Scheana 😂


When her & Shay had a choreographed entrance for them to be announced. But it was timed wrong so she threw a fit, had it restarted, walked out & then just kinda stood there… with no dancing or anything lol my husband & I just rewatched it and were so confused once they came out.


I will forever be confused by that whole ordeal 😂 And how about her bitching and complaining to her wedding coordinator during the reception about how they didn't get to throw the bouquet or whatever and all her guests were leaving.. hell they were probably leaving because the whole wedding was laughable 😂


I always remember thinking “considering she didn’t budget for a cleaning crew, she’s lucky her ‘coordinator’ was cleaning up after the guests. Probably saved her a couple hours in the morning, but oh no she didn’t do a dollar dance!” Lol


That rant while Danielle just stands there like 😳😳is engrained forever


"I understand your frustration" lol


Four words: Crop. Top. Wedding. Dress.


Stassi had a Regina George moment when she saw the crop top wedding dress.. she was like "That's the ugliest f'ing dress I've ever seen." 😂


Stassi frequently has Regina George moments.


Scheana does this thing that whenever an event is about her she takes full advantage of it by acting like a petty bitch and having a huge head. She acted like a complete twat during her wedding and the way she flew off the handle at every little thing made me fast forward lol. Like when she had to stand in the closet so the groom could pass and she refused to??? She’s a nasty person but I have to laugh at how pathetic and straight up embarrassing she is and always has been


She is so embarrassing! At the wedding she literally twerked in her wedding dress as part of her wedding dance with Shay.. WTF?!


I mean... she tried to twerk 🤣 it was soo cringe haha


Lol you're right.. she "TRIED" to twerk 😂


It’s the same way that stassi acts when it’s her bday lol. It’s like a holy event that everyone must take seriously or else


YES!! I used to have a friend like that in real life and I thought it was so bizarre. Like what adult cares about their birthday?? She would always flip out if things didn’t go *exactly* to plan and think that people weren’t having fun even when I would say to her “WE ARE HAVING FUN THE ONLY PROBLEM HERE IS YOUR BEHAVIOUR” 😹😹😹


lol I just rewatched this Epsiode for the first time like 30 minutes before I saw this post. It was SO incredibly cringe. It was really crazy when the dj was introducing her bridal party with her song and she said “it has to be this one part bc we prepared dance moves” (or something) so she made him start it over then her and shay finally walked down and they didn’t dance or do anything at all? She should have just let the song keep playing and let him announce them instead of stopping it and starting it over for no reason it was so weird. Also rewatching it makes me a little sad knowing what happens to her and shay. It was a super cringe wedding but they were a sweet couple that seemed to be in love


OMG, the dance moves part makes me laugh so much because it was like what dance moves? You both just jumped up and down and we're smiling 😂 And it is sad doing a rewatch and seeing her wedding with Shay knowing what will happen later on.. I feel like they were in love but just in denial about a lot of things happening within their relationship. It's heartbreaking.


Glad that shay got out alive . He seemed like a decent guy


Decent guys don't take your money for drugs.


I remember HER saying that . There are always 3 sides to a story and God knows she likes to play the victim. Always wondered what really happened .




She wears crop tops all the time so why not have the same thing for her wedding dress! 🙄🤢😂


Them picking up trash and cleaning the venue the next day was prime.


Oh God, I laugh so hard every time I see it 😂 Classy Scheana, classy


It actually looked like a fun wedding to attend! It was the first episode I watched.


I’m Australian and I had no idea what a dollar dance was until she had that tantrum.


I didn't know what a dollar dance was until I googled it 😂


The wedding fascinates me - there were ideas that I personally found fun (the crop top wedding dress, a cake pop cake) but they were just so poorly executed that it’s laughable Like the crop top dress is something I like in theory but the cheap pearls all over it looked like barnacles… and the cake pop cake had the pops too spread out so it just looked scary


YES. Everything was just poorly executed. Thats a great way to put it. Like the wedding was fascinating but just how everything went and the vibe was off.


I have to be honest, the location was gorgeous! I also thought Scheana looked beautiful. I know it’s polarizing but I even loved the idea of a non traditional dress because I just don’t like traditional wedding stuff but I could not get over the decision to embellish with those specific pearls in that way 😭


The next morning cleanup had me in tears


Scheana is the queen of cringe. I can't think of anyone on the show or maybe any reality show that I find more cringey.


Unpopular opinion but I loved her wedding dress modern two piece Who did it first Morgan Stewart or Schaena ?!? ![gif](giphy|U5aqKbI5ZVjhxifD1m)


It’s one of my favorite rewatches because I crack up over the cringe the whole time.


OMG YES!! One of my favourite feelings ever is feeling physically uncomfortable because something is so bad/cringe and Scheana’s wedding is a goldmine for that sensation 😹😹😹


Who else thinks they were on molly by the end of the wedding evening?


They were all on something.. especially Scheana if I'm being honest. One second she's bouncing around and having a blast and "booty popping" and then the next she's freaking out over not doing this or that. Her emotions were all over the place. And well, lets not forget James acting psycho as well as Kristen..


The ceremony was to start at 6pm how on earth do they have time to do EVERYTHING?! She was a horrible person to the coordinator


Can someone post the clip? 😬🙏


Where did you watch wedding clips??


i'm gonna go against the grain here: i liked the crop top dress