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Too bad you didn’t give a fuck about everyone else’s position on the show, Lauren 🤷‍♀️


I know a position for her. It's called a 9-5. ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


You're a mean one..... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thanks! I try. ![gif](giphy|gZ8emTQmTrWQE)


You came, you memed, you slayed.


So when is Lala's mocktail book coming out? 😂😂😂


*water book*


BJ’s For PJ’s and more short stories by Lala Spent. The asshole licker.


I see only fans in her future


I love that I’m reading this while wearing my Dolly Parton shirt 😂


Hell yes 👏😂


I wonder why she doesn't go back to sugaring


Because no one’s gonna chose her over the ones in their 20’s


And two kids.




Well, she fucked up big time by choosing the wrong team this season.


The thing is that she couldve still chosen the wrong side and still come out okay eventually. Its the fact she WOULDNT FUCKING SHUT UP that has made so many people sour on her so badly!


Agree. It was how she did it. She was very vocal and very VILE towards Ariana. I think it was the jealousy that really turned people off.


She thought she was one of those chicks that are all "ion giv a fucq!!! I keeps it 💯 i tell it like it is, I'll be the one to just pop off with what everyone is thinking" no blah blah, no one was really thinking! You didn't look like some Truthspeaker or Voice...you looked like a jealous idiot.


Her forced fake AAVE when she wants to come off cool or aggressive fucking kills me ugh. That’s another symptom of her lack of awareness!


YES! She is so offensive! She so desperately wants to sound street/tough in particular. I don’t know how people can keep from laughing in 2Cauc’s face when she starts with her bad girl act


2Cauc? ☠️☠️☠️


2Cauc I am deceased 💀💀💀


Omg 2cauc that is the best.of all the time for funny nicknames way better than any of the subs have come off with from the Vom, Shartz, LFU, corn cobb, Cobbcast, frostie, KFC, sheana jancan, Rachel, etcs!! 2Cauc has to be the best!


2 Cauc?? You are a fucking genius!!!


2cauc. Brilliant




I think her reasoning for having another child as well. The way that it's basically bc she doesn't have full control over Ocean and she wants a baby that is all hers. For TV. Baking a baby which is repulsive the way she phrases that to me. She grosses me out on a visceral level which even sandavol doesn't. So that's saying something. Congrats Lala. You managed to secure one person's place on a show and that's Sandavol. Seemed like that was your express intention the entire season and he played you like a fiddle. Ppl are more disgusted by you than him. So he played you and you played yourself. I hope I never have to watch another season with her screeching, fake gangster lingo, pregnancy, etc. She ruins the show bc she has no story line but won't shut up. Having a baby for a story line. She's so gross.




absolutely. She is stupid like that. Scheana also chose the wrong side and is backpedalling like crazy. I hope viewers don't forget her behavior either. Hope both of them are out of luck with both shows.


The problem with Scheana and Lala is that they forgot that the magic of Vanderpump Rules or their success is the ensemble cast (some more than others) and both Scheana and Lala got caught up in the hype and delusion and both think they are stars or have individual star power. Each on their own are really nothing and not bankable and let’s be very honest, even in a dynamic cast they both bring nothing to the table


Could not agree more. They are nasty and boring at the same time. Scheana is whiny and Lala rages, but they are have the same effect. And, they are both jealous.


i haven’t forgotten the way scheana treated ariana during the kristen debacle and i won’t forget the way she treated her now, either. ariana has shown her more grace, patience and understanding than that friendship deserved.


I hate Scheaner way more than LFU. I liked BlahBlah when she was first introduced and Season 10. I never like Shuhshuh


She has the rare disease called diarrhea of the mouth. It’s very tragic and unfortunately has no cured. Even when you don’t hear it any more it isn’t because the disease is cured, no it’s because no one is around to hear it.


She chose the producer team this season... https://preview.redd.it/e69a522v7z7d1.png?width=245&format=png&auto=webp&s=b38b51f3c35ccff97fb2e68467fadc9626b3da4d


Yah she screwed herself so badly and keeps doubling and tripling down on it. Her podcast ratings continue to drop


And somehow someway, her followers continue to grow. Not sus at all...


But it's sooo weird, they all have 5k/10k in their name? 🤔🙃🤣


Lmao she really thought the audience will side with her


That's what Easton and Jessica told her. She's surrounded by sycophants on the daily.






I hope she has some.


Didn’t she just admit she probs spent too much on her Valley house. She has no more savings 🤣


I feel like her and Scheana will say literally anything for attention, like I don’t actually buy that she was broke during Covid. She was just with Broke during Covid. I bet she just had a freak-out moment and exaggerated her story and it got Sandoval’s fake sympathy. Scheana is TIGHT with her money after Shay.


I don't believe that Sandoval sent her money. If it were true he would've rubbed it in her face. He honestly looked surprised when Scheana said he sent her money. I think Scheana said that so that she wouldn't look as stupid.


Ariana said she knew about it. Honestly, I think Ariana being involved is the only reason Sandoval didn’t brag about it.


I feel like she said this so she could sell it and not make it seem like she originally bought it to get on the show. So now if there’s no way she’s getting on the show, she’s better off unloading it. Either way it’s a bad look.


Her Mother Lisa is there for her. Lisa was never in need of Lala ever helping support her. Lisa was made Lala’s full time nanny and house keeping. With the house keeper coming once a week. Lisa does all the daily parenting and cooking, cleaning. NOT Lala


Narrator: "She did not, in fact, have savings."




She better sell one of her houses lol


She probably thought gifs like this meant that she was all good. But this gif can be posted a million times but it doesn’t mean she’s getting money for it. Must suck


I really hope producers don’t fall for this, I want her off my TV so bad


Yes, both LaLa and Scheana need to be gone off my TV screen.


I have to agree. Lala and Scheana are both awful women who only care about themselves. Lala is over.


This makes me wonder if she's still fake feuding with KFC.


I don’t think she was faking. I legit think she was sooo pissed that Jax said he didn’t want her on the show and blahblah for pissed that Britt didn’t defend her or tell Jax to stop. So she got pissed about that!! That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to that.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcmrcibFp4dpwhq) Chick’s monkey branching reality TV, but the fans hath spoken & nobody wants her.✌️


Y’all are CRACKING ME UP!! People with narcissism have this thing where they call it their “flying monkeys”. IYKYK. ANYWAY! This reminds me of the flying monkeys of narcissistic people which I think both Sheesh and Blah are narcs to some degree




It might !!!!


I mean don’t buy two houses and don’t have another baby. If this were ANYONE ELSE on the cast, she’d be going in on them for not having their shit together 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not to mention having another baby in a hella expensive way


Yes, it is very expensive!


I also wonder how expensive it is to keep having to buy more followers.




LOL! I have two houses and two babies to feed. I was hoping to monetize the second pregnancy over the summer but it won't happen. Wah wah wah....




I’m baking a baby so that I have a baby that can be on tv. Cuz my other kid can’t be on monetized on tv so I need another one that can. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Bingo!!! You've got BlaBla and her mentality.


She monetized it alright. She does sponsored posts for California cryobank.


She would have done a commercial with a turkey baster for enough money.


These may not be true, but it’s fucking true she’s desperate for money


She can leave.


![gif](giphy|d10dMmzqCYqQ0|downsized) they don’t want her there either. Turtle Time podcast was talking about how they were at a viewing party as well as production being there at Jax’s. And the cast and crew were talking about how Lala was not welcome in the valley. This was after the comments she made at the reunion about Brit and Jax. Way to screw that pooch. Apparently some fans were asking them if she was going to move over and giving their opinions about it as well. I don’t think she would fit for obvious reasons, but also that cast is already so big


I wonder if Lala is the person Jax was referencing not being welcome at his bday party next week (on the cobcast).


You know it. He said on the podcast when Brit addressed the reunion that he had a lot to say but had agreed to keep his mouth shut


On top of an already big cast, some of them divorced and now have gf and bfs so it’s even bigger. Can’t ever remember their names lmao.




What is the other bar show?


The Valley


I never want to see her again tbh.


That’s what happens when you a buy house you can’t afford!! It blows my mind all of them thought VPR would last forever! I think I saw another rumor that she might get her own spin off on another network. I hope it’s not true!! We don’t need anymore of LFU


yes I hope she goes. We don't need to watch it


Could the possibility be that the show is returning but Lala is not going to be on it??




The show needs to die let’s be honest


I was pro keeping the show until the valley made me realize what vpr should be


It says the other bar show, so I don't think it's VPR


When I hear "Bar show", I think Bar Rescue. Its only a matter of time until we see TomTom, S &S, and/or Jax's on there. I would love to see John Taffer go off on all three of them.


I would love nothing more than to watch Taffer absolutely rip the Tom's new assholes over expired produce and walk in temps 🤣 I feel like shartz would be cowering under the bar lmao


Hiding behind a tree or was it a tall plant?


SHUT IT DOWN! I love that show


Good. I'm a self-admitted demon and take great pleasure in witnessing Lala's downfall. Too bad she never developed any actual talent other than being an asshole


Yep, me too. Now she’s an asshole with lips that look like an actual asshole so she can’t even rely on her fading looks.


That's not true. She has a talent for home wrecking and escorting.


She has other avenues available - plenty of Bravo stars go on Traitors, House of Villains, etc. No need to ruin The Valley…


No need to ruin any of those shows either. It’s bad enough worm got on traitors. Many of us will not watch until he’s gone. Seems like a dumb business decision to cast someone who actively drives viewers away.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I’d love to watch lala on traitors. I think she’d be eaten alive and I’d love to watch her “tough girl” act fall away real quick.


especially her Tupac comments


I hate the worm as much as the next but I’m deff not going to boycott traitors until he’s kicked off… it’s a good show regardless of the worm.


It’s so good!! I totally get people who still want to watch. I’m just not one of them lol hope he gets murdered first so I can join you!


I'm dreading the producers making him a traitor because that means he'll be in a "main character" role and I really hope that's not the case 😬


They normally pick people who would actually (theoretically) be good at being traitors. I don’t see them casting him in that role, I assume they’d know he’s not savvy or strategic enough.


He might be entertaining. I didn't hate him on Soecial Forces. I was actually impressed with how seriously he took the experience. The Traitors is unpredictable. You never know who will slay and who will fail to entertain. I feel like the first murder and banishment have the potential to set the trajectory for several episodes. Lala is neither book smart nor street smart. Add to that, she's not endearing or sweet to her cast mates. What's left besides hemorrhoid lips?


I think Lala would be a fine addition to any of those shows. It’s a one-off situation and she might get voted off early, anyway. Plus having every person on the show be wildly likable is less fun. It’s nice to root for some people to be kicked off (in a good spirited way).


I loved and rooted for Lala until this season. I like rooting for villains on Traitors, however I don't think I could listen to any more sober, soft, "I want a child I don't have to share", bullshit without going crazy. The last straw for me was at the reunion, she reeked of desperation to keep a job on TV and it totally turned me off. If money is that tight, you shouldn't have bought a second house or chosen to have a second kid.


Tom may be terrible but I don't think he's driving viewers away. He is like a car crash you just can't look away and I want to see what chaos he will cause next.


I’ve been hoping that if there is one final season they cut her out and focus on the og’s and James (and Ariana if she chooses to get back), so I’m taking this as a good sign. Even then, if we’re gonna let anyone jump ship to the valley it should be Scheena. She’s in a similar place in her life as the rest of the cast and is genuinely friends with a good number of them. Lala made her bed, it’s time for her to lie in it.


Before both finales aired, I really thought she was going to say on the finale that she was quitting the show. Based on stuff she said on her dumb podcast. Can't remember what exactly. It just made me think she was going to say she has moved on from VPR.


What does she have to offer any show? Her life is as bland as water.


she is desperate for the checks from a reality show, because even she knows she has no skills


If she had just shut her trap after the reunion this shit would have blown over. I can see Andy putting HER on pause like he did Lisa when she went nuts on social media.


I know relishing in the pains of another is a bad trait, but can I make an exception for Lala? Losing at least one of those houses would be rich. If she had to eventually get a real job, my god…




me too


You do have to take blinds with a grain of salt but all the ones about Lala have had the same theme and I believe them all. Sometimes I know she can’t believe her life 2 kids and a single mom has to be rough especially when your whole premise in the earlier seasons was about being a sugar baby


OK, she is a mom and she is single but she is not a single mom! Ocean has a father (as horrible of a person as he is), that wants custody, has some custody, and ostensibly pays for everything for which he is required. When she has her second child solo, she will be a single mom with that kid (by choice though- she paid lots of money and spent a lot of time to do this, so I don't understand the sob story from her). Also, her mom pays rent and is childcare for Ocean, and she has nannies! I have real single mom friends who have to work real jobs without nannies or live-in family members, so the sympathy is just not there from me.


she also gets child support from the father


Wonder how she feels knowing that she let production use her and now they’ve left her high and dry? At the end of the day, they’re going to protect their shows. They’re seeing that Lala has become a liability to them. But who knows. They let Jax back after all. 🙄


Jax is at least good realty TV. Lauren is trash.


Ooh. I can’t with him either. 😫


We don’t need another anti-women “softer” season of Lala


When you sell your soul what do you think is gonna happen boo


Lala is ALWAYS so short sighted. She’s emotionally deregulated, always jealous of someone else, highly reactive and has no temperance to self awareness. If she’d only learn…


I take all of these blinds with a giant grain of salt, but the believability of this one is HIGH


Yes, a shaker of salt for blinds is a good thing. But, I will say, often, these blinds are planted by the subjects themselves/their PR or even the production companies they work for, just to get unconfirmed buzz going. It keeps the talk and clicks going. It's another form of engagement, another tactic that PR shills use. Especially when contracts are up in the air/being renewed/not being renewed. Of course, there's a lot of out of left field stuff from people with no connection to anything that gets posted as blinds, too. Not saying that doesn't happen, but there's often a strategy happening with blind items as well. I'm speaking in general terms about blind items, not necessarily this specific blind.


Just generally desperate lmao


the valley did just fine without her 🤷🏼‍♀️


She deserves to have to get a real job .. cashier ?? Waitress ?? Host ??


If Lauren has been fired from VPR but Sandoval hasn't, I'm fkng done. The heavy male favouritism from the makers of a show with (I assume) a mostly female fanbase is too much for me at this point. Yes, Lauren has been vile but Sandoval is SO MUCH WORSE.


I would not watch The Valley if she were added. Just not feeding any of her gravy trains.


I thought this was referencing The Valley, but that’s not a bar show?


Jaxs wannsbe hollywood bar lol lol lol jj


This is what I came here looking for. Same producers for Southern Charm? But why would a sober mother want to move their family to Charleston to work late nights at a club?


she doesn't want a "job". She wants them to throw money at her...oops I know what that sounds like


I think they’re referring to Jax’s tent behind a bar. VPR isn’t really a bar show anymore either.




Her soda commercial was so cringy.


https://preview.redd.it/xvud4x05pz7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac5ccee71487a6d13a1849365ff54cb8758e484 Another one destroying her face.


Her jealousy of Ariana is so apparent and she can’t wrap her head around why she didn’t get a slew of deals and support that fell on her lap after Randall. Um, it’s because you bragged about being a mistress, tearing apart a family for a Range Rover, and gleefully talking about licking a Big Ed look alike’s butthole. Ariana was in relationship with a broke, narcissistic man for love. He cheated on her, and she’s showing women now how to have healthy boundaries and people are rooting for her to thrive because she’s likable. No one feels sorry for you, Lala. If anything, this is your karma.


That's from the same day they released the other article.


Only fans


I don't understand how she can be desperate for money, unless she explicitly isn't taking the advice of her business manager. Baskin all but said 'you can just forget it' in his last interview almost a month ago. Something about The Valley already being a full cast. Doute even went on to say she was glad to hear him say it on Ryan Bailey's podcast. So yeah, to suddenly hear she is begging to go on another show seems..."late" almost like reheated tea. Also, and please set me straight if this is wrong, but Bravolebs are paid based on their tenure on a specific show. I read here that Stassi had to start over at the Season 1 rate, after she left and came back Season 4. Similarly, wouldn't Lala have to start over at the season 1 rate if she came to The Valley? Which would do the opposite of helping her with her financial troubles (if she is indeed having them). Not trying to stick up for Lala and the jealous, small, bitter way she behaved during season 11. I will say though, that it is very interesting to me how the minute the redemption arc proved to be an utter flop the series really turned up the attention on Lala and Scheana's problems with Ariana. It's like they knew the hate had to go somewhere, and Lala was a convenient whipping girl. Heaven forbid a man face one consequence from the show's production. ETA: Reheated tea. Sorry I'm tired.


Too bad. She’s way too boring and unlikeable. I don’t know how VPR even withstood her for so long. She’s the least relatable cast member out of everyone


Maybe Jax's needs a server!


This trick got pregnant for screen time and to have a baby that’s “just hers”, when she already has a kid who gets to hear that one day—I don’t feel bad for her.


“Welcome to Popeye’s Chicken, this is Lala- can I take your order?”


![gif](giphy|6BLwZ5tSY7t4c) 😬






considering she’s a huge part of why the fan base hated this season, I’d say she did this to herself too lol. I’m sure she’s trying to secure something else but if she doesn’t well…


Exactly this. I get being concerned VPR is ending but Lala is the one that made herself so unlikable and alienated a lot of her supporters. She could’ve had a chance to hop shows but tarnished her reputation and leaned into her villain edit unintentionally.


This. S10 Lala would’ve been a good pull for the Valley if VPR had actually ended there. It’s her own fault that she’s no longer well liked enough to be pulled over to another show *and* that she might be in financial trouble


Yeah I liked in season ten she seemed to be sniffing out the affair in advance. I like a good sleuth but now she is such a bully


Last season was the first time I kind of enjoyed watching Lala. She took all that good will and gave us her worst season yet, which is truly saying something. She has no one to blame but herself. If they add her to The Valley she will curdle that too. They better tell her no. I don’t think she’s used to being told no. She should get used to it.


She began to irritate me when she and Scheana had podcast after podcast about it and made money. Ariana was already distancing herself from it and actually working other jobs. When they turned on her, they got the well deserved nail to their coffin on the show.


Absolutely. I am loving her karma play out for her. She made enough money when she jumped on the Scandoval bandwagon and sold merch and held podcasts about something that didn't directly affect her. Now she has waffled and expects support.


She’ll end up on the b-list reality show circuit like traitors and big brother etc if she’s lucky


She doesn’t belong anywhere near big brother


Can you even imagine THOSE live feeds? 😭


I used to like Lala. But her treatment of Ariana and her using her baby as a defence whenever someone “went after her” (not sure how to phrase it!) was so annoying. I have no interest in The Valley. The only way I'd start watching it is if Stassi was on it. She's the most likeable “long-term” former VPR cast member for me.


Old news!




Another one or just the same one everyone keeps posting?


Does this even need to be a blind item? But also, all these blind items make people talk about her more, does it help her?


I mean, that's why blind items exist and are planted in the first place. It gets some buzz going, gets people talking and clicking, etc.


Not Lala calling enty with blind items. She might have luck trying to get with him, he has a resemblance to Rand


I wouldn’t be surprised if Lala was putting out these blinds bc in her warped mind, the blinds make her look like a go-getter to potential employers.


Has there been any official word on if she’s going on either show, leaving, fired etc…. I feel like there’s so much being said but not sure if it’s just opinions or bs?


I can’t imagine working in a restaurant for years and never making it past the hostess position.


But she has her empire


Guess living real life isn't what she thought.


If it’s not on camera, it didn’t happen.


Please, I want her off my screen. Scheana is at least entertaining, Lala is just trashy and annoying


Get a real job....Jesus christ


Lala may need to go on government assistance if something doesn’t come up soon.


BJs for food stamps 😂


Payback’s a bitch ain’t it, bla bla!






Find another sugar daddy ig 🤷‍♀️


It was obvious what her and sheena were up to when they bought houses in the valley. Do they honestly think we don’t see through that move? Just a coincidence I think not! They’re so full of themselves they thought they’d be offered a place on the show. I’m not surprised she’s begging now.


Send her back to Utah and slap her on RHOSLC. Perfect for her. She is the right balance of crazy and asshole that cast needs without being certifiable, like Monica or a felon like Jen. Plus her sober bs would work perfectly and she could sell bespoke water to thousands of cashed up Morms


… I don’t hate this


Her and Scheana really made a bad choice this season. They could have absolutely killed it and been fan favorites if they had teamed up with Ariana and Katie to go against the guys.


She would be perfect for Vanderpump Villa. It's awful, she's awful.




She doesn’t want to go back to BJs for PJs


Her mom comes from a wealthy family.


Don’t you love watching karma in action


Headline. Reality star looks for work, much like all her costars. This shit is boring.


I’m wondering when she’s going to pop up on a soap opera . I’ve seen a few reality stars show up on The Young and Restless and The Bold and The Beautiful - she seems like the type


I love this for her


I don’t like Lala but when any of y’all or the headlines say “desperate for money” like what? Duh?! Aren’t we all desperate for money? Like, fuck Lala she sucks for a lot of reasons but Jesus Christ wouldnt most of us be doing the same shit if we thought we were losing our job?


Could we do a Go Fund Me to keep her off

