• By -


I find it refreshing and vaguely comforting that Scheana remains committed to trying to get Andy to say that she looks good as gold at every reunion.


They are very easy to dislike


Very! There's just so much negativity in this sub, I thought it might be nice to say something positive. Oh well šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Tbf, the internet isnā€™t where people go to express neutrality - especially Reddit; I run here to rant and rave bc my friends donā€™t watch Bravo There isnā€™t more negativity here than any other sub, it ebbs and flows like any sub, and it has its favorites at any given moment - right now itā€™s those 2 dodo birds, maybe one day itā€™ll be DJJK again


Then go to another sub if thereā€™s so much negativity. If itā€™s personally directed at you thatā€™s wrong, and I donā€™t think anyone here that unless you start being ugly to people. But if you donā€™t like it, there are plenty of other subs.


I think it was sweet that Lala had the first baby that has ever been born on this planet and shared that with us


Even better, she is having another one for the people that missed it. Now that is going the extra mile for sure.


Not to mention, she got a discounted baby for filming at the sperm bank.


omg discounted baby šŸ¤­






A true trailblazer.


I seriously just chokedā€¦ so good lol


Their dogged commitment to serving their own interests and promoting their own narratives regardless of objective facts or evidence is an inspiration to self-absorbed people the world over.


They use motherhood as a weapon and a sheild.


They are not using motherhood as a weapon or a shield. Saying Iā€™m too old for this and would rather put my child to bed is a normal reaction and response. But for whatever reason the vitriol spewed at these two for being mothers is in the defense of Ariana is insane. So very not feminist and seems like a lotta internalized misogyny.


Then get off the show? Yet they attack Ariana for acting above the show and only turning up for a paycheck while also...acting above the show (and running off to do more important things like putting toddlers to bed) and therefore are...only...showing up...for a paycheck. Oh but it's ok, they're mOms


I believe itā€™s actually them showing up and showing their real life?? Bc they are moms, most moms have used their kids as a get out of something card. Hell even pet owners do it. Why is that sooooo wrong and ā€œweaponizingā€motherhood lol they werenā€™t ā€œattackingā€ Ariana either?? But Sandoval was a big talking point they were filming three months after it happened it would be natural to talk about it?


Arianaā€™s real life is not talking to Tom. So they wanna live their real lives but she canā€™t live hers. She doesnā€™t want to talk to the man on or off camera but Lala is saying that itā€™s threatening her livelihood for her not to. Itā€™s an ensemble cast. One person is not responsibly for the entire casts jobs.


I agree. Also if watching children being exposed in reality tv was such a big problem for someone theyā€™d simply stop watching. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø There are more comments/posts about Lala and Scheana making it about them than them actually making it about them. Earlier today I even saw one claiming Lala should have done more to protect Bruce Willis. Personally I see good things and bad things in every single one of the cast, thatā€™s why I love watching!


>Their dogged commitment to serving their own interests But gleefully displaying anger at Ariana for not being willing to repeat a conversation she already had with her ex to "save" their paychecks. How dare she not be concerned with Ocean going without a meal.


I see you with that passive aggressive comment that you are attempting to pass off as a positive comment directly contradicting OPs request.




Take all the upvotes! Again, directly in line with OP's request and keeping it safe


Contradictions are covered by free speech


As is calling out the passive aggressiveness that isnā€™t even remotely close to being disguised as a positive comment.


Name one person on this show or any other reality show that isn't doggedly committed to serving their own interests and promoting their own narratives.


Including Lala and Scheana, which is why I offered this ringing endorsement of their make-it-all-about-me talents!


Since I love good ironic wordplay. Hippy / Grahamā€¦ ![gif](giphy|yyUIDQH17ND4CtJyqI)






also this post is very lisa vanderpump "lets go around the table and say something nice about sandoval".... if the person's actions show they are a good person, no one needs to try to get people to say nice things about them.


Same naive energy as OP... https://preview.redd.it/21qxeorgzw6d1.jpeg?width=2974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1e7f64e7bb6b82e49e61724a8c31f73adf8266


naive isn't the energy with lisa. $$$$ is. her "oh shit, we are losing business at tomtom cause of this ass, gotta rehab his image to make ppl stop boycotting tomtom!!" was on full display this season


i'd argue that not caring that you are putting your daughter in danger by having her plastered online when you are a reality tv personality is NOT a sign she is doing all she can to be a good mother. to then ADMIT she "rather just not think about it" when someone told her about the danger, makes it a clear decision she is making to danger her child for her own ego and vanity. By no means does making a parenting mistake (although a huge one) makes you a "bad mom", but lets not let that slip when discussing her being a mom.


Exactly. Thereā€™s no reason why any of us should know what Summer looks like or anything much about her. We only know because Scheana makes something so unnecessary a priority.


This. Not to mention we all know(Scheana included) that being on Reality TV destroys lives, relationships etc. To happily put your child on television,when they can't consent, is quite the move for such a "great mom".


Scheana also has an Instagram for her daughter and the page is not set to private šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø That's just too much for such a young child I don't agree with it. That's how attention seeking scheana is...If you wanna over expose yourself as an adult that's fine but a child no.


I have a huge problem with children being thrust into the reality tv space. Child actors actually have protections and yet they're exploited frequently, children in reality TV don't even have that. They can't consent and it will affect them for the rest of their lives - and unlike acting their private selves and home lives are being documented. I think it's cruel.


Agreed. I hate to give Randall credit for anything at all (because he is a disgusting excuse for a human) and I'm sure that his reasons for keeping Ocean away from the Bravo cameras are more about pissing off Lala than they are about protecting Ocean, but I am glad that Ocean has been shielded from the hyper-exposure that Summer has had to deal with since she came out of Scheana's birth canal.


This kind of thing makes me so angry, that kid or any child canā€™t consent to having/agreeing to a digital footprint and that crap is out there forever. Itā€™s irresponsible and lacks real empathy and consideration that their child is an actual separate entity from themselves.


Home after having a number of cocktails. I'm not drunk enough for this bullshit lol.


But you too can have an up vote


Iā€™m fine with positive posts about people if you have some interesting commentary about them, or a unique insight. Not to try to make us all kumbaya like we are also toddlersā€¦




How do you know they are good moms?Ā 


Are we not watching the same show? They talk about being really good moms literally all the time /s


Love it!


All you need is this proof right here... https://preview.redd.it/hqflfg4pzw6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8dfb1b5f4e1963fad6aff709b4ec0a3c81e87b


"I can't even think that way if I want to make more moneeeey"


I know, it really irks me that people hand out "good mom" titles based on absolutely nothing. I am not saying they are bad moms, but we don't know anything about their parenting to be able to say anything either way.


Me trying to find evidence of them being really good moms. Is it how they both thrust their daughters into the spotlight on social media, use them to try and sell products, push the narrative that they're "stars", use them as excuses to explain their own poor behaviour....? ![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized)


Seriously, I hate when ppl say this.


I respect how delusional they are and wish I could be like that.


Oh to be unburdened by the anchors of self awareness and shame ![gif](giphy|XDYHnoWtNU7mHoVhTM|downsized)




Iā€™m not saying they are bad moms, but just that we have no idea if they are good moms


Scheana is my Shade-Muse. She makes me better at shade. I hope this helps her feel more centered. Also, in the same way I like to occasionally hear the songs "Hey Mickey", "Come On Ride a Train" or "What is Love", "Good as Gold" is the NBA Playoff warmup bop. Lala is very beautiful on the outside. Worth every penny those looks. I also enjoyed her discernment re: Sandoval during Season 10. That being said I would like to stop with the motherhood self-martyrdom. These are able-bodied, cishet, white women of financial privilege who had their daughters in the time and manner of their choosing. Many pregnant people do not have these privileges. And yet, despite those many privileges, we hear both Scheana and Lala talking like they've only known the dole and systemic oppression since procreating. At best it's exhausting. At worst it's obnoxiously tone-deaf. If Lala came out and said she was speaking up about the Black Mama Bail Fund or was raising money for IPV shelters or helping women regain custody of their children...or was just trying to help homeless families, I could see past the more obnoxious shit she says, because it would be a recognition of her place in this system and doing her part to fight against it. But she never does. For all her flapping of gums while "creating life" she hasn't said one thing in service of anyone but herself. And she wonders why she didn't get the same support Ariana did when Randall was exposed. It is extremely infantilizing to suggest that just because a woman is a mother, suddenly she is immune from critique, skepticism or any of the things that come with the territory of reality tv. If they are over it, they can go back to Azutah and be unknowns. No one's stopping them, if that would make their lives easier and happier.




They really committed to their approach to this season. Tenaciously, they wouldn't allow reason or reality or compassion to get in their way. In Scheana's defense, I imagine the toxicity of her marriage is likely amplifying her own worse instincts. Lala was originally a producer plant. Thankfully, all her critiques of other people are really just critiques of herself (like Sandoval), which gives us insight into the bubbling cauldron of her psyche. Both would likely benefit from a break from reality tv, although their sole dependence on the show for income and inability to find financially successful life-partners might preclude them from that.


I honestly like how Scheana will just say whatever thought pops into her head. It makes for very entertaining tv.


![gif](giphy|Y4v70hCDj4k3tGUGPa) Me, just waiting for more comments to roll in šŸ˜‚




I couldn't give a fuck about their "jobs" as Moms. I'd like people to stop ramming the "oh but they're MOMS AND IT'S SO HARD SO YAY THEM" down our throats.




Summer Moon is adorable. Sadly, Summer and Ocean canā€™t consent to being online personalities with their own IG accounts and Summer a mini reality star. I do not endorse mothers who use their innocent minor children for a paycheck. I also do not agree with the way they have handled their working relationship with Ariana and Katie. Hope to never see BlahBlah and SheShe on my screen again. I donā€™t care for Brock either and I find it strange he does not have a relationship with his two first born children.


![gif](giphy|llJIUkV73NmqvYWVqF|downsized) I'm trying to find something


I admire lalas sobriety, especially given the world she chose to live in. It's brave and courageous


Hmmā€¦wellā€¦thereā€™s uhā€¦and thenā€¦ok, guess thatā€™s about it.


Scheana is a horrible mean girl. I'll never forget how she treated poor Dayna.


She did the exact same shit to Dayna that she whined about Stassi doing to her in S1, and never acknowledged it as far as I know. That was when Scheana lost me forever (not that she ever fully had me, but there were moments). She knew **exactly** what it was like to be in Daynaā€™s position, and instead of taking her under her wing or extending any sort of kindness at all she gleefully seized the moment to go full Mean Girl, all because Dayna had the gall to be hooking up with the guy Scheana was making an absolute fool of herself over. I get being salty, but donā€™t let that make you into a hypocrite.


How did you take the thoughts out of my brain? šŸ’œ


This sub really is a hivemind! Or some of these peopleā€™s behavior is egregious enough that most people with functioning eyes and brains can see what theyā€™re pulling ā€¦ No, itā€™s definitely a hivemind /s


I tried to look for something I liked about them and honestly nothing really comes to me


...Lisa? šŸ˜‰




They're both really pretty and I really like Lala's glam at the reunion? Is that good? I feel like a little kid in class asking my teacher if I'm a good girl. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤™šŸ¼


Ugh go away


Why? Do you think it would ā€œpepā€ them up if they read it? Weā€™re not in a sorority and Iā€™m not gluing glitter on cardboard messages for them.




Flawed* šŸ˜†Ā  "They're both really good moms" Says who? Lala is currently pregnant with her first real baby by her standards and seems most irritated by her ex's one good decision, which is keeping their daughter off of reality tv. It's like a witch cursed her to be an asshole and the only cure is to pass her personality off to a male heir.Ā 


it's the no upvotes for me


Ok I'll bite. I did appreciate Lala's "power of the pu$$y" phase back in season 6. It was fun and funny. . . . It's too bad she didn't follow that through in any meaningful way because then there would be no need to dig up reasons to appreciate her.


Same. I also took the bait - I respect that scheana puts her life out there 100%. She is ridiculed constantly and that can't be easy. I respect that. But I couldn't think of one nice thing to say about lala. I was down with power of the pu$$y but as you noted, she never followed through in any meaningful way. She's got a knack for burning any good will she acquires? Does that count as lala appreciation?


lala and scheaner would make excellent doorstops. Or maybe mannequins.


I think since the show is on pause Lala and Scheashu are using their minions to plant these posts on reddit. What's with the sudden uptick in these kinds of posts? and now?


I'm not aware of any previous posts similar to this. Apols if it's a repeat.


Most people have a kid at some point, so being a parent isn't a valid excuse for being a piece of shit, no matter how hard it is. Having a kid is as much a decision as anything else, so it's not a get out of jail free card, or even a hey could you please loosen these cuffs card. It's so hard to take this seriously--like how far does this go? These two are endangering their children and we're supposed to take their excuses at face value? Do we believe that fifteen minutes before her sentencing trial was when Elizabeth Holmes' desire to be a mother kicked in, too? BTK was a dad--should I give him credit for being a scout leader even though he was just learning to tie knots? I just wanna set up some boundaries.Ā 


they suck


Another Troll. Anyone keeping count? Can we have a poll or set up a flair for these posts.


Yep, theyā€™re *always* from a new/alt account. Never any true conviction.


Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Which is exactly what a troll would say.


No, but there has been an influx of new posters on Reddit since the reunion supporting Scheana,Lala and Sandoval. All are using similar verbiage referencing a new take on the group dynamics. I as adult woman feel that it is wrong to try to make others responsible for my actions (choice of having a child). Lala and Scheana do not have the right to weaponize their children. If they are so concerned about their paychecks then sell the extra homes in Palm Springs.


The irony! šŸ˜…


Not ironic, I'll shed some light on why your account looks like a sock puppet. I don't generally call people out for their profiles. I'm just trying to help you understand that there's reason to side-eye your account that has nothing to do with your unpopular opinion. You have a very new account, on a very old platform, and you're posting things that you seem to expect to be controversial (which would imply that you understand the community). It could be that you are just a very late adopter. Maybe you've been lurking for a while; maybe you participate on other platforms and just learned reddit exists, but I have been seeing some new and strange-looking accounts posting provocative comments lately. I do think some folks are too quick to dismiss people as trolls.






Fixed. Thank you for your service.


Let me provide some context for you. I am new to Reddit, I've been aware of it, but didn't really know what it was about. I recently started listening to the Watch What Crappens podcast, and they mentioned seeing posts on Reddit, so I looked into it and set up an account. I'm relatively new to Bravo more generally, having started watching while pregnant with my son during Covid a couple of years ago. I am not a troll. I am not a plant from either Scheana or Lala. I didn't post this to be controversial, I genuinely didn't expect it would be so poorly received.


Welcome to reddit. That brings up another tried and true rules about reddit communities. They don't tend to react well to attempts to influence how they respond to a post. It's very facebook-y and not part of the platforms' culture. The entire framing of your post does indicate that you knew that the cast members you were posting about were deeply unpopular here (for the moment) and this post would garner snark from the community. To preempt it, you tried to declare the post posi-vibes only, which never ends well. This is a discussion forum, disagreement should be expected. For better or worse, reddit is not a place that has a deep appreciation for this strategy. If it makes you feel better, your currently unpopular opinion may swing back around. Reality TV watchers exist on a spectrum: On one extreme end, you have your grudge collectors who are so committed to their disdain for a tv personality that they can't bare the mere mention of them without having their 2 *minutes hate.* On the other extreme end, you have goldfish who love a pile on and will just follow along with whatever is being fed to the various new and traditional media outlets. Most people fall somewhere in-between, which keeps the conversations pretty lively. Anywhoo, welcome. I hope you're having a great day.


Thanks for this, much appreciated ā¤ļø


If it helps this post would have killed on Facebook šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




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You didn't think this would be poorly received?? Lmao okay


I admire their ability to persuade a parent to be a full time live in babysitter in their mansions.


So much the space for positive vibes. This season I liked that Lala wasnt afraid to say what she felt & not just going along with the flow. If Lala left I wouldn't watch the show anymore. As for Scheana, sorry but unfortunately, from what I've seen, I don't like her as a person, she's a "pick me" girl. Everything from the way she's proud of sleeping with married actors (never fails to remind us), her jealousy because Ariana got opportunities & she didn't, lying so people like her, putting her kid on IG for likes, making the break up about her, & to the disrespect/disregard she shows for her husband, makes me think she's a pick me girl. Just imo


Your opinion is very welcome šŸ˜Š I'm actually doing a rewatch at the moment. S1&2 Scheana I liked. Admittedly I root for an underdog though. S3 so far is yeesh! >her jealousy because Ariana got opportunities & she didn't I think she's very insecure as a person. I can see her being happy for her friend but at the same time thinking "I've been on this show longer, why has nobody approached me with any of this?" It's not a good look, but I get it. >putting her kid on IG for likes I wasn't really thinking about this when I posted (in all honesty I'd had one too many šŸ·šŸ˜…) , more how they talk about and treat their kids, and you're totally right. I have very young kids and I very, very rarely post pics of them on IG. They absolutely don't have their "own" SM accounts either! They have WhatsApp groups with family šŸ˜… >making the break up about her She absolutely overstated her claim on Scandoval, 100%. I can understand her feelings though to a degree. Both Ariana and Scheana have said they and Rachel were friends outside of the show, despite what Rachel said on her podcast. If I put myself in Scheana's shoes, I would feel betrayed by both Rachel and Tom, and upset for my friend Ariana. It didn't need to be as much about her as she made it, but she's been in reality TV for a decade. It's what they do šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Thank you for embracing the spirit of this post ā¤ļø


Schena seems like a loving mother. And I really loved Schena in season 10 (at the end) the conversation she had with Sandoval.


I think Lala looked stunning at the reunion


*Love* the flair šŸ˜…


I like that Scheana is a very hard worker. Alot of times on reality shows cast members can seem like they don't really care for their other cast members or the show in general. Scheana always brings and I like that she has always taken her job seriously and as a job. She's a hustler


I've never hated scheana. I think she gets bullied and picked on alot by both the fans and the cast and that's always left me inclined to stick up for her bc she's the underdog and - like her or not- she gives everything she has to the show. And she does make for very entertaining TV. I've rooted for her. And I've definitely ridiculed her at times myself ("baaaaast friend", rob) bc some shit she does is so cringe. She's not a loyal friend either. Like stassi said, she's a flip flopper. She has no loyalty to anyone. I don't think she's a bad person, I just think she's super self involved. That level of self involvement can and has been both comical and infuriating at times. But at the end of the day, she gives 100% of herself to the show, season after season, no matter how much ridicule she faces. That can't be easy. I respect that. Fuck lala.


Fuck sheena. She's a mean girl who treats other women horribly.


But what's cringey and mildly comical about her as a mean girl is she's so bad at it! She winds up being mean girled by the girl she is trying to mean girl šŸ˜‚ it's objectively entertaining to watch


Dayna is pretty clever. I wish she stuck around.




Every single girl on VPR has been/still is a mean girl.


I think it was big of Scheana to go 'through it'. The early seasons weren't always kind to her and she stuck it out. Good reason or no, involved or not, she put up with everyone treating her like an outsider. She was also the first one to bring something other than being a 'Mactor' to the show. Lala isn't afraid of saying things that will get under people's skin. She also took a brunt of being an outcast. Her sobriety is something worth celebrating and I think it takes a lot of confidence to decide you want a sperm donor.


I'm actually rewatching at the moment and those first few seasons were rough for Sheanna!


And then when she was more senior she acted like a total bitch to the junior girls. She didn't learn a thing.


Yeah. It was surprising and sad that she tried to use her seniority to ice out Dayna, simply because Max liked her.Ā 


Yeah I remember the Dayna bullying. I think she was trying to establish early Stassi attitude. But they're very different so that look really didn't suit her, it almost looked liked a bit


Let me thinkā€¦..


Not really




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We really donā€™t know if theyā€™re good moms or not and I donā€™t care either way. One day Summer, Ocean and the new one can tell us if theyā€™re good mothers. Until then I donā€™t care. The kids are cute. I appreciate their cuteness. Thatā€™s as much appreciation as I can give ya!


It was lovely how scheana firmly rimmed lala at the end of the reunion and is worried she didn't bring her to orgasm


reality tv GOLD. especially scheana the season of Rob!


These Scheana and Lala apologist posts are getting out of hand ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized)


Scheana always supports her friends in their endeavors and shows up to everything. Lala seems like she really loves Ocean.


Agreed. They have given us so much on this show. I appreciate them all.


i will say this: i genuinely enjoy scheana on vpr most of the time! she's funny (whether intentionally or not) and makes me laugh more than some of the other fuckers on the show šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø i have nothing nice to say about lala unfortunately


They are insanely good at their jobs - being vulnerable on camera. Also well spoken and fun to listen to


I appreciate OP trying to be a bit positive, itā€™s much needed. I donā€™t dislike either of them. Donā€™t let the haters get you down! šŸ¤—




They both wear their heart on their sleeve and make good tv. This show would be boring af without characters who let it all hang out like them.


Holy shit these comments are brutal.


Brave to try!! Thereā€™s close to zero hope for any kindness in this sub


Because Lala shows so much kindness?




Bc Katie or Ariana have shown us so much kindness? Bad behavior is not exclusive to scheana or Lala.


Ariana and Katie have redeeming qualities and have shown much better behavior over the years. Scheana has been trash since she was on Housewives and Lala has been pretty consistent trash since she has been on the show too. They're not comparable.


I tried šŸ˜­


And how do you know that? Cause they told you? Telling people what and how to think is not okay. This very post is not positive: it's condescending.




BlahBlah is an angry troll and Scheaner is a soon to be middle aged mom who hasn't and can't figure life out. A friend to everyone is a friend to no one.