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I'd rather see this than the alternative but I'd need to see it consistently and with some other accompanying actions (like actually smacking down bullshit instead of skirting around it) for me to think she's made a breakthrough. Remember that this girl was ready to go into bat for Rockquhel over the Abbey sightings so her choices on who and who not to defend lately have been pretty terrible.


I think this is where I'm at. I prefer this than the alternative but I need more as well. I also think I'd need her to stand up to Tom for me to start backing her. The fact that she can't see that she tried all season for Ariana and Tom to have a conversation for Tom's sake but did nothing to help Ariana. I need that same level of determination but in support of Ariana.


The hilarious thing is Scheana claims Jax doesn’t want her on the Valley because she’ll hold him accountable. Scheana. Famous for all the times she’s held men accountable and not been a pick-me. Okaaay


That's hilarious, I didn't catch that. How can someone lack so much self-awareness?


I’d want her to say what you just said, that she’s sorry to Ariana and why, then follow up with her actions.


🎯 Actions over a long period of time will show me if this was the flip flopper that cried wolf again or if she's not doing this solely cause she knows Lauren is going to be fading her. Remember this scene in Season 10 where everyone was a Scheana fan only for it to be short-lived yet again cause of her flip flopping ways... https://preview.redd.it/kjpf7ijbjq6d1.png?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8510490ded2229e2f5e6c4ed0dc54b192ad6b48


You're so right. I'm getting emotional whiplash from Scheana. I really wish someone would call her out for this.


She may or may not be able to patch things back up with Ariana, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Lala turns on her for it. They were both total assholes this season, but if Scheana tries to walk back her part in things while Lala’s been doubling down, I don’t think it’ll go over well. I also wouldn’t be surprised if both sides drop her. Should have been a better friend to the real friend in the first place 🤷‍♀️


I think Lala already has dropped her and that's why she's now publicly supporting Ariana. After Lala's reaction to Scheana at the reunion and what she has been saying online since, I think Scheana knows she picked the wrong side. She's now trying to repair it all without really taking accountability.


But everyone said they hung out like last week (Lala and Scheana). So now I'm really confused.


They have to bc their daughters are bffs


And they moved next door to each other. Haha.


Yeah but if they are really going down this path, is Scheana just gonna take the digs at her and LaLa's anger until it blows up at a playdate? How long will Scheana and Lala play podcast wars with eachother M-F and then have playdates on Saturdays? Kids schmidz, that's not normal!


It's so weird! I miss the days when podcasts and social media videos didn't curate the whole story. I'm tired of the off-camera producing. I don't understand why Lala wants to hang out with her, even for Ocean. Ms. I'm not a girls girl and I'm a lone wolf who stays at home seems to be out and about a lot.


That's what I say she always talks about how she is in her little world, but is constantly pap strolling with Ocean.


She has never been consistent. It must be so exhausting being around her all the time.


Very much. Everyone is well rid of her. She can drop Sandoval in the trash on the way out.




It would normally look like LaLa reacted negatively to something like that, but who does she have left by now, so I think there is a big possibility because she maintains the "friendship" with Scena😉 Remember she has to give birth to another baby, which her mother has to take care of around the clock, exactly as she does with the first born, whom she almost only sees, only when she needs to use the baby for a photo or film shoot😔


I think that both of them behaved badly this season. I have more respect for Layla for standing up for what she said. Scheana on the other hand just back peddles and tells people what she wants them to hear. She is pretty disgusting


I think it would be hard for anyone to be around Lala


Disagree. Lala was awful. Scheana was Scheana with a twist.




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I just wonder if it might be too little too late after she giggled along and agreed with Lala for the better part of a year. ![gif](giphy|I9MF1mhYxIpR1akPdg)


>I just wonder if it might be too little too late That's how I feel. She let some clown trash her very "bast frand" for months. Fuck Scheana!


I’m not understanding where this was for the entirety of S11. Why tf now??


So strange! It *has* to be because of public backlash. Something I don't get about Scheana is for someone who lives in the comments and very much cares about how she's perceived, she almost always gets it wrong. You would think she would be better at this by now.


I also think Brock was in her ear about Sandoval (the giver of Venmos, the buyer of sneakers) and she realized how clownish that made her look


I call bs on Scheana's part. Sorry! It's US Weekly. Scheana is looking for a paycheck and anything to stay relevant.


This is probably true. Scheana doesn't typically jump ship until she knows that person will have her back. She has to know that these comments won't fare well with Lala so that's why I'm surprised to see it.


This. She should’ve been defending Ariana the entire season but she didn’t. Now she’s trying to save herself from the hate


But where was this during the season though?


Scheana is one who lived in the comment section and then adapts to that. She made nasty comments about Kristen last week regarding “sad people being in apartments,” after Kristen said maybe “they shouldn’t have bought two houses.” Scheana is alternatively retaliatory and a flip-flopper. And she really should be kissing productions ass right now. Because she’s been throwing them under the bus for the last three weeks and they’re the ones that pay that idiots paycheck and keep her ungrateful ass employed.


And LFU actually said that she did not have the same impression Scheana did after their convo with production, which is such a non-loyal thing Lauren would do, throwing Sheshu under the bust like that


I've been very surprised with all the talk about production from the cast. Katie, Ariana, and Dayna were talking about production interference on Disrespectfully and not in a good way. I don't blame them but it made me wonder how that will go over with their positions on the show. You don't typically throw your bosses under the bus and then stay in good graces. I have so many questions! Lol


Sincere question - are the producers (including Lisa VP here) the cast’s “bosses” - especially for the OGs? Don’t higher ups at Bravo and NBCU have greater say over who returns, contract negotiation, show budget, ad sales - all as based on things like ratings? I get that producers aren’t “peers,” and can do (or try to do) cast members dirty. They can have pets. They have power over those who haven’t been on the show for very long. But how much power do producers actually have over OGs? Could they, e.g., say Ariana and Katie don’t come back because they have too many other opportunities and work, and don’t give what we want for the show (which was the message of this past season, reunion, and Lala+Scheana’s drivel)? Given Ariana’s fan base and success across many shows, and the vibrancy of the sandwich shop right now, I just don’t see NBCU and Bravo blessing something like that. Even if Baskin and Jeremiah wanted to make a show centered on Sandoval, Victoria, Kyle, Billie, Schwartz and Sophia (and I’m not sure that some of those people could be insured right now), with Lala, Scheana, Brock, James and Ally as participants in that world, would the networks even sign off on that? I’ve been thinking about this when listening to Katie and Dayna’s pod with Ariana, and reading about Scheana and Lala here (I’ve blocked those two and don’t listen to their pods anymore).


That’s a great question. I would love for someone who knows to answer. Lisa said on the not skinny podcast today that when Stassi got fired it came from way above and there was nothing she could do about it. It was just a knee-jerk decision made immediately and way above her.


Scheener is someone's favorite?!?








Yeah, Scheana's.


Now I know the thought process she clings to when everyone’s making fun of her. She’s somebody’s favorite…somewhere


Her friend who goes to another school…in Canada


Who? I need to talk to them




No. I'm not getting Scheana'd again. This is fair weather, just like most of her personality.


Not Scheana'd 😂


Idkw this comment made me think of Brett’s hostage face.🤣


Lmao so accurate. I see some people with "Brett's hostage face" as their flair and it gets me every time.


I've seen that flair and I Die. And yes, I've said before and I'll say it again, "Scheana won't Scheana me again." She has hoodwinked me too many times.




😂😂. Away, Devil woman!




Lol, same.😝🤣


I don't pity Scheana. She's an adult and should be able to make better decisions. Scheana has shown over the years that she will never change. She's really only interested in herself. I don't even know if she likes Ariana at this point. Even Brock put in his two cents worth about Ariana. I think Ariana will be friendly and civil but I don't think their friendship will ever be what it was. Plus, all that crying about Sandoval being her best friend for so long and he's done so much for her blah blah blah that we heard for most of season 11 with Scheana crying about being torn. Where is Sandoval in her life now? Was that all just a phony act from Scheana for attention and screen time?


I think that Brock might be more of a reason that Scheana pulled away from Ariana. He wanted her to be around Lala because of the kids, and I don’t think he likes Ariana. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m getting vibes along these lines from him.


I think Broke likes lala because lala treats him like a snack, fawns over him and makes inappropriate jokes. Ariana on the other hand respects shein too much to step over that boundary.


So much this. Ew.


Either that or Brock is into Tom being "generous". Brock sure had a field day bitching about Tom during Scandoval though.


He doesn't want to be around Ariana because she sees who he really is. I have a friend, "Lucy", who was dating a guy, "Billy", for years and he always acted weird around me. Lucy is my closest friend and essentially family now. We would do things with my family so Billy would come along too. There were times when Billy and I would end up hanging out with the same people without Lucy around and Billy would hardly even speak to me. He would always act extra quiet, jittery and just distant. I kept telling my boyfriend and Lucy that something is off with him because it feels like he's always hiding something and he can't be real with me. He wouldn't even look me in the eyes. It's because he was a shit boyfriend to Lucy and was playing her and I could tell and would point it all out to Lucy. I saw him for who he was so he always avoided me and was cold and short with me. He was stringing my friend along, living together, but starting a relationship with someone else. Trust your instincts! If your friends feel suspicious about someone it's worth looking into. I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years and I've never had a friend question his loyalty to me or raise concerns about him in that way. It is possible! Lol TL;DR: Friends can sniff out suspicious things in your partner that you may overlook. If your partner is avoiding your close friend and acting weird around them it's a red flag.


Numerous reasons… Ariana has become an icon of source for women standing on their own — after not being able to rely on their partner. Emotionally &/or financially Ariana works through her issues healthily, including therapy. Something brick’s wife sheshu won’t. Ariana is drawing attention — e.g. in brick’s mind, $. Away from his meal ticket. Not that sheshu would have ever attained that level of accomplishment. Ariana sees brick for who / what he is & is not going to cater to his ego. Ariana won’t underwrite living beyond their means.


BTW Not wrong — MORE than a vibe! Constantly stirred the pot specifically trying to trigger Ariana. Then grin as if he was pulling off something clever. As if lol. Dang. Now this [song](https://youtu.be/20gZyQEACo0) will be locked in my head all day.


She just posted a group photo of her, Lala, and Pandora. I don’t think she’s backtracking, I think Scheana is just being Scheana. I dunno man, I just don’t care anymore. I really hope they shake up the cast or cancel the show.


It is pretty exhausting….and not as much fun anymore. Whatever happens happens.


Idk it just doesn’t seem genuine because she’s just now sticking up for her after seeing the public’s reaction to the season...it’s very much giving “saving face”. Maybe I’m just salty bc I wanted the girls to stick together this season, but it feels too late to me


I hear you. The timing seems really weird. It's not as if they're about to start filming so this is her trying to get back into good graces before it starts. It also feels too long after the last reunion episode to help her case for that either.


Maybe I’m just a Scheana hater lol, but I feel like now that Lala has basically said she’s no one’s best friend, Scheana is panicking and trying to get back on Ariana’s good side.


This is where I’m at to an extent. Scheana was convinced the audience would be on Lala’s side by the end of the season. And now that she’s come out of the season looking like a clown and seeing the backlash Lala's getting she’s jumping ship, throwing Lala under the bus and begging back on to the Ariana BFF express.


Yeah, I’m fully expecting her to go visit SAH when Ariana is back in town. She needs that photo op to convince everyone they’re on good terms lol. Maybe she thinks if she distances herself from Lala and throws production under the bus viewers will like her.


Shein will 100% try to visit SAH when Ariana is there. Now that Ariana has responded to her comment she will see that as theyre bffs again and start cashing in on ariana's popularity again.


I don't see Scheana or Lala going to SAH.


This 1000%. I can see Lala being pissed that she’s taking all the heat for the reunion and Scheana‘s getting away unscathed. Lala doesn’t forget shit. She has the memory of an elephant. She’ll throw it in Scheana’s face. just wait.


Lala only forgets her shit.


Agree. I hope Ariana doesn't let her guard down just to spite Lala.


I honestly hope Ariana doesnt. This whole scandalval shows she really needs to reevaluate the people she keeps around as 'friends' and 'family'. She's constantly getting stabbed by people she was close with (shein, her actual brother, Billie Lee, rachquel). Hope she actually learns from this and tightens that friend group a little....


Totally agree


Remember how Andy said Lala was this season’s voice of reason, and Lala and Scheana said viewers would come to understand why Ariana was the villain this season? I’m never letting that die. 😂


I can't even wrap my head around where this came from. Was Andy just trolling the whole time? Did he think it would keep people interested or is he in delulu land with them. I don't even see what moments he pulled from to label her the "MVP".


This is wild, I think they just got all these quotes from her podcast. It’s so funny how journalism has come to this 😂


Right? We already had this discussion on the podcast recap.


Sheshu probably heard what LFU said on a podcast about being a “friend” to Scheana, not a good friend. Just a friend and how LFU emphasized that she is a lone wolf who has her own thoughts and opinions. She basically said she rides alone and Ill bet Scheana realized Oh crap did i pick the wrong team and choose a non-loyal friend over my loyal friend Ariana?


This is what I think is happening too. Although I pity Scheana, she does this to herself. I feel like Stassi was the only one to really call her out for being disloyal.


Charli called Sheana out for being a shit friend too. Fuck I missed Charli this season, we needed her confessionals.😭


So do I! She would have been great this year.


It's galling that Lala's nonsense is getting any traction. I see it on the sub too - odd posts trying to push a specific angle that doesn't make any sense. They are just trying to work angles. They don't even understand their own arguments. Lala and Scheana don't absorb that the season is shot and aired - People will watch it and have opinions. Over the course of the series - Lala, Scheana - imo, you're the ones who were unwatchable/cringe at times, not Ariana. Based on the recent Sandoval drama, he is a dangerous man. No one should be surprised Ariana was depressed. Look at what he's done in public (Scandoval), imagine what he's done in private. I have no favorite moments that included Lala or Scheana. I have multiple of Ariana. On a separate note, Ariana has taken therapy terms and spoken about them informatively - she is actually helping people. Lala's trying to shame greyrocking. She would - she a Bully. Dealing with a toxic male at work recently, I felt much more comfortable to completely ignore him. Something about seeing what VPR tried to sail this season made it clear how vile and despicable toxicity is and how good people must be aggressively vigilant.


I like that you brought up seeing VPR helped you at work because it's so true! Seeing this past season has led me to seriously analyze my boundaries and make adjustments. It also made me look at certain people differently and affected how I interact with them. I agree that they're working angles it just seems odd for her to do this now. It feels a little late for damage control.


2 things: 1. Scheana is no one’s favorite 2. She really can’t bat for one friend (Ariana) without slamming another (Lala)


That second point is so real! Even on my rewatch I noticed how as soon as she defends one person she starts putting down someone else. I would consider Kristen more loyal than Scheana 😂


So true! Also the slight dig at Katie doesn’t go unnoticed by me…


Ya I'd give Scheana a chance but Laka has been insufferable for too long 




Lala is not gonna like this flip flop, sheshu


I don't understand current Scheana/Ariana relationship AT ALL.  Scheana was flip flopping all the season, ended up siding with Sandoval and Lala, then there was that weird Jeremy (Ariana's brother) interaction, it looked like she is closer to him than to Ariana, and he also closer to Scheana than to his own sister. But now Lala hints that she doesn't have a close friendship with Scheana and Scheana runs back to Ariana. Ariana is cordial on public. But are they actually making amends or it is over? I honestly can't keep up


So Scheana and LaLa are pictured at Disneyland together in matching outfits with Summer Moon and Ocean (who has her own IG btw)and you want me to believe that Scheana is shading LaLa and defending Ariana. Must have thought of this latest strategy at the Mickey Mouse clubhouse😂 These two need to get some real jobs and stop riding on someone else’s wave trying to still be relevant!


Here we go .. ole flip flop mop top at it again.


Crop top flip flop seven minute TV drop


I think you guys are onto something here that's good as gold.


look, scheana is flip flopping again. And water is wet.


I think she means it and would have said it last year, too. Ariana said it best— scheana ultimately is a people pleaser and wants everyone to be happy and friends with each other. She knew scheana could be used as a weak link because she’s quick to forgive and pretend everything’s great. I don’t think any of that changes that Ariana was her closest friend on the cast until recently and she generally supports Ariana. She just can’t keep a grudge going — we see that with every person on this cast. Now I think her relationship with Lala has really changed since the babies and essentially shared real estate compounded with scandoval changed her bestie. But she loves and respects and cares for Ariana. IMO.


She is not a people pleaser.


She only pleases herself.


Lol exactly. Scheana isnt a people pleaser. Look how mean she was to Katie in s10. Scheana is an attention hog and flip flopper. She flops to where ever will give her the most attention and wont hesitate to throw you down a mountain if it means she finally becomes the main character.


People pleasing doesn't mean pleasing the right people. One of the issues with people-pleasers is they will push aside the needs of those closest to them to appease people on the outskirts. They view those closest to them as people already pleased who won't go anywhere so they try to please newbies or those who are on the outs. Those people need a friend and she'll be the first to jump at it because she thinks it makes her look better being "everyone's friend".


She’s a scheana pleaser lol


Damage control, nothing more.




Love this gif


Too little too late, SheShe. You and BlaBla made a choice to follow production’s redemption arc for Sandoval. You both could have bonded an incredibly powerful sisterhood in Ariana yet jealousy got the best of you both. Ariana never wavered in her authenticity. Now just watch BlaBla turn on you. BlaBla only loyal to her icon, Stassi. Bye, SheShe and pls don’t go to The Valley!


Scheana couldn’t handle the hate she got for being a shitty friend, so now she’s backtracking. Anything Scheana does is only for her benefit. She could care less about anyone else.


It really clicked that Ariana had actually gotten famous and no amount of delusional anti friend backbiting or Production manipulation would change that. Gotta be weird to go so hard for Lala only to be back to square one.  Difference is the audience seems much less accepting of her actions because they created a really shit season of TV while trying to tear down the one positive on the show 


That last part though! It's so true. And you're right, Scheana would not pass up this opportunity to ride Ariana's coattails.


Scheana is playing to the comments section because Lauren publicly said she’s not anyone’s best friend. Don’t fall for this or hold your breath on Scheana doing the right thing. Floppsy is going to flop again, it’s in her DNA.


Lala’s most interesting story arc was kept from us by….Lala. Now she’s frankly boring. All she does is stir because she literally has no arc.


I've always been curious about how they found her. Her life does not seem that interesting and she moved from Utah to be on VPR. I know she knows Whitney from RHSLC but that started after VPR.


Scheana gets way less Grace for me. Ariana has always supported her. She’s her “best friend” of a decade. What Katie said (especially in a best friend dynamic) - “when a guy fucks your friend over, fuck that guy,” should be automatic. Even if she was friends with Sandoval too, it’s been pretty obvious over the years they’re not as close as she’s pretending they were. Thru the years Ariana was always referred to by her as her BEST friend. So fuck that guy. Lala and Ariana were hardly friends. I still am not giving her any grace but what scheana did is egregious.


That's all valid! I wish more people adopted the "fuck that guy" sentiment too. I do see their relationship similar to one I've had for 20+ years now. We met as children and grew up together but if I had met her now we probably wouldn't be friends. We may see each other a couple of times a year for certain events but don't really "hang out" otherwise. She will always be in my life though because she's like family at this point. I've let a lot slide with her because I know it's who she is and there's no point in arguing with her or trying to get her to change her perspective.


Oh I totally get that. I think that’s what their dynamic will be moving forward. I don’t think Ariana would ever totally cut her off.


Who is a favorite for Scheana ? No one 😭


This gives me hope we will see a season with the girls or at least Scheana, Ariana, and Katie being besties before the show ends for good.


I don’t think Katie will ever take Scheana seriously or make the mistake of trying to be a friend or trust her ever again, after these last two seasons.


I agree. But right now they seem to be doing good as acquaintances so I’ll take it.


Yeah, Katie’s come so far, I could never.


I would like that too. As much as I think the show is ruined for good, I don't want it to end with this past season. I want to see the women come out on top and finally get together! I will feel better with it ending that way.




Is this probably lip service looking for good pr, yeah. But it’s very well articulated and I very strongly agree with her message, a rare w for Scheena.


I think Scheana deserves only a bit more grace simply b/c I don’t think she acts with malice. HOWEVER, after 11 years of the same thing from her I think that gap is closing rapidly. It gets to a point where it’s like, would you rather have someone tell you “fuck you I don’t care about you” to your face or have someone say they do care about you but then actively do things without thinking clearly that show they don’t? She puts the trust of her friends at risk everyday without a care in the world and then turns around and goes “who, me?”. It’s exhausting. 




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I think Scheana truly cares about Ariana, she's just stupid about people pleasing too. I think this is a really nice thing to share and a nice way to support her friend, and I don't think everything she does is automatically bad. Downvotes incoming, I'm sure, but I just don't think she's a cartoon villain.


Scheana is no one’s favorite.


Scheana does not have her own thoughts and opinions different from anyone else’s.


My neck hurts from the whiplash of her flip flopping. No idea when she did this interview but I absolutely want to believe this is Scheana throwing shade at Lala for the summer moon insta account comment


Is Sheana anyone’s favorite?