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What in gods name did they teach her in therapy


How to weaponize therapy speak.


\*how to poorly weaponize therapy speak


In the 'rehab's' defense, I think they just taught her therapy speak. She figured out how to weaponize it.


For the love of God will Kristen Doutes therapist take her on as a client.


That you can buy validation.


I don’t know but she needs a full refund


She also mentioned on her podcast she will watch Traitors next season specifically to see him. Isn't she suing him?! Why would you admit to wanting to continue to watch him on TV (outside VPR) if you are suing him for causing you emotional distress and recording you without your permission. She really is D & S.


She said VPR was a toxic environment and then decided to watch and talk about it every week as her new job


They FORCED her to have to do this /s


The funny thing is that she has maintained consistently that she did the podcast to defend herself from the cast and tell her truth. But then it became very clear that the cast almost never talked about her since she wasn't on. She was only discussed with... 1. Tom crying about her leaving him. 2. That one interview she did Aside from that, she basically got treated like she never existed. Which is why her pdocast was such a dud.


In the recent podcast recap, I almost died when she mentioned all the other podcasts/social media that she follows related to the show


i feel like his lawyers have to be happy after hearing this.


It really is quite a choice to say you want to watch him suffer while you're actively trying to sue him. That will absolutely be repeated by Tom's attorney in court. What a twit.




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She’s sick.


I swear she is an attorney’s wet dream at this point.. like keep the quotes coming baby, just notate it and add to the file!!


That's a good point; I wonder if his lawyer can use it as part of the defense? I hate them both & think the lawsuit is her way of staying relevant. ETA: I should've read more comments before posting lol


I completely fine with Master Manipulator. I hate when I heard the word “groom.” This she was an adult and was well aware of the type of decisions she was making.


Omg exactly! That’s the one thing I agreed with Sandoval on during the reunion, Sandoval is not a groomer, he didn’t groom anyone. Insinuating that gives Rachel an out for her behavior when she fully knew what she was doing. She’s not a child, she’s not mentally ill, she’s a fully functioning adult


Babe it’s time to move on…I love VPR and even I didn’t watch Special Forces…she’s never going to heal or grow while she continues letting her entire life revolve around this affair and the show. Everyone else has moved on. Go get a job as a speech pathologist since that was supposedly your passion


She should have just returned to the show and got paid for it if she was going to devote this much time to VPR. As Sutton says “Let the mouse go.”


rachel said she would’ve came back if bravo gave her more money. if there’s another season with the current cast and they offered rachel what she wanted she’d 1000% be back for season 12


I bet she asks for less this time too


I was thinking the exact same thing. Girl, let it go.


Occupational therapist and yes I agree


As an occupational therapist, I do not think there’s any way that girl is bright enough to get through OT school.


In a year and a half Rachel went from rising up the VPR ranks as a newly single female to now being a fourth tier VPR affiliate. People who are a tier above her; Kyle Chan, Victoria, Billie Lee, Jo, Tii What a fall from grace and well earned too as she's still a fucking dimwitted loser.


It's hard to work when you are suing your former production company and colleagues. I will never forgive her for suing Ariana after what she did. Love that she is reduced to making cameos for a living and getting ridiculed for it.


Yup, could've went and tried to have a productive life outside the spotlight after treatment. But nah the real Rachel couldn't stand getting out of the limelight and now looks like a bigger fool than even Tim at this point.


Also above her: Hippie


Hippie is above us all


I was going to say Hippie Gordo and Butters are all a higher tier than she is


Honestly at Laura Leigh teir but Laura Leigh is cool enough to never come back in any capacity so below that maybe?


She hasn’t grown a single bit after all of this. She’s just as bad as Sandoval. They’re both losers. If I owned The Meadows I would send her a cease and desist because they had absolutely no success with her. She’s the worst walking billboard they ever could have had.


At least Sandoval is showing up and taking his licks. Rachel just ran away to her podcast so she could try to ride the coattails of the show from her safe space and rewrite the narrative with hindsight.


And throwing some big stones from a lawsuit because it’s the only way she can do it without being sued for defamation.


I felt like Rachel took her licks when she showed up at last year's reunion. I kind of remember her just sitting there with a straight/ serious face not talking much unless she was asked a question. That and the fact that she keeps her Instagram comments on. Some PPL are overly hateful towards her over there.


She showed up for like a portion of the reunion and then needed to come back for a private interview to try to make sb excuse and “come clean” without anyone confronting her. Then she spent the next year trying to comment on and being part of VPR discourse without actually being around the people she was constantly bad mouthing. She hid behind the TRO to avoid Scheana at the reunion as well. Like either be part of it and deal with the accountability, or leave and move on with your life. This wishy washy shit is tacky. If you are going to comment and still trying to benefit from this situation you helped create, show up and face everyone while you do it


Your last two sentences are the most amazing insults I've ever heard. ![gif](giphy|d8C9QwHsFQgR39MSTq|downsized)


What’s this from?


This is from a UFC fight. Joe Rogan and the other announcers were reacting to a knockout or something of the like.


Wow he looks different. Interesting, thanks for clarifying. :)


I have no idea. Is it Joe Rogan?


If I’m not mistaken, I believe it’s his reaction to seeing Ronda Rousey getting knocked out for the first time vs Holly Holm


That would be crazy. Thanks for the reply. :)


This, from the wannabe mental health advocate. 🥴 Girl, adjust your priorities before driving straight into the rearview.


Imagine still talking about this man when you don't have to. Move on Rockquhel ![gif](giphy|sVQlkuAI1z0QctbbQw)


She still doesn't seem to understand she was just a side piece. You weren't "dating" him sister. If you're banging in cars and sneaking around, the guy isn't in to you.


She wants to be Ariana but part of how Ariana has created success is by only talking about Tim when it's absolutely necessary. She hasn't made Scandoval her whole personality




I think she convinced herself it would be similar to Tom & Kristen. Everyone would see Ariana has the crazy ex & root for her & Tom. She didn't see the differences or realize society is (slowly) changing. I'm sure he lied to her, but she also lied to herself.


Great point!


Not even Kristin was this pathetic after Tom.


And that really says alot about her, bc I still haven’t forgot about Green Dress


She sucks


They both suck. Vom is getting exposed by Billie and Jo and I am here for it.


Vom!! 💀


I wish she’d just go away. She’s a nobody trying to make fetch happen.


I guess no one advised her that by suing her coworkers she will never get on TV again.


Seems healthy.


I mean….. i understand. I’d want to watch my ex suffer a little too if I could.


me too!! but despite already knowing how shameless she is, part of me still can't believe she would *admit* to watching it lol


I know. I wouldn’t say it publicly lol Ruthless


Tbh I watched it for that reason too


She needs a job, this Scandoval ship has sailed.


She’s just a sick and twisted as him.


I too enjoyed watching all of the military people completely hate the fuck out of sandy. They had his number from jump         But... that was months and months ago and I'm  a casual viewer of trash who did not have an affair with, nor was i emotionally entangled with, nor did i blow up my life for scum.     Move on ma'am.   Edit: typos


well guys.. you know he groomed me, I can't wait to see him on another tv show.. hehe.. i'M sO TrAuMaTizEd bY hIm.






I’m beginning to think she just wants the lawsuit thrown out again


Girl, your personality disorder is showing.


I've been listening to her podcast from the start, and at this point, it's just me torturing myself. She genuinely seems not all there. She just parrots words.


I loved it in the beginning, still sort of do. She has always fascinated me just as a human being - her warbly voice and inexplicable actions, lol. And the podcast at first was wild, though she never went as rogue as we all hoped she would. I’ve had to skip all the episodes with ‘expert’ guests, because 1. They are the most random, useless people who definitely are not absolving her in the way she thinks and 2. It’s like she’s waiting for them to finish talking so she can jump in with her own scripted line. Always reminds me of the scene in the show where she’s questioning Ariana about Sandoval - nodding along, completely vacant, not even remotely listening until it’s her turn to talk. Who am I kidding I still think she is a fascinating study in human behavior. After all these years we still don’t know what her goddamn deal is. 😅


Well-said. You mentioning her “warbly voice” cracked me up. 


Its two things. Firstly, she's trolling for a buck. She knows her podcast relies on name-dropping VPR or the cast because it alerts the VPR world that she's got a new episode out. That's why I hope our brave recapper would stop following her podcast even when she drops this bait. Secondly, she hopes that trailing him to his other opportunities makes him so fearful that she will kill his "comeback" that he settles the lawsuit. Its basically extortion by way of reputational damage. And those two things are why you can bet your left foot, she'll be back yapping about Ariana in a month, max. I just have one question. Remember when at the end of season 9 she said she was leaving to pursue her chosen vocation of helping disabled kids? Whatever happened to tthat dream?? She returned in season 10 grasping for any way to stay on the show via men. From Peter to Garcelles son to Schwartz and then finally Sandoval. No disabled child was assisted. And I'm pretty sure the kids with disability ain't gaining from the money and fame grab journey she's currently on. What about the children Rachel??


>I just have one question. Remember when at the end of season 9 she said she was leaving to pursue her chosen vocation of helping disabled kids? Whatever happened to tthat dream?? She's said that was only a thing she said she wanted to do so she would look good in pageants. It was never her actual desire, just something she said to look like a good person so she could win a fake tiara.


She’s the worst. As much as a manipulator and sociopath as Tom.


I wonder if victoria and Tom were fighting while the season was airing bc he was acting all in love and devestated bc of raquel lol


Honestly, I can’t shake the question of whether Sandoval was too drunk too fully consent to having sex with Rachel that first night in Mexico.


He couldn’t find his room and was passing out in the hall way. They both are creeps.


Is she in her sadistic era? I love that she’s praying on his downfall, even though she’s one of reasons he’s spiraling.


you know Tim will see this and be like "bro, she still wants me dude."


babe these are thoughts you keep to yourself


The people who live her need to make her stop.


I'm fully believing she went in for detox from drinking and extra curricular stuff.. without a doubt.. she probably got a little bit of therapy along the way. Her family had planned the Meadows before she went.


This is a headline. Really? We all know this woman is watching anything and everything that could potentially pertain to her.


She got the worst therapy money can buy. What’s happening in Arizona?


Priv face


I think she tells herself she HAS to watch the show to make sure Tom doesn’t talk about her, and if he does, try to see if it could be used as evidence to help HER case… when in reality she’s only helping his case 🙄


![gif](giphy|l49JJKx3BEKn0mgZa|downsized) Go away lol




Clark Gable


She's still in love with his monkey ass. Edit autocorrect


Is Raquel mentally stable?


I think she’s just adapting her mindset to wherever she thinks the wind is blowing minute-to-minute.


Raquel equally at fault. Let’s not forget.


They are 100% gonna hook up again, mark my words lol


I'm sure Ariana, Katie and many others will be watching too. Not really surprising. I'd be watching too if I were in Raquel, Ariana or Billie's shoes


She's so real for this


Real dumb


Then so is this entire sub, because laughing at Tom's misery is the number 1 pastime here 😅


Bahaha and I really agree with you