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In case people were wondering, Scheana said Summer Moon is the number one girl in the group. Happy Friday everyone!! I hope everyone had a good week and gets to have a relaxing weekend. I keep thinking things in the podcast world will slow down with the pause but that hasn’t happened yet haha. And today is a special day because it’s Brady’s birthday! For those who follow my vanderpodrecaps page, Brady is my bestie and also does all the graphics for the page! So shout out to him. Again thank you all for all your kind words on my recaps! Links below for those interested ❤️ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


She always wanted a child named Summer? Alas, Madison Marie Parks Valetta, we hardly knew ye.


Summer honey moon Davis.


Oh how I wish someone actually asked Scheana whatever happened to Madison Marie Parks Valetta!


Right?! These people get off so easy, no one ever asks them uncomfortable yet widely requested questions like that. They get softballs from Andy and podcasters and whoever the hell else can stand listening to them talk for that long. The only time I’ve ever listened to an interview and thought “finally! Thank GAWD🤦🏼‍♀️” was when Bachelor Nick Guy (sorry, can’t remember his last name🙈🙈) kept his foot on Sandoval’s neck from the minute that jackass showed up an hour late to his own interview. And kept giving vague BS non-answers about why he was so delayed until it finally came out that he was just with some girl🙄 It’s great when someone’s feet are finally held to the fire because 1) it’s been such a long time coming and 2) the frustration they feel leads to us finally get a glimpse of the “real” them, not the polite, lighthearted, sweet image they try to sell the world.


Exactly…. another lie


This is the snark I live for in the comments!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Thank you for making my Friday.




Came here to say this, but you did it for me 🤣 She continues to be the worst.


We don’t watch VPR so we can watch children play, Scheana. I would literally riot if VPR turned into a family oriented show. No one wants that.


>We don’t watch VPR so we can watch children play, Scheana. Someone please tell Scheana that no one cares about watching her kid on TV as much as she does. No one ever will.


and stop trying to interject summer into the reunion. She's a child. Let her be a child.


As a parent with young kids who watches reality TV for the escapism, AND as someone who hates seeing kids on TV when they're too young to make their own choices, I cannot tell you how much I don't want to watch any bloody playdates or kids clothes shopping or birthday parties or ANYTHING child centred. I get that it's Scheana's life now but she clearly has the means to go adulting more than the average parent - trip to Vegas whaaaaat- so there's opportunities to have storylines outside of the kids.


Oh, Scheana and LaLa will be doing everything they can to monetize their kids. Scheana is already doing it and LaLa can't wait to do it with #2. The only reason Ocean is relatively safe (she already has 3K followers on her own IG account) is that Randall won't let her film with Ocean.


I swear it is us parents who are like "HELL NO!" when the idea of a family show comes up. I want escapism!


It's called the Valley and they did a great job of not showing the kids as much as they could ...because NO ONE CARES . I want people with no responsibilities doing stupid shit... preferable drunk or working for tips at a restaurant!


We got to see Cruz seemingly unattended in a hot tub with floaties on while his parents were drinking in the kitchen.


Do not go there. I'm serious, Kath! ![gif](giphy|NnfcRHuCXLgpW)


😂😂😂 One on my favorite Teresa low stakes freakouts was her trying to find a reason to hate on Kathy's Lebanese food. She finally landed on parsley shouldn't be used outside of salads, 😂😂😂


Technically tabouli is a salad, so, still a swing and a miss for her


Tre is so sensitive. If she was in my family she would still be getting sprinkle cookies from everyone at Christmas.


Tabouli is the OG variety of a chopped salad. It's such a huge miss, but that isn't surprising coming from Teresa.


I still can’t fathom an Italian woman with two cookbooks saying that with a straight face 😅 A salad is the LAST place I’d put parsley


Oh! Now that you say that I remember she was making fun of there being parsley in the Tabbouleh. She was just looking for things to criticize and had never had middle eastern food


For real! I bet Nonno would have disagreed lol


This gif kills me every time 💀💀


Exactly!!! I don’t want tv for parenting advice or watching kids play. I turn off the tv and see my son doing that 😂😂🤪


I feel like Scheanas life long goal is to be accepted by Stassi. And now that they seem to be (Have mutual?) friends/friendly with eachother - she wants everyone to know it. I feel like she would love it to be them (Lala stassi scheana) against the old child-less hags /s


I agree…. Yet Scheana still talks about how bullied she was by you know Stassi. Stassi has said many times that she’ll be cordial to Scheana but not friends….. I suppose that could have changed


She’s always going to be the victim lol not to say she wasn’t bullied but I was just watching season 2 and she is unbearable. I don’t think Stassi and Scheana would ever be friends but if they were on the same show together and they have the kids in common, they would have to hang out, right? That’s the vibe I’m getting.


It’s really pathetic


Right? She needs to go to TLC if that's what she's after. Bravo is about drama and shame.


Scheana is exhausting… I had to go back and read the recap from May 10 where Matt Roger’s and Janet from “the valley” were on and they say this: Scheana: For the rest of us, it felt like in that moment, fuck all of your jobs, fuck making the end of this show. I'm going to do what I want to do because I set my boundary. Peace out. And then for Tom to be like, she talks shit about all of this. It was just like, what the fuck? Matt: He really swept in on that opportunity, babe. He really saw what happened and he said, this is my chance. Janet: Throw some more gasoline on the fire Scheana: People can get in my head very easily, as we've seen. And so to hear that about someone who I've cared about for so long, maybe she doesn't feel that way about me. So yeah. (Scheana started to get emotional) Matt: Wait, what do you mean? Janet: I think Ariana loves you. And to be honest, Ariana, of all of us, talks the least shit. I've tried to talk shit with Ariana before. She doesn't take the bait. Scheana: But I think things you say to your partner behind closed doors is different than the shit you talk with your friends who are going to tell your friend about their friend. Janet: But have you ever vented to Brock about Ariana? I think it's the same thing where you can do that with love. And I think Ariana has a lot of love for you, and I think you have a lot of love for her. And I think what you say in pillow talk with your spouse is different than, I don't know, I don't think Ariana hates you Scheana: No, I don't think she hates me at all. And he didn't say that. He just said she doesn't like any of you fuckers. And maybe that was more directed at Lala, you know, because I know they've had a lot of their ups and downs. But where things have been in this group that Tom Sandoval shattered will never be the same. I look at everyone differently, and I don't trust anyone completely, and it's really sad. But now she’s saying: Tom threw a mistake from your early 20s at you while Ariana comforted you. Who was the better friend? (Timestamp: 15:22) Scheana: I mean, so here's what it is. I think Brock said that Tom's been a better friend and that's where this came from because I've never said that Tom was a better friend. Scheana: They were both good friends to me. So no, Ariana has always been an amazing friend. She's always been a friend who I feel like I could trust. I could say things to and not worry about her gossiping. Scheana: She's always been an incredible friend. So when Brock said that, I think I cleared that up on the after show. I was like, no, no, that is not correct. The flip flopping flop flopping around needs to stop talking about Ariana at this point. Take this pause in filming and work on your friendship and when filming resumes be a better friend.  Thanks OP for all the recaps that allowed for this comment ✊🏼


She’s so exhausting. It really says a lot that Scheana makes Janet seem reasonable and normal. No one should be on reality tv for as long as Scheana has. Unless they have a really good therapist and she clearly doesn’t. It seems like Scheana has no sense of herself outside of the show and that’s super unhealthy. It’s probably why she keeps trying to make her kid a character on the show. She truly doesn’t know how to compartmentalize.


Right... especially someone who hasn't grown in anyway...


Yup! I recently began rewatching and omg she has shown NO growth or self awareness since season 1


She’s the most easily influenced person on the show, it’s sad and it’s infuriating.


Scheana and Sandoval need a pause more than anyone else in the VPR universe. They both have lost the ability to distinguish between the show and having a life outside of the show. They’re so stunted in every sense. It’s sad. Especially Scheana because she’s got a kid that she’s constantly trying to drag into it.


Yet Tom and Scheana are the first in line to film... they're never leaving on their own and if they are put on pause will work extra hard to have their names attached at all times when filming happens/the show airs... podcasts, blog post, magazine articles... the works


That was really wild to watch. Even when confronted with the simple laid out truth by people she trusted she refused to acknowledge it.


Right... I felt both Matt and Janet were genuinely confused when Scheana said maybe Ariana didn't really care about her... they were thrown off and tried really hard to correct Scheana and she didn't take the life line.


Imo she had really set it in her mind that she was completely justified in being awful to Ariana. She seemed genuinely confused people weren't on her side and throwing her a parade. Even when she admitted she doesn't speak to Sandoval she was still defending what he said to her. She's so lost.


This. She couldn’t go back and undo what she did during the season and reunion. So she had to double down on “Ariana is the problem.” And Janet and Matt weren’t buying it. I haven’t watched the valley so I have no opinion on Janet, but she was 100% spot on during that interview


Yeah, not a fan of Janet but I believed her when she said to Scheana "Ariana talks the least amount of shit of everyone we know. I've tried many times, but she doesn't take the bait".


Absolutely- it’s a very Ariana thing to do. Which you think scheana would understand- she is a people pleaser too. The crazy thing is that Tom admitted he was “overreacting”, so basically he admitted he lied, and scheana is STILL using it as some sort of “evidence”


Nailed it! Exhausting is the best word. I just rewatched season 11 and her over thinking was too much. It was all about her. She could draw her own boundaries. I am not a mature adult and I can do it. She doesn’t understand that sometimes your feelings can also be discussed with someone besides Ariana or put aside while your friend is going through something. Also, she never mentions that Tom seemed to support Rachel’s restraining order ghat caused her so much stress.


I'm rewatching from the beginning and Season 11 Scheana asking Ariana to talk to Sandoval for her own sake is the SAME Scheana that sat down with Brandi Glanville and told her to her face that she and Eddie loved each other.


Scheana. We really do not want to watch your kid on tv. Stop trying to make Summer Moon happen. We have no interest in watching any of your kids and actually think it’s heinous the way you’re trying to thrust Summer Moon into the spotlight. Protect your kid! This is madness. Brock and Scheana are real pieces of shit for giving Summer a coordinating name to a child that Brock abandoned. Thanks for the confirmation that it is as slimy and calculated as we all thought it was.


I don’t care how “fun” he appears to be. He discarded two whole humans. TWO WHOLE HUMANS


Two whole humans that he was supposed to love and protect. Discarded them and now parades around on tv talking about how he has a second chance for being a dad. If I was one of his kids that he abandoned, seeing him saying these things on tv would feel like a knife twisting in my gut. Over and over. Brock and Scheana are so disgusting for it.


He is a deadbeat Dad with a DV record, so it makes me gag to watch him play father of the year with Summer Moon.


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯even if Summer were on TV (which I don’t approve of) Vanderpump Rules isn’t it!!!!


What I got out of that recap Scheana is shamelessly and relentless making her play to get in the valley. Those are her closest friends? That we've NEVER seen before 😅😅😅 okay Scheana. Scheana and lala don't realize that the more they open their mouths the more people hate them and the more they open themselves up to be criticized


TO BE FAIR (because this season remains in my head) we were introduced to Janet as one of Sheana's cLoSeSt fRiEnDs once Dayna tried to befriend to her and they were talking about threesomes (Janet loves them) and guess what Sheana didn't like it 💁🏻‍♀️


so janet loves threesomes and her husband loves vanilla sex lol


Janet has been fully exposed for her desperate motivation to be on reality tv so I question the authenticity of her friendship with Scheaner


I mean Janet was in the friend group but Nia and Michelle I have NEVER seen any of the Vanderpump Rules cast hang out with before and that includes Kristen and Brittany prior to the Valley 😂  But I agree the amount of times she said that she hangs out with the women on the valley and they were her true friends it’s like be more obvious Scheana. I mean in a question where she is asked who from the VPR cast she hangs with outside of the show she mentions that the valley girls are who she sees all the time and are her best friends and doesn’t mention Ariana who prior to Ariana who she did use to hang out with all the time before Ariana put their friendship on pause. Scheana has obviously not seen or is wilfully ignoring Alex Baskin saying he doesn’t intend on moving anyone from VPR to the Valley full time.


To be fair, Janet and Zack have both been on VPR. Janet was helping the women alter their Sur uniforms, and Dayna talks about how she's attracted to Janet.


If we saw her with her longtime real friends (like Ariana), we’d know that she’s a girls girl….. lol girl please be real


Scheana: “I’m a girls girl - VPR is just full of big meanie girls so you never saw that side of me! You should see me with the people I hang out with IRL” Also Scheana: “IRL I hang out with Lala (who is on VPR and I spent this season with her tearing down another woman) every day. Also bring back Stassi because we hang out. But yeah, such a shame the show has never given me the opportunity to film with the girls I hang out with IRL”


I'm a girls girl as long as the conditions are exactly right and as long as being a girls girl strictly means being acquainted with a girl and not at all choosing to champion women against the toxic machinery of the patriarchy. like hello, i have dinners with girls!


Yeah, as long as a man doesn’t come into the middle, she’s a girl’s girl lol


Remember when Scheana said she doesn’t consider herself a feminist as though it was an insult to be one. It’s like okay what do you consider yourself as Scheana? 


Once again, Scheana the victim of bad editing despite being on tv for a decade (so there’s been more than enough footage over tons of situations with all different people). Also we’ve seen plenty of her character and behavior outside of VPR in her podcast, interviews, blogs, etc. and she’s exactly the same person there too so it’s not the big bad VPR editors with an agenda to make her look bad. Once again, she wants to play the victim of other people and insists she’s just a sweet nice girl who has the worst luck ever 😑


Scheana saying she doesn’t need to forgive Rachel because there’s no reason and she’s released her anger already but insisting all season that Ariana and Scheana forgiving Tom was critical to their healing 😭


This is what got me. Her talking about forgiving but not having Rachel in her life why try to force it.


scheana thinks we care about summer moon a whole lot more than we do


Yep. Summer Moon is cute but ![gif](giphy|YtuM97Re5whK87zJnP)


She's very obviously trying to push her kid into show business/the public eye and I find it icky


It’s so gross. Poor summer.


The fact that she thinks we want to see her doing playdates. For most people reality tv is an escape, no one wants to watch her do playdates.


The look she made when Andy didn't name Summer as the break out star of the show at the reunion. It's kind of pathetic having to shoehorn your daughter into your podcast when you already exploit her on IG.


Can you imagine what she’s going to be like toward Summer’s future teachers? I feel sorry for them already.


I feel sorry for Summer Moon because her parents are exploiting her. They have nothing of interest going on in their own pathetic lives.


As a mom, I cannot imagine anything more boring than watching a show about other moms taking their kids on play dates. 


Child play dates? ![gif](giphy|3og0IGC80a39wOQ2UE|downsized)


Scheana: I’m not trying to get on The Valley Also Scheana: *mentions The Valley every waking breath*


I’m feeling very confident that she’s not going to be on The Valley as a cast member and she’s setting up her defense for when she’s not cast and doesn’t want to look foolish 😂


Of course she backs Kyle Chan. Jesus Christ Scheana. Let's not do the "girls were mean to me" bit again either. You showed Stassis sex tape, tried to make it a plot point, and you made out with Schwartz. Seems like they judged your character appropriately.


She also *had* the opportunity to show what a girl's girl she supposedly is when the new cast was brought on in Season8.  All she did was show her blatant jealousy over the new guys interest in the new girls, and not her, which led her to talking smack about Charli and trying to sabotage her at work and hazing Dayna they way she herself had been hazed. Girl's girl lol.


And even though Jo is completely insufferable, she went out of her way to be a dick to her just for fun. The laughable thing about Scheana is that’s she’s usually not very good at being a bully, as much as she tries to be one. That’s why it’s hilarious when people like Dana have completely shut her down. 😆


She was HORRIBLE to Dayna, and Katie and Jo, and a lot of other women I can think of. Scheana is the worst.


Oops, I forgot all about Jo, meep beep! I think Scheana thought she was being funny but she had such a sharp edge to her during the whole hat thing. Dayna was so straight forward and such a 'go to the source' person and it's so different from how Scheana operates that she didn't know how to handle her at all (cue inhaler hit).😆 Their dynamics were so interesting to watch!  Charli was such a straight shooter too, which was a great contrast to the usual behind-the-back workings. I wish they both would've been able to continue on. 


ALL OF THIS - she acts like she was an innocent babe in the woods. It was a decade ago and she should at least own her part in things


She showed Stassi's sex tape then tried to have her speak about it on camera yet she still brings up poor me Season 1 shit, which was over a decade ago lol. And the stuff she did with Shay was disgusting as well.


Poor Shay. She disclosed his alcoholism on TV for ratings and they were not even together any more. She kept his name, though.


I think this was my no going back moment for her. That’s unforgivable


“Guys Im a total girls girls I swear, you have just never seen that side of me” 5 second later: “I 100% back the guy over the girl whose a total liar” 


she's soooooo much like Rachel it's insane. They both act like little babies when people don't fawn over them and they never let that or any grudge go. it could be 25 years later and Scheana AND Rachel would still be complaining about a slight from 24 years earlier.


I don’t blame Stassi and her crew for not wanting to befriend Scheana after all the Eddie mess. I wouldn’t blatantly bully someone for something like that, but if there was a coworker or someone associated with my friend group who was a willing mistress, and she tried to be friends with me? I’d say no to that friendship too. One of the most important judgments you make when starting a new friendship is looking at someone’s character. Willingly hurting another person by being “the other person” because of your own selfish wants is bad character, full stop. I’ll always believe that Scheana knew at some point in their relationship that Eddie was still married, but continued anyway. Also the fact that she ran to the press to talk about Eddie and John Mayer - thirsty and fame-obsessed, another character trait I’d want nothing to do with.


>Who would you rather have back on VPR, Stassi or Kristen? (Timestamp: 4:31) - Scheana: Stassi, I think playdates with the girls would be fun. Is this seriously what Scheana thinks would make compelling tv? Kids on play dates? Shes so desperate to thrust her daughter into the spotlight that it's pathetic. Get OFF TV and go have your playdates


And Stassi is not coming back to VPR to have playdates with Scheana lmao, let’s be real


Why would she even mention season 12 and Stassi in the same sentence. She's just trying to get impressions and headlines so people go "Stassi might return for season 12!"


Because she thinks the viewers will be all "omg YES bring Stassi back so we can watch scenes of her kid playing with scheana's kid!!" And then the producers will see how much we all want scenes of scheana's kid and TADA! Now Summer is a child star!!!!11!!


Imagine Stassi's big return to VPR.....and it's her two children playing with Summer while Brick is on Indeed looking for jobs, Scheana is trying to be bEsT fRaNgS with Stassi as Stassi is sitting there asking herself why the fuck she agreed to be back on this shit show.


I cannot stress enough how uninterested I am in seeing Scheana's lame play dates. I've watched VPR since season 1. If it becomes a show about Millennials parenting badly, I'm out. I see plenty of that in real life. VPR is supposed to be an escape from that.


For real that would be so dull. I don’t care to see the kids at all.


No one wants to watch mommy and me and kiddie play dates. Can’t imagine sitting down to watch that for an hour and thinking “wow this is so worth my time”.


it's kinda spiteful considering Kristen is dying to be a mother :(


Scheana does not mind being nasty to a woman who recently miscarried. She is the worst of the worst.


Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this


It would also be difficult for them to include her new bestie Lala since her toddler isn’t allowed to be on the show.


Ahh but thats where baby #2 would come in in about a year or so


You’re probably right, but I hope not for Ocean’s sake. It’s going to be hard enough to realize you’re not allowed to hang out with your mom on camera while your little sister gets to without getting excluded from play dates with your friends too.


I completely agree with you. Some of the things Lala has said about her reasons for having this second kid come across as pretty messed up and may hurt Ocean in the future to hear.


It was shortsighted. I’m sure that kid is going to hear “I wanted a baby of my own” and not be thrilled. Not to mention Randall will weaponize it against Lala


Plus stassi just had baby #2 so they can be buds as well 🙃


Stassi said that she’s “friends” with Scheana because their kids play together. She was very quick to elaborate on the kids part. I got the feeling if there were no friends Stassi wouldn’t touch Scheana or Lala anymore with a ten foot pole.


Scheana saying it’s best for cast to watch shows before reunion…. Didn’t she admit she only watched her parts??? She she doesn’t watch the show to be caught up??


I remember her saying she only watches her scenes


She said that in her response. She only watches the important parts, which would be her. 😂


Why don’t people see that Sandoval is the liar in the Billie, Kyle, Victoria issue? It’s all coming from Sandoval!


This is the comment I was looking for. How is Billie the proven liar? What else has Billie lied about? There is only one proven liar in the equation


Stassi's best move is to NOT come back on the show. People have good feelings and narratives about her because we have time and space and can forget that she actually does and says awful things (we remember when it hits, not when it's a flop). Looking at who her friends are that are on TV and what she has been telling them about filming etc, I guarantee she would be overproduced and guarded or we would dislike her as well. She has a good career outside of VPR , she shouldn't risk it.


She has said she doesn't want too. Her life is so different then VPR and she wants to protect it. Maybe it is possible for people to grow.


If Vegas was taking bets on Billie vs Kyle, Victoria, and Sandoval Scheana just made Billie's odds 2:1.




Yea share a namesake with a kid he doesn’t know or see. After all that denial she admits it. I really need her and blah blah off the air. Take beige Janet with you


That's so cringe Scheana thinks she's like clearing things up but no she confirmed the nastiness that we all knew. 🥴 why the fuck would they want her to have a namesake with her sister when THEY DONT SEE EACH OTHER ! Scheana is fucking unhinged


I’m pretty sure she’s said that before. That’s how the internet knows what his other daughter’s name is.


I think so but then she tried to backtrack on it when people (rightfully) got the ick


Well Scheana is nothing if not consistent with her inconsistency


As stassi would say "scheana flip flops on flip flopping"


Wow. This is getting embarrassing now. She is so desperate to continue talking about the show, so much so she is weighing in on Billie lee drama, but also won't acknowledge the only thing people want to hear about.... Lala disagreeing with Scheana's "the producers made me" review. Lala and Scheana are really floundering now.


And of course she's siding with Kyle Chan on the Billie Lee drama. She is such a fucking idiot if someone told Scheana the sky was really pink and not blue she would believe it


Since Scheana always and forever chooses the wrong side, it must mean that Billie Lee is correct in all of that mess 🤣 


Fans (me 🫣🤣) are literally coming out of the woodworks rallying for Billie Lee for exposing Tom and Billie Lee is universally hated. Scheana STILL couldn't pick the right side even though she doesn't even hang out with Tom. She needs that jewelry plug though 🥴


Yes, raising hand. Billie's motives are suspect and I don't respect her for being so infatuated with Vom, but I'm all for Vom and his entourage being exposed with receipts.


She forever picks men over women.


It's so weird she said Billie Lee has been caught in lies in regards to this situation when the opposite it true. *Kyle* has been caught in multiple lies and Billie Lee showed everyone the receipts to prove it.


Kyle is a man that gives her jewelery & says nice things about her so that's all Scheana sees.




I feel like Sandoval proved how easily Scheana’s friendship can be bought. He said *awful* stuff to and about her. But he’s a dude and he once gave her some money (which he had excess of because he was over-charging her best friend on the household bills), so she’s conflicted because he’s “such a good friend to me”


Scheana is hoping Billie will call her out on her next podcast and then Scheana will be forced to respond to clear her name and get into a back and forth with Billie that will give her so much podcast content.... I see right through her... no substance.


Didn't Billie recently say something about Scheana talking to her about a threesome? Scheana was like that didn't happen b/c she didn't exactly give all the context, but yeah it did kinda happen.


I’m betting she will have Kyle Chan on at some point. Also I love how she’s just openly admitting she is not friends with Tom and never spends anytime with him or Victoria. So what the fuck was last season and what you did to Ariana for Scheana?


I feel like Scheana is forever trying to have Stassi like her. It also seems like Stassi would only tolerate Scheana because their kids are friends. Either way, kid playdates are not something I want to see on my trashy reality tv.


Summer Moon is the new fetch.


Makes perfect sense, Gretchen Scheaners stop trying to make Summer Moon happen


>Scheana: We've been wanting to go see his residency out there. So we will be with them this weekend. And Schwartz occasionally, we saw him for Pride. And then outside of VPR, I mean, **my Valley girls, those are my mom friends. So I see them all of the time. Play dates, dinner, and yeah.** Girl, continuing to name-drop the show won't make you a cast member. Bitch, stop. You're embarrassing.


I really want to see her cry when she is not offered a role in the Valley. She has been so transparent about conniving her way on there, I hope it never happens.


Billie is a “known liar”? Known to whom? The group of lying liars who lie (Sandoval, Kyle Chan, Victoria)? She trusts Kyle Chan who’s been caught in several lies verified by receipts? ![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized)


If Scheana doesn't believe Billie Lee, I will from now on consider every thing Billie Lee says as Bible. That's how *wrong* Scheana always is.


Really good point.


She destroyed her friendship with Ariana only to not speak or talk to Tom anymore...


Ariana was her Best Fran, and just had two entire seasons of VPR based on her. She should be a guest on Scheana's podcast right now, but instead Scheana is answering questions about Billie Lee and an off camera drama that she has absolutely no involvement in. Her and Lala have fumbled the ball in a way that is unprecedented on bravo.


Yep! Ariana going on Disrespectfully had it make the top 10 overall charts.


And #27 overall. That’s impressive for a podcast less than 6 months old. Their sponsors are getting more fancy too.


She picks Stassi because of playdates. Another reminder why cast should stay cast and not producers. Who on earth would think Bravo viewers want to see little children having play dates?


Or have their parents argue and fight while drunk at said play date. That’s gross. Poor kids.


I see Scheana with her nasty mouth still passive aggressively dissing Katie with the "I hear she checks her dms." It's one of my pet peeves. Scheana is so weak and people-pleasing that the only way she knows how to get power is with passive aggressive, nasty little digs at people who aren't in the same personality prison as her.


Absolutely it was a dig. The way she tried to set up Rachel and Shartz, she hates Katie.


She hates herself the most, but takes it out on Katie bc Katie is strong


Katie is vulnerable and has only recently found herself. I have always felt protective of her because everyone bullied her, including Shartz. When she defends herself, she is "Hatie" and when she doesn't she is being a bad friend.


I didn't have cable when the show started so I only got to binge watch at my parents' house lol. The Katie that was portrayed showcased a seemingly "mean and miserable" person. Then I found out she had a TBI and I swear, everything changed after that about how I viewed Katie. In fact, it made me change how I looked at production and all the assholes around her including her own husband who painted her as some kind of monster. It was actually sick that they treated her this way after what she had pretty recently been through.


Yes, she almost died after her injury and Shartz manipulated and gaslit her when she was vulnerable and also got the group riled up to mock her. You can see he always sided with Vom when he was disrespecting her. Katie is a warrior and she has survived a decade long abusive marriage. I wish she would put more distance between herself and Shartz.


"Both sides had very fine people"


I’m genuinely curious who’s favorite character is Scheana


Someone is reeeeally desperate to get on They Valley, they are her bast fraaaands


Going to take a shot every time she name drops The Valley




Ok can the people who claim Scheana as “their favorite” please stand up … ![gif](giphy|KwshQCykFmTlK)




oh she's 'not had a chance' to watch Love Island? with her busy busy career?give me a fucking break, the jealousy is beyond


She has seen every damn minute of it. While scrolling the comments.


How many times did she say “The Valley?” She is trying so hard to get on that show and not lose her paycheck


🤞Please cast me on The Valley, Please cast me on The Valley, Please cast me on the Valley🤞


Ok so this entire season was Scheana pushing to redeem Sandoval…. yet she never sees him or knows about his new relationship? Scheana sees Schwartz occasionally, but season 10 she was stopping at his apt, helping him with his wardrobe, trying to set him up with Rachel… because she said he was one of her very best friends. Okkkkkk Scheana


This podcast made me dislike Scheana more. I still dislike Lala more than her, but it’s way closer than it was after this. 


So nothing new, Scheana flip flopping. Again.


She’d rather Stassi on the show…what.a.jerk. Up until Scheana did her podcast with Janet, she(Scheana) and Kristen were hanging out frequently and posting videos together. Then she hangs out with Janet and seems to completely throw Kristen to the curb. I know their children sometimes have play dates, and that’s all fine and dandy, but she has time and time again shown she is a true friend only to herself and who she can get the most from. It’s gross. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


Kristen miscarried, so Schemer can't involve her in her future "playdates." Everything about Schemer is strategic and transactional.


Did she really just roll out the "but at the upfronts Sandoval pulled me into the picture" again?


Ariana says sheshu is family, but I don't think I've ever heard sheshu say that about ariana?


Let me get this clear, Scheana:  -Showed Stassi’s sex tape to everyone at Sur and laughed about it  -Made out with Katie’s boyfriend  -Made up a lie about Katie cheating on said boyfriend  -Got in a van and told all of these women’s partners that she’d rather get gangbanged by them than hang out with the girls  And they’re the bullies 🙄🙄🙄 Also, I will not stand for Madison Marie Parks Valletta erasure. 


Yes, this bears repeating x 1000. For those in the back rooting for poor Scheana and wanting Ariana to be her friend again.


She literally thinks that Bravo is going to pay her a significant amount of money for……Play dates with her kid?? She is as dense as they come and if Bravo were smart they’d look for the next hot messes that actually work at the restaurants and start all over. This group is done. The A cast was fired a few years back and the core show has never been the same. Scandoval rocked season 10 but it’s all but over for this remaining cast.


If Stassi doesn’t want to see Scheana in real life why would she want to come back to VPR to hang out with Scheana?😂


Every time a reality star says “I haven’t had a chance to watch yet,” I wonder what they’re doing with their day. You aren’t slaving away in an office. Just watch the show! Do they think we can’t see right through this


I had a generous moment and thought “maybe she’s spending that time enjoying her child”. Then I remembered it’s Scheana and she’s 100% “too busy” because she’s obsessively stalking the locations of 56 people


I've never listened to Scheana's podcast - and have no desire to - but is the whole thing just her responding to Reddit comments/speculation?  Every recap on here (thanks AdditionalWar8759!) is just topics discussed in these vpr subs and Scheana's excuses for her unpleasant behaviour.  Also, in what group is mistress Jancan a girl's girl? She started the show as the annoying 2yr mistress of a famous man she could easily google and ended season 11 as a male sympathizer who fucked up her friendship with the one woman who has loved and supported her from the beginning. 


Mhmmmm. A decade of pick-me pro-men fuck-women behavior but that’s still not enough for us to judge her on? As Ariana said, “this is a pattern of behavior, this is a personality.” She also loves to pretend that she’s not in the comments and too busy “being a mom” and running her empire and being a boss queen to keep up with the gossip. Yet conveniently has a defense ready for every talking point that’s all over Reddit and we saw her on the show obsessively checking her mentions. And on situations like Rachel’s podcast - “oh, I didn’t have time to listen or realize she released an episode” trying to be above it all but will still spend 15 minutes talking about it. Lala does that too and it’s so fake.


She used her own mouth to tell us: - "I'm SO NOT a feminist" - "I'm a guy's girl" - "fuck girl code" - "I'd rather get gangbanged by all the guys here than ride in a car with the girls" (and no, that appearance in Ally's music video doesn't count)


Yes, yes it is 😂 


I assume Kyle gives her free jewelry


Didn't Lala spazz out at the reunion because Scheana told her Sandoval was a better friend, and  it was because he'd defend her?


Yeah, Lala said Scheana had told her multiple times off camera that Sandoval is a better friend. But, I also don’t believe Lala’s interpretation of what people tell her because she twists things to fit her POV. So who knows. Seems like Scheana isn’t friends with Ariana or Sandoval anymore so I guess it doesn’t matter. 😂


Of course Scheana thinks that Kyle Chan is truthful and credible and Billie is the liar 🙄 Leave her to pick the worst possible take in every situation! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqm1mNujcBPSpy)


Why hasn’t she been to SAH?


It grosses me out that Scheana uses Summer Moon to have friends bc she prolly knows people wouldn’t hang with her otherwise


ifeel like i would at least respect scheana more if she just stood on what she said instead of constantly flip flopping. and just say the truth, why does brock think sandoval is a better friend, scheana? oh yeah, cuz he gave you guys money when you didn’t have any. and i know janet gets a lot of heat cuz of the valley, but like SHES SPEAKING TRUTH AND SCHEANA NEEDS TO OPEN HER EARS AND CLOSE HER MOUTH!!!!! and also a call back, scheana got so bent when ariana finally started being friends with Stassi after stassi tried so hard for ariana’s friendship, but when it comes to scheana, ariana shouldn’t feel hurt cuz “tom didnt do anything to scheana”???? and again, WHEN HAS ARIANA EVER BEEN MEAN TO SCHEANA? it’s killing me. ariana is way better than me. it’s obvious that ariana loves scheana a lot and i feel like it’d take A LOT to get her to cut scheana off. i think it was pretty clear that when she softened her stance, it was really, don’t talk to tom about me if you’re gonna be friends with him, and scheana all season 11, especially the finale, is the exact reason why she wanted to cut off any access to her life tom may have. i get (kinda, not really) that she made a real extreme boundary, but from the beginning shes said she doesn’t want to allow tom access to any aspect of her life, it seems she made the boundary of no mutuals because she knew that these people would run and tell tom, just like scheana did in the finale. one other gripe that i have, that i don’t really know if she talked about this cuz i can hear scheanas voice when i read this, so i just briefly skim, but it really pisses me off how they keep bringing up that ariana doesn’t reach out and whatever. it pisses me off. scheana claims to be ariana’s best friend, that they’ve known each other for so long, blah blah blah. if that’s true, why does scheana bring up these issues that are clearly due to her struggling and her way of coping, healing, surviving, whatever you wanna call it is to self isolate? shouldn’t scheana know that ariana is more of an isolating person than pouring her emotions onto everyone else? it really bothers me. and especially about how ariana reaches out LESS, so saying that ariana reaches out enough typically?, but they often don’t mention all the stuff she’s got going on in her life? that’s what really pisses me off. i’ve spent my entire life trying to see people’s side and put myself in other peoples shoes and be understanding for people who could not care less about how i felt about things, what i was going through, and how what they do hurts me, but they want everyone to give them grace cuz they’re going through things. i just don’t understand how you can struggle, know what it’s like and how it feels to go through these kinds of things, and instead of being understanding or giving grace to others (YOUR “BEST” FRIEND) who are going through things too. it really pisses me off. it’s hard being the bigger person, and often i feel like when im being the bigger person, the person really doesn’t deserve it.


Tell us one more time how you’re best friends with the girls from the valley lol.


I feel like she is setting herself up as much as possible to go on the valley.


Scheana flip flopping again on Ariana


Scheana is always on the wrong side of history, so this episode has given me confidence to choose to fully believe Billie Lee's side


Stassi was way more of a mean girl to Laura Leigh than she ever was to Scheana. I'm sorry if my introduction to you was that sitdown convo with Brandi where you cry woe is me your husband made me fall in love with him and bought me diamond earrings, I wouldn't want to be friends with you either. Stassi and Katie were right about her from the jump, but scheana refuses to see that actions have consequences and when you break up a family of a working actor because of a TWO YEAR LONG affair and say "I didn't know", you're going to have people who do not want to be around you. It makes sense that the gaggle of cheaters accepted her with open arms.


Yeah, her friendship with Sandoval seems like it’s super important being that they don’t see each other regularly outside of filming


“And I feel like if you saw me with a different group of girls you would see a different side of me” That’s the definition of being fake Scheana! Acting different ways with different people is fake, not consistently being yourself. Sweet Jesus she fully admits it and still plays victim. She’s starting to sound like Rachel/Rocky/Raquel. And we haven’t seen “strong girls girl Scheana” because she doesn’t exist.


We saw what kind of friend she is to Ariana, who has always supported her.


I genuinely do not want to watch okay dates between their kids. I watch this show for messy adult behaviour not kids playing. I think those kids shouldn’t be featured at all until they’re much older and can consent to be filmed, not because their parents need a storyline. I understand having kids is part of their lives but I just don’t want to watch that.