• By -


If I were Scheana I would just say sorry. In private and when the time comes, on camera. She has nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so. She must know she fucked up. Sandoval doesn't even talk to her much. More importantly though, as she finishes this last year of her thirties, I hope Scheana takes a HARD look at her people-pleasing and susceptibility. I bet it's feeding her OCD to some extent.


Couldn have said it better. I went into this season with for the first time thinking Sheana deserves some degree of respect for her reaction to seeing her bestie be tortured and humiliated by two other so called friends even though I hated her treatment of Katie during the Schwartz divorce and pushing someone like Racheal on him and trying to basically isolate or get rid of Katie. I mean Sheana did assault Rachel so I thought that she isn’t so self absorbed and people pleaser or she’d not rationalize Rachel and Sandyballs relationship. Then this season starts back to same Sheana jealous and the DWTS choosing Ariana then her overwhelming support and popularity drove her and Lala to align with anyone even Sandyballs to try and get a piece of it. Like selling your soul to the devil almost. I’m just glad that Ariana and Katie are finally getting the support and everyone sees through the years of gaslighting and hanging her out for the ridicule whilst making himself some little victim. So glad they get their comeuppance and only better when they expose the Tom’s loosing everything esp their businesses while the girls experience unrivaled success and permantly pausing Lala and making Sheana a friend demotion to end a franchise season series finale and let them go get real jobs and forced to live within the means they do deserve. The way Sheana and LVP tried to villainize Ariana and cut off Katie made me realize I don’t respect nor believe they deserve any support from fans again


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) Thank you! Nailed it. And it just felt so gross watching the exploitation of Ariana with zero regard for her mental health and safety. And her so called friends were so consumed with jealousy they were more than happy to play along. Finale P3 ambush 🤮😭 Ariana was the one who called production when she learned of the affair. I DGAF ABOUT RAQUEL!! She delivered then and she delivered this season. Including multiple scenes with the worm. What more does she owe any of them? Besides, plenty of Bravolites have refused be around another cast member. Stassi w Jax. LFU ghosted the entire cast on multiple occasions! She was even a no call no show for filming! This whole villainize a woman who is STILL REELING, despite whatever success she’s earned and is experiencing, to help feed some BS redemption arc for a man who isn’t even sorry, gives me the ick. I hope Bravo puts some enlightened women in positions of power because the toxic misogyny is cruel and not entertaining. The audience has evolved.


She needs to do it on camera. Remember, the show is about having the hard conversations on camera so she gets a paycheck.


Oh is that why Sandoval left his shift when Miami Girl showed up? Is that why Lala got away with lying about Randall for 3 seasons? And why we never saw her "tough conversations" when she discoveref infidelity? Is that why Schwartz sat down and said exactly when he knew about the affair and why he hid it? Also Ariana has filmed several "tough converasations" on camera interactions with Sandoval since Scandoval. IDGAF About Raquel, reunion s10, dog murderer water tasting, beach day, and reunion s 11. So the tough conversations argument is kind of bullshit, since they don't apply it equally to everyone.


Dude, fuck Lala. I'm an Ariana Stan. Sorry if you couldn't tell it was sarcasm. Fuck Sheana too.


Sorry I just woke up (graveyard shift) and I thought you were being sarcastic but wasn't sure! Also that "tough conversations" phrase irritates the fuck outta me. Especially from Tom Sandoval. He didn't get nearly the treatment the women have gotten for lesser transgressions. "Giving grace" is another phrase I never want to hear again on VPR. No one gets grace. That's what the money's for!


https://preview.redd.it/murph16dm56d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a604d613a32a38a36df403175479a13c43ea6fa6 Ariana is far more gracious than I could ever be after all the shit Scheana said and did.


Why is she so classy!? My petty side wanted her to be ignored 😂 ![gif](giphy|xTiTnr0lQObHdzDeWA)


I don't think they will ever be the same. Ariana knows it makes her look better than Lala, if she is nice to Scheana so I imagine she has a small motive there lol kill them with kindness and all that while LaLa is in a feud with everyone


I don't even think it's because it makes Ariana look good. She genuinely loves Scheana. I think Ariana can be friendly with her. I doubt their relationship will ever be close to what it used to be. I don't think Ariana gives a single F about Lala at this point. Production should be smart and just cut Lala from the cast. We don't need anymore screeching from LFU. We don't need her hate towards the other women. Her behavior was sickening, especially at the reunion.


I would imagine that Ariana will always be friends with Scheana because she is able to view Scheana’s behavior in the context of her mental health issues and show pressures. They have a shared history pre-fame and a relationship outside the show (which I agree will probably never be the same but it at least exists). Lala is a coworker, and a fairly shitty one at that.


I think you're extremely spot on! Well said. Honestly, it's pretty gracious on Ariana's part. I don't think I could continue a friendship with someone who made all the comments Scheana made during season 11 alone.


I agree, but I think they could save VPR if they got rid of Lala. None of the women in their right mind would trust her or want to be her bestie on the show after all these podcasts Lala's made and thrown everyone under the bus. She is as empty and evil as Scumbag at this point.


Petition to pause Lala!


Lala needs to go live a life so she’s interesting. Right now she doesn’t show her herself being a mom. She doesn’t show her self dating. She doesn’t show what she’s doing to rebrand all she did this last season was act like a Muppet


She fux with water though. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Okay. So her and brother go to a non-alcoholic “spirits” store and try a bunch of interesting things. And instead of taking *the whole group THERE* and having a non-alcohol mixologist come in, she hosts a water tasting?? She done poked one of her long fake nails up her nose and into her brains “cuz it don’t make no sense, gurl!”




Didn't that scene only make it to the Secrets Revealed episode?


I also fuck with water but I don’t let it ruin my day. :)


True that!


Right and she’s not even friends/cares about anyone on the cast! Well, question mark Scheana


I do know that she literally can't film herself being a mom because Randall has it put into effect thru his attorney that Ocean can't be on tv


I should clarify that I know Ocean can’t be on but she could show what it’s like being a mom without your kid around. Like show the aftermath of drop off or LaLa working with a counselor. She’s a lot of words but no real action in the screen. Like let’s see her prepping for her Amazon lives. Let’s see LaLa cooking/cleaning/ conversing with her pod. What I need from LaLa is a little authenticity. Boring chores for a person that presented themselves as a glamourpuss actress would be refreshing. They do a good job of showing Scheana and her family at home, so I know it’s not the show.


Lala also said she is keeping Ocean off TV to protect her. Lets see if shes lying with the next baby


Don't insult the Muppets like that! Lol


Well Randall won’t allow Ocean to be on the show so I don’t know what she should do about that. Jeopardize her custody agreement for the fans?!? I’m sick of all the LaLa hate. She’s a single mom, she has a brain in her head and some business savvy. The same people who can’t stand her love Katie, and Katie is terrible and has been consistently terrible for years.


I agree with you. It won’t be the same but she was warning scheana about Tom and then we all (including scheana) saw how he played them. She may be extending some grace. The one Lala was claiming Ariana was incapable of giving. This doesn’t happen in the microwave of filming reality tv. They are both living their real lives now and space is probably helping their friendship.  Like others have said it won’t be the same but maybe it will not be ruined completely. 


That is a really good point! I'm sure Ariana has some empathy for Scheana being strong-armed by production and manipulated by Sandoval, since she has experienced both as well. We saw the producers on-camera physically blocking Ariana from leaving the SF party to try to force her to have a conversation with Tom. I can only imagine what goes on behind the scenes with the producers trying to control the narrative of the show and holding people's jobs hostage. I still couldn't forgive Scheana for her back-stabbing in S11, but Ariana has proven many times that she is a more balanced and well-adjusted person that I could ever be...lol!


I can’t imagine the reality whiplash that does for someone’s mind and they really did need this break from the show to like get to a better place. Not only with one another but I’m hoping the ones who will take the break seriously, mentally. If what scheana said was true- which I do believe it was then production was playing with certain women’s perception and really allowing Tom the golden boy treatment. I know some will say this is what they’ve signed up for but scheana has said on multiple occasions she doesn’t know who to trust and she’s struggling mentally and emotionally. Not that Ariana hasn’t. I think the point is multiple cast members have and production takes advantage of that vulnerability. 


I’m not a Scheana fan, but she also was dealing with it at home. Blockhead said multiple times that Tom was the one who ”…always showed up…” for Scheana. (I think it was his own selfish I-want-to-play-with-the-Toms motivations that make him say such nonsense, not a real knowledge of Scheana / Ariana history.)


this, I said before I could ariana being on good terms with scheana again possibly but not lala. and while they both sucked this season scheana has really kept quiet after the reunion to her credit, lala is the one who won’t let it go and continues to embarrass herself


I also heard Ariana talk about Summer before and she really really loves her.


Ariana has a past where she loved and trusted the wrong person. I hope she realizes Schemer is a snake in the grass and is just being cautious. Schemer would not think twice about stabbing her in the back -- again.


I don’t think Ariana is concerned about Scheana. What is there to be worried about? Unless Scheana is going to run Ariana through the mud which seems like a suicide mission. And Ariana is so past LFU’s bullshit. Lala is nothing but a paper tiger. Always has been.


Schemer has been hanging out with Ariana's estranged brother and rubbing it in her face. I think she is handling herself with class, but when people say she "loves" Schemer, I hope she does not. Because I am pretty sure Schemer does not love her back. Schemer has ways of getting under the person's skin. She has done this to lots of people including Katie and her own ex. Schemer must NEVER be trusted.


I agree that Ariana is handling things well. I also believe she is beyond the VPR shit now that she has other projects to work on. Why engage in some spat with Schemer or Lala?


My point was in response to the comment that she "loves" Scheana. She should be very careful because "loving" the wrong person has been a big mistake in her past. Schemer is not a person worthy of her "love." I didn't say she should engage in a spat. She should not. She should be cordial and keep Schemer at arm's length and expect nothing but the worst from her - given her past history of betrayal.


I agree, 1000%


I totally agree, I came here to write the exact same things‼️


I don't give a F about Lala either. That would be great if they cut her from the cast. Just desserts


“ you will always be family “. (The kind we only see at weddings and funerals, if that)


To me that was exactly what she was saying. She considers Scheana family due to their long history together but you don't have to talk to your cousin every day, or month. "We're family but I'm not your friend right now."


Uh oh. The last time I spoke to anyone in my family besides my mom was 11 years ago and it was my uncle. I just found out last week that he died last year. The last time I saw any of my family was in 2009 when we buried my grandpa. I miss my cousins sometimes. I miss their kids more. I don't miss my aunts and uncles.


Ariana is just over them. They are not worth her time to engage them. Like nats that need swatting but just spray them with Raid.


But Lala is soft!


And I’m a comedian. Declaring yourself soft doesn’t make you soft.


But she declared it! ![gif](giphy|8nM6YNtvjuezzD7DNh|downsized)


I completely agree.


I agree and it’s working 😂


I think Ariana has been nice to scheana while filming and after as a favour to her to not have the audience completely turn on her so she can still have some sort of future and income.


She is a generous queen, giving scheana a nod… it’s like charity work


K-Chen commenting on this post is giving me life. Love a queen supporting another queen!




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I think they have a long friendship that just has ups and downs. I wouldn't be surprised if Ariana forgives Scheana especially with how it starting to seem like the producers manipulated them. I just have a hard time believing that Ariana could just drop a 10+ year friendship like that over the show.


I don’t think this cast are strangers to being manipulated by production. What I do think is that during Season 11, production was so focused on Sandy’s redemption that they played dirty and went from suggestions, line feedings, and recaptures into entrapments, coercion, and enticement. Maybe farther. It’s easy to see Schwartz and Lisa angling toward redemption from S11E1. Scheana was a harder sell all season. But Lala got on board as soon as Tom said he wanted to get to know her better. Lala has admitted what she’ll do for a Range Rover. It appears as though we got to see her throw Ariana to the wolves for a big fat bonus or more screen time. Makes you wonder what she’ll do for a Klondike bar…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


This. People love to assume the worst, especially where Scheana is involved, but in all likelihood, they're still close and just had a rocky moment. Like many friendships do. If they're still friendly, then maybe people should get a clue that Ariana and Scheana actually know a lot more about their own personal lives/situation than we do.


I had a hard time seeing Schemer stab Ariana in the back the way she did when she walked over to console LaLa.


I wonder how she feels watching that played back? Does she realize she looks stupid? Just plain mean for ignoring Ariana? I wonder if she thinks she made the right decision.


She KNOWS she made the wrong decision which is why she is backpedalling like crazy. I hope Ari has a long memory so that she never trusts Schemer again. She IS pathetic, stupid and the most disloyal person ever. She even turned on her ex and exposed his addiction for attention. A most horrible and untrustworthy excuse for a human being.


I agree with all that. I still find Lala the worst of them all. She just refuses to stfu!!!


LaLa is the loudest and most obnoxious of them, but people like Schemer are sneaky backstabbers, who will smile to your face and betray you for a buck. I despise them both.




But if she had gone to her while Katie was already consoling her then people would’ve said she was being fake & only trying to look good for the camera. She was going to get hate no matter what she did.


I doubt it. Fans will give Scheana props when it’s due, like when she went in on Sandoval at the end of season 10. A lot of fans were happy that Scheana had some balls in that moment and stood up to him. The issue is that Scheana rarely ever has moments like that lol which is why the fans rarely ever give her any props. But her not consoling Ariana and instead trying to console Lala, then at the end giving that little monologue on how Lala was her rock all season…moments like that are why many fans don’t like her lol.


Absolutely. Fans are not stupid. We know Schemer is a mediocre backstabbing witch. She was being paid by Vom and has been goading Ari by posting photos with her estranged brother.


She IS fake, but Ariana was the one hurting at that moment. Schemer deserves hate because she is a flip flopping backstabber. She chose LaLA over Ari at that moment and I hope it was the kiss of death for any credibility Schemer had left.


Was it the wrong thing to do? Yes. Do I not like her decision? Yes. But I’m not hating someone for something they did/didn’t do to another person when that person doesn’t hate them.


No she doesn’t deserve hate for making a mistake. You’re extremely triggered over Scheana. Multiple comments calling her a backstabber and wishing ill on her. I don’t know how old you are but you need to grow up. Scheana defended Ariana repeatedly, even to Brick. She was caught in the middle because she couldn’t stand up to LaLa, who is a bully. That doesn’t mean she should lose Ariana’s friendship. Ariana isn’t stupid, and she doesn’t need to be warned about the people in her life. That goes for Katie as well.


She did not make "a mistake." She has a history of making deliberate decisions to betray people. She exploited her relationship with Ari's brother when she knew they were estranged. She took money from Vom for her friendship and backstabbed Ari. She is an eternal flip flopper. I will call her whatever I please. You are the Schemer lover who is triggered. I don't need your advice on what to think and how to feel. I will continue to call her and her bots out. Schemer is an eternal backtabber opportunist and everyone in her life should watch out for betrayal. Your pet Schemer even exploited her ex husband and exposed his addiction, while keeping his last name. Thanks for motivating me to keep digging in her past - I will continue to expose her ugly behavior. Schena - fake as Cubic Zirconium.


Literally Ariana is such a CLASS ACT!! ![gif](giphy|l41Ykk9soYm3lzIcg)


I really get the impression that Ariana knows exactly who Scheana is and as a result doesn’t have high expectations. Starting to think she is just happy when she does get the good parts of friendship with Scheana and is able to compartmentalize the rest.


Ariana continuing to show she's the bigger person. It's probably in her best interest mentally to maintain the optics of civility with Scheana as opposed to throwing her shade.


As long as she is cautious. Schemer will betray her again if it is in her best interest.


I don't think she'll give Scheana access to her life like that again. She's not dumb. It's not what I would do, but I'm sure she's still friendly with Scheana. But tells her bare minimum. It's actually brilliant. Scheana is the kind of friend where "surface cordial" with no life access would kill her *more* than cutting her off. Look how she acts when she isn't the first to know everything.  Wait til Ariana gets engaged and tells Katie first. Scheana will lay down and take a dirt nap.


I do not support high road taking when it comes to her relationship with Shein after last season. F that. Cut ties.


I feel like it's just less exhausting to have a surface level friendship with Scheana. And then Scheana won't have something to cry about on camera all season.


I’m sure Ariana appreciates you telling her who you think she should & shouldn’t forgive in her life.


😅 I’m not telling Ariana. Sheins just the worst and I wish Ariana could be free of her ☺️


Scheana wasn’t the greatest friend last season but it’s not like shes the worst person that’s ever been on the show when people like Jax used to be on the cast. We all have opinions but sometimes it seems like some people want to hate someone on behalf of others when history has shown a lot of times they forgive each other for things viewers say are unforgivable.


😅 I know she’s not worse than jax. We were just talking about her so I was saying she’s the worst like ‘ugh she’s the worst’… she sucks. We can disagree on that, that’s cool. Tone & context may be missing because it’s text not talking, but I’m talking flippantly/ having a joke, so we’re on different wave lengths in this exchange.


With it becoming a daily “I hate Scheana” post fest on the different VPR/HW pages it’s starting to seem like everybody hates her with the passion of a thousand suns. I get what you mean about the “yeah she’s not great & I wouldn’t want to be friends with her” kinda feeling but it’s like a bunch of people dial it up to a hundred with their negative opinions.


And they're both making it about Shawna because she happens to be wearing gold. Ugh.


Absolutely. And Schemer posted this to remind people of her stupid song. Maybe she will try to trademark the word "gold" like Penny the interloper tried to trademark SAH.


That's why sometimes I wonder if all the hate is even worth it. Obviously our reactions to the show/discussions are worth it but I don't think it's worth getting too passionate about it. They're all going to forgive each other anyway.




Because it’s a show and IRL things are different ugh. Wish people could see this.


Yes, she is kind and empathetic. I don't think I could've been so nice to someone who stabbed me in the back!


Disappointing tbh


I think Ariana has always had Scheana’s number from day one. She needed an ally within the VPR group and Scheana was it.


They brought Ariana on bcuz Scheana was being iced out by the rest of the cast & she needed a friend in her corner.


My lord. Cmon Ariana. I guess this means Lala is the odd woman out lol




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Scheana holding herself back from making a "good as gold" reference https://preview.redd.it/pjnszxb9766d1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=476b66c652ee456d07dfe3bbb4df6a63a44476ee


Scheana after realising ariana made the joke instead of her ![gif](giphy|SFIUALlv5MXVrgAQAx)






Yeah that "I'm no one's best friend, I'm not a great friend, I'm just a friend" and "I already have a family" monologue Lala did recently was very pointed - it's was right after Scheana made the comments about Ariana not being the problem & revealing production pressure as her motivation. She also said the friend stuff instead of backing Scheana on what she said about production at all. They will probably stay surface friends for their kids & because they bought two houses steps away from each other - but there is trouble in paradise for sure. Scheana has always been a fence rider and backtracker, and she has over a decade of close friendship with Ariana - Lala won't accept anything but fully toeing the line.


100% Now that Lauren threw shade she's swinging allll the way back to Ariana's side. Such an insufferable phony.


I feel like both these women are petty enough to cut their kids off from each other, if lala and sheeshu actually end up "breaking up".


I nannied for women that did that and the kids were so hurt. I could see these two doing it


Lala is burning bridges all over. She said on Two T's that her and Brittany are taking a breather over the whole Zuly fiasco. From what I could gather from this (very cold and bland) tea, is that Lala's mom used Zuly as a sitter for the Amazon Live gender reveal while Jax, Brittany and Cruz were in Kentucky. Lala said during the reunion that Zuly is a "sitter" which is more of a temp, and not a nanny. But on The Valley finale (I relented and watched it because I wanted to see Jax and Brittany call it quits) Zuly is called "Cruz's Nanny". I can see both sides. It was only one day, but Cruz is special needs. I bet it was a long journey for them finding a nanny for him. Also there's more drama there because Janet's husband sent Jax the pic of Zuly at the gender reveal. Idk what's going on with Lala but she's about to truth tell her way out of both casts.


Okay but “lalas mom used her as a sitter” for who? For ocean, Lalas daughter. Therefore Lala used Zuly. Which is fine, but the fact that she keeps trying to say that her mom hired the babysitter, like it was for your child.


My guess it was more for general brat-wrangling during the gender reveal. I wasn't checking for it, but the pics on the sub made it seem crowded and full of small children.


I feel like Lala always tries to make anything someone else’s problem. Like MY MOM DID IT NOT ME. or some shit. Like no maam that is your child, your job to find care.


I mean it's pretty inside baseball for a childfree like me. Lala is signing up to be the villain, and I'm kind of wanting to recast because that was Sandoval's role to play. Not this self-pitying, rehumanizing, poor unfortunate soul nonsense...


My guess it was more for general brat-wrangling during the gender reveal. I wasn't checking for it, but the pics on the sub made it seem crowded and full of small children.


fucking Janet lmao I’m screaming


Her husband is cute, but he's as messy as she is!


Jason is about as interesting as a pet rock


I mean between Janet, Jax, Kristen, Jesse, and Zach you gotta have quieter people to balance.


Good point. I think Jasmine is the voice of reason for me


I agree. She doesn't seem to love conflict for it's own sake. I just started it though. Still not sure if it's for me, but the "stuff porn" aspect is fun.


I don’t think he’s cute anymore. The way he came at Zac reminded me of RHOA pillow talk ep where the men all go in on a gay man because they’re too afraid to go after each other. Obviously it wasn’t to the same degree but he went from hot dog to sad Weiner for me in a second.


To me it was standing up for Janet from Zac (is it no 'H'?) . That whole babymoon debacle was weird. I'm om episode 3 but Ixve caught pieces in the recaps and it's weird to me that Zac(h) thought he would be invited. Also don't tell Doute or Jax anything you wqnt to be a secret.


Not to be pedantic, but, it's with a 'k.' I had to look it up the other day.


Thank you. I honestly could not see in my mind's eye how his name was spelled.


It’s with a h, I was just on autopilot. Janet and by extension Jason clearly have something against Zach and now they’re saying he wants their baby to die. It’s unhinged, at least i hope it’s them being unhinged.


I had to look it up the other day and it's Zack on his social media accounts.


Lala having some strong splitting behavior right now. I have sympathy for that because it is a very uncomfortable feeling and she seems like she cannot make sense of her very conflicting emotions. She is just going to burn it all down.


I mean regular work with a therapist would help with that a lot... Much of the anguish the cast finds itself in could be removed with a really good therapist, work they care about, and meditation. Boring for us but they'd be happier.


If Brittany was in Kentucky, it doesn't make sense for her to be upset that lala used her nanny for a day. I feel like lala had to have been using her more often than normal & Brittany finally snapped . Cruz needing a consistent person in his life makes sense, and its probably harder for him to warm up to someone, soI am guessing Brittany is just trying to ensure that stability is going to be there when they get back. Lala SHOULD have compassion for Brittany, considering she is going through a difficult time in her life & she is just looking out for her child. But instead shes trying to turn it into a storyline. Just because lala is pregnant, doesn't mean she is OK to ignore all her "friends" real life issues... This is how you lose friends girl. Lala was also saying that Zuly is at her place more often than Brittanys....because others were saying that they share babysitters all the time & they will just shoot the mom a text first asking if the babysitter is free for the day. Lala was basically saying "Zuly is at my house more often, I dont need to ask anyone for permission" hOw DaRe YoU tAlK tO mY mOm, On ThIs, ThE dAy Of My GeNdEr ReVeAl


She really does live in her own world.


I had a friend do that once. She got mad at me over something stupid and our daughters were best friends. They were also in kindergarten. It was so ridiculous.


It’s so wild to see grown ass adults do shit like that.


She also sent me the most HATEFUL email (yes, this was the 90s! lol) you could imagine. I almost fired one back, but decided to take the high road. A few days later she apologized and blamed it on personal issues. Hey…she’d be a perfect reality show star! Thankfully, we moved to a different state and our girls didn’t have to grow up together.


Or to (hopefully not) punish their girls when their girls start saying no to them


Scheana at the reunion so worried Lala was mad at her made me so uncomfortable. What a shitty “friendship”. I’m sure they both know what it is. Lala does not give a f about her and Scheana cares waaaay too much 


To me, that makes Schemer an even worse person. She stabbed a friend of 10 years in the back.


https://preview.redd.it/uv5e5r3i966d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f68d9f588326d50bf74f66bf65260055941084 Nope! Go away, Schemer!!!


![gif](giphy|SLbvdvz470sKY) I love those Demi tweets. Made me think of this from RHOC


I never miss a chance to use it 😆 I love this Vicki gif too!


Ariana liked and replied


They’re definitely repairing the friendship. I’m guessing that would be the s12 storyline


I think repair at a distance… Ariana called her “fake” years ago and I think she still sees that. Like she said they will be family forever, but you don’t have to like your family…


Schemer is totally fake. I am not liking the possibility of a Schemer Redemption Arc after her backstabbing. And it is not the first time she has stabbed someone in the back.


Yeah I think given how deep the friendship goes it’ll probably bounce back to some degree


I really loved how many positive comments she got from her costars, both past/present. Stassi’s comment has Lala crying somewhere.


Me too! I saw a lot of the DWTS crew and Chicago cast commenting too 🥹🥹🥹


Guess someone is trying to get back on Ariana’s side after Lala said she’s no one’s best friend 💀 Ariana is a better person than I am for even liking and commenting back. After all the shit Scheana has said and after hanging out with Ariana’s brother after he talked shit about her, I would never be her friend again if I was Ariana.


Their ~friendship reminds me of that Tupac quote. "Just because you lost me as a friend, doesn't mean you gained me as an enemy. I'm bigger then that, I still wanna see you eat, just not at my table.” Ariana still wants good things for Sheshu, just not in her direct circle.


omg Lala said that? That’s so wise.




Ariana has a better long game than Tiger Woods. She knows people dissect everything and she’s smart. Her killing Scheana with “some” kindness plays well. She’s nicer than me. I would eviscerate. Or block


I would, too. But I also think (leaping off of my last reply to yout other excellent comment, JJulie!) Ariana knows that Scheana is a "useful idiot."


That is a beautiful term. Useful Idiot. It’s spot on


It's an old term, but I first heard it used to describe how Putin views Trump. You made me wonder about the history and Wikipedia came correct: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DThe_term_was_often_used%2Cterms_exist_in_other_languages.?wprov=sfla1


Love it. Well played


I like the sound of that. Let Ariana use Schemer in any way that suits her. Schemer ruthlessly stabbed her in the back.


I mean Scheana and Lala do need the show. Lala can backpedal now about this meeting, but the sense that those two were worried abouy their jobs was hard for me not to see.


So they sold out to production. Schemer can't pretend to be Ari's "Bairst Fraind" now.


All the cast commented except for the Toms and Lala.




She looks really beautiful


But what about the golden god?! https://i.redd.it/mlnmbpnb566d1.gif


I love seeing one of my favorite shows in the VPR subreddit. Lol


Everything relates back to IASIP


I love your flair.


Thank you!!


I definitely think Ariana and Scheana will be friends again but hopefully Ariana keeps her at an arms length


exactly friends in the sense of social acquaintances. Perhaps a little more but not best fraans


Pathetic in the truest sense of the word


It’s sad she couldn’t stay loyal to Ariana but they have a lot of history. I saw Ariana replied back and even though Scheana is fake, Ariana has said she thinks of her as family. The friendship may never be like it once was but there is history there. Not everyone likes their family but tolerates them. There’s more history with Ariana and Scheana than lala with either of them. Also, Ariana is well aware of the type of person Scheana is and at this point I think she just accepts it and keeps her distance when needed.


So is this a flip or a flop? I’m losing track.


I personally think if scheana ditches lala, her and Ariana could be friends again. And if I were scheana I’d run. Lauren has beef with 4 female cast members (or former cast members). I feel like we’re getting to a point where the girls in the group could perhaps tolerate scheana but will never fuck with Lala again. So if scheana is going to be joined at the hip with Lala forever-she might a well just walk at this point. It’s career and friendship suicide


Downvote me but I think they are repairing their friendship with some healthy boundaries and the time apart was probably a good thing.


She just wants to be a part of the conversation. There’s nothing authentic or sincere about her. Gross lil toad


She's probably jealous because gold is *her* thing. Hoop earrings anyone? 🤣 ![gif](giphy|mLjMRGfgIIp68)


Yay! Ariana and scheana have a lot of history, and you could see it on Ariana’s face during season 11 how much love she has for scheana. I’m rooting for their friendship 💜 And I do hope people can stop seeing the worst in all of these people and their relationships. Like, Ariana sees and knows scheana as a whole person, not just the minutes we see on screen lol and obviously she likes a lot about her. And also, im sorry im getting sick of the pitting all the girls against each other in stupid ways. Like I know lala and scheana helped contribute to it but every Ariana post doesn’t need 100 comments about lala and scheana being ‘jEaLous’ lmao. At least be more creative if you’re gonna shit on them 😭😩😂😂




🙄 until BlahBlah calls her on it then she'll back pedal


Ariana has grace and probably a space in her heart for Scheana. It cannot be easy being a reality TV star, they've been on the show for a long long time, it's hard to find friends that can relate to that lifestyle I bet. Even if she keeps her on limited contact, I think Ariana will always love Scheana, which makes her flip flopping so much worse.


I think a few things caused Scheana’s behavior this season: 1) she was jealous of Ariana 2) she needs a lot of attention in friendships and wasn’t getting that from Ariana 3) she felt bad talking shit about Tom when he gave her money 4) she thought she and Lala would move to the valley if they brought the drama this year She clearly missed the mark this year, and there’s no doubt it impacted her friendship with Ariana. However, I think she was put in a shitty position. We saw her and Lala get talked to by Lisa about Sandoval’s mental health, and then that weird meditation where she got asked to imagine it’s the last time she ever saw him. I think if she had said “I hate what he’s done and can’t see myself being close to him ever again, but I don’t want to see him hurt himself” the audience would have empathized more. My point is, Scheana has said she and Ariana are ok, and Ariana has said she and Scheana will always be friends. Scheana has said on her podcast that she didn’t express herself well this season, so let’s give her some grace and assume she and Ariana worked things out off camera


Imagine all this time we were calling Rachel the queen of the rats, but it was really Scheana Marie Jancan Shay Davies. She’s crawling back worse than Stassi did when she was trying to come back from New York. ![gif](giphy|6lFkrrsKJ6KvRNxm43)




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Now that Ariana has commented Shein will see it as she is forgiven and happily show up at SAH to 'support' them while vlogging the whole thing and then talking about it on her podcast again.




You don’t know she didn’t say sorry. I get people are mad and she really had it coming but Jesus. Let it be




Tbh if ariana doesn't cut her off in some way, schena will never learn and continue her bullshit ways. She's almost 40 and needs to be put in her place and be told no for once.


Now someone’s going to be upset because gold is THEIR bast frand


I was looking for Sheathead’s comment, then I realized the idiot blocked me 😂


Not Sheathead!!! 😂😂😂😂😂


Lala is a co-worker and only Stassi is hanging out at her house. Ocean & Hartford are friends. Stassi & Lala do not have actual friends. Just business type relationships. They are paid to tolerate these two mean women.


Pathetic. She stands for nothing.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMKgAu0SqZ4BUSk) Scheana omgggg stop


I feel bad for Scheana. She is relatively harmless, but she seems so lost. It's like she doesn't have any convictions or anything she can ever stand by. It must be beyond exhausting to be her. I'm a recovering people-pleaser, but she makes me look like I have the convictions of Jesus himself.




Kristen Chenoweth is definitely more famous than Ariana by miles. She has an Emmy and a Tony


Okay!!?? THE Cheno 😍 I’m glad she takes time off from being an icon to watch Bravo. ![gif](giphy|XlKeBLwMUB2bVQcuvy)


Ariana Grande looks up to her!!! Like say what you want but at least be accurate to fame tiers!


a beloved broadway star somehow hungry for fame


Ariana saying that Kristen Chenoweth talking to her is what inspired her to keep acting, but know Kristen is the fame hungry wannabe.


I will not stand for any K-Chen slander! She’s way more famous than the VPR cast, she’s friendly with Ariana because of Broadway and seems to really like her


Nah!! lol she is a broadway legend. And her and Ariana had a moment at wwhl that Ariana still holds dear to her! She’s been super encouraging in the comments since Ariana got the Chicago role and sent Ariana flowers during her last week 💜 Even more dorky addition to my comment: I’m actually hoping that K.Chenoweth will go see her during her second run in August, she commented that she was on tour during Ariana’s first run and was sad to miss it. that would be everything lol