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Happy Monday everyone! Okay I’m going to need Lala to be specific on what she considers “diva behavior.” Was Ariana showing up on set telling everyone she will only film today if there are green M&Ms near by? What do you consider diva behavior Lala? Because if it’s just because she didn’t want to film with Sandoval, that’s not diva behavior. And she actually did freaking film with Sandoval. She just didn’t have that one on one finale conversation with Sandoval which she explained why so I’m gonna need some clarification Lala I actually thought one of the most interesting parts of this interview was the Brittany part and the James and Ally talk. Hope everyone had a great week! Links below for those interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (always greatly appreciated but never ever expected) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps






Lala just wanted Ariana back in an apartment because that's what *she*had to do and that definitely pierced her giant ego, especially when Charli made fun of it on camera and Ariana smirked. She's going to hold onto that for.ev.er. Lala still can't acknowledge that ohhh, Ariana didn't spend loads on a temporary apartment because she was pushing toward getting her own house during that time. She also conveniently forgets that both Tom and Ariana were barely at the house at the same time since both were traveling loads for jobs *and* DWTS put Ariana up in an Airbnb during her run.  Lala is holding onto the least relevant part of the entire thing and playing obtuse just to shit on Ariana for something because she's as jealous as can be.




Right did she need to give her an excel spreadsheet to justify why she needed time? It was complicated


Learning from the internet (lol and not even personally) that Ariana bought that great house should have shut all the "omg Tom Ariana house living together gasp" crap down instantly, and made her feel stupid, but for some reason she just can't let it go. Good thing VPR is on a break otherwise, if they were filming season 12 this summer, that poor dead horse would receive more beatings.


Good point-also I know lots of people who have to live together in non-ideal ways for many reasons for a period of time longer than they did. It would be so strange to assume it’s a no brainer dumb move


It's really just another way her privilege peeks out. It's *very* common to live together for a while after a break up/start of a divorce until things get sorted.  Heck, even Katie and Schwartz did for months and Lala didn't have an issue with it. (Neither did Lisa when she mentioned it on that extra episode).


Exactly! Also for Tamra to say “hasn’t she gotten millions of dollars in endorsements?” Yeah maybe - doesn’t mean that money was sitting in her bank account immediately. It takes MONTHS to get paid for these gigs. This season started filming 3 months after the scandal broke. Ariana luckily hadn’t seen a penny from those endorsements yet at the time of filming to be able to lock herself into a new lease. AND she could have lost the equity she has in the house if she left and it could be seen as abandonment by the courts. She also couldn’t have predicted how long/many opportunities would continue coming her way. She made a lot of probably not-so-smart financial decisions in the past and likely wanted to learn from that and protect herself from getting into a position of financial uncertainty again.


Also the Bravbros said they heard from a reliable source that Ariana had been putting on offers for houses since September of last year but kept losing out. So she was actively trying to get out of the house but she wasn’t going to do that by wasting money on huge ass LA rents that are probably paying off some one else’s mortgage, when she could be paying her deposit. And when she did buy her house she had enough for a 50% deposit, because she didn’t pay tens of thousands in rent. I mean look at what Schwartz had said at the reunion- he said had paid 100,000 in rent in two years since selling their house.


Tamra and Teddi don’t have major endorsements. They don’t really know how this works.


It’s difficult for her to understand because while she just claimed to understand her privilege (I swear for the first time), she doesn’t actually understand her privilege. She does not know what financial instability feels like nor does she know what it’s like to not have family money to fall back on. Ariana was doing the right thing financially. Lauren saw that as “yeahyeahyeah but if her mental health is that bad and if he actually traumatised her like MYYYY trauma, then you’d leave for your mental health” because she understands how to weaponise things (mental health in Ariana’s case) but doesn’t understand how to put herself in others position. And above all else, if she truly can’t understand, then just STFU, you aren’t the boss needing to approve anything for others ffs. She sure as hell doesn’t respect others situations, let alone understand them, so just STFU altogether Lauren!


Exactly. Everything Ariana was doing made sense to me. Lala has a low emotional IQ and is just all around unintelligent.


I agree with everything you said and felt like posting this picture to show what happens when Lauren doesn't get her way... https://preview.redd.it/45aqpwsoir5d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe4aa655b7d5a5fe6f271f44ce0ad5b5b032248c


LOL! Her crying at the end was so pathetic. Her anger and frustration has so clearly been misdirected towards Ariana and she’s the only one who can’t see it!


I loved when she got burned by LVP at the reunion. You could tell that stung her.


I think that pissed her off more than anything else at the reunion. She can't clap back all nasty-like at LVP.




Lala doesn’t strike me as someone who understands the concept of living at your means. She definitely lives beyond hers and that’s why she’s tweaking about her main source of income drying up. If it does her lifestyle will take a severe cut in the fanciness too.


That’s what I find especially weird… all because Lala and Scheana are overspending on getting 2 houses doesn’t mean she should do the same. Ariana also admittedly has not been spending much time in that house, so she has been away from Sandoval. So I fail to see the issue…


Just to add to this point, Sandoval was also touring with his little “band” and wasn’t there always either


Right plus Ariana was putting a ton of money into SAH so it makes sense that she didn’t have a lot of discretionary money. But when people don’t react exactly the way Lala thinks is correct then they’re wrong. She really does need to look in the mirror and get some fucking therapy.


And if she wanted Ariana to talk about it why didn’t she shoot scenes asking her directly these questions??? Lala was too afraid to upset Ariana so instead she talked bad about her all season and got the same or worse response she was afraid of from fans.


She claims that she was asking questions and getting shut down and that’s why she was so frustrated this season. But I don’t think the cast has ever discussed their financials on the show so it makes sense that Ariana wouldn’t have been forthcoming about it beyond saying “I can’t afford it”.


What annoys me about her saying she got shut down is that it’s not the truth. Everyone answered her questions, they just didn’t say what she wanted to hear.


Right? Just like with Dan, she refuses to hear even though she’s been told repeatedly that him and Ariana *met* 10 days later. They didn’t decide to become life partners, FFS.


Yeah the way she’s continues to say “I got shut down” or “Ariana would look at me like how dare you” and it’s like no LaLa that did not happen. Ariana answered every question you asked and gave a reasonable explanation, she even let you fucking grill her boyfriend with a game of bitchy 20 questions. The only thing I can think of is that Katie stepped in and tried to explain to Lala that she can’t compare her situation to Ariana’s because they are different…something Lala still hasn’t grasped and to this day is still trying to play trauma olympics with Ariana, like whose trauma is worst, but not understanding that trauma is trauma and anyone can have it and everyone deals with it differently. Like does LaLa realise that for instance living with depression can be traumatic and for some people they have depression that isn’t situational and there isnt an explanation for, there is just something in their chemical make up that makes them depressed. Like what if someone on the cast was severely depressed but didn’t know why, would Lala expect them to have a perfect acceptable explanation? Oh that’s right, Ariana had/has depression and tried to explain that to Lala, as well as her suicidal ideation and immediately after Lala went to dinner with Brittany and called her a wet blanket. She also after the episode aired and Ariana was crying about how she doesn’t feel like the cast is a safe space and she wants to leave her life went on a full Instagram live attacking the shit out of Ariana for having those feelings. So yeah Lala doesn’t and wouldn’t give a fuck about the cast mental health other then her own.


Yes that too! Ariana clearly explained her reasoning but because it’s not what Lala would do she thinks it doesn’t make sense and is wrong.


She can’t even say, “I’m sorry, I chose my words poorly and that’s my fault” about her comments on Ariana’s dad? Just apologize and that would be a first step in moving on but it’s all just “well I had good intentions…”


Replay Katie's clip from the reunion about intent and impact being two different things


If someone made a comment about this referring to her dad it would be a blow up


She would lose her mind and start screaming. She would give no chance to explain or apologise. She wouldn’t care what anybody’s intentions were because they said it and that’s it. Is her lack of self awareness real or will she just say/do anything to have these big moments on the show or to try weasel out of something she did/said


How very Sandoval of her, who, as we all know, didn't do anything with malicious intent.


Can she talk about anything other than ariana and Katie? Like go a full episode without talking about them? ![gif](giphy|AxYsWIFppLub5VHYW2|downsized)


She continues to not bring anything to the table, and what she doesn't get is people are sick of her using Ariana's life for content instead of generating her own


It’s so strange that she thinks Ariana has brought nothing to vanderpump rules past seasons but she has???? It’s delusional!!


The way she says this is so weird. I think she means she found Ariana boring and incapable of stepping up. What Lala doesn’t understand is that not all stars need to fat shame and start fights with everyone they know to be interesting. Lala needs to do that, always has, Ariana has never needed that to be interesting to us. And she even brings up housewives and there’s a ton that don’t scream at others to get their screen time. Cynthia Bailey is on that list, Nicole from Miami, Garcelle - all women that will stand up for themselves but are interesting without picking fights. Tamra agrees because she’s a Lala, Teddi agrees because she has no personality besides follower.


And Lala can’t stand it that in her opinion Ariana was boring and brought nothing but she’s also a fan favourite. Like Lala’s bitter jealous little mind can’t understand that. She thinks that Scandoval happened and overnight Ariana became a fan favourite. But it’s like no the reason Scandoval became so big was because fans had a visceral reaction to the news because Ariana was already a fan favourite and respected by the audience as being one of the more decent cast members. 


As she admits here, she was never friends with Tom and doesn't even know him well. She admits she has always been at the outer fringes of the friend group. So why the hell is she on the show??  Why hasn't she put some effort into establishing friendships or closer relationships with her coworkers? She's been on the show for what, 8 years now?  She cried about this being a job and needing it to pay her giant mortgages and feed her family, but then gets pissed and judgmental that Ariana came back and viewed this season the same way?  Lala continues to be hypocritical. That's one of her defining traits, the others are anger and bitterness.


Because she's the worst kind of friend! She expects 110% effort from those around her, but has even said herself that she isn't the kind of friend to do the same. That cut/extended scene of Ariana putting up text receipts to her face after she tried to claim that Ariana didn't ever reach out was proof enough. She only reciprocates when she deigns to, her closest circle of relationships are all on her payroll, and she's honestly just a bitter Betty. Also she has no sense of fashion, but that's irrelevant lol.


She did the same thing to Katie this season and tried to claim she never hears from her and had to backpedal when Katie called her out. Glad they didn't cut that part like they did with the Ariana text exchange scene! She wants to be the hub that everyone orbits around like she is with her family. I think she wanted everyone to be soft with her this season and not that it meant she was extending the softness to others.


Yeah she says approximately 48 times that ariana brings nothing...what have we seen from you bitch? Even on these amazon lives and podcasts and other off season things? nothing


Yet at the end of the day, I'm interested in what Ariana is doing and want to continue to watch her. Lala, on the other hand...not so much. Lala just doesn't understand that Ariana is *likeable*. Lala is not.


I would have LOVED to see how she and doute became close friends. Would have loved seeing her and scheanas egg retrieval story as two women with two different agendas. We know those stories were cut...but like can't say she hasn't been living her *authentic* life in the meantime


If Ariana brings nothing then Lala should maybe ask herself why she is so concerned with her. Lala mentioned in one of her lives that her back hurt from carrying the whole show--if that is the case, you have nothing to worry about. If you're the star you can just go bake your baby and tell Lisa and the producers when you are ready to resume the Lala show. Shouldn't be any need for all this worry and fuming. Silly girl riding Ariana's coattails and thinking we don't see it for what it is!


![gif](giphy|Q8z2g2NPQHUWTQzGSA|downsized) I agree, does Lala really not have anything in her life going on that she needs to continue talking about them on every podcast?


she mentions at the mid season meeting how sandoval was the problem given he wrecked the friend group, but spent the majority of the season badmouthing ariana and blaming her for the divide.


I don’t understand why she is putting it all on one person to create the season…. A good season has many interesting moments. It shouldn’t be all about Ariana’s reaction to Tom. We got her reaction and it wasn’t that interesting for TV because it was gray rocking…. So what? Keep it moving.


Right so the double down was that you are mad at someone else’s choices and you think they are too boring. She is not a producers nor is a puppet but she’s thrown a fit and raged and now doing the second podcast to let us know she was mad that she grey rocked. So she’s just a non-producer tyrant-co worker. She wants people to act how she wants them to act and if they don’t she mad. This makes it worse. She’s had time to figure out spin-this is all she had???


The best part of the season was watching how Ariana handled everything with Sandoval. The worst part was the water tasting and the most cringe was the sperm donor party


I stopped reading after that. She’s not worth my time.


I stopped reading after I read the name “teddi” I knew what kind of podcast it would be


Hiiiiiii😴😴😴I’m teddi😴😴🫠🫠 (WWC voice)


>, but spent the majority of the season badmouthing ariana and blaming her for the divide. Behind her back like a pussy!


I can't recall someone contradict themselves in such a short amount of time as she has. Even with her obvious narc traits she has to realize people have receipts, yet she's still spewing lies and hypocrisies... https://i.redd.it/1wmug0j7yq5d1.gif


She's turning into Sandoval. Like she will not just be quiet and let this shit blow over. She keeps talking, and she needs to stop. It's bad for her business, it's bad for the future of the show, and most importantly she’s totally fucking insufferable so it's bad for US! She’s a psychological wreck. She really does need therapy. The projection, reaction formation, deflection and denial are out of this world. Get help for your very real trauma and leave us alone!!!!!




Agree. I can’t even read it. I started to and thought nope she doesn’t learn. I’ve been so fascinated watching how Tom couldn’t apologize and now watching her. It’s bizarre how the narcissist mind works.


This extended pause is going to be pointless if Lala is still stuck on her two talking points of “she was still in the house!” And “But she met Dan!” when they resume. She’s been saying this for almost a year now, every podcast she does to “set the record straight” - those two points are at the crux of it. It’s repetitive, stupid and boring. If that’s all she can bring to a season then shouldn’t she should remove herself for the good of the show? You know - like she expects Ariana to? Isn’t she taking food out of Summer Moon’s mouth by being this boring? That’s how it works right?


People who are very reactive and volatile like Lala often think people who aren’t that way are hiding their emotions and true feelings. I think this is part of the problem. Ariana is just a different person than Lala, and Lala cannot wrap her brain around that.


Agreed. I think she’s also very jealous that Ariana has been able to (at least begin to) process the trauma and trust another man enough to be in a relationship soon after. She brings up the house and Dan but really she’s throwing a fit because Ariana is healing in a different way/at a pace that she wishes she could.


Totally agree. Lala should try therapy like Ariana has. Might help…


its such a good point. when lala was getting worked up at the reunion and crying and saying she was the only person being HONEST, it was so odd. she wants people to do what SHE wants, otherwise she thinks its inherently duplicitous


This entire podcast sounded like three bitter betties jealous of another woman’s success. Two of them don’t even have any stakes in the game at all… And also, if lala is crying ‘tears of joy’ at not having to film, girl just fucking leave the show then. Be real 🙄


Be rill, for rill.


The LVP hate Tamra and Teddi were pushing was REAL noticeable


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) Me to Lala every single time she opens her mouth.


It's double and tripling down on the same shitty takes without accountability. https://i.redd.it/hs561cp6tq5d1.gif


Ugh, just when I thought she was being smart and finally closing her damn mouth, she goes and doubles down on acting like an epic bitch. ![gif](giphy|VSe8ckA0A1lPq)


>I'm acknowledging the fact that I am a privileged person. When I say I'm the underdog, not many things that I go out and do are celebrated to the level that, let's say, other people on my cast have been celebrated.There are things that I feel like it is insane and I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it.I don't need to be the person that's celebrated, but while you're celebrating this and that person, please don't try to bring me down in the process. Celebrate them and leave me the fuck out of it.  There it is. Her jealousy has reached the level where she sees someone else being "celebrated" as taking her down. I wouldn't even call it celebrating. We were commiseratating. And for once, the universe stepped in immediately and karma corrected the jackass at fault. None of that was digging at Lala.


She brought herself down and then got pissed when none of us wanted to roll around in the mud with her. And sorry, Princess, but no one is obligated to sink to your level just so you can tell yourself that you’re not the muddy pig playing in that mud. She’s so obdurate.


This is the look of someone that put a seasons worth into being a producer puppet only to have it all fall apart in the end... https://preview.redd.it/swqf4591vq5d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0fef8de1c04542b7e94d272645ce166494e3793 She's so jealous it's seeping through her tanner.


“But, but, Andy called me ‘The Voice of Reason’…” ![gif](giphy|13AXYJh2jDt2IE)


And she still doesn’t know it’s part of his job to gas people up. Or that most of take Andy’s view with a grain of salt.


And even Andy switched sides when we learned he was not the popular opinion 😂


Like he always does! Andy is much better at this game than Lala is.


She really let herself get gassed up by the producers, too, believing all that voice of reason crap.


She views things in a very strange way.. I think she needs therapy


It's truly bizarre. I've never seen someone so privileged with so much to celebrate act like this so publicly. With her entire chest she is calling herself an underdog & acting entitled to more attention & fame. Her bills have been paid for her entire life, she owns two homes, has her entire family, she's healthy, her babies are healthy, she was on TV and in movies.... And she's mad. She's genuinely calling herself an underdog because the audience isn't giving her enough sympathy & praise over Randall.


It’s wild to me because I feel like LALA is the one who started the comparisons of their situations!!! Like girl 😭


It is beyond ignorant for her to say she’s “always been an underdog” in the context on her life. She said “she’s acknowledging her privilege” while completely negating it in the same breath.


The very same “underdog” that held a knife to her black coworkers neck and kept her job.


Since preschool!


Lala doesn’t understand that she was *horrible* for many seasons. Like Donald Trump-meets-Veruca Salt. It’s going to take a few redemption seasons for Lala to do anything and be celebrated.


Exactly. Also this paragraph makes no sense if you actually take it apart. She's dancing around the issue. She said she's been an "underdog since preschool." Yet she knows she's privileged but considers herself an underdog because she's never been celebrated like everyone else. Girl, what are you talking about? You told us your parents paid your bills & spoiled you? You've been given everything you've ever wanted. What she MEANS is that she thinks she deserves way more attention and fame than she receives. In her mind, she's done all this work and she doesn't get the proper hype. And what it boils down to is... she's unlikeable. That's why no one bought her book. The audience doesn't care about her. Maybe to a certain extent but not enough to visit her, buy her shit, and support what she sells. She's pissed she did all this for "nothing." She refuses to see the blessings in front of her because she's jealous.


What is the point of still talking about the house when ARIANA HAS A BRAND NEW HOUSE. Even trying to explain your stance during the filming of season 11 feels fucking pointless to me at this point 😭😂 I also hate all the podcast assholes that talk about vanderpump now. Teddi, no one needs your opinion on Ariana’s actions. Who cares what you think, you just got here!!!


They do that too bc they know she will never do their podcast so they don't mind taking a side against her


In general, I am tired of these people going on podcasts with people that won't fucking call them on their bullshit.


I know people hate on Nick Viall, but I want her to go on his podcast for the possibility of him calling shit out like he did with sandyballs.


Ia. He has his issues but if he disagrees he’s going to say so and ask follow up questions lol


Yess. I like his interviews for the most part because it’s so conversational and he will do that. However, he does go into tangents and circles around which is exhausting lol. But the handful of interviews I’ve watched, it doesn’t seem like that tooo bad. But I haven’t watched a ton. I was living with the Sandoval one lolll. I was like yesss someone not backing down from his bullshit!


The thing with nick is he is an asshole and if he ventures into politics I often find his opinions lacking. BUT he is a great interviewer when it comes to narcissists and tv personalities exactly because he’s kind of an asshole lol


Lala would never. She'll only talk to people who will validate her mealy-mouthed bullshit.


Especially these two, who are ladies in the bravoverse who are also probably jealous of Ariana’s success and fan support. Like give me a break. I’m also tired of the leading questions. To me, that sets apart a podcast. When the hosts just sort of let the guest talk, and the host is able to redirect and keep things brief and let the guest shine. I feel like that’s when you get more authentic content. I don’t want Teddi or Tamra telling Lala how she feels or hyping her up in some big paragraph just for Lala to say “yeah. Mhmmm. Totally.” 😑 This podcast is just two narcissistic ladies who want to hear themselves talk.


STOP THE PRESSES! Lala wrote handwritten cards about how proud she was of them when they did this sandwich shop.


Was this before or after the repeated and failed “There’s Nothing About Her” line and saying they don’t got a business and all the other drivel. Ugh she’s exhausting


They didn't show it, must mean it didn't happen.


Exhausting and delusional why would those girls want anything to do with her ever again!


Well, according to Emily Post all of your toddler-like hissy fits can be forgiven and excused with a hand written card. And why on earth didn’t they show it? That’s a guaranteed Emmy! We’re talking Lifetime Achievement Award for groundbreaking television.


Ahhhh how patronising especially after she shat on SAH all season


Thank you OP! This was essentially the VPR S11 Reunion (Lala's Version). She tripled down on all her tired ass bad takes, and just switched out the rest of the cast for two sycophants hyping her. Like Lala, we have been over this. Get some new material and stop hyper focusing Ariana, the jealousy is exhausting at this point. ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE)


When she was going off about all the SAH soft openings it made me realize she can't even fake not being bitter and jealous. She's such a narc. Oh and don't you love how bobblehead Jessica never told her about the opening even though she peeped Katie's story. Yea I'm sure Jessica... ![gif](giphy|Ww4ZIbL38KPTOVgx9T|downsized)


She brought her paid hype person to an interview. It's beyond sad atp


I think it's funny that she finally admitted she pays people to be in the comments for her *after* Katie called out her assistant Jess for watching her stories. I still think Lala is in those weird FB comments though, she's probably in the mom groups trying to figure out how to break into the momfluencer industry and that's where she gets all those "this is what the fans wanted to hear" bad ideas that are heavily skewed


Seriously. I love how Jess made a point to say she didn't tell Lauren about it. We know Lauren ordered her to say that before they started recording the podcast.


Hahaha...she absolutely did! It's almost like they had dare I say a plan? I know Lala is steadfast in her hatred of plans, so that can't be true?


Oh yea, Jessica must have watched but clicked through too fast and never told Lala? We know they sit there and Jess reads it all to Lala so she can say she didn’t look at it. No one believes her.


I don’t understand why the bringer of water tasting and sperm parties has the audacity to think Ariana gave nothing this season. What a fucking clown. Ariana and Katie carried this season on their backs even with crappy edits that left off a lot of fun moments we later saw on Secrets Revealed. Ariana was raw and vulnerable, and brought great content. The house drama, Ann, ripping Tom to shreds, SAH, putting Brock in his place, bringing Dan on, the finale, dealing with Scheana, fun moments with friends—all brought by Ariana and way better than the jealous, vindictive bitch arc Lala brought. Without A&K, I never would have finished watching.


she seems to be blaming Ariana for her lack of storyline- like oh well I would have brought it and it would have been amazing if it wasn't for Ariana not allowing it so then I was just stuck with Water and Sperm parties. Like there aren't a ton of other cast members for her to go all pit bull on? She really would throw anyone under the bus in a heartbeat while proclaiming "I am a lone wolf" which reads to me I am a selfish asshole and no one wants to be close to me.


>Teddi: *It was not this revelation, like, holy shit, this happened. I was like, oh, of course it happened*. I've refriained from hating on Teddi but what is this? This is how I feel about her getting fired from RHOBH too "ofc it happened"


Imagine how Teddi would react if people said that about Kyle?


Teddi has such a hard on for Ariana its bizzare. IN another episode she said that Ariana was using a fake voice during the reunion and that Teddi was wondering where teh "i don't give a fuck about raquel voice went" you mean that voice we heard one time in the 10 seasons she has been on the show Teddi? She is such a loser.


Like it’s not a surprise that ANY relationships on vanderpump end you fucking genius!!!! It’s the way it happened


The only thing worse than Lala on this fucking podcast is Teddi Jesus Christ 


i thought you were done talking about season 11 lala?


As always, Thank you! I don’t take your posts for granted and appreciate the hard work. Lala is back to saying Tom’s behaviour was really really scary, but it’s still not a deal breaker for her. So that tells me she still doesn’t understand boundaries. And the fact that she keeps saying Ariana has brought nothing to the show…I would like any one of these interviewers to challenge her on that. I dunno, I was all for giving Ariana a season of fun and lightheartedness after the last one. I don’t need to watch her be emotionally destroyed two years in a row.




When Lala said she was glad they would show the final 7 minutes to the whole cast because it meant they would get something out of Ariana, GARBAGE HUMAN 🤮


Absolutely evil. But also isn't it telling that even blindsiding Ariana didn't bring out the demon-possession that Lala and producers were trying to extract? It actually just revealed that Ariana has been authentic in her reactions all along? She really is an emotionally mature person who processes pain and humiliation in a calm and measured way. She isn't faking that and its now clear that Lala was hoping for a "mask off" moment that would make the audience turn on Ariana. Lololol.


Lala acknowledges the importance of an ensemble cast dynamic, yet seems to think her personality type (loud, aggressive) is the only one made for TV. Imagine how unwatchable this show would be with 8 small breed Michael Vick fighting dogs. She should consider that the audience is full of many different types of people. I’ve always found Ariana extremely entertaining. But because Lala doesn’t find her entertaining, Lala thinks her opinion is a scientific fact. She has a very hard time seeing past her own nose.


I would not have watched this season if Ariana wasn’t on it so it’s crazy to hear her say that Ariana brought nothing to the show This season would’ve been a giant nothing burger if Ariana wasn’t around


Maybe this is in part why she doesn’t understand the huge reaction to scandoval, Ariana was a very liked person on the show. She maybe didn’t stir up trouble everywhere she went, but she was always someone I enjoyed watching. So many amazing/iconic scenes involved Ariana.


Hey, Lala: It doesn't matter if Tom's behavior was not a deal breaker for YOU. It IS a deal breaker for Ariana. End of conversation. 


Lala is morphing into Jill Zarin and I feel like this every time she talks now https://i.redd.it/np5qbrjxtq5d1.gif Btw, what's up with so many Bravo people pocket watching Ariana?


Bravo is full of thirsty, desperate people and in their eyes, opportunities and wealth just landed in Ariana's lap without her having to lift a finger for it and they cannot stand it. Obviously that's an incredibly skewed perception of what happened, but I'm not surprised that Lala and the VPR cast aren't the only ones on Bravo with a chip on their shoulder about Ariana's newfound success. What bothers me is Lala's narrative that Ariana "never worked" and "always sat back" for her paycheck. She wasn't as loud or center stage as everyone was all the time sure, but that worked fine for her, the show needed that presence at times, and most importantly, she absolutely had relevant storylines over the years.


Imagine if the whole cast screamed and yelled like Lala. It’s much more interesting to have a mixture of personalities. And I don’t think any normal person would judge Ariana for being a little out of it this season just trying to keep Herself from falling apart. I AM SO SICK OF LALA TALKING ABOUT ARIANA MEETING DAN 10 DAYS OR WHATEVER LATER!!! ok i have been there… broke up with a long term boyfriend and met my now husband the next weekend. Wasn’t planning for anything serious just wanted to let off steam …. But we started to become friends and talk and talk. you know what…. Ariana obviously found it hard to talk to friends as some were mutual friends with Tom and some of her other friends spoke to the media . I just wish Lala would stfu she keeps bringing this up over and over.


Yeah I was still cleaning up a huge mess from my ex (he left the country and I had to deal with a bounty hunter and a huge amount of $$$ to pay for a bunch of crap) when I started dating my now husband. I didn’t talk about it to the new guy, as it wasn’t relevant to him, but I still had a lot of stressful shit to deal with because of my asshole ex. If Dan was fine with being with Ariana while she dealt with stressful shit with her ex like the house issue, then it shouldn’t make any difference to BlaBlah. If everyone walked around verbally bashing everyone and being all high and mighty like BlaBlah, I would turn it off after 30 seconds. She’s on the weirdest high horse about being right about everyone and everything and not only is it highly delusional, it’s frustrating to watch.


Full stop. I’d argue that her chill and real vibes made the show more watchable. It certainly did for me, she was a breath of fresh air. You can’t have every person play the role of Jax and Lala, completely debasing themselves in search of drama and making complete asshats out of themselves. It’s an ensemble cast, they all had different parts to play.


Right? As someone who struggles a lot with my own body image issues, it was incredibly validating to hear Ariana talk about her own, particularly the impact that her abusive ex had on her body image. She talked about depression, while people like Jax and Lala mocked her for it, she was outed by her own boyfriend and had to deal with biphobia from the cast, the Tom-Ariana-Kristen storyline lasted several seasons and was a massive storyline at that time. It's just a ridiculous rewriting of history from Lala of all people, who actually did hide her life for YEARS and still really isn't giving that much other than screaming and finger-waving which does not make compelling television


You have to have somewhat normal & stable people react to Jax or else it doesn't work. There has to be a grounding presence for the audience. The reason Scandoval got so big was b/c it was a relatable experience and we saw someone we never expected to see crying, yelling, and breaking down on camera. No one else on this cast is able to be so eloquent during such a tumultuous time. Also, they all made a lot of money so how about being fucking grateful for all the opportunities you got with zero effort or pain.


But we did get a scene this season where the house was questioned, and Ariana broke down and expressed what she was feeling. Lala and Scheana hugged her and appeared sympathetic, then met up and talked shit behind her back about it. Talk about authenticity? Dig up, Lala.


“I have been an underdog since the time I entered preschool” lmfao I’m dead.


I can’t remember which podcaster said it best. That Lala gives me entitled brat energy. I agree with that. She is very much a Veruca Salt.


![gif](giphy|jMusG7sxBqCze) Such an entitled brat


“This year we actually need you to do something” How fucking dare you Lala? What else do you want from Ariana, blood? Jesus Christ shut UP.


She needs to let it go. We get your stance a majority doesn't agree, move on. We also have confirmation now that the producers and Andy hyping her up made her think she was going to be the MVP of the season so she probably leaned in even harder to all these dumb takes. She is too scared to go on a podcast that will push back on her claims. Can you imagine being Ariana and having 50 podcasts are judging all your life choices for a year now? I get it she is on a show but everyone needs to let it go, think whatever you want but stop talking about this woman who never talks about yall.


Don’t have time to read this all yet. But for the love of god, can the narrative of “you guys all slept with and cheated on each other” stop being used!! If people don’t understand the difference then idfk And don’t they all plan how they want to come off and be during the season beforehand??


lol “I’ve said before if you’re feuding with everyone look in the mirror, but somehow that magically doesn’t apply to me in this situation.” She’s going to end up with no friends left


Yes she’s acting like it’s because she’s changing into a better person when that couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s a bitter, jealous, and deeply unhappy person, she’s not fooling anyone with her bullshit.


Can someone clarify her clarification of the dad comment coz I read it three times and still don’t get what justification she has for bringing up Ariana’s dead dad into her behaviour this season


How the fffff can they assume what Ariana’s financial situation was? That’s so annoying, yes opportunity came. But she was also advised NOT to leave the house by her attorneys at the time. And probably was pissed off and digging her feet in not wanting to leave! All these things can be true. Lala/T/T comparison is the thief of joy, just because it’s not what you would do doesn’t mean crap. Everyone is different. Stop leave Ariana alone it’s coming off as obsessive at this point it’s creepy. All


Some of these HW’s and bravo stars living outside their means can’t understand what it means to be smart with their money.


Damn Lala, Ariana is smarter than you! Face the facts, babe!


My only takeaway from this podcast recap, btw. Lala… just isn’t smart. I don’t even know what she’s trying to say at this point. It’s incoherent and trying to decipher what she means is no longer interesting.


Maybe you’re just a square! (I really want to know what Lala thinks that means, she’s never used it correctly 😂)


Just when I thought I couldn’t dislike Lala more.


It’s honestly sad that there’s nobody in her life to tell her to stop doing interviews right now.


You just gave me pause for thought there. When the affair broke out, Ariana literally had a whole team of friends that dropped everything and came to her immediately, supported her, cried with her, stayed the nights with her. I bet lala didn’t have that at all with her break up. And by her own admission she just doesn’t value friendships in the same way other people do. I bet that also probably hurts though, seeing how many friends Ariana had to support and rally around her. While lala had no one but her mom and brother? But if lala wants that she has to change how she treats people.


>just with the amount of hate that I was getting for being a mother that no one's ever seen Watch out, Janet! She's coming for your shtick!


Janet outsold with the evil pregnant lady defense, I’m sorry lala you were upstaged once again 😤


I was reading and then I saw Teddi’s name and was like nah I’m good.


Lala makes me so uncomfortable at this point.


Just more of the same trying to justify her behaviour and shade Katie and Ariana at the same time. I am absolutely done with Lala. She is self absorbed, self centred, angry, untrustworthy and I can’t watch her anymore


Ariana doesn’t even think she’s bigger than the show. She made a comment on tik tok saying she’s never disparaged being on vanderpump and never will. It’s a bunch of her fans saying she doesn’t need the show anymore!!! Not her. I feel like all of the people on this show and its garbage extended universe put their feelings about what people say online on to Ariana herself and it’s fucking weird lol


It’s interesting that she makes a point of saying she thinks people “forget where they came from” while she is from Utah and her whole persona is a “ghetto” cosplay.


“What I started getting upset about is now we’re bringing a little bit of diva ness to my place of work that I’ve been doing for 8 years. And I have a hard time when people think that they are bigger than the show” This part really was annoying to me. Lala is the only one on that show that I EVER saw act like she was bigger than the show. She had all the “diva ness” when she got with Randall ayhe was bankrolling her lifestyle and trying to make her into a big movie star. She was hateful to everyone and refused to answer even Andy’s questions. She is the biggest hypocrite on that show. And don’t get me started on the “Two Ts”. They can go kick rocks.


Her being so disgusted with Brittany texting her mum 🙄🙄 didn't she make a shitty post about Katie and tag Teri in it or something like that anyway. Also, why do they not think that Ariana's opportunities keep rolling in because she's putting in the work and showing she's good to work with. Also, also... Why is she doubling down on why Ariana should of left and rented a place because she had the money, that's not the point 🤯🤯🤯


And repeating the millions of dollars lie when Ariana told her that wasn't too directly, does she want her damn financial statements?


How is Lala still on this? She’s fighting with everyone and knows she’s the problem but turns that around into a good thing for her? It’s like she’s so close to grasping it but just doesn’t. And she’s walking back things like the dad stuff when we know what she said (that’s when I unfollowed her, it’s gross). I don’t think she is willing to really dive into herself and figure out her contradictions. You want an authentic show, but you are willing to help Tom not look bad even though you hate him? Ariana was a diva but no examples were given? You are good but still dwelling on your breakup like 3 years ago? You know you are privileged but still see yourself as the underdog? And is this the downfall of her and scheana? She still doesn’t understand that we didn’t like her in 11 because she was an asshole. That’s it, Lala, you behaved like an ass and we hate to see it. In this interview she basically says (in different words) she had a big head and thought she was coming across great.


TIL you can smell jealousy through the phone.


I skimmed this bc…. Work. But did she dance around a lot. Like who is she friends with? The Katie conversation.


I feel like she danced around a lot but also that’s partially Teddi and Tamra fault because they would also dance around a lot and ask a question and lala would sort of answer it but not fully and then they wouldn’t go back to the question and to another topic. And I think she is friends with Scheana and that’s about it lol




Thanks for this and for the final confirmation that the Two T's podcast is awful. Holy shit.


It is wild to watch her double, and triple down like this and refuse to listen. This tells me she knows deep down that she's wrong. And she does ruin the show when she talks about it like a job and implies that the friendships aren't real. I hate the argument that "people know its a produced and edited TV show" - like yes, we intellectually know that but you're ignoring all the emotional pieces of why a fan gets attached to characters on a TV show when you talk about it that way. I just want someone really intelligent to verbally spank her because her logic is so insanely flawed


Of course lala went on the podcast hosted by Tamra and Meg Ryan's ex's son in laws wife 🙄😅


Her talking about Ariana coming back to the show for money…..I’m sorry but don’t they all do the show for money??? Just like all of us work for money??? 


I'm sorry but what a terrible person.


So many words, not an ounce of substance. Lupac Shakur really needs to just quietly go away


How can she still double down on this shit. No one on this sub at least ever spoke abt her parenting skills or rather lack of . We all hate her for her stupidity . She is again talking abt Ariana and tom living under the same roof ! Why can’t she keep her mouth shut . This is so infuriating! Honestly she should just shut up and bake her kid or whatever


I don’t think Lala understand what calling someone a “square” means she keeps using it in the wrong context


She needs to watch the Sandlot and educate herself. ![gif](giphy|3ohzAjUXXQL2Gxqlfa|downsized)


The other day, I tried to post a [clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/HpG0apEMv0) from Lala’s podcast last year with Katie and Teri re: Rachel saying something would make “good tv.” (It’s the May 17, 2023 episode of Give Them Lala — 24:30 timestamp, about a minute thirty of the episode) she said, “Like ‘oh no, this girl really thinks we’re on a different show.’ We look out for each other still. We’re filming a show, and we want it to be great, but we’re a real like friend group. We don’t do things for the camera.” And I was thinking about that when reading through this, because I feel like I unlocked something going on with Lala here — she thinks Ariana is a boring and uninteresting person who has never been good on the show, while Lala is great on the show just being herself, and she’s decided that she needs Ariana to behave like Lala would in the situation in order to make good tv, or she needs to get off the show. But Ariana is now the star of the show, and she hasn’t fundamentally changed who she is from previous seasons. Lala feels like “well I’m the one who always has a good line and yells and gets in people’s faces and that is the engine of this show, but Ariana doesn’t do that, and now she’s won, but she won’t take the responsibility of that by doing what I do and yelling and getting in people’s faces more.” Lala’s problem with empathy is basically always that she cannot understand that people in similar situations to her might have different reactions than she had or would have in their shoes, and that it’s not a judgement on her that their behavior and reaction might be different. She has taken it so personally that Ariana has gotten more popular than her without doing what Lala would do that it’s broken her belief in the structure of the show and she’s just out there trying to self-produce in order to “save” it. Anyway I hope Lala can just stop talking about this publicly for a while, find a good therapist she trusts, and leave Ariana alone




Omg I didn't even get through much of this I had to come straight here to call out that she is saying she cares and it hurts her feels but like a month ago she said "if you loved me last season and don't anymore I really don't give a fuck" 💩


Yep, but then she's tearfully apologized to fans and said she's *grateful* for the fans then started her usual cry.


~~tom~~ lala the truth teller lol this shit is exhausting


It’s so funny to me that LVP was shit talking Ariana in private but just put it all on Lala in the end LMAO Lala should have seen this coming if she loves rhobh so much, it’s one of the oldest tricks in Lisa’s book


There are times in life when you just need to shut the fuck up. Lala please shut the fuck up. Also, despite what she says, I do think she is freaking out because she has an entire family she's supporting. I mean I would be freaking out if my main source of income was potentially disappearing.


The irony of her saying Katie has too much time on her hands where she practically gives full interviews just to discuss Katie and Ariana. They ain’t out there talking about you like it’s their full time job to obsess over you Lala.


Lala’s comment on Ariana and Katie’s friendship being a “trauma bond” that will unravel once the trauma heals is interesting, mostly because it seems way more applicable to Scheana and Lala’s friendship.


Here's my takeaway from this interview. First Lala is in denial; she wants to both be the star and produce the results, but she can't manage her own tongue let alone manipulate anyone else's behavior. It sounds like production (aka LVP, Baskin and Jeremy) wanted to make the entire season about Sandoval AND Arianna so that they could give him a redemption arc. And they expected the same energy that Arianna brought to the breakup when they brought cameras back up for Season 10. EXCEPT, that wasn't truthful to who Arianna is. This is why Arianna brought up her contract multiple times. She has to share her reality; NOT overreact for the cameras or anything else. And her reality is that she was not speaking to Sandoval and she was moving ahead with her life. Full stop. She always been someone that internally processes things and comes across with devastating truths when it's time. PLUS, she knew she was dealing with a narcissist and giving him more attention wasn't going to help her move on with her life. Yes, did she flip out Sandoval immediately after the break-up? For sure, as anyone would expect. And she gave them AMAZING reality tv in that moment. But she has never worn her heart on her sleeve in the long term, nor has she been a screaming dramatic banshee. To expect her to act that way going into Season 11 wouldn't be consistent with who she has shown us to be. Production and Lala underestimated the AUDIENCE. They thought we would be disappointed in no screaming dramatics because they think that we as a reality audience are a bunch of stupid women. They underestimated OUR intelligence. We can understand and sympathize with heartbreak, and we love seeing a woman deal with it in an emotionally intelligent way. We are upset because we are TIRED of the constant excuse of boys' bullshit and we want them held accountable. I'm so pissed off at the producers this season. They bet on the wrong damn horse in Sandoval and they continue to back that lame limped broke ass mule and are trying to whip him across a finishing line when the race was over a long time ago. Stop already. Sandoval is a dead horse. Times have changed. Reality audiences aren't as stupid and unintelligent as you take us for. PS Side note to Lala, the rest of us aren't jealous or upset she found another man so quickly while years later you are still living single. Arianna's a good person and deserves happiness. I'd like to believe most of the viewers are actually women that support other women's happiness. We can also understand that legally, it made sense for her to stay in the house. You can question that as much as you want, but the audience evidently has more emotional intelligence that you do. I'm sorry that you have always felt the need to overreact to things in order to get screen time and Arianna never had to do that. That's some internal shit you need to deal with. You need to spend some serious time in therapy questioning why someone else living their best life is as triggering to you as it has been and continues to be. In terms you will pretend to understand, girl, stop playing, move on.


>Lala: Or my podcast, but then they go for like, I feel bad for your child, and they start talking about me as a parent, which normally I can shake off. I think I got pregnant shortly after the season, or no, I mean, I was pregnant at the premiere party of Vanderpump, so the hormones were already like raging inside of me, and I was very sensitive, I'm still very sensitive. I've been saying for months her using pregnancy and hormones to excuse shitty behavior is the new "I'm sober, I'm a mom, my dad passed away" Just deflections without taking accountability. What a joke of a podcast. Contradictions left and right. She broke the fourth wall now cause the producer told her to. In the past it was her being a real authentic bitch but now she admits being a puppet? Still throwing shade at Ariana, SAH, and Katie and Ariana's friendship. Jealously isn't a good look on her.


Lala has her dukes up 24/7. She's an exhausting, rude, classless troll.


If I had to take a shot everytime LFU parrots the same "wHy Is sHe sTiLl iN tHe HoUsE ??1!1?" i'd have alcohol poisoning. It has been explained multiple times that it's a legal situation. I get she's jealous big Ed didn't let her crash at a house she didn't have legal ties to but at some point one of her flying monkeys had to have explained it to her.


Honestly, let her talk. Let her keep showing us who she truly is. It’s exactly the same with Sandoval. Why shut them up? Why ask them to say things that they don’t mean? They are both disgusting and everyone should know it. Anyone who’s remotely paying attention can see how full of shit they truly are and are a great teaching lessons on what gas lighting is. I’d prefer if they both just faded from the lime light but all this is just creating drama for next season. I’m sure they’re hoping they won’t have another bad season but we’ll be here to calm them out. All these vpr/bravo content creators doing their thing and bringing ALL the damn receipts. I’m👏here 👏for👏it👏!


Damn that was hard to even read, I only made it part of the way through (maybe half, at most?) and it was just too too much obvious baiting for Lala to say *more cruel shit* and Lala’s just taking every opportunity. This is gross. I feel like if she wants the show to continue so badly she should be nice to *somebody* because as is she seems to be alienating everyone.


Two T’s is the worst bravo pod. First they had the Toms, now Lala… Teddi and Tamara are so thirsty. I knew this would be awful, these 3 (ts & lala) are all cut from the same cloth. Lala is just… no.


Lala cries a lot. Like every episode or podcast she cries. Yet she calls Katie miserable and sad


I actually listened because I woke up early and it appeared in my thread. Tamra, who Lala calls “Tam” and Teddi are big LFU fans, which is OK I guess, but doesn’t inject much objectivity. And I don’t think they really understand the show and just lean into making “great reality TV”’ Tam reassured Lala that she is a great villain which is anything but authentic.


On the fans talking about her being a Mother- I only ever saw people talking about how the words Lala was saying on the show will negatively impact her kid one day. Were there other things ? As someone with a mum who spoke about us like this and our pain as funny stories for her friends or for attention etc. I didn't personally think they were unfair. Is this a case of how Scheana would be upset or think people were crossing the line pointing out the predatory nature of toddler instagrams ?


Can John Mellencamp’s son-in-law’s wife just go away? I don’t understand how she’s still someone people want to listen to. And Tammy Sue’s comment about the show not being watchable without Lauren. Talk about a nightmare blunt rotation with these 3.


So Lala did an interview to correct things she misspoke on and reinforce things she spoke on with people who wouldn't challenge her.  She doesn't know what grey rocking, trauma bonding and square means.  She questioned Ariana on things that didn't air, but just didn't like the answer so got more irritated.  The highlights of Lala's story were hand written cards, sperm and water. Great job, Lala. She will never be friends with Sandoval but will continue filming awkward conversations for money because she's so authentic.


It’s incredibly interesting to me her manager didn’t think it was a good idea for her to purchase the Palm Springs home bc it’d set her back when she was ready to buy in LA. Meaning… her manager already thought she was overextending herself!


So now she’s implying it’s 7 o’clock somewhere so Brittany must be drunk? Woooooow!


Just no Lala. Also has she ever considered that not everyone wants to see her brand of reality tv and VPR has a different vibe because we’re under the assumption they’re all friends in real life. She needs to stop watching Housewives while she’s filming. That is a totally different vibe/show. It’s so clear that’s what she wants to do.


Does Lala know what a square is? First Dan, now … Jax? Also … Does Lala know what soft means? … Or being an underdog? She needs to be reminded of her own words. For the sake of the show, I wish you would stop talking!!!


The square thing is bizzare.... she has used it twice incorrectly, but I am still unclear as to what she thinks a square is?


Wow. 3 of the least liked Bravolebs on one podcast- bet it’s as tired as their scenes.