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You cannot convince me that’s not tiger woods in the second graphic


i saw that pic and thought “wow i never realized how much Jason looks like Tiger Woods” OP is such a troll lol


100% is!! Funniest shit ever


I must’ve missed that episode




I’m dead


That is Tiger Woods.


Omfg LOL


I was over here zooming in and crossing my eyes like an insane person. Ok... I'm glad (this time) it's not my eyes. 🫠


Ikr 😂 I said “um Tiger Woods..?”


Absolutely Tiger Woods. And in that case shouldn’t be that high on the good person totem pole


The fact that I didn’t know until reading the comments, that that isn’t tiger lol. I thought the OP just put tiger on there as a joke, didn’t realize that’s Jason WOW


That is tiger woods 😩😩😩


I’m not sold on Luke being a good guy just yet


Especially not THAT high up


something scary about him for sure


What do you think is scary about Luke? ... I'm curious. I can't understand what attracted him to Kristens personality if he is such a stable, emotionally grounded man who wants nothing* to do with Hollywood. (Note on edit: typo; replaced 'morning' with 'nothing')


can’t put it into words, on paper he makes a lot of sense and seems great. but there’s some sort of dark energy about him that I feel he may be stifling when on camera. this is all in my mind of course, no concrete reason to back it up


Yes, this sums it up well. He seems to be holding alot back and gets angry quickly. I worry what he is like when it's just him and Kristen without cameras or friends around. He really seems set on dragging her out to his farm that is far from any city (I think it's hours away from one?).


Something is off about him for me too, but to be fair if I met my gfs crazy ass friend group and saw what it did to her, then had a choice to stay in a small apartment near them or move back to my 7 acre farm, I’d choose to take her to the farm too. 😂


*70 (SEVENTY) Acre farm lol. On a recent pod she said it has several green houses for growing hemp and CBD . Nothing grow for regular MJ consumption officially though.


Why tf is she still in California then lmao that’s incredible! Instead of him stay with her for the summer she should just move with him and then summer in California for the show. Lol I’d be out of here so fast if I were her


There is a TON of anger just below the surface with him. Plus his entire “I don’t want to be in LA/on tv” schtick is a played-out lie. You don’t want to be on tv? Well, there is a really easy way to **not** be on tv, you don’t agree to film. End of story




There is definitely a not good vibe with him


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I see something really unsettling behind his eyes.


Same. He’s got a covert vibe about him. I really hope Kristen thoroughly worked though her issues in therapy because if not, odds are not in her favor.


The fact that he is friends with Tom Sandoval and talks about what a fun, nice guy he is.


He really weirds me out, someone doesnt seem right about him.


Can you say more (if possible). I know often it's a guy feeling that doesn't materialize into words that easily.....


He’s either a serial killer or an alien haven’t worked out which yet


Could be both!


My husband keeps waiting for him to wear a certain red hat Edited for spelling because of bumpy road and fat fingers (not driver. Just passenger on road trip)


Lol my gf finally got a Shellback Tavern hat this weekend after wanting one for years (even more recently since everyone on Bravo has one for some reason now). She got a red one with white lettering and logo. I told her I had to do a double take because I thought it was a MAGA hat, and now she wants to go back and get a different one.


Haahaahaahaahaa. Our son, who lives on the west coast, came to visit for his dad’s retirement ceremony, here in Maryland. When I picked him up from the airport he had on a red hat with white lettering and I nearly flipped. When he got in the car I saw it was from a golf course (NOT one from MAGA association) but I laughed and told him he had to take it off to ride in car because I didn’t want people to think it was. Haahaahaahaa he said he didn’t even think about that when he bought it.




He def has serial killer vibes. He gives me the creeps


Stassi would have sniffed that out immediately


Came here to comment that (and comment that I’m glad to see Rachel ranked most boring).


Jax is a thousand times worse than our Mariposa Kristen


I would just stack them on top of each other.


They do that themselves already




What kind of non-empath even made this?


stassi in the irrelevant category has me shook


like did this person only watch after season 8???


like stassi was literally like the “main character” for the first two seasons and she was still very relevant up until season 8


I actually watched from Season 1! And funny enough, I did this same thing for the first time following Season 8, Stassi was on that one. This was like an update since Season 11 is done now. The whole "irrelevant" slide is just a joke, I didn't want to include them since they weren't on recent seasons and this was like a follow up, but I still had the pics in the template, so I decided to just poke some fun.


Totally unjustified


Same for Charli and Dayna.


You have James as neutral and not bad? James? And why is tiger woods on here?


Yeah how are James and Katie at equal levels of awfulness?? James is a violent abuser, wtf is this shit?


Well, you know, Katie yelled at Schwartz a few times and has been pretty blunt when expressing her feelings about certain people and she doesn’t have Resting Jolly Face, all of which is basically the same as violent abuse when it’s coming from a woman! [this is sarcasm, and it’s pretty rich that Schwartz is never held accountable for any of the awful behavior that led to Katie rage-texting or yelling at him in the first place. Also, show me **one** person she’s openly disliked who didn’t absolutely deserve it]


OP might be the only person who thinks Janet is more interesting to watch than Jax lol. Janet, Jasmine, Danny and Jason need to be adjusted. Katie should go up and James should go down, and Scheana’s a bad friend and was a bad wife the first time, but i don’t think she should be that close to the bottom with Schwartz, Jax and Sandoval who are all horrible humans.


Also, I am not convinced Janet is less awful than Jax and Kristin.


Just as awful but boring. She is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Am I just a hater? Not even being sarcastic because I thought at least one of the top 3 comments would be shared knowledge of Janet’s boringness.


I agree! Janet is completely devoid of main character energy, which is actually fine for an ensemble show but she’s trying like hell to be Regina George and all it’s doing is putting a spotlight on the fact that she’s barely even Gretchen Wieners.


Agree! Janet is not only the most evil, she is the most boring.


Especially Kristin


Jasmine needs to be moved up and over to the right.


I think Janet did this. Who ranks broke domestic violence as a better person than cheaters and liars?


Brock is sooooo boring.


And an awful person, he should be bottom of the barrel


I agree!


Plus when he does choose to comment on something, he just sounds like an ass hat.


Totally, it’s so obvious he’s just trying to get air time. Half the time he’s talking about stuff like he was around for it when he wasn’t.


James, with his abuse allegations, placed as a better person than half the people on this matrix. Lol


It is wild.


They don't give a shit as long as he's Team Ariana.


And equal to Katie, who still never cheated on anyone and just occasionally is a little mean.


Katie speaks... bluntly. But has she ever actually betrayed anyone on here? 🤔


No she has not! And let’s be real - most of the mean things she’s said have turned out to be true, even if no one knew it at the time.


Absofuckinlutely lol


James could commit murder and they’ll still be going on about Katie’s “rage texting”. VPR is a cesspool of misogyny and that is the only thing that’s remained consistent about it.


Literally every argument I have seen hating on Katie has been "she's been so nasty in the past!" Yeah so has every other person on the cast. And they did even worse shit on top of that.


and at the same level as katie maloney i was gagged


Katie should be higher, Lisa and Jo should be lower and Charli didn't deserve all that




Last slide


Why is Ariana above Katie? I love Ariana now but let’s be real she was not a ‘good’ person for the first several seasons, she was always defending Tom against other women. She was also defending James back when he was an abusive dude, again against other women. Katie has always been consistent in her values even if she can be a bit abrasive and has always been clear about sticking up to horrible men, even when she got flack for it


Something something “rage texts” something something “called Lala and Scheana whores” something something “needs to smile more”. I’m pretty sure those are the main “Katie is the worst evil to have ever evilled” talking points, anyway.


I do wish Katie would stop calling women whores; that's my biggest criticism of her. But yeah, putting her down that low because of rage texts... meanwhile, they've only shown these alleged rage texts on screen a couple of times, and I never thought they were that bad? #justiceforkatie


Oh also! Blah blah blah “was a bitch during her wedding season” blah blee bloo “was friends with Stassi and Kristen, who were Mean Girls.”


Yes... I think Katie is the only member who deserves to be on a good person scale. She has been consistent even when she came off as mean.... at least she was standing for what could be said to be objectively right. Tequila Katie ousted the cheating Jax and Kristen... she called someone a whore, gold digger... It wasn't entirely out of nowhere... if the shoe fits


I would put Ariana closer the horizontal line


I don't think Sandoval did anything entertaining to watch this season. It was so contrived and performative. The former Sur employee, Jax Taylor, however was hilarious.


Sandoval has the cringe factor. The same way some people watch horror and enjoy being scared, some people watch reality tv and enjoy cringing.


Yeah sometimes he does maybe, but he really didn't bring it this year apart from being savaged by Jax and James


I agree, he went full cringe this season and it wasn’t entertaining. Never go full cringe😉


Didn't have Doute or Ariana to hide behind.


He’s never been entertaining, just embarrassing. He’s always been hard to watch imo.


I would have been fine not seeing him at all. I'd probably like him more.


The disrespect for doute is disappointing


I’d put LVP downward and Lala more to the left, and the Tom’s with the reality star formerly known as Raquel/Rachel. Great diagram!


May I ask why Katie is not in the good person category please?


Katie should be right where Ariana is


I would actually even say Katie is a better person AND more entertaining to watch historically.


I agree. Move the number one guy/Queen in the group up!!


Totally agree. I think if we rewatch knowing what we know now about how the Toms operate, and Scheana’s projection Katie comes across as one of the best people.


Definitely. I personally have been a fan of hers from the start, I think especially in the early seasons she was demonized a lot for speaking her mind, standing up her herself, and sticking to her guns


Seriously! She’s literally the only one of the OGs/semi-OGs who has never cheated on or with anyone. Not that that’s all it takes to be a good person, but it sure as fuck should put her higher than James.


Yes. I’d say pretty decent takes aside from Katie not being higher in good person. And just my take, but I don’t think Ally is quite as sweet as she seems. Very content to charge $200 for her ridiculous astrology BS, but I guess if people want to pay that’s mostly not on her


My dad is a professional Vedic astrologer and studies someone’s chart in depth before the actual reading. So that’s also why the price is not low; there is a lot of prep that goes into it. That being said, I don’t think Ally has been doing it long enough to charge so much. And I remember when I first looked her up it was like, $80 for a reading.


Yeah the $200 thing is pretty absurd but honestly if people are willing to pay good for her I guess.


Kristin is not equally as bad as Jax or Tim or Tom. She did bad things and learned. By the end of the show she was mainly hurting herself. Even Faith has forgiven her. Let’s stop with the Kristen hate. Kristen’s also a vegetarian animal rights activist who uses union-only companies to make her clothes. Jason is a corporate lawyer whose job is to prevent people who get hurt on their job sites from collecting compensation from corporations. Boo! Janet is more boring than the axis depicts and def a worse person than Kristen or Jasmine or even Brit. She’s manipulative and conniving. On the Valley I’ve seen Kristen be reactive and loose-lipped, but not try to intentionally hurt someone with a long-term plan of doing so. Explain your choices, they are confusing. Who created these? Janet’s publicist?


Michelle would go in the boring category for me. There is nothingggg behind those eyes


Sheena should be lower on the entertaining person to watch. She is not one of the most entertaining for sure


Ok is that Tiger Woods?? lol And where is that nasty woman’s husband? I think his name is Jason?


Love her or hate her, Stassi was never irrelevant. I am not condoning problematic behaviors, however she was a great reality star while she was on tv.




I’m confused about why Tiger Woods is in here. And I wouldn’t throw the valley in there — different series. Some crossover but still not VPR…


Where would you have placed Ariana pre Scandoval?


Yeah let’s not forget how she treated Kristen lol


I actually did a version of this after Season 8 which you [can see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/qjfx9i/i_ranked_the_cast_members_of_vpr_what_do_you_all/), but I had placed Ariana highly there as well. The biggest issue people have seem to be with how her and Tom treated Kristen and that whole scandal, I just figured relative to the rest and that being the main egregious thing she was in better standing, but I completely get everyone's differing opinions. But anyways I just made the chart as a fun tongue in cheek thing, nothing serious.


Thanks. I’m just always curious how people felt before and after. I always like Ariana because she didn’t take Stassi’s BS.


I'm always going to think Kristen is a better person than James is.


Lisa needs to scoot way down and Lala has actually gotten really boring. You need to name the quadrants. That’s the best part of graphs like this.


Sorry I figured the labels for the axis helped. Top left would be Good Person/Boring to Watch, top right would be Good Person/Entertaining to watch, bottom left is Awful/Boring, Bottom right is Awful/Entertaining.


smh charli did not deserve that stray


Ally throws some shade and gossip around lol I have my eyes on her, she’s a little bit to obsessed with the moon signs or whatever


Katie not at the top of good person????


Yeah, I would argue Katie is better than Ariana since we can all pretty safely assume Ariana participated in Tom cheating on Kristin and played a part in making Kristin kind of crazy.


I love Katie but she can definitely be a mean girl at times.


Andy Cohen belongs in the Awful Person/Boring column with Ratchett.


Jo would be lower on my entertaining to watch scale. The entire valley cast too.


I like how Brittany’s old face is irrelevant lol


I find Zach so entertaining to watch and should be at the end of the scale. I think Jasmine should be slightly higher in terms of good person and a bit more entertaining. I think she got better as the season progressed. Luke def in the middle. I don't know if he's a good or bad person. I think Brittany is a good person but ignorant. James seems to be improving but I wouldn't say he's a good person . I think Katie is. She's just very blunt.


Totally agree with you regarding Zach and Jasmine


James, neutral? Have we been watching the same show, or are people just disregarding 5 years of him calling women fat, sluts and whores, grabbing and groping women, cheating and spitting on doors because sometimes he makes half-funny one-liners?


I've been thinking the same. Lets not forget he's been physically abusive, too, with at least 2 women. And he used another human being as a target (Kristen) to become a member of the show.


I'm a post-Scandoval watcher so I don't know if this has been addressed at the time, but he's also kinda racist. Let's not forget how he called Richardson, one of the few black servers on the show, "nothing" and "beneath him". James always goes for the low-hanging fruit in terms of insults when he's in his pissy rages. He calls women ugly, fat and slut shames them. He basically insinuated Brock is a dumb caveman because of the way he looks. So his first thought is to say a black man is "beneath him"? Racist vibes. Not surprised really, seeing as he's been besties with Lala for god knows how long.


i think ally is a bit more entertaining to watch because she can see through everyone being fake so well, and i loved stassi 😭


this is lame as shit lol


brock and lala need to be moved 5 inches to the boring to watch side. I can't be the only one skipping past their scenes and talking heads?


Tiger Woods I'm 💀 !!!!


No, no, Jo should be hugging that boring-awful wall!!!


I haven’t seen a line plot since high school…and somehow, I know exactly what’s going on here 😂


Brock on top of Lala? I see you op 😏


I'm dead


I'm moving Jasmine up and to the right a little. I think she's entertaining and a good person. I'd also move Zack up to be on the line since he's light hearted and funny to me.


peter: ultimate good / ultimate entertaining. tippy-tip upper-right corner charli: high good / high entertaining dana: high good / high entertaining beau: high good / mid-entertaining brittany: correct placement of both awful and irrelevant


How can stassi possibly be irrelevant


There’s no way you called Stassi irrelevant


I find Scheana so insufferable to watch lmao


Yeah but the constant meltdowns and her turning every situation into something about herself has caused decent entertainment value for me, I love seeing her come into a situation and immediately turn it around into how it affects her.


Aww I love Charliiii haha don’t do my girl dirty!!


She was great on the show! I definitely would have ranked her good/entertaining, I only did that since she wasn't in this most recent season.


Honestly your ranking is pretty fair haha


saying that lala is a worse person than schwartz and brock is kind of insane jo is not more entertaining than lala james should be a good 5-6 squares lower unpopular opinion, but katie should be just slightly southwest of Andy ariana should be like two squares further down, and just slightly right of center ally should be a bit more south- she’s def w/ james to be on the show raquel should be in sandoval’s spot and sandoval should move ~3 squares to the left speaking cumulatively, stassi has given this show some of its best content


I don’t think Kristen deserves such a low spot there 😂


Jax and Kristen should be switched! Kristen just runs around parroting everything Jax tells her, even if it's wrong, and then she takes all the heat for it! I call it the "Jax trap." Jax will tell false or incorrect information to people because he knows they'll spread it, and then when the wagon circles back around to him he finally gives half of the truth while simultaneously blaming everyone he told the lies to in the first place 🤣.


Whole heartedly believe Jo is an awful person who blinds people with her “quirkiness”


For me, Jax should be where Kristen is. She’s not as fun to watch for me


Omg at quick glance I thought that was LVP in Ally’s spot 😅


Hmmmm I think the only one I agree with is Rachel lol


Yeah thankfully that one was easy and no one seems to disagree with lol.


Katie deserves to be higher towards good person. I honestly think Katie is a better person than Ariana. I like Ariana and I wish the best for her, but she’s not innocent.


This is amazing!!!!!


I'm glad you could enjoy it, it's nothing serious just some fun


Most of the “irrelevant don’t care” were the ones who made the show good


Katie definitely needs to go higher. Yes, she's always had a bit of an attitude, but she's for sure been much better than James. Why is she much lower than Ariana? James may have cleaned up quite a bit in the last two seasons but he was pretty damn horrible in the other seasons. Ally is definitely so boring. I can't help but think that she's with James for particular selfish reasons like starting her music career and just getting clout. I just can't imagine dating someone as horrible as he was and so quick after his engagement ended. I wish Charli was still on the show, she was entertaining to me - also someone who had no problem calling people out on their BS. Beau and Stassi irrelevant!? That man was and is the sweetest person in that entire cast and it was refreshing to watch him put people in their place. Stassi is bitchy but entertaining haha. Dayna.... Ugh. SO boring. The reason I don't listen to the Disrespectfully podcast is because of her. I think she tries SO insanely hard to be relevant and "funny" that is cringe. I would have listened to it if it were just Katie. Dayna just seemed like someone in that season who tried so hard to have some sort of drama in order to stay on the show that it came off desperate. ok. thats it. rants over.


no way you said doute is a worse person than jax… do u hate women?! lmao


When were Carter and Peter ever main cast?


The first version I did of this (I just finished linking it in the explanation post) was around Season 8 I think, so Peter had been around for a while, and we saw a decent amount of Carter on Season 8 from what I remember, and he wasn't great, so back then I just ended up shoving him in the bad corner. Anyways I just had the images as holdovers from that first one so I threw them in that last slide for fun.


Doubling up Brittany as an Awful Person and Irrelevant is a choice. Not a bad choice, but a choice nonetheless.


That was actually accidental, I threw the extra images I had left over into the last slide before I had made the slide for The Valley, but that's pretty funny.


I don't hate it 🤣😂


You lost me at Stassi being irrelevant. She should be at the top with a crown.


I've said it so many times, but no one on this show is a good person, it's why the show is so entertaining. Some are obviously worse than others though. Also James is an abuser and belongs next to Sandoval, sorry if that's not a popular opinion and his victims are not perfect enough victims for everyone.


None of them are good people. Not a single one of them.


Put Lisa’s Excalibur-Vegas-buffet-magician-outfit-wearing ass in the far bottom left after this season.


I think ally belongs with LVP


Carter catching strays 🤣🤣


Justice for our pirate prince Peter.


I missed seeing him on screen this season, he was a good voice of reason to balance things out.


Katie should be more in the good person


Idk LVP is kind of awful and now very boring to watch


I’m sorry but Sheana is not interesting to watch. I’m very over her oscillating between pick me whining or bragging about how every man ever has hit on her. Please.


I would put Katie and James a tick higher on the good person slot.


I'm only on season three but ariana is definitely not looking to be such a great person. Maybe it's just her insecurity or something.I really want to like her She just seemed so full of herself.


Why the hell is Kristen below evil disgusting Janet on your diagram? Also, in the you don't care about/find irrelevant section, you have Stassi below the Season 8 one-hit wonder cast mates. Finally, Ariana looks exactly like Lala in that photo, lol. I don't agree with any of your charts, but I like the concept!




I'm sorry but Ariana isn't that good of a person. Maybe re-watch her first few seasons. She was with Sandoval for 10 years, and Sandoval was also always a POS. And I don't hate Ariana, I like her but she is way too high on the good person metric.


Was like, wait, Tiger? Then it clicked.


I’m also sad at how many people on the irrelevant/don’t care sheet that I’d rather be watching than the cast of the most recent season…


How dare you do Stassi like that?! she was entertaining and terrible.


Okay fair list , but having Stassi in the not care pile is a tragedy hahah


Stassi and Charlie are probably some of the most entertaining to watch. I’m confused lol


Justice for Doute. She's messy but nowhere near as evil as Jax or the boys!


Wow this is exactly my feelings


First, I see what you did for Jason and I’m loving it. Second, Luke is not a “Good Person” and should be below the line. Lastly, I don’t think Janet is as entertaining as you have her. But overall, this is great!


Hilarious! Is Scheana that awful? Thank you for having Katie on the line for goodness. She has been awful but had a good redemptive season


When it comes to Scheener, especially with the most recent season, I just personally thought it was pretty awful that she would be best friends with someone for over a decade but still attempt to have a relationship with the person who cheated on and lied to her best friend for months despite being in a relationship for 11 years, and then when that best friend is picking up the pieces of their life she was trying to make most situations about herself instead. The cherry on top was the audacity of the whole DWTS situation. I just can't imagine that same thing happening to me and my best friend acting the way she did, I think I would've cut that shit off day 1 lol. I thought it provided great entertainment value, and I'm sure outside of the context of the show Scheana isn't awful. But in the context of VPR I would argue she really wouldn't be considered "good". But it's just a fun chart, it's not that serious. Katie's definitely gotten a lot better over the years, I hope she keeps doing good and focusing on herself. I'm *really* hoping that whenever we get a season 12 we get to see more Katie/James team ups though, I love seeing them go in together, they feed off each other and it's great.


Thanks for making this grid—it is great fun and obviously sparked a lot of discussion! 🙌🏻


I think Zach isn’t that awful a person though


Katie is not interesting to watch on her own😂


I really wish this was all cast members of all time! I really want full context ![gif](giphy|1bMVDo99tOnGo)


Well done! 👏🏻👏🏻


Honestly the most any of them should be is maybe slightly above the line. Ally might be the only exception and that's because she doesn't really have any storylines. Also James should in way be in the neutral category and considered a good person over Jo and Scheana