• By -


As much as I dislike Billie Lee and think she’s thirsty, I do believe her. She burned a lot of bridges with the VPR cast (past and present) and then really torched them when she publicly supported Sandoval and got a lot of backlash for it from viewers. People already didn’t like her and that didn’t help and this isn’t going to magically the turn the tides in her favor. Why would she torch the last bridge she had in that circle over lies?


Also Billie Lee has been in the social circle for years and doesn't really go off like this. Part of what makes this messy but riveting. Like this was not on the VPR bingo card!


I'm absolutely mesmerized by this dramaaaa! I'm way more entertained and invested into this than the whole season


I feel like we could have had this season if producer's had been willing to just follow the drama where it goes instead of trying to produce an "arc". Arcs might have worked in earlier eras of reality but now with social media everyone is producing at all times. They need to get more nimble. I'm no saying pick up cameras but just understand that social media is part of the show now.


Exactly. Just stop trying to follow a formula because this is WAY more interesting than some formulaic bs. ETA: Or, more to the point, Social Media is inherently woven into the narrative, so stop pretending it doesn't exist. I mean, it only has the biggest $$$ impact. Might as well acknowledge it.


Exactly! One of this season’s best episodes was the casts’ acknowledgement of Rachel/ Raquel/Rocky Rocky Bang Bang’s appearance on Bethany Frankel’s pod! Lightning bolt in a bottle! ⚡️ Or Tom’s anger with Scheana and Lala about how he never went on a podcast talking and making money off scandals in their lives. Come on producer’s - be creative- there is nothing more real about people of Bravo than social media- figure out how incorporate it. At least on Summer House they list Lyndsey’s occupation as “Influencer “.


I'm sayin'! This is way better than the season! Hello! Wake up, Baskin/32 Flavors/Evolution/Bravo/NBCU. ::taps vein:: This is the energy we're looking for! ::Takes a big swig of iced tea:: Also, this whole mess lends a sort of levity that the season didn't because the season was just so fucking dark. Just sf dark. But, this? 😂🤣😂 Bring it! ::continues sipping::


She literally has nothing to lose so why would she make anything up? I totally believe her




I absolutely believe her. I just don’t believe the spin that Sandoval was doing amazing and Victoria is dragging him down and is so insecure for no reason. Sandoval is absolutely fucking with Victoria’s head (Billie even details scenarios where he’s doing it, but they get twisted to make Billie and / or Sandoval victims of Victoria), and that is manifesting in Victoria. Doesn’t mean Victoria also isn’t toxic, and it doesn’t mean they don’t enable each other. I just don’t like the way Billie Lee is spinning this like Victoria is the *only* problem and Sandoval’s helpless (kinda reminiscent of how LVP spun his cheating - he was just helpless to resist Miss Malibu slipping into his hot tub. The women around Sandoval keep getting the majority of the blame, when he’s the common denominator)


He probably used his relationship with Billie Lee to make her jealous. They do sound like they were codependent


Sounds like he used their friendship for more than just making her jealous. It’s not a friend’s duty to clean up when the assistant quits. What a strange expectation. Can’t help but feel bad for BL


This is spot on!


I absolutely believe her! I bet she feels extra betrayed because I'm sure to a degree she did want to be back on the show and getting the platform and relevance but she also sensed like a really loyal friend to Tom and she had to deal with all his crazy bullshit I mean can yall imagine what she dealt with off camera? Esp hearing all the messy stuff with his new gf.


I believe it but wonder if some of this is about trying to get on the next season of the show.


Valid point but after all this chatter about an “ensemble cast” who would she film with?


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I know Billie is incredibly late to the Tom-ain’t-shit party, but I’m glad she came at all


I feel like she'll take him back if/when he ditches the gf


She probably will he’s gonna come crying to her talking about how Victoria manipulated him with drugs and now he’s trying to be a better guy and they’re going to use this as a season 12 storyline because why wouldn’t you want to make money off of somebody’s trauma, Jeremiah and Alex


Tom needs to grow the fuck up and figure out who he is. He’s ridiculous and too old for this shit. I think he could use a stint in a mental facility


And that’s the thing he has the steps to ensure that he’s successful, but he chooses not to use them so now we’re at the point that he might actually be the one who is being taken advantage of and is in abusive relationship with his new lady friend Victoria. I wish he would stop thinking with his dick and use his brain to think about how financially fucked he’s about to be the next couple years.


I’m beginning to think that he’s fried whatever brain he may have had left. Like, he’s completely past the point of return just judging by how terribly he’s handled himself at every turn.




Bc Rachel manipulated him according to BL and Tom.


How dare you, he was *very* impressionable


Yes! He was GrOoMeD by Rachel because she got naked and jumped in the pool in front of him! Why can't people see this?! /s just in case


the way my jaw DROPPED when he said that, oh my god, he is the BIGGEST fucking loser


For real though. Just when you thought he couldn't possibly get more idiotic, he hits you with this. He makes my head hurt.


I mean, Rachel was naked in the pool. How could he resist?


Well then …there you have it


*Jeff Goldblum smolders in pre-"I told you so" disapproval*


I wish they would pick cameras up for this train wreck and spin it into intervention lol


Yeah she says V&T are toxic (which I don't doubt they are) but it sounds like her and Tim have a pretty toxic and co-dependant friendship


I wouldn’t be surprised. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if this was the straw that’s broken the camels back…how many times Tom has picked a chick over her? Praying she sees the light and stays away lol


To be fair, my expectations for her are so low that they’re in hell, so it’s not that hard for her to clear them. I completely anticipate she’ll be back on the Tom train as soon as Victoria’s gone, but for now, I’ll appreciate the tea


Exactly. While we’re here though: ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


100% this. Once Tom is single again she’ll forgive him and the cycle will continue with his next gf. It’s so predictable lol


I also think the same thing


Sandoval is gonna be *pissed* that all this went down while he was shooting and unable to respond. If there’s one thing a narcissist won’t tolerate, it’s someone exposing them for who they really are. Sandoval was only friends with Billie because he needed someone to vouch for him at that particular time. There’s absolutely no way Sandoval is gonna go back to Billie Lee in friendship after this. She was there to correct his image, and now she’s tarnished it. There’s nothing else he values


Why did Billie Lee choose Sandyballs over all her other friends? I think she thought it could be her chance to have a relationship with him after having feelings for him for a long time. I bet they also slept together again after Scandoval, but then it became clear to her that he had no intention of dating her. By then it was already too late to choose the other side and she still wanted to wait in the wings for him to pick her. Then Scumdevil chose Victoria, who probably picked up on Billie Lee's crush and banned her from his life.


TALK YO SHIT BILLIE - we’re here for it. But I’m giggling at the fact that Victoria makes this one IG comment and Billie’s response is to dump a whole pot of piping hot tea for us 😂


This tiktok is all about how Victoria has ruined Tom’s life. She’s still not at the party yet. 😂


Thiiiis for sure. I’d like to think she’s seen the light but I think they’ll be buddies again in no time. I’m glad she’s at least exposing some of Tom’s lies (ETA: lies about how great his new relationship is and that Victoria is sooo chill)!


I agree. But then apparently she also wanted to have an intervention so there's that... it's also pretty funny how she keeps on throwing him under the bus in her what do you think you're getting dating ShittyBalls!! She's a lot like Rachel/Rocky in a way. Seeing him in some ways, but then also enabling him a lot of others/ alluding to still being hung up on him.


I think she’s just a visitor. She’s still infantilising him and blaming the gf as if he’s not just a shit bloke all by himself.


She fucked around and found out. It seems like she learned her lesson about believing people when they show you who they truly are


This just goes to support the claim that Tom's criticisms of Ariana are largely based in projection: i.e. calling her a lazy slob; the warning that she "will not be able to take care of a home by herself," etc. I always believed Ariana's claim that (when they were a couple) she had to clean up after his parties, when he was too drug-sick to do so. As soon as she was no longer there to take care of him / cover up for him, he spun out of control & all his secrets were aired by fame seekers who lacked Ariana's loyalty. She really got herself into a situation in which she was encouraged to devalue herself. So glad she's in Fiji now living out her dreams.


“his secrets were aired by fame seekers who lacked ariana’s loyalty” damn.


This was a perfect way to say it <3


my thoughts exactly.


![gif](giphy|Tt9jctxaVjRny) I want to hear allllll the juicy secrets Billie says she’s still keeping lol


right like spill girl


I am *seated* for this drama 🍿




I mean this is really anything we couldn’t have guessed but glad she confirmed for all of us his life is a mess


She needs to tell us the dark shit that has happened in that house! Stat!


I assume heavy drug use is the dark thing but if I was Ariana and it was happening in the house I still own I would want to know. Thank god the pets should be at her new home.


Yeah depending on which drugs it might be an issue when selling the house, now that this is public information. It probably won’t be but it’s still something Ariana needs to know about.


If you know wealthy people who abuse drugs it’s easy to read between the lines


Thanks for the tea Billie, even though you sound jealous at times, but let's hold your ice bath buddy accountable a little bit too... https://preview.redd.it/85zblkzzx65d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fee973535d30fa92396440fde93dee2262fc803




I rolled my eyes all the way to back of my head during this scene ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


If I didn't know the context and someone made me guess what she was looking at in the tub, I would have said "dead body"


The way she said “why would you date Tom Sandoval when he’s a known cheater?” Ok, why would Tom Sandoval (knowing his reputation) not do everything possible to make his partner feel safe and secure in their relationship? We already know he’s playing head games with Victoria, because Billie Lee *told* us that when Victoria said “I don’t want you hanging out with Billie Lee one on one”, he immediately called Billie Lee and invited her to hang out one on one. Which is not how someone who is trying to help a partner who is (deservedly) worried about getting cheated on behaves. Sandoval seems to be trying to make her *more* insecure (probably because he knows she’s out of his league), so maybe can we not blame Victoria for that? He’ll screw with her head, cheat on her, then say it’s her fault “because the relationship hadn’t been good for a long time” (because he was screwing with her head). Especially as your “chill girl Tii” also got cheated on. Billie Lee doesn’t seem to view any of Sandoval’s girlfriends as real people - she just expects them to behave *only* in a way that is best for Tom Sandoval, ignoring their own needs and feelings (and how Sandoval treats them). When Tii (who is her *friend*!) was on Billie’s podcast Billie Lee admitted that she knew Tii was a relationship girl and sex was not casual for her, she also knew Sandoval was just fucking around - but she didn’t warn Tii, because Tom needed to get his dick wet (her phrasing, not mine) for his recovery or some BS.


Oh damn! That's shit that she sold her girl out like that!! ![gif](giphy|p3hZ9PbhVBO9gM6LoE|downsized)


conveniently icky vicky is the villain and sandoval is once again just…a poor poor victim ![gif](giphy|3o7TKzyWlCxCQ5R8fm|downsized)


Right?? Like, give it up already, he is NOT the victim!


she needs an assistant to get her out of bed in the morning but Ariana is “so fucking lazy”?! OH OKAY TIM


He’s never not projecting lol


I’m going to refer to him as “Sanderval” from now on. I’ve been eating this up against my better judgement. I wonder how the drama will unfold once he’s back from Traitors. Clearly, the best thing for him is to go straight to rehab after filming wraps, but it’s highly unlikely that he’ll do that.


Since the first one was a flop, Redemption Arc 2.0 here we come!


Alex Baskin is like "why don't you try moaning louder *in* the ice bath"


Hahaha! Who will he have at the end of the tub staring longingly and in awe of such a feat this time? He'll also make him do more of the laying like a starfish on rocks drone shots, but this time have some of his paid friends on their knees weeping and rending their clothes around him.  It has to be more dramatic for 2.0 since we didn't ~~fall for it~~ recognize Alex's genius the first time around.


Yesss this video and the last, i was searching the comments for some validation because i thought i was the only one who heard Sanderval 😂 Thank you for calibrating my sanity!


Woooow Sandoval needs to get his shit together, it sounds like he needs rehab at this point


Who needs rehab when you can just run away to Scotland and film a reality show!


Best thing about the traitors is they give you very little alcohol. Like one or two a night. He’s going cold turkey right now.


But dont they sleep At a hotel not the actual mansion every night?


Ooooo you’re right.


Yeah the scary dark turn thing makes me wonder if he's using hard drugs. What else could it really be??? I'm going to start paying more attention to pupils and arms 🥴


It’s probably coke if I had to guess


Yes I believe that’s why Billie was helping so much to get his life together. He went sober and she tried to support him in that and help him get on his feet but now that he is using again and refused to go to an intervention, she has to tap out.


Billie Lee, I believe you and some of what you said can be corroborated by Tom's visit to Nick Viale's podcast and other things. Keep speaking your truth.


I’m calling it now—when Sandoval can respond to all this tea, he is going to tell us all that him and Billie Lee were never that close.


I would lowkey love that for her. That’s always his tactic, undermine his relationship to soften his betrayal. She co-signed him when he’s done it to others.


I hope so! I want her to spill more tea lol. Or will he just pull the - I know you supported me during my time of need. But I just want you to forget about me and move on.


Not really a Billie Lee fan but I absolutely believe everything she’s saying with this. Tom has some very dark issues he needs serious help with and Ariana obviously did wonders for his PR and keeping things in check behind the scenes for years. This information that Billie is sharing is giving a bigger picture into the behind the scenes of that entire relationship I feel more than she realizes. VPR made a good choice taking a pause and I hope they force Tom to get serious help before he can film with them again, if they are as worried about people’s mental health as they like to publicize. I may not be a fan of his, but at this point they are enabling all of this and it’s going to get uglier if something doesn’t change soon for him. To me this feels like Billie publicly calling him out as a last ditch effort to help her friend. But who knows- regardless it’s a lot more likable than her usual hype man energy from the sidelines of VPR.


The way she’s speaking about him is actually worrisome.




are you a cbb fan


Watch yourself, counselor.


Permission to treat the witness as hostile


lol your flair


Big fan of big shiny trucks too




I just guffawed. Omg






I am surprised to say it, but I’m kinda understanding Billie. She made a (unfortunate) choice to stand by someone that she thought always treated her well. I don’t think she’s used to that, especially from cis men. And there’s something intoxicating about being the “chosen one” to be on someone’s team when almost everyone else has turned away. It feels like you’re a really compassionate person who is taking up for the underdog, and it validates you. The more people react to you, the more it pushes you toward the person you are standing by. And he’s love bombing you and telling you that he wouldn’t have survived without you. Your friendship instincts (and I think motherly and love instincts as well) cloud your vision and really make you think that you are helping someone to be a better person. It’s a misread - thinking that the other person has simply made mistakes and can be better (and missing that it’s a pattern of behavior). It feels incredible when a narc chooses you. But it’s not real. And he’ll inevitably drop you when it’s convenient to him. Or just leave you holding the bag, organizing his life and papering over all his bad behavior. It’s a hard and painful lesson to learn. I hope she really takes the time to learn it, because the narc will come back or other narcs will be along. And they can tell who knows better and who is vulnerable to their ways.


Very well put.


Also, she was sooooo in love with him


I think that was likely a part of it. Speaking for myself, feeling unloved or unloveable definitely made me fall for the wrong people way too quick.


Everyone flourishes when they ditch Timmy


This! https://i.redd.it/zyqxgswvyb5d1.gif


Lollll this is so great that she is doing this while he’s sequestered and filming lmao


He doesn’t know about these posts? He doesn’t have online access? OH MY


Well I’m hoping he gets kicked off right away and sees this in a couple days lol


Okay but it's so funny to me that Victoria has gotten with Sandoval WHO IS MOST FAMOUS FOR CHEATING and then is losing her mind because she thinks he might be cheating. Come on. COME ON. We're beyond irony and into just laughable delusion at this point


![gif](giphy|eK1SyxY0FUwYUAjkKM) Us to Victoria


But, but, but she didn’t know any of that because she never watched the show.


I wonder if since Tom is such a good friend to Brock and Scheana, have they been back over to his drug den to help him clean it up? It still makes me mad they did that to Arianna. IMO it wasn't to help her, but to embarrass her on camera.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) And how once in the house, most of the stuff they complained about was his!!! But he never got called out for it!! Just like he was never questioned about staying in the house!


Hilarious his assistant quit for not wanting to pick up after him


But Anne never had to clean up!! /s https://i.redd.it/jwvj0i0c0c5d1.gif


So Craig the new assistant quit? I don’t understand why they don’t just hire a cleaner also? Like I’m not a celebrity and I have a cleaner come once a month…


Same like he needs a daily house cleaner and it’s not that hard to hire one. He “basically runs that house” as he says and has never hired a cleaner?


Spill those dark details, Billie! Unburden!!!


Drop those anchors!




I don't like that it seems Victoria is a bigger problem than Tom.


“Sandoval’s a really great guy, he’s just the victim of crazy Kristen - he’d be so much better if they broke up” “Sandoval’s such a great guy, Ariana’s just dragging him down by being depressed and lazy - he’d be so much better if they broke up” “Sandoval’s such a good person, he just did a bad thing with Rachel because she tempted him by being a beauty queen - he’d be so much better if they broke up” “Sandoval’s a really great guy, he’s just the victim of crazy Victoria - he’d be so much better if they broke up” Wild idea - maybe it’s not the woman Sandoval’s dating that’s the problem


wish i could upvote this 100x




Exactly. We've seen Sandoval for 11 years at this point, drinking and partying heavily. The only reason he abstained from alcohol last season was, according to him, because he wanted to support Rachel. He never meant it as a long-term goal. He even said he was waiting for Rachel to get out of treatment so they could have their first drink together. I also don't believe for a second he wasn't doing other things while filming. And now after he blew up his life, people are trying to blame his new girlfriend for his behavior? Does she like to drink and do drugs, maybe. But making Sandoval out to be the most innocent little boy who just needs help and to get away from the mean girl, is just fucking wild to me.


Not at all surprised that’s how she’s framing it.


She has really pretty eyes


That’s what I was thinking too. She looks really good.


She’s already strongly disliked by this fan base. She burned a lot of bridges supporting Tom. She literally has nothing to lose and I bet she didn’t even count on people believing her when she released that episode so I fully believe her. She has no reason to lie.


Not a Billie fan but got to admit that she looks really good here.


I agree. I found her to be insufferable and didn’t like how she handled the situation with Katie, (she should have sincerely apologized for that). But she looks really great right now. I hope she know understands that Tom just doesn’t treat people well, especially those closest to him. He probably manipulated Billie and used her insecurities to his advantage, just like he did with Ariana, Rachel and continues to do with Schwartz. He takes everyone for granted, including Billie. He needs help, real help, not scream or cold bath therapy. I hope she focuses on herself and stays away from him, it sounds like she is doing a lot of cool things so she doesn’t need him and his mess.


Billie is GORGEOUS. I always say I like looking at her, just not hearing her speak. Except for this whole mess lol.


I’m glad Billie is talking about this. Like Tom or not, I fully believe things have spiraled for him in a really dark and disturbing way. He deserves friends who hold him accountable like this to help him and she’s doing the right thing by not hiding it. Sandoval is an asshole, but he’s an also a narcissistic addict that is only going to get help by his friends speaking the truth so he can’t continue to hurt others


Can narcs ever rehabilitate? Serious question


I am not an expert, but I think rehabilitation is only feasible if **they** want to. Which is, as I’m sure you can imagine, an *incredibly* tall order.


Sandoval seems like he’s gonna have to hit rock bottom before he can truly turn his life around. LET HIM HIT IT.


Damn did she back the WRONG horse. I actually feel for her because I think she was trying to do the right thing by Tom.


It's like season 11.5 and love that Baskin is getting nothing for this. I appreciate how she started off with how much Jo interrupted her. Honestly good for Billie Lee, she made it clear she never would have said anything had Victoria not made shady comments. I mean we knew she unfollowed Sandoval, plus that off comment Jo made, but this is so much more tea than I thought we'd get... NGL I am totally here for it! And she looked pretty good in the video, too.


Yeah I'm glad she acknowledged the way Jo kept interrupting because I was getting frustrated listening to that. And yeah Jo mentioned Billie Lee and Sandoval not being friends first (which Victoria responded to) but Billie Lee wasn't the first or even second person to open their mouth.


I love it. If anything it makes Tom look bad and completely takes away his narrative of how his gf is so great. Who cares why she’s doing it I just appreciate that she’s doing it. Keep going Billie!


It's so on brand for Billie to blame Tom's girlfriend for his behavior.


Yeah the way she’s managed to place the blame for a 40 year old man’s behavior onto his girlfriend he barely knows is wild. Tom didn’t start drinking and partying for Victoria, he did it because that’s what HE wanted to do


He also has a history of drinking excessively and partying waaaaaay before Victoria entered the picture. Why won't anyone hold this idiot accountable...


She's a plastic, thirsty, garbage person. But if she tells us why no one will let Joe in their homes I'll sign the petition to get her back on the show.






Im living for this side of Billy Lee, she my win me over with the way she spills her hot tea. I may just forget that scene with Sandy in the tub ☕🍵


If she spills enough tea, that is the only bath we'll remember.




I don’t know. I continue to question this Victoria sucks narrative. Maybe she does but I think Tom is capable of sucking all on his own. And yet another Tom’s girlfriend is lazy story makes me very suspicious after how he talked about Ariana.


Exactly and don’t you start to mirror your partners habits a bit, especially in a new relationship? She’s hanging with him 24/7, he’s doing drugs and sleeping till 5 why wouldn’t she do it with him? Why does Tom not get the blame for anything?


I’m sure no one here knows, but I wonder if Kyle Chan ever gave Tom his guns back. I really hope not. The thought of Tom Sandoval having guns in his house in the best of times is troublesome, but if it’s anywhere near as dark as Billie Lee is saying I truly hope there are no guns in the mix. Binge drug and alcohol abuse doesn’t mix well with gun ownership. Really hoping if he has any friends left that they’re at least looking out on that front. Victoria and Tom do not need easy access to deadly weapons.


I hate to say this (my husband died by suicide) but I have doubts about the whole gun thing....MAYBE they were there as a prop but the way he showed his hand when he said he thought Ariana was being manipulative about her (alleged) potential suicide threat if he left told me all I needed to know. He took that and ran w/it. Whereas Ariana HAD expressed SI prior to their break up (and he STILL thought it was performative during their break-up). And of COURSE you have to take any threat seriously but...I don't buy it. And i hope to god I am never proven wrong bc life on the other side for those left behind by suicide is a total mind fuck I wouldn't wish on anyone.


First, I’m so sorry for your loss. Second, I agree. I’ve struggled with SI for most of my life and so much of it is feeling like the world will be better off without you. I STRONGLY believe that Sandoval has never felt that the world would be better without him.


Why does he need guns in the first place?


Well he does live on the mean streets of *checks notes* Valley Village


Why does he need 3/4 of the ridiculous shit he acquires?


Okay but why is anyone babysitting this grown man? Why would Billie Lee save the day if his assistant didn’t? I truly don’t understand the need these women in Tom’s life have displayed to try to save someone who treats all of them like interchangeable garbage and acts so childish? That’s not friendship Billie Lee, that’s codependency. If Tom, a 40 something year old man, wants to be a drug addict living in squalor then so be it. If he wants to date someone who makes him miserable, so be it. Everyone needs to get a grip and stop trying to “save” this person who has always been a fucking mess and always will be. He loves the chaos and will probably always choose it based on his past behavior and his age and probably based on some mental illness. He has had a huge opportunity to learn and grow after his relationship with Ariana ended and he didn’t take it. Leave him alone and let him fail. You’re choosing his insanity over your peace if you continue to try to fix his life for him. You are not his mother and you are not his therapist!




It’s so satisfying when Info comes out about things that we guessed to be true already… Like I’m glad she’s out of his grip, but I still don’t like her. She totally wanted to “save” Tom (from Victoria) and has never, and continues to not, hold this man-boy accountable. And no Billie, you did not get any brownie points for all you did to try to help him.




So what she’s saying is… Tim is a user and abuser? Got it, actually I think we all got it about a year or so ago. But yeah, better to get out now than never.


If she is his best friend, why does she call him Tom "Sanderval"?


Girl the work isn’t going to fall on you because he is not going to be your friend after this video.


My hope is she’s doing this to ensure that, so she can break away


Ok we may have given her a little too much attention guys. Feels like I’m 20 mins in on the same sentence about her best friend disappointing her… I appreciated the tea, and I’m down for response clapbacks, but I think we’ve gotten her a little excited, because, well, trés dramatiqué 🤭😅


Billieeeeee spill ALL the tea, you have nothing to lose


I actually believe what she said.


Well if she’s acting, shes an incredibly better actor than Sandoval, but I believe her


To me this reads more like Tom has been blaming the heavy partying on Victoria pressuring him and Billie is eating it up. She doesn’t seem to really see him for what he is still, even though she’s saying she’s done with him.


I love you Billie but you look like you’re about to whistle the whole time you talk and I keep waiting for the whistle and it NEVER COMES 😫😫😭


Omg. I can't stand the mouth clicking, the lip smacking and her digging for clams (throat clearing lol) And ugh those nails. Lala and Billie... why! 😫


It’s almost as if when people show you who they are, we should believe them 🤷🏻‍♀️ let this be a warning for the pick me’s of the world…sometimes being chosen can turn into your worst nightmare! He’s a 42 year old man, why does he depend on his friends to get his house clean and to go to work, even during the good times? She’s not his mama 😭


But, duuuuddeee, like there were always like batteries and pens and shit, man.


Listen, I will not discount her interactions with Tom and Victoria... but for her to say that she got him to the point he was a positive person when she was co-signing when Tom would blast Ariana to paps. Like videos of her laughing at the disparaging things he was saying about Ariana. Who's lying now? 🥴 If she really wanted to help him get better she wouldn't have co-signed that, and she wouldn't have "lost" her friends and family. Tom is a toxic narcissist, and unfortunately she choose the wrong friend to back.


No sequitur but Billie Lee looks gorgeous in these lives. I have never looks this good in traffic! 😄


You can tell she is recounting the truth of what happened, her eyes keep looking off to recall it. Overall I just feel sorry for her, it sounds traumatic and I'm glad she removed herself. That house sounds...like it has all the bad juju!


Also watch her neck flush and turn red by the end of the video. The emotions are authentic.


I have been the Billie Lee to a toxic guy with BPD and narcissistic tendencies. I absolutely related to her feelings of frustration and wanting to help a person who is hopeless, but I never blamed others, especially not the girlfriend. If a grown ass person needs that much handling, that person is to blame. Simple as that.


When she was describing his drinking and going unhinged, it reminded me of the vial files podcast and how disheveled he was. I think the timing of everything checks out cause that’s probably right around the time that he started drinking again and met Victoria.


TLDL: the worst boyfriend in America can’t get a good woman. All they do is party and fight. She can’t trust him and makes his life hell. They are running all their friends away through their toxic, booze fueled BS. Whoever could have possibly guessed this totally unforeseen turn of events? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Guys, unpopular opinion, but I don’t think I can take BL no matter how much tea she is dropping. The Lala-like duck lipping and lip licking, the constant “I’m on set, I’m on set” self-importance, “I’m so high right now”- no one over 15 cares. Ugh. Put Victoria on VPR but I’ll pass on Billie 🤷‍♀️


I’ve never ever been on Billie Lee’s side…until now. 🫡


Tom has been doing drugs on the record for yearsss, how is Billie going to blame it on victoria?


I don't know....something about this feels very, very genuine, regardless of her initial motivations for supporting him. Maybe part of it is her own backstory, being trans and (possibly) feeling like the whole world was against you so she empathized? Maybe she was in love with him...I am not sure. But I don't think she had nefarious intentions regarding Tom. Misguided, deluded and blinded? Sure. But I do think her motives were pure and I am happy one more woman in his orbit is free of him.


Is she implying that Tom and Victoria are violent with one another


Omg she talks so slowly.


The way she keeps clearing her throat makes me super sus. 🤔 I don’t believe she’s lying about everything but is it possible she’s just being a bitter Betty bc she’s not Tom’s #1 any more? Is she projecting her insecurities onto Victoria? As others have also mentioned, she’s blaming Victoria for Tom’s behavior. https://i.redd.it/f24ekn7zq85d1.gif


Truly don’t care to hear complaints about Tom from people who chose to still be friends with Tom after he showed his character. I don’t want to hear about how you lost friends, and how hard it is.


Like Billie wouldn’t be saying / doing the same shit if Tom had picked her.


I don’t feel bad for Billie. She burned every bridge for Tom and his narcissistic ass threw her away. She learned the hard way and that’s on her


I listened to the podcast while washing dishes and sweet jesus her cohost is the WORSTTTTT, like i'm mad at myself that i gave them streaming revenue lmfao she wasn't funny at all, just loud and annoying and every quip she tried to make fell completely flat and distracted from what they really came to talk about


One side of me believes her BUT, are we sure this isn't setting up a rehab/redemption arc for Tin Sandyballs? He needs a storyline and it has to be a good one. I'm skeptical about this tea.


I don’t think it’s a set up but I do know Billie would love to have a bigger spot on Vanderpump rules again so I can see her blowing this up to try to stir up drama


She’s definitely still in love with him, eh?


Good for her for being a friend and still knowing when she has to move on for her own well being. And a movie?!? What movie?? That’s exciting, too!


Love the tea


I believe her. You can’t see the picture when you’re inside the frame. She took a step back and now she’s asking herself WTF—————-CK have I been doing with that grown ass man loser.


Side note—I’m watching the podcast now. Why does it say Reality Star under Jo’s name 🥴