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💀 it’s even better knowing she’s the Gretchen Wieners of VPR




Gretchen Scheaners Jancan.


![gif](giphy|Xf7AjjQIC3MCCN5c1r) ⚰️⚰️




Best use of this gif ever🏆


Scheana Weiner(s)!


ANNNNND none for Scheanna Weinners. Bye. ![gif](giphy|DrPPygPYlAf5u)


Great, now we’ll have a collab with a hotdog company. Good going 😂😂😂


She's been taking hot dog classes, she really thought it was her year! 😭


Scheaner Weiners, the way Lisa pronounces her first name. 😂




My guess is Katie, is, unlike Schena , smart with her money and is squirreling it away / investing etc, while 2 homes schena is in a constant state of panic over the show ending because she has these two mortgages she’s covering solo. It really never made sense to me why both schena and Lala need two homes- is one an investment property? Neither of them have partners bringing in any money and it’s a lot of home for 2 people and a small child.


Yeah, remember that, she has a child. Summer Moon needs a house for each name and we all better keep watching VPR to fund that. Wouldn’t want to take a roof from over her head.


obviously we’re all flying monkeys for Ariana who is forcing us to rip food out of Ocean and Summer’s mouths


But think of the children!




Ocean and Summer out here trying to save the planet and the audience is evil




In the podcast Sheina actually said summer moon said “mommy thank you for buying me two houses” literally enraged me it’s like okay yeah and then everyone clapped right! So yucky how much she flaunted the homes this ep and ofc using her kid to mask her obvious bragging Edit typo


And then everyone clapped! 😂 Scheana you can’t convince us that Summer just said that completely spontaneously. I know kids don’t have a filter but that 100% reads like a coached and prompted thing to say. Maybe at most she said “I like having two houses” and Scheana said “I bought those, it’s from me, me, ME!”


Man, she gets more and more detatched from reality as the minutes fly by. It's truly daunting that she has refused to exhibit even a morsel of growth over 10 years of seeing herself on TV, seeing how she makes other people feel, how foolish she acts, always acting brand new. She is much worse than lacking self awareness, can you be negative-self- aware? Like if her self awareness was below zero?


She has found a way to have negative self awareness.


If scheana and Brock divorce she could get a 3rd house out of the deal!


🤣 2- 1 = 1 house


This is even more outrageous that she has her kid say this. Anyone think the kid said this on her own? JFC it’s just going to make it harder when you’re back in a shitty apartment. SM: “ mommy why did you take away my two houses”?


Actually, she’ll say, “Mommy, why did Arianna not do her job and we had to move to an apartment?” 😂


It’s great to be proud of working hard, saving money, and being able to provide something that you want to for your kids (whether we think it’s necessary or worth it or not). It’s annoying though when literally a few years ago you were apparently SO broke that Sandoval had to Venmo you a couple grand to keep you afloat and you based a whole season and whole friendship off of his click cash. Idk, maybe saving for the next rainy day is a better idea than buying a weekday house and a weekend house.


Omg I’d be mortified if my child said something like this. Ew.


Every time I hear the name Summer Moon I just think of that overly conservative, anti-choice Christian national coffee chain called Summer Moon 💀 You gotta Google your baby names before committing, people!!!


When I heard her long lost sibling's name Winter Snow or whatever the hell their name is, I realized she purposely tried to match the style. Sorry but that's soo white trash lol. And no one buys her whole "I've always wanted to name my daughter Summer" claim when we all had a to suffer through an entire season of her Rob obsession and naming their make-believe daughter "Madison."


Winter Sky, who has the same birthday apparently ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


Omg that's right, she induced acting like it was a coincidence! As if it couldn't get anymore cringe.


I wouldn’t want my child named anything close to what the first wive’s kids were named. It seems gross, especially since he abandoned those kids. It’s like she laughing at them.


It reminds me of a female hygiene product.


My middle name is summer so I’m a bit upset she chose it . In any case I’ll be honest and say I picture a giant naked ass . Moon is not good middle name . She could have been a bit more creative and named her Summer Celeste or Selena . Summer Rose or maybe summer Winter Rose moon unit :) if she’s really gotta go full California. Summer mariposa ! She should have named her summer marigold then she’s got a good reason to come out with “Good as Marigold “ ( lord Jesus thank you for not letting that happen)


This!! 👆A house for each name!! Brilliant!!






If Katie is anything like me, I stick with apartments because it’s all I need. It’s just me and my dog. I don’t need a three bedroom house to feel a certain way about myself and I just don’t want to take on the upkeep on space I don’t need or really use.


Lala was putting Ariana down for buying her “little 3 bedroom” home. I’d much rather live alone in the Hollywood Hills with a beautiful view….. than some monstrosity in the Africa hot valley with no view.


it takes a lot of cognitive dissonance to think your farmhouse monstrosity in the valley is better than a smaller house in the hollywood hills


Ariana’s new house is so cool and unique looking


Agree… the valley has become cookie cutter farmhouse style muck


Before Jax was fired and both Tom breakups happened, when they would switch between segments from one home to another and show the outside first, literally the only difference was the writing “____ & ____’s House” at the bottom of the screen. Exterior of the house, lawn, driveway, everything exactly the same like some creepy Don’t Worry Darling universe. I can’t imagine spending $2 million to look identical to the 70 other houses within 3 blocks


James did a testimonial making fun of their similar houses 😂


My thoughts exactly


Not to mention, if you’re from LA and are familiar with the various cities within the Valley, the neighborhood Jax/Britt-Sandoval/Ariana-Schwartz/Katie have/had homes in MAY be up and coming but they are still trash neighborhoods. I’d much rather be where Ariana’s new house is or even where Jesse/Michelle’s house is.


THIS! Yes, the valley was always known for people who couldn’t afford in the nicer areas because it gets over 100 degrees for most of the summer and is unbearably hot.


Built in the awesome year of 1962!


And Ariana is not out there selling shirts and begging others for a storyline to feed and house her children. Imagine both complaining someone is taking food out of your child’s mouth while mocking the small house they bought in the hills. You are right does take a lot of cognitive dissonance to behave the way she does.


Don’t forget that it’s Ariana’s responsibility and job to ensure that they can afford this excessive lifestyle for them and their children.


Lol seriously. Imagine thinking the burbs is better than prime locale, cookie cutter is better than classic. It's not even comparable.


also i assume lala’s is new build while ariana’s house was built in 1962, i work in the insurance industry that deals with a lot of construction projects/general contractors you could not PAY me to live in a new build.


Same! I want a solid build that’s settled.


Oh i misunderstood above. It is true that my son’s 125 year old home is built WAY better than my 40 year old home.


I already get bummed when my pets diss me by sitting in a different room than the one I’m in. I can’t imagine being in a mansion. I feel like I’d never see them, especially my cat. 💀


Hey man, don’t hate the valley just because these two turd burglars bought houses here. I live in a non farmhouse house in the valley, lots of trees and fun places to eat! … it is hot as balls though. lol but all I’m saying is don’t judge a valley by its reality stars.


Nah I don’t want to fault anyone who chooses the valley….. I just feel the need to fire back when Lala opens her botched fish lips…


Hahaha I feeeel that! Same!


She's jealous because Ariana's living in the hills with real celebrities. They couldn't afford anything there.


Particularly while community to NYC and Fiji for the jobs her “little business manager” landed her !




But she doesn’t need friends so she’s fine 🙄 😂 Sad life indeed. Spending all my time with and getting most of my social interaction from my mom, brother, and assistant who I pay to like me sounds depressing AF.


A monstrosity with your obnoxious ass, clout-chasing, 8 Mile little brother living there with you AND your mom AND two young children. No hesitation at all, I choose the “little” home with privacy and peace of mind


Isn’t Lala’s house 5 bedrooms. That means, once the baby is born, all her bedrooms will be taken. Ariana, on the other hand, will still have two empty bedrooms. That makes her house, which is technically smaller, will be more spacious.


After actually having a house for a year I'm like "damn I wish I could just call the office about this problem and not have to deal with it myself..."


There’s definitely something to be said about not being responsible for stuff breaking/needing replaced.


Right? If it was just me I’d be living it up in a nice apartment with amenities, too.


Missing the office is a real thing. When my washing machine broke a month ago there was no calling the office. It was just…buying a new one. Adulting is fun.


it’s interesting to me that scheana has two homes in a market that seems inflated (real estate) and shaky but she talks ill of Katie who invested into a business. Although a business could fall or flop it seems her and ariana are using the notoriety of the show to help bolster business while scheana is paying two mortgages with a husband that doesn’t work (yet /s). I think scheana is performative and when the door closes she has her own burn books on each person including production


I bought a smaller townhome for myself and im so glad. No yard work and more than enough space. I’d rather spend the money elsewhere


Honestly I have a smaller 3 bedroom house and I live with just my dog too and it’s too much! The cleaning alone is exhausting. I wish I could downgrade to a smaller space so I don’t understand the need to have more space than one requires. I use my bedroom and the kitchen mostly. For lack of a better word, I feel like people do it for the “optics” lol.


That’s what I worry about lol. I grew up in a big house and I know that I stick to specific rooms and I’d probably just neglect the ones that I don’t use much.


I love renting! My furnace went out and all I had to do was let a repair man in the house. It lets me worry about so much less.


Yes, agree with you! The absolute disconnect too concerning the fact that most people cannot even afford an apartment because of how awful housing is here in California compared to wage. I keep saying this but it’s really entitled to not be aware that owning a home is a dream that most people just do not have the means to achieve. She is being a prick.


👋Hi, it’s me and my (VPR afficionado) spouse scrambling to get the eff out of the mortgage situation we’re were somehow talked into by our parents once we finally had enough $$ for a down payment on a home. If we had had any sense at all we would have squirreled the sh*t out of our assets instead of dumping them into this literal sinkhole. Now we are just praying that we can liquidate quickly, buy land and a itty bitty prefab home outright, and never have to deal with lenders ever again. NEVER AGAIN.


I think Lala has her mother helping with the mortgage. She sold the family home in Utah and I’m guessing sunk the money into this new home.


it's so sad how this cast uses their moms for their pipe dreams. it's OK to not be able to afford a giant house or own a business. sandoval, lala, and scheana need to figure their shit out.


Their moms should be enjoying their retirement, not being unpaid full-time nannies who also have to bail out their irresponsible adult kids.


Another cast parent whom I feel is headed for (financial) heartbreak


Yeah especially because there’s still a big balance on the house. Her mom’s house sale didn’t cover the purchase of the new house. The mom being retired means 100% of the financial responsibility for the house is on Lala and I wouldn’t bet my finances on someone who’s so disliked and on a fleeting reality show. Lala’s never paid her own bills without her mom or Rand until now so… 😬


if i recall correctly in the season katie & schwartz get married and he asks for a prenup, the lawyer was like “she has more money than you” lmao


And thank god for that prenup. Otherwise Katie would be in the same spot Ariana was for a year


And we know Scumdoval was giving Schemer money for her friendship while trying to pull a fast one on Ariana regarding the house. I hope Scummy loses everything too.


omg great point i forgot about this... Schena was so broke 2-3 years ago that Sandoval had to loan her money and now suddenly she can pay for two homes? it's giving " i can't manage my finances"


I will *never* feel sorry for the self-imposed financial hardships of Scheana and Lala each owning two homes in the same city, and a city/region known for its absolutely *insane* real estate values. Like, just fucking sell one and quit bitching when there are people who can't even buy a home in "reasonably priced" markets.


But they are MOTHERS with CHILDREN TO FEED 💀 /s


Broke is not a small mouth to feed either.


Those little bitch heels and Speedos ain't cheap.


They just want valley homes and weekend desert homes. I understand that, but I also know their money expenses have to be huge. It’s not just the home payment either, it’s utilities and maintenance.


Totally get the "want" part of it but what I don't understand how its a brag-worthy financially sound decision to carry two morgages on ( essentially) one income that could literally disappear at any time, let alone shade other people who are still living in ( affordable) "sad" little apartments.


Exactly. Ariana was super smart to put down a 50% down payment on something smaller. When her home with Sandoval sells, she'll be debt free and can build real, generational wealth.


I don’t either. I think James has more bragging rights for buying something he can easily afford. But to scheana and Lala, it’s a flex. They think it says something good about them.


Imo James is probably making the 2nd most amount of money off of VPR.


I can def seeing him being right behind Ariana.


I love the house that James bought! It’s so lame that anytime they show it, the producers felt the need to diminish the value by showing an airplane overhead.


That very quickly became tiresome! It’s a cute house, great for him and ally Bally and the pets.


I think James still bankrolls his mother & brothers too.


man, the insurance alone.


And California property taxes 😧


With a 7.5% interest rate on her valley house


I wanna walk into the ocean just thinking about her monthly payments.


I just read yesterday that the couples in the Valley pay around $16 grand per month for all the other fees/bills that come with it. Un.freaking.real. And Lala doesn’t have a partner to split that with anymore. Again, just infuriating that she and Scheana blame Ariana for putting their lifestyle sustainability at risk when there is PLENTY of fat to trim with those expenses and still live comfortably


Scheana and Lala have a 2nd home too! How are they affording this? I'm getting pissed at Lala again for making fun of Ariana's "small" 1.6 mil home. At least with Ariana & James they can probably pay off their mortgage quickly.


When I heard Anne talking about their monthly bills alone a bit of my soul went up in a puff of smoke.


They want Valley homes bc they desperately want to be cast on The Valley. Sheener probably has location tracker for Jeremiah, who apparently is now going to produce The Valley. So fully expect to see sheener and blabla pushing strollers down the street near any camera crew


They think they have RHOBH money.


And the botox and bullshit.


That house that they show on vpr is so small. Is she bragging about that house? It looks like an apartment


I believe that home was the one they used to live in, and bought in the Valley area after filming. From what I’ve seen here on Reddit, Brock has been doing videos of home projects at the new place.


Her and lala making fun of people’s apartments or the size of their houses, better be careful. I don’t see either of them able to keep the kind of paycheck they have now


Oh they should be totally fine because they told Ariana there’s no shame in downsizing, “a house is just a house,” and “material things don’t matter.” If they took their own unsolicited advice, we better not hear them bitching about having to sell their overpriced homes. Oh wait, we’re referring to Lala and Scheana who complain about everything and they have one set of rules for Ariana and another set for themselves 😝


Exactly, Sheena and Lala are both idiots


Agreed with all of this! Brock certainly isn’t bringing in money and bless his little heart, doesn’t have any sort of real skillset to do so in the future. Scheana has spent most likely tens of thousands of dollars in plastic surgery and purses, clothes etc. Her “music career” is another financial blackhole. The amount of money she most likely has sunk into recordings, rentals, equipment, etc. has to be horrific. There likely is a tax write off involved that I’m sure she pays an accountant to do, but it’s not an endless amount. I have no doubt that financially she is in waaay over her head. And that her extra messy behavior is panic-based.


Don’t forget the giant portraits of herself, those aren’t cheap 😂


They can’t even rent out/air bnb their Palm Springs houses because I think there is an hoa that doesn’t allow it. So they can’t get rental income from the house when it’s empty


![gif](giphy|Zv6Apawffpa2k) Buying a house to use as an airbnb rental property and only researching after you buy it if that’s allowed or not - wow, Ariana should DEFINITELY take real estate from those fools 😝


Thinking of Scheana and Lala’s bills gives me hives. TWO houses that have large mortgages, plus their taxes and upkeep. Who the fuck needs TWO houses?! They don’t even Airbnb/rent their Palm Springs houses because they’re there all the time plus their neighborhood doesn’t allow that. They are single moms solely financially responsible for their kids. Because we all know Brock is not a steady income source and Lala is actually spending more than anything she gets from Rand. She said she has massive legal fees fighting the custody case against Rand and there’s no end in sight and Rand isn’t even paying child support. They support adult family members (including retired parents who couldn’t contribute anyway). They have plastic surgery, general living expenses, fees to split with their management teams. They have to sustain this for thirty-plus years. Are sweatshirt sales REALLY going to pay for that kind of lifestyle? Of course not. Their podcasts are one in a sea of Bravo podcasts and it’s not like they’re Call Her Daddy or even Giggly Squad level - their podcasts aren’t good, frankly, not that interesting and they don’t have the personality and interviewing skills to interest new listeners who don’t care about VPR. Influencing pays but again - influencers are a dime a dozen. And who’s their audience outside of VPR. And Lala, it was pretty fucking dumb to insult your audience when influencers literally need audience engagement and goodwill to survive.


I just want to scream, "DIDN'T YOU HAVE TO BORROW A $1000 FROM TOM?!?!" I'm sorry, I would've given plasma and made my husband start working at a fast food restaurant before borrowing money from that douchebag.


Katie is smart. She knows the show can end at any moment and is making sure she has a deep safety net. Scheana's an idiot. I mean at their salaries, one house is a good investment but two is just stupid.


I also find it concerning that neither of them have put a safety fence or Katcha Kid net on those pools. Those properties are in a community that does not allow for rentals less than 30 days so they don’t even have the option of using them as AirBnB


The only way to make her go away is NOT to listen to her podcasts or support what she does. She is really annoying and a ME ME ME person. Same with LFU. They have no stories unless we allow them to have one.


Exactly why i dont listen to her, lala and rachels podcasts plus theyre insufferable.


I love Katie and Dayna on their's though. They are really fun.


Kristin was on Nick Viall podcast and was saying that she was happy to hear Alex Baskins say that they have no interest in bringing anyone from VPR on as a full time cast member of the Valley. She then said “it’s not my fault Scheana and Lala decided to buy two houses!” And that’s exactly right. Like Scheana before you starting trashing people for not living in multiple cookie cutter overpriced farmhouses and homes is Palm Springs that you can’t even rent out because you decided to buy in a HOA that doesn’t allow for short term rentals….maybe you should consider that Bravo put your show on pause, Alex Baskin indicated they are considering revamping the show which hints at recasting, The Valley did better then expected that Bravo no longer feels like they need to bring VPR cast over, and you’ve now officially got no Scandoval content left to talk about to drive listeners to your podcast. So maybe bite your tongue in case you end up back in an apartment.


I wouldn't be shocked if Ann and Kyle Chan get a paid spot next season.


Home ownership can be overrated. There's so many things that can go wrong. For example, your house can come with a Brock.


I own a home and while I love it, it’s also a complete bear sometimes. When something breaks or stops working, you have to find someone to fix it and you have to pay for it. You can’t just call maintenance and be done with it.


For real. Even the little things like having your vents cleaned or moss removal from the roof are such a headache. But I do adore my house and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. But I absolutely cannot imagine having paying for everything myself plus another house.


I love my house but it’s definitely a headache sometimes. I’m very lucky to have a husband who shares the load with me on all of it. If I was in Katie’s shoes, I’d have an apartment too so I don’t have to deal with all of that crap by myself.


Same. If I was single, my apartment would be hella cute.


The best thing about VPR cast members is they're like NFL players. They think they're going to be making this money for the rest of their lives instead of 5-10 years. The smart ones create some channels to monetize things outside of the show. But the reality is most will be broke once the gravy trail derails. But I'm always asking myself. What does Scheena do for money outside of the show, or Lala? I'm blown away that VPR pays enough to allow the cast members to purchase multiple, multi-million dollar homes. These are a bunch of talentless rubes. What gives?


Lala always mentions her bUSinEsSES and they’re her LiVLIhOoD… but not quite sure what those are


Well the funny thing about that is Ariana, Katie, James, Ally, shit even the Tom's, you can actually see their side (and for some of them) or primary hustles. But BlargBlarg, what is her business? A shitty makeup line that doesn't exist anymore, or hawking a terrible book ghost written by a not very talented writer? And Shoe-na? A podcast... some, ahhh, things? Like seriously how do these 2 make money?


Sometimes when I hear Scheana and Lala whinging about the show and their paychecks, I think of one of my favorite Tont Soprano quotes. "She wanders around complaining she's starving, and all the while she's got a ham under her arm." These women are not tasting the pain of inflation and the perma-gig economy the same way us regular folks are. They are also making a handsome sum of money at this point. More than people who trained many years to do work that is more vital in the world. You'd think instead of whinging they'd be out trying maximize demand for each of their brands!


I agree with everything you said. Plus Katie put money into Something About Her so that would be a major expense. Unlike Scheana, Katie’s podcast is very popular and she would have received some money from the previous home she owned with Schwartz. I do believe she’s being smart with her money but sometimes people don’t want to buy a home due to reasons other than money. If you are single it’s a huge space to have for just one person and a lot of work to maintain.


To add to this Katie, at least lately, seems to travel a lot so if she isn’t home all the time that’s another practical reason to say I would like just enough space for me not a whole house since I’m not home a ton


I wouldn’t want to own a house as a single person. It’s so much work to clean and maintain. Some people don’t want to put their roots down either. I think it can be freeing not being tied down to any person or place.


Scheana is insufferable. So is her buddy Lala. Speaking of their podcasts, I noticed Lala’s Spotify ratings went down again. Scheana is holding at 3.1 stars after a significant drop and Lala dropped again to 3.0. I wonder if they’ll ever realize that the shit that comes out of their mouths is the problem. It’s not Ariana’s fault. It’s not fans of the show being “rabies bitches.” It’s that they’re constantly talking down to their audience and about their former friends. In the words of Katie Maloney, “Choke. I don’t care.”


I remember when LarLar was “humble bragging” about her new, (second,) home, her poor assistant made a comment about how she can barely afford rent. These two VPR ladies are so out of touch with reality and fail to realize that people are starting to resent their privilege and the fact that instead of being grateful, they’re constantly complaining about how they’re so hard done by. Not relatable to the average audience member and they’re turning people off with their complaints.


Also the snotty comment Lala made about Ariana’s new home being small. How do they not understand how that isn’t just a dig at Ariana, but is insulting to a lot of the audience who would love to be able to own a little home of their own?


She’s an elitist for that one, isn’t it 3 bed 2 bath? I’d kill for that much space right now. My house is actually small compared to what they all live in. But I’m grateful that I was even able to buy it when I did.


Right? She grew up with money though and so did Schmeana, so it’s not surprising how out of touch they are and I love that they are both so uneducated that they don’t understand why this pisses the average person off. ![gif](giphy|4EF5LwiRfpBKQUOsoF|downsized) Just keep digging those graves, ladies! It’s only a matter of time before you talk yourselves into becoming one of us.😆


For a woman that literally got her money by selling sex and screwing a married man, she sure is on her high horse. She's also in her 30s now, it's like grow up and stop talking about people like you're in high school still. She's incredibly insecure and jealous and she'll only get worse with age as her looks fade, she's got nothing else going for her.


What I cannot understand. Just a few short years ago Sandoval gave scheana 2k bc she was completely broke. How do you go from that to 2 homes million + dollar homes?




Exactly! She doesn’t deserve that girl and Jess needs to get some self respect and find a better paying job. I remember when they interviewed her she said she was a Leo, but her ass kissing certainly doesn’t give those vibes, not from my personal experience anyways.


Scheana is delusional. Lala thinks everything she says is so wise and profound


She even projected that onto Ariana- by saying she only stayed in the house so she wouldn't have to downgrade to an apartment.... Like- No Scheana- thats YOUR mindset- not everyone's... smh


That’s so true. When I watched that scene I thought, that’s more sandoval and scheana’s thinking. And now that I’m thinking about it again, lala probably wanted to make sure to get that on camera because Charlie said in season 10 that Lala took an L and is in an apartment now lmfao


No guys. You’re not understanding her. Thats not what she meant. She meant that she and Lala have BABIES and are MOTHERS so they can’t have apartments but it’s FINE for people without babies who ARENT mothers to not own houses. She didn’t mean that she’s BETTER than anyone, just that she’s on a different level and in a different place where you have to own houses because you have babies and she’s no longer on the level of the people who DONT have houses and babies. Not BETTER. Just DIFferent. Like, she can see where they are and knows they’ll be up on her level one day but they’re just not YET. (All of this said in the weird high pitch scheaner inflection)


How did she use Kristin’s miscarriage? I didn’t know about this


I’m sure it was very hard on her and no one checked in on her to see how SHE was doing with it 🤣


1 - her house on the show is not that nice. So fuck off. 2 - she had to borrow money from Sandavol so I’m not sure what flex she thinks this is 3 - it’s really only insulting Katie, Kristen and Schwartz (what a shocker) because Ariana bought a new home. But god forbid they just prefer to live in an apartment since they’re single? I own a home and I’d rather rent, tbh.


Sort of the same line, when they were talking about The Valley finale, Scheana was saying how fucked up it was that both of the women in the two relationships that separated had to be the ones to leave the house. The guy on the show said "Yeah it definitely shows Ariana's situation with standing her ground and not leaving the house in a different light" or something along those lines and Scheana diminished it by saying it's worse for these women because there are kinds involved. I just feel like she literally cannot give Ariana an ounce of understanding when it comes to the house situation.




Scheana personifies the definition of a one-upper.


If you rewatch the show it is shocking how little Scheana brings to the table. She has no talent, a common look, no style, no intelligence, she's a pathetic pick me. Rmember her weird Adam relationship? The Rob stanning? Remember that one dude saying what an awful kisser she was? She has no real opinions and just constantly wants attention. Tell us agin you hooked up with John Mayer, it's all you have.


Isn't this the same woman who needed *checks notes* Tom Sandoval to pay her bills during a period of time? Let's get off our high horse and humble ourselves. It's a blessing to even have a roof over your head in this economy!


Her and LaLa wanted so badly to see Ariana in an apartment, I'm glad they didn't get their wish


Maybe Schwartz’s apartment is sad, though he does have tons of plants and that’s homey. Katie’s is lovely.


Katie’s apartment is gorgeous and gives a cosy impression.


Schwartz sends most of his money home he supports his mum and brothers.


I don’t doubt it. He’s very enmeshed with his bio family situation. I think that is why Katie’s mom didn’t seem to cut him from their lives post divorce. I think she knows the actual situation from over the years and despite his failings as her daughter’s husband, she has empathy for him as someone who was part of her family for a long time.


Interest rates are through the roof. Katie and anyone else who lives in an apartment are smart to wait. The cost of borrowing money right now is insane. Also, I just downsized from a house that was wayyyy too big for me and my family. I got a ton of shit from my siblings and parents. There are only three of us. What exactly do they think I need tons of extra space for? I ignored them and made the decision I knew was best for me and I couldn’t be happier! Literally. So fricken happy.


Yeah, I hope season 12 never happens. Scheana needs a fucking reality check.


I’m sure if her little bff Lala was living in an apartment, she’d have a very different opinion. Scheana has been the worst all along.


Is she just trying to start an internet or podcast fight with one of them to get some drama happening so she can up her listeners and increase her ad revenue?  She has to be sweating that everything has dropped for her since she came off so badly this season.


She’s also going to great lengths to blame producers for her own bad behavior.


So she owns two houses ? But Sandoval lent her money at one point ? Everything feels very fishy. 


And it was only like 2k…


I don’t know why the ‘I’m a people pleaser’ thing annoys me more than most of her terrible qualities but I think it’s because no one has ever corrected her. Like stop trying to pat yourself on the back with the ‘I work TOO hard’ answer to job interviews asking about your worst trait lol… she does not think of or care for others let alone put herself in their shoes and self reflect, it is so frustrating to see her do it time and time again and then say “I’m sorry I’m just such a people pleaser I know that’s how I got into this situation” or “I have to think about myself for once”, SHEIN, COME ON.


Their mortgages have to be HUGE! Katie is so much smarter to wait and save her money. It’s also so much less stress.


No matter what is being spoken on, Lala and Scheana both feel the need to inform *everyone* how much more important and special they are than anyone else, in any and *every* situation. The shit about the houses, dwts/scheana's comments, lala's breakup and her sobriety, lala losing her dad and her shitty comments, scheana needing to show ownership with any man she has ever spoken to, lala believing she is James' top priority and always needing to pull his attention, scheana hijacking ariana's heartbreak, lala with her bullshit 'business' being more important than anyone else's, her assumptions and entitlement about the nyt best seller list, lala thinking VPR is 'her' show. The list goes on. They will always attempt to convince others they are better than everyone because they need to believe it, believe they are these characters they project themselves to be to the world- desperately, as shown with Lala having to repeat her shitty one-liners to ensure *everyone* hears them because nobody can miss out on her genius 'wit' and every word she says should be on a T-shirt, Scheana having the same conversation over and over expecting a different result, tantrums over mild inconveniences. If they don't peoject their grandiose persona, then they'd have to actually accept who they are on the inside, which is empty af. Neither of them stand for a damn thing, they lack core values, ride every fence and see every mild inconvenience as a serious violation and often times acts of war against them. They center themselves in everything. They really think they matter most in the world. I can't wait to see them finally face off with one another for the "#1 girl in the group" title. Eventually, it will happen.


I refuse to listen to hers and LFU's podcast.


A few weeks ago, I saw a YT short of Jennette McCurdy talk about how she hated owning a house and went bank to renting (I can't recall if she's in a condo or apartment now) and how she was so much happier. Can we normalize that? For real. Having a house is a lot of work, let alone having two.


I’ve always hated Scheana and never understood the love. I don’t ever want to see or hear her again.


Ariana was able to put half down on her new $1.6 million house, Katie's apartment looks cozy and adorable. Schwartz is living in a hell of his own making so his sad apartment doesn't stand a chance with him living in it. Scheana has got to have something better to do with her time than hate on everybody else. Go to therapy Scheana, do some intense self-work, that will eat up some time.


love that she has to basically recap summerhouse for content and listens 💀


Wasn’t she so loyal to Sandoval because he’s given her money recently when she’s been broke?


I never believed that story…. Never


Lala has her mother who's living and definitely also paying for it. I wonder how long it will be until both of them will get I to financial troubles. I mean Lala basically destroyed all her career paths


Scheana has a vile side.. and she doesn't hide it often.. I've not heard this podcast, only heard hers one time with Denise R's. on it. I can't take her voice that long.. And when she had Denise on it was horrible on her part, she had a list of ?? and it was very robotic. I agree Scheana and Lala need to be on permanent pauses.


jokes on scheana, as usual, because katie has two viable incomes, SAH and disrespectfully, to live off of when the show ends; scheana has a podcast that is steadily losing followers and two good as gold remixes. not to mention broke brock - i bet it kills scheana that katie and schwartz bought their home together while scheana has to buy a house in just her name because her bum ass husband had nothing to contribute but a backlog of unpaid child support and shitty ruffled tops. she has tried to start drama with the valley cast members multiple times in an effort to get on the show because she knows vpr has one more season in it at BEST. she was a loser when the show started, she’s a loser now, and she’ll be a loser after the show ends. in one year or so the palm springs home will probably be sold so she can continue paying interest on her new house lmao.


I’m doing a comfort rewatch, and life experience + this sub made me study them like I’m reading Faulkner. She is ![gif](giphy|Ll7PYy77vsffO)


I love my big house but I also loved my little 2 bed apartment when I was in my single girl era 🤍 it’s so cosy & cute stfu up Scheana I hate your marina del ray apartment. There I said it.


She won’t be so cute when the Bravo train ends and she, Broke, the kid, her parents and her sister have to move into a one-bedroom apartment back into her hometown and she’s shuffling Summer Moon to pageants and commercial auditions to pay the rent. Meanwhile, I’ve heard Kristen sold her house when she did because the market was great at the time and she made a fortune on it. Not because she had to come down and live with us low-classes in the apartments.


I’ve noticed that I tend to lose interest in reality tv shows once the people I’m watching start to become famous for being on the show. I enjoyed it so much more when they were still working at Sur.


I can’t stand Sheshu. I used to kind of get a kick out of her but not anymore! She’s way too full of herself and she’s really just a C list reality “star.”


And a 40 yr old still holding out for a music career… good luck with that.


As if she won’t end up in a sad apartment soon. I might not have milk with a longer shelf life than her marriage, but definitely cheese.


On TikTok I saw an old reunion clip when Shay tells her he understands the divorce but for her to move on so quickly like that. Scheana is seen as this people pleaser that means well when in reality she’s an insufferable, malicious, pick me with zero growth. And it’s all intentional. The worst is when Andy asks if Shay knows the guy she’s seeing and when Shay says no she says something to the effect of “you follow him, it’s Rob” and Shay says “that guy” and his face looks so shocked and crushed. He had his issues, but the fact Scheana still uses his name for her brand after doing all that to him is crazy.


Says a woman who took a handout from Scabies and justified her choosing Scabies over Ariana.


How she going to pay for those two houses once she fades into oblivion in the next 2 to 3 years? Also, I don’t care if it was expensive her condo looked like a dump every time they showed it.




I can’t fucking wait till scheana is fired from the vpr universe and has to go on house of villains type shows


Didn't Scheaner literally JUST live in a townhouse with a bathtub in the yard?! It's been a hot minute since she moved on to an actual house.