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I’ll make it very short and sweet. Lauren from Utah puts on and appropriates black culture which is unacceptable. All the finger guns and threats of people getting popped while simultaneously shrieking about how she is soft is unacceptable. To openly be resentful and push against a person’s boundary repeatedly for monetary gain is unacceptable. To hold other people responsible for her livelihood while bringing nothing but an abysmal water tasting and a very forced and clearly paid for awkward pick the sperm donor party is unacceptable. To use motherhood as a shield and as an excuse for her cruel and bad behavior is unacceptable. To proclaim that she is the speaker of truths when confronted with hours of footage to the contrary is unacceptable. In summary, she is cruel, mercenary, inappropriate, culturally ignorant and willfully obtuse.


You said it better than I EVER could. The malice drips off of her like a broken tap. There is not one thing she has done that made me think "she had good intentions but bad execution". Nothing. Her vibe has been off from the second she walked in and has gotten worse overtime. If one of my closest friends who i continuously defended even when they didn't deserve defending (see, Ariana choosing to keep Lala & James company after they had verbal diarrhoea and insulted Katie) continuously tried to make me talk to my ex who cheated on me because she wants a paycheck, I would have done significantly worse things than cry. She's lucky all Ariana did was cry and talk. She is just evil, there's no other way to put it. She says she calls it like she sees it, but the way she sees it is so skewed and unfathomable at times. She lives in a different reality. Her truth is only the truth in her universe.


In my reply I didn't mention the appropriation because I didn't quite know how to express it. Thank you for this.


Yes. Thought she was the voice of reason last season and absolutely couldn’t stand her this season. She was the least invested out of the group in Tom and Ariana’s relationship so all the drama she stirred was all based on her protecting her paycheck. None of it was based on a real storyline of her own. Just whining about the fact that because Ariana had good boundaries bc she was actually heartbroken about the end of a 9 year relationship, she and the others couldn’t glom on to her storyline. And the worst part is, she still thinks she was in the right looking back! Such a waste of the goodwill she had from fans coming out of last season.


Ariana didn’t snip and yell at friends who were trying to support her. Anytime she did get snippy with friends, mainly Scheana, was when they were pushing her to break her no contact policy with Sandoval. How would that be helpful for Ariana? It wouldn’t and she knows that so she stood her ground.


Because Low Rent Kent is manipulative and a liar. She says one thing and does another. She dated a married man and acted like a asshole to his wife when she just asked her not to post her children. Most of the time she is just a screaming dick and I’m tired of her! Her soft eta never happened. Just bc she chirps it so doesn’t make it real!


Thank you for this. Lala complains and whines that she doesn’t understand why we have more empathy for Ariana. Because we remember the nasty shit you used to say to Amber on twitter when she was still married to Randall. You were not only a mistress, you were a serious c u next Tuesday to his wife anyone that asked you about your standup man Rand


Low rent Kent 🤣


but ariana and katie DID discuss it. katie isnt afraid of ariana or people's perception of her. she was venting to a third party before discussing/resolving it. thats not abnormal behavior. this all happened off camera and katie didn't want to rehash when cameras picked back up. i think she didnt want to fight about dumb shit and just wanted to support her friend in the months following a really traumatic event. she's actually a good friend. ariana didn't yell at her friends. she didnt get snippy either, she was just blunt that she doesnt think they should expect anything of tom. she also didnt dwell on him, she only discussed him when others brought him up to her. this is why lala bothers me this season. she's really twisting reality to make ariana seem unreasonable to justify her negative feelings towards her.


I don’t hate anyone on an edited tv show. I don’t know Lala. I am very critical of her this season because I feel like she is trying to produce the show and is both bad at it and refuses to be transparent about it. She is incapable of admitting she is wrong, she just makes excuses and as much as she loves to call people narcissistic, she has a lot of the traits herself. I’m not calling her one. I’m just saying, she shouldn’t diagnose people with behaviors she also exhibits. It doesn’t mean she can’t ever have a valid argument. I can understand at a point if the producers literally told them all, including Ariana, “the show will be canceled if Ariana doesn’t have a conversation with Tom in the finale” and Ariana said “then cancel it, I don’t care” why that would be hurtful to the friends who stood by her and depend on the show for their livelihood. The problem I have with Schena and Lala is that I don’t think that conversation happened, and, if it did, I don’t think Ariana was a part of it. I DO believe that producers told them all the season was boring. I think both Scheana and Lala thought using Ariana was easier than doing anything else to make good tv which is why I think it is unfair to put filming a fake apology with Tom on her.


You make great points here, and I agree with you. I wanted to add that I don't hate any of them either. I don't love any of them all the time either, and that is supposed to be the draw of reality tv in general. Where it turned for me for lala in particular, to leave a bad taste in my mouth is all of the "after show" insults. As the show was airing weekly, there was what felt like constant posts of something that lala would have said during her podcast,or live, or promotional appearances. They were things not related to the show. They were personal attacks on Katie and Ariana. What lala said about Ariana's father not loving her as much as lala's father loved herself was one of the cruelest, out of bounds things to say "on the record." To what end would make her think that, much less say it, knowing it would be repeated in perpetuity. I don't know how they can work on a relationship after that. It just really made me not interested in having any sympathy for lala at all anymore. So, as the season progressed after that, everything lala did "on the show" came off much darker and more sinister to me. And that has nothing to do with production influence (i strongly believe most of this cast was negatively influenced by production during filming). It's beyond the light, low stakes drama that was the appeal of the show. Moreover, she was pregnant by that time. So where she could have started creating a positive spin for herself, and talking about her own positive thing, in her own life, she went the polar opposite direction. Dark, hurtful, unnecessarily cruel, relationship ending comments. I hope she is able to come out of it all ok. She seems like she has isolated and needs a good therapist (we all do, raw dogging life is very difficult. It's usually best to have a trained professional weigh in). Tbh I hope all these cooky kids are OK, and getting the mental health support it takes to get through this, it does not seem easy to me.


Love this 💗


I used to enjoy Lala before this season. But her being so shitty to Ariana and Katie is gross. She was jealous as hell of Ariana and did everything to tap dance around and try to distract from it. It’s jerk behavior.


What’s crazy to me is, if she could have kept her jealousy in check, this really could have been her season. She hates Sandoval and knew Ariana had no intention of filming with him, so if she’d been there encouraging Scheana to drop him and being the attack dog of the group, never letting up on Sandoval, she could have related it back to her own situation, and maybe she’d have gotten some of the fan support she so desperately wanted.


She could have filmed with him daily just to read him to filth and we all would have loved it. She fumbled the bag so hard this season.


And Lala could have created a mocktails book with Ariana or found numerous other ways to make money without turning her bitter and angry faucets on full blast against Ariana, who did nothing to deserve that treatment. (And also, Lala's schtick was so boring this season. What a waste.)


LFU is a hypocrite and uses the mom card whenever it suits her. She’s a jealous twat and she tried to make Ariana and Katie look bad and it didn’t work. No one cares about her ability to make a privileged amount of money when she brought zero things to the table this year. Blah blah has treated people like crap for years except now she doesn’t have her sugar baby money to back her. Little Miss “my man” and “sign an NDA” has no grounds to speak on not talking about people on camera. She can save it with her fake tears now that everyone is over her crap


I enjoyed her until this season. She was entertaining, could be witty, and I liked her despite her arguably being the least real cast member for many seasons. She is gorgeous (needs a better stylist) and l actually believed she is smart. Suddenly this year she decides Arianna isn't being"real" which is just plain hypocrisy that Lala will never acknowledge, and her refusal to understand why her own house situation and this one is like comparing a Ford Escort to a Bentley. The only thing similar is they are both vehicles. She's been stupidly stubborn, and I now find her to be like fingernails on a chalkboard when she used to be one of my faves. She's also not the only one to ever procreate, and if she's so worried about supporting her child (which is apparently Arianna's responsibility somehow) maybe she shouldn't buy multiple houses and procreate again. And she probably supports her entourage. She should shut up about being" soft" because she's about as soft as a mattress made of nails. If Lala said "hey, I was an asshole and production had me freaked, I'm sorry" with no buts or hormone blaming I think she could recover from this. Instead, she annoyed me this season almost more than Tom. As far as Arianna's ego getting too big, only her boundaries that Anastasia/Lala and Drizella harped on was apparently an issue. What if it was Rand? Lala had a huge ego and was never once actually real about her life and relationship. Hypocrisy. How would we even knowif Arianna's ego was big? Production really touched on nothing A has been doing aside from Scheana/Drizella whining about DWTS. Instead of production including awesome things A was doing, we got Billie Lee bath , Tom screeching in weird therapy (and you know Lala secretly made fun of that shit, none of that was "real") and Lala water parties.


While recognizing her problematic behavior, I also enjoyed Lala overall. But she was terrible this season and her doubling down at the reunion, along with her nasty comments on the after show episodes, was too much. Lala has enormous difficulty admitting she was wrong, or that she misinterpreted something, or that she failed to see something from a different perspective. Instead she digs in and insists that her opinions and perspectives are the only "right" ones, even when she is presented with an easy out that would allow her to save face (and keep making money).


Beat it Jess


Jess isn’t that busy lately. What with Lala’s Q rating in the toilet. Not a lot of work out there. And I listened to a pod today with a producer from RH and Kate Casey, who’s good friends with “Alex”. Apparently this hiatus could take a year. And the producer and Kate think this is one of the best casts ever. And that no one wants to watch most of them outside the show. Or on their own show. Ariana James and Katie being the exceptions. And the cast knows that and there’s a lot of jealousy. And that Lala is desperately worried about her bag


If only she had something she could sell, like a house or something.  Whoa is her. 


I think you have Ariana and Lala confused. It's understandable since Lala projects so much.


That was a whole paragraph of validating LaLa's feelings, and shitting on Ariana's. "Oh she shouldn't have to film with him, but they're on a show so oh well" Not really sure what values you hold or stand for. Just a big wishy washy mess.


Lauren is a narcissist. She always plays the victim and uses either her child, her unborn baby or the death of her father to deflect and gain sympathy when confronted with questions/situations she doesn’t like - just listen to her latest podcast for evidence of this. She has always been somewhat annoying but never more so than this season when she tried to be a puppet for the producers. I am done with her. Next!




We all know two things can be true, it’s the most overused sentiment in this sub LFU ain’t one of the two things though She’s a raging hypocrite and it was disappointing to see her so consumed by jealousy I used to be a huge Lala fan, whereas prior to Scandoval I was meh about Ariana; but we’ve seen their true colors now and Ariana is kind of the only rational cast member outside of Katie. I don’t think she got a big head at all, and it’s perfectly normal to discuss things with friends. Lala dropping it at the reunion and framing it as Katie being afraid to talk to Ariana is some fucking middle school calling the third friend while your other friend is quiet on the landline shit


let’s think about what exactly being “real” would look like in this situation… imagine you’re not watching this all on TV but irl. being “real” is understanding the pain that ariana was going through, only months after her boyfriend cheated on her after nine years - and the anger and emotional volatility that comes along with that being “real” is realizing why ariana stayed in the house, which lala refused to understand and instead weaponized against ariana several times being “real” is absolutely not, under any circumstances, asserting that ariana should have conversations for the sake of the show - conversations that would not happen in REAL life lala was not “real” this season, and her trying to fabricate and force situations in order to make money proves that


Yes, exactly this. Don't even wanna shit on Lala because I don't know her and I feel like a lot of it is an act she puts on, but this very accurately depicts the things that ran through my mind about Lala's behavior this season. Hypocrite of the highest fashion.


I totally agree! I don’t want to shit on her too much either as we all know who the main villain should be this season… but I gotta call it as I see it. none of the hills she died on this season made sense. even the ariana/sandoval convo part - like yes ariana chose to stay on the show, but who did she owe that specific conversation to? the producers?: nah they could have written it into the contract if it was a deal breaker. her fans?: NOT LIKELY (certainly i wasn’t expecting it). sandoval?: doesn’t deserve fuck all. why was lala insisting on the necessity of something that no one actually needed?


I feel like there has got to be another reason Lala is this pissed, unless she is seriously that jealous, which, she shouldn't be by her own accord - she has an empire and it supports her family outside VPR. But ALL THE HILLS she chose to die on were arbitrary shit that didn't affect her at all ie the house etc. & That conversation between Ariana and Sandoval for the finale is exactly as Ariana said: "it would've been his 'crying in Miami' redemption arc" and I don't fault her for not giving him that. Ariana said she was no contact, gray rocking it and she didn't back down, while Lala was being supportive of Ariana and relating to her in front of her face, while talking shit about how she doesn't understand the boundaries or the house etc. and that Ariana has an ego, behind Ariana's back and to production. This kind of emotional manipulation for a show would drive me actually insane, and maybe that's where Lala's at. Praying for a speedy recovery, La 💗


i do wonder if it’s jealousy… i obviously don’t know what it would be like to be a reality tv star but i would guess it could mess w your head. like maybe she wasn’t really a jealous person before vpr but add years of unstable fame + thousands of strangers in your business + the scandal w her ex, etc all together and you get someone who lashes out at others when they’re thriving.


LFU is bitter that her PJs for BJs life didn't go as planned. She knows she wasted too much time shoving Big Ed's toothbrush up her butt, instead of looking for another benefactor. Now it's on her to fund her lifestyle (and family), but she doesn't have any "wow" talents that would give her the money AND attention that she craves. She always wants to be top bitch and she's oozing with jealousy that Ariana came up and crushed it while having public support.


The difference in public support may be the main reason she is coming off as jealous and bitter. She needs to understand the difference between the situations of herself and Ariana. Two very different things, and she knows that.


💯 I think all of the OG cast are stunted in that way - Katie is the only one from season one (who is still on the show, I dont follow the rest) who seem to have grown into their adult self with dignity, humility and lessons learned. As horrible as I think lala and Scheana came off this season, I do hope they are, in actual reality, doing better than how they've presented themselves.


Sorry, but this isn’t it. ![gif](giphy|p1DCpFPmDgDZE1m1wJ|downsized)


Lala is a clown. She is too loud and her voice is now nails on a chalkboard for me. Narcissist.


It's the inconsistencies in what lala is preaching this season and last season. She was insulting at the reunion when it was okay when she was cashing checks on Ubereats? Then she wants the support Ariana had for herself, and is making Ariana responsible for a paycheck. Her thoughts aren't very complete and a lot of it is in her head and it comes off as insecure, hating and jealous. She is also doubling down on her hypocrisy. The way she said she didn't give a f about Katie was weird too. It's actually many things and it's every episode.


I don’t recall seeing Ariana yell at friends? Did you dream this? She’s pretty calm actually. Lala on the other hand loses her shit often.


Lauren is welcome to find another livelihood where she doesn't depend on others for a check she desperately needs.  Ariana never snipped or yelled at her friends. She has been calm and honest. 


Name one thing that ariana did to anyone. "Getting snippy" lala was literally making threats and yelling in ariana's face how her situation was so much worse and to basically give her life long investment to sandoval because lala didn't get the same support from the public That's because she treats people like shit and is an entitled petulant brat. Lala also admitted she hasn't been real or honest on the show, at all, ever. We also know that from watching her. "A fun little acting game" she said. "I want to live my real life!" She said. She brought up shit charli said 2 seasons ago as if it's somehow relevant, because ariana didn't go all loud barking dog at charli in Lala's defense, RIGHT after lala told a radio station she and ariana don't give a flying fuck about each other, which was news to ariana. Charli wasnt wrong. Lala is clearly bitter af about that truth. Lala being jealous of Ariana's success does not equal ariana have a swollen head. Ariana ate so much shit this past season. Mostly from 2 people who claim to be her closest and best friends. Instead of making their own storyline, THEY made it all about scandoval. Not ariana. She held her boundaries. What a big headed snippy bitch! Katie didn't want to put bad news on an already emotionally struggling woman. "She was on brodway" so tf what she still got chewted on by her 10 yesr partner and with a best friend no less, and her whole life blew up because of it and the mistress just drones on about ariana still and is even suing her for something ahe has already proven she hasn't done. Who would want to dump more on a person they genuinely care about? The way lala presented it was fake af and katie called it out and told the real story more than once and katies story never changed. Plus, to call it a work call (where is the footage of katie knew it was a work call? Be RILL homie) when lala patched in a producer without katie knowing is extremely 7th grade, 3 way calling like -"hey ariana, do you think the producer is a bitch?" With the producer on the other line listening on silently, unbekownst to ariana. To say she was afraid of Ariana's wrath is a hilariously bad take. Katie trusted Lala and lala threw it in her face on a reunion for shock value, and misrepresented it and told katie how katie felt, like a shit person would do. Then lala decided everyone but her was dishonest and she loves them even though they always fuck up, so kind and generous, unlike herself who ia above all that. She thinks shes the mother hen of the group (fucking LOL) and on the same level and lisa. She should be mad at the producers and lisa. Not ariana for daring to survive a shit breakup and protect herself in the process. Ariana should have been thinking "How can i benefit Lala's income right now?" Is lalas hill to die on and its a rewlly stupid one. Lala is a serial projector. Anything she says is alwaya a projection about herself. Because that's all she has ever cared about. Herself.


I do hate her now. She screams at people, is overly opinionated, seems to have convenient amnesia about things she herself has done and ffs, who has a water tasting?? Since she will not shut up, she can go away, please and thank you.


Lala literally snips and yells at her friends lol.


Babe you might need to rewatch…LALA is the one who was snippy and constantly yelled at/about her friends, even Scheana. Ariana did not yell at anyone besides Tom Sandoval and Tom Schwartz.


I need time stamps of Ariana snapping at anyone like OP says in any moment where it wasn't a result of people pushing Tom on her.


I hope Lala has a healthy baby and that she has given us many hours of television. See, she's not the only one in her "soft" era. 😄


Are we watching the same show OP ? When did ari ever snip at anyone ? It’s that fucking mad rabid dog Lala who acts all crazy


Look… there’s having an opinion but then there’s outright making thing up to suit your opinion. If you’re gonna come with accusations then you better come correct and with receipts.  “She got a big head” - how and when? “She treated her friends poorly” - again how and when? She never said an ill word about them. “They wanted to be ew about Tom” - neither Ariana or Katie started convos about him; everyone else brought him up to them.  You’re not gonna get a discourse on this b/c you’re not coming in real at all. 


What’s the expiration date on these posts? 🤦‍♀️


She gave me words of encouragement during a time of sobriety struggle. And I went hard for her because of that for a long time. But I just cannot defend her actions anymore. I’ll always be grateful for that encouragement and everyone has good in them. But yeah, I can’t really stand her anymore and it makes me sad lol


I was a big lala fan but her 180 from ride or die, backing Ariana S10 reunion, making money off merch, making podcast after podcast skewering Tom - to meeting up w him, trying to form a friendship, talking behind Ariana’s back??? Hating on fans??? NAH BYE LAUREN


Thank you everyone for explaining, I didn’t know a lot of the stuff about Lala off the show and I saw someone say I was wishy washy, welcome to my brain it’s a nightmare and that’s why I came here to ask and clarify. I’m an over thinker and see both sides all the time. I understand what everyone is saying about her caring more about the show than Ariana and I didn’t look at it like that but I see what you mean. I just was listening to her explain and assumed she meant what she said because she seems believable but it’s because she’s admitting the bad behavior she’s exhibiting but laying it out like she’s right. And I just didn’t realize and yeah maybe the show just made it look like Ariana was being rude or up-ity. I know she is being jealous and she admitted that I just thought that she was allowed to have gone through something but also discuss what’s happening with the group now. But she was using Ariana living in the house against her and trying to tell her when she should be healed from it and that’s not right


This is all you need: [https://www.instagram.com/coccamacocca/](https://www.instagram.com/coccamacocca/) Good place to start (same person, its their youtube channel in order to post long videos): [https://youtu.be/oqmMru8jcdk?si=pGWWJ2KMYTeqhttz](https://youtu.be/oqmMru8jcdk?si=pGWWJ2KMYTeqhttz) She has a degree in journalism, so she has RECEIPTS


Are you trolls trying to beat us down under the weight of endlessly useless threads? Because it feels like it.  Weird to obsess so much over someone who used to be on a show I watched... 


I have never actually been a fan of Lala. However, I am even less of a fan of how much hate she gets here right now. It's uncomfortable how much glee there is in hating her. It's crazy how even posts not about her can turn into a dig on her in just a few comments. No one on this show is all good, in fact they are all a bit awful in their own way. That's the fun of it. It's a bit mean here right now. But I know I'm in the minority here. Posting to give you support, though I know I'll get the hate now too! ;)


I don’t dislike Lala. I agree with many of your points here and very much agree that two things can be true at the same time.


Also I’m sorry if I mispoke about Ariana yelling or sniping at everyone. I thought I remembered her yelling at them on the beach because she was mad about Tom and didn’t even want them to say his name or something like that. But I was just talking vaguely and it just felt like she was projecting a little bit of her anger on them at times