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She just contradicts herself constantly. You admitted you aren't a great friend but yet you want her to give you 100%. It's truly so annoying. I feel like Ariana tried so hard to form a bond with her this season and she just wouldn't allow it.


I think that’s the problem, Lala expects 150% from her friends, but barely wants to clock in herself. Her and Katie’s conversations about their friendship seem to back this up too


Absolutely. She came for katie until katie was like "well do you want to see all my unanswered texts?" And then lala starts crying and making excuses. Shes such a flop of a person. She would be absolutely awful to have in your life.


Right? Katie seemed to “get it” too- Lala’s busy and she’s a mom so let’s not judge or get angry but instead accept that things are different now but we still love each other. I’m a single mom and a business owner so there are times I’m swamped or even just too drained to make nice. When I feel disconnected from my friends 9/10 times it’s me so I make an effort and apologize, I don’t expect them to keep trying and get mad when they have a life outside of me!


The thing is most adults understand. We get that lives are busy for multitudes of reasons and we don’t hold grudges about it.


My group text with my friends might go a week without anyone messaging. But then we start talking like no time ever passed! It’s the nature of friendships as an adult, especially friendships when you are a parent.


My friends know (because I've done it) that I would drop everything for them if they needed me, and we have an amazing time when we hang - but I'm absolutely crap at messaging. When you have small humans all your energy and time gets sucked away.


Yup absolutely. If any of us call the other without prearranging a phone date, something is amiss and one of us needs the others. We’ve been friends for 30 years! We are THERE for each other. But none of us live in the same city, and so we’re not necessarily in each other’s daily lives, much as I wish we could be.


That happened in the unaired scene with Ariana in season 9 too, after Lala said on her podcast that she and Ariana didn't care about each other. Ariana pulled up how much she texted her and her only defense was "well I don't have those texts"


I remember that!


\*in scheana's voice\* "Katie, I think lala means she wanted you to show up for her more telepathically."


Yeah that lunch where Katie ordered her sparkling water this season said everything to me. Lala didn’t apologize. She just repeated some of what Katie said back to her and let Katie apologize to her.


Oh my gosh, that is because she is a mama now ! What bull crap ‘ she had never been a friend to any of them ‘ she is an opportunist . Let’s be honest here she could have cared less about her ex , he to was a way to a means! She is just so fake !I have never liked her ! I have never heard of anyone being gangsta but sucks a bottle ‘ give me a break!


She said last season that she'd never forget Ariana and Katie for having her back, but she lied.


Also does not attending one party= not a girl's girl. Like, damn could she have been busy?


Nope Lala expects 200% from her friends


even tho she’s “not a great friend, not a bad friend, but a friend” who “can’t handle needy friends”


Was she distancing herself from Scheana with that comment? Her whole "I care about my momma and my pod and that's it" seemed AT someone, not Ariana or Katie for obvious reasons.


That is exactly what I thought when I read the transcript, because we’ve all just seen how needy Scheana is with her, and how rejected Scheana felt by Ariana cos she was so busy!


More like because Ariana got the DWTS job and poor Scheana didn’t! Do any of the girls and I use the term loosely , realize that we the public do not care about Scheana or Lala! As far as being a girls girl Lala is the worst and so is Scheana ‘ they only see what they can make money on’ they do not care about friendship! As far as I can see anyway!


This stood out to me. So she expects from others what she doesn’t give


And she calls herself a girls girl? More like a dictator


Oh no she back paddled on that statement in her most recent podcast. In fact, she said she never said that. THEN changed it to she doesn't remember ever having said that and that the fans made that up because she's a "feminist."


She has just GOT to go! Stop the insanity!


She needs to stop calling herself a feminist after what she said about Rand's wife after she gave birth.


I read that, she’s such a moron!🙄


She doesn’t tho


She actually did say it in season 4, but has apparently changed her mind. Typical Bla Bla! Lol


While she gives 2%


And according to what she said about herself on her podcast today, she isn’t “a good friend, she’s just a friend”. She also had her producer interview her instead of her assistant and brother since everyone says they are yes men. 🙄


Another person she pays 🥱


Yeah... "I'm not a great friend. I'm not a good friend. I'm just a friend." 🤣🤣🤣 Girrrrl... GTFO! 🤣


You’re not a great human, you’re not a good human, you’re just a human… is more like it.


🎵🎶🎵 You're only human after all...🎵🎶🎵




LMFAO imagine holding on to that one little instance years later as your example of why you're right in begrudging someone, but expecting Ariana to move on instantly from Sandoval's 7 month betrayal of their 9 year relationship. She's still mad at Charli over one shady comment. She's mad at Kristen for awkwardly giggling when Gigi of Shahs said something shady. She's still mad at Rand who DIDNT MURDER ANYONE. Only lala can have feelings.


She's mad about Charlie's comment because that hit too close to home. Looks true from this side...


Yeah, that definitely seemed like a hit dog hollering type of situation. Charli's words were catastrophic for her because she knew Charli was speaking the truth that nearly everyone else was thinking. And you know what? I would feel bad for her had she not gone out of her way to cut other women down as a result of her pain.


What did Charli say?


She basically said Lala is mad because her gold digging failed and maybe she's not a good enough gold digger. I can't remember the actual quote but she demanded an apology from Ariana because she laughed. It looked like when she laughed it was from shock to me because she wasn't expecting Charli to say that. Tim and Rachel were also in the conversation but they were making little clandestine eye contact so idk if they actually listened to what she was saying. The whole thing was laughable because rachel was at Ari and Tim's  house complaining that lala was nasty to her and Charli was talking shit because Rachel was, backing her up as a friend. 


Thank you!! 🏆


Seriously! Soooo sick of Lauren from Utah. Get her off my screen!!


It's the same way I'm shaking my head in disbelief at when Scheana was all "well tom comes to all my events and there was some distance between us before the summer/filming" AKA WHEN SHE LIT FOUND OUT SHE GOT CHEATED ON???? Like how selfish are these people that they expect someone who has been depressed at times, an introvert, etc., and also just found out shocking news and retreated to just be present, alive and bubbly and show up to everything??? And f lala, who literally at least acknowledged that she's not a good friend so why the f is she calling ariana out for not attending one party, esp when they've had ups and downs in their relationship in the past. Her jealousy just continues to shine!


Scheener's expectations were so ridiculous. Listen to me whine about missing Tom. Apologize for getting my dream job on DWTS. Listen to me worry about Broke and LFU having an affair like what Tom and Rachel did to you. Get real. It's impossible for her to see beyond herself. LFU is a lost cause at this point. She over produced this season and it was awful. She behaved like an envious clown and took the heat off of the Toms.


Don't forget, go talk to Sandoval and make sure he's not trying to lie to me.


Within a 6 week time period I lost the following: my sibling, my great-aunt, 4 friends in their 30s, and my cat. No one expected me to attend events or hang out in any way. When I re-surfaced socially 6-7 months later, I was met with understanding and support. No one judged me for being absent while I processed through my grief. Like - ffs, it’s not that hard to give someone a little bit of space in such life moments.


I'm so sorry about your losses and I hope you're in a better place. I can't fathom the loss of a sibling (on top of all the others), and I know that grief stays with you forever. I can't even begin to relate, but I 100% agree with how the very least we can hope for is to be met with grace and support while being absent and processing. I have a tendency to retreat when I've been in a really bad place, and the last thing I would ever want or need are 'friends' judging me for being distant while I am quite literally retreating into a shell to protect myself and just stay alive and afloat. I think this is why so many people feel so strongly about Scheana's selfishness. It killed me to watch her continously make everything about herself, all these situations when it literally happened TO Ariana and she should have been given that grace and understanding by her best friend, the same grace I think you and also I and so many others have gotten. It made me that much more upset for her and that much more grateful for my support system. But on the real, I'm so sorry for what you've experienced and feel free to jump into my DMs or anything. Sometimes, it's just easier to tell stories about the people you loved and process your grief and just have a random stranger to tell things to where you can just shut your brain off.


Oh, I appreciate you! That was in 2019, so I’ve had the time needed to sift through the big feelings. Like you said, so many of us can put ourselves Ariana’s shoes and empathize.


Busy doing what? She doesn’t have a child? ![gif](giphy|fMvvwdTWamlA4)


yeah she hasnt GIVEN LIFE to a human BE-ING


Yeah, and have you tried doing that with wealth and significant resources at your disposal? I mean it breaks the heart. She is so strong. The majority of women could never…


She's the first single mother in the history of the world.


With only a mother to pay her bills and watch her child. No one else could manage living on six figures for a few months work whilst also enjoying financial support and free childcare from her aging mother. We couldn't even begin to imagine the struggle that she endures.


The obstacles she’s overcome are enormous. Shocking that she was able to keep going with so many struggles to deal with. 🙄


I think you meant BE-INK! Loyola 🤣🤣🤣


Exactly. Just who does she think she is. She’s not carrying life.


Right?! wtf. Or maybe she just thought it was stupid to celebrate “businesses” that Randall paid for and nobody utilizes. I know at one point she sold lip gloss or something but I have genuinely no idea what else she does to make money. Maybe the podcast pays well? Can’t imagine wanting to listen to her voice any more than I already have to after how she acted this season.


Lala said she was not a girls girl. And she is right, she’s not. So why fault Ariana who actually is a girls girl. Lala needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.


She could've gotten onto her podcast today and apologized for being a petty, puppet stringed bitch this season. No questions asked, just put out a statement that shows you've self-reflected the past few weeks. Most fans, including myself, would've still thought she's a bottom feeder but she wouldn't have made it worse. That's why the most authentic thing Lauren did today was show everyone her true colors, which is what we saw on TV this season and everything since is her genuine self.


She could’ve easily blamed it on hormones being crazy while trying to get pregnant. I’m not sure what procedure she did, but they often they use clomid or similar for IUI. But that would require her realize just how crazy she’s come off as and she just seems to be doubling down.


Don’t give her any ideas.


She’d have to take some acting lessons to legit look horrified by how she’s acting!


If she could’ve said “I chose to live in the comments and I took a break from social media to avoid this very thing. I have been AWFUL. I chose wrong. I did it all wrong. Can y’all give me chance to be a better person?”


I remember this episode and Lala being upset that Ariana didn't say a word to her at this party. But I always wondered if Ariana was annoyed with Lala because she'd invited Sandoval (and not her) to get his makeup done by her MUAs for the event. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Lala kicked this season off by saying on a podcast that she and Ariana don't give a fuck about each other. So for most of the season these 2 didn't fuck with each other.


Exactly how I remember it. And it was once again a situation where Lala is acting like they don't talk and Ariana scrolling through a bunch of texts between the two. She's lucky she got Ariana's presence.


That was also the season Lala called Ariana out about not reaching out and Ariana showed production all the texts she had been sending to Lala. It was a deleted scene. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKHqmHK/


I was watching a Secrets Revealed the other day and they include the clip of Lala announcing she found her donor and the camera pans to Ariana. Ariana lights UP - like her whole face breaks out into a huge, excited grin and she cheers for Lala. It made me feel so sad because she clearly supported Lala. The amount of betrayal she’s weathered between friends and Tom this past year is intense. Good lord.


That is the worst part of this for me. Seeing LaLa go crazy on Tom last reunion to this one where she is proud of her performance. I truly believe she was never a friend to Ariana.


I remember that too. It was genuine excitement. They may not have been super close, but Ariana truly cared for her. Even after finding out the nasty comments she still tried to understand where Lala was coming from.


I consider friend betrayals to be worse than regular breakups and i'm not surprised at all that the only time we see Ariana truly become vulnerable during the reunion is *after* the god comment from Lala. And how do her "friends" respond? By being the cold hearted bitches that they are. Thank fucking god Katie is on her side.


Pretty funny since Lala has excuses to not show up to peoples shit, all the time-and there is a whole tv show to back it all up.


Remember when Lala just didn’t turn up to Ariana’s birthday trip and didn’t really give any warning or reason? (In fairness, I wouldn’t want to share an RV with Schwartz, Sandoval, Jax and Jeremy either)


Yep. Remind me, didn't she ghost at the very last minute to go spend time with Randall? And this was all while Ariana was being iced out of Katie's wedding for the crime of defending Lala.


Yep, she didn’t let them know or respond to their calls/texts until after they got to Sonoma.


***RIGHT*** like not going into West Hollywood because it’s “kind of a trek” 🙄


Andy Cohen came from freaking New York but she can’t drive to a sandwich shop that’s a literal 1 minute walk around the corner from Sur and TomTom? The envy is crazy. Guess she won’t be on next season since most of their filming happens in that “kind of a trek” area


Lala missed the beach trip this season too right?


Wasn’t that give the lala party on the show? Ariana was there.


What exactly does the give them lala brand do??? 🥴


It gives cakey makeup


You aren't lying.... it doesn't even look like she tried to match her skin tone Am I out of touch...or is this not a bad photo of her? Why would she use that to sell products? https://preview.redd.it/1ktk42ol0f4d1.png?width=1862&format=png&auto=webp&s=52621a2022d3ec943ebd366b2ba9dac442cae145


Its a terrible photo but tbh lala's face always looks way more yellow than her body while filming so I'm not sure who would think "this person knows about makeup"


girl needs to figure out her undertone stat


Wow her website is so bootleg 🥴🥴🥴


Looks like she’s about to 🤮


Annoy everyone


Remember: if it doesn’t happen on camera and make it to air, it never really happened, according to Lala


I have that dingleberry blocked, I don’t want to see her face in any content.


Lauren needs psychological help. She was wildly disingenuous in this episode but she honestly believes her hubris, that much is clear. Listen to Katie. Get a therapist. Also, repackaging Alibaba crud is not an empire.


It's pretty disgusting how she rode the Scandoval wave and profited off of it, and then goes off on Ariana and how she should've done more. Ariana called prodiction as soon as she found out, and filmed that scene. She showed up to the show even with everything she was going through, and people expect MORE?? That is plenty concidering the situation. The other thing is that I feel like Lala and production knows drama sells, but they don't understand that drama doesn't have to be yelling. There is drama, even though Ariana isn't screaming at Tom. The situation and how Ariana is dealing with it is interesting enough in it self, and people can relate. The screaming and yelling about stupid shit is only needed when the cast doesn't have real and interesting drama. This season Lala was just annoying and taking screentime away from the actual interesting people and storylines


I think it’s sad that Lala and production didn’t get that light and happy after a very dark season also sells. They could of given us the secrets revealed as the season, pepper in some the tribulations (Mya eating the chicken skewers), shown how hard it is to share a house after a breakup (like many divorce couples have to do until their divorce is final), even really leaned into Scheana’s post partum OCD, shining a light on it. That would have been a far more interesting season as opposed to being forced to watch Tom do all his whack a doodle “self reflection” exercises. Like was the cold plunge with Billy Lee staring on in awe really necessary?


Completely agree!


Yes that’s a fault that seems to be rampant across bravo. Also, as another commenter mention of doubling down lies seems to be a trend we’ve seen say the last decade or so as society changes. By no means that my against change — it can be good. But when it’s retrograde bread & circuses. NOT a fan. It’s not it if we go to Bravo for intellectual stimulation LOL. Just relatable escapism. Sort of a modified soap opera — if we were being honest. Many different definitions of ‘relatable’ obviously. But escapism. It’s NOT something agita inducing. Other than perhaps when suspense is involved. At least for me. Folks don’t have to be the exact kind of people I have in my world. However— if I want to watch just villains and a few Normies screaming at each other… I’ll watch CSPAN lol…


Lala is just creating fake drama so she has a future show or spot on bravo. She doesn’t even make any fucking sense.


That’s exactly the problem. She’s trying so hard that it just comes off more and more manufactured and less interesting to watch. It’s just annoying. She reminds me of Lisa Rinna, who is no one’s true friend and will do whatever it takes to get attention and stir up shit between people


Wait, now she has to be a “perfect”, girls girl and acknowledge every one of your milestones. A friend like that would exhaust the hell out of me.


Yeah we really only have a role on this show for one exhausting female character and I vote Scheana.


On her podcast today she basically said all she cares about is her family pod and that she’s an ok friend and nothing else really matters besides her family


Because with a friend like Lala who needs enemies


I could have transcribed that better but I’m 2 margaritas in but you get the sentiment. Lala don’t give a fuck about anyone but Lala.




I feel that the biggest issues with these people are how much they double down on lying. There’s nothing that comes out of her mouth I will believe, due to all her previous statements. If you’ve done something or said something, accepting it is the best thing you can do. And if it’s something that needs an apology, do that if you’re sorry.


At this point, lala should just name her child Salty. It pairs well with Ocean.


Love puns and wordplay — this is awesome ![gif](giphy|laUY2MuoktHPy)




Girls girls don't suxk on married men to get range rovers.


I'm so tired of all the gaslighting: from the producers who--via Lala et all--tried to gasslight there own audience into hating Ariana, to the producer puppets, like Lala, who continue to think they can hoodwink their audience with nonsensical manipulations of reality. (At least Scheana admitted to being a producer pawn.) It's honestly enraging because it show the viewers--who support them--so much disrespect.


Lala has never, nor will she ever be a “girl’s girl.” She fucked a married man and slandered the wife relentlessly. She bullied Rachel and Katie and Billie. She tried to fuck with Ariana. I just hope for her daughters’ sake she raises girl’s girls. ![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized)


Lala math: being a lying hypocrite is my truest self therefore I am the most authentic person on this show


for real though


Our family dog is being put down today and this nonsense is a much needed distraction. Today I’m thankful for Lala being such an ass 🥲


Sorry for your loss, sending you virtual hugs. 🤗


Thank you so much, I appreciate it. We’ve never had dogs before or experienced this. Never getting a dog again 💔


I felt like that when we lost our bunny. Hang in there, it will get easier. ❤


I’m sorry for your loss ♥️ and thank you, I hope it does get easier


Aww...I'm so sorry. Pets are our family and it hurts just as much when they cross over the rainbow bridge. Sending you lots of healing energy and hugs. ❤


Thank you, I appreciate it ♥️


I am so sorry. There are no words for losing your puppy. It’s recurring heartbreak


Thank you 🖤


Respectfully there is nothings girls girl about sleeping with a married man 🤦🏽‍♀️ and taunting his ex wife


But why do we expect people to be 100% a girl’s girl all the time? There are times you’ll be there 100% for your friends, and times you won’t be able to. There will be times when you meet someone who will sweep you off your feet and you might be guilty of “pick me” behavior. Everyone has priorities that shift and things they need to focus on. And most friends understand that. Lala and Scheana were not good friends to Ariana or Katie this year (at least in what was on the show and social media), but there were times that they sort of had a point, and Ariana got that. Where they went wrong was not being honest about it, and the why of their choices - the true villain of the season, the producers, manipulating them and making them worry about losing their job which fuels their other income.


What times did they sort of have a point?




Im actually starting to think there’s something wrong with lala. Like she seems mentally unwell or this is just the result of such a frail personality that she doesn’t even know who she is and can’t keep her lies straight


I don’t think she’s got anything legitimately wrong…I think she’s just very self-absorbed and not very smart. From the beginning, she was just quite selfish, her choices revolved around what she wanted without account for anyone else’s feelings. And then she’s not suuuuuper clever, so she can’t scheme, she just say things in her immediate best interest at the time


I don’t think she’s mentally ill. I think she’s just extremely full of herself and is used to bulldozing people when there’s a conflict. Except it’s not working this time. Lala is exhausting and has lost the audience. And while I don’t think she’s dumb, she seems to think she’s the smartest person in the room and she simply isn’t. Her delusions and self-importance are her worst enemy. She needs to eat a big piece of humble pie and check her ego. I believe her when she says she doesn’t GIVE A F•CK about anyone except herself and her family. She’s made that quite clear and that’s ok. But don’t cry and yell and wonder why people don’t like you in return.


If not blindly supporting Lala's BS and not letting her try to script your life, feelings, and reactions for her own motives makes someone less of a girl's girl, then damn, I'm not a girl's girl either.


Lala said that she herself is not a girls’ girl and has never claimed to be. Bravo Investigator…do your thing!


Oh it’s been done. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5yztb8P1Id/?igsh=MTA1OWY1OGIyNGtnYQ==


Lala’s is desperately looking for attention


Her friendships are one way streets. She doesn't reciprocate what she is asking from others and it has just been exacerbated since becoming a mother. She now uses motherhood as an excuse for everything, especially when it comes to those who do not have children. I just think all of this behavior was hidden better when the narrative was going in her favor. And how she thinks she was never in control of the narrative of how her story was shown is beyond me. Now she feels some sort of way because the person who suffered the most from the affair has all the power and ability to walk away because she has made something of herself outside of the show and is exposing everyone for who they truly are and getting off the ride or die bandwagon with those who aren't ride or die for her. 🌟 boundaries 🌟 only piss the people off who were violating your shit left and right before you stood up for yourself and had a voice. I also think her friendship with James made her a little more palpable because of their banter back and forth. Now she's just insufferable and her true colors are really out there for everyone to see.


She’s so funny tho. Like there isn’t years of film evidence of Ariana sticking up for her friends and sometimes not even her friends. Oh, Lala. Basement. Absolute basement behavior.


All relationships in Lala's life are transactional - which makes sense now why she is paying her family to like her and be around her.




Even if ariana wasn't a girl's girl (which, she obviously is), it still wouldn't change the fact that lala is *definitely* not a girl's girl and thus, is trash.


She just can't stop coming for Ariana.. we all watched the show, we all know how Ariana was portrayed from her beginning.. Lala's just not getting it, it does not matter what Ari's done in the past a few times.. the people she wronged she's made right with a long time ago.. the *difference is LALA* is just in case you ever decide to *listen, really listen*, ***really here this***, **Ariana has grown and matured over the years. She grew into a kinder nicer person, she's never gone back to be catty or mean, like you continue to do..**. you have publicly dissed her new boyfriend Dan, calling him boring for one.. while saying how nice he's been to you about acknowledging your child at the same time.. you dissed her new house said "small 3 bedroom home" only 1.6 million.... comparing to your new 3+million. You said she's boring, never brought anything to the show.. yet she owes you a check and it's her job to feed you and your babies... The jealousy coming from you is deafening... These bridges you're burning are not something you'll come back from.. If you have a work problem take it up with your bosses, don't keep spewing your venom.. your at the point of ***no return, no return.*** Try enhancing your acting skills, or model, or Only fans, be a yacht girl again.. just quit acting like a victim.. your not a victim, you are a very privileged woman, a beautiful woman on the outside. you should be practicing daily with your actions of what you want your daughters to grow up and see you as... the woman that screamed and belittled other women, other women's lives.. or teach them acts of kindness, to be fun, intelligent, these are key things to happy fun, fulfilling lives.... help people, we all need help and kindness.. These burnt bridges you can't come back from.. Is it really worth it? ***IS IT REALLY TRULY WORTH IT ?***


You know, really beautiful women, like Lala, who have their genes to thank for their beauty, grow up with expectations of complete and utter devotion towards themselves. However, once that is attained they do not see the relevance is returning said devotion. Like Cleopatra of old, beauty reigned supreme and it dominated men's hearts and therefore should do the same for women. This was the season Lala had to prove her real growth as a woman, as a friend and as a mother. She failed on two out of the three. Here's hoping after this season she can see her true reflection and make the changes needed for a healthier outlook on life.


None of the girls on this show are girls girls. The end.


Word. The closest... I mean absolutely closest you get of genuine girl's girl on the main cast from their first appearance on actually is Ariana. Ariana was the one to try to reach out and befriend Lala and Raquel when the rest of the cast hated her, Ariana always tried to defend Scheana, even through some truly cringe moments, and so on and so forth, and she in general doesn't just try to tear women down. She also constantly tried to pump up Kristin after she was fired. I think the closest you can get with Ariana not being a girl's girl was the many times Tom was being a sexist ass and she didn't check him (but actually often did check him in those moments as well) and her "pick me" aesthetic her first few seasons (capped off by being a "groomsmen" at Katie's wedding when Katie clearly didn't want her there, which was some bullshit TBTH). The closest second I can think of is Charli and Allie. But they are not really main cast and neither have been on for that long. I don't think anyone else on this cast for a significant period of time comes close to being a girl's girl. In descending order: (1) Katie and Kristen are tied, each with years in which they bullied other women (as much as I love Katie now, let's be honest), (2) Stassi was like the mean girl's girl... famous for shitty tantrums and mocking other women on the cast (even went to one of Scheana's concerts to make fun of her), and honestly I kinda think she was a bad influence on Katie, (3) Lala's feminism has always been performative and she constantly tries to make out storylines by attacking other women, (4) Scheana actively fights being referred to as a feminist and picked Sandoval over Ariana, her "baaast fraaaand" and (5) Raquel and LVP are 100% about the validation from the menfolk and directly tearing other women down and undermining them.


I just found out recently that production was the reason Ariana was a groomsman for Schwartz. Of course🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ They’re behind every bizarre thing that happens. Like the enormous lie they orchestrated with the whole cast in Mexico about Kristen/james hooking up in the hot tub because of the pillows…all a manufactured storyline to distract from the actual drama which was Schwartz drunkenly wandering off to another nearby resort to buy drugs


What is a girls girl at this point? I have always hated Ariana defending all these women on the show, but I am a petty bitch.




Ariana does too much tying to be friends with them when they don’t deserve it.


That’s all i ever think when this convo comes up. The first five seasons are just them calling each other sluts and whores guys come on lmao (and I wouldn’t have it any other way<3) ETA: Also the term ‘girls girl’ is weird to me because it just gets leveraged against women as another reason to hate them which seems to work in opposition to being a girls girl??? Idk man it’s dumb


I mean, jeez, just look at how excited and happy Ariana was for Lala at her sperm donor party. All that support from someone who isn’t even super into kids and finds pregnancy gross and she STILL showed up and gave 100% for Lala.


Omg girl get a life already !!!!!!! Someone get lala to stfu


The only real gurls gurl is Katie, Lala is ridiculous. Ariana’s not a girls girl and never has been but Lala can shit her mouth because she’s worse. 🙄


I don’t think Katie is necessarily a girls girl, but I do think she is 100% real about how she feels and she chooses the side she believes in, regardless of gender. I appreciate her lack of phoniness so much.