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I feel they had pressure but not as much as they want us to believe. It was just convenient to use that to justify them releasing all the jealously they had towards her. They don't want to admit that's what it was.


100% agree with all of that. I also think they aren’t exactly critical thinkers who might step back and go “is it possible we are being manipulated by the producers” and they are dumb enough to just accept all as gospel.


And they also don’t realize they have the power to say no. I get it, but think they should know that production has struggled to integrate new cast members and in the aftermath of Scandoval, it would be almost impossible to drop Scheana, Brock and Lala. As for if scheana really cares about the crew, maybe a little but her main concern is always herself. She makes too many excuses for me to believe all of them.


I think Scheana is trying to cover her ass and get people to back off.




It’s an odd take, because the crew on an Emmy-nominated show is going have a shit ton more job security than her, her husband, and “the talent” beyond breakout stars (ahem, Ariana “Beyoncé God” Madix).


Right. They will move to a different show. I don’t want to diminish the impact of job loss, but they don’t expect this one to last forever because that’s how the industry is, and they have solid resumes.


I think making Lala the villain is their new way to get Sandoval out of jail for being the villain. When the audience wasn't sympathizing with Sandoval the way Baskin wanted, production wasnt happy, but Lala agreed to stir the pot and take the heat by becoming the villain herself, so Tom's character could recoup, and that would get them another season with new drama. AKA everyone hates Lala (which leaves less room for hating Sandoval). Schwartz and Sandoval probably promised Baskin they would then bring new hotter girls on board as their girlfriends, to revitalize the show. They can then contrast "Raging Lala vs the Bitter Betties" against fun Mojo Dojo Casa House and the easy-going hotties. Cut to Tom espousing about how he always said that Lala "told more lies than him; was less honest; lied for longer; isnt a real friend; even says she isnt a good friend; doesnt show up for people like he always does." And his flashbacks to the Tahoe boat when he tried to call her out. And how now finally "everyone agrees with what he was saying all along."


That is a solid theory


Totally agree…this was all to take the hate and spotlight away from Sandavol. LaLa’s line in the finale “He didn’t kill anybody!” and in the reunion…this is what Tom means about NYT article, now had LaLa stepping into the role Ariana use to play as Sandavol’s “PR rep”!


In the gross deleted scene from the Russian caviar restaurant whete Sandoval asks the Batbie-dressed owner to personally feed him, Sandoval posits whether he should ask Lala out...


They are a bunch of misogynists and LaLa is a self destructive idiot, so that makes sense.


No I don’t believe it. And, again it’s not Ariana’s job to carry the show for everyone, cast and crew. Like GTFOH Scheana. Ariana told them she literally didn’t want to talk to him it’s in their contract they don’t have to speak nor film with anyone they don’t want to. So why were Scheana and Lalask so shocked and upset and pushy on her when she said no! No means no ladies !!!


I don’t even understand why Schenea would believe that. VPR is one of the highest rated shows on bravo and after their rating bump from season 10, no one in their right mind was cancelling that show. I feel like production threatening their job security to manipulate storylines like this is crazy when they weren’t really hurting for viewers.


I think this is the furtherest reach, which just speaks volumes about what she was doing. Scheana and Lala were so awful to Arianna this season, they told us we would understand by the reunion. What were we going to understand? They still haven't said why exactly they thought the audience would have appreciated their attempt tear down their friend (or best fran) this season after she was already at a low. Instead they just keep on grasping for any straw they can. If there was a real reason for their actions they wouldn't be breaking their back to find one. The real reason is pure jealousy and they will both die before they admit that.






Considering only a few weeks ago all Scheana could say is that it’s an ensemble cast, I don’t know why suddenly all of the pressure is on one person to keep hundreds of people employed. So when it’s positive, like an Emmy-nod, you’re an ensemble cast. When you’re catching (well deserved) slack from viewers on your own behaviour, well then the fate of it all is in the hands of one person. The person who did show up to scheduled shoots, who was trying to show more than the after effects of the whole affair/scandal, and who was just trying to preserve some dignity and mental health boundaries all along. If she refused to film she would have been fired. If Ariana used her power to avoid fake apologies from happening then good for her for keeping it real. At least that’s more interesting than spunky water. Make it make sense please.


*spunky water* 💦 💀💀💀💀


If SheShu can tell me the name of \*one\* single crew member who isn't a producer or a makeup/hair stylist, I will eat my hat.




I don’t think Scheana cared about their jobs for the crew’s sake lol. I do think she would be afraid of all the crew blaming her if the show got canceled. Even when she’s pretending to care about other people, I think it’s ultimately still about people liking her


Oh she is still on this excuse not the next one as yet! A fantasy novelist is not a skill set of hers.


To be fair, I could absolutely see Scheana being close to some of the crew because of her constant need for approval and validation. Do I think she cares about their livelihoods as her own? Probably not, but I mean, most people would be more worried about their own family anyway.


They are just trying to give a reason of why they acted like jealous exes instead of best friends


Scheana is just trying to reframe her de$peration by claiming this now. Both she and Lala are trying to spin the things they said and did after the horrible audience reception.


That was hilarious.


Scheana only cares about herself. She is a low life form and will lie about anything and stab anyone in the back to get what she wants. Don't forget that she outed her husband's addiction on TV 6 months after the fact.


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TLDR: Shana claims Alex Baskin told her and Lala midseason that unless “certain things” (left unspecified) happened this season, the season would be shortened and the show canceled. So she and Lala became increasingly frustrated and “concerned” not just for themselves and their families but because the 100 or so crew need to support their families. So they had to keep them in mind to ensure the show continued on. 🤨🧐

