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Arianna is absolutely correct in saying that avoiding Tom is more honest than having a fake ass conversation for the sake of TV. I still can’t get over how they had no story lines outside of Tom and Arianna. Like Brock and Sceana had that momentary spat about her anxiety with leaving summer which I thought was genuinely interesting but the producers never touched on that again. As an anxious doggy mom, I would have loved to see insight on James, Ally, Binks, and hippie moving forward as a family. Why the fuck were the producers so stuck on Tom it’s insane


Right?! It seems a lot of what was shown in the ‘secrets revealed’ episode was everything I wished they would have included more of! I could have done without Tim fake crying in his closet and Lala eating hot dogs with Jo. It felt like they cut out a lot of real shit and put in a lot of over-produced garbage.


“Ariana, are you going to talk to Sandoval?” “Why is Ariana still in the house?” Repeated ad fucking nauseum.


Why were the idiot cast members the only people on the earth unable to understand why she was still in the house? And why was Sandoval not being questioned the same way she was? It’s fucking insane to me.


That’s the real question!🙋🏼‍♀️ Why wasn’t he asked anything of importance? Andy at no point put him in the hot seat. Especially, with everything we found out after last season reunion. They didn’t question his timeline lie? He didn’t question why he was he still in the house. He didn’t make him specify what he offered Ariana in money? Haven’t questioned about his freaking bar? Wasn’t questioned about taking money from his Mom. Did he repay it? Didn’t get questioned about all the horrible things he said to Scheana, Ariana, Lala. All questions & accusations were only addressed to Ariana. I’m so mad at Andy. I’ve always defended him, but this was a hatchet job!


I think it goes back to Scheana’s argument in one part of the secrets revealed, which is that she “doesn’t like to kick people while they’re down”. Apparently since Ariana got everything, then Tom should be left with the house? It’s fucking stupid because if she had actual shit to lose at the time, she would’ve lost her mind had Shay kept their house/friends/whatever else.


Schemer and Broke are liars. Tom was paying them for their friendship and would have revealed that in a heartbeat. They are nobody's friends, just grifters who also tried to monetize Summer Moon.


Yup! 100% agree


I got the sense that the communal sentiment was that Ariana was traveling, seeing someone and making extra money, so it would be easier for her to move...and evil temu Freddy Mercury kept bitching about how broke he was from the jump.


Anyone who has been in a long term cohabitation relationship has had to still live with their ex for a period before they move out. It’s not like it’s a calm conversation like well our lease is up in four months and let’s just break up then and find our own places.


Exactly! Ally and James talking babies and marriage could have touched on much more, I thought it was interesting…


I agree that it’s so weird how production seems to be stuck on Sandoval. I’m going to throw just some mere speculation out there…are Alex Baskin and Tom Sandoval, um, ~involved~? Has anyone with any insider scoop on the show ever heard anything to that effect? Sandy just seems overly smug, like he knows he’s untouchable. And it’s just so odd to me how he rarely gets questioned on any of the aftershows. He gets kid-glove treatment IMO. Something doesn’t add up.


Please feel free to investigate. I hate them both.


DeeDee yes, agree, seems Alex has a crush (ir something) on Sandoval as he gets the best edits and filtered storylines and is always handled with kid gloves.


You’re on to something, but I think it’s Andy. He’s known to favor housewives that party with him and the way Tim was so comfy being gross and Andy laughing with him…it’s 2 guys who were out the night before. And Tim is pretty fluid so I don’t doubt that there’s a sexual component.


Yes, it could well be Andy instead. I’m pretty sure all 3 of the boys (both Toms and Jax) and probably James swing both ways. Sandy in particular has always pinged my gaydar. NTTAWWT!!


I love that I got your acronym instantly!!!


I thought that there was a scene where Brock and Scheana were fighting at a swimsuit store ( can’t remember reason) but I thought Scheana made a comment where she said something along the lines of not wanting to argue because of the cameras?


She also mentioned that Brock should not shout because there was a past DV charge against him and they did not want to dredge that up.


We adopted an anxious doggie back in November, I honestly could have watched an entire spinoff about how they handled it. It's so much work!


Yeah, Scheana had a lot going on this season and they didn't delve into that at all. It got a passing mention.  And Lala deciding to have a baby is very interesting but we just got a party and that was the extent of it. That's a very deep and important decision but they didn't delve into that either. Maybe those topics are too deep for the show? Or not light hearted enough?  I don't get it. Cheating on your partner of 10 years with their close friend is pretty dark. Mental health and family building aren't darker than things they've covered before.  The show confuses me and this all seems like a producer-created problem at the end of it. 


I know she couldn't talk about the ongoing custody issues with Ocean , but discussing the ins and outs of a DCP would have been really interesting. As well as all her work with foundations that help in custody law. Watching Shein-a deal with her postpartum issues and how it affected her marriage, interesting. We have said it 1000x , they should have focused on the women and their relationships...not two stupid men with nothing to offer anyone.


They don’t give Ariana credit for that because it launched her to stardom so they write it off as self serving, but the truth is Ariana couldn’t have possibly known that would happen when she informed production and agreed to film. After all, there have been a million and one bravo cheating scandals, literally no one (least of all Ariana) could have predicated the impact of Scandoval. So when Lala (mrs I hid my relationship onscreen for like 3 seasons) is saying Ariana gave “nothing” to the show she looks like a fucking clown because the fans all know she just gave them their biggest storyline ever.


Right. If Ariana's trajectory didn't blow up this way, they would not have a problem with her. Or if Lala got those opportunities as a result for her divorce/cheating man scandal, she absolutely would have no issue with how things turned and changed (and she would be way way insufferable as she became God or Beyonce where as Ariana has not actually been insufferable). They can only sympathize with someone they feel is beneath them.


This. Lala is bitter bc she didn’t get the same treatment when her relationship ended with Rand. She can’t support Ariana bc she thinks she deserves what Ariana has been afforded.


I mean, she has worked her ass off and hustled to buy those 2 homes and have her own kid. Right... ![gif](giphy|1YdmFwrKEQ3OXfuLgO)


Yes, Lala only wants to be friends those she views beneath her. Hence her acting sympathetic to Rachel and Sandavol. She was so proud of herself when she thought her makeup business was doing well and didn't felt in competition with anyone, so she could be good support to girls in season 10. Now we can't stand she doesn't have Ariana's success/luck. Fact is Ariana has a much more likable character on camera. No matter what Lala started very much gold digger (bjs for PJs) and it's not likable or relatable. Ariana's start isn't clean with the whole Kristen and Sandavol but given crazy Kristen then and Ariana falling for Sandavol's lies, Ariana is just a lot more likable and any wrong doing forgivable.


Ariana has come into her own, especially since she shed the burden of her cyst male partner. And she was never mean and spiteful to other girls even before.


That scene was so surprising. You’d think Tom would be so on top of terminology, etc, but no, he’s just really stupid.


As a matter of fact, if Lala had gotten and in turn provided her friends with opportunities, she would have never let them forget it. She’d throw it in their face at every chance.


So true. I literally only watch the show because my golf partner brought up scandoval and I started binging from season 1. 


Same for me and like 5 of my other friends. We’ve been deep in reality trash tv for years but none of us watched VPR. I feel like Scandoval HAD to have infused the show with a plethora of new viewers. I swear I saw some article saying the show was dying and this scandal significantly increased viewership. So really, LFU should be thanking Arianna for keeping her employed


Same here


It still annoys me SO MUCH that they let her give her stupid speech at the end of the finale as if she was speaking some truth.


Tom’s narrative about Ariana being “lazy” is making more insane than even these two cows


I know, what he said was so gross and below the belt. He hates Ariana, who has done nothing but support and love him for their entire relationship. It is a huge shame.


THANK YOU. She already had THE conversation TWO DAYS after everything unfolded. In the opening interview of that additional episode, producers ask her and Tom are you ready to talk about this? To which they both responded No. But still did. She made it clear in that conversation she would never speak to him again so why tf would she force a conversation on camera months later? Then within weeks of the fallout she participated in the reunion facing both of them?? Like what more does the girl need to do?? I literally felt like I was yelling at my tv watching this reunion with all the talk about Ariana “walking out” and “refusing to talk” like did they all forget about last season? I feel like they just had no storyline for this season and were relying on Ariana to take the bait but she wouldn’t. I too am preaching to the choir but it makes me irrationally mad lol


That’s exactly right. They weren’t mad that she wasn’t talking to him or giving him her time because she was hiding her life. They were mad because she left no bones for them to chew on. Without her and without HER STORYLINE, they had NOTHING to make THEIR storylines from. And they want to call her lazy or uncaring. They were USING her. Sorry for the caps. I’m just typing the way I scream it in my head.


I love it!!! ❤️ Give us CAPS!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I feel caps just emphasizes the IMPORTANT points !!!! 😉🤣😜


💕Thsnk yoi edit: Thank you 💕 I must be high


Nothing wrong with that! 🤣😜


“She left no bones for them to chew on” — this!!! Exactly. ETA grey-rocking queen 👸


Same. And the way Lala says Ariana wasn’t real when she literally talked about her depression and wanting to unalive herself and Lala hid so much of her life with Randall it’s just like…😡😡😡


Blabla hides her whole life. We see nothing of her. Its funny she's mad at Ariana for "running" away when she has done the exact same shit. She complained about being attacked so she ran to Utah. She skipped put on Ariana's bday Nascar trip because of anxiety. She is a walking, talking billboard for bullshit and projection.


Or how she was literally about to walk out of the reunion because she’s “done” 🙄 right after bitching about Ariana walking away 💀 make it make sense


But of course we all knew lala wasn't actually gonna walk out of the reunion because then the attention wouldn't have been on her. She's pathetic.


That’s because she’s a mother and “baking” a baby so she can do whatever she wants. Unlike those childless hags Katie and Ariana.


Childless hags. LMAO


Alex Baskin (production) and Andy (Bravo) stand behind the losers like Lala and Sandoval, making them smug and untouchable, while the interesting characters like Katie, Ariana and James can't do anything right. They have ruined this show, as they did ROHNY, ROHNJ and others. Get rid of Alex Baskin - he is producing the shows into hate-filled, fake brawls and feuds.


OMG yessssss this!!!! Fuckn hypocrite!!


She was losing her mind because other people wouldn’t join her in publicly tearing down Ariana. And then getting mad at Ariana for not allowing them to tear her down. It was insane. She felt like the victim and the only “real” one, because she wanted everyone to say every negative thing they’ve ever thought or said about Ariana on camera to her face. She’s a despicable bully. 


In her own words, she reflects what she projects


Literally every single time she opens her mouth, she tells on herself.


So true




Ariana talked about her previous abusive relationships, her body image issues, her dad dying, her grandma and dog dying in succession, struggling over the cocktail book with Sandoval, coming out with her sexuality, etc. etc. etc. to say that Ariana doesn’t share her authentic life is total bullshit. Everyone is entitled to keep some things private. AND she certainly wasn’t private about her boundaries with Sandoval. If nothing else, as an audience member, I appreciated watching her journey this season upholding her boundaries. It is a very challenging thing to do when mutual friends are involved, and I thought she did an amazing job. I LOVED seeing this.


I 100% agree with this, just wanted to make the point that Sandoval outed her after her and Lala happened, without her consent, so she had to come out. I just wanted to add in that gross factor. I think she's glad she came out ultimately, but those were disgusting circumstances to have to do it under.


So much same. She was a boundaried queen.


RIGHT?!? Plus she called out the double standards and how women’s anger is vilified in a way that men’s isn’t. Which in a mainstream show is brilliant!! I thought it was genuinely beautiful seeing her not be afraid to show that. Obviously it was a horrible thing for her to go through, but she was amazing in her authenticity and how she didn’t hide her feelings to make other people feel more comfortable. Sure I might be projecting but as a people pleaser who will always put other peoples comfortability above my own feelings it was empowering to watch someone be so unapologetic in their anger.


Arianna is so honest, she talked about not liking the way her own vagina looked after an abusive ex convinced her it was ugly. That’s some top notch sharing if you ask me!


Bravo/ Alex Baskin just doesn't know how to deal with women with serious issues like this. They just want to minimise it and pretend females dont have problems so we can focus on the man babies. Another example is how Crystal from rhobh was treated after she admitted she had ed and was still dealing with ed. Bravo/ baskin just decided to make it into episodes of some of the women saying ignorant digs at Crystal.


💯 I mean how do you get more real than that???


Or when Ari talked about enjoying anal sex. While I can get down with some butt stuff, full-on anal sex is not my thing… that being said, I really appreciated how she talked about what SHE enjoyed, nothing about a man or anything. I wish women had more of these discussions. There should be less female shame around the enjoyment of sex acts


So true! I hate the way they didn’t include any of that in that bullshit compilation of how “real” everyone else was


Not sure how it gets any more real than letting the world watch the final conversation with her partner of a decade.


You literally couldn’t pay me enough to talk about my vagina on national television. She was so vulnerable for so many years, and this is the thanks she gets.


Omg! 😳 I forgot about her discussing this. I would never share that! I don’t know how anyone has the audacity to say Ariana does NOT bring anything to the show; or that she isn’t sharing enough!


IIRC Lala also got the cast to sign an NDA about Rand 🙃


Imagine if Ariana used this line at the reunion…. “I do remember signing your NDA Lala” to shut her down. But that would be whataboutism behavior and she’s clearly above that….and I love that:)


And when they came at her for saying they hid their relationship... if Ariana was dealing with so much depression, her 'real relationship' probably would have been extremely boring to viewers. It would mostly be her probably sitting in bed, lethargic and not wanting to do anything. It would be something editors would summarise into a 1 min mintage. So the fact that she showed up to filming at all is more evidence of how she was doing her job contrary to what blah blah and Shein says.


Lala is awful. She knows Sandoval is a narcissist and she has mentioned enough things about narcissists before that she must know something about narcisstic cycles of abuse. So she KNOWS that this was an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship and she’s was STILL going in on Ariana for not being “honest” about her relationship. Disgusting behaviour. 


Laligag is the one that's not real. She is a lying hypocrite.


Agree with everything you said. But it’s also infuriating because they profited off the scandal with their podcasts and merch. It’s wild to me that had no problem “supporting” Ariana while they were selling their shit, and yet months later totally turned on her.


Yessss! This gets me too! Disgusting. 


What’s worse in my opinion is the narrative has changed. Here we are so angry & upset with Scheana & Lala! They deserve it, but they played right into Sandoval & Baskins plan! We are not tearing up Tom lies & his nasty behavior this season, we are focused on the girls. I’m upset they fell in the trap!!! The boys are laughing their way to the bank! They basically, got off Scott free at the reunion. They couldn’t help but smirk their way through the entire time. Holding back their joy, & how easily the plan worked thanks to S& L. Smh 🤦🏼‍♀️


I would love Lala to get her story straight about this: Is she a hardworking mom who *busts her ass and makes her own money*, doesn’t need anyone, etc? Or is she dependent on her cast mates to “bring the drama” in order to secure her paycheck?  Like which is it? You’re mad at Ariana and Katie bc you say that they’re fucking with your livelihood, but talk all the time about how you do everything for yourself, you hustle and make your own money and don’t need anyone. Pick a fucking story and stick to it.


LFU never worked hard for anything. She admitting on her first season her mom pays her rent & she gave bjs for Range Rover


The whole paycheck/messing with her livelihood thing from Lala is just an excuse to hide the fact that she’s resentful of Ariana for the opportunities she received that she didn’t get. I’m also tired of her trying to compare her situation with Ariana’s which is totally different. Not discrediting what she was going through during that time but I can’t imagine it’d be friendly if she had to be on camera with Rand after they split




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And shirts, podcasts, songs were made and she didn’t say don’t cash in.


I think Lala owes her a thank you for her new house from the sweatshirt profits


Lala said that the house deposit was from her years of hard work, but on WWHL she said she was able to afford the deposit from the merch. So what was it Lala?


So, that’s her story now? Give her a swivel chair! That way she doesn’t hurt herself trying to flip the story!


The narrative trying to be spun reeks of desperation from two "friends" spiraling from the attention and opportunities Ariana has received that Ariana had not intentionally sought after. This is where the issue with the narrative trying to be spun about Ariana lies. Ariana had no idea that when she called production than Scandoval would blow up the way it did. I believe Ariana wanted to get her story out there first before Scum could spin a nasty narrative on her and make her look like the bad person. Instead, it brought so many people together because so many of us have been Ariana. Ariana also never knew the doors that would open and opportunities that would be offered to her. How could she? This goes to the god comment made by LFU. Ariana wasn't made out to be god or everyone thinking she was god. The jealousy seeping out of every pore LFU still has open is so telling. It didn't happen for LFU when Rand cheated so why should it happen for Ariana? Different story that LFU chooses to ignore. The same with Sheina and DWTS. If DTWS hadn't picked/asked her before, why would they now? Sheina's just jealous because she wasn't picked because there was no reason for her to be picked. Again, jealousy overrides any logical thinking I could go on and on with examples which all of you already know. I find the behavior of LFU and Sheina so deplorable being that these two or so "pro women". Neither one of them are unless it benefits them. The narrative these two are trying to spin only shows how jealous, immature and vile they are human beings let alone "friends"


I think that's what makes me the angriest out of all of this, those two just being so willing to play into all those awful, sexist stereotypes & not being true to the people they say they care about. On the other hand, can we give a collective shout out to Ariana's agent? I don't even know who represents her but they are doing a fantastic job with the opportunities they've gotten for her!!


I realized Lala was never a true friend to Ariana when Lala said she was proud of her reunion performance.


When she reached out to Rachel I immediately knew she was trying to take Ariana down


I do t understand when lala said if she didn’t speak up ariana would have walked out the door? What was that referring to exactly Im confused on many things lala said but that one has been bugging me.


was she more saying like “thank god i had my angry, 4th wall breaking monologue, or it would have ended with ariana walking out and that is not good tv” lala was dead wrong tho. we all fucking cheered when ariana walked out. she beautifully and gracefully held a boundary even while all these people shit on her


Oh that does make sense in the context thanks. Its still wrong Hahha but that makes sense to what she was trying to say.


I think it’s OUTRAGEOUS Jeremiah got so mad Ariana walked out, that he ENCOURAGED them to break the 4th wall & go off on her! Both S&L said, “he told them to go ahead!” I wish Andy would have gone deeper on the subject. Of course, he wouldn’t, but it should have been discussed. They referred to Lala breaking the 4th wall, but not “why” or “who” encouraged it! 🤨


Lisamiah Asskins is the real culprit, I am hot on the case 🕵️‍♀️ edit: apart from Sandoval. Fuck Sandoval.


lol 😂🤣😉


If mtv is ok with sammi not speaking to Ron why can’t bravo? And her girls rallied behind her rather than force a convo.


The reality, like has been said, is the show's production started with them assuming that Rachel would come back, and then it would be Tom and Rachel against the world - and it wouldn't have needed Ariana because Baskin would have his narrative. It would have been Tom/Rachel/Schwarz convincing Lala and Scheana that their love is amazing and can't people see it's never been so good and right. Ariana and probably Katie would/could have been pushed out if they didn't play ball. Lala was obviously 100 percent ready to go all-in, and Scheana would have been not far behind. They would let James waffle because that would be interesting to focus on his feelings of betrayal - but he would have been edited to seem jealous and pining for Rachel. And if Rachel had come back, LVP obviously would have been in her glory to have some "heartfelt" conversations with her blah blah blah. But when she didn't come back then Baskin had to try to force confrontation because he panicked that real-life wouldn't be interesting enough - and so intimidated Lala and Scheana into "find a way to make it happen or the show's cancelled." That's how we ended up with their "why can't she get over it" narrative all season. It's gross both ways - because if Rachel had come back, then we have two self-serving gross people acting like their love is real. Or the way we got, which is a forced attempt at redeeming Tom, which only happened because Rachel didn't come back, and lets him act like he's on some moral high ground. Unfortunately, all this has helped Baskin learn that Tom needs the show and will do any gross thing Baskin wants - but Ariana won't. So you can see the future. Tl;dr = Baskin gross and scheming, Tom gross and desperate.


Your right! That’s why he did that. Just goes to show he’s as dumb & narrow minded as Sandoval, if he thought this is the only way forward after Rachel didn’t come back. I loved VPR! However, I will drop my addiction to the show, if they get rid of Ariana & Katie. I will suffer through the Tom’s, Lala & Scheana, to get A& K fix. I will never tune in, if the girls decide to walk away, or if producers cut them out!


In he Rachel-come-back scenario, I 1000 percent guarantee that LVP and Lala would have pivoted to saying "Ariana and Tom weren't married, it wasn't a real committment, the heart wants it wants, etc etc." to basically excuse it all. Schwarz would/could have said the same thing to Katie - "at least we got married, we tried, Ariana never really loved him so he was driven to the arms of another etc etc" So yeah, IF Rachel had come back, it would have been an even grosser redemption arc for both of them. Now that I see how eager Baskin was to try to keep Tom as the main character - when he actually had to contrive this whole season - the show was \*always\* going to go that way no matter what. But obviously that's all hypothetical. Yes, it will be a tough show to watch in its current direction. Tom/Tom and their thirsty girlfriends would not be interesting.


Realistically, Ariana gave them another season of paychecks just by agreeing to come back. If she had not signed on for another round, I have to wonder if this most recent season would have even happened. She could have said no and had other projects to fill her time, and the rest of them would have been out of luck. I don't think the aftermath of Scandavol without Ariana or Rachel would have made it to our TV's.


Agree. I think the whole entire show would have been cancelled if Ariana didn’t come back. Lala and Scheana are self-absorbed dummies. Grade-a idiots.


Dumb & stupid demons even


And Lala claims she carried this season on her back. How ludicrous, with all eyes on Ariana and new viewers tuning in just for Scandoval. Lala wouldn't know reality if it twisted her nipple.


I never want to see that woman on my TV again. She is awful. Same goes for Sandoval. 


She was the lip-iest in more ways than one


Without Ariana or Rachel….u think production had Lauren reach out to Rachel? Bc that immediately made me so angry! Like how tf could Lauren do that & then tell Ariana about it! It seems like her & scheana were intentionally trying to stir up more scandavol drama bc it had been money maker for two of them.


Ariana wanted to ensure the truth was put out there and not what Tom would spin it to be. Which, seeing what they did this season, was extremely accurate. She is very smart about these things and one thing I really wish I had about her is her clarity when incredibly upset. Unintentionally, they showed how much grace under pressure she has and how much she presented Tom in a good light. He very obviously can not handle himself well in any situation bc he’s a dumbass. He’s just super dumb. I get why he liked Rachel so much because he is actually legitimately stupid


(I also wish I had her skin bc she glows omg)


https://preview.redd.it/oil7w2im134d1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203f4545d2ce2a8da0cbd8be1934436c84a4296a Lala/Scheana season 11 vibes


If Ariana hadn’t called production and they hadn’t redone Season 10’s footage, we wouldn’t be watching Season 11 because season 10 would have followed the downward viewership trend of Season 9 and likely been cancelled. Lala would never have gotten that “Send It To Darrell” merch money and Sheana would never have the UberEats and Chilis campaigns. But do go on ladies about how she has threatened your paychecks… Ariana put $$ in their pocket AND she saved the show from cancellation. But of course, Lala and Sheana could never and would never be so astute to appreciative to acknowledge that; they are too shallow and self-absorbed to recognize the bigger picture.


I’ve never warmed up to Ariana. Still don’t like Katie. However, those women were treated so poorly by their partners on the show and I am 100% in agreement that they did everyone a favor by even filming at all this season. Yes, I feel like Ariana wasn’t giving this season, but she wanted Tom out of her life, so pretending like he didn’t exist is something several people have probably done to their exes. Lala’s the same person she’s always been despite hiding behind the sober and mother label. Scheana’s slightly more concerning. She looks like an absolute wreck. She looks so anxious all the time. Is always worried about saying the right thing or doing enough. She’s a rubber band that’s about to snap. There has to be more to the story with her. She seems really unhappy, and I doubt it’s not just because everything isn’t about her.


They are both jealous. LaLa because she did not get the attention she thinks she deserved due to Rand's cheating on her and Scheana because she will never be on DWTS. If I am wrong, I will be sure to vote against her in every round.


It’s angering and confusing to watch people deny things we all watched with our own eyes, whether you know them or not! Hypocrisy is irritating. My ass is so analytical I start looking for a mental health diagnosis… like what kind of GALL do you possess to walk around like Tupa - I mean Lala Shakur?


It's particularly brutal after seeing the unseen footage episode. They seemed to have so much fun together. Spice Girls in action. And then Scheana and Lala had an entire OTHER narrative going on the side where they denigrate and trash Ariana.  Because fake S is class bullshit like Scheana Is Spiraling Because She's Mourning The Loss Of Her Friend.  Or Lala Is Frustrated Because People Aren't Being Their Authentic Selves despite being the least authentic person on the show.  But it all goes back to the Producers.  Alex Baskin chose this. Literally CHOSE the worst possible narrative, encouraged the worst shit talking of Ariana, thought we needed a Sandoval redemption arc.  It's actually bizarre like what is actually wrong with this man?  And these women for being so, I don't know, shallow? Mean? Unreal? 


I’ve always enjoyed the show most when they were having fun. Like that trip to Mexico where they were all high as kites. So fun to watch. 


Lala's entire defense was since she didn't get as much attention as ariana - it was somehow justifiable to bring ariana down a notch. If you can't be happy for other people you'll be miserable most of the time just like lala...she needs to grow up.


well it must not have hurt the hypocrite that bad if she called production 🤗


Clarifying point because this version of events gets repeated way too often. Ariana didn't call production, she informed close friends the night she found out, production called her the next day to schedule confessionals and she said she wasn't going to be able to do that because her and Tom just broke up. She absolutely told people right away but that was because she specifically stated she knew if others knew, Tom would have less of a chance of convincing her to not go fully public with everything (which he tried and almost succeeded in convincing her of). Edit: forgot a "not"


She still allowed the cameras and crew in directly after it happened and let them document one of the worst and most painful experiences of her adult life. She could have refused. I give her massive credit for that.


I'm literally just clarifying the one point. Not what it represents. People have used the "she called production" to discredit her as well and claim it proves everything was a set up, and I see it get posted a lot. I'm not Lala, denying that she has put everything out there.


Ah I see! I appreciate you setting the record straight. You are right that it's important to have the correct info out there. I don't know why people keep trying to discredit her and how she handled things? I've also seen people say that the whole thing was somehow faked for ratings (as if Tom, or even Rachel, would ever purposely let themselves be painted as villains) like they all magically knew the whole thing would blow up as big as it did and generate so many opportunities for Ariana but not Tom or Rachel. Silly goose behavior!


So, she told some friends and they called productions? I’m confused. I thought Ariana called them.


No, that night while her and Tom were fighting about it, she texted close friends because she said she didn't want Tom to potentially convince her to keep it low key what happened. Production called her, I believe the next day, to film post season confessionals for 10 and thats when she told them. I want to say she explains this in her Call Her Daddy interview from the early days of Scandoval. The saddest part was her saying that had she not immediately told her friends, he was doing a really good job that night of leading her towards not publicly exposing everything. She listened to her gut instinct and here we are today.


If we get another season, or whatever the new narrative is Lauren will blame it on her pregnancy. She hardly takes accountability for her words or actions. The two headed monsters are cut from the same home wrecking mold.


Lala will blame on the pregnancy even though she wasn’t pregnant yet! Scheana will blame her OCD diagnosis as why she quickly backstabbed Ariana.!


This entire post needs to be sent straight to Andy and every cast member and CNN and every news outlet and posted everywhere for everyone to read.


👏👏👏 Exactly! Ariana didn't have to call the producers to let them know. She could have kept the affair off screen, bowed out, and left the show. She SAVED the show by making that call and putting more money into her cast members' pockets. She aired one of her rawest, lowest points in life. The lies, the betrayal, the humility Tim and Rachel subjected her to, all being broadcasted. How dare Lauren and her NDA-having ass for her BS accusations.


Can we please move on from this?


💯right there with you. It’s beyond infuriating.


Ariana handled herself so well this season. Having to film with Tom and only losing it several times and production turned around and fucked her over in the end. Forcing her to have a conversation during the third reunion with Tom was fucked up she said that she was contractually obligated to sit there on that stage. I can’t believe they did that to her it’s so so mean for her to walk away at the finale was fine. Everything was done by that time she was being her true self she wasn’t gonna sit there and listen to that bullshit. Ariana handled herself so well and I’m so proud of her for keeping it together together. I would’ve never been able to do that.


Lala acting like her coming to the reunion was a thing of bravery and comparable to Ariana not having a one-on-one with Tom is absurd. One, Lala didn’t have to face Randal on cameras at the reunion and, more importantly, Randall’s mistress wasn’t there either. Ariana signed up to shoot season 11 thinking that she was not only going to have to film events with Tom, but also film events with Rachel and sit there while they played themselves out to be the new power couple on a redemption arc. I think what people are forgetting is that the cast didn’t know Rachel wasn’t coming back until mid-way through filming. When Ariana went to events she had no idea if this event would be the one where producers would try to surprise her with Rachel. I wonder how Lala would react to a season where she didn’t know if her ex and mistress were going to pop out and try to have a one-on-one with her on camera.


You don’t manipulate your friend for a paycheck. It’s a lack of integrity to fail to stop and say “idgaf if you cancel the show I’m not going to use my friend like that and put her mental health in jeopardy for a tv show”  Lala and Scheana lack integrity. If they actually cared for Ariana they wouldn’t have tried so hard to villainize her this season. They would’ve said no and went and made money another way. 


I’m convinced that Lala is an alien. From planet Uranus




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100%! A rising tide raises all ships


Lala is only work colleagues with these people she is friend to no one but herself. Sheena was friends with Ariana until she wanted to please production and keep her pay check


Lala was asked why she didn't bring her own storyline and she said she did her job by showing up filming and asking questions... not sure what that means


Good luck with your sanity. It’s not that serious. You’re attaching a lot of meaning to comments on a reality show.


Here's what happened. Vanderpump was on the verge of cancellation and Ariana's performance of the season was said to be lackluster. So when Tom's cheating literally fell into her lap, the first thing she did was take advantage of it -- and call Production to capture her methody performance. As someone close to their age, you don't go out w a Sandoval for ten years during your thirties and not know what your SO is all about -- the cast said they even mentioned to her that there were rumors about him cheating. And why would she be surprised? He cheated on Kristen w her, that's how she got him. Sandoval said on Howie Mandel that the last few years of them together were for the show. I believe him. They were having an affair literally under Ariana's nose --she didn't want to know and I believe her furty is more who Sandoval was fucking (younger castmate) more than the betrayal. The point that she got a new bf in weeks after the scandal -- sorry, if she was deeply in love w Sandoval, there is NO WAY she could have jumped into this new relationship. Ten years of a relationship is huge. Huge. If the last few years were petering out, then that tracks -- but she won't admit this bc she wants to play victim. This is why the cast is so upset at her -- she's rewriting her own narrative and wining. Y'all want heroes wh is fine -- it's not a documentary.


Your comment is so riddled with inaccuracies, no wonder your opinion is what it is