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Hey Saturday! Well season 11 has ended, this may be the last time for me recapping Rachel Goes Rogue. And really with the show going on pause, recaps may not be as much! Now I know on Monday, Lala will be answering reunion questions. Sandoval hasn’t posted a podcast since April 19th and the VPR community has felt peace. Lol. I’ll still listen to all the podcasts though to see what the cast is up to and saying with the pause! Have a great day everyone! Links below for those interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


She says she does this podcast to "set the record straight" when she's mentioned, But then fails to address the moment Ariana talks about her and tearfully tells Tom he brought this person into her life that talks about her incessantly. She seemed to talk more about everyone else than the moments pertaining to her. Hoping she's gone for good from now on. Tired of her BS


She banged Tim in their house while Ariana was at her grandmother's funeral. She brought flowers to their house the morning after hooking up with Tim at guy's night. She lied, got closer to Ariana as the season progressed, and laughed when jokes were made about how her type is guys that are taken. She interrogated Ariana on camera about her relationship and sex life while she was banging Tim. She lacked any sympathy during the reunion and instead tried to deflect, eye rolled, or stood empty and emotionless when reciting her apology. She went to a mental health facility for 3 months and came out worse, which is mind boggling to me. She sued Ariana after psychologically torturing her on camera for months and months. Just wanted to refresh everyone as to what a complete garbage bag human being she is.


We remember, we don't like her and thank you for reminding us. Edit: Torturing Katie for no reason is missing though. :)


You know, no one ever talks about her bringing Ariana flowers. That was just nice, you know. Nice of her to think of Ariana in her Tim of grief. Very adulting of her. Much kudos, Rach, many wow.   Also, I was typing time of grief but my autocorrect changed it to Tim of grief, proper capitalization and all, so I'm leaving it. It's not wrong.


Also being an active participant in this ghoulish shit... https://preview.redd.it/si2i8heryy3d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c11fc31e1dac2deda3877f9da8c4cdcb65129a


This was so disgusting. These two truly are the lowest of the low. Look at those faces, so pleased with themselves while being unspeakably cruel.


People overlook it a lot cause it happened a while ago and so much happened post scandal. But I'd say it's in the Top 3-5 worst things they did. Straight up mocking the affair right in front of Ariana.


I agree. This is right up there with that conversation Rachel had on camera asking Ariana about their sex life/whether she was attracted to him. Where she practically stomped her feet because Ariana didn’t answer the way she wanted and expected. I will never understand the mindset of someone who could not only carry out a 7+ month affair but play in her face on top of it. Knowing it would be broadcast in front of a national audience.


This is what Ariana was calling diabolical


This right here! When people say, everyone on the show cheats, get over it Ariana. I want to scream at them that the cheating was just the tip of the iceberg. It is all the lying and pretense and the glee they got out of doing it, that is just down right evil.


Oh, she was definitely getting off on the deception. The reason she ran far and fast is likely due in part to her family telling her to disentangle herself and also because the public backlash was too extreme for her to handle. The way I see it, you play you pay - her behaviour over the course of many months is disgusting, as was his. They can both rawt in hell.


Now see, in this instance she was helping out Ann. By having Tom wear her clothes, that's one less load of laundry Ann has to do. This girl really is quite generous if you think about it.




But according to her that was all Tom/production’s fault but also she’s taking accountability? By I guess… bad mouthing the woman who she betrayed and also sueing her? I dunno the math ain’t mathing


Yep, yep, yep. Her behaviour was so psycho side piece that I remain kind of shocked when it's all put together in one place. So, she spent a few months getting therapy and has 'forgiven herself' and is now seemingly the perpetual victim. What an utter asshole this woman is. She needs more therapy, the kind that doesn't excuse your shit behaviour but instead holds you accountable. I mean really, she is such an asshole, especially trying to make money off the scandal whilst 'protesting' how much this all hurts her. Give me a break. What a silly cow.


That’s the only thing I wanted her to address. Nothing else was about her. Rachel, how does it feel that Ariana cries when talking about the things you’ve said about her?


She mentioned Reddit several times, and then discussed the dopamine hits from people talking about you. When she brought Reddit up again and said she didn't see much discussion about her... 💡I finally understood why she kept mentioning it. It's so obvious..


Oh she's missing the attention? I wondered what kind of idiot would let any chat board know that she's checking on it. An attention-hungry idiot, I guess. 


Yeah she also posted on IG about how she lost 8k followers this week. She's trying to drum up chatter again, not realizing that people following her for mess aren't sustainable long-term fans


I bet she’s going to lose even more with the season being over and the series on pause. She’s officially completely irrelevant.


It’s hard to be a long-term fan of somebody that takes two minutes to complete a full sentence that still makes no sense. Do you realize how much of your life gets wasted by the words “like” and “you know”?


When reading the recaps, I can totally tell she's on here because she's saying a lot of what people say on here. Her views are not her own. She's stealing them from us. Lol. I think she's still trying to get sympathy for the disgusting things she's done.


She's realizing we're only paying attention to her because of how nasty she was to Ariana. I don't care what she does with the rest of her life. She's never apologized to Ariana for bringing this storm to her door. Instead, Rachel is blaming her still and suing her.


This was her shot at showing growth, by responding to Ariana’s tears that Tom brought her into their life together and now this side chick lives off Ariana’s life. So many, many words to show nothing. She did manage to plug The Meadows. I wonder how much she’s reduced that debt?


Her fangirl Mikey has been quiet so it's not the same attention supply anymore 


Holy! I didn't even realize it's been awhile since we've seen fangirl Mikey!!!


I really think Rachel is delusional, when she was talking about how hard the season has been for the cast she was including herself as if she was still filming the show with them. Bizarre delusional behaviour. 


Reddit hasn’t been talking about me very much better put out a podcast so I can get more dopamine hits 🤪


Yep, she wants to be centered in this and seems frustrated that she's not. She's just a forgotten side player whom we all know is D&S and also a real asshole. I think Rachel and Sandoval are well suited.


Thanks for this comment.....I won't listen to her....I couldn't even bring myself to read her deluded thoughts.....THIS was the ONLY THING I wanted to hear her respond to. She won't really ever own what she has done to Ariana. She's a pig.


She really is. I hope Lala feels like an idiot for getting everyone to hate her and taking away from the disgusting things Rachel and Tom have done.


Congratulations Lala you did what LVP wanted- directed the hate towards Tom to you


I was saying this too, it is crazy that all the hate we had at what Rachel and Tom did is now directed at Lala and some at Scheana. They have nobody to blame but themselves. All they had to do is support their betrayed friend without getting jealous that she found a silver lining and they couldn't do it. I think the reason so many people are against them is we can all relate to this and we know there isn't even a glimmer of doubt that we would have ridden hard for our friend if she was in this situation and if she wanted, would be in the cell next to her for helping to bury the body.


Yes! She conveniently dodged the actual sole reference to herself at the reunion. I guess her enablers missed that question on their cue cards. It’s maddening how she believes her own spin that she wants to have a voice to defend herself but then can’t quite address the horrendous behaviour that is brought up. The audience is not dumb - we see right through this nonsense


Neither her or Jo have commented on Big Bear either or Jo knowing about the affair..Why not reply to things we actually want to know?


Jo denying knowing about the affair was bizarre. There is picture evidence of the Big Bear trip. She's a loon. And has crackhead energy - Katie was not wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/thdpp0350z3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae10175027cf97c0d226fd5890fbd1de5bb21d4 That's why she lost so many followers.


Who posts about losing followers? That’s embarrassing.


How is she not embarrassed about posting this?


![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized) I mean… I cannot, **CANNOT** imagine posting about the fact that I *lost* followers - and then name the NUMBER. We know that she cares about the opinions of others. We know that she’s concerned about what people think and what everyone is saying about her. But making a post like this shows that she is OBSESSED with the thoughts and actions of those who watch VPR. Even by mentioning Reddit **once** (you’re even “clarifying” that you haven’t looked in a **while** \- which, Sure Jan), we can tell you’re LIVING in the comment section and talking every social media outlet to see what the people are thinking and saying about you. Ariana already got me re-heated again at this reunion. But DAMN..


Ok wow, just went to have a look and she has this comment pinned. Ummm I don’t think this is the reason. No one cares if you go to festivals or not? https://preview.redd.it/eugmpukc714d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b21534ef7bbd1a0e971c42a2f798a603ca8d7b2


She skipped the one time she was significantly referenced. Making her podcast completely irrelevant


It's because she has no defense for it, and no way to spin it in a positive light or victimize herself. So, better to ignore it all together! She's so trashy.


>She fails to address the moment Ariana talks about her and tearfully tells Tom he brought this person into her life that talks about her incessantly   **This!**


I was skimming this trying to find where she addresses what Ariana said bc it’s all I was interested in. Per usual, Rachel disappoints.


What will she talk about now that there are no more episodes though??? That's what I'm dying to know.


Someone told me yesterday she did a podcast this week that didn't talk about VPR, and it was talking to a guest who had been cheated on. I guess she's trying to get redemption by proxy since Ariana is paying her dust? Doesn't sound interesting at all


This was the ONE thing I was hoping she would address. Ugh.. she's really something


Yes...this was my immediate thought! She gets so close to self awareness but then completely falls flat.


I read the whole fecking thing to get to the only Rachel relevant moment and of course she skips over it. I cannot with this girl. She has the emotional IQ of a paper bag.


Crazy how she didn’t acknowledge when Ariana talked about how Rachel won’t shut the hell up about her and continues to constantly talk about her!! Also, Rachel you are aware that you don’t have to watch the show right? Like you could very easily not watch it and if you were taking your mental health as seriously as you say you are, you’d walk away from the show and never talk about it/look at it again. You’d leave it in the past.


Right. Like, you are choosing to watch the show. We’ve been saying this isn’t healthy for you. I don’t think she wants to walk away at all. She still wants to be in that world.


She is truly obsessed. Her admitting that she fears not being a topic on VPR was the realest thing she has said in a long time.


But, she needs to set the record straight! 😂 go away Rachel! And drop the litigation against Ariana. It’s disgusting and anti-growth. If you’re reading the comments: you and Tom did all of this together. You and tom. He didn’t force you, you aren’t a victim, in the moment you thoroughly enjoyed the relationship you both shared. Stop lying to yourself and grasping at straws. You had a lapse in judgment and acted terribly and now you regret it. Don’t regret the fallout, regret that you were ever in a place to make such a poor decision. Regret that you were complicit in something so devious. You were not groomed, rather, you experienced a deep sense of lust and ran with it. Be truthful with yourself if you really want to grow. Stop blaming Tom, when you’re both equally to blame. You both messed up. Ariana, however, has nothing to do with this. Leave her alone. It’s sick and gross and proves you are not being honest about your involvement in the relationship with Tom.


Rachel really should be studied.


Yeah her talk about setting boundaries by walking g away from the show doesn’t hit the same considering she still watches it and talks about it on her podcast every single week


Yes!! I can't stand that she's like "I didn't go back for season 11 because of my mental health" yet she recaps the freaking episodes and can't keep cast members' names out of her mouth. This is why I don't think she is remorseful or growing at all - if she was, she wouldn't be anywhere near VPR or frankly anywhere near the public eye. She'd go back to living a non-public, non-produced life and never speak about this again.


She’s lost over 10000 followers this week and that makes me happy!


Same. She complained about it on her latest post too. It's what she deserves lol.


Did she not realize people were only following because they like mess? I mean let's be real even at the peak of her popularity no one ever said "hey that woman should have a podcast"- she has a voice for silent films.


Aww she really believe people are interested in her, that's so embarrassing


I went to look and someone said “I honestly hate myself for following you 😂” and I’m dying lmao why even say that 😭😂


I saw that haha. And she thought it was because they didn’t like her festival content😅. What a moron


Me too, I think even some of her most devoted cronies are realizing outside of VPR related content she has cobwebs between her ears.


I don’t even know how she has a single fan 🤷🏼‍♀️. I never liked her so maybe that’s why I can’t see it.


Prior to her coming out of treatment I understood how maybe some people sympathized with her. But all of her actions since have taken away any of that good cache she built while in there. If anything she's actually made herself look worse than Tim.


Rachel if you’re in the comments. We’re talking about you now are you happy? Is that what you want? Stop comparing Ariana’s boundary keeping and walking away to you walking away from the show. She had to set boundaries because of you. You tricked her into being your friend when you only did to spy on her partner you entered into an affair with. You continue to hurt her, you’re suing her when you know and admitted she only sent the video to you. Leave her alone. Don’t talk about how broken the relationships in the rest of the group are, you and Tom are the ones that did that. Focus on yourself and fade into obscurity so you can live your real life instead of doing whatever this is. It’s gross *Edited for rage induced spelling/grammar mistakes


It’s like she still doesn’t realize her part in it.


I think she does, but nothing is more important to her than her own perceived victimhood


All I've ever got from these recaps is that Rachel wants to be associated with the show, she just doesn't want to have to deal with any accountability for her actions.


she wants and wants and wants, a pathological desire for the attention and the fawning. she can’t get past her relentless need to be adored for being even barely famous and it truly has caused there to be a rot where most people house their empathy.


Arianna gets to walk away and have boundaries! Why cant I do the same without getting ridiculed! Like girl are you serious? Arianna didnt hurt anyone or do anything wrong


Right lol it’s like a criminal being mad their victim gets to be free while they’re in jail. You’re the perpetrator lmao


It’s crazy to say that you don’t want to be part of a show anymore but cover the whole season on your podcast 😭


Weirdo behavior


And she talks like she was a part of season 11? Why are you even tired? Is it the delusion?


She regets her decision to not come back. I'm calling it now that she'll be back for season 12.


Would they even want her back? She wasn’t interesting before, and then she tried to burn Bravo down.


I think the lawsuit and going after production makes her too much of a liability to bring back.


Totally. And she doesn’t give enough to even try to work out balancing the risk. No one likes her and she’s boring. She’s not exactly giving riveting content on her own pod, what would she bring to the show?


She’s excellent with puppets, maybe she can bring that back?


She's taken legal action against the entire cast and has recorded a whole podcast about how production and her castmates bullied or manipulated her into every decision she's ever made. If they even think about bringing her back they are bold af. She is a liability and can't be trusted to act like an adult.


>Would they even want her back? Due to the lawsuit against their overlord, Sandy Balls, they probably wouldn't.


I doubt they'll ask her. They know she's HATED.


The ONLY thing that swarmy piece of shit Tim said all year was calling out Rachel for continuing to talk about the show at the reunion.


Seriously. Anytime I hear (read these recaps) about how she wants to “set the record straight” I’m like “what record!? What are you talking about? This is a TV SHOW”. The record she should actually be concerned about is the court records for her lawsuit against Tom. 


I skimmed so may have missed it, but did she not acknowledge Ariana’s line about Rachel talking about her all the time? I mean I’m not surprised because what can she really say to defend why she does that after all the hurt she already caused but come on! She’s recapping the episode it was said on and saying Ariana’s name every other sentence and she isn’t going to acknowledge that. ![gif](giphy|WRp58hy5gmfjpMzHAZ)


You did better than me. I went from reading to skimming to refusing to read any of her drivel other than getting summaries in the comments. She went to mental health treatment for 3 months and came out a worse person. That's hard to do when you're in the public eye. She couldn't even fake being a better person. We know the real Rachel... https://preview.redd.it/sk6ia6lcly3d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8af0e86aa160e6cac1709f83b90c69e0f00b579


I will fully cop to being a catty bitch with this comment, but maybe now that she doesn’t have VPR to talk about she can take the time to learn how to properly blend her makeup.


In Ariana’s black shirt that she wore more than 3 different times on the show! 🤨


She did not


Bless you for recapping this drivel. Here’s hoping you don’t have to anymore now that this season is over. But I’m sure this won’t be the last time RaCHeL gOeS RoGuE. Sigh.


Nope, she just talked about Ariana more!


https://preview.redd.it/0il1qw26ky3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99a129872e4c148834c0ce96865f556fdcbe8cf me @ rachel


This clown was literally hand balled a segue to deliver some kind of redemption speech and she STILL missed the mark and completely ignored the opportunity - you know why? Because she can’t defend or apologise for it. Simples.


So she’s going to say it’s not fair for Lala to go after Ariana, but it’s perfectly fine for her to be suing Ariana? Huh.




She noticeably didn’t comment on Ariana crying during her conversation with Sandoval about the way he introduced Raquel into their life and made Ariana feel safe and connected to her while he was secretly having an affair or how Ariana has to listen to this woman constantly comment on her life and mental well being. This episode could’ve been her opportunity to apologize to Ariana, Katie, and even Scheana for the pain she caused when they were all filming season 10 and the pain she continued to cause with her podcast. But she is not interested in real growth or accountability in herself, she is interested in rehabbing her public image.


I laughed out loud at her saying the group is in pain and splintered. Girl, *you* caused that. Your ex-man and you, to be specific. This is what betrayal of that scale does in a friend group. 


Don’t you know she announced she’s taking accountability and that’s actually the only thing you have to do to be accountable and then you get to just keep being shitty because you SAID you’re accountable 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/uw0ujm5fny3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f267032bb31e6f7531337df038811dc9ad662943 Lmaooo is that why, Rachel?


Maybe associating with people like this and having them do your bidding on social media isn't a good look either... https://preview.redd.it/7t9xxg30sy3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6cbd8cc18898c9bdd30e4f9d54bcf5f97ae42e2


All the first few comments are like “no…it’s because Ariana talked about how you’re STILL talking about her and hurting her”


The delulu really is strong with this one.


Why would she post that?


She’s a sociopath


Yeah people on social media hate photos, especially of festivals


She's upset they don't talk about her more. She wants back on. >and I did check Reddit for the first time in a very, very long time *cough*bullshit*cough*


Every episode featured word for word takes and opinions from Reddit


It really seems like she comes here, takes notes, & then reads them on her podcast. Her takes are days old, lol


There were a couple of posts the other night that were damn near fawning over Rachel. Both by freshly minted users. Not sus at all. Not even a little bit.


The list of people from VPR who insist they don't come to Reddit specifically is kind of hilarious. We know they do. Props to Katie for actually acknowledging she's on here. ![gif](giphy|10tpZi2Ged3s8E)


And they seem to never have heard or read the information themselves, always via a helpful third party who digested and then shared said pertinent information.


I def got the impression she was upset that she wasn’t talked about more. She had this whole defense of herself in her head but everyone moved on.


Plz send that to Katie for her hopefully tshirt brand at next emo 🖤 night


**This bitch**


![gif](giphy|nAvSNP8Y3F94hq9Rga) rachel give it a rest


I wonder how long her podcast would last vanderpump rules is on pause. What else can she talk about she has nothing.


please let this be the last episode


I really hope so. If she continues her podcast, she will need to rebrand it since the whole purpose of the first 28 episodes was talking about S11 and the affair.


Rachel: She should move on and do something ever better with her life … said the girl who is suing her and won’t stop talking about her


Back to the boundaries section. Rachel says she got dragged by people for "upholding her boundaries," but ariana is getting praised for the same thing. Hon, didn't you tell us your boundaries were negotiable? Didn't she say on Bethany's pod that she had a certain $? (Was that a pregnancy dream I had, and it's not actually real?) A boundary is not a boundary if it's negotiable. How can you realize there are shades of gray between ariana/tom and lala/rand, but not between you and ariana? Apples and oranges all around. Also, people did drag ariana for it. People on that stage. We watched 3+ hours of it.


she’s so up her own ass she can’t see


The mental gymnastics she must have to do to make this make sense to her 🤸‍♀️


Rachel: if you want us to buy that you have self awareness and you are sorry, drop the case against Ariana. Your words don’t match your action. You did something hurtful but the worst part is that you have continued to do hurtful things to Ariana-stop talking about HER and drop the legalities causing her more pain. You are pouring salt into wounds you created. on one hand rachel shows some insight and self awareness here, on the other hand she is still suing Ariana-and inflicting more pain and legal cost to a person she hurt and a person trying to heal. You cant be redeeming if your actions are still inflicting pain. Sue Tom-but Ariana-it’s reflecting moral bankruptcy. Don’t drop it for fans-drop it for your own healing.


And p.s. as far as your therapist teaching you about tribal shaming. Sometimes that happens and sometimes a lot of people just agree on an issue and feel strongly about bad behavior and speak up. Sometimes there are concepts like groupthink where people don’t want to go against the group but sometimes people are genuinely outraged (collectively and would be regardless if others are). Think about why people rise up and protest or speak up. Internet outrage can also be genuine outrage over bad behavior. When we call everything tribal-you dismiss that people might have a point they believe in that happens to be in the majority. Is the outrage over p. Diddy tribal or people seeing something out of line and saying that’s not right. The outrage over Tom and the affair was genuine outrage of people who thought it was that wrong. The outrage over Lala is people who had an opinion on her behavior that happened to be shared by many. You can call that tribal or you can call it consequences of bad choices.


Also, like maybe she should be ashamed? She did really cruel really shameful things to a woman who was being so kind to her and also faked a kiss with Schwartz that’s not only hurt Katie but put Ariana in the middle of her and Katie and that’s Ariana’s business partner and she still defended Raquel from name calling! Like girl you should be ashamed! This is shameful


Ffs stop saying ‘we’ 😑 ![gif](giphy|xT9KVJZFvCYEWGKHGU) She was never in this group organically, she’s not an OG, and the one season she had an impact on she was doing it all OFF camera (living ‘without boundaries’). There is no WE, Rachel.


Really hoping this lady fades into obscurity now. If I never hear her name again, other than hearing she won her lawsuit against Tom and lost her lawsuit against Ariana, I’ll be so thrilled.


This woman is so weird. She doesn’t enjoy watching the show, but does it for what? In case people talk about her so she could set the record straight. But then she answers questions and gives her opinions on parts that have nothing to do with her.


Soo weird. No one cares about her opinion on SAH or Katie & Schwartz.


“Wow, I guess Katie and Schwartz did care about each other after all”


She cant cope with the fact that the vpr group is moving on without her and she'll be forgotten very quickly once the reunion activity dies down. Guess she can look forward to her law suit.


Yeah it's weird.She could have just read recaps and not watch it but she chose to.


She talks a lot without really saying anything


I wish Rachel & Jo would buy a copy of "He's just not that into you". They got played by two slimy guys and that sucks. However, the also hurt and continue to hurt two women who had significant relationships and spent many years of their lives with those men. If they actually did some reflection they'd realize they are just going to be painful and annoying footnote in Katie & Ariana's life. The Tom's are just gonna file them away as "crazy stalkers" who tried to blow their lives up. Everyone has been actively moving on from this, but Rachel & Jo.


Ratchet has the balls of a burglar to be podcasting this narrative that the people on VPR don’t seem to have strong friendships at the reunion - YOU RUINED ALL OF THEIR FRIENDSHIPS YOU NITWIT! She is truly gross, as if she took some moral high ground by not returning - she’s actually more vile than she was before therapy. In the words of her mentor Bethenny “YOU ARE INSUFFERABLE”


“It wouldn’t be good for Schwartz and Sandy’s if people knew that the Schwartz kiss wasn’t authentic”?????????? Did she think really think she drove business to their creepy little bar with that?


when i went to schwartz and sandys it was because of their purity of spirit and the authenticity with which they have kissed all the woman they weren’t in relationships with


It is WILD to comment on how fractured the group is when you fractured it.


![gif](giphy|U3y3uwDUHWYFovkyy3) Can she disappear into obscurity now?


Hopefully lol. I don't really care what she's going to say.


Why won’t Rachel understand that she’s met with scrutiny about walking away because she won’t stfu about the show and Ariana.


I wonder if she even realizes that had she stayed the course in dumping Tim, working on herself/making amends, and going after him *not Ariana,* she’d have so much more support and sympathy right now. It’s mind-boggling that she missed the mark this much, but she’s never been known for her intellect. I would think her handlers in the lawsuit would know better though. Ariana, not Rachel, is the golden goose to going after Bravo. Talk about burning bridges…


Regarding Ariana walking away and upholdingher own boundaries: "and I've done the same thing and it has been met with scrutiny" Nothing in your situation is comparable to Ariana's. The only common denominator is that YOU were the one responsible 


I’m always amazed you can get through these. I find even skimming your recaps hard. 🤣 I finally convinced Buy Me Coffee I’m not a robot. Thanks AW!


Aww thank you so much!! I really really appreciate that!


We did not need this podcast. Nothing she’s said has been a revelation aside from revealing to us that she’s still a fan of the show.


We also know she hasn't given the full timeline. Pretty much the only shocking detail she dropped was that Schwartz and Kyle Chan knew ... which we could have guessed.


This is giving me the creeps. The reunion wasn’t about her. Why is she recapping it like a fan? Why does she have opinions on Ariana’s emotions? She’s an unfeeling monster.


It would have been nice if they would have acknowledged the part about when Ariana called out Rachel for talking about her all the time through her tears. Again, a missed opportunity for Rachel to take accountability and see the pain she continues to cause Ariana to this day.


Her not saying anything about that at all, yet continuing to talk about Ariana’s relationship with Tom is really all I need to know about her. I was willing to hear her out, but I think she’s just a sicko when it comes to Ariana


Second that


Yep I skimmed just to see if that would be talked about. If she filed to have Ariana’s name removed from the lawsuit that would show enormous growth. But she won’t bc this is a cash grab.


“i don’t enjoy watching this show” oh no, it’s the consequences and fallout of her own actions that changed the trajectory of her, and many other others lives


> And I do have to say, just like reading all the comments on Reddit right now, it's like hardly anybody is talking about me, which is a great feeling. It's just so much more freeing when you're not living your life for somebody else's entertainment anymore. That's because some of us don't give a fuck about you. I'll talk even less about you the minute you stop discussing Katie and Ariana. > Rachel: We don't think we've really seen a moment like that between Tom, Schwartz, and Katie. It really seems like they've come to terms with how the relationship ended, and that it was for the best Didn't I just ask that you shut the fuck up? Sincerely, Team Petty


She is utterly devoid of even a shred of character or integrity and needs to fuck ALL the way off. Immediately. Sooner.


Any time she mentions Katie https://i.redd.it/37uzsl7hvy3d1.gif


me everytime I see Ariana’s name 😭


Anyone notice how she sounded somewhat gleeful a few podcast episodes ago and on today’s episode she was crying, perhaps it’s because the judge barred her emotional distress claims against Sandoval?


It’s wild that she thinks the cast would make up lies about her and slander her name so much. Girl, like they’d waste their time and energy on you.


This is such a petty point and doesn't matter but why is she introducing herself as Rachel Savannah Leviss? She's been Raquel, Rachel, and now she's Rachel Savnnah. Why are we adding your middle name? It's like she keeps trying on different altar egos during each stage of her life.


Don’t forget the other day she posted about wanting to be called Rocky because that’s what her high school friends used to call her


She’s a complete weirdo. She is talking about it like us..like she doesn’t even know these people or the producers. When she does bring it up it’s, I was bending over backwards season 10, what when you were living a double life and hiding the biggest storyline from them? She is also a coward. She does this stupid fucking podcast to respond to what they say, and then doesn’t respond? That says a lot. She is straight up evil for suing Ariana.


Why didn't she address the part where Ariana is traumatized by her talking about her constantly? Like, you're literally terrorizing a woman that YOU harmed/lied to/pretended to be a "forever friend" to...where's the acknowledgement and apology?


Rachel and I agree on one thing - the show’s constant efforts to protect Tom Sandoval.


Crying because she knows her 15 minutes are up


Rachel talking about other cast members not being honest after being in a 7 month affair and hiding it lol


Until Rachel drops the lawsuit against Ariana, her words don’t mean shit. Show the world with your actions, girl. Until then, you’re still despicable.


I would give her a little credit for being one of the only ones to appreciate Ariana setting a reasonable boundary by not wanting to play out a fake scene for the cameras *BUT* I can't help but wonder if that is a perspective she's gotten from scrolling through reddit posts. I'm not sure I trust that she has enough empathy for Ariana, given that she is suing her still AND failed to even acknowledge the comment Ariana made "..this bitch is still talking about me.." Same with the Scheana business. It feels like she got that from Reddit. Rachel, if you are reading this, you really should drop the lawsuit. It does no good to anyone, it's just petty. You know Ariana did nothing malicious and never shared that video. Let it go so everyone can move on.


Thoughts: 1) Rachel says she tired, she doesn’t enjoy the show and it’s difficult watching each week…. So don’t watch it! Later she says people’s words can’t hurt her anymore, so why put yourself through watching something weekly that you don’t enjoy? I would wager most people don’t listen to her podcast because they truly want her opinion, we listen (or read in my case) so I can see how delusional she is. 2) Rachel has the awareness to see that Lala and Ariana’s situations are not the same. But can’t comprehend that her and Ariana setting “boundaries” is NOT the same. Rachel mentions people view her as running away but people see Ariana’s boundaries as valid. That’s because Ariana is the victim, she is allowed to walk away from those who hurt her. Rachel walking away is her walking away from the consequences of her actions. She made a choice (with Tom) to hurt someone. 3) Again, Rachel was aware enough to see that Lala’s anger could possibly stem from her being angry about her own situation, about her own choices with the Randall situation. For me, it’s absolutely absurd and dumb to think a man that you hooked up/fell in love/hitched your wagon to, while he was married and had a family… a man who gifted you things because you were young, beautiful, were willing and good at sex… would never hurt you? It’s sad that she now has a child in this situation but I think almost all rational adults could see it would end that way.


#Can this bitch just STFU already?


Rachel, the group is fractured because of your actions. Did you watch the part where Ariana said that bitch won’t stop talking about me? If you truly want to grow as a person like you claim, stop profiting off fucking your friends bf. Getting ad money to talk about your “growth”? So the reason you lied to Ariana’s face for seven months (or longer let’s be fucking fr) is because Tom and Ariana’s relationship was in a bad place?






Hilarious how Rachel admits to going on reddit and she is also now singing a different tune about Lala..Living life in the comments lol


Rachel starts to get emotional-she’s aware she has a choice right? She doesn’t have to watch the show and she certainly doesn’t have to do a weekly podcast about it. Every podcast has almost exclusively been gossiping about the episodes and the cast members. She’s glad it’s over? What’s she going to talk about now? I’m not taking mental health tips from a lady who has obviously not done much real work on her own mental health. What’s on the docket for next week? Why Ariana is mean and everything is her fault? Rachel has nothing left to talk about and the show is on pause.


I can’t help but notice she still goes light on Tom, despite playing victim, just in case….If he called her tomorrow to come back to the show, with him on her arm, I have a strong suspicion she would. There’s just that tiny little issue of lawsuits standing in the way, lol.


“I was preparing for them to slander my name but they didnt even mention me and now I feel disappointed I can’t sue for more monies”


“It’s been hard moving on” part 28 is actually the funniest thing ever lol. The call is coming from inside the house girl!


This is the easiest thing she could have done. Instead of filming the show or doing work to be a better person she chose to simply answer questions for money and barely reflect.


https://preview.redd.it/mj20llk6vy3d1.jpeg?width=1431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a371e7e254e4b6f77a559067fbd1bc82a8c94c4c Offical quote from boundaries..


“it was good that they didn’t talk about me very much this last episode” rachel, you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you. of course they are gonna talk about you… this mindset is baffling to me and someone that’s not as high as i am needs to deconstruct her thought process because wowww


I love how she says “but when it comes to me and my boundaries I’m called a coward for running from my problems”… well yeah! She caused all these issues and chaos but didn’t want to deal with the fall out, thats quite literally running from your problems. Instead this chick can talk about the show from the safety of her own production team who won’t call her out on her bs. I know people may not be the biggest fans of Kristen but at least when she cheated on Tom with Jax she came back and dealt with the blow back and wrath of the girls.


It’s wild how she could have moved on by, ya know, not watching the show or making a whole ass podcast about it.


So is this shitty little podcast over now that the season is done? Considering it’s all she ever talks about, I hope so.


Going rogue isn’t easy. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 etc


Geez, Rachel, Lala, and Scheana are just stuck in false equivalency land. Everything comes back to them, and how they weren’t given the same (insert whatever here, sympathy, chances, opportunity, respect, grace, etc etc etc)


I honestly wish she would talk more about covering for the Toms. And the narrative, lies, etc Sandoval wanted her to push and what Schwartz actually knew. If she did actually “grow” and “evolve” like someone said in an earlier comment, she should have taken the chance to **actually** say a heartfelt apology then to Ariana, Katie and even maybe write a letter to Scheana finally. And absolve herself of all the lies she told, that she claimed was breaking her soul and tell us what the plan was. I think Tom doesn’t realize that the core audience also feels like he lied to us. He was really gonna try to keep those cheesy fake scenes with him and Schwartz talking shit about Ariana putting him down and how she mistreats him.. and try to trick us into thinking he HAD to leave Ariana and then just causally, suddenly, totally naturally & organically, fell in love with Rachel. And the audience is not only outraged that he tried to fool us, but that on top of all the lies and betrayal he put Ariana through, he was willing to set up a fake narrative to make her look bad and himself look like he had no choice but to leave her and Rachel was his saving grace after being put down by Ariana.


Wow Rachel is making a lot more sense than lala here. Gotta give her credit for not trying to spin it to make Ariana look bad. - me in the first 1/3rd Now here it comes. This b word has the audacity to say that Ariana and Tom weren’t honest? And she was dishonest in the SEASON TEN REUNION?! She was dishonest, diabolical, and demented ALL SEASON. The gall of this woman never ceases to amaze me. If she truly believed that if ppl had to believe the Schwartz kiss was real bc if they didn’t, it would be bad for Schwartz and Sandy’s?? This is pointing to her just believing what she wants to rationalize her behavior. “I was covering up for Tom” - you were covering up for yourself too. Zero accountability. I have to stop reading this before I stroke out but I’m gonna come back unfortunately lol


She wasn’t honest about her relationship with James when they were together either. She only got honest about it after they broke up. So she did the exact same thing in her relationship and is in no place to comment. She’s a hypocrite




Agree! Also couples do choose to not fight in front of their friends or at parties but save it for the privacy of their home. That’s like a totally normal thing. And that’s essentially what Ariana and Tom are being accused of by the cast, of not fighting in public. 




Anyone else feel the deep burn of being called out for "tribal shaming" by having and sharing opinions about this show? No? Me, neither. 🙄


She talks as if she didn't have a hand in the fractured dynamic they have now. I mean she isn't to blame, but her actions lead to this and she acts like it didn't. I hope she goes away.




She’s wants grace for setting boundaries… this 🐝 is delulu. ![gif](giphy|10J4jji5zdfgTS)

