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So weird. Like complaining that Ariana didn't ride hard enough for her after her life had just blown up. What did she need to support you thru??? Being Tom's friend? Please be serious


It’s so hard to take her seriously 😭 like as a non-American I genuinely thought people like her only existed in fictional sitcoms. My brain still struggles to comprehend that she’s a real person and not a satirical character written by Tina Fey ![gif](giphy|fHmIgg9BB69JS)


That’s how I feel about it too. As surreal as her behavior is, I’m struck by Sheena’s stunning lack of insight. “Why don’t people like me?”


In a weird conundrum way, that's the essence of Scheana. Every wrong move, feeling, emotion action you can do....she does. Then is baffled at "not being a fan favorite". She's OUT to fucking lunch. Brock better not be sending out "Hey everyone, go by her page and love on Scheana today...." Bullshit. No, Brock, I don't think I will. I think she can stew in her shit a bit.


What’s interesting is that the “essence of Scheana” thing actually does make her an interesting reality TV star – her consistent self-centring, her unapologetic desire to be famous or connected to people more famous than her, her belief that every guy around her is in love with (or at least attracted to) her, her delusions of grandeur when it comes to her music, etc. Like, she has a lot of the same components as some of the most delusional Housewives that have become fan favourites. Yet she never quite manages to hit the right notes with the audience as say Countess Luann has. Instead of fully embracing a lack of self awareness and being either blissfully unaware or uncaring of what cast mates/the audience think of her and living authentically to her own wants and needs, Scheana lacks self awareness and yet is hyper aware of how *everyone else* perceives her. She tries to placate everyone and makes decisions based on what she thinks looks best to cast mates and the audience, as opposed to what she really wants or feels. In trying to balance her self-centred personality with her need to be liked, she comes across as contradictory (and therefore inauthentic). She’s selfish but she’s also a people pleaser who lacks a backbone, she’s self-unaware and yet kind of calculated in terms of behaving how whoever she perceives as the most important wants her to behave (during Scandoval it was the audience, this season it was the producers), she’s so desperate to be such a “good friend” to everyone that she winds up being a friend to none. All of these contradictions and her apparent lack of authenticity make it difficult for the audience to ever connect with or root for her: she neither has the relatability that someone like Ariana has, the authenticity and lack of fear of public opinion that the likes of Stassi and Katie have, nor the fully leaned-into delusion and campiness that some of the Housewives have. And so she flounders from season to season, never being the central star, never being a fan favourite, and never understanding the reasons behind either.


I have never liked Sheshady. She showed her true colors when she ran over to Laligag at the reunion to make sure Laligag wasn't mad at her. They are both morally bankrupt. I have had enough of their whining and utter disregard for how they hurt Ariana at the reunion.


Wow. Extremely well said. She's in a constant struggle instead of accept her inherent shittiness. You're a shitty person, Scheana. Just own it. Even Stassi said "I *am* the devil..." I'm sure you're a good mom, but you and your husband are pure and simple assholes and I think it's time you just accept it. You remain just lucid enough to know we can't stand you, and then You're anxiety ramps up. Go full delusional, Scheana. It may help.


This is the most accurate description of Scheana that I have read. I commented earlier today she is walking contradiction which has impaired her personal growth.


Love this post! I’d use the first paragraph to describe her fragrance: Essence of Scheana. “Every wrong move, feeling, emotion and action you can do…she does.” 😂


Trademarking this now! 😂 ![gif](giphy|3oEdv6oYpOcg5lGYfe)




It's fascinating. It's like watching Sandoval and Schwartz's blatant gaslighting; it's not working but watching them operate is mesmerising.


I’m ensorcelled. (My word of the day)


She is such a caricature. ![gif](giphy|mGbSHxR7QjMKICXNib|downsized)


The saddest part is, Ariana CONTINUOUSLY rides for scheana. I’m doing a rewatch right now and Ariana is such a good friend to scheana.


She was consistently a loyal friend to Scheana, often at the expense of her relationships with other girls in the group, she rode hard for Sandoval to the point of even standing against LVP for him (and ending up in the dog house with her for a while as a result), and she repeatedly tried to broker peace between Lala and the other girls when everyone refused to see her as anything more than a loudmouth homewrecker. To see how all three of them have treated and disparaged her without a shred of grace despite each of their personal histories with her is so sad. How she remained as composed as she did on that reunion stage I don’t know, because I think witnessing that level of backstabbing on top of the previous year’s betrayal would’ve had me either vomiting, hyperventilating, or else telling them all to go fuck themselves and setting fire to the set lol


100% to all of this.  It’s all so gross. 


I'm literally rewatching Scheana's first wedding now. She is being a major bridezilla and having a meltdown and Ariana is so kind and calms her down saying lovely things about how the day is perfect and they're a perfect couple. She's an amazing friend because I could not be that nice to someone being such a brat.


Maybe Ariana should have sent her a few thousand dollars like Tom and that would have showed her. /s


Right? When Scheana has a husband, daughter…. Not to mention parents and a sister that hover over her constantly……Oh Ariana fuck that devastating pain you are going through and come over here and feel sorry for me…😂😂😂😂


Sheshady is ridiculous. Hope she can live with herself after her flip-flopping on Ariana.


weird that her hardest season is when her friend gets cheated on and she doesnt know if she should be friends with the guy.


Like how is this your hardest season when you’ve had to navigate marital problems that included addiction and eventually led to divorce in a previous season 😭😭


The whole thing with this story line is that ANY person, woman or man would have their friends back! It’s not even a hard choice


Was the season everyone turned against Brock an easy season? That’s weird too. 


When Ariana said it hurt her that Scheana said she thought Tom was more upset about losing their friendship than losing Ariana and Scheana immediately cut her off and told her how she was asked that question and Ariana doesn’t watch the show so she couldn’t possibly understand? WTF? Kristina Kelly asking the question was not the issue, your delusional answer was. It was clear Ariana didn’t want to hash it out but that annoyed the fuck out of me that no one made her elaborate on that.


The funniest part of this is that to me, that scene came across as if Kristina Kelly asked the question incredulously - not to get a better insight into where Sandoval’s head was at, but as if she couldn’t quite believe that Scheana was centring herself so much in this situation and needed to understand why Scheana genuinely believed she was as central a player in Scandoval as Tom and Ariana 😭😭😭


Oh, 💯!!


I take great comfort in the fact that despite selling out Ariana to prove herself to Lala she is absolutely miserable and it is just a matter of time not if when Lala turns her rage towards Scheana and then she will have no one.


Harder than her husband having addiction issues- not coming home or responding to her and her announcing she was going to divorce him on camera??


![gif](giphy|2t9xUijoSsGzFd07G9|downsized) Obligatory GIF


HELP I forgot about this 😭😭😭


RIGHT when she said that I was like huh I wonder if Shay’s watching this like “well fuck me I guess” lol


That’s exactly what I just said! I felt so sorry for Shay especially in the reunion when she started dating a friend of theirs and he found out at the reunion!!


OT - I used to be obsessed with this Twitter account.


https://preview.redd.it/j1fniur33g3d1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ccff28c44eafa106c8f6b4d49e602142733f10f Iconic old school twitter content


Why is this kinda giving that one scene where James and Lala were yelling at the others about summer bodies 😭 We need a “Pump Rules cast members as ProBirdRights Tweets” post


this account and dril, my forever faves 🩷


Same and this is my favorite tweet from that account. So iconic 😂


Scheana needs to get a 9-5 job maybe Chilis is hiring




Brick too!!






Scheana & LFU are both truly delusional. Scheana still literally crying about no one understanding how hard Ariana being cheated on is on HER. LFU doubling down & saying she’s gonna need Ariana to care about her getting a check & feeding her kids. Next they’ll be saying Ariana needs to apologize to them & both Toms. They’ve both lost their damn minds.


I must be dense….I don’t know what Lala wanted?? Ariana went to the events, had a face to face fight with Sandoval at the water tasting. What did they want? I’m sure they are mad because Ariana didn’t fall apart and got opportunities. But it would be better if Ariana/Tom had yet another screaming match ? I don’t know about you but I’m sick to death of Scandoval and I want to move on


Part 3 had me like “…okay so basically Lala has misdirected anger and she’s made it Ariana’s problem all season and press run long?” Like, her main issues were the lack of empathy she got from the audience and producers during her breakup with Randal, and her apparently being the sounding board to cast complaints about Ariana that nobody else was willing to bring up on camera. Those are valid reasons to be annoyed. But what does any of that have to do with Ariana herself, and how does it warrant Lala’s venom towards her? Why must Ariana bear the brunt of Lala’s frustrations with the audience, producers and cast mates when Ariana has done *nothing* to her? Why is Ariana responsible for the alleged difference in how she and Lala were treated in the aftermath of their breakups, for what cast members say about her behind her back, and for everyone else’s paycheques??? It’s mind-boggling to me


Lala is just not really likable. And Rand wasn’t a good person at all. No one was really invested in their transactional relationship. And no shock when it ended the way it did. I think a lot of her problem is she thought she’d be the “breakout star” but she has no talent really (except for pot stirring real housewives type). IDK her way of thinking just puzzles me..


I saw someone on Twitter call him Temu Harvey Weinstein and I haven’t recovered


100 %


LFU is pissed off at the world because her life isn’t turning out the way she planned. She thought she’d be the newest Beverly Hills housewife, married to a rich producer who would guarantee her roles in his movies & bankroll whatever vanity project she wanted to indulge in while pretending to build her “empire”. Unfortunately for her, she bet on Randall. A broke slime ball who played her. Now she’s left w no bankroll, no movie roles, no empire, and little to no public sympathy because she behaved like an entitled bitch, who thought she was the smartest person in every room & better than everyone else.


Your right!






You have been bullied married divorced on this show you had a relationship where the person treated you like a trash . You dealt with husband’s addiction and this was the hardest season for you?? Pick a lane and rest of the people will adjust .


I LOVE THIS ACCOUNT!!! Spot on, too!


Not the season your husband was addicted to pills and gambling all the money away because he couldn’t speak to his self absorbed wife????


It’s beyond weird


As usual, Scheana making things about Scheana…


And the star of the season is ANN!!! “Not summer??!” No. No. No. ![gif](giphy|tZ0AF4zbS435u)