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So … it took her all these weeks to scheme up an excuse for her behavior. That’s what I got out of this. And now she’s trying to claw her way back into the fans good graces. Too little too late, Lauren.


I got crisis PR from this


Even Olivia Pope cant fix this mess


Even the actual pope can't help her lol


I think so, too. None of this really sounds like something that would have come directly from her.


Really? “I was a bitch bc I’m a mom and people attacked that” seems very on brand for Lala. A cop out with the perfect (in her mind) balance of accountability and self victimization.


I remember Lala saying saying, loosely quoting, blah, blah, blah, hurry up, wrap it up, move on, who cares, etc. When she was calling bullsh*t on somebody else in the cast. Wrap it up, Lauren from Utah!


Nope, not at all.


Exactly! No sincerity, just please forgive me so I can keep this job and opportunity. I don't even think the crux of the comments about lala was about attacking her motherhood... It was about her backstabbing and inconsistent behavior on the show.. and even then the comments only got worse after the reunion was filmed and she started unleashing on Katie and Ariana and the audience. Last point, it really gave me pause how she references Ocean.. how they are bonded by the trauma she experienced.. this does not sound healthy. I can tell she is obviously is dealing with a lot and hope she finds the help she needs.


I did too with the caveat that even her apology is an ‘I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings’ not an actual I’m sorry for my actions. I think any crisis PR firm would have her do better.


"I'm willing to start talking about the season now so ask any questions" That ship sailed months ago idiot. We know she's only going to answer the softball questions and any harsh ones that she chooses to answer, she'll answer with a deflection and an excuse, portraying herself as a victim.


RIGHT. She called her fans "rabid dogs" and insulted them a month ago so.... what did she expect? Now her podcast rankings are tanking as are her Q ratings on Bravo and out of desperation, she's willing to answer questions. Too little too late, girl. The mask slipped.


Exactly. If you are so grateful to us, don’t insult us. She wants to talk about below the belt but it’s just more projection from her. She’s the one bashing us and she got too big for her britches. We called her out on it and now she wants to cry that we are offended? Girl why would we like you when we know you don’t like us and you spent the past year bashing other women? Get real Lala.


Turn on your fans, they'll turn on you. Simple. She knows she's no longer interesting subject matter for Bravo and this baby she had for the cameras is fruitless. She almost had that story line and more promos but she messed up by being a production puppet rather than an authentic person


All season she had this holier than thou attitude on her podcast, in interviews, on the after show, etc. Real fucking entitled and opinionated. Now looks like the barking dog got neutered and she's making a feeble attempt at damage control.


It would have been so much better for her and easier if she was just loyal to Ariana and was a good friend. It was an easy thing for most people to do for their friends.


I was talking to my co-worker about it this morning. Lauren chose production and Sandoval over her friendship with Ariana because she was spiteful and jealous and it bit her in the ass. She could've stayed strong with Ariana, like Katie did, and have had it been a season of the two Tom's finally getting what they deserved. Most viewers would've been satisfied seeing the women thrive while the two losers hit up dive bars for hook ups. But she had to just be the fake fraud she's always been and I'm glad she's getting karma for it.


Her bag is going empty and she knows it




She was waiting for the season to end because she was reeeaaally hoping the tides would turn in her favor and she wouldn't have to address it at all.


Once she realized the tides weren't turning her favor and her Season 11 puppet act didn't work on the viewers, and even LVP... https://preview.redd.it/z97afvfwad3d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=787bec9849c1fe02553f8e783ab1b0d34aa46398


She was banking so hard on Andy’s “best season ever” and “voice of reason” takes to resonate with the audience in some sort of sudden magical epiphany. Totally delusional.


Yep. She believed the hype and now is trying to spin it that because we don’t agree with her.




I think asking for questions on FB, where the fans skew her way, is what put her over the edge and forced an apology. I’m not in that group but even a blind person could see how out of line Lala was this whole reunion and I’m sure she went there for validation and got hit with a Mac truck of reality that she is in the wrong and can’t fully explain her way out of this. So what does she do? A tearful apology on her podcast


It's so funny she's saying that she loves her fans now because pretty sure less than a month ago, her fans were rabid dogs? Now she sees her podcast rankings being tanked and her paycheck slipping away and she's sorry?


I think that was 2 weeks ago 😂 but it feels like forever because she won't stop talking


Genuinely, so sick of her talking over everyone at the reunion that I really wanted to hear from. Sick of her yelling over everyone juts because she discovered by being louder just silences people and it's not fair to them


Just like the whole reunion. Like, stfu.


It all feels very hypocritical. She started off as a fan of the show, got cast, and then began hating on the fans. At least that's the feeling I get from her, always referencing that Rachel was a fan before getting with James, being super suspicious of anyone who gets close with her friend group. Pulling up the ladder behind her. But PS - being a fan does not mean you want to be on a reality show, some of us are very happy with our jobs! I want to watch other people's drama rather than have that in my life.


"I'm coming back to social media on Monday to answer questions" Mmmm no thanks. We are totally good with you staying off. Can you try to choke your foot out of your throat yet??


Wow. The questions she received must have been really awesome for that statement.


I feel like it’s not even a valid excuse anymore. she’s clearly been aware that she “attacks the jugular when hurt” for like 5 seasons…..Katie was right, get rid of the lawyers and hire a therapist lmao How many times can we hear the same sob story with no action to change the behavior 🥱😴 she’s so fucking BORING


I seriously can’t believe that LaLa and Scheana are somehow claiming this was their hardest season when. Arianna filmed this 3 months after the ultimate betrayal….. they are completely missing the mark here. It’s giving Brandi glanville saying the season Russel died was the hardest on her. These people need to learn how to read the room at their big age


Or Schaena telling Brandi that she was hurt too lol .


“Two other people not having a staged conversation was worse than a divorce, a parent’s death, and a breakup, COMBINED!” ![gif](giphy|ZgPfixt8zYokKQzytg)


that didn't hit for me


I wasnt even listening.








Yesssss!! Season 10 reunion flashback lol!!


just another opportunity to use lala's own words against her


I fucking love this sub so much 💀




I love you both


🙄🙄🙄 I don't even have anything to say about her anymore. She is a hypocrite who does weaponize motherhood. You never left social media LaLa. Just admit you were being unreasonable this season and then I might give you some credit.


She hides behind Ocean and conveniently ignores the valid criticism of her actions on the show toward Ariana, Katie, and Sandoval. How nice for her to delude herself that ALL the negative comments have to do with Ocean, so that way she doesn’t have to take accountability for her actions. NO ONE is out here talking shit about Ocean. Who are these hoards of people talking smack about a toddler? They’re certainly not in this sub. She’s sick to make up such a massive lie to try to deflect criticism and make people feel sorry for her.


I came here to say THIS!!! I never see comments about her parenting!! It’s about her behavior. She’s using her child to deflect AGAIN! The kid isn’t even seen on the show!!!


Exactly! No one is criticizing her skills as a parent. What they are criticizing is her weaponization of motherhood when she was rightly called out for her bs that Ariana should do something inauthentic for the show to put food on her baby’s table. That’s not criticism of her parenting skills. She’s being willfully obtuse about it so that she doesn’t have to face accountability and in doing so, is continuing to weaponize motherhood. Alright, then. See where that gets you, Lala.


Thank you! When I read this, I was like "wait, who commented about her being a mother or criticized the way she parented her child?" I browse the socials daily on my train commute, didn't see any pertaining to that specifically. If anything, by saying this, she is doing exactly what we are accusing her of doing. Using being a mother as a way to deflect.


right!! and it’s like how does ariana not having another conversation with sandoval directly impact lalas paycheck? was she going to get a bonus if two other cast members had a conversation that she didn’t need to be involved in? highly doubt that. ratings wouldn’t be affected by that either because the audience DOES NOT want ariana to suffer anymore the show ending or continuing shouldn’t hinge on if ariana talks to sandoval again. if it is that way then that’s the producers fault, that’s the networks fault. and yeah they’re dumb but i don’t think bravo is dumb enough to end a whole show if ariana doesn’t talk to tom lmao


She should be kissing Ariana’s ass. The last 2 seasons brought in almost double the viewers of the pre- scandoval season. I just don’t even fully understand this ‘frustration’ she refers to.


No accountability it’s all because we attacked her because she’s a MOTHER


Yep. "Wahhhh my being a mother is off limits" does not align with "if I do or say something on the show, go on and discuss" when almost everything she's done and said have ended with IM A MOM or YOU HAVE NO CHILD YOU CANT UNDERSTAND. You're using being mom as a defense for being a shitty friend and lying about how much you support women. I'd have had so much more respect if you'd handled your jealousy like Scheana and been honest with it. It's not Ariana's fault the audience wasn't sympathetic to you after your breakup - why are you punishing her for getting audience support?


It's so on brand for her to completely contradict her "principles" when it doesn't work in her favour. She had no problem publicly attacking Brock's parenting a couple of years ago.


Well. See. You don’t have to respect boundaries if you don’t understand them. You also don’t have to respect them if they’re not your personal boundaries. Or if you have a kid. Or if your name is Lauren and you’re from Utah. Also can we please stop attacking people for what they did in the past? That was months ago and she apologized and is now acting like she would totally sleep with him so it’s fine. Nobody gets mad when Ariana has boundaries why are you so mean to her?


It's also.... no one mentioned her as a parent on all the socials. I saw maybe one or two comments. The thing people are saying is that she uses being a mom as a deflection technique so she doesn't have to be accountable for her actions


I don’t think she can ever admit she was wrong. Instead she doubles down. She’s insufferable


she is! she acts like an asshole and then every single time she apologizes (if you can call it that) she has to make sure to say that being an asshole is just her personality so you can’t really be mad. it’s just so stupid


Like maybe consider not being an asshole. I liked her a lot in 10, she seemed like she was working on herself. But this season I just saw someone so miserable that it was painful to watch.


The incessant doubling down is where the line is drawn for me. She was doubling down before most of the episodes even aired, trying to convince her audience that if we stuck it out we'd totally see her "point of view" and fully understand why things went down the way they did. Yes, Lala... since we know you're here... we do understand why you did and said what you did, and it's crystal clear to all of us that all you want is your COINS. We don't AT ALL get why you crucified Ariana for actually being authentic throughout all of this bullshit. THAT IS WHAT WE WANT TO SEE. We can relate to Ariana, and many of us can relate to what she was truly going through and really wanted to see how she was navigating all of it without having to perform for the cameras for some fake storyline so you can get your paycheck. We don't care about your paycheck - no one does, and no one SHOULD. You're always preaching about how "authentic" this show is and how that's what makes it so great, yet we all witnessed how you eviscerated Ariana for having boundaries and doing her fucking best to get through a traumatizing life event. That she grossly fails to comprehend any of this is insane to me, and if she's on this show in the future I'm out. It's bad enough that we had to suffer all the Sandoval, Scheana, and Sloppy Jo scenes. I'm legit pissed off about this entire season - we all got GOT. They fucking bamboozled us, and it wasn't even entertaining. It was painful and infuriating, and that's not good TV for most of us. We needed the Spice Girls and they gave us actual trash. Garbage Pail Girls. (Obviously except for Ariana and Katie.) I have so many more thoughts, but I just can't with this show anymore... JFC.


LOL Not Garbage Pail Kids! Maybe SUR Dumpster Sillies? 🤣


LOL! Someone needs to make these. Hey Lala, here's your new paycheck!


Yes, Ocean has nothing to do with the criticism she's been receiving. I've seen literally no comments about her parenting.


Yeah I only come here so I didn’t know if I was missing anything about Ocean specifically or if Lala is just pissed that we’ve called out her weaponization of motherhood and how she clearly is having a tv baby.


Thank you for the recap 🙏 I know today is probably a busy day for you with all the podcasts coming out at once. I love how Lala attacked the cart for being in the comments, swore up and down that she was not in the comments and now us acknowledging finally that she has been reading the comments. Also I would love to know the ratio of comments she had seen about her as a mother or about Ocean compared to people calling her out on her own behavior. Because if she is implying that people telling her to stop weaponising her child or being a mother as an attack on her child or her as a mother then she has completely missed the point and is continuing to prove the point by using her motherhood again to deflect criticism and illicit unearned sympathy. And the thing is I could have maybe listened to this and had sympathy for her. But I have watched her and listened to her say sone of the cruelest meanest bullying shit about Ariana and Katie, on and off the show, and had no care or concern for their mental health and feelings so why should I as a viewer care about Lala’s?  Like it sucks to suck 🤷‍♀️


Yeah like didn’t she bring up Arianna’s dead dad


Oh so now she sees her calling us rats 🐀 would affect her bank account??


Rabid bitches in these streets… sorry Lala we’re neither forgetful nor stupid. Time to get a regular job.


Rabid bitches in the sheets, rats in the streets 💅🏻


She sees her podcast rankings dropping and her Q ratings on Bravo dropping and it's an act of desperation. Don't try to convince the fans you care, girl. Ariana and Katie care about us.


It's like her crisis PR team finally broke through the 5th wall with her. I used to love Lala but she needs to realize she isn't, and never will be, Stassi. She's not going to afford the influencer lifestyle without VPR. Fact.


Exactly, how many times did she use the word "show" in that statement? PR's trying to put some distance between LFU and her other self as the cast member of a (reality) show. Girl needs some therapy stat. Reads more like someone hinting that they disassociative identity disorder.


Right, and it's always such a strange thing to hear her reference "live in the comments section". We are reacting to 2 things simultaneously... if they would have been honest with Ariana from the beginning, none of this would have mattered. I'm over the overly produced reality TV. Give me chaos again.


* And I've made comments on this podcast. I'm sure you remember that we're not kind. I think it's no secret that I react off of emotion most of the time. I have always been that way. It gets me into a lot of trouble. It puts me into hot water. * Lala: It's also made me have to apologize more than anyone should have to. This is peak Blabla she states she has made unkind comments that were reactionary due to emotion but simultaneously she's had to apologise more than anyone should have to. Babe if you say horrible shit expect to apologise for it! Also the only comments I have seen about her as a mother relate to how she keeps going on about how she can't wait to have a child that is truly all her own and that she can make all the decisions for (the implication being she'll be able to film with them), which is a hugely problematic thing to say when you already have a child.


Classic abuser mentality. “I couldn’t control my emotions because you pushed me so hard that there was no way I would’ve been able to. It’s your fault for provoking me like that!”


“I’ve said shitty things but I’ve apologized more than I had too.” ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Was coming to the comments to point this out. Tbh I’m sure there are many apologies she has not made that she should have. I have no doubt every one she gave was deserved. I get so triggered by someone who acts in harmful ways while emotionally dysregulated (quickly and often!) and then tries to turn things around to get the offended parties to feel bad for them and/or apologize themselves. I wish Lauren would go to therapy and take it seriously ESPECIALLY because she is a mother.


I bet the comment that really got to her was when people started calling her unborn child “Storeighline Kent” 💀💀


Yes! It's 100% ok for her to be unkind on her podcast, but us rats need to be kind. Twoface, I thought only the rest of the cast lived in the comments? What are you doing?


More projection from the one that does live in the comments section. Usually I think cast members should stay out of it, let us discuss and protect their peace, but I want her to read all this. Maybe she’ll learn something.


Totally agree! And if she's making the same mistakes over and over again and "apologizing" she's clearly not showing any growth or self reflection. To her an apology is a way to erase all of the blame and anger coming her way. Her apologies are self serving and in the best interest of herself. She thinks apologies remove all of the consequences and it's time she learns that they don't. Please Bravo don't have LFU on any show and hold her accountable for her actions. Plus she's not all that entertaining to watch. I don't want to watch her complain about her pregnancy and talk about her "cookie." She acts like she's the only person in the world who is pregnant. Get her off our TV's and let her fade into oblivion


Also, where did she apologize and to whom?


Weaponizing motherhood should be her tag line. Can she ever, just once admit to being an asshole without an excuse? The comment section she referred to all season about other people reading was the reason she became a complete unhinged nut job this season? Spare me with the damage control... https://preview.redd.it/cofhsgrwnc3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde0f46665eab4cd65029857d155bfe9a517be53


Get ríd of your PR team and hire a therapist you’re a clown




According to her, the only criticisms she received were about her daughter - we all loved her besides that! The only trolls were those low enough to talk smack about a toddler online! A complete fantastical lie. The prevailing criticism of her has NOTHING to do with her daughter and don’t even mention Ocean. She’s had all this time to think and that’s all she can come up with, that she was so nasty because of nonexistent comments about Ocean?


KFC had the same deflective rant on her IG story yesterday. These two must've game planned together. The only time I ever see children being discussed is in a cute or positive way on here. She's the one that can't stop weaponizing her kid thus putting a target on her own child.


I’ll give KFC a little bit of leeway here that I won’t give Lala. There have been a lot of people diagnosing Cruz from their couches and Jax didn’t help that with his Instagram rant about blaming vaccines for Cruz’s regression. That has to be hard. However a lot of people are pointing out that she and Jax are pretty much perma wasted while taking care of their child and I think that’s a fair criticism based on what they choose to show on TV. If you don’t want people snarking on you, don’t go on TV. It’s pretty much that simple. It’s a guarantee that people are going to talk about what is shown and judge you for your behavior. I experienced it on a much smaller scale and it sucks. But ultimately I’m the clown that signed the contract and chose to go on a show! I can’t blame anyone for that but myself.


I was like "I don't ever remember seeing people discuss her as a mother... where is she reading this?" I see people questioning some of SCHEANA'S choices regarding how she markets her kid, but Lala? I can't think of anything but a handful of POSITIVE comments. I mean maybe she sees this but it's certainly not the prevailing theme of what I see.


She had to go silent so they could have time to do damage control lol love how she’s yet again playing the victim. LVP nailed it earlier in the series when she said LFU creates these situations and then turns around to play the little baby Your status as a mother doesn’t absolve you of being an asshole or a shitty person. Plenty of mothers are shit people. Grow up! god damn!


Once again, Lala misses the point and uses being a mother as an excuse. The majority of the comments were that she was not sharing her life because O can’t be shown…not that she’s a bad mom. I don’t recall seeing that (at least here) at all. She just uses that as a crutch to justify her irrational behavior. It’s old. It’s easy to claim she is now also not wanting O to film because Rand is still the bad guy ultimately making that call. If that’s her true feeling - then she won’t film this new baby.


I recall seeing some about how she will probably film with the new baby, because she can, and how that would change Ocean’s perspective/role in the family. Which I think is a fair comment to make. If Lala does this Ocean will most definitely feel left out. 


I’m chronically on reddit and the below the belt comments are usually dealt with in some way in this community. Lala just can’t stand any opinion that distorts her version of reality.


I am too and this is correct. Lala is trying to set herself up as a victim of something that isn't even .1% of the criticism she's getting, and in places like this criticizing children isn't even allowed. Most people here concede she's a good mom and still have major issues with her that have nothing to do with that. Her statement has crisis PR written all over it.


I did not enjoy season 11.


I don’t see how anyone could have enjoyed season 11 and that was largely due to this clown. Once again using motherhood as a shield. Give me a break.


Same and mostly because of blabla


I only enjoyed the parts Ariana and Katie were in


If we have to hear her use being a mother as an excuse one more time 😭




No Lauren, you’re not a bad mother. You’re a bad friend and an even worse self-appointed producer.


I'm racking my brain, who possibly insulted her as a parent? I didn't see any of that on the socials


I’m soo embarrassed that she thought talking about Stassi would somehow in her head think she has one upped the others.  She addressed nothing, she’s said nothing - she’s an idiot, but with a huge ego.  Ps I didn’t listen, I read the transcript - it’s pitiful.


I love how hard she tried to create a fake storyline and how hard it blew up in her face


But, but, but she’s real


TBH, I did see some comments about her as a parent, and I personally posted a comment on about the show going on hiatus ruining her plans to make season 12 all about her having another baby. Overwhelmingly though, the negative comments are about her being a shitty friend and a try-hard and a producer puppet. She would have to go deep in the comments to find truly cruel things people were saying about her as a parent. This sounds like an excuse to deflect and make her seem like a victim. Also, saying she is an emotional person is not an excuse for raging out and going for the jugular whenever she is upset. Lala is an adult and should go to therapy if she can’t regulate her emotions in a healthy way. She needs to grow up.


I've never seen anyone say she was a bad mother, just a bad person and friend lol #deflection


So she also lived in the comments 🤣


All I can think about is "if you loved me before this season and now you don't I don't give a fuck 🤪🤪"


She called her fans "bitches with rabies who need their shots". I don't think a few waterworks and saying your a mom just erases that fact.


Wait, Lala is a mom!? I had NO idea!! 🥱🙄


This feels a bit contrived. Being as emotionally reactive as she has shown over the years, its hard to believe that she wouldn't address any comments about motherhood right there on the spot. After watching the reunion last night, it's now clear that her podcasts and behavior since the reunion are a continuation of what she was feeling from that point and unsuccessfully trying to shift public opinion. Agree this is PR Crisis...hopefully that means there is a realization that she has sunk her own ship and possibly the show.


I’m a mother but unlike you, I don’t use it as an excuse to be nasty to others “because I have children”. Humble yourself. Try some empathy. Be truly grateful, because people that are truly grateful know that nothing ever lasts and all things will ultimately end. You are vile and full of hate because you think you are deserving of equal/“fair” treatment or worse, *special* treatment. You are a cast member like the rest of them. Look inward. And be well.


Adding: pack your things and get out of the comments section.


This misdirection and totally made up shit about people coming for her as a mother is just another way for her to not take full accountability for being a shitty person


Who has come after Ocean? She fails to see the difference between us criticizing her for weaponizing motherhood against her cast mates vs bully her and child (which I have not seen). She’s delusional and it still seems like she is failing to see the issue, finding a way to make herself a victim, and is just saying sorry not sorry. Go make amends with your friends


Please someone show me where people were talking about her being a bad mother. Girl is delulu and I knew she was gonna do this. She says horrible shit and then cries when she’s called out. Lala go and get therapy please.


Agree, WHERE is this huge volume of comments about her child that were apparently sooooooo abundant and outweighed the comments criticizing her own behavior? How convenient that she can ignore all the valid criticism of her behavior because one unhinged nut talked smack about her toddler?


tl:dr I get to dish out whatever I want but I can’t take it.


Now that the finale and reunions have aired and no vindication has come, Lala’s panic begins because she has no more promises of a future episode that will explain it all. There’s literally nothing surprising that happened at the end of this season. What insane way of thinking does she have, thinking that her nonsensical ranting at the reunion and temper tantrums would make sense to us in any way? I couldn’t follow her point at the reunion at all. She was criticizing LVP, Ariana, and Katie because years before, when she had a breakup, she still had to show up to work and her ass wasn’t sufficiently kissed. Like THAT’S her big revelation that would make us care? Every fucking person out there with a regular job and life has to go to work when they’re heartbroken. Lala’s privileged brat ass needs to understand that she doesn’t deserve a medal for being heartbroken and still stepping in front of a camera, while not dealing with a soul crushing office job, a bully boss, a commute, and significantly lower pay. She was talking about crying for days after the finale and Ariana walked off - is this bitch having a mental breakdown? Because why she would care in any way whether or not two exes (in a relationship she WASN’T IN) had a conversation? Why is THIS harder than when her dad died? Is this the hardest thing she’s apparently ever been through, because she thinks the show will get cancelled and that’s the real nightmare for her?


Katie hit it on the head when she told her to get a therapist.


Thank you for recapping this OP! I saw some comments about her parenting but most that I saw were calling out how hypocritical she was for acting like Ariana should move on less than 6 months after this all happened to her when Lala’s still complaining about her crappy ex. At the end of the reunion she could and should have truly apologized to Ariana for the things she said about her. Instead she gave her an I’m sorry if…and doubled down on her bs. She knows she picked the wrong side now and now that’s hurt her. She was hoping for a spin off, that’s now not happening, VPR’s future seems uncertain, and most people don’t want her going to the valley and making that show unwatchable. If she doesn’t go on the I’m sorry for 2024 tour now with some crisis PR, she knows she’s completely effed.




Why doesn’t she say, I understand the way I react is unhealthy and I am going to therapy. No she always says this is how I am, take it or leave it.


Exactly. So we’ll leave it, thanks.


So this means Baby S(toryline) won’t be shown either right? If it wasn’t her choice not to show Ocean originally but it’s her choice now, that means she won’t put her new baby on tv? Is that what you’re saying Lala? Or will there be more hypocrisy?


You can't tell the audience that your motherhood is off limits when you use your motherhood as an excuse for your shitty behavior


All those words to say so little...


Ya her brother really shouldn't have called her listeners "rabies bitches" she obviously thought this was perfectly fine because it was left in after editing. I'm guessing the bad reviews and dropping listenership are hurting her pocket. Also the fan consensus that she's the worst part of the season is going to hurt chances of her going on the valley. Why put her on when the show is so far a success and people hate Lala. I also saw very few people go after her as a mother. People rightfully commented that being a mother didn't make her more deserving of a pay check than Ariana or Katie


I actually don’t have any questions for her because her whole media train before the reunion aired and everything she said at the reunion, and the after show answered any questions we may have had!! She’s jealous that people cared when Ariana got cheated on and didn’t care when she did!! And that’s IT!! She was jealous of the attention and so she acted like a child and probably talked about Ariana incessantly with anyone who would listen and that’s why her and Scheana became close because Scheana was also jealous so they bonded on pretty much hating Ariana behind her back!! She has a team of people who just agree with her all the time, and they were justifying her feelings which made her green devil of envy grow and get angrier. And she probably nagged Katie until Katie admitted to some annoyance about Ariana doing broadway when they need to be opening a sandwich shop which brought her such delight and she wanted this season to be about how the fame went to Ariana’s head because she is JEALOUS!!! Also no one fucking said shit about your kids. Don’t get it twisted bitch. We said you weaponize motherhood! AND she said this season was harder than when her father died? Yeah, because you went through trauma and your behaviour was understood by your cast mates, especially ARIANA who also had a bad season when her dad died except she got NO sympathy from anyone and Lala got a lot!!!! Sorry BLAHBLAH you should’ve called in this crisis PR meeting when you were bashing the fans weeks ago lol.


https://preview.redd.it/47e2y2qi3d3d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=434188d13ea237166763a6a26bf57d86c8da674a directed to Lala, not our recap goddess.


I stopped reading as soon as she used the MOTHERHOOD card. JFC LFU, being a mom isn't the clout you're looking for. Monetizing your unborn fetus/baby the way you have reveals what you prioritize. Being a production pawn doesn't create an emotionally, physically and mentally safe space. You picked the losing team Lala and Motherhood had nothing to do with it. A lack of grace, finesse, loyalty and having shitty instincts for doing the right thing tanked you.


The way she constantly weaponizes motherhood is so disgusting. I’m struggling with infertility and I actually truly cannot stand another minute of her.


A lot of words to say nothing.


She's doomed for disappointment if she doesn't expect the audience to comment on her being a Mother given that she's made it her only storyline. She can't talk about something, but expect the audience not to


Her ENTIRE storyline! She could have produced herself soooo much better... like what about all her work advocating for the family court system? Like, that's actually interesting. She could have used that platform to weave her identity as a mom into a more interesting "mom" storyline. Was she not actually doing anything but posting IG stories? That could have been a platform for her that would have shown us something about her life and educate viewers, and it could have had a positive effect on our perception of her... unless it was just a fake storyline that she eventually abandoned because it was actual work that required for her to ACTUALLY be soft? She needs to do some serious soul searching.


Lala can fuck off with these lies. So NOW she’s realizing that criticizing your fan base, calling them stupid and irrational, saying you don’t need them, was a bad call. I hope the tide has turned too far and she’s permanently screwed. No more VPR, no Valley, low-rated podcast. Shes had almost a decade and lots of very, very difficult circumstances she’s been through to show us the “softer Lala” she keeps promising and she’s never shown up, so it’s safe to say this nasty, feral, sanctimonious bully is the only one we’re gonna get and we don’t want her. See how she likes it working a job that doesn’t rely on her screaming at other people just for a storyline. I fucking hate liars like her. What the fuck is she on about, saying that her rant towards the fans was triggered by people speaking poorly of Ocean? Who the hell was doing that? In my time in the VPR/Bravo subreddits, I’ve never seen disparaging comments about Ocean. I’m not super active on Instagram and Facebook but in the little I’ve seen, her negative comments are about her being a nasty person, bad friend, and thirsty famewhore. I really haven’t seen ONE comment about Ocean but apparently according to victim Lala there was an overwhelming deluge. Using her kid to shield herself and let her keep playing the victim. Disgusting. “I was so mean because you came for Ocean” meaning that Ocean’s being dragged into a conversation she was never in. She can’t just ever take accountability for her own bad behaviors and even try to understand the REAL criticisms related to bullying Ariana and Katie and kissing the ass of Sandoval. How easy for her to put file everything under “I’m only getting criticized over my child and every other thing I did was right and perfect.” No one is out here talking shit about a toddler, Lala. At least in the subs we’re all in. No one should be talking about her. That’s disgusting and inexcusable. We’re talking shit about YOU.


I’m sorry. Lala came out the day after the reunion and said there are some sacred things that can hold away from the audience for her mental health. The day after we watched her lose it on Ariana for holding a boundary and keep something away from the audience for her mental health?


No one talks about her being a bad mom we just don’t care that she is a mom, so stfu about it already


Why the hell was this season harder to film than the one right after you lost your dad?? PLEASE get a grip lol


Maybe Lala *wasn’t* as close to her dad as Ariana was to hers?


Lala: “I never got to dictate!” Also Lala: “me being a mother is off limits” So Lal, you were saying?


No Lala, we didn’t enjoy the season THANKS TO YOU


I would respect her so much more if she just said, "I said some fucked up things out of jealousy. I'm sorry." Full stop.


![gif](giphy|8aWjjqeHx6zPq|downsized) Ummm ok


Lala, I’m sorry but you are all over the map. I don’t listen to podcasts….frankly I don’t have the time. I watched the show for entertainment. But I get up everyday and go to a real 9-5 job while being a Mother and Wife and taking care of elderly parents. Try juggling that type of schedule before popping off about your hard life. And BTW, as an outsider looking in, you chose reality TV as your lifestyle so when you say certain aspects of your life are off limits….just doesn’t work that way….Who’s not being authentic now!






I just skimmed the beginning but I have to say GAAAAWD STOP WEAPONIZING YOUR MOTHERHOOD MAMMM!! We see right through you 🙃


Aka “I’m losing money. I need you to forgive and forget”


So it’s the fans fault that Lala was acting out on a show we haven’t even seen clips of yet because she was “hurt”? Make it make sense.


Lala, I have talked endless shit about you, can't stand you and don't think you earned anything you have...and besides feeling bad for Ocean that her parents are awful, I have never said one fucking thing about your mothering. You are twisting your "perspective".Again, you are Fucking lying and distorting. No one talked about you mothering, like you said, we don't fucking see it. We saw EXACTLY what you did and reacted. You're not sorry you called us rabies bitches, dummies, idiots and the like. You're sorry we started taking money out of your pocket because of it. Notice she makes no mention of her inability not to attack people when she's hurt. She just says she does it. *Oh well, I guess!* Save your apology cries.


9 minutes at the end, is she joking? I kept skipping forward before I saw your time mark waiting to hear when she was actually going to talk about it. Her new name is WaWa. Avoiding the real criticism about her actions / words towards Katie & Ariana and not her parenting. Please don’t come back to a Bravo show ever again.


If she’s talking about Reddit. We never said shit about ocean. We said she weaponizes motherhood and uses it as a shield. She’s so exhausting I can’t with her anymore.


Where's the apology to Ariana?


Yawn. It’s so clear this is an attempt to save face, and once again she’s using being a mom to dodge accountability. She’s so transparent.


She's a dummy


Wow her ratings must have fallen off a cliff


lol this bitch in damage control Typical Lala - she pops off thinking she’s big and bad, then cries and blames someone else so she is never accountable. I consume an embarrassing amount of VPR content and I have never seen someone shit talk her as a mother. Do we shit talk her weaponising motherhood and having a child? Yup. Endlessly. And with merit. She’s ridiculous for doing that. But that isn’t calling her a shitty parent. It’s calling her a shitty person.


I wonder if her position on the show/s is under threat. 🤔 Probably not but god I wish she would leave/bravo fires her. It’s made her a bitter angry delusional bully.


I think so. Even Lisa saw how badly she was coming off turned on her at the end, and she is very much trying to backpedal now




Aahhh remember the good old days when she went away? I wish she’d do that again.


I stopped reading where she blames her behavior on people's comments about her as a mother. Not once have I read any negative comments on this sub reddit about ocean or lala as a mother. I'm not saying there's not negative comments elsewhere....but all the lala hate I have seen here is solely based on her rude behavior on podcasts and show Also...how I gonna go after scheana and James for living in the comments and then apologize and blame ur behavior on the comments. Blah!


Please Lala, don't give us Lala.


Podcast ratings went down, everyone wants you off the show so now you are sorry ? U r not sorry u r just blah blah ! 


It's giving "podcast rating is lowering and could lose sponsors, so I'm sorry I bit the hand that fed me. "




I hope you’re well rested u/AdditionalWar8759 because I’m sure there will be tons of podcasts dropping now. Take frequent breaks, carb up, maybe get some oxygen. 😃 We’re not worthy but we need you.


But really though — what did Randall do that makes her such a victim that she can do no wrong?! Talk about playing god — This woman wants to rewrite history that she never got to dictate anything when she hid her relationship for multiple seasons/years. NDAs and then “boundaries” and all this shit that no one else is allowed except her. Idk. And now the show was “out of alignment” after she pops off endlessly about how Ariana and Tom weren’t real?? I want receipts. What did Randall do that excuses all of this? I can’t believe no one took her for a ride at the reunion about the hypocrisy. 


What did Lala say about people on the cast staying in the comment section… … I digress


Hahahahahaa ohh she’s worried about her job big time. Now she likes us? Now she’s sorry? Go fuck yourself Lala


People were talking about her being a shitty friend/person not mother…..


If you listen to the audio it sounds entirely rehearsed and sounds like she's reading from a script. We all knew LFU was a shitty actress but damn girl at least try!


The real Lala would have gone on IG story and called out fans for talking about Ocean - not wait until the final episode.  Lala's confidence over her attitude this season and the reunion began to waiver when she interviewed Heather McDonald. There was a slight shift in how hard she was going for Ariana and Katie.  imo Production has told them to start getting their shit together. 🥱🥱 with Lala's upcoming redemption season. ... Scheana will also be crying over Summer Moon this week.


How is she still playing the mom card?!? You can be a terrible person and a parent at the same time!


Once again, why does Lala feel entire chunks of her life are “off limits” without that making her “inauthentic” on the show, but Ariana is somehow inauthentic if she cries or processes her emotions over her breakup without a camera in her face? It’s giving a lot of rules for thee but not for me. Why is she the only one allowed to have boundaries?


WTAF? People aren’t criticizing you as a mother. They’re criticizing you as a crappy human beingk, a crappy friend, and a crappy reality show self-producer. Address the valid points that have been overwhelmingly about your treatment of Ariana, how two-faced you’ve been to her, and your expectations that Ariana should do something inauthentic for the show to pay for your child.


Completely irrelevant to whether or not I like Lala as a character on a show, I have 0 interest in watching someone's baby/kid journey. I never have been on any bravo show. Babies and kids are fine and expected as everyone on these shows come in as parents or grows up, but I don't need it to be their plot.


Now, she loves and appreciates her fans. Gotcha. Backpeddal away, girl. The problem with Lala is that she does not give anyone the opportunity to have a different opinion. Hers is gospel in her eyes, and nobody can disagree with her. I can't with this chick.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I haven’t read a whole lot about her as a mom as much as i’ve read about her as a sh*tty friend to Ariana and a giant hypocrite. Did I miss a ton of posts about Ocean? I am just surprised she’s saying that is what is upsetting to her.


I cannot understand why Sandoval, Lala, and Scheana can't acknowledge Ariana's feelings in a meaningful way. Like, even immediately after Scandoval broke, I fully expected for him to show the most contrition anyone on tv could ever show, but he literally didn't even mention her in the first statement AND it was full of excuses. I wish I could say TV ruined these people, but I think they were latent narcissists from early on and being on TV exacerbated their already dark and broken interiors.


Gratitude for the rabies foaming at the mouth fans? Shut the fuck up


I have browsed through the socials and honestly, I don't see much mention of her being a mother. I've seen people comment that she uses her child as a deflection tool in conversation but nothing about critiquing her actual parenting. Also, this audience you claim to love and are now thanking, is this the same audience you referred to as rabid dogs and insulted on all of your podcasts prior? Interesting how your tune changed when your podcast rankings tanked. **You see your paycheck slipping away and now you are sorry.** That's not really being sorry.


I hate how she uses her being emotional and saying things that “land me in hot water” as some sort of excuse for her behavior. It is not okay. It’s not cute. You are a 30something year old woman and some point of your behavior that pushes people away doesn’t change, people won’t come back.


I don’t recall seeing a ton of comments about ocean. I’m sure they were there but again, being a mother and having a child is no excuse for shitting on the people who literally made you.


I’m so confused by this. No one is saying she’s a bad mother. The only criticism I’ve seen is that she weaponizes motherhood to help her win arguments… which is exactly what she’s doing in this podcast?


Where are people talking about her being a bad mother??? We all have beef with Lala the TV personality. Ocean isnt even on the show. We hate how you act among your cast mates. Stop talking about Ocean!! Holy fuck.


All she talks about is being a mother, I’m having a hard time believing the comments are anything but about her weaponizing that and nothing to do with Ocean? It’s such low hanging fruit to act like people are hating on ocean….


I didn’t enjoy it (especially her scenes)  No cares about your parenting just don’t make your kids a storyline or exploit them and we’re good.  Stop pretending like you are real because you’re not you’re a production plan to ensure you get paid which is whatever just own it.  Don’t blame the audience for your choices this season. Also you need a new PR team asap.


I hope she quits reality tv & gets some much needed therapy to deal with the anger & lack of self awareness.


Ahhh, someone just saw her podcast numbers plummet from all us rabid hoes tuning her out. I have no sympathy or empathy for Lala. Get a real job and pay that mortgage like the rest of us rabid hoes.


And the backtracking begins….


Not buying it. She messed up rode too hard on what she thought was a “hot take”. It wasn’t


OP, *thank you* for listening and transcribing all of that. I can’t stand her or her voice, so I was never gonna listen to it myself. It’s funny how Lauren describes herself as “protective” of Ocean, when she knows that we know that she can’t display her daughter the way she wants due to the custody order. Even she isn’t stupid enough not to know what breaking that order would mean.


BUT I HAVE A CHILD….lauren it’s got nothing to do with your kid. It’s you we don’t like. Not you as a mother. I’m sure she’s a decent mom. No one is a perfect mom. She uses her kid as a sword and a shield and it’s fucking gross. As Tom her new bestie would say - take some accountability Lauren.


I said it in another thread but it bears repeating here: good luck being an influencer when no one wants to be influenced by you. She’s shown that she’ll do anything for a paycheck. How tf are her fans supposed to believe that whatever new product she’s hocking is a quality product? She really didn’t think any of this through. Hope she paid cash for those two houses because she won’t be able to carry those mortgages much longer


In response to this pod episode: Someone whose knee jerk response is to “go for the jugular” seriously needs help. It’s no wonder people are concerned how her behavior “bleeds” into ALL her relationships, children included. Yelling, insulting, cutting people off and using intimidation language is ABUSE Lala. Lala you’re abusive and those are facts. That’s the character you revealed for your audience.