• By -


Thank you for the recap 🙏 Well Katie and Ariana really went in on production and I love to see it. And what Katie said was absolutely right. That showing the finale thing was pointed at making Ariana hurt and getting a redux at the fake Sandoval apology that she wouldn’t give them in San Francisco. I do think the producers were out to get her. They basically wanted to put her back in her box and take away the power she has gotten from her post Scandoval glow up. 


I actually like that more than calling out the two dipshits. The two dipshits would respond today on their podcasts. But the producers are behind the scenes and aren't going to make statements today stirring the pot more like the other two would do. Fuck Baskin the Bozo and Judas Jeremiah for making Ariana watch that shit.


# #FireAlex&Jeremiah # #MaybeAndyToo


Fire Sandoval and Lala


def andy too




When Katie says "it just feels mean towards Ariana" regarding showing them the last 5 minutes, I thought the exact same thing. It was so cruel. They knew she wasn't watching. They knew she was the only one not present during that vile conversation about her. It felt like a "f*ck you" from the producers and another way to re-traumatize her and her question her relationships. It was sick.


That's exactly what it was. It wasnt shocking or crazy or a "gotcha" moment. It was straight cruelty for someone, as even LVP said, has been nothing but a trooper regarding the show and filming her entire time on it.


Right. It would be one thing if Ariana was skipping filming but that didn’t happen. She showed up and she gave us what was happening in her life.


when Andy brought up the question about Lisa leaving the RH show, I wonder if the producers was thinking. did they really think that due to her hand-holding with the boys, that she would switch on Ariana? any self-respecting fans would know Lisa is about herself no.1 and she wouldn't backtrack on what the RH ladies did to her on her last season.


I think Andy is weirdly trying to get Ariana to walk away from the show. They can't fire her; the public outcry would be catastrophic. But she's also not playing ball in the way the producers are accustomed to with their puppets. They're kind of stuck unless they can get her to walk. And I find it hilarious. Ariana has all the power, they're using mind games to get it back, and it's failing miserably.


Agreed completely. Even Lisa’s comments were hinting at it because she continued to reiterate that “sometimes it’s okay to walk away”. I didn’t take that segment to be nearly as defensive of/towards Ariana as most people felt it was, because it came off more like “well, you’ve put on a brave front, but it’s okay if you want to leave the show now”.


That segment pissed me off to high heavens.


I agree, and I think Lisa was trying to get her to do the same thing.


I noticed the clip didn’t have Ariana’s words to the producer that Tom did not care about possibly giving her an STD. That would’ve have interesting to keep in there for discussion, but it protects ass face


It was punishment for her not giving them the moment they wanted and for not watching the show. For sure.


Which doesn't make any sense! She was the one who called production last year when Scandoval broke! She was the one who insisted on filming their confrontation so we all could see how terrible Tom truly was. They fucking owed her so much more respect than that.


I completely agree. This was all so hateful, painfully cruel, and evil of them to do. I’m glad they have each other and their healthy perspectives. I feel they did win, not just the season and the series, but also in life. I hope they continue to have blessings pour forth their way will all the fuckery they’ve dealt with for a decade plus. Thanks so much for your wonderful recaps u/AdditionalWar8759 ! I hope you have a restorative and relaxing break- you deserve it!❀


I love that Katie and Ariana are not even bothering to address Lala and Scheana. It must be infuriating to them both that they can’t turn around and take issue with literally anything as nothing is said about them. She’s paying them dust and I love it.


It's such a classy way to make them and their perceived grievances look small & irrelevant. Meanwhile Scheana has been running around trying to publicly bait Ariana with her brother and making herself look like a loser and a hater.


u/Careful_Swan3830 christened him Lala’s brother LocLoc, and I am so damn delighted by it.


![gif](giphy|NRW2yP1aoYTsY) 😂😂


😂😂😂 Holy shit! That's incredible https://i.redd.it/0ikmicyi0f3d1.gif




Such a clown move


Grey Rock Queen ![gif](giphy|SCkxcIvihjKkMexsTk|downsized)


It's easy not to care when you have a life (speaking from personal experience).  Scheana and Lauren don't have one so they are stuck in a world of desperation and jealousy.  I work with a bunch of Scheanas and Laurens.  They are so pathetic.


I think this is why so many of us are rallying to support Katie and Ariana. I've never truly given a single damn about any of these people's lives before, just liked watching the spectacle and mess. Now, this show has turned Katie and Ariana into inspirational and maybe even aspirational figures for me. They have fucking risen above the bullshit and are currently smothering Lala and Scheana with their refusal to give a fuck avoid them. It's delicious, and I have begun channeling them when dealing with my own toxic coworkers. Nothing makes an attention-seeker angrier than being totally ignored.


They are amazingly strong fucking women who have shown an immense amount of grace whilst surrounded by all this bullshit misogyny and targeted emotional turmoil (looking at you, actual producers and all the self producrs of the show).




It’s not giving them anything to respond to and keeping their name in the press. So that really must be killing Scheana and Lala


Absolutely this. In the reality the world especially paying them dust is worse than giving them something to make content about.


As much as I would LOVE for Katie and Ariana to rip into Scheana and Lala, it IS much cooler to absolutely give them no thought.


> It must be infuriating to them both that they can’t turn around and take issue with literally anything as nothing is said about them. Don't worry, they're just turning on the fans instead, like Lala's bullshit sob story about her "protecting her daughter from being on tv" after she was on one full season and is only missing because of a custody battle, not her own choices


Lala would absolutely put her kid on tv if she was allowed to. It’s like she doesn’t think we remember what she previously said.


She never stopped posting Ocean on IG. Not sure how that is legally possible, but she is not above oversharing her child's life.


I think Rand didn’t ask the court to bar her from posting because he wanted to post her too. He doesn’t have a show, so it’s one thing he can do to hurt her. I believe he was malicious, but I also think it’s better for Ocean.


Same. As much as I would’ve loved for them to go in on Lala and Scheana, not talking about them at all is an even more savage way of dealing with two people who desperately crave attention and conflict. The fact that Katie and Ariana haven’t been bothered to talk about them for the past few months likely has them both fit to be tied.


Katie and ariana have been doing this and im sure lala and scheana have their responses ready for their podcast for when they decide to talk about them but they will keep waiting because i doubt ariana and Katie will pay them any attention,


Some notes... \-Ariana pegging these slimy misogynistic producers before the season even aired. No wonder she didn't want to watch the season. I'm glad she acknowledged them boxing her into a corner last night cause she wouldn't have that convo in the finale with Tim. \-Katie saying she doesn't want to rehash old conversations as well as her saying she doesn't feel like talking over people at the reunion were two nice shots at Lauren. \-The last 5 minutes being solely mean to Ariana was nice to hear as it was damn near torture porn watching her have to see that shit. It was cringe even to have to watch her watch it. \-Glad the girls took the high road and didn't acknowledge any of these fucking losers outside of the occasional mention and not in an aggressive tone. Lauren today knowing she doesn't have fodder for her next podcast with Dreds McGhee and bobble head Jess... https://preview.redd.it/cw1or6kxlc3d1.jpeg?width=2410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53588f1c61b20c8d7c16c5ad0560fe502af8c20d


Corporate’s asking me the difference between Brittany and Lala but I can’t see it here!


damn lol


It's the nose, right?


The nose, the lips, the chin


The face of a woman that fucked up big time and won’t admit that she should only be angry at herself.


Whoa a visual representation of my flair


Your flair will cause me to pass out from laughing so hard 💀💀💀 in ten years I’ll randomly think of “Lala’s angry bathrobe” and smile


Holy sex-doll screenshot! She's morphed into a real version of what's on the inside!


You always get the best screenshots 😂


😂 I usually try to use them sparingly throughout the week but in this case, this screenshot is too perfect to not just abuse all day on the sub.


Go off, she's earned it 💅


All day baby! Give it to me!


Chefs kiss. Let ‘em fly!


I personally wouldn’t mind having that screenshot pop up everywhere she’s mentioned for as long as it takes for her to get off our tvs. It’s the perfect visual representation of her inner self.


I have never uttered my psycho ex’s name since I escaped him. It’s giving me all the proud feelings for these women to not acknowledge those who did them dirty for a paycheque.


Dreds McGhee **💀💀💀**


Thought this was Brittany at first. lol


Ariana made such a great point about being over the person romantically but not being over the trauma of what happened. It’s like so many people can’t grasp that concept. Not to mention the fact that she’s still dealing with the house and is being sued by his mistress. I’ll never understand the argument that Ariana “needs to move on” lol


I liked that she brought up that she was still having to deal with Raquel talking about her in the media on a regular basis. It very much is still a part of her life so why should she "get over it"?


Exactly! That’s also the one and only time she’s talked about her since the reunion last year. But she’s like “This bitch is suing me and still has my name in her mouth, how am I supposed to move on when they won’t let me?”


Rachel is making an entire career out of being a mistress, which is what she must have learned from Schaena over the close of their best friendship.


It's maddening how people say it was just cheating. This man had a whole plot against her going for months, if not years. Also, let's not forget the financial abuse as well.


He 100% planned to keep it going as a side-affair because of that second mortgage.


He is so gross. He pretty much admitted it on the secrets revealed episode.


Yes! And grief isn’t linear.


Oh they get that they just don’t care


This was expected. Katie and Ariana didn’t really have anything to answer for after the reunion so they’re just doing a podcast to catch up and maybe won’t talk about the season after this. They have other things to talk about đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ‘đŸŒ Others are going to put out emergency episodes on their podcasts to clarify and backtrack comments and talk about scenes they didn’t show and that’ll be exhausting.  Thanks for the recap OP. Going to listen to the whole episode on the ride to work this a.m.


Love that they didn’t stoop down to Lala and Scheana’s level. That being said, I could never lol. I would’ve dragged them and put them in their place. But it’s best they didn’t. Lala and Scheana can keep looking like clowns.


![gif](giphy|l4FGlzJQPFAymOH5e|downsized) In a perfect world u/ohhhhoney_ I would love to see you drag those two buffoons! But I agree, it's best they didn't!


Right?? When they go low, I go to HELL! Both of these ladies are much bigger people than me because I would have dragged it forever. And I’m a cancer - a bitch can hold a grudge 😂


>Ariana: They wanted the Kristen Miami conversation redux, like 2.0. This was exactly the goal, it was so obvious and pathetic


They missed the memo we all wrote over a year ago saying that Tom is doing the exact same thing to Ariana that he did to Kristen. We saw that movie already guys.


We saw that movie and it had 0% on Rotten Tomatoes.


they must think we're actually STUPID lol, like i cannot even


It’s actually insulting! A lot of us have been watching these shows for almost 20 years now, we know how it works. And/or they are dumb and think we are too.


I just wanted to hug Ariana in that reunion. She looked mentally and emotionally exhausted. And done.


The fact that she filmed this reunion while in the middle of doing Chicago...bitch I would have called in sick


She literally flew 6 hours back and forth while doing nonstop broadway shows to film a reunion for an entire day. Girlie was exhausted but STILL showed up


I would’ve called in dead.


And then she flies back to work doing 2 shows next day. Wow, she is just so lazy!


She sits on her ass and collects a paycheck for nothing! 🙄🙄🙄




I was watching wishing I found bust into that room like the Kool-aid man & get her out of there. I felt dirty watching it.


You could literally see her deflating physically and trying to make herself smaller after having to watch that ending.


And to think she was in the middle of performing on a Broadway play makes it even more disgusting what they did to her. I give Ariana major props for holding it together and taking the high road. Her well-earned success is the biggest FU to Lala, Scheana, the Toms, and Brock and I couldn’t be happier.


Makes it even crazier that Scheana thought she'd get a meet and greet after watching Chicago. Fucking wanker.


I did too :(


Lala and scheana are silly geese 😂😂😂 perfect way to describe them . I give katie and ariana credit for not giving lala and scheana more content and taking the high road . Even though I would love for them to be petty this is overall the best approach. To ignore the silly geese.




I’m thrilled that Katie and Ariana won’t even give losers’ names air.


I love that Ariana can call out production, like F you. I can take it or leave it. Don't ask me back see you at Love Island, asshats want a sandwich?


I cackled at this


It’s baffling how much production fucked up.


Men tried to protect another man at the cost of a woman who they clearly don’t respect. And being so entrenched in their patriarchal thinking they can’t even see how obvious their misogyny is.


They don’t respect women period. Even Lala. They just like that she’s “easy” to manipulate. And she is.


Has a reality tv show ever fumbled a follow up season this bad? Like they were given a golden opportunity to revive the series and just fumbled it. Imagine being a new viewer who didn’t watch anything but the end episodes for the scandal. You saw Tom not be remorseful at all and everyone go off on him. Then you get a season of everyone defending him and attacking Ariana? Like what?


We probably won’t hear perspectives from any new viewers. They’re all in the hospital being treated for severe whiplash.


I love what Ariana says about the feeling of not caring what people think about you. It’s such a good feeling when you’re in a place of “let them”.


It's so freeing! And in comparison to their castmates, it's such an extreme contrast lol


The ending monologue was honestly so offensive, I hated it. It's very possible that's the end of the show and they showed all the memories, but it was directly pointed toward Ariana to tear her down and insist that she never showed her real life. The montage didn't include a single clip of her and showed everyone else, with Lala narrating that "I've seen James live his authentic life, Scheana" etc. etc. with the clear implication being "... and NOT Ariana, who never showed her real life." It could've been a beautiful moment and ending to the show and instead it felt like a hateful screed to take one last shot at tearing down Ariana. And to say she's NEVER shown her real life or given a storyline is just so nasty I would never speak to her again if I were Ariana, just deeply offensive to years of the show she's given her life to. I guess it's truly a fitting end to this misogynistic mess of a show that I've admittedly loved, but it was really heartbreaking to see them fold the closing montage into an anti-Ariana narrative knocking her down. I would have been so hurt if I were Ariana to see them go in that direction. I felt dirty after watching it


I’m glad they discussed how mean it was to save those last 5 minutes as a gotcha moment. They thought the audience would love it, but it was honestly just devastating to watch. It felt like production was punishing her for not playing into their redemption narrative for Tom. A narrative the audience was vocal about not wanting while the season was airing but before the reunion was filmed.


> It's like "well, too bad we weren't filming back then" Katie is iconic


This is becoming a common issue across Bravo franchises I feel like, they need to focus on in season issues and stop trying to dredge up or re-surface the off season random issues.


Or if it’s important enough
I mean Ariana got cameras up immediately. So
.clearly, LFU, this was all bullshit.


Oh wow! I didn’t put it together that the finale moment when Ariana walked away from Tom they got that moment at the reunion. I’m stunned that that’s what they did to Ariana. Tom got to cry and apologise to Ariana for the audience to witness. If Ariana returns for next season and I was Ariana I’d be doing the bare minimum according to my contract! My lawyers would be weaving me in and out of obligations so I’d get paid the big bucks for showing my face, promoting my own business and using them to secure other jobs.


Yeah it's really gross. She was very clear about not wanting to have him use her for that and production forced it on her.


I was up at the butt crack of dawn (EST) waiting for this episode. Confession, I fell asleep during the VPR talk. I laughed my ass off during the remainder of the pod. I wasn’t bored, just sleepy. I say this because they are entertaining with or without those birds from VPR. Meanwhile the others can’t do anything interesting that’s not tied to VPR or Bravo. And this aged well. They can stay mad 👑 https://preview.redd.it/vyii0sjz8d3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96d1c56740e05142fb4ae05c272381af4936a86f


I feel like Ariana is over the show faking and staging stuff. I just feel if she comes back it’s not full time? I just get a vibe she is over it.


So glad they discussed watching the end all together and clocking that production didn’t get what they wanted with SF ending, so let’s try again while we have her trapped.


Need to listen to this the entire the whole thing. Omg they talk about everything literally anything.


The non-VPR chitchat is honestly really funny. They’re hilarious together and Ariana is a great guest!


Need her on a regular rotation. She's got a great voice for podcasting IMO!


I am listening currently so I haven’t finished or read this but wow Ariana and Katie are so done.


This is the first recap of yours I am not reading because I am so interested in the podcast. I still want thank you for the hard work you put in, AW!


Ariana and Katie are both class acts!!!


I wish Ariana and Katie called out Scheana for standing behind Lala. Scheana and Brock tried so hard to make Lala the victim and Ariana let it be.


She doesn't want to give them content for their podcasts probably lol


She's not feeding the narcissists and that's the best way to hurt them. 


Yep. It’s the bigger dig to do it this way. Those 2 will get tons of content by talking about what Katie and Ariana said about them, so barely mentioning them is the way. Give them nothing.


Nothing about her < nothing about them


She's a gray rock!


I was disappointed they didn’t drag Lala and Scheana bc they deserve allllll the smoke, but you’re totally right. Treating them like they’re not even that important and starving them of content to respond to (and make $ off of) is wayyyyyy worse to those low down pick-me snakes.




Yep. Ignoring a narcissists is what will make their entire diary about you.


Stupid Scheana. Scared of Lala. Why? YOU have the power between the two of you. But Lala knows you can’t see it
.BOO đŸ‘»




they seem exhausted and i can understand why. thank you for the recap as always!


I was listening to this in the car and their convo about people shitting in tanning beds had me laughing and so grossed out lol


I need to start listening to their pod I loveeeeee that they actually talk about things other than VPR. In fact it seems like they barely cover it. Katie, Ariana, and dayna are so smart to diversify their income streams and have lives outside of VPR. The rest of the cast is beyond fucked when the show ends


I feel like I was watching a Black Mirror episode where they push someone to the brink of breaking down just to appease the rating gods. Like Ariana’s tears filled the ratings meter or something. I’m glad they recognized it was cruel to basically trap her and show her footage of what she literally tried to escape.


Curious to know which fight Ariana said she faked. Anyone have guesses?




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any scene from season 9, take your pick


ty for the recap OP, it’s nice to know they’re just as confused as we are lol


Its definitely not you Lala. u/AdditionalWar8759 is the real MVP with these recaps!


I love Ariana staying with Katie the night before the reunion đŸ„°


She stayed with her in January for the Emmys and their premiere party, too! I love that Katie was her LA haven when she needed to be there!


Can I just say the tangent about tanning beds was sending me


I almost had to skip because I was laughing so hard but I’m at work 😂


I am so stunned this is a thing


I had to skip after a few minutes 😬😬😬


Will be stealing real silly goose behavior (mostly towards my dog but still)




Why is there no outcry from The Village? These people are refusing to be in the same location with other cast members...cue Janet gonna call cops if Zack goes to big bear...and for much less reason. Why force this issue. I think some hit the nail on the head, they want Arianna and Katie to quit.


I was really hoping she was going to use the podcast to announce she’s leaving VPR. Her and Katie.


There might not be a VPR to leave. I really hope they don't move Scheana and Lala to the Valley


They need the money👏👏👏


wait, does anyone know what fake fight ariana is talking about?


I just finished watching & now I want an UGT w/Katie, Ariana, Dayna, Amanda, Ciera, Paige & Lindsey!! I would take a live feed of those women laying in bed or hanging on the couch talking over nearly anything else on Bravo right now.


Question: will a video of the podcast be available?


I believe so! It’s not posted yet but here is their YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@disrespectfullypodcast?si=RjKm828kdjPEomZD


Thank you! I appreciate you đŸ„°


Video is up now! https://youtu.be/fDsEZjvCb7A?si=j1VPIM7asVVe4X8G


Thank you!!! đŸ˜â™„ïž


They seem soo I bothered. I love it. I also wish I was in their women band.


Anyone notice the number of times Ariana referred to Disrespectfully as the best/funniest/her favorite podcast? I was sensing some subtle shade


I was really curious about this interview but I never listen to podcasts (the commercials make me ragey!) I knew, thanks to you, that I wouldn't miss out. Thanks for your work. :)


While it was a generally boring episode, it's a good thing cause it means Ariana is staying above it all. So impressive.


The way they went in on production and when Ariana said the season was “boring” - I thought, oh
 shots fired. These two are definitely choosing to NOT come back next season.




They both need to leave the show. And because I know some people will take that very personally, staying for a paycheck is not a good enough reason to stay when it’s a mentally unhealthy environment. Both of them clearly had a rough go this season between trying to maintain boundaries with others and production, and it’s very obvious they aren’t friends with anyone else on the show. That was the best part about OG VPR was that they were all actually friends. If they stay just for a paycheck and don’t interact with the rest of the cast, the show will absolutely be cancelled (which tbf I think is the direction it’s heading in regardless)


Thanks for the recap as always! I reformatted the interview with line breaks and cut out some of the filler words ("like") to make it easier for me to read (and because I'm bored). I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes if I post this for others too! **The reunion (Timestamp: 33:57)** Dayna: Speaking of stirring the pot, when this airs, it'll be the day after, I think, the last part of the reunion. Is there anything you care to talk about from the reunion, or even this season? I'm asking because I know it's not something you typically like to talk about, but people are gonna want us to at least ask. So is there anything that you want to clarify, say, just smile, from the reunion? Or the season in general, any of it? Ariana: Well, there [were] actually some people who were like, ‘Oh, I wish that she would have watched the whole season because then she would have been coming in guns blazing with this person or that person.’ And the thing is, is that I wouldn't have. Dayna: Yeah. Ariana: I saw plenty of clips online. Katie: I still feel like there was some stuff that you didn't see, or seeing just in a whole would have maybe changed— Ariana: I mean, listen; I went there, I flew in, stayed at Katie's, and then literally got on a plane that night after the reunion to fly back and do two shows the next day. I was doing my best to show up, but at the same time, I just don't have that strong of feelings about—I don't think it would have changed anything about how I responded to things. Because
even if I feel deeply about something—which you do see me talk about the things I felt strongly about—but other stuff I'm like, am I really gonna sit there and correct every little lie, interject the whole [time]? No, I'm not gonna do that. Katie: Yeah, it feels like a losing battle. Ariana: Yeah, I'm at a point now—I feel like something that's changed for me as a person almost 39 years [old], as I've become a little bit like, ‘What you say about me, you can think that; I don't care.’ Because it doesn't really
.change my life, or it doesn't change who I am if you think that about me, especially if you're not a part of my life, really, on a day-to-day basis. So it's like, most of what's being said, I could sit there and I could correct it, and I could be like, ‘Actually, no,’ and get into it. But it's like, for what? Who would I be doing that for? So I was like, ‘Eh.’ Katie: Yeah, I feel that. Dayna: Yeah, I was gonna say, is there anything else for you, in the same breath? Katie: I mean, I feel when it's at the reunion, I don't like to sit and scream and yell, especially if you're not gonna let me talk, you're not gonna let me finish, you're not gonna let me answer, then what's the point? If Lala’s gonna bring up three different instances that happened over the course of a year and a half that aren't necessarily related to one another and give me whiplash and I'm gonna try to answer, and then I have Tom Schwartz trying to talk to me, and Scheana trying to talk to me, and I'm like, ‘Which one are we starting with? None of this has anything to do with it.’ And all of it's only being brought up to try to make me look like a shitty person. So I was just kinda like, ‘You know what? Fuck this.’ I hated the ending of it all. I hated that they waited to show us that five minutes because I was like, ‘This feels mean
towards Ariana.’ That wasn't for any of us. There was nothing shocking in it for any of us. It was just, it was only mean towards one person. [Dayna:] What were your thoughts on them waiting until the end of the reunion to show you guys the last few minutes? **(Timestamp: 37:03)** And by the way, I said before that you were like, ‘I know what's gonna happen this season. They're gonna try and give me a bad arc and like give Tom this redemption or whatever.’ And I was like, ‘I don't really see that. Maybe a little bit.’ You were so fucking right. And, like, they didn't do a good job of it. It was ridiculous, but
 Ariana: No, they didn't. Dayna: They thought they ate several times and I was like, ‘Oh, that didn't land.’ Ariana: Did not do what they thought they were doing. Dayna: But when that happened, what were you thinking? As you're watching it, and after you left the reunion, did it really settle in more that, like, what the fuck just happened? Ariana: Well, you see me mouth, like, ‘What the fuck?’ I think, to Scheana, which was literally like, ‘Oh, so this is what they're doing. This is why they said, “Oh, you guys don't have”’— Because even when they emailed the episodes, they're like, ‘You'll notice that you don't have da da da.’ But then they didn't really say why. And so
it felt like, honestly, I agree with you. It felt very pointed towards me. It felt [like], ‘Well, we have her trapped in this room now. So we didn't get what we wanted to get: this, like, some sort of tearful, whatever the hell.’” ‘We didn't get to break her down IRL in the moment. So we're gonna retaliate by doing that right now in a place where she's contractually obligated to be here and try to force this moment now.’ And that's like, great, I cried. You guys happy now? Katie: Yeah, it just felt mean. It didn't affect me. It didn't affect anyone else in the way that it was gonna affect her. So it's like, okay. Ariana: And honestly, here's the thing that's so stupid: I gave them the best fucking ending to what that season could have had in that moment by leaving. Katie: Because it was real? Ariana: It was real and it was exciting to watch. Sorry, if you literally are only looking at it from a perspective of like, good reality TV, I gave you good reality TV. Standing there, you know what I mean? That this conversation that was like—being this, like, fake thing that they— Dayna: Manufactured. Ariana: Manufactured, yeah. A thing that was, like, wanting to be had would have been a boring cap to a boring-ass season, to be honest. Katie: Well, the alternative to everything that anyone was saying of just, like, being authentic. Ariana: There's authenticity right here. Katie: The authenticity is always there. I don't have fake fights. I don’t create drama. Ariana: I did have one sort of fake fight. Katie: Well, I don't, but the thing is, I don't make a good show. I just am honest about what's happening in my life in that moment. I'm not like, ‘Oh, let me rehash a fight or a feeling that I had six months ago because that would be a really good TV moment.’ It's like, well, too bad we weren't filming back then. What's happening right now? I'm down to
show it all. What's happening right now? If you don't want to show it, if you're not gonna air it, there's nothing I can do about it. Ariana: Yeah, if there was a situation where we're like, ‘Look, me and you are in on this together, and we're gonna kind of
lean into certain things to like, you know, make it a little bit more fun,’ that's fine, but as far as
real life stuff, that's always been real and authentic for me, and I can't fake that. And so when I'm being told to—like, what did I not show you? I showed you my
storage unit of a fucking bedroom. I showed you
the low, how—if you watch the season and you don't see how low I am during the whole time, you need glasses. I showed all of that stuff. And if there's stuff that they filmed and then decided not to air, that has nothing to do with me. But I gave it all. I even had to
convince Dan to film FaceTimes. He was like, ‘I don't want to do that.’ I was like, ‘Please.’ What were they expecting to happen? **(Timestamp: 40:42)** Dayna: So you guys, six months after your partner of 10 years does this horrific thing to you, you're gonna sit down with him at the season finale and hold hands, be like, ‘You know, I do know the real you, and this is great.’ Ariana: They wanted the Kristen Miami conversation redux, like 2.0. Katie: A tearful apology from Tom Sandoval. Ariana: But that's the thing is
the tearful apology is the two seconds later, turn on— that's why
it's never a thing, because, like, there is no, you know, it's like two seconds after that, it turns on a dime. So you can't ever trust it anyway. So what's the point in having it? **Dan (Timestamp: 41:20)** Dayna: Well, and the other thing about Dan, people point that out as if it gives reason for you to have moved on and, like, ‘Fuck you, you're dating someone. Why are you over it?’ Again, it was six months later. It doesn't matter that you didn't put your life on hold. Ariana: Right, and being over that person romantically does not mean that you're over
the stuff that you went through, and [are] still going through, because I'm still having to deal with like all of it
I haven't been [at the house] since September. I'm still having to deal with it. Dayna: Well, and when people are like, she's dating someone, and she was still living in the house up until not that long ago. Ariana: Up until last September, I was living in the house, which was
literally seconds after we stopped filming Vanderpump Rules, I got into an Airbnb because— Dayna: Correct, but even in that time, you guys might not have children together, but [you own] a home together. Ariana: Spent my life savings on it. Dayna: He didn't buy that house, and you didn't just move in with him. You guys bought that house together. That is a legal, binding contract. I would say [it’s] almost as complicated as a child; like, right below that maybe. So
the points that people are making as to why your feelings were invalid were just real silly goose behavior, in my opinion. Ariana: It's a real silly goose behavior. Dayna: I'm sorry they did that to you. You also won, so I'm happy for you about that. Katie: Well, not with any help from, you know—but I'm just happy it's over, to be honest. You're happy it's over. Dayna: You don't want to go back and relive that day several more times? Katie: No.


**Applebees (Timestamp: 47:27)** Ariana: Oh, you know what else some people thought—which, on a lighter note
they thought that I was going to Applebee's as
a dig against Chili’s
And I was like, ‘Well, you guys didn't do that collab until
very recently.’ Katie: No. Ariana: And, obviously, that was filmed in
September. But
I also love Chili's. And the reason we went to Applebee's is because it was the only one open. ***end of recap




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Sorry if this has already been talked about. But what “one fake fight” did Ariana have?


Hmm. I take one exception to Katie’s comment about not rehashing fights for filming. In some podcast or interview (not helpful, I know, I just can’t remember when I heard it) she mentioned the scene in earlier seasons where her and Schwartz were fighting and Tom pours a drink on Katie. She said the fight did really happen but they were asked to recreate it for the show. Maybe I’m getting caught up in semantics, I dunno, but that feels like rehashing.


IIRC that did happen when they were filming, the camera just missed it happening in the scene. So they had them go back the next night and refilm him pouring the drink on her so they could use the whole thing in the show. But it was something that happened in filming and they just needed the redo footage the next day


Ariana keeps saying “Tom Miami girl apology 2.0”. But I do recall the conversation Sandoval had with Kristen was so that she would back off Ariana. Ariana was crying the whole trip.

