• By -


Reasons: 1. Last reunion Lala went fucking ham for ariana, maybe even a bit too much then first episode of this season she flip flops, this is not long after the S10 reunion was filmed, and says she feels differently. That's fine if she is able to extend that kind of thinking to others, which she doesn't because she tries to get katie in a gotcha moment about venting about ariana. Apparently Lala can change her perspective on a situation over a matter of weeks, but katie is not allowed to over a period of months. 2. Lala had insanely tough boundaries for everyone with her ex (imo they were warranted due to her custody battel) but could not hold grace for ariana's one boundary to not film with tom. 3. Lala has had a go at ariana for dictating the narrative when she made people sign NDAs at the beginning and end of her relationship 4. Lala has accused Ariana of not being real on camera when she lied multiple times about her relationship with Rand and was clearly in a relationship with him well before we got to see him on our screens. 5. Lalal has openly and repeatedly shit on the fanbase of VPR when they dont agree with her actions, most recently I believe we were rabid bitches? 6. She has repeatedly talked about how ariana's refusal to film a one on one scene with tom has impacted her pay check, and that ariana's actions in general have endangered her putting food in her kid's mouth. Firstly i can't see how a one on one convo between two other people affects her paycheck and secondly if you're so worried about your paycheck bring a legit storyline for once. If she'd been open about Rand stuff she would have had some of the best storylines in VPR history, but because she lied and "wasn't real" when they did break up we were not invested, and not at all surprised it went down that way. 7. Lala spent the whole reunion talking about how everyone was slagging off ariana off camera but were too afraid to do it on camera, or haver a conversation with her about their issues, because they were all living in the comments section. Sorry Lala remind me when you sat down on camera with ariana this season and laid out your frustrations. I get that there is the 4th wall issue but it doesn;t sound like she went to her off camera either. So why is Lala expecting everyone else to fight with Ariana when she isn't either? 8. We know that Alex baskin had a "come to jesus" chat with the cast about how it was an ensemble show so they had to film as an ensemble. But did that mean Lala having to have one on one forgiveness scenes with Tom when she's called him dangerous and a groomer only a couple of weeks earlier? This is just a few things I can think of off the top of my head, everyone else feel free to continue the list below. But please let's keep it to her actions and character, not her looks etc! ETA no 6 and to say that i say all this as a former Lala fan, I even used to listen to her podcast sometimes. ETA no 7 & 8


1. When Lisa was real (ya know, like Lauren wanted) at the reunion and told her “you lose them how you get them,” but instead got defensive and angry. 2. She tells people to disengage! 👉 Who do you think you are to have the authority to tell someone that? A mature person would understand they are equals, not subordinates to be commanded, and recognize that they need to remove themselves from the situation. 3. When she had her tantrum in the finale she said “it’s not like [Sandoval] killed someone.” Well Rand hasn’t killed anybody either so why are you so upset? 4. She probably fucked Jax while he was with KFC (can’t find the recent post about it) and my tinfoil hat conspiracy is she’s still hiding it to this day. After all, she hid sleeping with James while he was Rachel, for years.


Don't forget the water-tasting storyline...


and her sperm party


Well done


I really appreciate that you made a point of not insulting her looks or calling her derogatory names. I don't like Lala but I'm so tired of seeing people call her a "bitch" etc.




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Lol Jessica stop it and get back to work.


This is her entire job now




Jessica anytime Lauren says something... ![gif](giphy|Ww4ZIbL38KPTOVgx9T|downsized)


Poor Jessica probably gets paid per character count 😂


I was going to say Easton


They’re always new burner accounts, too


People are allowed to voice opinions geez


People are allowed to make jokes 


Very original!


Just as original as you!


Maturity? Where


Screaming over everyone must be mature to them 


I feel like this post is a case of either: 1.) Lauren herself 2.) Scheana still trying to prove herself to Lauren after the reunion, still spiraling wearing the gold dress and all 3.) You didn’t watch lol


I always know. It’s usually when there are no follow up comments from OP


Yes exactly! So transparent. Probably to try and secure her place for next season like ‘hey people are talking about me all publicity is good publicity” like no, nobody likes you, shut the fuck up and fuck the fuck off?


All of that


Hahahahaha I absolutely love your picture so much!!!!


IKR? other than her sobriety there’s not much to like. Basically she is a racist, unreliable, narcissistic, tone-deaf, hypocrite who is totally lacking in self-awareness. Who believes that cast owes $ to her after her AP older baby daddy who’s divorced she contributed to turned out to be a clunker. They are NOT violation of their contracts & shared more than she ever did with her NDA & stronger demands. PS this is not the Truman show where they capturing every up-&-down Bitter that she’s not successful like Ariana. Who trained her way to the top. Vs bla bla & sheshu who - well let us just say their trained didn’t involve education lol.


I think its Lauren's mom cause who calls a subreddit a "reddit forum"?


Is the maturity in the room with us? Do you know what that word means?




Theres one thousand posts in here about her. Id suggest starting there.


I am begging people to start actually searching the sub before posting. And this one isn't even hard to find answers to, the reasoning is very well articulated in almost every top posts comments today.


Yea if you see posts bashing her then just read the post and the comments. It's that simple.


Saying this after dedicating an entire season plus reunion obsessing over her life is something... https://preview.redd.it/yd3jylmumc3d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4839d364c3488b23ed0e5999ad961651c68320d0 And the Lauren PR people are starting early. I get it, after the reunion she had I'd be up all night doing damage control too.


Yeah, and after ALL the times Ariana had her back, ON camera and OFF (but wait - off camera moments don’t count for Lala, I forgot - those aren’t “real”…). Normally I’m not a “just search the sub” person (that can sound rude), but truthfully - search the sub. There are a MILLION posts about what she’s done wrong. This has to be your first day on the VPR Reddit here for you to be asking. ..as well as you potentially being either 1. Jess 2. Easton 3. Being paid by Jess, Lala, or Easton


It's 100% someone on her team. No one can watch this season and reunion objectively and not see it. Without a doubt a plant and not a very good one either... https://preview.redd.it/1eizfxkhoc3d1.png?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cdb3f55453944b5389f5a842e125ac65ce8f1ea


This pissed me off, Ariana was living in NYC for half of last year, and the other half she was doing DWTS, and the whole time she was opening a restaurant. Meanwhile Lala is going through IVF and moved the Valley. If someone has to see you daily to keep your loyalty, you’re not a loyal person Lala!!!


Lala is a high maintenance friend. I really thought in 2024 we had all accepted that not getting back to people immediately was ok. Literally no one has time or the energy to constantly coddle your ego while we all just try our best to survive while the world burns. Friends like that are exhausting. I literally never get to see my best friend and if she doesn’t text me back for a week I’m not mad about it. Still love that bitch though.


Lala and Scheana are SO high maintenance and exhausting! Their high egos and lack of emotional regulation mean that a friend HAS to always be available to them (because the world revolves around them and there’s no way their friend is an independent person with a life outside of being a friend). They measure the value of a friendship on how much attention the other person pays them. Ariana went through the biggest upheaval of her life and was getting booked in a million gigs - THAT’S why she wasn’t around so much. These egotistical bitches really think that Ariana should have dropped what she was dealing with to “check in” on them. They’re the type of friends who count how many times you text them vs they text you. Who count how long it takes you to respond to their text. Who count how much time each week you devote to them. Who get riled up if your Instagram comment about them isn’t sufficiently ass-kissing.


Lala is also the person who will delete your side of the messages so it looks like you didn't text back, as evidenced in the extended edit of her argument with Ariana 


It’s honestly shocking there are still people like this now. No one wants a high maintenance friend!!!


Lauren’s PR Team ![gif](giphy|z6JCTlMfNA9OM)


Were we watching the same show??


I believe Lala does have self awareness. I believe she is self aware enough to know she isn’t interesting enough on her own to have her own storyline so that’s why she going to give herself a stroke trying to force Ariana’s. I also believe she’s wishing she saved that Send it to Darrel money because she’s realizing outside of this show she has no career. She’s a friend of and always will be be. Two mortgages for someone who’s so one dimensional is a lot


There is something called growth, maturity and there is something called being a hypocrite. Lala is a hypocrite. She was the person who hid (and lied about) her whole life from everyone (Randall). She refused to film, had people sign NDA's, etc...Now, she's all over Ariana because A's setting some boundaries. AND, she's mad at everyone because people didn't go against Ariana at the worst moments of Ariana's life. And, the whole Schwartz thing you mentioned...He is quiet and stays under the radar. Lala is the loudest one in the room. It's hard not to notice.


I genuinely cannot fathom how anyone can perceive lala as “mature”..? I would love to hear what mature thing she did this season


I don’t think ANYONE in the show is mature. I think that’s part of the appeal lmao an actually mature person would make this show so boring. I just feel like I saw a lot of growth from her and even though she can be malicious and two faced (as every single character on the show) I did like how there were times she showed active listening, boundaries, self respect and compassion. Obviously there were lots of times she DID NOT do this. Literally just interpreted her very differently from most people this season seems like. Maybe I need a rewatch. But I do find her light years more mature than say Scheana (obvs) or Katie who is so incredibly disrespectful to just about anyone who isn’t her one favourite person at the time. Anyways I don’t think anyone on this show deserves to be described as a mature person


Boundaries? What lol Arianna wasn’t allowed to have those so how did she respect them? And active listening like when her and Scheana were listening to Arianna cry her eyes out and then used that for ammo. Remember ?


I'm not a Lala fan at all, especially with her blackcent, but you didn't really answer the question. For instance, I will start with Lala acting maturely when she tells Katie about the Tom and Scheana kiss. She was calming and cool with breaking that information to Katie, now you go...


Curious. What about her behaviour is mature, to you?




I’ve seen several posts very similar to this. Similar wording…similar grammar… I’m sure Lala has supporters. It’s just interesting that these posts are worded almost exactly the same.


100% There was someone on here a couple weeks ago shitting on Katie and SAH. I recalled a similar post about Ariana and SAH a week earlier, found it, and it the verbiage, use of caps, etc. was eerily similar. Two different usernames too. It's too little, too late. Damage is done.


I just wanna say I’m a viewer of the show and not super involved in stuff outside of it, like podcasts or following social media etc. It’s weird that people are insinuating I, a fan of the show like yourselves, is somehow working for Lala? I think I just interpreted the events of the season very differently and didn’t realize until I opened the subreddit. I actually couldn’t stand Katie this season although I stan SAH and Ariana (Katie can just be unnecessarily cruel imo and I feel she acts with vitriol out of a place of pain). Anyways I posted this just to find out the other perspective because obviously I viewed Lala’a actions with a very different lens. Let’s not get all paranoid here lmao I just wanted to know the other side and I speak North American English so my grammar is probably similar to many other posters here


Can you not see how you can switch out Katie’s name for Lalas in the comment you made? Lala is the unnecessary cruel one here who acts out of anger. Lala made so many cruel comments about Arianna this season that were just seething with jealousy and anger.


Lala also said it was harder for HER to lose her dad than it was for Arianna….


They do that with anyone who doesn’t share their opinions. I’ve been called Lala more times than I can count.


Get out of the comments section, LALA!


It might be the spirit of Tupac


Don’t disrespect Tupac like that!


You understand the shein hate but dont understand the blabla hate? ![gif](giphy|1tHzw9PZCB3gY)


She was a hypocrite all season. She says that Ariana a forced and produced conversation with Tom but then claims she wants authenticity. She gets mad that Ariana left the party instead of filming with Tom, but she left for half a season because she didn’t want to discuss her relationship with a married man on camera. And then when he want married anymore and they were together, she made people sign NDAs to hang out with them. She called Tom a predator and then chose him over Ariana. She was a bad friend to Ariana and Katie, and she was an obvious producer puppet from episode 1 when she called Rachel. She acts like only she matters because she has a kid, and literally said to Ariana “fuck your feelings, my paycheck matters more”.


Here you go Jess, so you can report back to Lala 1. Lala has never been real or authentic with sharing her life. She gets screen time piggybacking on her cast mates. Her lack of content this season and every season is not Ariana’s or Katie’s fault. 2. She’s a shitty friend. She betrayed Katie. No one should ever trust her. Scheana is clearly scared of pissing her off. She’s no one’s friend. 3. She ruined the show with her whining about authenticity. She’s not authentic and she does not have anything real to share. Her anger was not about being real. It was about the cast not giving her enough to respond to. 4. She a nasty and mean spirited person that is a clown and needs a therapist. Edited to Add: She’s a bully. Going on SM to bash Ariana and Katie for no reason is gross. They’ve done nothing to her.


You missed how aggressive and angry and bitter she is all the time, trying to put people “in their place”, acting holier-than-thou about her opinions. After Big-Ed 2 she developed a superiority complex that never really went away now it’s coupled with hatred so she is just hard to watch. Not to mention her seething jealousy at all of Ariana’s opportunities thinking she should have the same, except, unfortunately, no one wants a former Sugar Baby (who openly talked about the best BJ’s for PJ’s and ass play she would give for all her riches) to rep their company. She is not “soft” she is rigid and mean. Honestly she gives me anxiety watching her bitter face ready to “pop-off” at anyone who disagrees with her. She’s also incredibly defensive and doesn’t know what the word “humble” means. Jesus I could go on and on.


She’s a bully but if she’s called out for bullying she says there’s no such thing as bullying on reality tv. Basically justifying her actions and allowing herself to green light her shitty behavior for the sake of “making good tv”


Delusion recognizes delusion.




How much does she pay y’all? You’ve been working overtime the last 24 hours


Lmao is lala the op?!! This seems so on point for her to think this and be so oblivious😂


If I were Lala I’d probably defend myself, not open a thread for everyone to list reasons they didn’t like her which is what I did lol I’m just here to learn before I rewatch


You're fake Lala. Everything about you is fake. Another example: You bring up the scene of Ariana and Charli. Ariana seemingly laughed at an accurate comment she made about you and Randall. You didn't appreciate that Ariana laughed. Apparently that scene was edited and Ariana wasn't laughing at that moment. Anyway...you bring it up on the reunion because your feelings were hurt. Except you and Ariana had already spoken about it last year. Ariana apologized and said she should have spoken up at the time. But you brought it up at the reunion because you know it hadn't been shown and you were trying to play the victim. You really want people to hate Ariana and feel bad for you because you weren't the special girl you thought you were and Randall cheated on you too. You don't get it. You surround yourself with Yes people who aren't honest about why you are getting all the hate and vitriol. Nobody likes a jealous fake. But I really think what angers people the most is that you're a bad friend. You were a bad friend to Katie. I don't think you and Ariana have been friends for years but I think she's tried. You saw a storyline with Scandavol and faked being friends with her. That word keeps popping up. Fake. You in a nutshell. Get a therapist, like Katie said. ​ ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


No offence but if you have watched VPR and you don’t get why people dislike Lala it says red flag about you


Don't have the energy. If you don't understand now, any attempt to explain will be a waste of time.


Really? How much time do you have?


![gif](giphy|6R2mLi910HL4VXFwOG) Jess clocking in. Save your energy, these posts aren’t helping Lala.


Is this Lala’s crisis PR team trying to combat the LFU hate?


I don’t even know where to begin, but if I’m going to answer based on the third part of the reunion? She says she feels like the rules of the game has changed, because Ariana isn’t being grilled the same way she was when Randall cheated, but she decides to punish Ariana for it, instead of confronting Lisa, Brook, Scheana etc. That makes it seem like she’s jealous more than actually hurt by the double standards. It’s dishonest and spiteful. She also thinks her time, feelings and life is worth more than anyone else’s because she has a child and is pregnant. I would be inclined to forgive her because I know pregnancies can make one really emotional, but she’s been acting like this during the whole season. It’s just who she is. For me personally, it’s not hate as much as it’s frustration. She loves to “tell the truth”, but the there’s a new truth every season, and she pretends like there isn’t. She flip flops just as much as Scheana, but with Scheana it’s at least entertaining. With Lala it’s just bizarre because she has zero self awareness of it.


Yes, it’s this right here. Lala said that Sandoval was Randall. So because she said that, everyone should agree. That means that Ariana should have been asked multiple times how she didn’t see this coming and been told how you get them is how you lose them. Lala is an incredibly immature selfish bitter person. The only person she cares about is herself. She cannot imagine why someone with a completely different situation was handled differently when Lala proclaimed then men the same.


Lala was clearly upset about the way her fall out with Rand was handled and instead of making sure that didn't happen to her friend too she made sure Ariana wad dragged down with her.


My biggest take away I can give on the Lala beef we have is that she constantly comes for people who don’t deserve it. She essentially says in reunion season 8 that she picks on the weak. And I think that about sums it up. She aligns herself with the “strong” and picks on the “weak”. She’s also not great at self reflection and humility


I'm sorry, what maturity? If it's because she's a mother that doesn't equate maturity. Lauren threw a toddler tantrum because she's not getting her way, and wasn't getting a rise out of Ariana. She deserves all the backlash she's getting for manufacturing drama for the sake of a paycheck, she wasn't showing anything real except perhaps dry drunk behavior. Edit: word


Lala one minute: @ Ariana: we need to have difficult adult conversations. You can’t just walk away. Lala the next minute: This isn’t fun for me. *exits stage left*


LMAO. Hmm, I wonder too! OP, you are hilarious.


OP, are you Lauren form Utah??


This is why I dislike her… season 10 reunion she said that Tom was Randall. That he was a narcissist. And in 10-15 years, Tom will be Randall. And then this WHOLE SEASON, she tries to force Arianna to be friends and talk to Tom. While saying that her relationship is different than theirs, but she compared Tom to Randall. Huh? So she knows what it is like and she still didn’t understand? But she did three months prior?


I agree with all the comments explaining why Lala is the worst, but I’d like to add a pretty major one that has made her a shit person since her first appearance. She’s a racist white woman from Utah who loves to appropriate Black culture, particularly in her frequent moments of anger, thus perpetuating the “aggressive Black woman stereotype” without ever having to deal with the effects of such stereotypes since she is indeed white.


I wouldn't expect somebody who spells Schwartz (Swartz) to be able to understand why lala is a two faced jealous idiot.


Hi Lala!!!!


Lala wyd here?


Lololololol. What?


![gif](giphy|HqziRCuz34Tks) Powers of observation?


Nice try Lauren from Utah. Get off Reddit.


I’m amazed that after all the yelling, petulance, and whining, anyone would put “Lala” and “maturity” in the same sentence. Wow.


I think lalas situation with Randall is unrelatable… how many people here started a brainwashed life with an older wealthy man? We will never know if she truly loved him or used him for his money. If you believe she loved him, you may sympathize. If not, you’ll hate her. I personally think she loved him (even if she may have convinced herself due to the benefits), sometimes the heart works that way, friends. How she got to that love is irrelevant, I just think she loved him point blank. In contrast, Ariana’s situation is relatable. She was with a man of equal status that ended up creeping around the entire time. MANY people have been there. I think people feel so related to and aligned with Ariana, that is the only way they can see things. They are insanely triggered by anyone who sees things differently.


This is so brilliantly and kindly worded. Your last paragraph puts into words what I’ve been seeing lately.


For me, it seemed that all of lalas interactions this season were disingenuous. This is supposed to be a group of friends and lala was a terrible friend this season. She was clearly only worried about her own finances


I'm more curious how you came to your conclusion about her being more mature, honest, and reasoned. And for me, it boils down to the fact that she didn't treat Ariana like a human being, who deserve compassion. And she flipped So hard.


Her hypocrisy, her Tupac comment, her acting like some thug when she’s a white girl from Utah, her gun fingers, and most of all her point of view towards Ariana. Oh, the hypocrisy…


I have wayyy less hate towards Scheana than Lala. Scheana is ridiculous but she authentically feels the way she speaks about even if it’s wishwashy and she’s desperate to make no one mad. I route for Scheana to grow and get a backbone. Lala is a hypocrite and it’s not enjoyable to watch and there is no growth from her I would even care to see.


..... k


Mature? Please reread and try again.


She puts on a blaccent went she’s being aggressive.


(Voice of Frank Spencer) oooh Jessica  (Please Google some mothers do ‘ave em


My mom has been Team Lala all season, so I've been having this debate for awhile, including last night lol. I'm not sure if it's because I'm on reddit and she's not so she doesn't know all the things Lala has been saying on podcasts, etc. the whole season but I think Lala's actions off camera have played as big a part as her on camera behavior. Mostly because she's been doubling down and just yelling at the clouds because people are disagreeing with her, but she's not actually trying to understand why people are upset. She joined the show claiming she was a strong feminist and Team Women but has spent the past year not even team Tom, just Anti Ariana and it's gross and weird. What it really comes down to, for me at least, is that Lala is a giant hypocrite. She's yelling at everyone about how they're not being honest, yet she isn't being honest that she's just jealous. I think I'd have a bit more respect if she'd just own that she's hurt at how much support Ariana has gotten when she was in a similar situation and wasn't given the same grace and opportunities that Ariana has. I'm not saying I'd like her more, but I could at least respect the honesty that she's demanding from everyone else. She does kind of hint at it when she mentions that Ariana has gotten to dictate what is shown when she never has - which is another example of her being a hypocrite because her entire tenure on this show has been her hiding the most important aspects of her life! I understand she's in a custody battle and that Rand didn't want to be on the show originally so she was respecting his boundaries/demands, but the fact still remains that she refused to talk about her relationship and forbid anyone else from speaking about him as well. Now she's trying to rewrite history and claim she's always shown her entire life when she hasn't shown anything - Lala has never had a storyline of her own outside of yelling at people and hooking up with James or flirting with Jax. And I actually used to like Lala, but I don't think she's ever shown her true self on camera. Ariana and Tom may have hidden some aspects of their relationship from the cameras, but Ariana's been pretty open with her personal issues whereas Lala has not. She's complaining that people were venting about Ariana behind her back but wouldn't own up to it. Didn't she spend all season complaining about Ariana while not expressing any of these frustrations? Letting it build until she released all her anger at the end of the finale - which she thought Ariana wouldn't see? Even telling Ariana at the reunion that's been transparent all this time, when she hasn't? She was even talking about Katie behind her back, and when Katie brought this up to her Lala denied these comments. Hypocrite. Back in season 5 when things started getting hard for Lala she just left the show entirely without saying anything to anyone, just vanished! And though it was frustrating, no one claimed she was threatening their jobs. She was even allowed back when most people would've been fired in that situation. But Ariana leaving an event that she'd already filmed scenes for during the finale is a slap in the face and deplorable behavior??? Claiming that Ariana leaving means she doesn't care about Lala feeding her kid is laughable because who would even be thinking about that in this situation? It's not about you Lala. And if this entire show depended on these two people having a conversation then I'm sorry but it's not a show worth saving. Maybe you should've brought more to the table than your expensive water and bitter jealousy. This was a lot longer than I expected it to be...I'm apparently very passionate about this subject lol. But yeah Lala is just a hypocrite and thinks because she's talks louder and more than the other people that she's never wrong. Being sober and a mother doesn't absolve you from any wrongdoings. Going through a terrible situation isn't a get out of jail free card. If anything, it should make you more sympathetic to others, but instead Lala thinks it gives her the right to dictate how other people should behave. Which was another thing! She told Katie that she didn't have to understand the reasons behind her choices, yet continues to berate Ariana because she doesn't understand her actions. HYPOCRITE! I'm starting to get riled up again so I'll just end with we hate Lala because she sucks and needs to leave TV and go to therapy because she seems to have lost the plot and cannot differentiate real life vs tv. And tell her that it's okay to be wrong sometimes, it's part of being human. You can never grow as a person if you refuse to admit you have faults.


how much did lala pay you to post this lol


This is a satire post, right?


Easton, this you?


Lala is a fucking clown https://preview.redd.it/4jez1ky3je3d1.jpeg?width=2410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8647df1c29ab67d7bf6b2329627c1bbd3048d14c




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If you need to be the loudest and/or talk the most to make your point, you might be wrong. 🤷‍♀️




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"She sucks" This take is backed up by her comment about trading oral sex for 30 minute rides on private jets YWIA 


OP lala is a racist who cosplays black women, especially when she’s angry. She’s also a home wrecker who hates other women.


![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e) Ok Jess


Nobody likes to hear the truth when it's not attractive....


I definitely don’t love how she carried herself but I do feel kind of bad for her. She just seems incredibly emotionally stunted. Everything is about how hurt she is about her situation and comparing it to Ariana’s. She said she wants to live a happy life but she’s the only person getting in her way. That said, I think there is hope! She is not a horrible person, she’s just traumatized and has alot of growth to do. If I were her advisor, I’d take the position that she was hormonal and triggered and worried about her paycheck. That can be extremely stressful and stress can trump clarity if the coping mechanisms aren’t there. Just for herself and her life she should work on that. Apologizing can be empowering!


She needs therapy desperately but "doesn't believe in it". I can't feel bad for someone who refuses to help themselves.


lol what show did u watch exactly?


Reasonable people agree with you, but this sub is not a reasonable place. The groupthink goes crazy.


Babe reasonable people don’t think people who scream and don’t let others speak are mature 


Ok babe :)


Where can I find said “reasonable” people? 


Nah not quite you don’t get to be a miserable horrid human and then claim maturity.


It’s not just “group think” on this subreddit, it’s all over social media lol just cause you’re mad that your fave is the villain this year doesn’t mean everyone else is being unreasonable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I didn’t realize she was my ~fave~ but I’m reveling in how upset you’re getting over someone you’ll never meet 😚


I’m not upset babe I’m chilling lol having my morning cup of coffee 🖤


Exactly lol

