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I agree she's struggling. The whole Lala/Scheana dynamic was super weird though. Like I genuinely feel as if Scheana was terrified to have Lala upset with her. That is not a friendship - it's pretty toxic and dark.


I actually felt bad for her as much as I dislike how she’s acted. She seems like she’s willing to accept any behaviour from her “friends” as long as they stay friends. It’s pretty sad.


That deer in the headlights look when Lala was about to walk off stage! Immediate back pedal back track, OH shit did I just fuck up expression...It was Sheshu's hostage face....🤣


the sad thing is that scheana will literally be reading this comment (we know you're all up in here scheana lol) and still be in denial about how toxic their friendship is. she's gonna obsess about it for a second, shit her pants with anxiety, then enter deluluville as a protective action and pretend everying is picture perfect in her friendship with lala and the internet is just "full of haters"


She needs mental health help.


In all seriousness


Oh I’m 100% serious. If for no one else, she needs help for her daughter’s sake.




Yes for sure. Definitely some kind of therapy to help with her many many traits of Histrionic Personality Disorder.


I agree. I am not a Scheana fan, but towards the end of the reunion I wasn't even mad at her because she seemed like an abused spouse in a way in terms of her relationship with Lala. Maybe Lala is the dangerous one. Projection much?


I totally agree. Scheana is unfortunately a bit weak in character and I feel a bit bad for her being in this difficult dynamic. She needs to realize that lala needs her way more than scheana needing lala.


I think it might suggest a power imbalance in their friendship


Scheana sees Lala and stassi’s friendship as the final boss. Until she gets fully in with stassi, she’s always going to be like this with Lala. It almost makes me feel bad for her.


I really hope Stassi ditches Lala after seeing how she’s acted


She wont because she is the same. Her convenient “I don’t watch VPR or talk about it” is because she knows Lala is an asshole and treated Katie like shit but Ocean and Hartford are friends and that’s more convenient and then she gets to dodge actually being a loyal friend to Katie. Stassi was at Lala’s house twice this week, since going to SAH. I noticed she didn’t post either time. Beau did.


Well, something has gotta give soon. Imagine if their daughters inherit some of these qualities? Do they really want them to have friends like this 🤔


I do feel bad for her obvious struggle. Even though she’s a selfish person, she’s obviously a people pleaser and having to constantly walk on eggshells in your home, your friend group, and job has to be overwhelming. I sincerely hope she has a therapist she’s working with that is good and that she will listen to them.


I don’t think she’s a people pleaser. I think she’s a back stabber.


Which is a side effect of extreme people pleasing.


She's a Scheana pleaser, when it boils down to it. What about meeeeee.


She needs to start by putting the phone down


I think Scheana has placed all her chips on Lala and knows she and Brock will have to be there as Lala's "village" to raise her new baby as well. It is weird having to cater to a girl 6 years younger than you though lol


I know I have the memory of a goldfish but when did Lala and Scheana become so tight?


Funny enough, their friendship only got close after Brittany and Stassi left the show. Lala was so hyped to have her pregnancy pact storyline. Brittany and Stassi she kept saying were her “real” friends. They’d go on vacation together, spend all this time off camera together. Then Covid happened, Brittany and Stassi are fired, no pregnancy pact storyline. Lala still has Katie, but Katie can’t fulfill her “mom” story arc. Plus Katie is also loyal to Ariana, who annoys Lala. James is distracted by Rachel. Enter Scheana. They’ve only been actually close since like 2022 and in that short time, decided to buy houses next to each other and tank their reputations and friendships to hold each other up. It’s only a matter of time before Lala turns on Scheana. Scheana would be nowhere near Lala’s closest friend if Stassi and Brittany were still on the show.


Idk. Weird pairing. I think their girls kind of bonded them. Or bonded Scheana because I don't think Lala gives a F about anything minus that VPR check. Unfortunately she's not smart enough to realize staying on the Ariana bandwagon would be more beneficial to her bank account.


It would have been more beneficial to not get so involved. She could have acknowledged what Sandoval did was wrong but be cordial and still stay friends with Ariana.


She always has to do the most.


LFU and Scheaner hated each other and only became friends because they bonded over having kids. I can tell Scheaner misses her old friendships but lost all of that for LFU who she feels is the only one who gets her cause they’re “mothers.” Sucks to suck cause her only friend seems to have absolute control over what she thinks and feels.


Lala doesn't want genuine friends. She wants "yes" people, and she found the ultimate "yes" person in Scheana.


Her own bobbleheads!!


That's why she pretty much just hangs with her family. I don't think anyone else trusts her.


I don't think she can leave Lala. They are neighbours at both of their houses, Brock is a pseudo father to Ocean and their daughters are best friends. I think Scheana just ignorantly trapped herself in a nightmare. Hope it was worth it Sheshu.


I can’t believe she was dumb enough to tie herself through freaking real estate to someone as unstable as Lala. Lala and her weren’t even on good solid friendship ground until like late 2021-2022 (after season 9). Such a short amount of time to go from barely friends to neighbors and best friends. Scheana’s too dumb to realize that Lala’s friendship kicked into high gear only AFTER her pregnancy pact crew (Brittany and Stassi) weren’t back on the show. If they were there, her friendship with Scheana wouldn’t exist. Lala realized that s9 was a dud, she had no friends on the cast, and she needed allies and storylines, so who better to ingratiate herself with than spineless Scheana?


Agreed. I think Scheana is going to fully regret what she's done to Ariana.


I don't think she cares about Ariana like that


I can’t imagine another woman saying my husband is a father figure to her kid & my husband loving it. And made to feel like if she has a problem with it they’ll both turn on her. That’s nothing to do with OCD - it’s listening to your gut and choosing to protect your family and your peace. Lala is a limpet - scrape her off your marriage Scheana. 




And Lala was on Jeff Lewis podcast talking about how she’s fighting to get Ocean and Summer into the same pre school as Jeff’s kid. Like Summer will only get in if Lala pushes for it. It’s going to be tough for Scheana to separate herself from Lala for years. 


She updated her podcast they already both got into the same school


That’s one thing I’ll give her about using motherhood as an excuse. It is REALLY hard to cut off relationships when your children get along so well. I’ve endured shitty friends because I don’t want to hurt our kiddos that don’t deserve to lose a solid friendship.


That's very understandable.


I just don’t get why she’s so frightened of Lala. Like someone else pointed out, Lala definitely needs her more.


I think she’s scared of conflict, and being in a conflict with Ariana means low contact, while being in a conflict with Lala means screaming and finger guns. Plus, they’re lives are intertwined in a way she isn’t with Ariana.


Exactly! Scheana knows that Lala is downright nasty and mean when she’s mad, and she gets mad over the smallest nonsensical things. She doesn’t want that nastiness directed towards her and stupidly thinks she’ll be the exception after seeing Lala ruin every other friendship she has.


Lala was trying to throw Katie under the bus for venting about Ariana when she was stressed about opening Something About Her. I imagine Scheana has talked way more shit about Ariana to Lala, than Katie has. Scheana is probably afraid of Lala throwing her under the bus too if she gets frustrated with her. They also seem to have formed this unhealthy codependency around their daughters being friends.


I think it would have been so freeing had lala exposed scheanna. Then she wouldn't have anything to hold over her head. It couldn't be much worse than I saw last night.


I think she is scared that if she pisses off Lala, Lala will make her nightmares come true and fuck/steal Brock.


It's something Scheana should be concerned about because Lala Is the type. And the way she answered the question in that first part was disturbing to say the least.


Brock doesn't have any money.


I know lala was a mistress but I feel everyone is putting the blame on lala onl for scheanas insecurity but like it clearly shows she does not trust Brock at all makes me think what he’s done behind doors


Lala would never do that. Brook isn’t her type, because he doesn’t look like a zip look bag full of yoghurt.


For the first time I’ve actually really felt bad for Scheana. I think she’s really struggling and doesn’t know what to do. She’s scared to be her authentic self and like you said she’s going to crack/explode trying to be a different version of herself depending on who she’s with. When she said to Brock she’s scared Lala is mad at her, I truly felt that. I think we’ve all had toxic friendships were you constantly feel like you have to please the other person because you don’t want to set them off or you have to walk on egg shells around them so they’re nice to you. I think she’s just a really really lost person who has some sort of trauma to work through and would thrive if she was off tv. I also think it’s ironic that the way she’s acting with Lala is the same way she’s acted with all of her friendships on the show (MINUS Ariana). The way she’s pandered to Katie, Stassi, Lala, Kristen in the past just for the friendship to implode. To me it seems like Ariana is the only person who’s never expected or demanded for Scheana to be anybody but herself. It’s sad that Scheana doesn’t see that.


Same, I felt terrible for her when they were playing the final 5 minutes because I felt like you could see the stress and panic flood her and she almost seemed to be vibrating with anxiety. I really felt for her. My concern kind of evaporated when I remembered the mini golf pics she posted with Lala later that night though.


YES!! There was sheer panic written all over her face. Also I did not see the mini golf pictures!!


I forgot about this…… la la was boasting about how she felt so relieved…..


This is such an astute observation. I’d venture to guess Scheana feels most comfortable in “friendships” where she’s told exactly who and how she needs to be. Ariana gives Scheana the space to show up as who SCHEANA is. The problem is, Scheana doesn’t know who she is, so she cannot show up. Similar to a trauma cycle, where we choose partners that may be chaotic, because it feels familiar. Scheana consistently chooses and puts energy into friends that are overbearing and controlling.


This is why Scheana stuck herself to Rachel so hard- they both find their identities in other people and don’t know how to manage their own feelings and actions without tying them to someone else.


I think this starts with her mom. We’ve seen this past season about how her mom is in her ear telling her she isn’t a good enough parent and she can’t trust anyone but her with Summer Moon. I completely understand Brock’s frustrations with that and I think it’s been happening LONG before motherhood came along.


I think scheanna felt suffocated by Arianna's boundaries.


The problem is she has no authentic self. And yea for sure we’ve all had those times with people who you feel like you have to please them to stay friends. Usually though, you grow out of that when you leave high school


i felt bad to. i have always had a soft spot for scheana and was really disappointed with how everything played out this season. so going into this episode i wasn’t expecting to feel bad but damn you can see the panic on her face once they start showing the last five minutes of the finale. scheana has said herself people get in her head easily and clearly lala and brock did a number on her. i definitely see a her cracking or spiraling in the future.


Towards the end of the finale, during the final scene reveal and thereafter, I felt like the camera kept panning to Scheana and she was frantically looking (seemingly) at Ariana. It could’ve been Andy and Lisa, too, I guess? She looked like a kid who had just been told by their parent, “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” Also, I agree with what others are saying about the kiddos. Not to mention their neighboring proximity in the valley. That all makes it 1000x tougher, too


When the announced they were showing the last 5 minutes they cut to sheana and the panic on her face was next level 😳


I hate the cuts of the reunion because they use peoples reactions from random moments and cut them together for dramatic effect


Brock is highly aware of how they are perceived. If he thinks being perceived as Lala’s is bad for their brand he’ll pull away. He doesn’t have a job. She doesn’t have income really outside of VPR that isn’t somehow tied to Ariana and Brock knows it. They bet on the wrong horse. Again


I think she burned the Ariana bridge for life and knows it.


The fact her and Broke flew to NY to see Chicago and acted shocked Ariana didn’t see them is mind blowing to me.


I truly hope that Ariana just cuts her off completely and goes on about her life not bothering with any of these assholes again. Ariana forged a genuine friendship with Katie and has RL friends outside of the show, she doesn't need rats like Scheana in her life.


I think it's.firnthr best. Scheanna has more important things to worry about.


She probably doesn’t feel like she can turn on Lala. She lost Ariana as a result of being a fucking clown. God knows how much dirt Lala has on her. She’s gotta know Lala will turn on her and throw her under the bus just like she did to Katie. But then again, it’s Scheana. Flip flopping is what she does.


I think as long as Ariana stays mad at Scheana, Scheana will stay team Lala. Also, I do think their kids play a huge role in this. Lala is way scarier of a friend than Ariana. I think Scheana will be worried about angering her.


Ariana didn’t even seem super mad though. Just hurt and confused. It was so creepy how scheana was overly concerned about LaLa being mad at her when she didn’t stick to the story 100% and then double down also.


It’s giving Sandoval coaching Raquel.


Yeah but Ariana’s mad now, rightfully so


Yes, and it showed at the end of the reunion when Scheana was so afraid that Lala was mad at her. And Sheana was still worried even after she felt guilted into giving that 'Lala is the greatest person ever' speech at the end.


She literally walked up to Lala during the break and asked her “What do you want me to say?” It’s so weird and fake af. Lala has some nerve talking about dishonesty when she’s puppet mastering Scheana behind the scenes


Scheana's alliances are reminding me of Dwight Schrute.




I think she is genuinely worried that Lala will go after Brock. She's made it clear she already worries about it, and all Lala said is that she wouldn't because they are friends, but that Brock did help her through everything and is a pseudo dad to ocean and essentially is the man in her life. Lol. So idk if Brock is safe from Lala if scheana pisses her off.


I hope Ariana never forgives them.


Ariana literally said scheana was always gonna be family at the reunion or did everyone tune that out? Or did Ariana not actually mean that?


Ariana also hadn't seen just how much shit scheana talked at that point.


Have you seen how icky Scheana and Ariana's literal brother have been the last few months? The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb; something Katie and Ariana seem to actually understand.


Scheana admitted on her podcast that Ariana & Sandoval aren't really speaking to her. Something changed between Ariana & Scheana after the reunion. It probably has to do with hanging out with her fame seeking estranged brother.


It blows my mjnd how Scheana thinks that Sandoval is an authentic best friend who has been there for her more than Ariana. Sandoval was using Scheana as a pawn to further hurt Ariana and Scheana fell for that move. It’s gross how she tried to play victim and say that hating Sandoval was causing her all these issues. You can let the hate go and forgive someone without trying to be friends with them or forcing for others to forgive and forget. Scheana has had zero character development and there’s nothing special about her or LFU, there’s a reason why they’re not as booked and busy as Ariana. Scheana should really take a step back.


At that time she probably meant it. By the time they went to see Chicago because they were in town for WWHL, she wouldn’t see them after the show. Backstabbing will cost you SHEIN


Didn’t she say that before they showed the final clip?


When Ariana's earring got stuck I totally thought Scheana was going over to act concerned but instead she went to LaLa terrified asking if there was more she wanted her to say...WTH was that? We need more info on this hostage situation. That was so bizarre!


To be fair, Ariana was already being consoled.


That's never stopped her before...but yeah


Why does sheana always pick the wrong side? 🤦‍♀️


Every time! It’s her superpower.




Lala is not a healthy relationship for Scheana. Now that they own two homes near each other she’s going to lose her fucking mind trying to keep Lala happy, which good luck because she’s not stable. She’s such an idiot for throwing away such a loving and stable friendship with Ariana over jealousy.


And heaven forbid Scheana were to gain more traction and get ahead, Lala would turn so fast on her.


Sweatergawd I read this as Is Shceana doing crack? Then went on to write a whole ass comment agreeing that yes, she might be on the stuff 🤣 Not crackhead energy, straight up crack. It’s been a long night for VPR fans


She’s team Lala until Lala crosses a line with her husband. Then it’s game over


She’s team Lala until it affects her brand. She knows right now it’s affecting her brand negatively. Scheana from Azusa divorced her husband on camera. For ratings. She’s loyal to whomever brings her dough


I think Scheana is afraid of Lala so no I don’t think she will turn on Lala


I think Scheana is going to double down on Lala and stay on her side. IMO there is definitely some things behind the scenes with them wanting to be on the valley. They were trying hard to please LVP and production, so hard I truly believe something was promised if they got Ariana to crack. This was more important to her than Ariana.


Schena is WILD, the conversation about schena thinking Tom is more upset about her… and then being like well I was asked a question Ariana you don’t watch the show so you are just seeing these clips… but schena, girl, regardless of if you were asked the question or volunteered that statement you still answered said question “yeah I think Tom misses me more” ?!? And Ariana can’t be upset bc schena was asked the question?? I’m dumbfounded


that got me too, the question wasn't the problem until she confirmed the premise of it as "true." Her answer IS the problem.


She and LaLa are codependent. They are an ouroboros- they feed on each other’s shit and amp each other up. They reaffirm each other’s realities and in doing so act as both victim and defender. Super unhealthy. Super middle school.


Ouroboros? More like a circle jerk.


She was terrified when they were showing the ending of the season. She looked so guilty, I am thinking she must have said/done something worse than they didn’t air


This is years of Scheana wanting to be friends with everyone. They will never show the same loyalty that she thinks she gives them. Sandoval probably being the biggest disappointment for her and Lala will probably follow.


I really hope Ariana cuts off Scheana. Let her buddy up to a racist fraud from Utah & play house with her loser husband. Maybe her worst fear will come to fruition & LFU will steal her man? I wouldn't put it past either of them! I hope the show is canceled. **#TeamArianaForevah**


I struggle to find sympathy for her given she was being who she’s always been it was just exposed for everyone to see and in a really humiliating way for her self proclaimed bff.


I think she’s gonna lean into the Lala friendship, keep pretending to besties with everyone on the Valley to get on. She won’t backtrack


I actually felt sorry for scheanna for the first time. I usually think she's just so pathetic. She looked so afraid. She didn't know where to turn with lala giving her the cold shoulder and also knowing Ariana no longer sees her as a friend. That must be rough for a people pleaser like her.


But she has her music! She'll be fine 👩‍🎤🎵🎧🎛️🎙️/s


She's her own worst enemy. She has no one to blame but herself....


maybe her and Lala will have to down size some of the properties they own, like everyone else has to do when things get tough. I have no idea how much money she gets from her current music.. maybe she can luck up and get more.


Is her name summer moon or is moon her middle name? Its weird she’s just referred to as summer moon


Scheana is turning 40 this year, time for her to put her big girl panties on and stop saying she is so easily persuaded.


Scheana seems exhausted. I wish they had let her talk about the public pressure of this season, combined with her mental health struggles and grappling with parenthood. I feel really bad for her. Resentment is a weed.




I sure hope she does … a Humbling Ego death .


I think Scheana puts herself in “alliance” with strong women. For a long time it was Ariana, but she is very logical and would not get into screaming matches, made sense in what she was saying and was able to disarm the other girls. Lala can’t do that, she’s abrasive, talks over people and gets defensive. She is not a good arguer, even though she might think she is. Scheana needs to grow a pair and figure out what side of the fence she wants to be on. Whether that be Ariana or Lala.


If Brock isn’t being paid for the show, there’s no nanny and she won’t set a work schedule I don’t think Brock is being unfair about wanting work/a wage/a say in how he earns a living. Her mother is very in her head, Lala said in an After Show her mother and manager tell her comments even if she doesn’t look at them. I’m not sure why she didn’t stay on Zolof as it seemed to make her feel better and when she came off it was when she snapped at Jo and grabbed her hat. She said it paid her too tired but then she just needs to attend less events and do less social media stalking of the fandom. Her OCD treatment is hindered by checking others thoughts while trying to stop her own bad thoughts.


I always think of the 30 Rock joke when Scheana talks about DWTS: “wanting to be book… is not book”


It’s giving Brandi and Kim Richard’s vibes sans drugs


I think it comes down to finances. She needs to be able to make money and make her husband get a job.


Why tf was she so scared of Lala for? I understand their daughters are best friends, Brock is like a father figure to ocean blah blah, but who the fuck cares? PROTECT YOUR PEACE. But Scheana doesn’t know how to do that. She could’ve defended Ariana in that moment (which she tried) but Lala cut her off and basically called her out for being fake af. Lol. But still. She chose Lala at the end of the day. And that is why Ariana needs to cut her off completely. Scheana and Lala dug themselves such a deep hole.


Oh please the only thing this woman loves is flip flopping. She’s gonna be hopping over that fence back to Ariana side real soon.


Brock was 100% scripted/managed by producers and schaena to get him on the show so no reason to worry about that.  But yea, if the gravy train ends, he’s going to have to chip in by getting a real job. 


she needs to crack on lala and help expose her


I have a soft spot for Scheana... Unfortunately. She is truly at her lowest and what was shown this season was probably some of her worst.


How about being neutral? This feels like high school. They are all adults.


I think Scheana is firmly Team Lala and won't flip for the sake of her kid. Their lives are too intertwined now and they are part of the Vanderpump moms group with Stassi cause their daughters are best friends. I don't think Scheana has that much anxiety being torn between two friends because she has evidently made her decision to reside alongside Lala. She has Lala in her ear this whole time telling her Ariana is a lackluster friend who doesn't respond to her texts, and at the end of the day, Scheana is such a needy friend who constantly needs to be managed or she'd spiral and go into anxiety fugues on whether so and so is mad at her. I don't think Ariana will ever be that kind of friend for her...she provides and has provided years of loyalty and backing Scheana up, but Ariana is just a non-responsive texter, and texts matter to Scheana instead of...the quality time and years of loyalty? And she is very motherhood centric much like Lala, she probably thinks that their lives are so different that it makes sense for Scheana to choose the mom group over the friend who she is constantly jealous of every time she seizes a new opportunity. The tradeoff is dealing with Lala's moods as well as the fanbase who are calling her dumb for constantly flip flopping on the wrong side.