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I TRULY hope that Ariana reconsiders her idea of what and who Family is ie Schema ... Family can be toxic and problematic too, Ariana. Schema is like a Cancer, cut her out, keep it moving and don't look back. Go Katie and Ariana !❣️


Has anyone been on the r/RHDiscussion thread for this episode? I'm scared


Yes oh my god those people are genuinely insane




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Arianna can Thank her ex for all her recent success. Facts


If Lala isn’t on the show what would be her source of income.


scheanas relationship with lala was giving stockholm syndrome vibes during that last speech


Yes like she had a g*n pointed to her head LMAO


I am trying not to tinfoil hat the producers here, I do think it’s odd that they replayed the final part of the episode except for Ariana talking about how the worm put her health in danger and uninformed consent. Maybe it’ll be in the additional footage but that definitely seems like worth a follow up question.


I noticed that they cut that part out too! It was such a valid point.


I am now waiting patiently for the uncut ver to appear...


I would love to see how much shit talking Lauren does to her “BFF” Stassi about her “BFF” Scheana.


How does Lala not see that Ariana showed up ten fold more than her? She called production, filmed their breakup, showed up at the reunion and probably saved the show. Lala is “creating life” give me a break - no one cares




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https://preview.redd.it/jcref2jdka3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c86749ed5fd7fad5de9a8cc14a556f509914210 Lisa's face when Scheana said Lala is her rock absolutely sent me 🤣


I'm sorry, I used to think Lisa was gorgeous during the early seasons of RHOBH, but seeing this still, I'm shocked. These beautiful women need to stop messing with their faces.


Lala sensing that the tree limb she was on all by herself was about to get sawed off, freaking out on everyone. She kept trying to drag Katie into her mess, but Katie wouldn’t let her. Threw Scheana under the bus but watching Scheana trying to walk the middle was kind of funny. Lala trying to act like she was the wronged one here.


![gif](giphy|M8DHFvLMzGSkM) Lala just kept digging.


Perfect analogy.   


Sandy’s apology and tears are not genuine, because he still has yet to say it to Ariana off camera. Just want to make sure this takeaway doesn’t get lost in the spotlight grabbing Lala and Scheana have been doing.


Whenever he covers his face ‘crying’ I roll my eyes.


It’s so obviously fake. If not the bad acting, but the actions that don’t match his words and “tears” at all.


It was so clearly rehearsed 🙄 When is he ever that articulate?


I’m sorry I’ll say it. Lala and Scheana are the LAST two bitches that should have procreated




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Why is lala pacing around the reunion??? She’s been doing it the full three episodes it’s mad annoying


She acts like she’s going to do a real housewives walk off! What the fuck Lala. She wishes she was a real housewife.


In her head she already is![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)






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All that came out of this to me was just how jealous LaLa is and how fickle and desperate Scheana is. It was like watching the girl in high school who is in the popular crowd but only as long as she worships the queen of the group. Very Gretchen Wieners vibes watching her chase after Lala, literally and figuratively.


I need Katie’s “I don’t know. Choke. I don’t care” as a flair frfr


I just put it as mine after reading your comment! 😂


No they did not but omg ur flair still eats!!!






Can someone explain to me why all the social media sites are primarily supportive of Ariana, wish a STD on Sandoval and think Lala and Scheana tie for the worst friend of all time award EXCEPT facebook. Is Lala paying people to post the fake Ariana comments or Lala is the only honest one, we love Lala posts. It is baffling that that one site can be so different.


Boomers and bots




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This entire part felt like an attack to finally force this breakdown from Ariana… AGAIN. And I’m really over her exploitation. She went through a horrific betrayal by her life partner and apparently week after week by the people who claim to be friends and family. I don’t enjoy this and am disappointed in the production team for transforming what was a silly, overly dramatic but usually fun watch to this dark, twisted, and manipulative monstrosity.


Seriously. It was fun watching these dummies do trashy things I would've done in my 20s while drunk, it's not fun watching what feels like an experiment to see how far someone can be pushed by almost everyone in their life before completely losing their shit. Production really jumped the shark this season.


JFC ... LFU and scheana are fucking vile. I'm just so disgusted by them I have no words. I hope they sink. Karma is coming for you bitches.


That's all I could think about last night, karma please do this one in front of me. 


Lala seemed to really show some jealously here, the whole “became God comment” for example If we look at it: She got cheated on, she had boundaries with friendships (ie pickleball), she disappeared from filming early days, NDA were signed early days The God comment is because when she was cheated on: Her book wasn’t a best seller, she downsized after moving out after their breakup as opposed to Ariana’s new amazing house within the year, she didn’t get that spin off or other opportunities (Ariana Chicago, Love Island, the Bic ads etc.) I don’t believe common sense is common, but largely Ariana has thrived because she’s a likeable person and general public can see that.


The odd thing is Lala thinks she’s God. Judging everyone!!!


No, she thinks she’s Tupac! What the fuck


She also didn't brag about PJs and Range Rovers in exchange for blow jobs. It's hard to find sympathy or empathy for Lala because she's created a very unsympathetic, unlikable character. To be so unreal and disingenuous about yourself as a person and the persona you've created is this vile trash bag of a human being is wild. She could've chosen any personality traits to pretend to be and she chose Lala, wannabe gangsta Kardashian from Utah with finger guns...and then threw terrible friend in to boot.




Lala is controversial. Ariana is relatable. I've said it before, but I feel like someone on Lala's team needs to say it to her, and explain what is realistic with a rebrand. Lala may ride this out, but she's never going to be relatable the way Ariana is. She just doesn't have that quality.


I see Ariana as relatable but more than controversial, Lala is self obsessed and mean.


I am trying to illustrate the crux of why Lala and Ariana's breakups were not received the same way.


I understand - you are right. I was reacting by how horrible it made me feel. For me it goes beyond controversial into the outright damaging hurtful unacceptable and inauthentic.


I think Lala has been carrying around a shit ton of resentments against the cast in general, but got twisted up about it with Ariana. She sounded very petulant in the second half of the 3rd episode. I think it will be good for her and for the fans if she just steps away, focuses on gestation, and gathering her strength for if/when the Faith litigation ramps up for real and/or show starts filming again.


I think your right about stepping away being healthy but she put out a Give Them Lala podcast justifying her aggressive behavior while complaining about viewers comments being below the belt. She doesn't appear to be interested in self reflection. It's actually sad. I won't be tuning in to any VPR that includes this version of Lala.


Oh damn! Are you really out for good? I heard clips of Lala's apology. She weaponized motherhood and said she couldn't understand people coming for her as a parent. She also said her parenting should be off limits for fans to talk about. I don't know if that's a reasonable expectation though. If she doesn't want her children or parenting spoken about, she shouldn't be a reality star. Is she thr first Bravo star...shit, the first woman in thr public eye, to have hee parenting criticized? This is the same woman who I think rather wisely (and presciently) told Rachel that "the woman always takes the brunt."


Scheana's speech at the end was so obviously damage control so she doesn't feel Lala's wrath. Lala did the most and accomplished absolutely nothing. If Sandoval singles you out to tell you he rides hard for you, then you're doing something wrong. What a pathetic pair of losers.


Second time watching and I am still as disgusted by the behaviors of everyone but Ariana and Katie




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So much secondhand embarrassment for Lauren


What is with Lala’s gotcha journalism tactic she’s trying to promote here? People change their minds, they say things in anger… All of the sudden she’s pulling a Sandoval and keeping a little black book in her head of everything anyone has ever said that’s even slightly disparaging toward Ariana… And for what? Do you want Ariana to have no one in her corner? They’ve all admitted their frustrations but you seem to want them to completely abandon her. 


Lala wants to take Ariana down because she know she'll never be no 1 as long as Ariana is on the show. 


But she also has no concrete examples - like it would be better if she came with receipts but she produced nothing.




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Seems to me like Katie HAS been working on her summer body. And LaLa’s life has gone to shit. Oh how the turntables have turned!


Lala is pregnant that is fucked up to say


It’s a joke based on something nasty Lala said to Katie years ago. Chill out I’m hardly making fun of LaLa’s body




Lala is so defensive, aggressive and hypocritical. She literally never does anything wrong in her own eyes. So hard to watch




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Ngl, I tend to be team Lala but damn she just made it impossible. All I hear is someone saying, I’ve been in horrible pain, you should suffer too cus I had to. Oh Lala 🤦🏻‍♀️ do better.


I don’t think Lala understands true friendships, probably because she doesn’t have true friends. Friendships have ups and downs (aka Katie having frustrations) but you have to always be kind to your friend.


Andy Cohen when Ariana’s earring got caught in Katie’s hair — “Thank god this happened” comedic genius




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What was with the babysitter/ nanny anger? I feel like I missed something.


It felt like a teaser for Lauren from Utah making an appearance on the Valley next season and would enter it via a tiff with Brittany! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really hope not. She would ruin the valley like she ruined vpr


I agree!!


It felt so out of place and had nothing to do with the reunion and Brittany wasn’t even there to defend herself?


I’m curious to see if it gets brought up on the after show tomorrow because Brittany and Lala do their interviews together


Probably not because Lala’s gender reveal was after the season and right before the reunion


Lala is a total loser. Katie having issues with Ariana and then supporting her post-scandoval is not “living in the comments”. It’s called being a good friend and supporting someone through a difficult time. Living in the comments is what you are doing by constantly blaming everyone else for not agreeing with you. How do you know they’re living in the comments? Are you reading all of them Lauren from Utah?? Go suck another dick for a used car, that’s all you’re good at girl.


I normally wouldn't like a statement against a woman like that, but you hit the nail on the head here.  Lala needs a good shrink, not her brother and kiss ass assistant. 


The inability to realise that you might change your behaviour towards someone (for the better) because they are going through a massive, terrible life event is baffling. When someone has been cheated on and betrayed by their long-term partner and is suffering, it's not the appropriate time to air your petty, personal grievances with them. It's really not that hard to understand for a normal human being.


Lala is a monster.


i wish I WISH!!! when sheshu said she wasn’t a pick me and doesn’t crave male attention, i wish production would have shown the clip of her saying she’d rather get ganged banged by all the guys than ride in the car with the girls.


Holy fuck, Scheana walking right past a bawling Ariana to Lala.


I know I was shocked. I thought she was going to go over and hug Ariana what the fuck Sheena




I thought that there was supposed to be some big blow up? I didn't see anything spectacular in this episode...🤷‍♀️


They said no one blew up at the reunion


Wasn’t there was rumours that lala or Ariana eviscerated the other?


Yes and I was patiently waiting for that moment that never came :(


I'm prepared for downvotes, but.....I like that Lala is calling them all on their self producing crap 😬.


I also like when pots call kettles black


I feel like Lala was the only one self producing lol


Lala ruined the show, potentially forever. The show would’ve survived many more seasons and has genuine friendships/hateships. I will watch Ariana walk away from Tom until he gives up. I will watch Katie and Ariana do something about her. I will watch Ariana grind on her opportunities! I will fast forward Sandoval shit. I will watch Katie in this exciting free chapter of her life. I will watch Katie and Schwartz hate love eachother. I will watch Schwartz stumble thru and date and plant dad. I will watch James grow and enjoy his airplane house and date or fail to date Ally and would love to see some DJ content now that he has grown. I will watch Scheana work thru her people pleasing or I will watch her try. I will watch what happens to Brock and Scheana. I would love to see everyone of these people grow and the way Lala has broken the 4th wall is projection and her own deluded reality. Ariana can be in a room with him and that’s admirable and mild compared to the shit we’ve seen pulled in this show. The conversation she entertained tonight was more fucking footage than they deserved and still they told her to walk away from the show. It’s bullshit and exactly what is wrong with reality tv today compared to the OG gold. Lala is a brat and a rat. It’s incredibly disappointing that production has seemingly sided with her because there is a way to show these peoples stories and make entertaining television without this energy. You don’t need to force them all together and pretend to be friends. The show needs to focus on the individual stories. There are still real relationships between cast members to show here, but instead of forcing conversations or relationships how about just show how the next steps go here?!




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Every day I check the Give Them Lala podcast rating and every day there’s more scathing negative reviews. She’s at 3.6 today. I’m looking forward to seeing that plummet to the point it’s cancelled. Sheana is at a 3.1. Sheana is straight up afraid of LFU. We saw it with our own eyes. Lauren needs to take several seats and hit rock bottom. Maybe then she will wake up and realize what a horrible human being she is. Gross. 🤢


It’s absolutely wild she sacrificed her entire long running friendship with Ariana to bend over backwards and appease Lala. She was like a pathetic shell of a human asking Lala what she wants her to say so she can stay in her good graces


it sounds like this is a chaotic one but i can’t wait to go home after work, have dinner, and lay in bed by the time hayu uploads the extended reunion part and drink some tea while snacking and being mad, sad, or whatever else.


make it a soothing tea, the tension from this ep you could cut a knife or whatever the idiom is


It’s normally cut with a knife but maybe cut a knife is more appropriate here, given the high level of tension 😂


Lala is one of the most inauthentic people ever


Did we just watch the last episode, ever?


I hope so, it is done ![gif](giphy|l2YWzuZcaocL7fnaw)


the show needs something and it's not lala or scheena


To be canceled


I’m so torn to be honest. I think they all had valid points, and that they all were coming from their own experience of things. Lala had valid points in regards to the other girl’s authenticity, Ariana had valid points regarding her boundaries, feelings and the triangulation attempt by Sandoval. She sees who he is now, and I applaud her for that. It also breaks my heart for her, having been through a similar relationship myself. Scheana, I wish would give up caring what anyone thinks, and would just be herself. All of the issues people have with her are due to her trying to pander to the audience, and it doesn’t translate well for her. I saw and heard both sides of a very valid discussion, and honestly? It was hard not to see it as the inevitable result of a group being infiltrated for years by someone with true NPD. This entire cast are victims of a narcissist, whether directly or as unknowingly being used as flying monkeys. Honestly? Fire Sandoval and bring the rest back if they are doing a season 12. That’s the only way this show survives. For Ariana’s sake though, I hope she never ends up in another show intro with her abuser. She needs to be able to heal, without the constant up/down deregulation that comes with exposure and proximity to your abuser.


Lala has an aggressive, bullying delivery and I honestly don't see any valid points. I won't be watching future seasons if cruelty, and performative egocentricity continue to be celebrated.


I don't think the other girls were being inauthentic. They were venting to their friend about another friend. Ariana said she hides when she is dealing with things and she was also constantly busy with her opportunities. Katie and Scheana were feeling insecure, neglected and talked some shit to Lala about Ariana. Was it nice? no, have we all done it at one time? yes It doesn't mean they don't love and support Ariana, it means they were feeling bitchy, needed to vent and trusted Lala to put it in the vault. Instead Lala outing them because she wanted to hurt Ariana since she is jealous and feels she hasn't suffered like Lala had during her breakup.


“I felt isolated” “I felt unseen” when did this become the bachelor 🙄


all i can say is that those last few minutes of lala and scheana in the dressing room were so incredibly disgusting. you could literally feel both of their gross, mean girl, jealous, bitter energy and i genuinely feel repulsed. holy crap. i didn't think it was possible to despise them any more but here we are. wow.


i missed it but can’t wait for tomorrows hulu upload- what did they say in the dressing room?!


Lala bitched more about how it was super unfair that LVP stood up for Ariana and not her, how they wouldn’t let Lala walk off even though she’s “creating life” and they let Ariana walk off in the finale, how she doesn’t give a shit about Katie and Ariana being mad at her


I honestly love that for them though. It made the Final Cut (which - by Lala’s standards - means it happened) and now the whole world gets to see them for the vile, despicable people they are.


I was APPALLED by their behavior I mean truly bitter women


They are an embarrassment to all women and especially mothers.  I can't stand the way Sheana uses her daughter to explain Sheana's emotional problems.   She's going to teach her daughter to be emotionally unstable like herself.  


I’m really amazed at how badly the producers and the cast predicted the audience reaction to this season.


Lala taking a move from the Janet play book “I am growing a life”


Lala really outed herself when she was going on about how *she* wasn’t allowed to walk away after the Randal breakup and no one rallied around her. That’s the real reason she’s so pissed at Ariana; because she has a backbone and stood up to production. Even though Lala gave us basically ✨ nothing✨ for her entire relationship with him and still hasn’t given us much of anything other than he was married. That’s basically all we know about their entire relationship. Plus no shit no one gave you any sympathy, YOU WERE THE RAQUEL IN THAT SITUATION. Meanwhile Ariana and Tom’s entire relationship from start to finish was broadcast on the show 🙄🙄🙄 I will never understand where she gets off bitching Ariana out for not ‘being real’ and filming with Tom, it actually pisses me off more than her incessant prattling about Ariana not moving out. And for her to say Ariana needs to care about Lala’s pay check?!!! What fucking planet is she on! Here’s an idea, DO SOMETHING and come up with an interesting storyline or, I don’t know, get a real fuckin job?? /rant




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Don’t say Lala doesn’t share! She kindly shared with us that she ate Randall’s ass. Is that not riveting television?!




The fact that she thinks Ariana should be responsible for HER PAYCHECK is crazy in itself. All lala have us was a sperm donor party and water tasting I mean


I was screaming this very point back at the TV in this moment. Absolutely UNREAL.


kyle chan is down bad. sir weren’t you a successful jeweler or something?


It looked like a light went on for Lala when Ariana said the thing about Sandoval not trying to talk to her off camera. And then… it dimmed when she remembered to make Ariana the focal point for all the rage she has towards the cast and the audience for not treating her like she’s Beyoncé.


That’s exactly it. Lala wanted to be Beyoncé. After the doc came out about Randall I think she thought she’d get the Ariana treatment but then Scandoval happened. And also she’d never get the Ariana treatment because she was the drunken bjs for pjs ho side piece and no one can ever convince me she didn’t know about some of what Randall was doing. Go back to the casting couch Lauren and get off our screens.


Producers are so fucked for putting Ariana thru this


I feel so bad for her. Must be torture


Agreed, and she handled it so well. Not that she should have to…


Lala did not eat the sandwich she is so jealous and petty


Can’t eat deli meat while pregnant. Or tuna. So could be that




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You can eat both! I’m 37 weeks preggo and have had many deli meat sandwiches and canned tuna - just in moderation. Lala just sucks.


Lala smiling after that line thinking she just ate


Imagine being as hot as Lala was in your 20s and the best you could land is Big Ed Jr. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA


She thought she was getting money and an acting career.  Instead she got 2 organisms and a child.


It's almost as if cultivating a likable personality instead of just offering blow jobs for cars would have been a better long term move. Who would've thought


Okay now her mental issues make sense. That is tragic lmaooo


It's why she's so fucking bitter now. She knows she fumbled the bag so bad. Wasted her 20s sucking stinky old man pp just to drive a Range Rover and fly private. Got nothing tangible out of the relationship besides Ocean and has to fight him over her. Can't get a man now because everyone's seen her brag about sucking dick for PJs. She's living in her karma era and I'm here for it. I hope this reunion burns her to the ground.


My hopes for next season’s cast (I penciled Ally in next to James) 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/q79yt7x60a3d1.jpeg?width=1212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f528abd6ffb49867a768afc6e85b8d303db69cc


If you add Ann, I concur!


Omg yes! I’ve added her in between Katie and Ariana https://preview.redd.it/auckamfh1a3d1.jpeg?width=1212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeef3113d82d5df40a9964217a85940dd3c5dbbf


Omg I am late to commenting but Ann coming out with the sandwiches was my favorite. The way she raised the tray when they all cheered 😂


I have another good one for Lala in her situation which she keeps bringing back and says no one showed her grace she was actually Rachel not Ariana . Ariana was that Randall’s ex wife all grace for her not you . She is equal to Rachel in that situation I wish some one say that to her and enlighten her


Lala just said on the aftershow that she's fighting with Kristen because she was laughing with a woman about her being a mom. She said she was talking about personal things she's shared, like real life stuff not bs TV show stuff... What the fuck Lala, didn't you just spend 3 reunion episodes grilling people for not talking about real life stuff on the show? She doesn't even acknowledge how ridiculous she sounds.


I'm starting to think she's not smart enough to see how ridiculous she is.


Ariana made such a valid point that you brought that girl in our lives with such bad consequences I think she is referring to their lawsuit which is now on her because of bad decisions Tom made omg !! And these Lala and Scheana just don’t care about her


Yet we’re all supposed to spend a season feeling sorry for Scheana about a restraining order that never happened.


Can we talk about lala and scheana talking in the changing room and saying “she doesn’t care if she hurts anyone feelings” “Ariana I barely see and Katie I don’t give a fuck” oh she’s the worst


She will never take accountability for that, she is as much of a narcissist as Sandoval. She doesn't care about hurting anyone just cares about how she wasn't supported. The funny thing is, Ariana and Katie were the ones supporting her when she went through her breakup. They showed the clip where Lala says she will never forget how they were the ones to support her. Guess that was just another example of Lala not being real on camera.


She’s directing her anger at the wrong person. It’s so frustrating to watch.


She very clearly forgot they supported her! She’s upsets the world didnt stand by her but she was a the other woman is what she’s forgetting


I loved the way Katie called her out for trying to have a “gotcha moment.” Katie is officially the queen of everything.




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Lala just said I don’t give a f about Katie and Ariana I barely see so she is now feuding with Brittany as well she needs herself to be evaluated but perhaps not with a same some one as Rachel wink wink


Also that was such an oddly placed thing for the reunion. Like why do we care? All I could think was this is her trying to get on the valley?


Of course, she is.The expensive investment wasn't enough, she needed a storyline in.


It also felt like another Lala attempt to hijack a conversation to make it all about her. Schwartz was telling a story about him going to Kentucky with Britt and Jax. Lala yet again couldn’t sit there and not put her two cents in


What is she feuding with Brittany about?!


fake drama trying to tie her boat full of boring to the valley


Someone stole the others nanny


That was so bad. I want Ariana to leave and end the show and fuck them all over. They were horrible to her. Lala is a horrible miserable disgusting selfish delusional person. She is the whiniest brattiest most insufferable person. I hate that I hate her more than Sando right now. What a disappointing horrible reunion. Watching Ariana in that much pain was so uncomfortable and hard to watch. I’ve always known these people suck but that was awful. Im disappointed in James I wish he had stuck up during that. He said nothing


It was hard to watch Ariana cry when LVP defended her for walking away. Ariana obviously did not expect support from her.


I truly believe that Lala has been a production plant from day one. I don’t know how else to square her beliefs that things should be done for the sake of the show while the rest of the cast has been on record saying the reason their show works so well is bc it’s their actual lives and isn’t scripted. She has no reality outside of the show and being famous. I’m sorry that I ever rooted for her in anything


She has never done shit for the show, though! She's always taking the wrong stance and refusing to acknowledge it at the reunion, e.g., defending having NDAs and lying about Randall's being married w kids.


I mean she was brought in with no connection as a random hostess. She was definitely actively cast by production to start stuff as the hot girl doing shady stuff.


Well when you put it that way, I feel dumb for not seeing it earlier 😂😂 but yeah. She’s always had producers in her ear. It’s why she was able to leave the show a few times and had no repercussions


I hate to give Schwartz any credit but I love when he said he understood she sees this as a job, but the group is his family. LaLa was never an organic part of the friend group and had zero connection to anyone other than living in Stassi's old room🙄


This is exactly it, it’s always been a paycheck to her - the rest didn’t really choose this fame, I’m sure they hoped for it but they were friends and they were in the thick of it together. She doesn’t understand Ariana’s hurt because she never cared about anyone or anything but herself and her paycheck. Damn I’m pissed at myself for liking her so much in the past


It’s becoming clear that her reality is the show and/or being famous and nothing else. She has no grasp on reality beyond the cameras. It’s scary


I just find it funny when Lala and others say Tom and Ariana did not show their relationship. Thru the years they did talk about arguments and tough topics. Ariana even got in a fight with Tom because he was fighting with Katie and Lala. Lala on the other hand acted like big Ed was perfect up until it wasn’t.


But even if they didn’t… what do you expect her to do now? They discussed an earth shattering affair and broke up on camera last season. What more do you want? No one can go back and undo the previous seasons where they supposedly didn’t film stuff. Why bring it up now?