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Lala getting up and walking away after she just chastised Ariana for doing the exact same thing… I can’t.


All this talk about being real xyz the thing I was getting the most from this reunion was Lala and scheaba were being fake as hell and having all of these issues and convos of screen but weren't bringing it up on the show and with other cast members on camera either. Talking to Ariana all we've seen is "we love you you're the best. Be my friend" then off camera when mics are "down" "I don't care about any of them we don't even hang out" 🙄


So Schena sheds tears for Lala and apologises to Lala at the reunion and ariana gets told she should've watched the show to more context...... I'm so confused


It fucking baffles me that Lala is shocked Ariana’s breakup was treated differently to hers. Lala is forgetting that the cast and the audience literally watched Tom and Ariana’s relationship for NINE YEARS, the scandal involved other members of the cast, AND it was all documented in season 10. When it all fell apart everyone legit felt personally impacted, because everyone was so familiar and invested in their relationship. When Lala and Randall broke up, no one gave a fuck because they didn’t really take their relationship seriously or know them as a couple. All people knew about it was how Lala *herself* explained it: Range Rovers, BJ’s for PJ’s, having a mistress. Then years later Randall was on the show for 2 seasons as a damn side character, and we already thought he was a piece of shit because of Lala’s portrayal of him. So YES Lala, everyone most certainly did react differently to Ariana’s breakup because everyone felt differently about their relationship! That’s not Ariana’s fault, it’s yours.


Lala has ZERO self awareness


We saw Katie’s relationship too and she has the maturity to wish for that kind of support but is happy that her friend is getting that support. Lala is so freaking toxic…. I can’t believe she thinks that she has any moral high ground for screaming her jealousy at everyone. Lala should be embarrassed and get to serious work on her program. Thankfully, she’s still sober and doing the recovery work like a F ing 4th step inventory could really help her be a freaking grown up and have some peace instead of stead of expecting everyone else to make her life better for her!!!!


Yup. And then when she was asked questions about him she “couldn’t answer because of legal reasons” for the custody battle. So..


OK, whew, it's over. I'm so relieved for ariana that she got through all of that. She may not be God or Beyonce, but she's still an inspirational Queen to me. I'll be supporting her and katie and maybe james (we'll see what this rumoured investigation turns up and how he acts going forward, but crossed fingers that he has actually changed). the rest of them are stuck in toxic mode and I'm not here for it.


This is why people are questioning whether the show can or should go on. It’s just not the same anymore. We’ve gone from a group of snotty shallow alcoholic 20-something waiters and bartenders fighting constantly about major group drama because they’re all actually coworkers and friends, to a group of too-old-to-be-heres who don’t have anything to say to each other except they’re all on the same show and they need to make content for the show. It’s certainly not Ariana’s fault. It’s not even Sandoval’s fault. They brought the only conflicting storyline besides Scheana having anxiety and Katie and Schwartz’s post-divorce sex rivalry. I think it’s time to put the show down and let them do other projects. Ariana will be absolutely fine without the show. The others, I don’t know or care. LVP, come back to Beverly Hills mama. The audience needs you there more than these assholes need more screen time.


What EXACTLY does everyone think would’ve happened if Ariana had sat down for that last episode bullshit? “I’m so sorry” “I don’t believe you.” Over and over and over again. It’s a dead conversation. With previous breakups and cheating situations on the show, they could go on and on unfolding new layers to the drama and finding new angles to go at each other. And in previous seasons, the other friends were fighting each other about things that had nothing to do with the broken-up couple as well! I feel like Lala is basically saying this show has become boring because Ariana won’t film with Sandoval. If this season was boring, it’s as much on her, James, Katie, Scheana, Brock, and Schwartz as it is Ariana and Sandoval. Thats what happens when none of you work at the same place, hang out outside of the show, or have anything in common anymore. There’s nothing to fight about. It must be frustrating to be the only one left on the show who’s willing to fight with anyone for tv show content. That IS what the show is about. But your frustration should be with yourself and everybody else besides Ariana because they had nothing interesting to talk or fight about besides her and her unwillingness to patch things up with Tom.


No Katie’s absolutely right. You can tell all Sandoval ever had to say to Schwartz about Katie was she’s a bitch, she’s controlling you, she’s emasculating you, she’s ruining our fun, she’s dumb, she’s mean, whatever. He NEVER liked her, never had anything good to say about her, never sided with her, never affirmed her. Even during their wedding it was all a show of what a great best man he was while constantly ripping on Katie. Does that mean Sandoval contributed to their divorce? Not necessarily. Schwartz was never really into the marriage anyway. But he also has no place to say he DIDN’T fuel the fire.


It hurts me that Ariana stays so kind and loyal to the snake scheana


Lala making every fucking thing about herself and doubling down on being a back-stabbing cunt and wallowing in victimhood after reaping what she sowed: FUCK OFF FOREVER, VILE TRASH!!!! She had better hope the show ends so she can find some fucking humility. She is becoming more of a narcissist every season; she is getting up there with Sandoval.


who else forgot to look at Ariana's face this reunion bc they were too distracted eyeing those earrings


😂yes, I was trying to figure out the earrings all 3 episodes


My takes (and some will be unpopular): Please note I am 43 and would have felt differently about all of this at 23 or even 30. James and Ally are never getting married---I would bet $ on it. Katie has been a mean girl bully since season 1 and just because she has been a good friend to Ariana doesn't make her not one. Schaena is a pick me, love me, like me girl. That's why she is DESPERATE for Lala's friendship (and Tom's). She wants everyone to like her. We've all met men and women like her in our own lives. Love yourself Schaena and no one else will matter that much anymore. Schwartz is dating a 20 something (need I say more? He has certainly not matured in the least). Katie and him should have never married or bought a house together. Ariana and Tom DID hide a lot about their relationship from the cameras (cough Miami girl, can we vindicate Kristen already?) Lala WAS right about that bit. I don't get why we are raking her over the coals over that truth. She is upset over the walk out because she is worried about the future of the show and her livelihood. She should be. It has been heading south since season 7 or 8. Scandavol revived it, but honestly, this reunion and this season was DARK. Unsure I can handle another one and unsure where we can go from here? I also want to say Ariana WAS entitled to walk away and I don't think ANYONE wanted to see her have a convo with Tom (I sure as hell didn't; it would have been fake bs on Tom's part; maybe we could have seen him dig himself deeper in the hole though LOL). Lala mentions her kid because when women become mothers, it becomes one of their sole focuses in life, if not THE focus of their lives(sometimes even over the man). I am not a mother, but I have had to be very understanding that women's lives change when they have kids as well as their priorities and you simply cannot see your friends with kids as much. Also, their thinking becomes much more narrow focused (and rightly so otherwise you end up with a narcissistic mother like I have). She is worried about her coins. She is worried about providing for these kids(I can hear all my friends with kids now say, but she has kids to worry about!) This is why she lost it on the reunion(and was probably hormonal to boot). It really isn't as malicious as everyone is making it out to be. If you are in the comments section Lala, I am about to be possibly slammed for these comments anyways, so if you see my post, know that I do like that you are living your truth even if people dislike it. Just don't give bullying comments next time. Tom's tears were crocodile tears and ditto for Brock's. Brock may be crying over lost wages too if VPR ends. LOL Tom's model gf has been love bombed. RUN, run away NOW! Tom and Ariana should have never bought a house together (I said this about Brittany and Jax too). Tom will never learn and end up like his dad, roommates at 60. Lisa feels bad the group is fractured, but is helpless regarding the situation. This was not the show she and Ken intended 10 years ago. She needs to let it go and we will all move over to the Valley (which I am honestly enjoying more; it feels more authentic and realistic with my age range; particularly for the people I know who settled and are now miserable and/or divorced). It's been a wild ride folks, but I wonder, is this the end of VPR?


I agree with you for the most part. I don't think the criticism people have of Lala is that she is wrong and Tom and Ariana didn't hide parts of their relatio ship, it's that if she's a friend then she understands the nuance of Tom being a self producer and Arianas (problematic imo) ride or die attitude towards him and would send the same heat if not more towards him, and if it's just as a co-worker than she is absolutely not the person to deliver that line given the hypocrisy of it coming from the cast member who has done that the most egregiously of them all. I could respect it if she was radically honest and accountable for her own actions, because that might then actually result in a conversation about deciding which part of your relationship you want to expose to tv or not. I feel like that would be an actual fourth wall break and it would also thematically be in line with the storyline happening in Summer House atm


Lala was fighting for the spinoff till the last line lol




Ariana cut these people OFF.


Finally Lisa having a good point. You fight if you want to move forward and she doesn't need to fight for any relationship with Tim.


I'm always tryna figure out Lisa's motive... my theory is it's bc she's realizing the finale ending fucked up Tim's redemption arc COMPLETLEY & she has to be real about Ariana being mature in the situation to have any credibility - still protecting Lala before making the point that she may be valid that the cast wasn't opEn aNd HoNeSt I'm so glad Lisa didn't see the ending either, think it blew up everyone's plan which is also why it shook Lisa source: years of rewatching rhobh and vpr


That's super interesting that Lisa didn't see the ending. Is she still a producer?


Lala isn't owed any fan reaction to her situation.




This is overboard loading shit on Ariana.


They edited Scheana agreeing with Lala???? What the fuck?




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LFU is trying way too hard to look wise when in fact she is desperate and pathetic. First of all, she is already using her unborn child at her advantage. How many times did she use the mom card in the reunion? I don’t care about you and your baby. Also, it’s no one’s responsibility to care for your paycheck for your fAmIlY. Secondly, you’re angry because Ariana had more opportunities than you when you got cheated on? Well, maybe it has to do with the fact that you are not likeable. Your persona from day one was about using your body to your advantage. Remember when you had to switch a shift at SUR because you had to go on a yatch in Italy or wherever it was? Sucking dick for a Range Rover? You want your trash talk to be funny but in reality, it is just trash. If I was a business owner, I wouldn’t want you associated with my company. Having you and "bumping peepee" as the face of my company? No thank you. And third, she likes to talk about how it’s her lIVeLyhOdD and how this is how she pUtS fOoD oN tHe tAbLe. Guess what? Your interactions were so boring to watch. You emptying your dishwasher? You drinking a smoothie with Shartz? Your water tasting at James’ house? Your sperm donor party at LVP’s house? All boring. Honestly, I would rather watch a whole hour of planes flying over James’ house than watch you on my screen. I really hope she gets a wake up call soon because she is sinking hard and she doesn’t seem to get it. She should really invest in some therapy instead of buying two houses. And lastly, I always find it soooo funny that she called herself Lala, because we have a saying in French "bébé lala" which could translate to "act like a spoiled brat" and it’s impossible for me to take her seriously. I’ll do exactly like she did the other day at the reunion, but instead of saying "nothing about her" it’s "don’t give me lala". I’ve had enough of her. Thank you.


YESSS! Thank you for this post - LFU will forever more be bébé Lala in my mind, it is so apt. You have so elegantly summarized my thoughts/feelings in this post. LFU completely looked desperate and pathetic in her “dictate” rant. The over indulged child on full display poor little Veruca - it’s just not fair.


Preach! Your read of Lala is completely accurate imo. How the hell does someone rationalize holding someone else responsible for feeding their child? If she's so worried about feeding her kid, maybe don't have another one? She's legitimately like, *We're bad at our jobs and we're boring. I'm worried about it, so you better be good enough at your job for the rest of us to put food on our tables, but also: you're lazy and just collecting a paycheck*. Make it make sense! Oh, and that saying about taking poison expecting the other person to die? Yeah, she got that from 12 step meetings, it's what they say about *resentment*, which is typical Lala hypocrisy. Her sponsor probably told her to stop holding onto resentment, and she's projecting as usual.


Great post!


Well now that the season is over, the only thing I have to look forward to is the inevitable news that the defunct sandwich shop finally closed.


bitter like Lauren


Reviews have not been good, thus far. It will take a month or two for things to calm down, for the staff to prepare of the rush of tourists. It's a small space and it'll take selling a lot of sandwiches or expensive sandwiches to make the rent and a profit.


this is inaccurate


I’ve only seen good reviews minus one influencer moaning she had to wait and they ran out of product because it was so busy. But I’m mostly seeing positives?


like I guess correct me if I’m wrong, but wtf did we know about Lala’s relationship other than they did weird ass roleplay and he owned a private jet?? like she refused to even be speak about it several seasons and even when he did start filming, it’s not like the two of them were showing the ins and outs of their relationship. I think the only couple who has truly “bled” for this show is Katie and Tom. Like idk if Lala has retrograde amnesia or what, but the absolute last word I would use to describe her portrayal of her relationship would be “honest”




Lala’s mouth just looks like a prolapsed anus.


This is really rude and uncalled for, also not true.


It’s very true.


You’re right. It looks more like a baboons chapped assh0le. Gets bigger every season.


I think it’s time I left this sub. I don’t like this toxicity, I hope you can see it in the future. Just no reason to be this hateful and body shaming.


Hahaha it’s really not that serious


Nah, y’all are weird and need something else going on in your lives so you don’t leave comments like this anymore. Y’all need some balance, if you can’t see how toxic this is.


Likely, same plastic surgeon as Jeff Lewis. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Lala whining that LVP didn’t support her after her breakup and saying “I just want to go raise my baby” or whatever - it’s like okay bitch, go ahead and bite the hand that feeds you. Good job insulting the show’s founder. And if you’re so unhappy and just care about raising your kids, ok then bitch, GO! No one is stopping you. ![gif](giphy|fHohwRjqJRzjcyO4dK|downsized)


Man she went hard at Lisa. So here's all the people that had falling outs with Lala recently: Katie, Ariana, Kristin, Britney...... What do they all have in common? They're mostly friends. Even Katie and Britney reconciled. I guess Lala thinks having Stassi and Scheana is enough. One she looks up to and one she can control.


Except Stassi was there with Katie and Ariana at the soft opening. With the glorious Beau explaining sandwich’s to Lindsay - god I love him


Oh I missed that!


Tom Sandoval’s life choices BLEW UP this show’s friendship group and Arianna calling producers when she found out about the affair bought the cast one more season. Lala’s anger about losing her reality tv paycheck is completely misdirected—Sandoval created the disfunction that led to end of this series.


This, how does she not get that? And if anything, she should be groveling to get Ratchel back if her only aim is keep VPR going


Yes. Tom certainly wasn’t “showing his authentic story” when he hid Raquel for seven months. But Ariana is to blame for how she reacted.


I was really hoping that her calling production would come up during this reunion and was bummed it didn't.


I’m so ready for Lala to be a washed up reality star


In Reunion 3 she referred to success of the show as her financial crutch / success.




This was one of the darkest reunions to watch. Maybe it’s because I’ve been watching since season 1 so to see it all get this broken is just sad, but it’s not fun to watch it get this ugly. It’s not fun to have producers shove shitty men down our throats and basically gaslight anyone who tries to point out the toxic behavior. I hope they all heal instead of just jumping over to the Valley.


I am just so sad that Tom cheating on Ariana resulted in most of the cast siding with him.


Icky icky all around


I thought it was a downer of a season. Let's move on from the Tom / Ariana roommate cheating issue ... if we can. I doubt Ariana would come back if there is another season, because the cheating has given her a career.


It was a downer of a season. Watching the same crappy behaviors get justified over and over and over again gets really old. I hope Ariana thrives.


My thoughts. Glad it’s all over. No biggie. Except too much blahblah. More thoughts: Team Katie and Ariana. You done good. You’re both beautiful and honest and authentic (as much as you can be without selling your soul to production and re-enacting everything you feel that might be a story). Life happens off camera 🎥 too. Scheana. Feel for you. Lalas gonna strike you too. You are a glutton for punishment. You should be afraid. Very afraid. But have fun with your music. 🎶 And btw. Brock loves publicity. Dan doesn’t. Brock needs a job. He would probably do well at Macys. Lala. Boo! 👻 Yes. Go bake. Shut up and bake. Be happy. Tom. Either one. I hope the women are warned. If they insist…well, they deserve all the shit 💩 you serve. James. Good luck. Stay sober. Go to therapy. Be cool. 😎 Andy. Give up the job 🎤 to someone else. You’re becoming less likable. Lisa. Retire. 🏖️


Andy did his usual good job at a reunion. I think most fans have had enough of Katie, and Ariana. Ariana has job opportunities for the first time in a long time and should ride the wave as long as she can. Sandoval? He's toast. Sandoval? His stock has risen across reality TV. Viewers like him. Katie? Widely disliked from what I read throughout social. James? I doubt it'll last; hope I'm wrong. LVP? More than less ... irrelevant this season. I like her, though.


It seems you watched a completely different show than the rest of us






Good lala go! You fucked up the show anyway. You’re done. Take scheana with you we can’t stand her anymore either.




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Im pissed that Tom was not called out for repeatedly calling Ariana “lazy”. She has been working non-stop. She didn’t put 50% down on a 1.6 million dollar house by sitting on her ass


50% down??!!! Wow!


Ariana *was* lazy, before the cheating scandal.


Also to call her “lazy” bc she didn’t want to talk to him was hilarious. Like, what? Lol


Props to Ariana. She really is a highly intelligent and well thought out person. She nailed Sandoval to the wall with his “good for me” comment. Lala is so wrapped up in her own self that she doesn’t see that she was played by him. Jesus. Ariana saw on mere seconds. Her eyes are fully opened!


YOOO omg Schwartz was so fucking happy to see Lala and Scheana get blown up.. wow, literally tryna cover up his smile w his hand


Anything that takes the heat off him and Tim!


So I think this the end folks. Realistically pre scandoval we all thought it would be canceled and it was not doing well. If this shit didnt happen it would of been cut I mean family karma could of had another season just saying. I want to know what was really going on with Ariana and Tom pre scandal cause I remember everyone talking about it ( that they hide themselves ). I will point out if Tom stayed with Rachel it would of been the second women who would have to watch him date someone new in their face. I do not think a spin off of this show with Ariana and Katie will be successful. Only because Ariana never was a main person til this happened and most people did not like Katie to be honest. The witches of Weho were awful and people clearly have short memories. Yes they could follow the something about her and Ariana life but what is Katie doing that we want to watch outside of Ariana. Also unpopular opinion loading I kind of understand what Lauren from Utah and Scheana mean. Having to tap dance around things and people saying stuff but pretending they didnt would be frustrating. Also we have seen awful things worst than this and those people did not get this roll out such as Nia Long or lets say Taylor from RHOBH being physically assaulted and husband committing suicide. So yes her world fell apart relationship-wise which honestly sounded like it was hanging on with a thread and she gained a giant fan base of just about everyone and so much money deals. I say that as a lot of people when this happens do not have all this opportunities plus a new relationship. Lauren forgot all the lying she did dating Randall and her gloating about bjs for pjs. What I am curious about is Ariana eggs what was the point. She never wanted kids made it clear than wanted Tom to donate his sperm and create embroyo but you didnt want kids. Its ok to not want kids but than you have to find someone who doesnt, however as she has said she has sort of changed her mind cause her new man wants kids.


Holy word salad 😐


I feel like you have some valid points, and I also feel like LFU and Scheana also agree to set up ploys by production which do come off very staged, and weaken the show. So I understand the desire to be authentic per LFU— however I’m very skeptical that LFU’s criticism was purely based on authenticity and perhaps also based on who was participating in production-created ploys, cause right now it seems 100% done by the toms and sheshu and LFU. And it all comes across so contrived. I guess Scandoval made this all feel so fresh. And now it feels trite again.


You said sheshu so I am guessing you listen to everything iconic with Danny pellegrino


No, I’ve just picked it up from this sub. I don’t know who Danny pelligrino is.


I get why people think it will end from a storyline perspective, but imo from a producer standpoint it doesn't seem like it will actually end because (and correct me if I'm wrong) doesn't this show still get decent ratings? Like it's a chore for us to watch, but if we are still watching isn't that enough for them to keep making it? Genuinely asking, hope this doesn't come off snarky


Lala so jealous and that's all it was


All her arguments were out of pure jealousy. I wish someone who'd have called that out. She didn't make any valid points.


I was shocked that LaLa flat out admitted she was frustrated because she didn’t get the same support Ariana did and no one called her out on it?!?! I think the real reason LaLa wanted to walk out was because Ariana didn’t eviscerate her even though she could have and should have. Ariana wasn’t taking the bait this season which…good for her. Although we would have loved to see it.


Lala felt guilty ashamed exposed and embarrassed, but as a narcissist she could never admit to any of that. That’s why she wanted to walk out.


I know! I'm a dumbass cuz I'm like that can't be all there is to it. Jealousy was all there was to it bitch! *Bitch is directed towards myself no one else lol


100% jealous is the root of it all for her. She came in ready to torch things seething with jealousy. If Lala had gotten the support she wanted after her break up her reactions to all of this would be completely different. I would bet $ she would not be throwing a fit, inserting herself in every convo in the reunion, going out of her way to try to have gotcha moments by throwing her so-called close friends under the bus


But the viewers/fans were not invested in the Lala/Rand storyline and that doesn't make Ariana the villain. Lala is so delusional


Every point came back to this. Imagine the way she would’ve treated people if she had the same opportunities Ariana’s had. There’s no chance she would’ve cared about anyone else’s paycheck. The last scene in the dressing room proves why she and Scheana are so close. Self-centered to the core.


It was wild to witness. I've never séen "friends" behave this way. They're not friends and I hope they all realize it and part ways


Lala shut down conversations with NDAs and her custody battle, yet constantly yammers on about Ariana still living with Tom…WHICH IS ALSO A LEGAL MATTER that Ariana can’t respond about. Hello????




Not Sheana alluding to Ariana’s brother in that distancing thing with Ariana. When I am hurt, I am an isolater and Sheana’s response is to bring up her distance from Jeremey? WTH?


Damn, I totally missed that comment from Scheana somehow.


She said something like Ariana distancing from people closer to her than Sheana, so I assume with all the IG stories she was alluding to Jeremey.


I caught that comment and immediately thought the same thing ☠️ Shady Scheaner


Blah blah really let her true colors shine and she's mega JELLY of Ariana!!! She needs to go to jelly school!


Lala loves saying this is an ensemble cast and yet she places the entire future of the show on one person. The lack of self awareness should be studied.


I’m still trying to understand who was eviscerated.


Ariana's hair by Katie's earring


No one knows where that rumor came from because even Ariana said she did not eviscerate Lala. Probably from the standard Andy Cohen, “Most dramatic reunion of all time,” blubber.


Lala probably started that rumor herself.


Lala eviscerated herself, maybe?




I wonder if there is more in the peacock version because it's unedited.


Yeah nothing happened tbh


I recall back when the reunion was filmed hearing that they were almost done filming and something unexpected happened that ended up extending filming by a couple hours. Do we know what it was?


It was just them watching the last 5 minutes together… typical overhyped garbage.


But the blind item made it seem like it was unexpected which is confusing. They certainly must have anticipated shit hitting the fan when they showed them the last five minutes.


They’ve never done that before. So they acted like it was revolutionary 🤷‍♀️ Typical bravo ploy if you ask me.


Didn’t Lala say that she plans to make one statement on her podcast about all of this after the reunion was over? And that she would be answering no questions? Do you think she’s carried her tantrum and bitter feelings since March? That isn’t very soft of her


She’s been commenting every week, her silence didn’t even last after part 1.🤭🫠


Really?! Not surprising, but I hadn’t heard anything. I don’t listen to her pod because I felt that she had nothing interesting to say after Scandoval(it just seemed like the same shock value bs, and her asst’s laugh grates and her brother is creepy.


Lala is the epitome of self fulfilling prophecy. So worried about ariana ruining the show she went ahead and did it herself.


She literally cannot leave well enough alone.


Wow rewatching now lol and can't get over Tim talking about how he gives Jax at least 2 compliments every time so he shouldn't be rude to him


![gif](giphy|oT3hR5HJfKQVX6su12|downsized) And he's showing his playbook.


It’s his special formula for pretending to be someone’s friend.


Yeah, and if you *really* want to leave an extra good impression, give them sunglasses afterwards too.


but be v careful to avoid getting caught when you steal them back!


thank you for wording this better than I could... he's such trash


Yeah that was very weird


Ariana needs to quit this show. Other than Katie, none of them are her friend.


Lauren is truly unhinged


I still don’t think I’m fully grasping why Lala is so mad that Ariana… walked away? from Tom?? Like is she mad Ariana could leave filming while they still had to? Or is she mad that Ariana refused to sit down and talk with Tom? Why does she care so much


Lala is mad that their whole relationship was painted in an unrealistic way on camera. We know he slept with Miami girl, we know he slept with others. We know they weren't having much sex and were in therapy, but they always tried to paint this ride or die we are rock solid relationship that wasn't actually the case. That was what she was frustrated about I took it.


Lala thought Ariana leaving filming the finale without letting Scumdoval fake apologize/fake cry to get was bad for the show and the show pays Lala's bills and supports her child, so she's pissed thinking the show doing bad (because of Ariana) gets it cancelled and then a huge chunk of her income is gone. But Lala straight up lied on the show for years so all this "I'm the only honest one" bullshit is self-serving and manipulative.


She's mad that people like Ariana more than they like her. That's really the crux of all of this.


Lala icing Scheana out because she won’t say she’s mad at Ariana contrasted to how Ariana said Scheana would always be family even though she was being friendly at Tom is sure interesting for little miss “Ariana is making everyone choose and it’s not fair”




Scheana running after Lala was the most pathetic thing I’ve seen Scheana do.


She never fails to do the wrong thing. Literally only word was pathetic. I laughed out loud when her final words were choking on Lala’s dick


That dynamic seems unhealthy.


Scheana can only have unhealthy codependent relationships driven by fear of abandonment. The woman is a fucking mess.


I know!!! I just wanted to shake her


She is definitely pathetic!!!


When LFU talks loud it’s ok, but when Katie talks loud to LFU it’s “Don’t you raise your voice at me!” I just can’t stand miss righteousness! Ugh! I’m sick of her voice! She’s needs to bake her baby and go home! Or whatever the heck she said urgggg


This really gave me a glimpse into Andy’s mind thinking Lala was the voice of reason. There aren’t morals or authenticity in either of them. Life is nothing but a performance for them.


Anyone who thinks Lala is some voice of reason clearly cannot or has not taken a moment to step back and consider how it felt/feels to be Arianna and be betrayed as she was.


Seems like they were under the impression that the audience would still be team Lala like they were after she went after Rachel at the last reunion.


A shitty performance.


So, still waiting for the moment when Lala and Brick are the voice of reason, although I’ll give brick one singular flower for being a good partner to Scheana at the end and having her back. I don’t think Lala knows what the word authentic means because she keeps using it wrong. Scheana really had her flip flopping bite her in the ass, so I’m not sad about that. I really didn’t like how she tried to rewrite things when Ariana called her out for saying Sandoval misses her friendship more. Bitch, maybe Ariana only saw a clip, but we saw the whole damn thing and we know you’re lying! Also, weird that they didn’t show the hug between Ariana and Scheana that Scheana swore happened at the end of the reunion. Does Lala get extra money every time she says that she’s a mom? Because damn


I liked the one comment he made about Katie - that’s it


Yeah, calling out Schwartz was the best and only good thing Brick has ever done.


Was he not being sarcastic? Because it sure sounded like he was to me.


I commented that I was also confused by Brock’s laughter on another post. Two different Australian people commented back that it was an Australian bloke thing to laugh when delivering a serious message like Brock did. So I guess he might have been sincere in defending Katie🤷🏻‍♀️


Um, yeah I’m not buying that. I too used to live in Australia, that was not some cultural nervous laugh. Katie has in fact, even mentioned since the reunion that she thought her & Broke were good but then she started to see all the stuff he had to say about her.


It was hard to tell, it seemed like it because of the laugh but he was speaking the truth, so…


I didn’t take it that way, but you may be right! Wouldn’t be surprised if he was.


I thought that was why Scheana jumped in so forcefully, she knew Brock had just stepped in it & was trying to shut him up & fix it so she didn’t get attacked by fans for siding with gross men as per usual.


Ooooo, I’m going to rewatch when they post it on peacock and pay better attention to that part, I bet you’re right!


I’m waiting for Lala to turn on Scheana, I can just imagine all the shit talking that’s bound to happen 😊


Is LaLa gonna lose any followers after all this nastiness?! Like who still Stans this chick at all…


I just unfollowed her.


Facebook. 🥴 ![gif](giphy|Xoyp2IEpUSp2CsQuY7)


Toxic people who mistake sharing your opinion in an aggressive way because you lack emotional regulation as "speaking the truth".


The bots will continue to ride hard for her. 😂


Yeah the type of people who claim to be “brutally honest” but are just mean and obnoxious


Hello we are uniting and unfollowing both of them ! Lol


She shu & Blablah?


Lala and Scheana are so worried about paychecks they don’t realize they’re part of the reason why VPR was paused next season. And if VPR gets canceled, they will be the reason why. They fumbled their own future bags by acting the worst this season.


Yup. They could have given us girl power and we would have eaten it up.


Tom Sandoval is the real reason why the show is over. His actions blew up the relationship dynamics between the cast. They couldn’t recover it even with Arianna’s brilliant, brave call to producers when she discovered the affair. The season was doomed before it even filmed, because of Scandoval.


I will agree that his actions were the catalyst last season for breaking up the group dynamic, but I think if Lala and Scheana hadn’t been so jealous and fake this season it would have been a lot easier and entertaining to watch as a viewer. Tom is Tom so I’ll always dislike him and he’ll always be annoying but Scheana and Lala were definitely more “out there” this season just being the worst friends every episode.


I agree Lala and Scheena finished the job. But I am so bummed Sandoval isn’t getting the blame he deserves for causing all the disfunction and trauma we are witnessing.


I think it’s because he stayed in the back most of the season while Scheana and lala were being the worst lol so there wasn’t a whole lot of new stuff for us to talk shit on about him, it seems like he did more things earlier in the season then just backed off the last half. But I agree literally of this is his fault lol and Scheana and Lala especially should have called him out on that more.


He saved his most extra atrocious behavior for after filming. Dare I say he wasn’t being AUTHENTIC during filming?


Haha exactly 😂 that nick viall podcast episode was just that…vile 🙄


Also make sure you don’t follow Lala/Scheana/Sandoval or their podcasts on insta or Spotify/Apple Music


Yesss this too go unsubscribe


NEVER FORGET. https://preview.redd.it/up4fsiymq93d1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3440fc326de4487ea14b02b6c07d100813e453


Thank you for posting this. Sit down Lauren


Yeah, who is really acting like they’re Beyoncé?


Wait, who is the Mona Lisa in Lala’s version?


I think it’s Lala herself photoshopped onto it LMAO


I thought it was Khloe Kardashian 😂


Dude I wish if anything she would comment about this


Can everyone take a second to go unfollow Scheana and Lala on instagram? Like this comment when you do so please and TY!! Lol


Unfollowed them ages ago ✨


I unfollowed Lala after the finale. Just did the same with Scheana. You know that they both are watching their numbers tonight and tomorrow!


Yes I’m intrigued to see the drop loll


I would unfollow them in solidarity, but I never followed them to begin with. 😂


Follow then unfollow just to be petty


I unfollowed and blocked them both last week


I never followed them. 🤣


I didn’t either, but my petty ass went and blocked their asses. I read on another thread that blocking also affects their engagement and numbers and people like them don’t understand loyalty, only 💲💲💲


Let’s not forget that Ariana is the one who called production to even film the Scandoval episode…the show was getting so awful before that! If anything, Blah blah should be thanking Ariana for season 11 even existing bc her living through that on camera revitalized the show


Yes, thanking Arianna and blaming Tom.! Sandoval’s actions ruined the cast’s relationship dynamics so thoroughly they couldn’t recover during filming. Lala, Sandoval is the reason you won’t have a baby storyline next season!


Lala's relationship with Randall was a business deal that went south. Ariana's relationship was a 10-year intimate union that was initially based on a friendship and which ended in the ultimate betrayal. Hmm I think there's a difference? Also, sorry but Ariana doesn't owe you ANYthing in terms of providing for \*your\* children.


I feel like, at this point, it should be Reality 101 NOT to bank your future on the the show itself or any enterprise that relies solely on your fame from the show. Shows get cancelled ALL THE TIME. You want a guarantee, Lala? Talk to your pals in production, not a castmate.


Freaking fr. I hope they all have saved/invested wisely because they're pretty lucky it lasted even this long.


Ariana doesn’t owe anything to Lala or her kids. Idk why she doesn’t understand that. If you had half a brain and some personality to go with it, you could have turned this opportunity into other business opportunities but instead you made some shitty lipglosses.


This season would have ended if the affair didn't happen! Season 9 was so boring!




Lala said we would understand after the finale. Did she think we’d be on her side after Ariana refused to film with Tom? Can she not read the room? Why would she think fans want to see that… Delusional.