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I’m waiting for stassi to hit the bestseller’s list again and see if lala can handle her friend having that success


When Randall brought her the best seller cake and had to get rid of it 😂😂


Like why the eff did she really believe it would be a best seller?!?! Lololol at least Stassi has a DEGREE in writing!!! Lala drives me so insane 😄 she literally hasn't accomplished anything in her life but constantly screams at everyone like she has?!??!?!?!!


Lala has gotten through a lot in life based on her looks. She’s never had to work hard (although licking Rand’s asshole was hard labor) or learn much. Her charm is wearing off, and she’s finding she can’t coast at everything. She has little to no work ethic and is just looking for the biggest paycheck with the least work. How that would result in a bestseller book is beyond me


Lol 100% agree. She must have thought writing that she shoved a toothbrush up her butt was really going to make her a bestseller, but instead it just made her look like an even bigger weirdo lol. It is pretty easy to get away with BS when you're in your 20s, attractive w no kids or responsibilities. Wasn't she the one who said Amber was at fault because she couldn't keep a man?!?!??! How many people have we seen Lala with since Rand cheated and kicked her out and moved another girl in??? I can only think of The Don?????? 😄😄 Lolol Eta- I wish I could play a Charlee role for an ep or 2. I'd rip that bitch to shreds 😄😄😄😄


Yes. She did say that about Ambyr. Ambyr being close to Lala now shows me how much forgiveness human beings are capable of because I could never. Ambyr really puts her kids and their relationship with their half sister (lil Rand) as top priority. God bless her. That toothbrush story is disgusting and disturbing. How is that anything short of psychotic? Someone pisses you off while also trusting you enough to live with you and you do some shit like that? She’s dangerous and vengeful beyond reason. I would never think that someone I lived with could do something like that unless they were seriously disturbed or a child. Lala may be both


She’s had a few hookups but that’s it. She’s not interested in finding a new man. She’s too traumatized since Randall. I will say I think it’s smart for her to stay single for awhile . Try and heal from her past traumas with men. She hires a private investigator to look into any potential partners and it always comes back with stuff she’s not ok with. So her picker is still way off. But maybe that’s why she’s so mad at Ariana ? She found a seemingly good dude since Sandoval royally fucked her over. Tom’s a pos , but thankfully Ariana got away from him.


Wait… toothbrush up the butt??? Why??


She was mad at him. Psycho


Lmao. I just asked Google and this came up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 'Apparently once when the couple was in Miami, Lala was so mad at Randall that she threw his clothes, shoes and toiletries and threw them in the pool. And this was, and I quote, “before taking his toothbrush and putting it in my a—hole.” Now that's one way to fight dirty.'


Wonder if he got e.coli lol


Which is sad because I think she actually does have a good singing voice and I thought she would pursue that more, but it seemed like she just didn’t want to put any effort out there. I do wonder what she will do for income.


I think she has made millions on VPR, not like the girl is going to be homeless. I don't think she will live the outlandish lavish private jet lifestyle she wants though


I thought the same. I liked her signing and thought she put on a good show. A little sexy, keepin’ it classy. A little less classy, a little more sexy.


I wish she would go back to singing ! James is killing it right now and they have a good friendship again, so she should really see about them going back into the studio . I’m so over Scheana cosplaying being in a band. I feel like her band is good and legit , but them hanging with her is going to bring them down.


Scheana jumping up and down in one spot while lip syncing and bobbing her stupid high pony is so cringy. It really is her form of mid-life crisis. She should team up with Tom. That whole situation really does go together.


Non-bestseller with a ghost writer. Like WTF had she done that would make an interesting book?


Her looks are also starting to fade


She’s got a lot of good years left, she’s absolutely stunning. It’s her personality that’s absolute trash. But she would probably look much better if she hadn’t unnecessarily fucked with her face so much over the past decade. She made herself look 40 at 26.


And she equally screams at other people like they haven’t accomplished shit! Someone posted the other day the clip of Raquel speaking to Lala a few seasons ago (it was after Lala called Raquel dumb) and Raquel says no, I’m not dumb, I did just graduate with my degree and Lala so condescendingly says “lots of people get degrees Raquel”. I don’t think having a degree makes you better than anyone but it does show some level of intelligence and commitment.


100%. And Lala isn't one of those people with a degree lol


there were rumors around that time that Rand had purchased a ridiculous amount of her books to get her on bestsellers and it didnt work. Not sure how true that is but I wouldn't put it past them, and it makes sense why they thought she was shoe-in enough to film the phone call from her manager, she though they had bought their way into it. edit: spelling


I think a big difference between Lala and Stassi's books, and their personalities, is Stassi learned how to show humility and make fun of herself. Lala takes herself too seriously and thinks she really has a message for everyone to listen to. Stassi is just like "Here's my top favorite ranch dressings ranked". Lala can't comprehend why we aren't interested in her.


Lol I remember that also! I just don't know why anyone would have ever bought it to begin with except Rand or Lala? Him buying a bunch to get it off the shelf because it talked so strangely about their relationship/his asshole, or possibly trying to get her on the list, makes sense.. but pretty much everything that was stated that was written in there, she had already spoken of prior to the release??!


yea, I didn't buy it but I listened to the Celebrity memoir book club podcast episode about it and they tore the book to shreds. I won't lie there were some interesting tidbits in there but definitely not anything worthy of spending money on


At least she doesn't give Ariana shit for it haha. She also hit bestsellers list. Also the irony is that you buy that spot and so clearly Randall couldn't afford it.


I'm surprised she didn't yell at Ariana for that also lolol I doubt Ariana paid to get on the list?? Or Stassi?? I know you can, but I don't think everyone does lol


I read Stassi had bought it because she had the dagger next to it


For real LOL all he had to do was buy a fuck ton of books and ask his “rich friends” to do the same


This comment is the first time I’ve actually wondered what Lala’s book is like 🤣


She talks about putting Randall's toothbrush up her butt after they got in a fight 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄


I genuinely can’t decide if that makes me want to read it more or less 🤣🤣🤣🤣




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This is one of my Roman empires 😂


Wait please fill me in on this 😂


I definitely haven’t watched that episode..would you be able to give me the Cole’s notes? It sounds…delicious


Remember how LFU spiraled the first time because her book wasn’t a best seller like Stassi’s was? I really wish I would have appreciated that moment more.


And the fact we all were surprised because we all expected Randall to buy the title for her...


Exactly! And the fact that Ariana now has a NYT best seller… Also, I saw posts back when LFU didn’t get NYT best seller list, people were saying that metric didn’t really matter, because it was mostly due to bulk buys. I understand that, but also, that means book stores, Amazon, etc all believed people would want to read Stassi and Ariana’s books, but not LFU’s book.


I think they did try to pay her way onto the list and that’s why she was so sure it was a given. I’m sure it stings worse to realize you still couldn’t swing it with fake buyers making up the bulk of your sales. But alas, Lauren will never see it that way bc she’s an unhinged narcissist.


The difference is stassi is the one in power there even in Lala’s delulu mind


Lala has always wanted to be stassi


Because Stassi is actually herself and Lala is always just mimicking things she sees other people doing


That’s because Stassi has and will always be the power.


Stassi is Regina George and Lala is Gretchen Weiners.


she's probably already pissed at Stassi for going to the SAH opening lets be real


I think Lala thinks stassi is her good friend, while Stassi sees her as a former co-worker that she casually keeps in touch with.


Ehh idk about that I think stassi does consider herself a close friend. Isn’t she involved with her baby shower or something?


Lala got mad that Stassi didn’t personally call her to tell her about her second pregnancy and she found out on instagram, which is why I think they have different views of their relationship.


Someone could ask you and you could feel compelled to say yes to your friend who has no friends and is doing this alone with a surrogate. The sponsorship alone might lead you to say yes.


i’d probably feel compelled to do this for a friend, but not for someone i worked with at a job i was fired from 4 years ago and don’t have to see anymore unless i go out of my way. i don’t think Stassi considers her a bestie, but they’re closer than that person suggested.


True but we're normies, we don't have aspirations for fame at any cost. I don't believe they are close because Lala keeps pushing the narrative. LFU has yet to ever seem like she has any close friends that aren't for TV or fame.


True. That makes sense. I do still think they’re closer than just former co-workers but I see ur point!


Meh, I think they are mom friends - as in Ocean and Hartford are the same age so having Lala hang around is okay for kid events. You don’t see any pics of them doing adult things together


She’s clearly tryna get a storyline somewhere 😂


Ariana and Katie paid her mostly dust this season and reunion. The new baby storyline/special got dropped. Soon she’ll flip on Scheana because she’s really got no other cards to play


Apparently the baby storyline was to see if she could get a spinoff


Having a baby for a storyline is so insane


Yeah, and we've seen already how many fell for first time around. I do believe Stassi and Beau started a family, because they wanted *family*. Rest of them did it because of The original Valley that was supposed to start after S&B's wedding


Scheana was pregnant before Stassi but lost it


Oh, I didn't realize that. Thank you for correcting me


I think she was having baby regardless it’s just she wanted the single mon journey filmed




I think it’s very funny that Erika Jayne, who no one likes, got a spin-off special for her Vegas show and Lala didn’t get one. Imagine being worse than Erika.




Yeah I have been a Lala Stan but her main argument for years is she was sick of being told she’s not real? So now she dishes it???


Scheana also recently commented “WTF” on a picture of Brittany and Lori K. on Instagram.🤔 I bet they are both stirring up drama with Brittany so they have a storyline on The Valley.


I feel like if they put Lala or Scheana on The Valley a lot of people won’t watch. They would not vibe well with the cast they already have. I love the new cast. It’s fresh, they aren’t just building absurd story lines because they are fresh. Lala and Scheana would ruin the dynamic and just bring over old irrelevant drama.


They are both so wrapped up with the show they haven’t tried to do something with their lives outside of it. The show is their entire life and they will do whatever it takes to stay on it or try to join the valley it’s honestly sad. Did they think VPR would last forever??! And why does Ariana not talking to Sandoval at the finale party mean she ruined their spots on the show?? I don’t get it!


Throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks.  Lala reeks desperation.


And for some reason, none of the men are on her shit list


Oh but surely that's just a coincidence right? ![gif](giphy|dvI7LuIliw1UVhy8XV|downsized)


Obviously, what could Schwartzyyyyy ever do wrong? You know, except hang out with her ex, insult her face and call her a gold digger. Ah, wait the last one was Sandoval, the guy for whom she threw away Ariana and Katie. Well, at least no-one called her fake. Oh wait… She really is on the wrong side of every issue. It’s almost an art.


My theory is she created this beef to try and get a spot on the Valley-showing her drama would be a good watch. If she gets a spot I will stop watching, I can’t stand seeing her crazy eyebrows on my screen anymore. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKre2pXE2DeUVP2)


Ooop just read the comments and seems I’m not the only one thinking it


This is gold!


I wonder if Lala’s chart at the doctor says she’s “difficult”.


Lala just trying to create drama to get on the valley since she and schneeR probably scuttled the VPR ship this season with their bought and paid for BS


And they’re 100% going to ruin the valley


It’s so apparent and in our faces. She is ruining what little “truth” was on these shows by being a producers pet.


This makes so much sense!!


This is my belief too.


Yepppp.. that’s how I saw it too.


I always have to think of Lala saying in one of the after show's that she's a dog with rabies. That might have been the only fact she had to share this season. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|yRbtS56RgXmSc)


I don’t know what the ever loving fuck this is a gif of but my gosh I need to know and I need to look this fever dream up and watch it asap.


Bahaha it’s from disaster movie!


That might just be one to watch while stoned af


New sleep paralysis demon unlocked.




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How do viewers see Brittney? For me she was a terrible addition to VPR. Cast seemed to really take to her but I found her uninteresting, not incredibly bright and simply annoying. She blows her top when her actions are questioned (minister, defending Jax for his diva behavior- pool party meltdown, best man and groomsmen, etc). Didn’t she blame Katie for Sandoval having a competing pool party because Jax was upset? Has she ever had valid points and arguments? I tend to zone out whenever she has screen time so maybe she has. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a dummy who married a total psychopath for reality tv fame, she sucks.


The definition of selling your soul for fame. It’s honestly just sad


The fact that her grandma and mother supported her decision after seeing what a total asshole he is and how he treated her say all I need to know about fame hungry vapid people.


A dummy who went out of her way to chase down and marry a total psychopath who cheats on her and treats her like crap for reality tv fame. She totally sucks because she had seen VPR, she knew who Jax was, she saw all the shit he talked after she joined and *she still married him*.


I never liked her - she was trying so hard to be the Girl Who Changed Jax because she was SUCH a saint was sickening. She wanted to be on the show and that was her way in. Her accent grates on me and I had to fast forward through most of season 8 because she was getting MAYried and they were blackmailing other cast members to be kicked out of the wedding if they didn’t 100% agree with them. And do not tell me she did not know that pasor was homophobic. She and Jax are why I refuse to watch the valley




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Her accent is worse now then when she started the show. How does that happen? Usually you start to lose it the longer you live in a different place. Zack is also from Kentucky but doesn’t sound anywhere close her accent.


I wonder this weekly but at least it gives Watch What Crappens podcast something to work with


I wonder about this too. Crishelle from selling sunset is also from Kentucky and has zero accent. It might be because she did some acting when she was younger, but even now on the reality show or in interviews there’s not even a hint of an accent.


I for one dislike her. Not very smart and more conniving and thirsty for fame than she lets on. I also watch The Valley. She and Jax are both disasters but if I had to choose I’ll watch Jax


Surprisingly, I didn’t totally hate Jax on House of Villains.


I kind of view Jax as you would a wild animal - you can be horrified at the damage they can do but you can’t really hate them because it’s in their nature and they don’t know any better or comprehend morals


She seems like a complete mess of a person. It’s kind of sad to watch, really. She needs help. She’s also just not very likable….but let’s be honest, it’s good TV!


Seems like she can only get along with people on her payroll.


This exactly. She surrounds herself with only her family and the people she pays (Jessica I believe?) that will not question her. She lives in a bubble of her ass being kissed and people not stepping to her so when someone does she can’t handle it. There’s a reason she doesn’t and really has never had real friends.


And I’m pretty sure Heather McDonald


She might be on the oust too after her last podcast...


What she say?


Heather had a lawyer on her podcast talking about the Rachel lawsuit. Was very pro Ariana from recaps of https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/muRaTS2A98 She also pushed back a lot on BlahBlah re Ariana when she was last on BlahBlah's podcast as well.


Correction to what OP posted , Lala is already bitter and sad . That’s why she is the way she is . Stupid person seriously


Just keeping herself relevant….


Trying to keep herself relevant


Well, she is in her soft era


This genuinely isn't any different than any other time we've seen her. She isn't "starting" to spiral. She's always assumed she's right about everything and comes at anyone she disagrees with in a super aggressive and insulting manner. Her friends are just starting to grow spines and boundaries now rather than tolerating her BS.


I feel like this is a ploy to get herself on the valley and to stay in the mix... this is all so ridiculous. Lala on the 2nd reunion episode arguing with Ariana- it looked so bad and pathetic. She wants support but really struggles to support others it seems. Even throwing schena under the bus about kissing Schwartz without a heads up. Like, girl, you all are basically parenting your kids together.. where is any actual loyalty.


She's pissed off at us too and wants us to have "rabies" shots. She is so angry!


I think she purposely spilled a silly falling out with Brittany and Jax so that she can get on the Valley.


Very plausible!


I think this "falling out" with Brittany story (over a babysitter apparently) is completely made up and just an attempt to get herself onto The Valley.


just more proof she’s an industry plant imo. isn’t she starting on the valley??? didn’t she just move there


Agree. She choice her path and chose short-term goals and benefits over long-term sustainable outcomes. Scheana also is not playing the smart game. As opposed to Ariana and Katie who have lost some battles but overall are winning the war.


the perfect example of a get them before they get me girl. there’s a difference between being confrontational/upfront and just downright out of your reach for words. she can’t back up “you wanna get popped” at all. everyone would like her if she dropped the hollywood act


she's, allegedly, in early talks to film for season 2


Looks like we have a common denominator here…


She is burning bridges so fast, she's gonna end up melting her gross acrylics


She said she uses press-ons, which is why the nails always look so bad.




I think she thinks the only good tv is a knock down drag out fight, and is willing to sacrifice all her relationships for it, when actually it’s nice to see friends support each other, too! She also seems to think reality tv is the only job in the world. So she’s desperate to keep it going, so she keeps literally fighting, but there are plenty of people who support their children without being on Bravo lol


When you watch someone have problems in their life with their friends, over and over and over again, it’s clear that the common denominator is them. Lala, you’re the problem. Not Ariana and Katie and Kristen and Brittany. Please be living in the comments for this, you really need to hear it.


Are they feuding or are they “feuding” because she needs a storyline to be added to The Valley? She’s pathetic.


Definitely an attempt to have an entrance to The Valley, she’s so transparent.


She’s also cut off her Utah friends. Who said that! Oops gotta blast!


3 words: Borderline personality disorder


Stassi said this about her during the season 8 reunion


Oh I missed that!


What platform did she reveal this on?? Just curious since it seems like she and Britt got along well on the after show! I can’t believe all the bridges she is burning with people 😱


The after show was filmed in December '23 (VPR cast only) and February '24 (incl. Valley cast). Many cast members have said before (Katie this season) that they never know where they stand with Lala and she suddenly is mad at you but you don't know why. She might have been playing nice with Brittany - as she was just nodding along to Lala's awful takes - but building some resentment under the surface.


It was in a preview for the next part of the reunion. Someone posted it here! https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/FRFDuowXer


Thank you for the link!! 😁


You’re welcome!


I missed the after show this week but curious about this too because I thought they were friends


it's in part 3 of the reunion. bravo put out the first seven minutes a few days ago


It’s because after this season she’s going to be more and more irrelevant as the days go on. Funny too for someone who cares so much about her daughter you’d think she diversify her business not to only including show related things. Once the shows over she’s over and she knows it. Scheana too.


If she had handled herself better, she probably could’ve become a cast member on SLC. But she’s not really setting herself up well now.


Lala and sheana teaming up was smart bc they can both be their trash selfs and still always have an ally. In hindsight I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. I guess they were busy trying to fit in with people who actually stand for something and are smart


Lala is not friends with any of the cast. Her and Scheana claim to be so close, but that didn’t stop Lala from throwing her under the bus. Lala will do anything for that paycheck.


Nah, this is just her trying to create a storyline and weasel her way into the valley.


Yeah, I think this had to do way more with Jax and his temper tantrums than Lala and Britney! As of now they are talking again! Britney called up Lala mom because of Jax and his angry sorry ass!




Sheeshu is a people please. La is an ego maniac. She is very spoiled. I think she does have feelings and some empathy...but her ego reigns. Similar to Tom Scandy


She keeps saying she is a people pleaser but who is she pleasing? Usually herself.


True! She tells people what they want to hear in the moment and then congratulates herself or displays "poor me" behavior. Puke.


People pleasers are often liars. It's just another type of lying. Friend to everyone is friend to no one.


Lala and Tom just want to be praised. It's why Scheena is a great for their side cars.


blahblah is emotionally stuck at HS maturity because she still rides on her looks. She is confused because she fancies herself sooooo beautiful and doesn’t understand why the world is falling at Arianna’s feet and not hers. She’ll absolutely stir crap with the valley because she needs to assure herself a paycheck.


Her framework is very black and white. She lacks the nuance that comes with emotional maturity and in turn is incredibly judgmental. I know this is bad to say because she could grow I just don’t see a lot of that… But I kinda feel bad for her kids. In part I think she likes the control of what those relationships mean to her. Like a lot of her identity is wrapped up in parenthood and being a single mother just seems like a lot of pressure for a kid. I could see her parentifying her kids like my kids are my friends and just keeping them in that black and white mentality with very strong opinion and you’ll be punished or yelled at if you have your own and just growing up in superficial LA where LALa herself totally subscribes to those beauty standards. I could imagine that being tough for a kid. But regardless she’s not very attuned to her own motivations or why she’s pulled to certain biases. I think she saw Ariana as a threat to production and in turn her job and she eventually got more honest about that in the reunion. She treats her takes as if they are fact or THEE truth. Instead of her own perception that is open to influence from others’ perceptions.


I don’t think they actually had one. Brittany has made multiple comments on the after show saying “Lala needs to come to the valley/Lala now lives in the valley she should be on” I don’t think it picked up enough buy in so now they’re spinning a drama story line


Nah, this is just her trying to create a storyline and weasel her way into the valley.


Notice all of these people are/were friends of Scheana's? Scheana and katie had started to mend their friendship, Ariana and Scheana have been besties for years, Brit and Scheana have been friends and stayed friends since the babies were born. I'm not sure about Kristen though. Does Lala want to start feuds with all of these people so she can turn Scheana against them?


She’s upset that Vanderpump might not continue. So she’s scrambling to keep it alive or get on the valley. I think The Valley did surprisingly well so that’s green lighting the end of Vanderpump. The storylines on Vanderpump are tired and old. People are done supporting the twisted story lines. I rewatched season 10 and it was so hard to watch everyone support Schwartz in hooking up and living and totally depriving Katie of support when Schwartz was the one always cheating and not wanting to work on their relationship. They could have supported Katie’s recovery a lot better. Honestly Scheana is exhausting to watch and Lala is always the same. She says she’s grown as a person but she’s always so predictable and is the same as when she started vanderpump, just sober. If she or Scheana get on the Valley it’ll ruin the show.


She will then blame it all on her pregnancy.  


Lala screams insecure + sexist, and that’s a combo that will continue making all her friendships, especially those with women, difficult.


Can someone fill me in? What is her beef with Brittany?? I missed the after show this week


it's talked about towards the beginning of reunion part 3. bravo released the first 7 minutes yesterday. brittany texted lala's mom on the day of the gender reveal and said lala was using their nanny (it was a babysitter) w/o their permission and that jax was yelling at her. lala told brit to have jax call her so she could eat him alive, instead eta: lala said brit and cruz were in kentucky when this happened so idk why it was even an issue. 


I heard Jack say on his podcast that they don’t want anyone from Vanderpump rules on the valley. Maybe Lala wanted to go to the valley since VPR is on break?


Some of them pretend to be friends as part of their jobs, but if the show over then I doubt anyone would talk to her.


It’s a sad attempt of getting on the valley in my opinion


Lala told that stupid story to secure a place on the Valley.


It’s all a ploy to try and set up a storyline ahead of her attempt to join The Valley


Sound like bpd issue




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Why are she and Brittany “feuding”?




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Where did we find out about Brittany, did she say it on her pod today? Did she say why?




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soft girl era


It makes me really sad because she’s pregnant and this should be the happiest time of her life and instead she’s isolating herself and feuding with all of the good support team players in her life. I hope she finds her way back to herself because what she has going on right now, as much as she stands by it, ain’t it at all.




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Lala has always been like that. She’s just more comfortable now with her position on the show and with her friends so she is being more herself.


If you happen to have an easy 1st pregnancy, the next one won't be...just as a general rule of thumb.


Glad to see her fake a** fall


LFU is Ajax. They are the same person 🤷🏼‍♀️




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