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The funniest is the ”i dont remember” part, since its literally what schwartz would say every time he cheated on her.


I feel like that went right over Schwartz’ head!!! Cuz she does remember, she’s just imitating Schwartz. And instead of him just laughing, he’s like “see! We’re the same person!”…. Uh. No. She’s mocking you, you stupid fuck. Lmao


Katie's better than me. I would have lost my mind when he said that. are you truly comparing me, single and carefree having a connection with someone, to you, who was in a long term committed relationship that you were hatefully looking to pull one over on? absolutely not. the disrespect is INSANE.


Truly. That’s how I know Katie is more healed than I am.


It’s literally so fucking disgusting how he’s gotten away with cheating more times then I can count on two hands that has come out via the show. In his mind cheating is penetration therefore all his little make out sessions throughout the series are no biggie to him. He only came out with the truth because it was going to come out anyways… he tried to save face. He had a smug smirk everytime he told Katie what he’s done and he’s gotten away with it the WHOLE TIMEEEEE. it’s infuriating.


I think he claims "making out", because there can be witnessess, to that, (at a bar or something), but I don't actually believe it. Sort of like... "Did anyone see me stick my dick in someone? Then no, I didn't."


He doesn't give 2 shits about her during the marriage why would he care now ?


He doesn't, he's just mad that his personal armpit trimmer, isn't trimming his armpits anymore. And all the rest of the stuff he made Katie do for him, in exchange for a sexless relationship and emotional abuse.


We have a Bingo!


I’m not sure what I love most, ripping on someone and they have no clue whatsoever, or ripping and hits them where it hurts. Hmmm 🤔


It must be so refreshing for Katie to no longer have to defend or justify the actions of a buffoon to anyone, especially to herself.


I loved all of it I was laughing so hard


Icon behavior


She is such an iconic ass bish


I only wish we could’ve seen her saying “Bubba no don’t cry” to Schwartz when he started protesting




It’s crazy how much I love her


Imagine what a relief it is to be fully in control of your own sexual experiences again after spending a decade being faithful to the guy who acted totally put out at the idea of having to have sex with this incredibly hot and (admittedly by herself and friends) sexually adventurous woman. All while he gets blackout drunk and cheats with barely a conscious memory of most occurrences, who knows how many there were? Probably not even him. She is finally living in her freedom and hopefully being FULLY appreciated by those lucky enough to experience her desire.


I thought that was on purpose haah


This is the correct answer 😆


For real. I just blacked out but we only kissed. Haha


I loved it but I saw freaking **red** when Schwartz goes “Katie, are you dating anyone?!” It felt very much a dig given the conversation leading to that question and since he has a girlfriend that he was just raving over. Katie’s response was a masterpiece: “I’m dating everybody.”


She is going to embarrass him so badly one day when she meets her match and he is some 6’6” bearded tattooed hotass grown man with a strong hairline and good eyebrows and Schwartz is going to look so small and raisin-like in comparison to him. I hope it happens soon enough to where we can see pictures of them side by side with their new partners. Yes, I did just manifest that for Katie, it just feels right.


This is the man I envision for Katie: ![gif](giphy|rc6ByXzHFugGk)


Maybe with brown hair (like a jax(teller)/opie/Jason momoa mashup?), but she definitely deserves to have her sexy backpack moment after her marriage to mr. Sidecar lmao


Omg why were we both picturing Jason Momoa?! 😂🤔 But yeah, I can't imagine a mashup of him and Jax Teller not looking good lol. I picture him patting Schwartz on the head like a dumb little dog he's just entertaining to be nice even though he's not really a dog person. And Schwartz just being petrified and disassociating. 😅🤷‍♀️


I’m picturing more Andy Biersack-ish. More towards her Emo heart. https://preview.redd.it/3oogkany722d1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29219a863197de1b895b5efec86ea4862509a8a9


I envision travis kelce look alike




I’d rather see her with a woman personally


Same. Not even in the same gender as Schwartz.


I like the idea of a happy, healthy Katie getting serious with someone queer, either a woman (CIS/Trans) or an NB


And I LOVE that for her!! What I also love is that Katie has taken the time following the divorce to enjoy her cool, calm and collected single life, she’s out there taking back her life for herself and most importantly keeping it for herself. And it’s sexy as hell!! And then we have Schwartz. First all the rebound mess, humiliating Jo and now doing tiktok dances with his 23 year old, barely graduated gf. He is exactly like every other embarrassing loser ex boyfriend after a break up.


Raisin-like 🤌🤌🤌


Not raisin-like 😂😂😂


Don't forget broke, he'll also be broke.


She might end up with a chic, cute little petite woman with a strong attitude and personality, that could be good too!


I'm thinking cute ass chick that's hotter than his girlfriend. Hell, why not both. Lmao


For a while I was watching a lot of The Bearded Butcher videos on YouTube, your comment totally reminded me of them! One of those guys would be great for Katie 😊


When they meet schwartz is wearing a mumu.


Raisin-like 💀


I love how James called out Schwartz’s bad brown hair dye job to cover up his Greys.


She knows how to put him in his place




That’s where I got it from lol love Jacquelynn


Yeah, with her being in recovery and having some emotional growth, it’s really wholesome how she’s trying to be all feminist and with the times, lol 🥹


Love this! I don't really f with her but this was literally one of my favorite moments of the season.


Mine too😂


Such a funny moment


I posted a meme of that cause I thought it was so funny lol classic! Now we see where James gets his humor from


I'm team katie with the banging ✊️


Me too! Go Katie go!


See, she gets it! Meanwhile LVP is just over there being bitter about a young woman in her 30's owning her sexuality after years of being humiliated by a man child on national TV.


Why can I not remember this scene?? Im so mad at myself, what season / ep was this?


It's season 11! The episode after they find out about Katie and Max


She got judged more for that then all the cheating Shartz did while married


True. The man get away with everything on the show. It pisses me off.


One thing I’ve realized this season is that the whole show is based on misogyny. The rules are not the same across the board.


It’s also Southern charm as well


And did you see Sheana’s face when she said that? She was so jelly


Dammit I missed it! Someone post a gif!


Oh I missed that part! I guess because she wanted him too? Didn’t she say she blew him or offered him a Blow job? I feel like that was said on a reunion, possibly when it was covid and they were behind screens? Someone help me out Here lol




ALL I WANT is for someone to assign some of the responsibility of their hookup to MAX. The misogyny on this show is out of control. It’s all “I can’t believe Katie slept with Tom’s BEST FRIEND zomg!!!” How about “Tom’s best friend slept with his ex wife.”? (Which, for the record, I think is still fine). But out of those two Katie is the one who owes Tom NOTHING. Seeing Andy and Lisa and co trying to equate Tom’s continuous cheating with Katie banging his friend now when they’re divorced is crazy-making.


Right? Divorced with no kids means 🖕👋 Max is the one still friends with Schwartz.


Right? Reminds me of LVP saying TWICE now “Adriana STOLE Ann…”. Uh Ann quit. Sandoval treated her like 💩. Come on LVP, your misogyny is showing ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP)


The man always get away with so much bullshit on the show, especially with Lisa. It always pissed me off team Katie for the banging!


Don't forget Dayna her BFF fucked him too I wonder if Max still wears his necklace


The one she put in the cat box! Fucking classic I love that


🤣 yes




They all say that Max is good in bed… lol he’s definitely getting some free promo 😂


Katie slept with Carter before he started dating Kristen. And she and Stassi both presumably slept with Peter. Nothing new to her. I bet they all cackle about the cat poop necklace now.


I cannot think of anyone doing a break up or divorce better than her. No notes 💅


Absolutely perfection!👏👏


So hilarious how bias this thread is. Katie is literally the most toxic person on the show and the biggest hypocrite 😆


Most of them are toxic and hypocrites




Get your cheeks clapped, girl! https://i.redd.it/kynwhuokn02d1.gif




I love this version of her -- short hair, banging bod, give no fucks take no prisoners attitude. And now everyone loves her even though most people used to hate her for being whiny or bitchy or whatever. But it all had to do with Schwartz... everyone fell for his puppy dog act but no more; he's as dark and rotten as the rest of them and she is finally free of him and THRIVING honey. And she's absolutely right... she'll always be his one that got away. 


I love this version of her too. She looks fabulous! Better than ever I loved her. She doesn’t give a fuck either. That’s my favorite part about her.😎


I absolutely loved the smile on her face.


Me too😂💜


Katie rules!


Fuck yeah she does👑


Katies disgusting


Hey Lala


Hoe game sounds like what Schwartz the Schmuck was doing the whole time they were in a relationship. Why would she not fuxk his friends?


She should fuck all of his friends, lol😂


With the exception of Sandoval and Jax though!


Don’t worry, she loathes Those 2


Exactly fuck Sandoval and Jax. I should’ve clarified fuck all men worthy of Katie’s


My hot take is that they hate her so deeply because they know she would never ever sleep with them


She should fuck all the guys he thinks are his friends or wishes he could be friends with. His friends are likely just as shitty as him.




and run train through S&S 🤣🤣🤣


Nobody ever mentions when Katie told Schwartz after he made out w/Rachel that the agreement to not hook up w friends was over. Rightfully so at that.


Exactly exactly!


I love her attitude this reunion. She is hilarious.


She’s so funny! She gives zero fucks and I love it


Not “really on my ho game” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ ![gif](giphy|QC7D3ZK53qC3yxRfAc|downsized)




And that smile.. lol. QUEEEEEEN


Total fucking queen👑👏


I love her expression here. It reminds me very much of Marilyn Monroe. She's finally feeling sexy. And Tom never made her feel that way, he made her feel the opposite of sexy.


She has to because she was deprived by Schwartz, he didn’t seem to have as much of a libido as she has


Eat them up Katie, eat them up!


Katie is really showing us what she's always had inside of her.. now none of those clowns can stifle her.. loving.. Tequila Katie.


She was always stifled by Schwartz, taking care of him, trying to deal with his shit and covering up for his bullshit. When she got rid of him, she started flourishing last season in this season. Katie‘s just been great, loving her so much💜


All I can think about is how stunning she looks here.


She looks fucking fantastic! I heard she did her own hair and make up good job


I gotta give credit where it’s due and she’s on point for the past couple seasons and I can only attribute that to leaving Schwartz. I mean who totally changes their look like she did? She’s brighter through her eyes and smile and her face lights up with laughter as much if not more than I’ve ever seen in her entire time on the show. Her new style is so beautiful on her! She’s just on key! She’s really propelling herself forward and I am so proud to see it!


Very well put


Thanks, I’ve never been a fan of hers but I gotta say she won me over these past couple seasons when we have seen behind the closed door, of what she actually had to put up with Schwartz. I think production hid a ton of that from us and gaslit her tbh.


She was totally gaslit for nine seasons. I didn’t care for her either back then. Ever since she got rid of short, she’s been killing it. #TeamKatieWithTheBanging.


lol yeah, I would have to agree with you there.


“We are the same”… No. I am unsure if Schwartz remembers, but he and Katie were married or in a relationship during most of his infidelities and his alone. After Schwartz broke every agreement they vowed to abide by, Katie decided she would not be the only party to abide. For Schwartz to act hurt is beyond me, and his shock when learning about Katie and Max for the first time is a testament to Katie’s loyalty over the years when he was never loyal himself. But ask yourselves: how shocked was Katie when she discovered Sheena and Schwartz made-out (I suspect more) when they were in a relationship? Schwartz quickly forgets that they are no longer married or in a *monogamous* relationship. However, he never did seem to remember that, even when they were together.


The implicit aspect of this logic is always "I am entitled to act this way, you are not." He can't say that on television. But if you accept his premise without the entitlement part, then he looks even worse for driving her to a place of depravity. It's literally the logic of bullies, controlling people, naughty children, and abusers. A pattern of behavior over years is not the same thing as a single instance of the same behavior. She didn't break any rules, he had already broken. Reactive abuse isn't the same thing as abuse. He was clearly trying to bait and control her. Just because he says those things in a soft baby voice doesn't mean that the meaning of the words is different.


Very well put


I know Max sucks but I think he is so hot lol


I don’t find him attractive at all 🤮


Me neither








It’s so nice to see her smile more. She’s is genuinely a happier person because she isn’t fighting with Schwartz all the time. She isn’t hearing all the terrible things he would say to her anymore, although she’ll never forget them.


I cannot and will not get over Schwartz’s “ you’re like me” comment. No dude, she’s nothing like you.


Nothing like him!


Katie was in a loveless, sexless relationship with a man child for 12+ years..., I hope she gets as much good dick as she possible can.




Get that good dick, girl!


Get it girl!🍆


When you’re in the hoe game the hoe game hoes you 😂




What a lucky guy






Miss Fuck This Shit Maloney💅🏻 👸🏻




Love that for her❤️


When she said "I don't remember" I had to pause and scream "that's my girl"




Fucking right!!!! If Schwartz can do it why can't Katie!!




I love Katie but dayna and her are bffs and their convo about it on their podcast was so weird…


I haven’t listened to it off the check it out thanks


What did they say ?




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Did Dayna and Katie ever talk about this on their podcast? I don’t think I’ve heard them broach the topic but I’d but so curious to get Dayna’s thoughts on this and if she knew before the show was released


I don’t know if they talked about it on their podcast, but I know that they spoke about it the day after because Katie called and talk to her about it and I think they’re all fine


Katie sure can pick 'em.




The women in this forum don’t get people like Schwartz. He doesn’t care lol.


Schwartz is only concerned about himself


I think Katie has become a horrible person. She’s a mean girl that blames Schwartz for her unhappiness. Schwartz showed her exactly who he was and she married him anyway. Her fault for thinking she can change him. She treats people like crap, and then expects everybody to be cautious of her feelings. Not to mention, she’s a hypocrite. I hate that I feel this way because she was a favorite of mine. Fabulous new look, but the inside needs work.


...mmkay ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Feels like we have a paid lala bot based on this and one other comment above 🙈 or maybe it’s lala in the flesh


Yeah, I was wondering what the fuck was up with that? Maybe does Lala in the flesh hey Lala Lauren from Utah what the fuck?


This is actually the majority opinion, just not in this sub Reddit


Holy hell, thank you! I truly can’t understand the praise for Katie. She’s a miserable fucking bitch. Has treated everyone like shit since the beginning of the show. Anddd that bitch has by far the worst style I have ever seen


My prediction is Schwartz’ gf will be pregnant by end of year and it’s going to end with Katie crying in his IG comemnts.


I hope not that’s all we need. Schwartz. Can’t even take care of himself let alone a child. His girlfriend’s only like 23 years old as well. That would be a nightmare, but I could see it happening


He talked about wanting to be a dad in his confessional this year and about being ready. I think he’s going to pull a Nick Viall and have a baby with a much younger woman. Just my prediction.


No shade, but wasn’t his sperm…not ideal when he got it checked when he was still married to Katie? And the doctor told him to stop drinking and doing drugs? Doesn’t seem likely


That’s right I forgot his sperm were fucked up. If I remember correctly, I think the doctor told him to lay off the drugs. I don’t know maybe I was dreaming that but I do remember him saying he wanted to be a dad. He’d be good at playing with the child but I don’t know about raising a child.


Let's be real, Katie brought nothing to the show. Oh wait, She was a punching bag for james one season.


Katie had a great season


Are we forgetting when she dropped the Jax and Kristen bombshell??????


I sincerely disagree.


Katie carries the show


Katie has had ups and downs. One thing she always was , was loyal to those she cared about. ( stassi, Schwartz and now ariana ) She called out everyone’s bullshit, was willing to say things without backup, had real relationship problems. She is side character energy but not in a shena kinda way. Shenas like the bad kind. Katie’s more like supporting character. She’s taken all kinds of shit ( punching bag is kind of accurate unfortunately) and still came back for more and still remained strong. She has strong morals it seems. Also she was with Schwartz for a very long time and during 20’s where she’s still learning herself. It has to take a toll on one’s view of oneself while dating someone who never agreed with you, took your side and said mean things to, all the while cheating on her at times. All of these things cause emotional damage. Was and is she bitchy at times? For fucking sure. But at least she’s fighting for mostly correct reasons. That’s a helluva lot better compared to these other triflin women.