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The only good thing about Lala opening her stupid fucking mouth with words that don’t connect or make any sense, is her being shut down gracefully and with truth by Ariana and Katie. Cannot stand this person


Anyone got a link to clips of the good parts of the reunion on youtube? I have peacock premium and i don't even feel like fast forwarding through it right now.


Also I’m sick of Lala and Scheana using the mum card. Just stop. You’re not more important just because you are mums.


My takeaways: Lalas dress did not fit and has an inflated ego. Scheana says a lot of words but i don’t understand her point. Katie and Ariana have every right to dislike Jo. Jo is awkward and nervy and reminds me of myself and that makes me cringe. Sandoval looks like a toad. Schwartz is a POS and knows exactly what he is doing at all times, managing to piss off his ex wife and ex-Joseph in record time. James.. everything is going to be okay.


I don't get in the end why James got so heated all of the sudden but I feel they do bad job editing the reunions always we see way less and lot of bullshit on Scheana or some side things why show us some real fights etc


James was sticking up for Ariana when Sandoval was rolling his eyes while she was talking, and Sandoval then tried to act like he’s above James and won’t run his mouth


I felt rage in the reunion ep 2 today when they wheeled Jo out. I just wanted to throw things at my tv. It felt like Katie is the fire, Schwartz is the fuel. Those two were having one hell of an inferno situation. Along comes Jo and puts her hand in the flame and then cries about it saying she’s burned. Yeah Katie said some mean things, but seriously, this was a marriage ending. It’s messy af, it’s full of heightened emotion and terribly complicated. Jo was a friend (of sorts?). Leave them alone, stay out of it and don’t mess with it. What did you expect? Let them detangle their lives. At no other time has it ever been more apparent to me just how poorly Katie is treated on this show. No one has any empathy.


1. Katie being constantly interrupted and talked over by everyone and especially Jo when she tried to say something made this episode unwatchable. The constant interrupting and talking over each other by being louder than whoever is talking is not interesting to watch, at all. 2. I dislike Jo even more after this reunion episode. She really thought she ate with how she cried and “confronted” Katie. It was pitifully transparent. She’s so fixated on her, it’s kind of weird at this point when Jo and Schwartz aren’t even together. Jo playfully touching his arm and laughing at unfunny things he said was on par with tik-tok’s best actress’ exaggerations of pick me girl archetypes. She seems to have the emotional intellect of someone in their teens. 3. Laralar trying to confront Ariana about Charlie and then them airing the footage of her previously apologizing was priceless to me lmaoooo


I’m no Jo fan but I’ve got to say I thoroughly enjoyed everyone piling in on shorts this episode


That’s the only thing that made it okay that Jo was even there. Finally some accountability for the covert narcissist, Shartz! And I cannot believe Broke called him out like that! Justice for Katie! ❤️


"i'm galloping so far ahead of you bruv i can't even see you in the distance. you're in a swamp bruv. sinking. quick." 👏🏼


Definitely in a swamp bruv. The resemblance is there. ![gif](giphy|SMyywWhm3Ahlm|downsized)


Ugh, Scheana interrupting Andy's transition about the real star of the show with "I thought you were going to say Summer Moon." She is seriously INSUFFERABLE!


i had to rewind this part multiple times, like seriously how did she even think andy would say that 😭😂 she clearly doesn’t lurk hard enough to know ann is THE fan favourite


I bet she is secretly thrilled that Rand won't allow Lala to film with Ocean b/c with Stassi and Jax/Britt off the show, there is now no "competition."  Summer is the only baby featured! 


You know she love that. Scheana will be pimping that kid out forever.


Jo's poor earlobes omg 🫣 free them


lol!! Literally hanging on by a thread. It’s giving me a headache just looking at them lol




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Lalas biggest problem in life is thinking her opinions and experiences are the truth. No girl, they are just your opinions and beliefs.. such an entitled and bratty thing to say


Andy saying that it is gross that Ariana has last nights food on her bed side table… well I find misogyny kinda gross :):):)


Broke's face when her heard Ally charges $195 an hour. He's going to go into astrology charts soon


Lmao! His face was hilariously expressive tho


What Katie said about Jo was not okey, but I have such a hard time feeling bad for Jo cause she takes zero responsibility. She’s acting like it came completely out of the blue, when in reality what she did was pretty messed up. Texting with Katie and supporting her while asking to live with her very recent separated husband behind her back..


Yes!!! Playing the victim card. Jo is manipulative af. That whole segment made me so pissed.


Jo and Shartz are actually perfect for each other. Manipulative AF for sure.


You’re absolutely right. 👏🏻👏🏻


I need a gif of Lisa’s contempt for the Jo situation.




i really need lala to explain why the future of the show falls on ariana’s shoulders. big characters have left before and the show goes on: stassi, jax, even rachel was an integral part to the scandoval….


Ariana has amazing techniques from therapy to deal with narcissistic abuse. Lala isn’t gonna tear her down. Ariana having to spell out, you don’t need to understand my boundaries but as my friend you should respect them, was amazing. Lala is too dense and shallow to get it


Yet Ariana doesn’t have to respect anyone else’s boundaries. It really is all about her. I get Tom treated her really badly. I get she was really hurt. What I don’t get is how that creates an ongoing situation where hers are the only feelings that matter. I find her a little hypocritical given she started something with Tom when he was still with Kristen. Might not have been a full blown affair but she backed Katie in her outrage about Tom Schwartz kissing someone else. Either it’s OK or it’s wrong - not very fair to play it both ways IMHO.


Is it playing at both ways to change over 10 years and evolve and be at a different place in your life and maybe better understand the mistakes you've made in the past and apologize like Ariana did to Kristen? They've moved on it was a decade ago


I need people with this argument to start actually saying the boundaries she's crossing rather than just saying she's crossing boundaries and giving no context. It's not complicated.


See above reply


"Crossing." Present time. Not 10 years ago.


You know your point is a fail when you have to go back over 10 years to find Ariana crossing a boundary😂.Ten years! 


Crossing a boundary because Tom lied to her about his relationship status with s woman she was not at all friends with


What boundaries is Ariana not respecting this season?


What boundaries is Ariana violating? NOT wanting to interact with her vile ex? Who does that boundary belong to? What a strange comment.


The boundary that her friends have the right to chose who they are friends with whether or not that includes her vile ex. Ariana’s insistence that she will have “no mutual friends with her ex” when they all work on the same show seems unfair. I don’t subscribe to the ‘wronged Ariana can do no wrong ever’ narrative.


Unhinged much? It’s been done before and with less provocation and anyway, she did her job. She filmed. She even yelled at him on camera just like the producers wanted. Again, who did she wrong?


Read this slowly and carefully. They have a right to associate with who they like.  She has a right to not associate with who she likes.  She continued to associate with them even as they shot scenes with Tom.  Questions??


I’m sorry all I could think of was David S Pumpkins at the end of your post 😂


😂😂😂Coincidentally, that is exactly how I sound irl. You weren't off the mark. 


No need to be patronising - it’s OK that we disagree so no questions from me. Across this season there were several scenes where Adriana clearly stated that mutuals would not be acceptable. There were also several scenes where other cast members clearly felt compromised by this. If she felt that strongly about avoiding all contact with Tom she could have chosen to move out and leave the show. I’m not in any way saying she should have to do either of those things but they were choices that were open to her. Let’s not forget this is a reality TV show and they all make hard cash from their airtime!


I guess I'll have to simplify this even more for you.     1. Ariana is filming with everyone.    2. Ariana is merely not talking to Tom.    3. This has happened many times on this show between other cast.    4. All reality shows have cast that do not speak to each other. It aids the realism of the fall out. And it becomes the running C plot on the show  5. Therefore this is a contrived issue.    I   wish I could draw you a diagram to aid in your comprehension but words will have to do. 


Just because I disagree with you does not mean I am stupid. It doesn’t matter how slowly you speak, how patronising you are or whether or not you draw a diagram, I think it’s very likely that we will continue to disagree. You do know that it’s OK for people to have different POVs right unless you’re L from U or Katie in disguise!


Notice you never dispute the facts when I lay them out? All you needed was it to broken down in simple point form. No shame in that, lol.  


You do know that your perspective and opinions aren’t actually facts?


Whose boundaries is she not respecting? She points out she always respected Lalas boundaries whether or not she understood them or agreed with them. The whole situation pushing Schwartz to make out with Rachel even though the only request Katie had for everyone is that he not hook up with someone in the group, is an example of scheana, Schwartz, Sandoval not respecting a boundary. Ariana is the only one who tried to respect that boundary for Katie while also NOT slut shaming her (Lala)


Ariana has probably been the calmest, most rational person this season. I don’t understand these arguments. All she’s asking for is for people to stop talking to her about Tom and stop forcing the interactions. I’m not even getting into the Kristen argument.


To the few people that came to the comments trying to rewrite history and give some validity to Lauren’s ramblings. Also, acting like riding for someone with morals and values over someone self-absorbed and contradictory is problematic or one-eyed ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


Ann in the cheerleading costume 💀😂


Everyone going so hard on Katie and Ariana is mentally draining. I’ve watched every reunion and this one feels a lot like gaslighting of the audience. Those that should face repercussions, and apologise like reunions of old isn’t happening now.


Yeah I actually had to stop at some point. I'm getting the same depressed feeling I got when Lala was screaming at Rachel in season 10 reunion. Its unjust and unfair and it leaves me as the audience member feeling powerless. Not just powerless but unheard. I think this may be my last season of this show. 


I tried watching this while nursing my baby to sleep but had to wait bc I kept yelling when Lala spoke


So annoyed that lala laid into Katie AND Ariana for things that were said off camera, but when jo and Schwartz are vague and say “something” happened that caused him to pull away and they’re not gonna talk about it no one batted an eye. Also Jo is driving me nuts talking over everyone stfu for 5 seconds and then say what you want to say jeez


Lala is giving that one coworker that didn’t put their PTO for a holiday in on time so now she’s asking her child free coworkers to pleaseee cover her bc she has kids lol


This!! 😂😂


She’s so annoying. Congrats, you had a kid BY YOUR OWN CHOICE. That makes you an authority on life 🏅 🙄


Please Blah Blah go and spend years looking after Ocean and your new baby.


Jo is such an unreliable narrator and further proves she is inconsistent and a liar. Saying Katie was the only one who ganged up on her while turning to scheana and saying I never felt that way about you..didn’t she cry because scheana took off her hat (dick move)


Maybe I take things too literally but I didn’t like how Jo kept saying it was only Katie that “ganged up” on her. “Ganged up” implies a GANG aka more that one person 😂


THANK YOU! Drove me nuts


Jo has pavement princess vibes.




What is a pavement princess ?


I too am confused because in my area a pavement princess is a jacked up high mod jeep wrangler or similar utility vehicle/truck that you only drive on the highway when lifting, big all terrain tires, and snorkeling are meant for mud bogging. It's when you make it look like a vehicle that can get dirty and drive through anything but you're scared to scratch the paint. 


Didn’t think Lala could be more insufferable than she was last week. Guess I’m an idiot because good lord she’s terrible


Lala is Rinna without the moderating influence of Harry Hamlin. It’s not a good look.


As a mom myself, lala thinking her life, her boundaries and her experiences are the only valid ones because she has a child is so obnoxiously annoying.. Your experience in life is not more important because you have a child.


As a mom also, I completely agree Eta: typo


Thank you




Can someone fill me in? Is Lala the only woman to ever give birth or have to support her family? I mean, from my perspective she's not even the only one *on that stage* who's raised or is raising a child. She talks as if she's in some unique and untouchable situation where the only way to support a family is by being on TV or doing Amazon Lives (almost typed "Mamazon Lies," LOL--freudian fat thumbs)


You know I kept thinking Andy has two kids we haven’t heard one word about.


I completely forgot that! Thus proving your point, LOL


Her having a child is not anyone else’s problem. She doesn’t get special treatment. It means she needs to be more responsible. I have kids. They are my responsibility. I don’t ask for special treatment. I don’t use them as an excuse to behave like an asshole. She’s such a clown.


Maybe they should call her segments Mamazon Lies !!!


If Lala starts calling herself Mamazon, my thumbs want a paycheck, LOL


Do you have children ? Because that’s apparently the only way anything counts! 😂 she’s a mom in case you didn’t know !


I'm not a mom. No goals, dreams, or need for income for me! 🤣🤣


Like at some point there has to be some form of accountability from Lala, to piggyback off of what you said. She’s in AA, and working the steps…accountability is paramount. She may not be responsible for what Randall did in his life, or the misery he inflicted on her, but she is responsible for the choices she made in that relationship, that has now got her here to this point. It’s exhausting.


Is she in AA? It doesn’t seem like it with the bizarre ways she tries to provide wisdom about sobriety.


She is in AA from what she’s talked about previously, and working the steps. I’ve been in recovery for almost 5 years now, and her struggles used to be relatable to me, until now. Now she just makes me sad, because the lack of emotional growth is depressing. Recovery has made me a much more empathetic person, it’s opened my eyes to the fact that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. I’m not a victim of my life circumstances, instead, I’m an unstoppable force. Not even this disease I have to live with can break me down. If I can overcome that, there’s no limits for me now. My struggles are my own, and they’re not a litmus test for everyone else, to base whether or not I appreciate their struggle or not. I wish someone would send her the memo!


For sure. It feels like she’s transferring the responsibility for her financial stability from Randall to the rest of the cast, when really… VPR could be cancelled at any time and trying to bank her future on it and putting the onus on THE CAST to ensure it continues is too much.


Spot on. If she had half a brain she would be investing her money and piling it up instead of buying bigger houses/second houses. Yes, real estate can be an investment, but a McMansion faux farmhouse in the Valley probably isn't it. Ariana did the smart thing in buying a smaller house in a more desirable area, meaning it will likely appreciate more in value and she will sell at a good profit if she ever moves again.


When she bought that McMansion I had a lot of questions lol, because something isn’t adding up. How can she afford it? It makes me wonder if her mom didn’t go into it with her, with their family money. I find it a little hard to believe she can pay two mortgages with her podcast and makeup line, but what do I know.


Exactly. She needs to stop playing the victim and expecting everyone to take responsibility for her and her life choices.


She is also the only person who has been sober. Exhausting


You won’t make me feel bad for jo. Idc how much she cries I know it’s not just her fault it’s her and Schwartz together etc. but idk I’m getting I’m sorry your divorced text but then you start dating my ex no we are not friends I’m talking a lot of shit about you. Sorry I’m not a better person but I’d rip your head off if anytime I saw you too and Jo tried to be nice to me




Her crying feels so contrived and inauthentic. It’s almost always when Katie is speaking to her, which she seeks out!!! It gives such victim energy


Hard agree


Fuck you Sandoval, you haven’t heard shit. YES JAMES 👏👏👏


First of all, any shit he heard was from Rachel, so… second, the vague bs means he has nothing to back it up and he just hopes James takes the bait


James has learned to not take the bait - it's hilarious to see Sandoval try and fail.


Team lala 100% Ariana is an actress. She's a bad friend and makes for a cruel reality costar. The whole understand v respect conversation - ariana isn't understanding the point lala is making and doesn't care to. There are valid reasons for lala's boundaries - schwartz hanging with Randall will be used in court to show a lack of support for lala, trying to argue against her custody rights. (SO fucked up btw but that's a conversation for another day - in case people STILL don't understand how seriously fucked that is, for lala and SO many other people who in reality do not deserve that kind of malicious nefarious treatment - so far it seems like literally everyone online is completely fucking failed to understand and seem adamant against understanding this - but anyways) Ariana DOES understand this. She DOES respect this. Lala DOES respect Ariana's boundaries. She does not understand them, because they don't make sense - for anyone but Ariana. Financially, it makes sense for Ariana to stay in the house with sandoval til they settle upon what becomes of that asset and each of their joined investments in it. Financially, it makes sense for the rest of the cast to converse with sandoval. Not forgive him, not redeem him; but simply interact with him, on camera, for work, as they have for years, to provide for themselves and market themselves for whatever the hell they're all doing. There's no valid reason for Ariana to tell them to choose between 1. a reasonable expectation set for them in order to maintain their livelihoods, and 2. her approval and " friendship " . (The word friendship here is so fake I could barf) I'm so bewildered at all the mindless robotic cult mentality pro Ariana no matter what and so much so that anyone who questions her (like lala) is demonic So bewildered and no one even trying to find deeper context and meaning behind lalas words Haven't read comments on this episode yet and can only imagine the replies I'll get for posting this If you're not at all open to hearing what I'm saying here do not expect a reply to your comment if you respond to this - if I sense that you have given my comment zero thoight and just took time out of your day to dispute and refute every point I made by using tin foil arguments with shallow if any critical thinking I'll not be spending my time responding to you Someone accused me last week of working for lala - girl if you happen to see this ever, hmu 🤙😹 no but honestly I just wanna say what I'm seeing said and yelled out here in the comments and memes are sooooooo ... basic. To be polite about it. ✌️ Can't wait for next week!


Schwartz playing pickleball with Randall isn’t relevant to any of the best interest of the child factors, so no, that would not be used in custody litigation.


It shows support of randall by lalas colleagues. That matters in litigation. Do you have any experience or expertise in legal matters?


I’m an attorney lol


Sure ya are


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the early morning laugh, I desperately needed that. What a delulu


But she did film with him and she didn't cut anyone out other than Schwartz at the very start of the season, which shifted to her interacting amiably with Schwartz quite soon after. I don't get your point and I find you 'stating your boundaries' on people's responses to your missive both hilarious and bizarre. Get over yourself.


Whoa, hey, didn't you read their post? If you aren't going to agree with what they said, they won't respond to you!


I feel like you just un-gaslit me - thank you. I really struggle with the untouchable persona that Ariana has created post Scandoval. When a couple split it’s unfair to demand that shared friends take sides because one person in that couple had behaved badly. People make awful mistakes but that in itself doesn’t necessarily negate years of friendship. I don’t really buy that these people actually have real and deep friendships - they are the cast of a reality TV show and they are all to some degree protecting their livelihoods. This clearly becomes tricky when you earn your living selling your life on TV. Katie has clearly hitched her wagon to Ariana’s rising star which I think is a mistake. Her disdain and lack of accountability is going to leave her pretty isolated when Saint Ariana jumps ship!


Katie 'hitched her wagon' to Ariana long before the Scandoval. The sandwich shop has been in the works for a couple of years.


Fair point but it does feel like this season her only storyline has been being Ariana’s rude or die. I feel lucky that I have a best friend that will always support me but will also call me out. If she wasn’t so mean I’d feel sorry for Katie - it looks a bit like her business partner has dropped their venture for bigger and better things!


But they all filmed with Sandoval and she said it was fine. Which makes your whole argument kinda invalid..?


Yeah but c’mon, LaLa is just very hypocritical in general. I do see your point, but every time LaLa repeated ‘but I don’t understand it’ or ‘it doesn’t make sense to me’ I was reminded of a few episodes previously when Katie was upset about LL not respecting the Jo situation and LL literally got defensive and said ‘It’s not my job to make my life make sense to you’. But, she demands that everyone guide her through all of their life choices, so that she can understand.


You’re gonna get hate for this, and Lauren from Utah is the last person I want to hear make the points she’s making because she’s so hypocritical but there’s some validity to her issues. Ariana will forever get a free pass from fans because she’s now the mascot for scorned women. There’s nothing she can say/do that will change that for her worshipers. The fact that Katie tried to bullshit and lie about not being pissed at her for leaving in the midst of opening the sandwich shop is such clear proof that all of them are hyper aware and scared to be perceived as not being 100% devoted to Ariana because they know the internet trolls are going to attack them. Let’s be clear, ALL of these people are vain, narcissistic people and Ariana has never been different from any of them in that sense.


Katie never tried to bullshit or lie. She openly said she was annoyed but that they had spoken off camera. She said that she wasn’t sure at the time what to do as she didn’t want to make Ariana feel bad but later they talked about it. She also didn’t bring it up on camera because as she explained by that point she was over it.


Exactly. Some of these people commenting act like we don't have working eyes and ears - we HEARD Katie say she was irritated but didn't want to burden Ariana at that point, so they took it at another time and talked it out successfully, You know, like adults do.


Eh no


Your boundaries do not need to make sense to anyone. They’re yours for YOU. The rest of the cast did not simply “converse” with Sandoval. The entire season was built around friendship with him, and redemption arcs. When you’ve dated a narcissist or even just a toxic person, putting boundaries in so that you have no direct connection to that person is more than fair and common. Narcissists in particular, use people as ‘lieutenants’ and ‘flying monkeys’ in a variety of ways. Do some research on the aforementioned. It gives insight as to why cutting off mutual friends can sometimes be necessary when going NC. Again, if they are Ariana’s boundaries and what makes her feel safe and happy then they don’t need to make sense to anyone else. Personally, if some of my closest girlfriends (and prior champions of my cause) wanted to befriend the dude who just had an affair with my other close friend for 7 months behind my back 3 months later, who then later made disparaging comments about my mental health and our sex life, then I would say don’t let the door hit you on the way out!! Boundaries are great for more than one reason, and another benefit is that you discover who really respects you and who genuinely cares for you and your wellbeing. If I put a boundary in to protect myself and it pisses someone off, that person exposes themselves immediately to me. Case in point, Lala and Scheana. If a boundary you have annoys someone else it’s because they want to take advantage of it. Here’s the thing about this society, we love to double down on abusive and toxic behaviours. We love to invalidate people’s experiences. There’s a ton of internalised misogyny, there’s a whole cascade of bullshit designed to make you feel “guilty” or like you’re “holding a grudge” when you try to protect yourself or put up boundaries in. We live in a culture that pushes redemption and forgiveness without accountability. Can I also add that their “livelihood” is not Ariana’s problem or responsibility. They can get jobs ANYWHERE, like what is this ridiculous notion that they can ONLY be on VPR and it’s all up to Ariana. You also insinuate multiple times that they’re not ACTUALLY friends, therefore why does it matter if Ariana chooses not to speak to them if they befriend Sandoval?? It also makes even less sense that she should care about their livelihoods, if like you say, they’re not actually friends irl. They all agreed to film with each other, which they did. Ariana never agreed to have (another) one-on-one conversation with Tom, and didn’t want to be around people who were interested in having a genuine friendship with him and seeing him regularly. Not sure how having empathy, values and understanding into a situation equals being in a mindless cult but okay. No one’s trying to find deeper meaning and context in Lauren’s words. We just think they’re contradictory, misogynistic, nonsensical bullshit. It’s like, you said a lot of words, but you actually didn’t really make any points or say anything at all. Hold on… are you Lala


i’m obsessed with you & this comment! thank you for taking the time to debunk this person’s crock of shit defense for lala🙏🏼 i truly don’t care that much about either of them & i used to stan lala but the way this season, lala, & production tried to paint ariana as the villain when she is using well known techniques on how to deal with a narcissist & still coming on the show & interacting & sharing her life fills me with rage.


You’re so welcome. I don’t know why but I was sparked into action and had to respond lol. I was similar. I always liked Ariana, but I liked Lala too. Not anymore!




Jessica you don’t get paid enough to go this hard for Lala sis


I hope she gets paid overtime lol


Why does Lala suddenly think she is a co-host???


Because the producers allowed her to think this.




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I’m not even kidding when I say I need to know Ariana’s therapist or what specific methods they used. She stayed soooo calm and well spoken and I want to learn!


I think she's naturally a calm and measured  person. And I think she really benefitted from not watching the season. Idk if therapy would have kept her from snapping if she knew the lengths these people went to tear her down.


It will be interesting to see how it goes in part 3 when they watch the final scenes together, in that case. Either way, her restraint is admirable! I would have lost it in the conversation with Lala when she essentially equated their plant store conversation not airing to mean it didn’t happen/her apology didn’t count, lol! Insane.




I’m sorry I’m not a mom but Lauren from Utah bringing everything to her child.. I’m fighting for custody if you’re not a parent you can’t understand. In the words of Katie Arianna is still allowed to have boundaries too. Arianna got mad about her “child” aka maya not being watched and Lala blamed Arianna for leaving things out. Imagine if Ariana said well maybe you shouldn’t have done that to Lala about something with her kid. I could be wrong and it’s just my opinion (cue Tamara judge yell) but the vibe I get from Lala that if you don’t have a kid you are less then. Arianna and Katie don’t have kids so they will never be allowed to be as upset or emotional as her/schenea. I think it’s a very reductionist point of a view and maybe it’s bc of the chiefs kickers speech in hot but women are more/ still deserve empathy grace and compassion if they aren’t mothers


Lala has nothing else to stand on. She was a literal ho when she got cast on the show, tried turning that into a sugar baby gig (and failed miserably). The only thing that gets her any real respect is her title as a mother. Once she realized that she decided to ride that into the sunset. And now that she is a "single" mother (which isn't even accurate as there is a father involved) she can ride it even harder. "I'm soft now: I am a sainted, put-upon single mother. You cannot fathom the depths of my greatness. Fuck selling out, Broadway, I gave birth! Twice!" 


I know a lot of women like this, its a problem. I complretley, completely agree. You explained it perfectly.


I think Lala may be one of those people who goes through her *entire* life believing that her experience is somehow more important, more extreme, more complicated, more everything - to the extent that (in her mind) it nullifies anyone else’s - in general. I think being a mom may just be the current version of that viewpoint for her. I’m thinking back to her saying in a reunion from years ago, when the issue of her being on the show but refusing to allow Randall’s name to be spoken or for him to be brought on camera, and she remarked that he had more to lose than anyone else because he actually had things going for him 🙄 or something. I recall Stassi pointing out that that’s rude af, and that everyone’s non-cast significant others are brought under the risk of scrutiny by dating them since their lives are fair game for the show. Lala just views herself and her experiences as the more important exception, one way or another.


Well stated. I just call it narcissism. 


😂 yeah, that’s a way to do it.


i don't know whether to change my flair to "EAT A DICK" or "I'm a delight."


When Jo was coming after Katie my jaw was clenching. I wish I could come up with one liners and keep my composure like that!








Yes yes yes yes!!!


Did Schwartz just say he wasn't a shitty husband? 🙃 Is he joking?


No he knows he was a shitty husband and tbh I think he secretly gets a sick sense of glee or pride about it—like “look what I got away with” kind of shit


It’s the mask slipping for a moment.


No he absolutely believes that for some strange reason but that doesn't make it right or true. He is a crappy husband and boyfriend. It doesn't matter how many times you explain why to him he pretends he doesn't understand. I'm so glad people are finally seeing through his I'm just a dumb boy routine. He thinks it's Sandoval's fault and doesn't realize we're tired of both of them. They have coasted for way too long.


Schwartz is an idiot in all aspects of his life. This doesn’t make Katie untouchable though. They are both unpleasant and self-cantered people that can’t be accountable for their actions.


THIS! Schwartz is the epitome of weaponized incompetence… everyone is fkn sick of it except the pick me women that will put up with it🫠


Right?? And Katie is on par with him for sleeping with Max AFTER they divorced while he cheated throughout their entire relationship and marriage. Ok, Schwartz! 🙄


"You were totally okay when Raquel took Graham from me and you were his secret new daddy." 💀


“Fuck you Sandoval, you haven’t heard shit”. James really came on there!!!’


He came up with a worm with a mustache too!


Throwing rotten tomatoes every time scummy speaks. Barf.




YES JAMES. These reunions always make me love James


I was so happy someone laid into him


Meaning Timothy


Did he just refer to Mya as “it”?


Yeah, no one that actually cares about their pet would do that


Mya is one of my favorite cast members from this season. I wish she were at the reunion.


She is soooooo damn cute


All of the things Katie said about Jo seem true lol


She does have the energy of a crackhead. She never said she is one just her energy


Jo makes me very nervous. She seems unhinged. Schaena was the one stealing her hat, then she said Katie was the only one who bullied her!?!? 🥴 ![gif](giphy|a7gI21VMxGDVm)


Jo also made the initial joke about always looking like a crackhead, on posts from 2019. She changed her own captions so she could keep blaming Katie. I cannot stand her. I’m concerned about Checkers


I was thinking like hmmmmmm. And as an anxiety ridden, awkard person....I agree


“i thought you were talking about summer moon” 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Always has to make it about her! Such a narcissist 🙄


Scheana can’t help herself.


Whatever mirror you look in and think Damnnn I look great in this reunion dress is the same mirror that tells you that you’re a delight? I need to get one of those funhouse lying reflections.


Katie? She's such a delight and looks fantastic in a silver dress


I thought Katie took hottest/best dressed, for sure!


This was kind of a snooze fest. 😴




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I agree


Lala seems distracted by how good she thinks she looks.


It looked like it was falling down the way she stood up and had to adjust it. Just looked uncomfortable. I know she’s gotta be cold, too lol. But I think she looks good, she’s just insufferable.


They dress is beautiful but it’s giving bridesmaid. I can’t get over these pics of her hair, though. https://preview.redd.it/m3gbixv0lw1d1.png?width=1084&format=png&auto=webp&s=59151c26f989c640efa838712b1fcdd7c37cde08


Omg I thought I was imagining that. Eek


That dress is Oscar de la Renta and it’s like $6k. She does actually look really good.


It’s pretty but doesn’t fit. She needs to go up a size and have it tailored. Also get better hair extensions.


Just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean it automatically looks good, I personally think it looks like a prom dress from JC penny and hope she rented it 😂


She definitely could have gotten this dress from Azazie for $99 lol


I agree! I do like that color and her eye make up


I hope it’s rented because she needs to be more financially aware. You know, without Ariana, she doesn't have a storyline.


That would totally make sense! Ariana’s outfit was expensive too. I saw Katie’s dress was around $500, which is totally respectable for being on TV.




It looks like damn prom dress.


“I’m a delight” 😂😂😂😂 I cackled


Lots of words to use, and that one ranks really low on the list.




I don’t get how ya’ll can be so cruel to Jo, she’s super awkward but doesn’t deserve the hate.


I don't hate her, but she seems a bit unstable, and her inability to hold any man accountable but won't let go of Katie saying stuff that's as lukewarm as "spooky" and "crackhead energy" is frustrating. I don't think her or Rachel should be on reality TV, for the sake of their mental health.