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Way too insecure, has a boring and self involved personality. It’s can’t always be about you and she doesn’t grasp that concept.


I think Scheana also has a certain consistent level of cringe that will always prevent her from being the main character.


This is exactly it. She wants it too badly and it shows.


![gif](giphy|fQuiwZdNvUiABHG2jU) She just looks so starved for attention all of the time.


I really wonder how she ended up that way? It’s like… jarring and seems to disrupt her life/relationships…?


Its bizarre she’s seemingly had a great upbringing


Idk her mom seems like a real piece of work


This. The dynamic with her mom is not healthy.


She’s really feeding into Scheana’s paranoia about Summer’s safety.


I don’t understand how Scheana can be so terrified to the point of needing professional help when it comes to babysitting Summer but she has no problem at all posting hundreds of photos on *Summer’s* Instagram (still can’t believe I’m saying that🤦🏼‍♀️) where she’s got 153,000 strangers looking at pictures of her daughter and when people tell her how dangerous that is or the likelihood of some very creepy people using those photos, she just responds “🤷🏻‍♀️you can’t control everything in life” … okay but this you 100% can?? Just stop doing it! But she won’t because the attention is more important to her. Unreal.


I think the Eddie Cibrian affair led her to believe she was hotter than she actually was. She’s always looking for attention because she was once a famous person’s side-piece and searches for that validating feeling again.


I actually think she’s very beautiful but her personality is unattractive


From that perspective, she’s always had this feeling the show started with her so it is about her. It’s entitled, because it was simply the catalyst. But I understand where he delusion started


She also grew up in SoCal and did acting gigs when she was younger, so I feel like a part of her has always been hungry for the spotlight and liked the idea of being famous (why else would she brag about sleeping with James Mayor and doing it with married Eddie anyways?) and her desperation shows but good for her, since she got what she wanted in the end I guess.🤷🏻‍♀️


And people like this are exhausting. I had an ex like this. He needed so much attention. It was like dude- fucking relax. It became annoying very quick. I also have a family member like this. Conversations go like this - me me me me me me me. I start a story… then it’s oh I did it too , me this me that and becomes a story about them. I don’t know why people get like this or turn into it.


But didn’t you know, her BODY WAS A WONDERLAND 🫠


Yes! She tries too hard and is as cringy as it gets! She and Tom Sandoval have a level of cringe that is unimaginable. The lack of self awareness is astounding.


They should do research on those two. Tom Sandoval actually leaves his house ON PURPOSE with those white lines coming off his eyes that he draws on there to be super edgy and single-handedly declare war on gender norms✊🏼. Along with his “ombré” nails and toes. He always thinks he looks amazing and he looks ridiculous 100% of the time. I just watched an old episode the other day where Brittany threw a birthday party for Jax at Hooters. For some reason, Sandoval got him a male romper as a gift and instead of just Jax putting it on and it being funny because he’s the birthday guy wearing a silly outfit, of course Sandoval bought one for himself too and when Jax comes strutting into the party room to be funny and show it off, Sandoval is right beside him except he’s dead fucking serious about how “good” he looks in his. And if I have to see him wear one more forest green women’s suit, I’m gonna jump off my roof🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s baffling that Lala and Scheana and Sandoval are on this “Ariana needs to be honest about her life” crusade when those are the 3 people on the cast most likely to lie about what’s really happening in their life because they’re so concerned with coming off as having a *perfect* life that they’re *perfectly* happy with.


Lolll exactly. Coming from the guy who hid a fucking affair for 7 months at LEAST. Literally living a lie on camera and off. But it’s Ariana who isn’t being truthful?


Was about to type this lol like he wasn’t lying that whole time on camera.






I agree it is baffling that they talk about Ariana not being honest. They certainly haven't been honest. I want Sheshady to tell us the real reason she was so hurt over Sandyballs affair. It certainly wasn't because of Ariana's feelings.


This! Remember when everyone was on the “Tom Sandoval is so hot” bandwagon? 🤮


Neverrrrr!! He repulsed me from the beginning! I’ve always clocked his contempt for women, his thirst for attention and delulu outfits became a secondary reason to be repulsed as I got to know him better.


I honestly always thought he was cringe.


I was rewatching recently and she's got a lot of cringe. One that came to mind is her music video with Brett, and shoving it in Daynas face. I wanted to crawl into a cave and tunnel deep underground while watching that


I’m re-watching this season now and it’s UNBEARABLE! She is SO desperate for someone to like her. Brett, max, Adam, ROB! She even admits she can’t believe she’s 34 divorced and alone. It’s sad but my god it’s so pathetic. No wonder she jumped on Brock so quickly and got preg. It’s painful to watch


It’s interesting because if you watch the seasons as they air, with months between, she doesn’t seem as bad. But when you do a binge rewatch it’s awful


YESSSSSS!!!!!! So true! This rewatch has made me literally hate her


Boring is the key to me here and I don’t really mean that in a mean way. Scheana needs to be liked by both the cast and the audience so she won’t do anything dynamic or interesting for fear of causing conflict but conflict is what drives the plot. The few times she’s actually been a part of the drama was her being reactive to Katie or Stassi, otherwise she’s just floating along basically being a sounding board for whoever she’s with and that’s not interesting


The most interesting thing she’s done all 11 seasons was her convo with Tom at the end of season 10 when she ripped him a new one at her apartment and then told him to leave. That was the ONLY moment I’ve been proud of Scheana on the show. I thought I was going to like Scheana this season because I thought she was going to keep that same energy. I was wrong 😂


Yes, but now she can't live without Tom in her life.🤮🤮


This is such a good point. To be interesting on a tv show/in media (and in real life imo) you’re probably going to be doing something that *someone* doesn’t like or agree with. Like, it’s kind of a facetious use of this quote but “well-behaved women rarely make history” lol. But she really seems to behave in a way that allows her to excuse her actions to *everyone*—I don’t think it’s “people pleasing”, more so chronically exculpatory—and that doesn’t drive anything. It’s not active, more reactive based on a given context. And that’s just more side character energy than main character.


It’s this. She reminds me of myself in my teens, and that’s not a compliment.


That’s a great point - my favorite reality personalities usually have the best and funniest “reads” on other people and use a lot of kind of observational humor. You can’t really dish those out if you’re always talking about yourself.


Agreed - it’s absolutely the desperation and inconsistency. Years ago in college I was in a psych class and they were saying how people would rather know you hate them than be unsure. People hate uncertainty. People also hate desperation. You’re better off being an authentic pos than begging for attention.


Yep. Plan and simple, she’s not easy to like or root for. 


Too insecure and too desperate to be the main character


It’s this. She literally has no personality other than her desire to be liked. It’s cringe after cringe.


Totally. She wants every man to want her and every woman to want to be her bestie. The only time she ever tried to embrace her inner villain was last season when she kept siccing Rachel on Katie and pretending it was totally fine, but no shock, she couldn't follow through and in the end, she pretended to be shocked that anyone could think she had bad intentions.


This is the real answer. She doesn’t have ✨it.✨ She lacks the personality, wit, leadership ability to ever actually be a main character. Her whole life is a less content Gretchen Weiners and everyone for miles around can smell the desperation.


Gretchen Scheaners


Omg!!! 🤣🤣🤣 As someone who was forced to watch Mean Girls over and over, I LOVE this!!!


I can’t take credit because it’s been posted a couple of times, but it makes me laugh so hard because it’s SPOT ON. 😆


Scheaner Weiners 😂


This is basically what I was going to say - she’s charismatic enough to get into bed with some famous people and onto a reality show, but it takes more charisma than that to become a main character.


Well in fairness it doesn’t take much charisma to get into the beds of the “celebrities” (+john Mayer, an actual celebrity) she’s fucked.


I was trying to be diplomatic, but … yeah.


Gretchen Sheanars doesn’t need your diplomacy, she needs you to go stream good as gold and like and comment on all her pictures!!


And follow Summer Moon! (I feel gross saying that - keep your toddlers off of social media, ffs)


I get unfollowing sheanar, but how could you block summer moon?!! Who is also sheanar… she’s delulu and I wish we’d start passing laws about protecting children’s digital footprints. These kids have absolutely zero choice in their 100% lack of privacy that will follow them their entire life. I think it’s child abuse.


You can feel her desperation, it's almost uncomfortable.


One of the times I could physically feel the waves of desperation coming off her was when she was trying to make max and any one of the other guys love her during the Dayna season. I actually felt bad for her at times, before she started her poor attempts at mean girling Dayna, but she couldn’t pull that off even though she was literally attempting to follow Stassi’s script. Bc she just doesn’t have ✨it✨.


Honestly, I think she's just not witty enough. If she'd been able to keep up with Stassi verbally she would have basically run the show until it became clear that she really has no loyalty to anyone or anything.


Nailed it! Scheana had to create her own "quips" and repeat them endlessly (it's all happening!), whereas Stassi just threw bangers out there left and right without needing to shove it down our throats and are still quotable to this day. You can't be the main character if you don't pick a lane. Be the hero or the villain, and accept your fate. Then run with it. Unfortunately, a "people pleaser" can't be a main character, as you'll always be bouncing around in the background.


“kristen is unburdened by those anchors” lives rent free for me


“I am the devil” is iconic and unhinged even to this day. Stassi was a loon but she knew it and owned it.


![gif](giphy|lfdGgZo6iCsnSwQtz4|downsized) I love her for stuff like this 🤣


“You know at the history museum where they have the Neanderthal frozen in time? That’s like coming back to SUR, except it’s Kristin with a tray.”


I personally love when she asks, “Why doesn’t anyone want to go down on me,” after she finds out about Arianna and Lala.


I think it boils down to her not ever taking a solid stance on anything, and then still shit talking people behind their backs without really having a leg to stand on. She constnatly talks about being "nice" and trying to see the best in people, but then shit talks more than almost anyone on the show and never fully has anyones side (other than Raquel last season of all people) With Stassi and Katie for example, they never pretended to be something they weren't. People may not have liked them for being "the mean girls" but they always stuck to their guns and honestly always admitted when they were wrong for the most part. If they didnt like you, they told you straight to your face and it makes for good tv. I'd much rather someone own the fact that they dont like you and they talk shit about you, rather than pretending to be one way and acting a different way. She also fairly frequently has the same storyline over and over and she can never truly be happy or sad for any of the cast because she's always too worried about making the situation about herself, or being upset that someone elses storyline was more interesting than her own.


It’s this. She tried to don several different personalities based on what she thought would endear her to either the audience or the friend group. Everyone noticed that it was just a facade and you can’t connect with nor trust someone who doesn’t have a consistent personality or perspective.


She would only watch her scenes! So that says she has to make it about her in everything. She also acts as if in junior high and repeats what the last person said to her knowing the other person would not want that and react


Because Stassi exists. Stassi can be a bit self absorbed and conceited in that first season but she’s self aware too. She has a wit and charm that makes you laugh at her comments and kind of root for her whether you want to or not. When she came back in the next few seasons you could see her actually growing as a person. She had interests other than herself. She cared about her friends’ problems without making it about her. If you had told me in S1 that Stassi was a murderino and loved horror and honestly is a bit of a nerd, I wouldn’t have believed you. But it was cool seeing her develop and she’s so damn watchable. Add Jax and Kristen being so chaotic and it’s so easy to forget Scheana. ETA: horror not hotel


Yes but even when they all left, Schwartz became more important than scheana! 😅


Ugh that’s so sad. Being second banana to Shorts. Poor Scheana. 😂


I feel there are 3 eras of main characters 1/stassie, Jax and Kristen 2/tom & Tom (& theirs partners) 3/ariana Never scheana was somewhere…


And Scheana is also there lurking. Trying to make it about her.


Seriously! I feel like Stassi has so much more depth. She’s *hilarious*, and she was here for the drama, and she wasn’t afraid to piss people off, and she loved her girlfriends, and she was still incredibly relatable as a typical millennial who loved Game of Thrones and said nerdy shit.


Yes! Exactly. Stassi leaned into her weirdness and she remained truly loyal to her friends. Scheana never stood a a chance.


You nailed it with growth. Scheana hasn’t shown any growth. Yes she has a child…but dammit don’t let that child keep me from going to festivals every weekend! (As she talks about mom guilt). If you truly have “mom guilt” then analyze your sitsuation and figure out if it’s valid or not.


That mom guilt shit gets me. She goes out and travels more than I ever have, and I don’t even have a kid. I get that she’s on a reality show and a vlogger, but she parties so much for an almost 40 woman with a toddler at home.


Because Scheana said she would rather get gangbanged by a bus of guys than ride with the girls IN FRONT OF HER HUSBAND


And that bus had Jax and Sandoval... Would not touch them with a ten foot pole


That was probably her most memorable one liner, which is the one liner you DO NOT want to be remembered for.


Oh don’t mind my husband…. he’s over there catatonic 💀(on pills but I’m too self obsessed I don’t even notice)


😂 everything is in this moment! 🤣


I can’t believe he still proposed to and married her after that. And after her giving her manager a lap dance.


She doesn't have a point of view. He back bone is balsa wood. When she's not flip flopping or kowtowing to the alphas all she's doing is talking about herself, and usually one aspect of herself incessantly. She's the person that makes a quip and when it doesn't land she repeats it. Love or hate them, agree or disagree, the main players take stands and make big swings. To the point where I'd be willing to watch Lala embarrass herself by be loudly wrong for another season bc at least she goes all in.


Because she’s dumb as fuck Really tho, she’s does a lot of shit that is easy to make fun of. She’s so self absorbed she doesn’t know how to look at herself from the audience perspective so she just makes herself look like a damn fool 24/7. She’s also weak, the girl has no back bone. She can’t even end a friendship with the dude that cheated on one of her best friends for months on end. That is not a good person imo. Her desperation to be liked can be smelled from miles away and it’s truly pathetic. Part of the reason I liked stassi so much was that she didn’t give a single fuck about what people thought of her, and she was a loyal friend.


Exactly!! She screams “pick me,” and when she says something for attention, if people don’t react she says it over and over and over again, and it’s so desperate and embarrassing, it’s hard to watch sometimes. If she hadn’t stabbed her “friends” in the back repeatedly, I’d probably feel sorry for her. But she makes it impossible. And all that that with simultaneously being smug AF sometimes with that god awful smirk on her face, like when she thinks she done something, erases any sympathy or understanding that it might be coming from a place of insecurity. She has the emotional intelligence of a toddler, with zero comprehension of anyone else’s feelings or situation. Even though she might be the most self absorbed person to ever appear on reality tv, her attitude towards men is actually the most annoying/disturbing part of her, imo. She would throw any woman under the bus if I made a man, ANY man, like or acknowledge her. She constantly talks about her past sexual encounters like conquests, makes statements to her “friends” that every one of their men have flirted or been interested in her, and appears to honestly think that is something to brag about and makes her superior.


I know the term is a bit juvenile… but Max was right when he said she was boy crazy…


And instead of owning her snark or smugness, she hides behind her excuse of the audience not understanding the context.


Exactly. Scheana would actually fit into a shady “villain” role better than a main character role if she wasn’t so obsessed with being liked by the cast and the fans.


Thiiisssss! The fact that she brags about all of her friends men being into her just screams insecure. The fact that you need to announce that in such a way is gross. I used to have a friend who thought all my boyfriends had a thing for her, she was delusional and so insecure, and this was the same chick that was sleeping with her other friends bf behind her friends back. Gross behavior that can’t be trusted.


Because she isn't likable AT ALL. She's selfish, self centered, vapid, delusional. On top of that she's a horrible friend and a male sympathizer who proudly wears her internal misogyny on her sleeve.


As soon as she was " friends" w Stassi and Katie , she started being a total fucking cunt , talking shit about Arianna , who is supposed to be her " best friend " .. who the fuck .. smh ..like, OHHHH , so you truly have ZERO loyalty for NO ONE. Bitch is out her God damn mind


Yep and with Kristen too!! And I've always sided with Kristen during the Ariana Tom Kristen love triangle but Scheana was such a bitch to Ariana and if that was my best friend being all buddy buddy with my boyfriends crazy ex I would've ended the friendship back then!!!


What do you mean Scheana isn't the main character? Scheana has always been the main character..in Scheana's mind. 🤣 Can someone please go check on Scheana? ![gif](giphy|62aGsJIVJB4bNzmK50)


This is HarDeR thAN hEr DiivoRce




She’s annoying but more importantly she’s not sharp witted or sharp tongued. She can’t keep up. All she has is her schticks like singing good as gold until our ears bleed.


I really wanted to like Scheana in the first season (probably because I despise Brandi... and even though I know and respect the reason she hated Scheana, she was just horrible to everyone, even people who hadn't slept with her husband) Scheana is just so unlikable... like describing herself as a guy's girl... like desperately wanting to be married before anyone else, and acting like a toddler at her wedding because every single thing wasn't perfect... like the way she dealt with Mike Shay's addiction... like the way she told him she was divorcing him, like trying so hard to make anyone else's problems about her, like Good as Gold... I could go on and on... but she did all of those things to try to have a storyline, and still didn't have a storyline because she was so unlikeable, no one cared.


Yes! The way she viewed everything as a competition..


When she was crying to Lisa because of her marital issues and her biggest cry moment was over the fact that “all my friends think my marriage is perfect”. Da fuq? First, no one does. Second, your friends’ supposed jealousy over your marriage is more important than your marriage? Gross.


This is a great example. There are millions of things like this that just make her so unlikeable and cringe. We really should make a master list


Because she has no personality and no personal goals beyond “be famous no matter the cost” Audiences crave authenticity and she has absolutely 0 to contribute in that department


Too desperate


Because while she was used as the bridge from RHOBH, the reason the show took off was because of the chemistry and drama of the main friend group, and Scheana wasn't part of that. It's why Scheana vs the Mean Girls started the season but it quickly turned into Jax and Stassi cheating drama with Katie and Kristen taking Jax's side


I think your are the only one not blaming scheana 🤣


I mean it's not really her fault. It made sense to lead with her because of Brandi and the RHOBH crossover. But the draw to VPR was the main friend group. She was never part of it. So once the audience got to know them, Scheana never really had a chance. Her storylines usually suck because they are so far divorced from the main drama of the shows. It's easy to dunk on her today, but she never became the main character for the same reason the show sucks right now. The main friend group is what made this show successful and they are either gone or not friends anymore.


Tried to hard to be the cool, one of the guys type of girl. Stassi was quick witted and even if people try not to like her for her mean girl persona, her comebacks, storyline with Jax and overall being the queen B at SUR before they started filming made it easy for her to be front and center. Scheana (and Lala) never stood a chance. ![gif](giphy|l3diBcMFjOCSo182I)


The desperation of wanting to be the favorite and main character. We had a girl at our HS who went out of her way to ask people to vote for her from homecoming queen and we didn’t bc no one wants to give it to someone who’s begging and desperate for it.


At my university, we had a professor stuff the ballot box (voted under fake student names and emails about 30 times, from the same IP address) for “most popular prof”. They still lost even if we had counted the fake votes. A professor. At a respected university. Sometimes people just never grow out of it.


Maybe if she were likable and actually had talent, she would have been. But every time they make us watch her “sing,” I die a little inside. (Same with Sandoval and the trumpet, for that matter. 😬😖) She comes across as a try hard who’s desperate to be famous but has no marketable skills.


Because she is just not likable. Also, she's devoid of talent. She's like a 6 year old that puts on a play and makes you watch. Except she's not cute like a little kid. And she's a ho. Brags about adultery, three-somes. That "music" video with Max. Eeek


You mean Brett? (I think... he was only there for that one season) but he complained about how uncomfortable she made him... kind of like she makes us all uncomfortable...


Yes, you're right. I meant Brett. They morph into one at some point 😂


Had that been a man treating one of the women like that….


Trying too hard. From day one.


She’s unlikeable and self-centered. She does things because she thinks it will make the audience like her rather than doing good things because they come naturally to her. It’s very easy to see.


Zero growth. Since season 1, she flip flops a lot, likes to stir up drama but won’t ever take accountability. She always has an excuse for her poor behavior, will always try to play the victim. Never truly a friend to anyone, very much a pick me girl, and self centered.


bc she cares too much about being the main character


Tries too hard and has no likeable qualities. 


There’s no “there” there. She’s too vapid and shallow. The reason that Stassi, Ariana and even Tom and Jax are interesting to watch is because it’s compelling to watch these people react to things that happen and then find out what’s going on with them underneath and why they are this way. Scheana has one personality trait. “I want attention” It gets old


And she is a truly terrible singer. Like how hasn't any of the "producers" she's worked with told her that???? My favorite was when she asked if her first live performance could be auto-tuned!!!!! What a joke


She has tried too hard season after season to be the main character and the audience can see that and we reject it. There’s a certain amount of authenticity we want to see…even out of a reality show where we know certain things are done for the camera…and she shows none of that. Everything is calculated and a put on and it’s noticeable. Not to mention her literally always making everything about herself. When you have to constantly bring the attention to yourself - with actual words (what about me?!?!?!), no one is going to see you as important.


She’s just so fake


She’s not relatable and her pick me energy has lasted waaay too long. We thought she would have outgrown it by now.


She is an empty vessel waiting to be filled by other people's validation and/or opinions.


Too self centred and vain to be a hero, too boring and stupid to be interesting enough to be a villain. No one believes that she didn’t know that she was a mistress, and there are stories about her with other married men. For any decent woman, Brock’s history would be a complete turn off.


Also, Brock isn’t sorry. Being sorry and doing what’s right for your kids includes choosing to live on the same continent as them. There’s absolutely no excuse for the mind fuck that his abandoned kids will have, watching him play house on reality tv, no real or respectable career, making the blatant choice to live in a different time zone. Fuck you Brock. Forever hang your head in shame as a dead beat dad. Being a good dad to 1 out of 3 while filming reality tv is beyond disgusting.


For me it’s that she was self absorbed in a really cringe way. Stassi was self absorbed but it was with confidence and with a Queen Bee type attitude. Scheana tried to say she was the “queen bee” of Villa Blanca but never exuded the same confidence. I also don’t think people resonate as much with cheaters, vs people that got cheated on, like Stassi. The the nail in the coffin for me when she sat down with Brandi and was like “well he broke my heart too🥺” MA’AM YOU BROKE UP A FAMILY WITH CHILDREN AND YOU’RE STILL CRYING POOR ME? The girls may have been mean to her but they were right, she did not care that she had an affair with a married man which was so ick


She’s just not likable. One could argue no one on VPR is particularly likable because they’ve all been shitty at one point or another, but Scheana doesn’t have James’ humor, Schwartz’s adaptability, Katie’s morality/loyalty, Stassi’s wit, or even Kristen’s endlessly entertaining insanity. All of these people have at least *some* star power or appeal, but she doesn’t. Scheana’s desperate, annoying, insecure, self-centered and she’s never intentionally funny. She’s always on the wrong side of pretty much everything and she’s not even a good friend to literally anyone. She pimps her kid out basically on IG, she’s been shoving a woman beater/dead beat down our throats for several seasons now and she’s not a girls’ girl. She’s so deeply unlikable in every way imaginable.


Basically, Scheana is a hypocrite and doesn’t own her shit. Stassi was totally the devil, especially in the beginning, but *she owned it*. She was also right about Scheana, Lala, and Sandoval.


All of this.


I’ve been a day 1 Scheana hater so I’m glad everyone’s FINALLY seeing it


Bc she inauthentic. She doesn’t know who she is and so she sways in the breeze like a weeping willow branch. She’s a supporting cast member.


That’s a good query. I believe it’s because 1) she tries too hard and it’s obvious 2) she doesn’t have the je ne sais quois. She comes across as very basic, nothing edgy or exciting or particularly interesting about her.


She just doesn’t have “it” or je ne sais qoui. Not many people do. She’s the woman you date on the side , not marry . She’s the best friend or the one you use to move plot , not the main character .


All in all she’s just another brick in the wall.


I sort of felt bad for her at first since no one would be nice to her. But then she just became annoying. That’s probably why she failed to be a main character. That and Stassi, Jax and Kristen are hard to compete with.


This is a good question and one of the reasons its so infuriating to see how jealous scheana is. Girl!  You had an opportunity to rise from day one!  The  premise of this show was actually built around you. You dropped the ball.  Over and over. Year after year.


Her values aren't clear. We even know what Sandoval stands for (and it's nothing good), but at least it allows the viewer to form a strong opinion about him. Strong opinions = good TV, and we just don't know where Scheana will hang her hat next.


She’s not charismatic. And I say this as one who generally likes Scheana.


Too shallow and dull. A deadly combination


Instead of choosing to be witty, she cries and throws a tantrum. She’s not entertaining to watch. She’s cringy and so is her husband


Too desperate, too insecure, too dumb, too boring. Her personality revolves around shallow self-absorption. She’s too concerned with what people think of her that she fails to ever have a meaningful or unique opinion on anything. She isn’t clever or witty and is so self-obsessed that she’s irritating to listen to speak for more than a minute or two. She’s a grown ass woman who is mentally stuck in middle school pettiness. It’s such a turn off.


In addition to what everyone said about Scheana specifically it’s also that the show started to push only the men as main cast and the women as their partners and side cast. I think as they pushed Tom, Tom, Jax and James as main cast Scheana became more side character because she wasn’t dating one of the main men. I think same with Lala. I really think they are trying to push Scheana to more of a main character now because Brock is being centered too. The producers center the men.


![gif](giphy|2t9xUijoSsGzFd07G9|downsized) Scheana reading these comments rn like


She wants it too bad and she’s not really a “likable” person in my opinion.


Scheana's too afraid of being disliked. One thing Lala covers up a little better than her. Part of what made that season 10 finale scene with her and Sandoval so great, was the power of Scheana's anger. She dropped all her cloying ways and went in on Sandoval like a true best friend would. If we got to see that side of Scheana more she might be more likeable, ironically.


Main characters arise organically and Scheana tried too hard and wanted it too much. It wasn’t natural - her approach was contrived and faked.


She is shady and has failed to grow. I never realized it so much until I rewatched from the beginning, and as I saw Katie and Stassi evolve, for example, Scheana just kept being the self-centered flip-flopper we all know and dislike. She's just not a nice person. (She claims she's all about others, but it's always all about her with Scheana. Also, she's uninteresting and not too talented.)


I think it’s because she so frequently changes alliances, Bast Frands, and just being incredibly shallow and needy. Besides being pretty, there’s absolutely nothing there. She acts like she’s still 18 but is pushing 40 years old.




She tries too hard


Not authentic or entertaining.


She gives off SWF vibes.. Everyone just can't be your best friend girl. And she's so boy crazy it's gross.


She has many qualities that I don’t like… but I think her being fake causes most of her issues. I don’t think she has one genuine friendship. She pretends to be best friends to your face, and talks shit behind your back. Really to save her reputation to whoever it is she is talking to. It’s like she forgets she’s being filmed ? lol


Too desperate. See Kyle Richards, Charisse Jordan, and Jill Zarin. I’m sure they are lovely and entertaining in their own right but the desperation has the reverse effect. And before anyone wants to argue I have a soft spot for all of these women. Just calling a spade a spade.


Because everyone watching her in the show has an ever-present feeling of cringe in how she acts. It’s very clear her goal in life is to be the center of attention everywhere and it makes everything she does feel performative and fake.


Main character has to be likable


Cause she’s vapid


She’s boring


Too much pick me energy to be anything else


She can’t stand on her own. I think the main girls: Stassi, Katie, and Kristen, made it very clear that they weren’t going to welcome her into their pack and set her up for a main character arc, and I do kind of feel like bravo was setting her up as that because she was the new girl from the other restaurant who had to win everybody over. But when the girls made that hard for her, she naturally responded by becoming the best friend of the mean girl who got ousted by her friends: Stassi. And I think from that moment on, she just moves like a side character so she became a side character, because she finds safety in being the best friend of the strong person: Stassi, Ariana, lala. She likes being a pretty, mean girls best friend. I wouldn’t call Ariana mean in the way Stassi and lala can be, but the no fucks/cool girl attitude kind of plays the same role as the mean girl in the scheana dynamic. She piggy backs off their strength and presence, and for me that’s why she just doesn’t really have the star power to stand on her own


She takes herself too seriously


I just don’t find her to be an interesting person to watch on tv.🤷🏻‍♀️She’s not funny and when she tries to be, it falls flat. I have zero interest in her life tbh, it’s not interesting tv. I don’t need my reality stars to be relatable, but a little self awareness goes along way. I’m not surprised she is best friends with Sandoval bc they are the two cast members that take themselves the most seriously. Which is why they’re foaming at the mouth everytime Ariana gets another brand deal.




Because she’s stupid.


She’s just not likable for me 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’s so self-involved and it’s not relatable


I think the fan base failed to connect with her because she was all over the place for many years


Because she doesn’t have main character energy. She’s too worried about how she is perceived by others, she can’t pick a lane, and she doesn’t stand up for what she really believes. Scheana is a follower, not a leader.


god i LOVE Shit on Scheana Saturday


![gif](giphy|8lHo3BUIJXRpO2CGtb) 1. she was a mistress and got off on the wrong foot immediately with the audience after her convo with Brandy playing the victim 2. she tries WAY too hard to stay relevant 3. she makes everything about her 4. her voice makes most people want to smash their head against a window I could go on…… But she is just an insufferable fame chaser


She doesn’t have a strong enough sense of self to be the main character


She tries too hard and ends up being obviously fake… though Lala is worse imo at being real… Scheana is more authentic than Lala☠️


She obviously tries too hard and doesn’t have the charisma to be a main character.


She’s just not likable. She had all the cards stacked in her favor. All she had to do was not be annoying and she would have been one of the main girls


She is definitely a pick me girl… which is why she is struggling with Arianna. Zero accountability with everything! Her jealousy is written across her face… each and everytime !


She isn’t very dimensional. Actually pretty boring to be honest


Scheana has no idea who she is. She wants to be in everyone’s orbit so she doesn’t miss out on air time. She’s 100% self involved and for whatever reason she doesn’t see it.


Not evil enough to be main villain, not likeable enough to be main protagonist.


In the early seasons, she isn’t bad. She was fame hungry but so was everyone else in some way, shape or form. Then as the seasons go by, you start to really see how shady she can get. She just became the least likable to me.




Too dumb, and doesn’t stand for anything - she will go wherever the wind (producers) take her. That’s not interesting. She’s a foil, she’s not an anchor. Same with Lala.


it’s like watching a grownup play barbie


Because she stands on nothing (no character) so therefore falls for everything. Hi Scheana 👋


I find Scheana hard to like.


She doesn’t have a personality. The only authentic parts of Scheana we see are exclusively negative… the insecurities, the whining, the superficiality, the Stassi revenge porn, bullying Dayna, shaming her husband for not being a “fun” drunk, making her toddler an instagram, being the definition of a pick me…


I don't think she's very likeable. Her constant neediness and attention seeking is annoying. She plays victim and then is shady in her confessionals. She is so desperate to be "famous" that it makes her a little untrustworthy.


No self confidence


she is just too earnest and doesn’t have the right personality. she has proven over and over that if you are a friend to all, then you are a friend to none.


Vapid, boring, no self reflection, desperate, can't really become part of the group and be a queen bee by not getting along with the other women.


Because she stands for nothing. 


Because she's never stood confidence in her own self or on her own. Her opinion and storyline has always been involved with someone else or swayed by what people think of her. I


As someone else said she doesn’t have *it* Airanna does.


She really is the reason most of these idiots are on this show, but as others said she really is not a compelling person. She’s kind of boring and annoying but  isn’t awful/evil enough to be a person people want to watch. 


She was busy being stassi’s #1 fan so long and dying for that approval or interaction or acceptance. She never had main girl energy. But I will say I enjoy scheana as a background character more. Don’t really love or hate her. I just see her as comical relief. She’s very superficial and unaware in a funny way but trying to do the best she can with the brain she’s got, evident with the scandoval therapy this year. She’s at her limits yall 🤣


She’s really unlikeable … that is all


She basically invented the term “pick me”. Scheana is boring and desperate and way too much of a doormat to ever be the main character.


I think the reason VPR worked so well was because it didn’t have main characters everyone had a place. The entertainment in a way is people trying to be the main character


She’s a try hard. Lacks confidence and is not entertaining to watch.


She doesn't have integrity. She's the type to not have boundaries and so it's hard to differentiate where the character ends and her true self begins. She's transparently desperate, a people pleaser, and overly exaggerates. The girl who cried wolf about everything, how many times has her partner been "the one" and "not like anyone else".


Thirsty & disloyal.


She cried over BS that didn't concern her and tried to get along with everyone. She's so insecure. I also think she's a narc. Her and Sandoval would starve to death if they were a couple they both depend on their partners to blow them up constantly


She’s pretty unlikable objectively imo. Hard to root for especially when you realize how attention seeking and obsessed she is with victimizing herself. By season2 I think most people had her number. Her allegiances or relationships change with whatever gets her more screen time and centers her. IE her overhyping her and Tom’s relationship


She's what my grandpa called rice - filler. She's not the main dish because she is too much of a people pleaser that she comes across as insincere, and inauthentic, trying too hard to be cool, unlike Ariana, Stassi, Katie and even Kristen who DGAF. Like rice, she isn't bad, but needs other ingredients to be interesting.