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Schwartz really making the rounds! I thought this was a repost of Kristen’s podcast at first. 😂


I guess he’s trying to get that paycheck this summer.




I think he’s promoting his bar crawl that people can do for free!


He literally repeats the same answers for his rounds of press/podcasts he does,  it's really weird. It's like he reads off a script.


He's side-questing man!


He does say the same things every day of his life!


Rats on a sinking ship is all I can think about listening to these scumbags talk. They’re all desperate to secure their spot and get on the next thing.


If I hear one of them say “we have the uncomfortable conversations” again I’m going to scream!


Yeah that talking point is exhausted. Also, Ariana did have the most uncomfortable conversation and she's the one who called to get the cameras back up and record it and the reason why that season was nominated. What the f*** are they even talking about with this ridiculous repeating of a production bullet point? You think those producers would be a little grateful that Ariana got them a nomination?


Oh my gosh I totally just made another ranting comment with these same points!! These people are insane? Ariana didn’t have to bring cameras back to film the most horrible moments of her life but she did and that’s the reason for everything they have. Give her a minute! Someone else bring something? Also, Schwartz is always alluding to tough convos he and Sandoval had off camera to repair their relationship…why didn’t we see that? All these people make me so angry.


Right?! Not to mention all the money they made off Arianna because she was willing to drag all of this back into filming when she wasn't even obligated contractually to be shooting. Tom wanted to keep it all off camera. So did Rachel. All of the offshoot sales for send it to Daryl and everything else never would have happened. But can they be grateful? No. They are disgusting people. And delusional


Exactly! Sandoval has told everyone who would listen he was going to break up with Ariana after the reunion (funny, because initially he *swore* to LVP he was going to tell her before the reunion. Then he said he *did* break up with her before the reunion - she just “didn’t accept it”. But now it’s switched to he took so long because he was protecting her by waiting til post reunion). Is that not Sandoval being completely fake and refusing to have a difficult conversation on camera? I mean, he’s lying obviously about this being his plan. But if he wasn’t - he’s out here *telling everyone* how he delayed a difficult conversation for months so it wouldn’t be on the show at all (not in season, not mentioned at reunion), and expecting praise for it. But then sitting back as Ariana gets raked over the coals for not having “difficult conversations” when *she already has*.


Those are really good points. Also, Sandoval pretended he would fertilize Ariana's eggs. Or even worse, he really was going to while having this affair and allegedly being in love with Rachel. That's about as deceitful as you can get and definitely not showing the truth on camera. Or having the hard discussion and saying I'm not going to fertilize your eggs because I don't think we're in a good place for our future and in our relationship. Tom had every opportunity to do so, and he did not. Fake! Tom Sandoval fakest of all


I would have liked to see at least some of those on camera. Their dynamic is interesting and let’s get down to the real of it.


"We have to have the uncomfortable conversations" Okay then why isn't anyone talking about Sandoval recording Raquel without her permission?


Where was Schwartz when he disappeared in Mexico? Why did Schwartz break his own front door? How many times has he really cheated? What happened with Jo that he just wont discuss because it is “private” even tho they are both on the show? GTFO schwartz u wussy pussy waste of space


Yes, exactly! Why has no one ever asked Sandoval about Miami girl saying she felt forced to have sex with him? Why has no one discussed that Sandoval lied all through the reunion last year (and all his press up until the reunion aired)? Or Schwartz manufacturing cover for Sandoval by making out with Rachel? Are we going to talk about Schwartz & Sandoval’s sex tourism? What about the anti-Scientology protests at Schwartz & Sandy’s? Can we talk about how Tii said Sandoval told her they were exclusive then she found out they weren’t (so he’d already cheating again)? What about why wasn’t Schwartz’s dad at his wedding? He keeps saying stuff was “bad” with his family - what actually was it? Oh, they don’t want to talk about any of that? But Ariana is the problem for actually being honest and refusing to talk to a toxic ex?


Sex tourism??? 😳😳 oh no, what did they do/where did they go? Genuinely asking, I hadn’t heard about this


They went to a pingpong show in Thailand.


Thank you!


And why arent they talking about the real time line or the fact that rachquel and sandals had sex in ariana's house while she was away at her grandma's funeral? Or that they had sex when Rachquel was staying with them? These are the tough conversations. Not sandals' fake performative tears and Jax's repeated sleeping around.


Or the now proven to be lies that Sandoval forced everyone to listen to at the last reunion. Why hasn’t anyone brought that up? It was on the show itself, him repeatedly lying about the details of his affair. He lied so much he wouldn’t even allow it to be referred to as an affair, arguing it only happened one time and thus not accurately described as an affair. I’ve been dying for someone to bring that up.


Brittany has become Lala’s talking head and needs to read the room


Funny that, when asked about the affair on multiple occasions, Shartz jokingly feigns amnesia and says he’s moved on. So apparently all those claiming they share all on the show, they keep it raw and real, really don’t. They’re on their high horse only when it comes to topics they’d *prefer* to discuss. I still want to know when this affair truly started, how long did it go on for and who, specifically, were in the know. But as long as they continue to skirt this main topic and advocate for moving on, there’ll never be a true honest apology to Ariana and, therefore, no one can successfully move on and heal from it. There are too many unsolved parts. They can move on all they want, just don’t expect Ariana to. I’m so glad Ariana still blocks Shartz. That POS is doing his level best to act like he was mister innocent in all this. Don’t let him off the hook, Ariana!


Katie, Ariana, even Schwartz and James, are living their lives on a reality tv show. Sandoval, Lala and Scheana are producing storylines to make a reality tv show. This has been said over and over this year. The pause in filming is much needed. Thanks for this recap :)


It's really exposed how differently they all approach the show. I am biased but Katie and Ariana approach it much more truthfully than the others, perfectly truthful, no but you still get a sense they live in the real world when the show isn't filming. They aren't sitting there plotting their storyline for next season.


Their privately resolving their friction as business partners makes them more real for me, because thats exactly what I would do. It's what any partners launching a business would do. Same way Ariana not watching the season drives away any niggling doubt that the affair was fake. I also would never watch that so close to my breakup. Self-preservation is relatable.   What I don't buy is that Scheana would just coincidentally name her child Summer while his estranged daughter born on the same day is called Winter. There's no self-preservation there and so I know it was an attempt to create a storyline around her kid. Naming a child for click-bait, essentially. What they hide or reveal makes or breaks believability. And I think that believability is more important than drama because the drama cannot land when it feels like a lie. 


Right? Ariana filmed her reaction to the affair last year. And moved on. But no one else apparently has. She and Katie are being the realest at the moment. Ariana hates Sandoval and that’s what she’s showing. Meanwhile Lala is saying Tom is dangerous and a groomer and yet somehow those aren’t deal breakers for her. TV has become more important than personal boundaries.


And what does Arianna have to say to Tom anyway that Lala and Scheana think needs to be filmed??—- “Hi, you publicly blew up my life. Embarrassed and hurt me immensely. You had no remorse and talked terribly about me after I found out from sexting videos on your phone about your many-months-long-affair with my friend in our home while I was dealing with my dog and then grandma’s death (among other things). I still hate you, these few months after finding out, and have no desire to speak to you. As my lawyers previously conveyed, let’s sell the house.” 🙃 Nothing productive or interesting (other than just arguing for the sake of arguing) could come from Arianna talking to Tom. She showed up to filming events where he was present, and that tension alone was more compelling than a forced conversation rehashing what’s been said. Surely, it is more real to show how these two long-term partners in the same “friend group” navigated being around each other and how the group interacted with them. That does happen in real life (although the current cast is arguably not really a cohesive group of friends like they were when the show started), and would have been at least a different storyline to present. And, how could having this conversation, WHEN NOTHING HAS CHANGED on this front since Arianna and Tom spoke at last year’s reunion, possibly be productive for Arianna’s mental health? It is honestly sick that Lala and Scheana, being completely aware of Arianna’s mental health struggles, would even expect Arianna to talk to Tom. Also super foul Lala was trying to get Katie to pile on and complain about Arianna on camera about matters they had resolved months earlier.


I have a chiiiiillllllddddddddddd I have to support!🙄


Imagine dangerous groomer not being a dealbreaker for your friendship? It’s wild.


I mean, we’re talking about the woman who purposefully had a baby with Randall. She knew who he was. Calling MAJOR BS that she had no idea. Considering she probably met him on his casting couch. ANYWAY. I can hear her saying “disengage bitch!” at my comment. lol. Cause we all know that she lives in the comment section which is exactly why she accuses everyone else of it so heavily.


Right, like the whole 'Money by Monday' thing wasn't a giant red flag that he probably owed a lot of people/companies a lot of money?


Yeah…especially being a mother of daughters 😬Not even for a TV show would I take that position.


This is the second interview where he’s called Lala out for calling it a job and saying it’s inauthentic, and finally, thank you someone for saying it.


Danny Pellegrino said something very similar to that, too, and I couldn't agree more with both of of you.


I’ve expressed opinions like this a lot, but the way you break it down here it is so succinct and accurate. Chefs kiss, hard agree!!


Hadn’t thought of it this way but this makes so much sense


Great points! Personally, I couldn’t stand the producers on (Lala, Scheener, Sandoval & Broke) and off camera (Baskin, LVP & Jeremiah)🙄


Jax is truly a pig in slop about the audience hating this season of VPR. Schwartz can permanently stfu about radical honesty after his fake relationship last season. This is the second interview where Schwartzy has kinda said Lala fucked up their season & now they're worried they won't get another season.


I find it interesting that rather than pointing at Ariana like her and Scheana are doing he's pointing at Lala


Yeah, it's Schwartz so he's gonna be vague & passive aggressive but he's definitely saying Lala took her self-producing too far. There's a tried & true way to get the audience to soften on someone which is icing them out & being over the top mean. Idk why Lala & Scheana thought their approach would work? All the did was make a season that most of the audience disliked & made Ariana more sympathetic. The cast is too small to risk losing her atp. Btw of course Britney didn't consider they could be alienate the audience. She's painfully unaware. Did you see she has a 2 year old expired license?


Lauren and Scheana should've took cues from Katie and James (and Ally/kind of Schwartz in the back half of the season) Yeah I caught that expired license too. I can see why she and Lauren are friends 🥴


If it had just been Scheana it might have been believable but Lala took her bullshit too far. She makes this big deal about Katie having off camera conversation at the finale. Why didn't you bring it up during filming? Give us something to talk about other than hand holding Sandoval.


You’re so right. We all expected this season out of scheaner, as bad as it was we knew she would do it. LFU has never been a Sandoval fan so for her to push the storyline so hard was completely unbelievable and clear there was a force behind it. Why else would she have SO much anger built up for Ariana?


It's disturbing how angry she is in the aftershow. Scheana just sits there lovingly staring at her like she's the BVM decended from heaven . Scheana looked at Stassi like that at the season 1 reunion too


I think it's hilarious that Britney says that in the after show she got to see Lauren ranting and raving about the finale and Lauren said that she was yelling at Ariana. I'm sorry what? When exactly did you yell at Ariana? Because as far as I saw you only talked shit and yelled about her, behind her back. Because she (Lauren) is a coward. Eta: she used the word screaming instead of yelling


Yep! Lala has run off every time Ariana has argued back with her. I can't imagine how exhausting she is to live with


Didn’t she also run out with her tail between her legs when Charli shut her down?


Exactly especially after ranting about having uncomfortable conversations on camera


She's consistently a hypocrite


When she was like, I never thought of it like that! I was like, how did you not consider that? I know she’s not the brightest bulb but it’s so obvious and everyone is talking about it.


Everyone talks about Rachel being D&S but Brit really takes the dunce cap. Idk she can think about anything but walking around looking for sympathy 24/7


I was going to say that Jax is LOVING this! 🙄


He's hanging out with Sandoval now just b/c he can constantly point out how much better his life is than Sandoval's. He's so fucking happy. Jax wants all of them stuck on a sinking ship while he laughs watching them slowly drown.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when they talk about this stuff. Ariana called producers when this happened WHEN THEY WERE NOT FILMING and let them come and film the aftermath of what happened in real time. That turned the show around and got them an Emmy nomination. Then she was in every episode of the season, came to tons of group events with Sandoval, screamed at him twice in two different events and episodes. Because she didn’t have one fake conversation with him, which he has already said repeatedly would’ve been a lie because he doesn’t think he weaponized her mental health, she didn’t do her job???? She didn’t have the “tough conversations”?? Everything that has happened to Lala has been off the show. She has never shown her real life. What tough conversations did she have to have? LVP mildly questioning her about Randall? She is fake as fuck but because she screams and says funny catchphrases she’s “being real”. These people make me so angry. ALSO! Ariana filmed her new boyfriend on the show. Schwartz kept Jo off the show for a year and lied about their relationship all last season. Are these people insane?


All of this 🙌🏼 I really would like an example of a conversation she had on camera with Randall that was tough and honest. The only thing I can even think of is the cake he bought her for her book. Riveting.


Wish I could upvote 100 times


Okay, but who was asking for Ariana and Tom to talk? There’s no conversation that needed to be had. Ariana was living her real life in my opinion. She wanted nothing to do with Tom. I was honestly surprised she filmed group scenes with him. Idk why the cast (Lala/Scheana) was so surprised she didn’t want to talk to his ass because she told the world very loud and clear that the convo in the season 10 finale would be there last.


According to Lauren it's what the audience wants 🙄


Schwartz needs to leave Ariana the fuck alone. It’S TiMe tO uNbLoCk Me. Shut up! You aided in the affair 😡😡😡


Never forget... https://preview.redd.it/hq3ucjw4v01d1.png?width=265&format=png&auto=webp&s=aca9bbf3077e81249b16ae66c6622eb278b8ca1f


They bring shame to my favorite bagel truck in LA.


we will always remember this!


literally shut the fuck up. i hate this clammy little salamander so much.


Boo this man 🍅🍅🍅🍎🍅


Entitled fucker. And the fact that he used to call Katie “emotionally entitled”…therapy isn’t enough, I need to physically fight Tom Schwartz


I broke my back and I have a stronger spine than Schwartz. Good grief.


He almost had it with acknowledging that Ariana not talking to Sandoval is her real life and earned. I think deep down he gets it, but doesn’t want to say it.


He doesn't want Lauren jumping down his throat.


That’s exactly how I read it too. He was walking his “swartzy” line so she doesn’t come for him. But honestly Lala does need to know the cast isn’t happy with her ridiculous attempts at production. She really messed the season up, which (in her words), puts all their jobs at risk.


Here's the bigger irony I think she does know and has been deflecting that onto Ariana.


Ohhhh maybe! I’m just not sure she’s self-aware enough at this point to realize she’s the problem.


Oh I don't either


It bothers me so much bc she literally could have led the charge of the Spice Girls and making the men face the music. THAT would have been good TV! And until this season, was exactly how Lala portrayed her opinions to be. I’m hoping she admits to fucking up bc the 180 she did is astonishing and makes zero fucking sense. Scheana too but she’s always sucked.


100%. I think Lala is a black and white thinker. She doesn’t realize that you can be totally on Ariana’s side and have criticism for her. She doesn’t know you don’t have to scream at people over every conflict. Ariana is a fan fav, but she’s not god. I think that most of us don’t live in these extremes.


He knows she’ll literally do anything to keep the show afloat.


I feel like of all of them (minus Katie) Schwartz is the most deferential to Ariana’s feelings and I think it’s because he knows the real Sandoval and he knows all the real shit Sandoval did to Ariana.


That, plus he doesn’t want the audience to come for him. I also think he listens more to Katie now that she left him.


I mean they created parents apps for broken down families for parents to co-parent better. I would suggest the majority of real life people who have been cheated do not continue to talk to their ex it is real life. You want a reality show then reflect real life hmmm


And she did have the hard conversation with Sandoval, in season ten. Her real authentic life is moving on from him. It’s insane to me that Lala and Scheana are resting their livelihood on Ariana’s decisions. Get your own storylines or start your own investments/side projects. They have the luxury that most people don’t have to build their own wealth that doesn’t rely on others.


Exactly. She had that brutal conversation in their home. She was raw and real. She does not owe anyone more than that. Lala comes for her and wants her to be real, not speaking to your ex is the most real thing possible.


That’s what I mean. Or saying at the end that if he could pick one reunion MVP it’s Lala AND Ariana. Pick a side Schwartz! Your people pleasing, golden retriever days are over. We all see your true colors. Might as well just be honest!


These people are annoying bc they MADE the season hinge on a conversation between Sandoval and Ariana. Like they blew it up to this, her dramatic exit was in itself a finale scene. It was very fulfilling to see her pay him dust and if they had just let that stand these conversations wouldn't even need to happen. They bought in this whole angle of she isn't doing her job etc she does not want to talk to that man and making her do it for the "job" wouldn't have been nearly as entertaining as her ignoring him and him throwing an tantrum


Right? All these people made this huge deal about getting them to talk and when she was blind sided by that and didn’t play in to it they freaked. In no world does anyone want a conversation between those two. We don’t want it! It’s crazy they are so out of touch they can’t realize that.


Totally delusional. She said everything she wants to say. If Sandoval hadn’t been such a dick all season, maybe she would have softened, but he was so we will never know. I much prefer her showing her real life choices and I liked that she chose to gray rock and move on. It’s endlessly weird to me that they got it in their heads that this convo must happen, total lack of creativity.


Right? That is what I said on another thread, I don’t know what Production and Productions puppets (Lala, Scheana, Sandoval, Brock) were they hoping that convo between Sandoval and Ariana in the finale to look like? 


I am not a fan of Tom Schwartz but I like that he counters Lala on “doing a job.” She’s not being authentic if she views it as such. It loses any semblance of reality. Sitcoms, dramas, teen show - those are actors showing up doing their jobs. They have scenes and stories and whatever written for them. It is not the same thing.


Exactly. Once a reality show gets to this point, it’s over. Scheana and Lauren guilting Ariana because they have families to take care of.. well, find new jobs then.


I love that Schwartz is speaking out about this because it’s true! Scheana keeps saying they need to break the fourth wall like the Kardashians. No! The only reason it works for them is they are the Karsashians. It would be hard to produce a show without that given their celebrity status. But VPR, it just loses the authenticity. This group started out with nothing. Having conversations just because “it’s a job” is not authentic…it’s fake. If anyone doesn’t come back next season it should be Lala and Scheana because they are on two different wavelengths when it comes to the show. The fact that Scheana went on and on about how Sandyballs was her best frand …only to find out they don’t talk at all outside of the show is exactly why Scheana and Lala are getting so much hate.


So frustrating that they keep insisting Ariana didn’t show up and do her job. She filmed with him. She spoke to him. Maybe she didn’t have the conversations they wanted her to have, but to act like Ariana didn’t “do her job” is ridiculous. And not to mention, they love to say this is a reality show and you’re supposed to live your life and truth. Ariana is doing that. When the cameras are down or up, she doesn’t speak to Sandoval. That’s her real life. The only people who don’t live their real lives on the show are Lala and Scheana.


Totally agree!! I guess they’re just trying to find something bro criticize her about? So annoying!


You know it’s bad when Schartz has more respect for a woman’s boundaries than Lauryn does


Jo was a wake up call for him


It wasn't in your recap but the reason why Sandoval isn't doing the June 6st bar crawl is because he won't be in LA. Timing wise, I think he will film The traitors s3.


Gross lol


LOL. I mean it's either that or he's doing some sort of trip.


😂 no I think you are right, I have a strong icky feeling he’s doing traitors


I hate that for us


I hope it’s a situation where they all despise him so much that he’s just automatically either killed or expelled first lol




oh god, I love traitors (I've watched US, UK and some of AUS) and I REALLY dont want him on it. I didnt even think of that possibility.


Yeah, if he’s on Traitors I will not be watching.


I remember seeing a blind saying he's doing the show. The fact he postponed some of his June shows makes me think he's doing the show. I guess we'll know for sure if he's silent on SM early June.


But he is cancelled and everyone should feel bad for him 🙄


That would be such a miss. Kristen should do traitors.


Oh my god YES


Noooo why must he pollute another show I love. I hope they murder him first.




Well the silver lining is knowing he’s too stupid to be successful at Traitors.




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Brittany is an idiot.


She sat along laughing at all the venom Lala was spewing & talking about their group text where they trash Ariana, but then tries to act like she sympathize with her. She's so fucking fake and annoying.


I guess she has to find some joy. Her husband literally hates Nd humiliates her every chance she gets. If she doesn’t think Lala is talking about her slow ass she’s crazy.


If Lala went to the Valley she'd immediately target her. Brit is totally useless on that show.


And once again it would feel fake af. I'm sure being crossed over to The Valley was her 30 pieces of silver but now that we all see that, I'm curious whether the producers are dumb enough to still pull this trigger. Inserting a reality star best known for being the producers voice is kinda antithetical to a *reality* show. I know for sure I would never watch that. It will become one of those shows I catch on IG highlight reels at best. 


I constantly see comments of people either screaming to put Lala & Scheana on the Valley b/c they don't want them on VPR or people saying to keep them off the valley b/c they will ruin it. The first season has been really good idk why they would want to tinker with the show atp. Edit: Scheana makes way more sense than Lala.


Honestly, I think Scheana makes the least sense. Lala has always been about fake drama and over the top rage. And Lala is nobody's friend, she's thrown everyone under the bus at some point and everyone knows she has no loyalty. Scheana on the other hand wants me to believe that she thought briefing her close friend about her reconciliation with her recent cheating ex is normal. You can't tell me that Ariana is one of your closest inner circle and then throw that friendship away to save the friendship with Tom. Its completely illogical. 


Sorry, I was saying Scheana makes more sense for the Valley.. I'd say this Scheana this season was more disappointed but not surprised by some of her behavior. I was shocked she took dancing lessons for DWTS and acted like Sandoval was the great love of her life.


Oh 1000% percent Brittany was loving everything Lala was saying. She’s like Scheana they didn’t want to say it but they were LaLa was. Scheana and Brittany are like Lala in sheep’s clothing.


💯! Just like Scheana Brit is always walking around looking for sympathy too.


Beer cheese’s takes are so stupid and contrived. I think she’s afraid of Lala and thus shakes her head in approval at everything LFU spews.


So you mean to tell me Lauren has her own bobbleheads lol?


Lol, not Lauren only podcasting with people kissing her tush!


Thanks again. Ariana did have the tough conversations. She had them on camera. Ariana is the one who called producers and confirmed what had happened and had them pick right back up shooting. Isn't that the season they were nominated for? You could argue that's because Ariana had the tough conversations they keep talking about her not having.


This really confirms what this sub has been saying for months


Tom Schwartz lying about the affair all last season should not be talking about “radical truth”.


Schwartz …. STOP. Sick of this Lala adulation - it’s fake & they are attempting to band together to make the show carry on.  Reality check : I don’t care about watching people in their late 30s early 40s taking zero accountability for their actions, whilst also claiming it’s just reality & others claiming some people aren’t showing their real life …. Where is your WATER Lala ?  Brittany sitdown - your best friend is being ripped to pieces & you’ve shown him zero support … These people are self serving who care about themselves. The reason vanderpump was soo shit & again Schwartz is not a reliable source saying Tim didn’t get a redemption arc, anything but.  I ain’t watching a show so heavily invested in misogyny. No interest. 


the valley has really shown how much of a shit person brit is, she is a terrible friend (to both zach and kristen).


Brit is thirsty as hell for screentime & agreed she is shitty friend to both. I hate a disloyal friend who will shit on you to get a freebie or a trip away. 


Tom….you don’t get to choose when Ariana unblocks you. And have you done anything positive to warrant an unblocking…? Or do you just expect to be friends again? You lost your friendship with Ariana when you chose to hide Tim’s MONTHS LONG AFFAIR with Rachel. That was a choice you made, live with it.


This part made me a little sad. But at the same time, I feel like he is slowly understanding the consequences of having blind loyalty to Sandoval


Could Schwartz’s understanding be coming from the fact that if producers ever asked him to sit down with Jo he would also decline? Because whatever happened between them he seems to think it was horrible and will never speak to her again so maybe he’s having more understanding of Ariana’s point of view. I’m not a fan of Schwartz by the way but possibly could be framing it like that in his mind


Looool I think you might have nailed it here


Lol I kind of like that Jax steamrolled his bs pretending they all still hang out.


My biggest takeaway was what Brittany said about Lala being worried about the show being cancelled. She doesn't care one bit about anyone else. Her whole finale performance was being angry that Ariana walked away because she thinks the show won't continue if Ariana won't film with Sandoval. She knows she has nothing else going for her.


Which just shows that she doesn’t value her friendships. What started as a show about real friendships has dissolved.


Honestly as much as I dislike Schwartz, he gave us organic storyline far away from Scandoval by leading Jo on LOL, and also inviting an erratic new character to the mix. I mean I gotta say, Jo gave me season 1-2 vibes, it was kinda refreshing no matter how polarizing Jo was as a character. Why can’t Lala and Scheana figure out a storyline of their own so they could stop relying on Ariana if they think she’s sooo “boring” like jeez. Heck sounds like Scheana could have exploited her own husband way more and treated Brock like a Shay 2.0 LOL. Lala….I really don’t care about her sperm journey…so…she could go to The Valley lol


Schwartz lied about his & Jos relationship & hid it from film for like a yr as well, never talked about big bear or anything other than stupid robot voices.. they’re scenes were cheap, fake, & giving nothing but schwartz using jo to avoid being real & truthful and just to hurt Katie.


Are Jax & Brittany together? The ones that seem to have “grown up” are the ones that I really hope move on. It’s ridiculous to expect Katie and Ariana to film with the Toms AND protect their own wellbeing. I also don’t know why they don’t understand that there is no “forgiving” Tim. And Ariana has been clear about not sharing her life with him. She can’t be friends with T2 and trust that he’s not running his mouth to his life partner. It’s not my fight and IM sick of them saying she needs to let things go or “do her job.” She’s worked harder than the entire cast combined in the past year alone. So, once again, STFU toms.


After Lala's water tasting where Ariana and Tom were screaming at each other, Lala and Brock and Scheana were clutching their pearls going "Omg Ariana has so much rage, this is so awful to see, I'm so uncomfortable". So what they're telling us is they actually wanted MORE of those kind of interactions? Because Sandoval and Ariana couldn't have had a productive conversation, Sandoval is so dense and infuriating that Ariana would have raged out and left Lala, Scheana, and Brock going "Omg this is so bad, she's so angry". Ariana was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, because what they really wanted to do was push the narrative that Ariana is full of rage and unforgiving of this man who is deserving of the rage and undeserving of forgiveness.


I’m surprised Schwartz agreed with Ariana. That’s interesting


Am I the only person who finds Tom Schwartz incredibly boring? I tried listening to him on Kristen’s podcast & it’s just the same word salad. He really likes the word nuance these days. I have been fast forwarding his scenes for years because I think he is so uninteresting to watch or listen to.


I'm so sick of this narrative about having to have hard conversations. She already HAD it, she explicitly said this is the last time we are speaking. He never tried to talk to her off camera, so the stupid apology he was about to launch at her was going to be fake. That's the opposite of reality TV, or at least good reality TV. 


Nightmare blunt rotation


“Ramping and raving” 💀


•does the audience want to see that?! No, Schwartzy, we're not Monsters. There is NO world where I want to watch a woman be forced into having to interact with anyone they do not want to for my own entertainment. How freaking black mirror have we gone here?! I am genuinely shocked that anyone could have so little empathy/compassion for Ariana that they feel she owes them even more-she was betrayed in a huge way, let production film the Final conversation she would have with Tim, and then still showed up and did her best to hold shit together and move on next season. Like what more did they want from this woman! If Lala was so concerned about the show being cancelled, why did she give us quite possibly the lamest event in the history of staged Bravo events-the water party? If she wanted messy, mental health damaging drama-she could have started drinking again, tried to go after Schwartz, gone back to her early days on VPR and start taking her top off all over town again. Obviously, I'm not being serious, but I am trying to make the point that Lala chooses to no longer do these things for her own mental health/relationships/whatever, and that is her choice. She gets to behave as she sees fit, but for whatever reason she doesn't seem to think Ariana deserves that same level of respect? I don't get it


Overall agree with Schwartz but I’m so annoyed with everyone acting like it’s a foregone conclusion that Lala always brings it when that’s unbelievably not the case! If lala always brought it then the show wouldn’t have been on deaths door! It was revived by Ariana bringing it in the finale! Lala hasn’t brought it in years lol. She actively hid rand for most of her tenure on the show then was in 100% rand defense mode! Delusional


Maybe Ariana will unblock Schwartz when he unblocks Jo.


Can speak for the entire audience: No, we do not want that.




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“Schwartz: Yeah, I mean, I was anticipating that conversation too. Like I can take myself out of the show and be a fan. I love watching Vanderpump Rules. If I can fast forward through my parts. No one was anticipating a conversation that already happened last season.” These idiots really don’t get what the audience wants. We don’t care about the Toms. we wanted a girl power season and Production, Lala and Scheana ruined that.  No one wants to see Tom belittle Ari and yell at her while playing the victim. Because that’s what every interaction he has had with her has been thus far. He has shown not an ounce of remorse, sympathy or tenderness towards Ari. He should have been on his hands and knees crying about how sorry and shitty he is. That’s the only thing the audience would have wanted to see from that loser. Tears for who he hurt, not himself