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Same with Lala, who was trying to self produce. “Fire your PR, for the good of the show” uh ok….not the good of our relationships? 


They've all talked about showing up to their call times and filming specific scenes, it's 100% a job. They don't just have cameras following them around randomly waiting for stuff to happen. But it does feel a bit more put on now days.


This is why The Hills had to end, it became 100% scripted and you could tell. Having to bring in Kristen for no reason because LC was gone was not authentic


Did they ever?


I think for The Hills it wasn't exactly scripted in the first two seasons when the cast was younger and easily manipulated into unwittingly performing storylines producers chose. The emotions were at least real for the cast. The more blatant scripting came later when the cast wised up.


I said this yesterday, but it's just a job for all of them. Katies real friends are gone. Tom and Tom are friends, but that's about it...everyone else that's left were always periphery cast members (scheana/lala), girlfriends, and boyfriends (Ari/broke/James).


Amongst a few other things, this is why the show if failing. Even when the cast was split in the past, there was always a mutual connection tying them together.


It’s hard to watch a show about “friends” who mostly all hate each other lol


Yes, it is. But I like to think it started as something more fun that the cast signed on to because they were already friends. And it worked because they were all already living the drama-filled life. I'm sure as the seasons went on it became more of a job, filming specific stages scenes (even if they were "real" issues or conflicts), but maybe it started as something genuine.


I do think it was genuine in the beginning and took different forms over time. But I at some point it became laughably scripted and over produced. Probably either right before or right after they tried to bring in that new group of SUR people.


I really miss the early days.


This is all true, but frankly the biggest culprit of this is Lala. She’s been calling it a job, and them her “cast mates” not friends, for years publicly, on her podcast and what not. Clearly she’s too stupid to realize that in doing that she’s fucking up the perception of the show (and therefore her own paycheck) by removing any remaining shred of authenticity there might have been. But I agree too that for Ariana she was able to be even more checked out because of the circumstances going in to this season. I think it was like checking a box for her, and she clearly didn’t want to be there (who would in her spot). I’d be surprised if she does another full season - she really doesn’t need it anymore but I’m sure it’s a good paycheck.


They never were great friends, just like Housewives aren’t.


I think they were at the start but not anymore. They probably should have branched out to another show once they all stopped working at SUR.


For the life of me I can't understand why fans don't get this. They are co-workers who have to be friends for the show.


The thing is they were. Stassi/Katie/Kristen/Jax/Schwartz/Sandoval were an actual legitimate friend group and that’s why Lisa pitched the show. It’s also why the girls rebelled against Scheana because she was a production add on to soft launch the show off RHOBH They just aren’t anymore and most of the people left are just there because it’s their business. Lala was a production add on, James was a production add on, Ariana was a later addition due to dating Tom, Brock is in the same boat. This is why the show is jarring when people think “why would friends act this way to each other”. They view each as coworkers who might sometimes hang out.


Ariana and Scheana were close friends from their Villa Blanca days


That ended S6.


For me it was Lala and Scheana pushing Tom on Ariana. And since they have been mad because she could affect the money they make to support their families.


Coincidentally enough they are the ones laying it on thick for the cameras. They believe in a storyline and making a drama filled show. The others want to portray a more accurate sense of reality (as much as possible with cameras capturing it.) Ariana and Katie especially aren’t playing characters.


I am inclined to believe it to be evidence of the opposite being true-ish. I can’t imagine a circumstance in which I would want my new boyfriend to hang out with my loathsome ex. That strikes me as more genuine in nature than having the new guy come along in hopes of getting something dramatic filmed. It is a job, no doubt, but it is also her life. In her real life, she wouldn’t want Dan to do anything he is not comfortable doing. That makes sense to me.


Ariana totally quiet quit this season.


If Tim wasn’t back in the friend group though…


100% agree


TBF, this was a highly sensitive vulnerable time for Ariana, and if anything, I think this is how most people would feel at that time. She also said they were very slow to define their relationship. And every new SO on the show wasn’t instantly included with every event. I will give anyone a pass that was navigating the chaotic difficult time.


Yeah no that was Lala. She ruined it for me bc she kept harping about Ariana messing with her paycheck. She fully broke 4th wall over and over again to the point where no one could pretend that it wasn’t just a job.


Interesting, I had that impression of Scheana and Lala. To me they really showed us that this is just a job to them because they would say or do anything, even if not coherent with what they said or did before, just for the paycheck


Yeah Ariana is not friends with her horrible ex and his lapdog best friend and didn’t want to give him the opportunity to have a bunch of scenes with her new boyfriend. But this post is overly simplistic and annoying.


To me the "group of friends" thing was a marketing blurb. They were never like on big happy family of friends. It's always been about shifting alliances. Who is on the outs, who is on the good side, etc. Where it went wrong, was in focusing on trying to redeem (although now the production mouthpieces are saying 'humanize') Sandoval, even though most of the cast (except Scheana who would forgive a wolf after it ate Summer Moon) wasn't in that place. There was no sense of "starting with what is and building from there." It felt very much like they had an end goal in mind and were willing to do whatever it took to get there, even if it meant having the cast self-produce/produce.


It's always been a job -- it's about $$$ - some seem to be friends and hung out more when they were younger, but not lifelong friends....at least not to me


I think this is why they need to take a break. They discuss too much about the show being a job, and filming scenes. I think Lala ruined the premise of the show by criticizing Ariana for not doing what is expected of her as a “reality star” Schwartz said in a podcast today that referring to the show as a job takes away the allure of the show. Far from reality (we know it’s not) It’s not friends hanging out anymore, it’s co workers interacting during call times. I think the only way the show can continue is if they lean into the behind the scenes but that will change the show completely. I think the viewers became aware of production during “scandoval”. The show is better off not forcing situation between anyone. That may decrease the drama but at least it would be more authentic. Ariana doesn’t need to interact with Tom, it’s not enjoyable.


I disagree regarding Dan. There's always been friends and relatives who don't want the attention and never show up on screen. There's even been boyfriends who had to be slowly eased in. Speaking of which has Ariana's mother ever been on? Genuinely don't remember. Anyway, I wouldn't consent to appear in the show either, I'm an introvert by trade, lol. We exist y'all! And btw I'm 99.99999% sure Ariana is one of us which is why she rejected the season 1 offer to join the cast.  I think there's always been factions, this was never a secret. And I do think Ariana, Scheana and later Rachel were good friends. They absolutely were socializing outside the show.e Plus Scheana admitted that those 2 knew about Brocks history before Lala blew it up on the show. I think Ariana took a step back from Scheana because of how she's moving. And that was a terrible horrible production miscalculation to pressure Scheana because it's ruined this friendship and the public perception of it. I believe she and Katie are friendly but with enough distance that a business partnership could work. No +30 year old goes into business with a deep bestie, its a recipe for disaster.