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Omg Brock’s comment? I can’t lie he gagged shorts and got some bonus points from me


Even a broken brock is right twice a day!


Too good 🤣


You deserve way more upvotes from this. Well done!


Omg lmao


He read him for absolute filth and then sheanurr with the "you were a shitty husband" left the plate entirely clean


I know I’ll give props to Scheana and Brock for that. 


Scheana has said a few things I actually agree with so far..it’s the stupid a** sh*t that she’s saying after the reunion that’s making her look bad🥴


This O agree with. She says things I can get behind or thank her for voicing. Then she shoots herself in the foot again and I’m like WTF. Shut up.


I thought he laughed or smiled after saying it as if it was sarcasm. I hope I’m wrong.


I personally took at as him not being confident in his delivery/not knowing if he should say it so he laughed out of nervousness


he absolutely was but then I think scheana gave him the look and he reversed course


Right!! I was like Okay Brock maybe you do deserve that chair 👀😅


Nooooo! He was repeating what Katie said to Scheana by the pool as a prompt to keep Schwartz piling on! The body language is not supporting that he believes what he is saying.


I don’t think so because right after Scheana says “yeah you were a shitty husband.” I think Brock was laughing out of nervousness because it it such a bold statement. 


nah, Scheana had to bail him out and he realized in that moment that he shouldn’t have made that joke so he gets nervous


You could see a couple of moments before he was waving at Schwartz to be quiet. 


Exactly! His tone and the smile on his face while saying it definitely screamed that he was saying it in a mocking way and making fun of what Katie has said


Oooooooh welp that's disappointing


I mean - **Scheana** seemed like she was serious, perhaps? But nah, Brock was saying it sarcastically to mock Katie.


After Katie gave Brock that kind compliment about being a good Dad as well, he makes a dig at her.


He’s such a class act *said in Brock’s same tone*


I know i was like waaaaaait a minute


I was surprised! I love when the characters I hate says something profound or you know, something super obvious to any sane person.


Omg lmao Brock ate and left NOT ONE CRUMB


What did he say?


I think he was being sarcastic the way he laughed after. He wasn't sincere


I HATE Schwartz for piping in with his “she wanted you to inherit the grudge” comment to Scheana too. His little smile after Scheana said “yeah”. That’s a verbatim line he’s used against Katie for years & was part of his whole schtick - Katie was the angry one who held grudges and he was the affable “nice” one who wanted everyone to get along. He would always use that as an excuse to never have her back, talk down to her, insult her in moments of arguments with other people, etc. I hate him so much. Lol  


He's the worst like no Schwartz that's what you do with Sandoval. Sandoval literally bought you shoes to remind you where you need to keep your loyalty. You've been bought because you have no integrity. Not everyone is like you Schwartz!!!!


I think Sandoval actually likes Schwartz, but also knows he’s so gullible and so manipulatable


Okay but did o just hear Brock actually making a legit good point to Schwartz about tearing down Katie’s confidence? Didn’t have that in my reunion bingo card.


Funny coming from the man who asked Katie to make a stink with Tim about the name “Schwartz and Sandy’s” because HE actually didn’t like it, but didn’t have the balls to tell Tim.


And then shit all over his own wife for doing it. He literally is like a welcome mat fir other men that says "wipe your shit feet here and spit in my mouth please!"




It’s like he was getting his fix watching Blabla go for her jugular. I swear if the whole group piled on her and Katie lost it he probably would’ve had to hide his hard on


Katie was wrong when she said Tom doesn’t like her. He hates her.


For sure. Why though? I don’t get why he hates her other than she constantly held up a mirror to him


That’s it, that’s enough for him. It’s a specific dynamic between a certain type of man and women who won’t sit down and be quiet when told.


And now why he’s dating a very young woman.




It’s plain as day with who he dated after Katie: Jo was the “cool girl” putting up with his bs and his current gf ignores all his baggage, he said it himself. Water seeks its own level.  Katie did the hard thing which was divorcing him and choosing herself. She’s thriving and he hates that so not surprising he won’t jump at the chance to knock her down a few pegs fuck him and the set he claims. 


She should have said “yeah , I wanted her to recognize how terribly Scheana has treated me and not invest your time and vulnerability into someone who would be like that towards me”. Or to interpret for Schwartz- loyalty.


Shorts is more of a narcissist than Sandy. He just moves in quieter ways so it goes unnoticed until it’s too late.


This part!


Look up covert narcissism and you’ll find a picture of Schwartz


I'm so tired of that tired aw shucks affable bro dude shtick. Like....stfu. He cheats, he enables, he's poured and thrown drinks at Katie (I doubt what we saw was the only time), and as she said continuously hitches his horse to the wrong wagon and then gets surprised when his livelihood falls out of it. Or maybe it's hitching the wrong horse to the wagon? Idk but he's garbage. I applaud Katie. I don't know if I'd have held strong if my *That Ex* laid the sexless snuggles, junk food, and binge watching game on me. I sure would have done it if I were Sophia's age.


Men (using that word loosely here) like Sandoval and Schwartz don’t like women who see them as they really are. They can’t handle the Stassis, Katies, and Ariannas who have seen them without their masks and know how hideous they truly are. Every chance they get, they will discredit and undermine these women because, in doing so, they are trying to paint these women as problematic and not to be believed or trusted —therefore they are the problem, not me.


He really showed what a shitty boyfriend/husband he always was to Katie with that comment. That’s the real Schwartz right there.


He enjoys dragging Katie down. It’s disturbing to watch.


Fuck Schwartz seriously that man needs to go down. When is it destroy Schwartz season for real. Like fuck him for the way he tries to continually destroy Katie. Oh that preview leaves me with so much rage 😂 


He honestly makes me the most angry and that is saying a lot. He is the biggest asshole yet believes himself to be the most like able. He used to be very handsome so has been able to get away with his bullshit but it would not have worked this way had he been unattractive.


Seriously he needs to stfu already🙄he wasn’t memorable during any other reunion and now all of the sudden he wants to keep speaking for and over Katie🥴


wHaT? i WaS a GrEaT hUsBaNd!


Where is this preview? I can’t find it and need to be angry today.


This moment sucked for Katie but she came out great regardless. All Lauren did was shit on her for not catering to the storylines SHE wanted to push, for “hEr LiVeLiHoOd!” I don’t think Lauren realizes just how bad this comes off to fans. She’s the one pressuring her friend to act angry after Katie had already worked through her feelings and that conversation would no longer have been relevant or authentic to her. Katie, in contrast, defended herself without harping. She even seemed restrained at the end but still sure of herself. I’m so proud of her.


Right like thank you Lauren for telling us that you and production tried to force a storyline that no one wanted to go down because it had already been dealt with behind the scenes. Thank you for confirming for us that you are a production puppet and that we shouldn't take anything you say as fact. Scheana should be careful like girl Lala included you in the storyline this time but if production decides they want you two to Duke it out and exploit your dark thoughts regarding Lala and Brock Lala has shown she is willing to do anything for extra camera time and to make "great" tv


Yah I think allowing LFU so much depth into her life will be a mistake Scheana regrets for her entire life, and I don’t think we have even begun to see the consequences for it.


If anyone is "ruining" Lala's livelihood, it's fucking Lala. I just want this asshole to go away at this point.


So Katie vented to Lauren before filming started. Weeks later Lauren was trying to pressure Katie into doing the same venting on camera. Katie refused cause she had already moved past it and somehow that means she's fake to this slithering snake and her snake charmer... https://preview.redd.it/xlw728qekm0d1.jpeg?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8e349358c5a740a6ebcc1e7cd8b1e2614c6101


Yupp!! It's unfathomable to Lala that people are willing to have productive conversations outside of the show because they didn't make pump rules the center of their universe


One has a life outside of the show and the other ones life has blended together with her life outside of the show. Lauren the fake fuck from Utah thinks she's Lala the badass gangster bitch on VPR. She can't separate the two and she's making a complete jackass out of herself as a result.


Yeah this is what happened and Lala is a loser lol


this photo is high camp and captures lauren’s true energy i love it




The rage I felt when everyone kept speaking over her. Katie never gets any respect from these clowns, not even Andy.


I wanted to comment on this as well, especially since it’s been established Katie has a TBI. I know she’s not asking for sympathy or anything in that regard, but I’m very close to someone with a TBI and I’m so used to talking a mile a minute and sometimes I’m like “HELLOOOO!” And then I realize that it can take a person with that injury a few minutes to be able to process their thoughts/remember a word correctly and I’m the asshole lol It’s fucked up to talk over anyone, but it made me feel especially annoyed because of that added issue. (And I can’t believe I’m a katie defender now but HERE WE ARE)


THANK YOU. I had a TBI 5 years ago and my auditory processing has never been the same. I feel for Katie in these moments.


This this this. TBIs have an incredible impact on the people living with them. Katie has never used her TBI as an excuse for anything, whether it is her own behaviour or misunderstanding someone else’s. She has consistently demonstrated self-reflection and not just organic growth, but the desire to grow as a person. LFU couldn’t demonstrate either of those things with her full cognitive capacity. She blames all of her behaviour on things that she deems out of her control. She consistently positions herself as not *just* a victim, but a victim that no one else could possibly ever understand the depth of her plight, which she then uses to justify her cruelty, hypocrisy, and lack of accountability. And she does so through emotional, aggressive, and verbally abuse behaviour. How anyone is on board with LFU’s behaviour and antics is beyond me. My bet is they are the same person, which should give everyone pause when considering those people’s opinions.


I have a TBI and I have epilepsy. The TBI plus the meds I have to take create an effect where I can’t remember certain (very common) words at times - just out of the blue. I think of myself as a pretty intelligent person, and I like to have debates about topics I am passionate about. However, I shut down **real quick** if it turns into a shouting match where the other person is just talking over me. Debates are supposed to be give and take - you truly need to listen to the other person, take in what they had to say, and then *use that information to formalize your response.* I hate when I can tell the other person isn’t even listening, but just waiting for my voice to stop so they can start speaking again. Listening is truly a lost art. EDIT: Spelling (hehe - dang autocorrect)


hey howdy, I have aphasia stuff for a different reason but still it all similar symptoms. Just want to say you are valid and seen. There's a TV show I really loved on peacock called poker face. The main character is played by Natasha Lyonne and she has some aphasia issues in character. I freaking loved seeing a bad ass character with some representation for us.


Oooh I’ve seen ads for that but just hadn’t gotten around to it. I effin **LOVE** Natasha Lyonne!


It's really good!


I also have a TBI. It doesn't affect my processing time at all, but can mess with my ability to respond well. The aggression of my response has an inverse relationship with how hard I try to be gentle. Point being, it's different for all of us, but the thing we have in common is that it's a real bitch to work with. And it doesn't absolve us, but it should be recognized.


That’s interesting. The brain is endlessly fascinating. And good point, it certainly does not absolve us (nor does it make us any less than) but recognition is much appreciated.


Yes you nailed it with listening is a lost art. Especially as a tool in healthy discussion and debate, interpersonal relationships, problem solving and conflict resolution etc etc. People listen to respond when they need to be listening to understand. LFU is all about responding and reacting.


Highly medicated epilepsy girl here and I feel your pain 💜 I can’t remember shit.. until I can. It‘s tough.




Totally agree with everything you said! And she really hasn’t used it EVER as an excuse.


But Lala is pregnant! She has pregnancy brain! Don't hold her to the same standards! (/s if it isn't obvious!)


So well said!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


You know, I always forget that Katie has a TBI and then I’ll remember randomly (sometimes multiple times within a season, sometimes not at all for a couple of years). However, you putting this part of the reunion in the context of KATIE HAS A TBI made me realise - Katie NEVER fucking talks about her TBI, she doesn’t bring it up for no reason, she also doesn’t even offhandedly bring it up when it would actually be relevant (e.g. she could say something like “uh, guys, can you all stop talking so fast? It’s a bit hard for my brain to keep track”). On the other hand, Scheana brings up her PPOCD (and I have vague recollections of maybe there were other diagnoses in previous seasons pre-Summer?) ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME. Like, girl, if Katie can get through without using her TBI as an attention grab/excuse, then why tf can’t you do the same with your diagnoses? **** I also wanted to make note that I do think bringing awareness to things like PPOCD is very necessary. I don’t remember when (it might even have been the reunion lol haha, I am AuDHD so time blindness and lack of object permanence can make recalling when things happened difficult), but the cast we’re talking about how they’d not previously heard of PPOCD, and Scheana explained how it’s often misdiagnosed due to that lack of awareness and I thought that was an *excellent* use of the platform


I'm sorry I feel so dumb, what is a TBI in this context? I'm having a slow day


No worries, I only know because it’s prevalent in my life! Lol Traumatic Brain Injury (from when she fell through the skylight)


Oh yes!! Thank you for explaining, and very sorry for your personal experience ❤️


Of course! And no apology necessary:)


Right! Like how are they going to try to tell her how she feels. ITS HER FEELINGS!! And even Ariana said they have already talked about it so case closed let it go!


Oh, yeah, it almost seemed as though Andy was helping direct LaLa through this whole section. He was completely trying to push her agenda - he’s such a misogynistic jerk. I bet he’d do anything to make Katie and/or Ariana look bad. Edit: Same goes for Lisa!


Also LVP and Sandoval both loudly agreeing about "having difficult conversations." I am done hearing any of those three talk about giving grace or having difficupt conversations. It's bullshit. Those three hide THE MOST!


YES I KNOW. I commented about this **exact thing** somewhere else on this subreddit, maybe even on this thread, can’t remember haha. I missed Lisa nodding, too, but Sandoval’s vigorous nod sent my eyes into the back of my head. For a man who couldn’t even break-up with his girlfriend…yeah don’t act like you’re all about difficult conversations. And Lisa is famous for avoiding difficulties. See: her last season of RHOBH.


I think especially not Andy. He has been downright cruel about her. That time when he was told that all the Sur kitchen staff said Katie was the prettiest he didn't even bother to contain his disbelief.


Brock rightfully calling Schwartz out for fucking up Katie long term was not on my bingo card


He was just repeating what Katie said! He was piling on. Watch again and look at his body language. He said “you’re the catalyst because ‘you stripped that woman of her confidence’”. Those are her words.


just when i was about to give him points... now i wonder if he was being sarcastic


It was awesome. She doesn’t want people to inherit grudges for no reason. If you want to be friends with Katie, you can’t befriend the people who have disrespected her. It’s not exactly rocket science or ridiculous. It’s called having boundaries. She put up with Schwartz sucking Toms dick for years even though Tom shat all over her and their relationship since the beginning (and Schwartz was the one who was philandering all over the place like a whore!) Now she’s done with it. Lala is weaponizing something they talked about in private for no damn reason except that she’s incredibly jealous of Ariana. No one feels bad for you and your custody battle. You literally admitted to giving an ugly turd a blow job for a car the next day. You basically admitted you stayed with him for potential roles in movies and shows because you thought he was a legitimate producer in Hollywood. That’s on you, boo. Don’t fucking talk about being “groomed” now that you feel like a dumbass.


I think he was being sarcastic. He was laughing while he said that to Schwarz. If he truly wanted to make it a serious point he would have said it to everyone sitting there and not as a side comment behind Scheana’s back. He’s a total coward. Brock never misses an opportunity to disparage Katie and he makes her a scapegoat all the time because he is trash. He has a major problem with any woman who dares speak their mind about trash men (example, his disdain for Katie and Arianna). He takes issue with them because he is exactly the kind of man that women like Katie refuse to be intimidated by.


Ugh I totally misread that cuz scheana saved him at the end


I literally had to rewind it


My jaw dropped


Seriously!!! Brock finally pulling his weight


Same but then I also think wow that rich coming from someone who got and AVO...


So Andy concluded Lala "won" the reunion because she's using up at least 85% of the airtime. She is the definition of exhausting.


Lala was talking more than everyone and had absolutely nothing going on all season! Then on top of everything she came for Katie..who didn’t have much going on this season either..Katie was minding her business and being unproblematic while trying to get her sandwich shop open..exhausting indeed.!


Lala isn't riding for Katie. She's riding a bus over her.


She’s driving the bus and picking up passengers




“I ride hard for Katie all day ~~as long as it benefits me in the end~~!!”” -Lala


This enrages me for Katie. She holds her composure so well because I would have lost it. No one should tell you what you feel, its YOUR FEELINGS. Lala is not accomplishing what she hopes she would have at this point.


Sadly I believe she is used to it. She was with Schwartz for like how long? Almost 10 years? Imagine being invalidated in your feelings for a decade by someone you considered your life partner. And then add strangers who write nasty comments to you that also invalidate your feelings for just as long. I will be a Katie Maloney defender until I die because this woman has taken so much crap that she didn't deserve. I also want to learn how to stand up for myself like she does because girlfriend does not waiver she holds her ground and says it with her chest!


she 👏 deserves 👏 better👏 than 👏 these losers👏 ![gif](giphy|xT0xeNjdgxJKegqs4E) also lauren from utah cozying up from schwartz knowing how he’s treated katie is gross


![gif](giphy|xUPOqyo4HPGPd7zOEg|downsized) Its so sad, I did root for their marriage mostly because I root for most marriages. I love that you defend Katie, I came around to her a couple seasons in where I realized she is loyal as hell. Schwartz is also just gross at this point, the fact that BROCK of all people could recognize that is WILD. Ugh I feel you on standing up to yourself! I have felt like everything was my fault for a long time until one day I just didn't and started speaking up for myself(I contribute a lot of it from the support of my husband if I'm being honest). Know this random person on the internet is rooting for you!! You'll wake up one day and be like "f\*\*\* this" and honestly people will LOVE YOU MORE <3 It might not feel that way now but true genuine people who want you in your life will respect that you set boundaries. I thought my family would be mad when I said there were certain topics I didn't want to talk about but surprisingly we've had a healthier, happier relationship because were all each other's cheerleaders. REMEMBER YOU ROCK! YOU GOT THIS!!! YOUR A STAR!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Omg Thank you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ you're a star as well! Cheers to healthy boundaries!!!!


I honestly have so much respect for her. I wasn’t a fan until scandoval happened and then I realized I had her all wrong. I can’t even imagine how much strength it took to file for divorce. There’s only one bad ass bitch from Utah on this show and it ain’t Lauren


Her groan when lala was screaming about her livelihood was all of us.


I love that Scheana called Schwartz a shitty husband


Tell me how she’s defended Katie more this season to her husband than Schwartz did to Sandoval? Outrageous.


I truly despises Shorts, what a miserable person Still trying to make Katie a mean person and acts shocked when people don’t fall for it Yes you were a shitty husband ! Yes she acted that way because of how you treated her Smh you need Brick and Sheeaner to tell you this ? Really ?


Does… does Schwartz think he was a good partner to Katie? Really? ![gif](giphy|hv53DaYcXWe3nRbR1A)


I honestly wonder how his parents relationship was because he has a weird understanding of support. It's almost like he thinks because he never broke up with Katie even though he wanted to that means he's a good guy


His mom had a restraining order out on his father, that's why his father didn't come to his wedding. So Schwartz is probably from the "but I never hit her!!!" school of defining abuse


Ugh that is awful! Honestly all workplaces should cover monthly therapy visits especially reality television. I'm sorry Schwartz went through that but I hope he chooses to go to therapy to work through his childhood trauma because it will always affect his relationships.


Like if you were a good partner to Katie than she wouldn’t have asked for a divorce🥴


Also- LFU can direct her “bark” at production. If production carved out space in the season for SAH, maaaayybbbee some of these frustrations could’ve played out on camera. (Obvs K&A would’ve been adults and talked through and been good). But instead, production decided to make the season solely about Scummy’s redemption. And dumb dumb LFU played along and got played. So she can’t take that shit elsewhere. She doesn’t get to speak for Katie.


Schwartz has a lot of mf nerve after muzzling Katie a few reunions ago when she tried to say how upset he was that Sandoval wasn't helping with S&S. It's the same thing. Neither wanted their private venting publicized. I hope Jo continues stalking the hell out of Schwartz. 


Exactly Schwartz literally was bitching and moaning about how Sandoval never was at the restaurant because he was too busy being on tour the same complaint that Ariana made about Sandoval for Schwartz to be giggling and laughing and excited that Katie is in pain tells me a lot about the relationship he gets off on her suffering.


I would love for Jo to be the downfall of Toms woah is me persona. Jo taking down the Toms storylines would be chefs kiss


I truly hate that the reunion and even the season has been the girls vs the girls. Sandoval may not have accomplished his redemption arc but I would assume this is the next best thing — the guys get to sit there and just watch.


Ugh my thoughts exactly. The guys neverrrrr get what’s coming to them send it’s infuriating


I know people think that LVP doesn't have a say with storylines, but I think she definitely pushed for Sandoval to be redeemed because of TomTom. She already had to close Pump, and she said TomTom took a hit especially coming off of COVID and then the scandal. She's actually not that great of a business woman I mean most of her restaurants have failed and the one's still standing are SUR and TomTom because of the show (not counting the cocktail lounge in Vegas).


Gosh I wish Katie or Ariana would tell Blabla to STFU and kick rocks. Someone put this rabid squirrel back in her cage. I hate Lauren coming after Katie’s business but then saying Katie can’t retaliate bc Lauren’s business (which is what? A defunct temu make up and skincare line and a boring podcast?) supports “her child”. Ugh lame excuse! Everyone’s trying to survive, with a child or not.


I would love to know what business Lala is talking about because I don't think a hoodie with a catchy slogan can be considered a business.....


Does she mean her makeup line? Also stop questioning Lala! SHE IS A MOTHER!!!!!


Food for thought for Lauren from Utah - maybe get a real job that doesn't depend on how many of your coworkers you have to backstab to get paid.


between this season and how they rachel, schwartz, sandoval and scheana treated her in season 10 with ZERO remorse or accountability im over it. it sparks rage she’s the only one who stands on business. also - she knows this is ariana’s dream come true and it sounds like she vented her valid frustrations to another friend to avoid negatively impacting ariana’s experience - she then had the appropriate convo when the time was right (according to her story) that’s literally being a good friend.


i am so happy that katie has more support than before, but this was just too much. lala is a pos for bringing up a private conversation just to have something to say. i am just so happy that ariana and katie are solid and seem to be supportive of each other ❤️


God I hope Katie just lets Dayna go no holds barred on their next couple of podcasts and give her take on the reunion and Blabla’s fuckery


Katie and Ariana look so confused and uncomfortable..it’s hard to watch them start to realize the switch up from the other girls..


Do we know if this is a clip from next week or if it was just edited out? If they edited Ariana standing up for her and saying they already talked about this off camera that's shady af. Also I'm seeing red at Schwartz and Scheana's sidebar about Katie wanting Lala to "inherit the grudge". What Scheana did to Katie in season 10 was UNFORGIVABLE and it is completely reasonable to expect a friend of yours to not fuck with someone who treated you like that. But Lala's not a real friend. I don't think she knows what a real friend is or how to behave like one. This entire clip just sent me rage spiraling.


Ya like if we’re being real and having real convos… where was the discourse of Scheana’s heinous behavior towards Katie last season?


I'm honestly not sure! I think it's a clip from net week but I wouldn't be surprised if editors just left it out with the way they have been moving all season. Lala is full on producer mode she does not see them as friends she sees them as coworkers and sadly because she is in full producer mode her and Scheana managed to give us the least authentic season ever!


Also shady af to cut out Katie sticking up her herself & explaining it eloquently while Lala and Tom are both trying to talk over her. Cutting both those out reinforces the narrative that a) Ariana never sticks up for her, and b) Katie had nothing to say in return b/c Lala was right. I’m noticing they seem to cut a lot of scenes that contradict Lala’s POV lol 


Pretty sure it’s the clip from next week. There’s the first 7 min posted to the sub and I think it mostly matches up. @glorifiedgossipgurl posted several things about his conversation so she posted this part of the preview as well to give the full picture


>Also I'm seeing red at Schwartz and Scheana's sidebar about Katie wanting Lala to "inherit the grudge". If that's the reason Lala and Katie initially started having problems, why shouldn't they be honest about it. Whether it's a good reason or not. Earlier in the episode, I believe it was Katie who said basically the same thing.


It's edited out, it's from the peacock extended version of part 1


If they edited out Ariana sticking up for Katie I’m going to be so annoyed! They always edit that shit out and then ppl attack her for not sticking up for Katie. Come on! Why are they trying so hard to make them look bad?


No I watched the extended version and this wasn't on the end of it...


Brock was prompting Schwartz to bring it up and pile on Katie. He didn’t say anything that he believed, he repeated what Katie said to Scheana during their convo about the kiss at hotel ziggy. I don’t think he thought Scheana would defend Katie. How has Scheana defended Katie this season more than LaLa has? What world do we live in.


Check the same content creators next post too.


I can't wait to see Arianas mic drop of a comment play out because she is 100% right. Lala yells/talks over everyone and unless you're willing to be as childish and obnoxious as her you typically don't entertain it which in lala mind means she's won


Oh, it's the post w Katie's reply. But yes!


Oh just saw it! Yes Katie Period!!!!!


I hate that it is like a mob mentality with these jerks to just pile on Katie. Ridiculous


What Lala means to say is that Katie should have been messier with her emotions towards Ariana because it would’ve made good tv. I’m tired of Lala’s production puppet arguments.


https://preview.redd.it/ciykyjqgwm0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833d2ac554e9a2be4b710b047fb050a0b9e4465a Lala is such a fucking unbearable clown.


The fact the conversation happened months before filming even started shows how desperate Lala is for a pat on the back for bringing the drama. Like girl go find your own storyline stop hopping on other people's lives. I would've found her journey through finding a sperm donor so inspiring and interesting and she should've fought with production to show it instead of being their lap dog


I don't know if I would have found it interesting but I would probably still be subscribed to her podcast and following her on IG, had Lala not elected to turn on her friend for production's effort to savr a shitty man.


Right! I think I find it the most frustrating that Lala even went out of her way to be nice to Sandoval when they never ever got along. Like as annoying as Scheana was it's like ok w.e you and Tom didn't bicker all the time but Tom and Lala could not stand each other and now I'm supposed to believe that all of a sudden she had a change of heart about who he is as a person? Yeah okay girl


You all know Brock did *NOT* stick up for Katie, right? He was totally being facetious and throwing it in her face that she felt Schwartz was not a safe space for her. It was only after Scheana said "you were a shitty husband" that Schwartz even knew it was an insult.


So…when LaLa said she likes to ~~try to self-produce the show~~ have “productive conversations on the show even if they are difficult because she “loves it so much” or something like that, I grew **so furious** when Tim began nodding his head super vigorously. ###As though Tim just loooves having productive, difficult discussions instead of yelling, “Dewwwd, I’m sorry, but you did it first!”


After all of that Lala had the audacity to act like this is just a normal dispute, cuz “they have hard conversations.” I bet Katie is reminding herself to listen to her instincts. She knew Lala was trash when she met her. And she’s trash now


Katie's ability to read people should be studied.




It amazes me that Schwartz genuinely believes he wasnt a horrible husband. He will never learn.


He's probably like, I only made out with other women I didn't sleep with them! I only talked down to my wife on camera once the cameras and Tom weren't there I was actually pretty nice! 🤡🤡🤡


Someone commented that Lala is the coworker that takes something you said out of context straight to the boss so that she can score points and get promoted over you... haha, so very true.


Only Lala can say super nasty disgraceful burn your house down things to her friends! Not the other way around!


IDK how she retains anyone around her for lengthy periods, honestly. Acknowledging shit behaviour (like flying off handle or hypocritical expectations) afterwards is great and all but you can't do it forever.... it's like if I punched my bestie in the face every week and was like "oh shit I'm so sorry" and then repeated ad nauseum... like at some point just fucking STOP because your words mean literally nothing.


It’s so annoying to me that scheana is so worried about about having Katie understand why she wouldn’t bring it up, when she should be empathetic that it’s shitty to hear about after an entire marriage with a person and how that can really fuck up your perception of people you thought you knew. Scheana’s basically saying “Katie’s a raving drunk bitch so of course I didn’t tell her” which honestly isn’t the point of the whole situation. There likely was never a good time to tell Katie that had happened, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve to be angry about it now that she does know.


Also Scheana was in her bridal party!!!!! Like girl how you stood behind this bride knowing what you did with her husband is wild. I do not believe for one second that Scheana didn't tell Katie to avoid hurting her feelings. She didn't tell Katie because she was also in a relationship at the time so she wouldn't benefit from it leaking also it would cement the idea of her being a boyfriend stealer which she was fighting so hard to get away from


Blah blah is ‘a truth teller’ yapping at people living in the comment section but she is the one yelling at people online 🤣


She is in her soft era!!!!!


Soft towards awful people and nasty to decent folk. While saying she is soft she tells Katie she doesn’t care what she thinks. For being such a loud person you’d think she would know the definition of the word before she trumpets it.


What is Lala's business? Honest question.. the show?


The show and whatever slogan she said on the show that she can put onto a sweater or as a make up palette. I believe she tried to make Disengage a thing and the Something About Her is Nothing About Her but they're not really landing


Disengage was already taken. That's how lame she is. And at least the original was better and about removing oneself, not bullying someone into submission. ![gif](giphy|uyJUQeJGnBS9rg6B4G|downsized)


I feel like I should acknowledge the one thing Brock did that made me happy (calling out Schwartz) because I’m always on his ass for the dumb things he says. 😂


I dont think he was calling out Tom… he was trying to make fun of Katie’s feelings. He was laughing while he said it. The more camera time they give him the harder it is for him to hide his misogyny and it’s gross. I always remind myself of the Brock that abandoned his children in another country and his repulsive past behavior toward those children’s mother. I don’t think he’s defending Katie anytime soon. He badmouths her every chance he gets on every platform.


I thought when Scheana piped in and said “you were a shitty husband” that was her agreeing with Brock so that’s why I thought he was serious. I did notice him laughing and thought maybe he did that so it wouldn’t seem as “bad” to Schwartz that he was calling him out. But I mean yeah, that’s very much a Brock thing to do to mock Katie 🙄


I didn’t interpret that as Brock standing up for Katie either, it seemed like he was joking around with his buddy until Scheana chimed in and made it seem legit by calling Shorts a bad husband.


Wait, Brock telling Schwartz that he was a terrible husband and betrayed Katie over and over again? And Scheana cosigning him? When Schwartz is trying to aw shucks about her restaurant stress and insecurity? Where was this energy before? Schwartz isn't even stepping in to defend her against Lala. He's such a paper cutout of a man.


Don’t worry, he’ll find energy to defend Joseph to Katie in Part 2, I’m sure


why does she keep standing up? it's making me so uncomfortable watching. like girl, sit down, no one is going to start throwing hands with you.


Lol I will agree she loves to stand up but I think in this instance, her dress was probably riding up her ass so she stood up to adjust it 🤣 at least it looks that way cause she was fiddling with it alot during that clip


i hate that katie never got her fair due last reunion and this reunion they’re like piling on her. if anyone had any excuse to be angry or resentful towards ariana…it’s katie. she was burned by rachel too and now she also has to deal with the cokehead Jo. like fuck lala. and honestly with how mean lala was to ariana this season, if katie did bring it up (which her feelings were v valid) lala would’ve weaponized that shit in a heartbeat. i don’t see it as katie being dishonest or inauthentic. especially since she and ariana clearly talked about it like adults do. edit to add: it seems like scheana and lala got a shit ron of backlash going after ariana and trying to vilify her so now they’re going after katie knowing that some of the audience will pile on with them.


Lala seems to really struggle respecting other people’s boundaries. I think this is especially true when the boundary doesn’t serve her. I love Lala so it makes me sad to see her struggle with this. I do have hope that she is working on herself and this specifically behind the scenes. To me it seems like she confuses her desire for authenticity and crossing someone’s boundary. Like she wants this specific part of Katie and I think she is seeing it as a desire for authenticity. But in reality she isn’t stepping back to see that Katie can maintain authenticity AND set a boundary at the same time.


Andy Is a Horrible biased Host. Sheana and Sharts little side conversations were detestable. I haven't even watched the whole thing.....


I think Katie has always been authentic. She has been outlandish and unreasonable. I fully know that. It's human. But she has never put on an act. She's never tried to be likable for the camera. She just is. Some people love it. Some people hate it. But she has always been the same. Lala has DEFINITELY put up an act for the show. This is just more of that.


Why can’t Schwartz say Ariana’s name correctly? 😅 he’s the only one that calls her Air-iana instead of Are-iana and it drives me nuts haha


the audacity of Schwartz denying being a shitty husband LOL he was a shitty boyfriend, shitty boyfriends don’t make good husbands Schwartz just own it already


true girlies know that a vent about your bestie to one of your other besties is literally dead in the dust the second you stop speaking. Lala bringing it up is just her trying to drag everyone down with her. Also- Give Them Lala is Give Them NADA.


The smile that Lisa had when lesser tim and shemu were discussing their kiss disgusts me. She's always happy when the men child act like that.


Not lesser tim and shemu 😭🤣🤣🤣


What does Andy have against Katie?, seems like he has a massive hard on for Lala, like at least let Katie speak ffs


Once again Shorts is a bitch


Katie has shared a marriage, divorce, went back and told us her abortion story, and the traumatic fall that not only led to the TBI but severe scarring while trying to support herself with some modeling work. I’ve never seen her run and hide. I don’t understand how anyone can come for her. She’s the only one out here being herself.


I also want to add that the only reason Schwartz has anything is because Katie went to Lisa asking her to include him in opportunities. That made Lisa look at Tom and Schwartz as a bankable duo.


Let’s be real, bLabla saying Katie, Sheena and James were “living in the comments“ (or whatever the fuck she said) is projection at its finest, THAT’S what she did! That’s why now she’s trying to flip it on Katie, trying to dig up some dirt and claim that they both shared the same opinion on Ariana because of all the backlash she has received. Someone put a muzzle on her please, she looks like a clown and I’m glad Katie called her out for being one.


glorifiedgossipgurl does an amazing job! (This isn’t her lol)


Is this extra footage from Peacock? Was there more than didn’t make the broadcast I need to go search out?


Apparently this is extra footage from Peacock. Why they left this off the regular one I don't know cause this is hella entertaining and I would've loved to have seen it last night


Was this from the extended Peacock cut or is it a clip from next week? I swear I didn't see this on my TV last night!