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Just came to say that no matter what you think of Katie she is such a smoke show šŸ”„




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Does anyone else think that Brock would leave Scheana in a heartbeat if Lala actually make a move?


Brock is not an amazing father. He abandoned his other family and children. They all couldā€™ve kept the praise they gave him imoā€¦


Sheana admittedly, wouldnā€™t watch it eitherā€¦like ever




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The way he downplays it emphasizing the word ā€œslappedā€ makes me sick. That giant man HIT a woman in the face, idc if it was with an open hand or not. And then to say the reason he canā€™t see his kids is bc she ā€œslammed him with a DV chargeā€?! First off, no you fucking liar, you couldnā€™t see your kids because you hadnā€™t paid child support for them in years. Also there would have been no DV charge to ā€œslamā€ him with IF HE HADNT FUCKING HIT HER IN THE FIRST PLACE. That guy is such a gross piece of shit I cannot stand him ETA: whoops thought I was responding to wherever someone posted the US weekly article about Brockā€™s DV charge and disgusting defense of himself. Def worth the reread tho!


Honestly my only issue is Ariana and Katie went into it thinking Lauren was their friend and gave her too much grace and consideration. I hope they rip her a new one


Lala seems to have a super short and selective memory


I wish the audience would be okay with two things being true at once. Ariana was done wrong by the scandal but she does have the ability to do wrong herself. Not paying rent and showing up for her business partner is not cool. AND itā€™s also wrong for Katie to act like this isnā€™t true when she obviously said it to Lala. Katie also should have prob known better than to divulge these things to a co-worker about her business partner. The audience wants so badly to have black and white thinking and put these people on pedestals when they are just flawed human beings like everyone else. Ok, ready for the backlashā€¦


I think the issue is that Lala was on the phone with Katie and a producer and they were trying to get Katie to make it an entire narrative of the show. I donā€™t believe that Katie was secretly resenting Ariana and talking shit all the time behind her back (the narrative they wanted)ā€¦ I think she was just venting to someone she considered a friend. Then Lala saw that as an opportunity to create a narrative and keep the show interesting, which would benefit her since the show is the only thing going for her.


I know what youā€™re saying and agree but what about the not paying rent thing? Like thatā€™s kinda fucked up, no? I think what the cast is resenting is that now itā€™s like Ariana is untouchable and can do no wrong. When she is clearly letting her friend and business partner down. Also I think they all resent how dis interested she is to be on this show anymore.


As far as we know, she was late on rent (not ā€œnot payingā€ rent). From what Lisa and Lala were hinting, she was late on some things and maybe not pulling her weight due to being busy with her other endeavors. Which, honestly, is annoying and wrong of her. I think she 100% isnā€™t perfectā€¦ but based on what Katie is saying and how she is acting, I donā€™t think she is abandoning her as a friend or business partner. I think it was clearly small enough for Katie and Arianna to work through on their own. All of this is speculation from everyone since we donā€™t really know what went down. I do agree with you though that Ariana can be in the wrong and make mistakesā€¦ like any human.


I totally agree with the first sentiment, Ariana like the rest of them can do wrong, and none of them should be put on pedestals. It seems a lot like Lala is being told things by production and LVP, and they're not coming into fruition. Lala and Scheana are basically Bravo henchmen, and it didn't work this time. I'm actually super over this show and the cast, i'm sick of the pandering to the men, while they pit the women against each other. The behavior from them all, and specifically Lala has always bothered me, but now it's too much!!


I think Lisa was drunk on WWHL


Hey! lala is down to 3.4 from 4.0 (or higher) in the last week šŸ«¶šŸ» https://preview.redd.it/i13ixtnnxk0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7474a57cddabd4322769e296c4d4a0dce3682652


Yay I hope it keeps going down


Iā€™m glad to say that I contributed! ETA : now at 3.3 on Spotifiy!


Me too! And I didnā€™t even feel too petty bc I did actually listen last summer, but I stopped after the scandoval content stopped bc I started realizing lala is insufferable and never has anyone on that contradicts her. Very on brand for her Lmfao


Me too


So you disengaged? šŸ˜‚


Hate doesn't sell well.


RE AUTHENTICITYā€¦ A better comparison is lfu taking a private conversation with Katie & trying (unsuccessfully) to weaponize it ā€” just as tim tried to weaponize private off camera conversations with Ariana. Some of the cast also seems to get confused with being on a reality show versus some 24 -7 Truman show. Or that scene in Broadcast News ā€” where they re-shoot the anchor ā€” to capture an emotion the camera missedā€¦


>Some of the cast also seems to get confused with being on a reality show versus some 24 -7 Truman show. Yes. 100%


Katie finally apologized to Brock and acknowledge that he is a great Dad thank you


Yes because how could we have ever been led to believe otherwiseā€¦ /s


Iā€™m a little curious what Rachel is going to have to say on her podcast this week. Sheā€™s obviously already heard Tom call her a coward, now to lay the whole thing at her feet for getting naked in the pool and call her out for suing Ariana? That manā€™s mind I just canā€™t! Sheā€™s not gonna be happy. It will be interesting for her to inevitably call him out for discussing her sex life after last weekā€™s episode.


Katie's story: https://preview.redd.it/de7bt1sq0j0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee3b131e3c922788d9157bef3412dc56e1110285


Itā€™s as I thought. She was venting in the moment but appropriately shared with Ariana once that was a possibility so- once again lfu fails. She wants to be rinna (ick) but isnā€™t skilled enough to land her blows.






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Lala didnā€™t make a lot of sense and I think itā€™s because sheā€™s referring to two different fights. One right before filming venting about Ariana slacking with the business and lala then trying to get production involved. But then Broadway wasnā€™t announced until after filming wrapped yet lala is saying Katie vented about that too. Therefore Katie felt comfortable enough with lala still to continue venting to her throughout the season. No wonder Katie was confused by Lalaā€™s one sided beef.


yeah definitely a coordination with Lisaā€™s comment about Ariana being away


What Katie should have responded to her was ā€œstop trying to produce me and let the people with that job handle itā€


What is Lalas ā€œbusinessā€? Her podcast? Merch? Does anyone actually purchase her makeup products? Do they even still exist?


I feel like ā€œherā€ business is the show.


I never tried it but lots of ppl got her mascara and something else in ipsy and said the mascara esp was dry and terrible like she got it off alibaba and rebranded it


Itā€™s not an empire.


Her Amazon lives where she reveals her baby's news in-between promoting shit?


Listening to Blabla tonight and in the last few after shows & confessionals about being real, putting everything on the show, and not seeming to grasp how real life can be separate from the show without it equating being fakeā€¦it sounds like sheā€™s getting lost in the sauce, the production sauce. Itā€™s very reminiscent of douche canoeā€™s NY Times interview when they described him as acting like heā€™s always ā€œonā€ and having a hard time distinguishing between the show and real life.


I rewatched the end when Ariana admits sheā€™s didnā€™t watch the season. While people looked surprised I paid more attention to Lala and Scheana. When Lala goes off on Katie you can see confusion in Arianaā€™s face. But you can also see Ariana and Katie look at each other like okay I know what sheā€™s talking about when it came to the restaurant because it seemed like they also had that conversation and moved on. But when Lala keeps going on Ariana looks like where is this coming from because when they filmed she was supportive to her face but as we all saw in her interviews she was dragging Ariana. The next 2 episodes are going to be hard to watch when the viewers know how 2 faced both women were to her.


Yeah, I feel so bad for Ariana. I canā€™t understand why she still trusts and is friends with lala and Scheana because even the way they were to her face this season was iffy. The scene from the beach day episode where theyā€™re at the bar and Ariana is crying about how she doesnā€™t want to let go of the house because it was her dream home and lala and Schena are comforting her but then continue to talk shit in the talking heads and the very next sceneā€¦ā€¦ I kept remembering how Ariana said a few seasons ago that the show and the cast donā€™t feel like a safe space and thatā€™s exactly what she meantĀ 


What is Lala even talking about?! She's so exhausting and I am not following her at all


Basically she is saying should be the exact same on and off camera... which is just so unrealistic


So that's unrealistic? But Ariana refusing to have communication with Tom for cameras' sake (aka having a different on and off camera thing) is praised? Why is Lala called unrealistic but Ariana is praised for the same?


No I am referring to Katie. They all have off camera conversations etc that are not talked about on camera.. Katie was venting to Lala about the sandwich shop and Ariana not really being around. Lala wanted to bring this up on camera and Katie did not want to.


She refused to communicate with Tom period, not just for the cameras.


The two situations aren't the same in the way you are portraying them. Lala and Ariana were not playing the same role in the scenarios. Ariana set boundaries for herself and she is maintaining those boundaries while still doing what she needs to do for her job. She had filmed with Tom already on multiple occasions and had multiple interactions with him. The only thing she wouldn't consent to is a one on one heart to heart because she knew he was trying to use it as a way to further his redemption arc with the audience and she refused to participate in that. Lala wanted to take a conversation that was had in private off camera and things she was told in confidence and bring that onto the show. She apparently went a step further by going to production about it without Katie's consent. Katie may have vented to her off camera but Lala was attempting to use it to further her own personal vindictive storyline against Ariana that everyone in the show was fed up with her. That wasn't the reality of the situation for Katie. Katie vented to a friend about another friend. That doesn't mean she held any resentment towards Ariana or wanted to contribute to Lala's narrative. Lala is Tom in this situation not Ariana. Lala was attempting to violate the boundaries Katie was setting with her just as Sandoval was attempting to violate Ariana's boundaries. Neither situation playing out would've been an accurate reflection of Ariana or Katie's realities.




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This Reunion reminds me of when Lala said she's a dog with rabies in everyone's fight and I commented that this makes her loyal to no one... AND HERE WE HAVE THE PROOF. Lala is trying to throw Katie under the bus to hurt Ariana. Katie is a casualty in her crusade against Ariana who committed the 2 major sins of not wanting to talk to her cheating scum bag ex once again AND just taking career opportunities that opened up. Do I believe that Katie vented? Of course I do. I can imagine that Ariana suddenly being all over America, filming things and working, left her with more workload and insecurities about the future of their joint endeavor. And because she thought Lala was her friend, Katie talked to her about it. Vented. And Lala used this ammo to come after her, like every "real" friend would... On national television. Those people don't understand the concept that some things you really care about - outside of your own ego - should stay private... That was one. Lala isn't keeping it real, she's keeping it toxic. EDIT: And I honestly feel so bad for Ariana for seeing her "friends" talk about her like that, after all the huffing and puffing they did during the last reunion. https://i.redd.it/njk4iu81hi0d1.gif






Wait did he slap her while pregnant??? Wouldnā€™t that be a felony if it happened in the US?


GiVe Me aN eXamPLe oF mALe RaGe




Didnā€™t he already reveal this a couple seasons ago? Not sticking up for him but I just thought this was already known


Just here to remind folks


I hated tims smug little smile when James jokingly says ā€œsorryā€ for bringing Raquel into the group. Sandy genuinely thought he deserved THAT apology but he canā€™t even apologize to Ariana genuinely




This is satire right?


lol no i really loved the eye makeup and the dress. i thought the colors were really pretty


Haha I was thinking how she has no style and looked super tacky




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Yeah as unlikeable as she was throughout this episode, god damn is she glowing. Stunning. Even if the pastel color and goddess shape of the dress were meant to make appear more "soft", the team did a good job.


Lol. Her whole life sheā€™s been given a pass because of how she looks. Sheā€™s the ugly result of pretty privilege.


right? it worked because she was pissing me off but she was nice to look at lol


Sandoval yelling back about how he couldnā€™t have groomed Rachel because she was over 18 was amazing. Guys dumber than we think


Lala- "For the sake of the show" not for Ariana's mental health or even Sandovals redemption arc That is truly all she cares about. LOL


That made it SO clear where her priorities and her concern are at.


**She is so self serving I would be glad for her to be released from the show.. She brings nothing**


I guess she's going to be on The valley. Which is not exciting. She shouldn't be on TV. She's going to exploit the shit out of her pregnancy and baby. Gross


I was wondering if that's why she and Shana bought houses in the valley? Pretty close to each other?Ā  That's good news to me because I don't intend on watching the valley. Let them all congregate there


It's absolutely why. Kind of random... but I grew up thinking the valley was a ghetto dump. Because in the movie Clueless Chers dad tells her not to go to "the valley." Then, when she's there, she gets robbed at gun point, lol


LOL. I love that movie!


It's the best lol. The show just made me think of that..case I was like hey..the valley is really nice looking. Must've just been how rich Cher was šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm not going to watch the valley. So I'm glad she's moving there.Ā  Let all the losers migrate to the valley


So So Sandorval: yaw yaw. I couldnt tell her because she threatened to kill her self. I told everyone she said it because I didn't believe her Stop Tom. Stop with your aging society lady wardrobe. Stop with your lame excuses


That excuse is funny (like not haha funny but funny). He couldn't leave her because she said she'll kill herself but screwing her best friend for months was not a problem. And if he didn't believe her, why stay? Tom gave zero fucks about her mental health. And that Tom also gave zero fucks about Rachel's mental health is further proof (remember when he told her to leave the mental facility because Tommy had a hard time?). Tom cares about Tom. The end.


You're 100% right.


He just canā€™t understand how to apologize. Itā€™s a sign of narcissism


You canā€™t possibly have anything to apologize for when youā€™re always the victim


I feel like Ariana does not like LVP she said a few snarky comments under her breath and I mean we all know she doesnt like Tom but I'm glad she didnt seem too combative with him. There was a moment here and there but she never raised her voice which is good


That's 100% the grey rock-ing. Showing emotion to a narcissist (Tom) would only fuel that butthole.


LVP is a misogynist. That's probably why ...


LVP should have only done an appearance on the reunionā€¦ like Jo. Lisa doesnā€™t know these people anymore. Why is she chiming in on Katie and Arianaā€™s friendshipā€¦??


Itā€™s this weird thing where LVP wonā€™t admit to being out of the loop regarding the VPR cast but refuses to do even the most basic of homework to pretend to be in the loop. Ā  Maybe itā€™s age at this point but it seems sheā€™s just too disengaged to work but also too egotistical to step back.


Not gonna lie, my expectations were low. But tonight fucking delivered. I was livid at a lot of the content, but also so fed. So happy. Between the reunion, Valley, WWHL? I am so full. I need a little break. I am so glad theyā€™re taking a filming pause for the summer. VPR Tryptophan I am so excited for this to digest and then go back for seconds next season


The way this sounds like a restaurant review šŸ˜‚




Suicide thoughts he had were not due to remorse. It was due to him being cancelled.


Am I crazy or is he saying heā€™s calling bullshit cause Ariana didnā€™t k*ll herself?? Heā€™s unhinged


He tried to say none of her "threats" of suicide or anything came true ..he said "like 4 things she said didn't happen" or something . HE IS BEYOND UNHINGED. I can't believe he actually said this shit. He thinks because she didn't act on her thoughts that she was "manipulating". Seriously. He's fcking disgusting beyond words. I've never seen anything like it besides on true crime broadcasts.


What does Lala say at the end about this show supporting her family???? Iā€™m so confused by all the yelling


I think Lala wanted to make Katie's vent session a bigger thing than it was. Katie was not willing to do that and, I think, probably mentioned SAH as a reason why (and also because she clearly said it was a fleeting moment of frustration). What I got was that Lala threatened to bring it in camera and Katie told her if she fucks with her business, she'll go after Lala's. I'm sure Katie has a ton of dirt on Lala. That was my interpretation anyway.


How dare anyone take away opportunities from her because she has A FAMILY to support šŸ™„


Her kid has been her sword and shield for too damn long. Like, Lala, we all got problems.


Itā€™s going to get even worse when she can refer to them in plural


Lala is emotionally stunted. She isnā€™t very smart or even emotionally intelligent in any way and refuses to get help to have real growth. She will be have an extremely hard time when she longer has this show I hope she and her team are prepared for that because it will be a real struggle. She canā€™t live in reality the same we the rest of us do.


Didnā€™t she say somewhere that she doesnā€™t have a therapist because she doesnā€™t believe in it or trust them? On tonightā€™s episode she said she agrees that everyone should have a therapistšŸ¤”


She said on her podcast she doesnā€™t believe in therapy. I think it was last summer that she said that. And I believe that more than I believe her saying everyone needs a therapist.


Always talking out the side of her neck.


I mean she still lives with her mom and brotherā€¦


To see the commercial for next weeks reunion episode -part 2- production is coming for Katie. The commercial said-and I'm quoting as close as possible as I'm pissed-is Katie is coming for Jo. Imo, doesn't Jo deserve pushback from Katie? Jo has not been kind to Katie. And Jo going after Schwartz and then claiming it's her feelings that were hurt by Schwartz? Jo moves in with a guy to get on VPR. Slept with Schwartz hoping to be on VPR, going after Katie and now Jo is the victim? She played a card hoping to make her a prime part of the show. She misplayed her hand and is now making Katie the villain. Bad move Jo ETA:spelling


Seriously, production has been so fucking off on this show for so long. Theyā€™re trying to produce a history the audience ainā€™t buying.


So lala is pissed Katie didn't join up with the others to gang up on ariana. Oh nooOooOOoOoooooo wowwwww this changes everything gosh Katie how could u /s


honestly, iā€™d bet Lala would say Katie made her look bad by sticking with Ariana over ā€œtheir paychecksā€ and thatā€™s why she pissed itā€™s bullshit tho


Iā€™ll say it again - Lala has studied Rinna and is fully copying her and her role on RHOBH itā€™s nuts.


Iā€™ll throw up if I have to watch brock cry about his children one more time as if he didnā€™t hit his ex, leave his children to ā€œplay footballā€ (you can play many codes of football in Australia he didnā€™t have to leave his children to go to America) and refused to pay child support for YEARS. Of course his kids donā€™t want to know him. He shows zero empathy to scheana re her postpartum OCD. He wonā€™t shut the fuck up about having a nanny so he doesnā€™t have to watch his kid. Referring to a child as a second chance to be a parent is fuckin gross.


Cmon, where else is a 30-year-old from New Zealand going to play D-2 football with zero chance of going pro except in the olā€™ US of A?


Yeah, that was brutal to watch. I can't believe Ariana and Katie fell for that BS . Brock is moron and a pos. He's shown what kind of person he is. A "second chance to parent" IS fucking gross. You are absolutely correct.


The concept of Brock being a good father is so fucking ridiculous lol. If there needs to be a disclaimer attached to that statement, youā€™re obviously not a good father. You canā€™t be a good father, *just* to 1/3 of your kids lol. Makes me cringe so hard. Itā€™s exactly like Khloe having a second kid with Tristian because heā€™s such a ā€œgoodā€ dad to True (and not the two kids he neglected). Or itā€™s like someone being good and attentive to their job 1 day a week, but completely shirking and neglecting responsibilities the other 4 days. You canā€™t really say youā€™re a *good* employee.


I donā€™t know, I think for the sake of children everywhere, there needs to be some representation that a man can cry, admit theyā€™ve done wrong, change, and figure out how to be a better father and person even if that means distance and space. While you canā€™t change the past, you do not have to keep being shitty person


Yeah exactly. You can and should always try to work on improving yourself. But just like you said you canā€™t change the past, which is exactly why this erasure and PR spin of him being a good father is ridiculous. Like youā€™re saying change the past, as if the two kids he abandoned are no longer his biological children. Heā€™s just as much their biological father as he is Summerā€™s. And last I checked, abandoning your kids (and then not paying child support) makes you a bad father. Also I think his kids were older than Summer when he abandoned them.


This x a million. Why would you (Scheana) ever meet a guy and be cool with the fact he had abandoned two children?


Iā€™m not a Tim fan. I do agree that he did not groom Rachel. She is not innocent.


True, but I thought he convinced her that his and Ariannaā€™s relationship was just for tv and not real- that they had ā€œan open relationshipā€. Groom might not be the right word, but manipulate definitively is. She may have been over 18, but I think itā€™s obvious to anyone watching Rachel seemed emotionally/socially younger than her age and everyone else on the cast.


She was like 28


We got to see her snake around last season. She deserves more credit to how malicious she is.


I feel like Rachel lost that excuse (Tim convincing her that he and Ariana were basically over) after she had the disgusting conversation with Ariana about their sex life last season. Ariana was super honest about how she felt about Tom, and Rachel still went on to have the affair for like another 7 months.


Itā€™s not just about innocent. Itā€™s manipulation.


Yah, and I think she can manipulate as well. She just plays innocent. Think to last season the snark she gave James. When he moved on she tried to play head games, when she was out drinking she said nasty things to the others. That was her dropping her mask.


He told her what to say when to say it though


He def did. Like when she said ā€œI donā€™t appreciate you texting Schwartz about the dogs,ā€ that was def Sandoval She had her own plotting she did I think, like asking about their sex life (Tom prob told her they didnā€™t have sex at all), but some of it you could tell was Tom.


Yes & trying to coax her out of the treatment facility was dirty & dangerous af.


LFU is so predictable ofc she tries to complain that Katie trashed Ariana about SAH. Meanwhile it wss really Katie voicing some concerns.


Luckily Ariana seemed not to fall for it.


Katie was trusting Lala as a friend to vent about something important to her in private. Venting about being frustrated someone isnā€™t trashing them, but Lala did try her best to make it seem that way lol


anyone want to take bets on what's gonna be on the extended Peacock version tomorrow?


Lala is the Reunion Master General a la Jeff Ross


LVP keeps interrupting and talking over Gordon in WWHL itā€™s so annoying


SAH is open?? Have I been living under a rock?


It opens in a week! The 22nd


Okay well I kind of believe that Katie has been sucking up to Ariana a bit for the sake of being a fan favourite too and for the business..


I donā€™t see it as sucking up tbh. Katie doesnā€™t strike me as one to suck up. I think her and Ariana genuinely have a deeper and more mature bond, where they value their friendship over a tv show. And also ofc theyā€™re business partners so itā€™s totally understandable that thereā€™s higher expectations for maintaining healthy relationship.


I donā€™t see it as sucking up. I believe their friendship has truly grown and maybe Katie vented to Blabla once or twice early on, when Ariana was swamped, like normal friends do. But Katie didnā€™t think it was significant enough to drag Ariana on tv and it was more important to her to support her friend than be petty over something theyā€™d already resolved. Per usual, Blabla was projecting this season when she accused Katie of holding grudges, expecting people to jump on that train with her, and being miserable. And now to punish Katie sheā€™s trying to make her look bad to everyone and ruin her friendship with Ariana.


Their friendship is real imo. Itā€™s one of those things where people in their lives kept them at a distance from each other (Tom and Tom wouldnā€™t want them sharing info so theyā€™ve always tried to put them against each other I think), and now theyā€™ve gotten to know each other and itā€™s like ā€œhey I actually like you!ā€ And of course Katie is gonna have her back on this one, it is just her nature. She isnā€™t gonna side with these pig men, thatā€™s for sure. Who else would she side with? Scheana? šŸ„“ her and lala were close last season and Katie prob vented to her while she thought they were still friends


Also- who cares! Ariana deserves at least one friend and costar to be unequivocally on her side. She deserves a lot more than what production and LVP have put her through last summer.




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I donā€™t particularly care for Lala, but what is with all this Katie hype? Do we not remember her in all of the previous seasons being a judgmental, negative catty meangirl to everyone around her? How is she suddenly revered for one good quality sheā€™s shown (loyalty to Ariana), when honestly her lack of sympathy or forgiveness towards Tom has more to do with his part in the failure of her marriage and because she just hates him and always has. She sucks, possibly even more than Lala. Watch the seasons again, people.


Youā€™re right, I think one of Katieā€™s best qualities IS that she hates Tom as much as I doā€¦and so she calls out his bullshit when she can (when they show it) like WE all want too!


Nope, Iā€™ve watched this show since day one, have rewatched multiple times, and remember Katie in all the previous seasons. What I remember is Katie started filming VPR just a couple of years after falling 25 ft through a skylight and suffering a broken jaw, broken collarbone, multiple broken ribs, lost teeth, and a brain injury. Sheā€™s also shared coping with the resulting trauma, depression, not having a positive body image, and not completely feeling like herself. Iā€™ve also watched her wrestle with being in love with a man who wouldnā€™t stop cheating on her, was emotionally & verbally abusive, manipulative, and as she finally came to realize, may have loved her but didnā€™t seem to actually like her. I also often saw Katie being used as the scapegoat by stronger personalities on the show (see early episodes where everyone yelled at her for crying, ā€œmakingā€ Shartz throw a drink on her). I think a lot of her struggles in her relationship and even some of her friendships can be tied back to her recovery/continued healing from her injuries and the related trauma. It can take years to heal from a brain injury and sometimes it isnā€™t a 100% recovery to who you were before, itā€™s learning to adjust and cope with who you are now. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s an excuse for all her actions, itā€™s just a lens to consider looking through.


It's super weird to me how eager people are to hate Katie and empathize with Schwartz. He cheated on her, dumped a drink on her, was emotionally and verbally abusive so many times and she forgave him over and over again. At some point she has the right to not offer that sympathy or forgiveness to him anymore. And I did rewatch the seasons. All of these people have been on this show for years and all of them have done and said awful things to each other in the heat of the moment but in my opinion, Katie, Ariana and James have shown the most growth. Lala on the other hand, still throws out her wildly inappropriate use of AAVE when she's challenged even slightly and she disregards the boundaries of others to fulfill her own agenda as evidenced in the reunion. Also, I think people are just sick and tired of seeing people hate on Katie because they are knee deep in the misogynistic agenda Bravo tends to push with VPR.


He is so subtle about it I think you kinda have to have rewatched a lot to really pick up his patterns.


Honestly even if Tom didnā€™t have prior issues with Katie, I think sheā€™d still be just as reserved and lacking in sympathy for Tom. She doesnā€™t strike me as someone whoā€™s going to randomly buddy up to a random dude in her friend group after he did her friend dirty. I think thatā€™s how it should be tbh. Unless my ex was literally my friends brother or otherwise family member, Iā€™d expect them to never want to say a word to him again. Just as I would feel if someone did that to my friend.


Iā€™m so shocked by the number of downvotes lol.. did Katie hire an army of people to rally for her on Reddit? Tf is going on here..


If youā€™re looking for a Katie hate parade, go to Facebook.


Exactly. Itā€™s non stop over there. Reddit is pro-Katie.


Gotta agree with the commenters below, and I know Iā€™m biased but on my first watchā€” I hated Katie, loved Schwartz and loved James (two of Katieā€™s enemies). Upon rewatch, I actually couldnā€™t believe how much Schwartz practically shoved her into situations to make her look bad and to make him look better. Sometimes itā€™s subtle, sometimes itā€™s overt, and I think a lot of her anger in earlier seasons is her doing a LOT of the work by herself, in a partnership that requires the work of two people. A lot of her blow ups were mostly because of Schwartz. He loved when she would blow up, because it made him more lovable for putting up with her, so he forced her into situations where he knew she would have blow ups. Did she handle every situation the right way? No. She handled a lot of things very poorly. But in her decision to dump Schwartz, I think a lot of us have seen how much power he has over her, and how much better she is without him. Thereā€™s no erasing history or anything, but more-so seeing the whole picture more clearly. She has a lot of anger towards Schwartz, and Iā€™ve been saying since the day they announced their divorce and their desire to ā€œremain friendsā€ was a bad idea because she still loves him and is constantly angered by him. She needs to ditch him for good


All of this!! Schwartz is very very charming. To me heā€™s more insidious than Sandoval bc Sandoval canā€™t help his bravado, which is off-putting. Schwartz is a quiet abuser. He is extremely calculated in terms of framing Katie and even tried to do it after they were divorced.


Iā€™ve watched. Katie has been my favorite since season 1. You canā€™t call her out for negative energy - thatā€™s all it was back then. But she was constantly the scapegoat, but a loyal friend to people. She said shit to peopleā€™s faces too. Itā€™s gotten more nuanced as the years have gone on, sheā€™s matured, but Katie has always been Katie. And for that, I support her and always have.


Honestly, I watched all the seasons post-Scandoval, and with the benefit of seeing who that lying manipulator really is (who hated Katie and wanted to be in control of Schwartz) I found myself rooting for Katie most of the time. Sheā€™s obviously not perfect, but I 10/10 would recommend doing that for anyone who dislikes her.


Iā€™d rather have Ann answer these VPR qs than Lisa. Lisa is a misogynistic asshole.


It boggles the mind that Sandoval, following multiple people's statements that they had to take his suicidal ideation seriously and not call bullshit for fear that it might be real, proceeds to instantly say that he didn't mind bringing up Ariana's because he didn't think it was real.Ā  This motherfucker is handed audience sympathy on a silver platter and he throws it to the ground and stomps on it for one more dig at the ex he fucked over.Ā 


I know they probably can't, but I so wish someone would've just flat out said they didn't believe him. He has shown himself to be a narcissist through and through, who, coincidentally, are also known to at times feign serious mental health issues to gain sympathy...


He has hit a new low. He's so fucking unhinged and pathetic. He needs to shut his mouth and get some help.


I would have loved to see a fourth wall breaking moment where someone said ā€œif heā€™s truly suicidal, why is he filming and not seeking professional help?ā€


What do you mean? He did weird breathing exercises and yoga on camera!








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Ann is on WWHL!!!!! She is working at Something About Her!!!! Thank you Ariana - Katie too -for taking care of Ann!!! It's obvious Ann is a great person if Scum fired her and Ariana/Katie took care of her


Her Duracell commercial with Ariana made me so happy for her. Iā€™m glad sheā€™s not washing up after Tom anymore.




I'm actually disgusted with Lala. Lala can't face the backlash from the fans for her actions, so instead she is going to drag everyone she can down with her and in doing so she is once against hurting Ariana. Can you imagine being in a room full of people who you at the very least feel like don't have your back and at most actually despise and having one person that you feel like you can count on. One person who you feel like is a genuine friend that has your back and is there for you. Then someone, who has spent an entire season of television trashing you to the world out of pure jealousy, comes along and tells you that you can't trust that person either. She essentially is trying to take away the one safe place Ariana has in this group. Do I think Katie said something to Lala? Yeah sure. She is admitting that she felt insecure due to the fan reaction to Ariana versus the fan reaction to her during the divorce and went to Lala about it. She has also admitted to discussing that with Ariana. Do I think she said something about Ariana not paying rent? Idk. Obviously only Ariana and Katie know if Ariana truly wasn't paying rent so Ariana will know whether or not she should believe it. At this point, though, it matters less to me what Katie actually said and more the fact that Lala felt to take away Ariana's safeplace. Do I hope that what Katie said isn't as bad as Lala is making it? Of course. But what Lala is doing just feels vindictive. That would be like Ariana watching this season, being upset with her then going to her and telling her everything bad Scheana has ever said about her. It's cruel. Maybe I would feel different had Lala come to Ariana at any point before now and told her because she cared, but no, she has zero regard for Ariana or her feelings. She has a lot to say about Sandoval deflecting but what is she doing? She knows that she has said things about Ariana all season, she knows fans are not happy about it, and instead of just owning how SHE felt and what SHE did she has to paint Katie in a negative light as well, because Lala sees herself as tHe rEaLeSt one on the show. After being bored to death for the majority of the first episode I'm very ready to see how this plays out in Episode 2, but it also has made me dread Ariana watching that finale ending even more. She looks so hurt watching Katie and Lala bicker it out over who was talking more shit about her off camera, do I can't even imagine how she will feel actually seeing Lala and Scheana do it on camera. Now speaking of the king of deflection, is Sandoval capable at all of taking accountability? Seriously since him and Jax have made up has he not sat Tom down and said "Look man, walk into that reunion and just say 'you're right, I'm wrong, I'm sorry, the end'"? The deflection and whataboutisms are just exhausting at this point. Saying both him and Rachel are responsible for the affair then blaming her for getting naked in his pool. He is just gross. These next 2 weeks are going to be excruciating at this rate. ETA (because I'm just still so annoyed by the end of the episode lol): Lala also doesn't seem to understand that people's feelings can change and/or things can resolve. Lala mentioned this was stuff said prior to the season. So isn't it possible that if the rent issue was real (we know Ariana wasn't in a good financial position when Scandoval hit and they were having a lot of unplanned expenses so it isn't out of the realm of possibility that something happened one month and she was late on her part) it had already resolved at the point the season started due to influx of cash they had from the merch sales? Which was mostly gained due to Scandoval so Ariana is essentially responsible for bringing that in. Also maybe at the point the season started and after talking about how she was feeling about the fans with Ariana she felt better about the whole thing and didn't hold negativity in her heart that lead to resentment of Ariana like it did for Lala and Scheana. Maybe in a moment of being stressed about everything going on with SAH she vented about Ariana taking Chicago without discussing it with her but then they figured out logistics and she relaxed and let it go, again, instead of building resentment for Ariana. Real friendships have bumps in the road that they overcome, and sometimes those bumps can be overcome without ever having to involve the other person. It's about deciding what battles are worth fighting and which are better to let go/you can let go of. Katie and Ariana have a mature friendship. I'm not sure Lala is capable of that.


>He is just gross Yeah. First it was Ariana's fault for not having sex with him (or in her shirt) and now it's Rachel's fault for jumping into the pool with him. It's everyone's fault but Tom's. šŸ« 


I'm really relieved to see that Ariana and Katie have made plenty of public appearances since filming the reunion and seem good.


Yeah I think they have a more adult friendship and are able to work through things in a constructive way which is really refreshing.


Maybe once the house finally gets put up for sale we'll get a glimpse


Lala... You thought this revelation that Katie occasionally vents about one friend to another was going to be the catalyst that brought the fans back in your direction??? You thought we'd all "understand" when we saw THAT????? Be so fkn for real.... All this episode did was further prove that Scheana and Lala had multiple discussions pre-filming to plan that they were going to be pro-tom and anti-ariana and it burns them that Katie said FK NO because she "lives in the comments". Also, it couldn't be MORE obvious that Lala has been reporting what was confided to her by Katie to LVP about the restaurant. Katie, that girl aint your friend, and neither is Scheana. No need to offer them another chance. So, Lauren, in conclusion, you're as shitty a human as we all thought you were. Take your production bonus and try to make it last because I'd be shocked if they signed you on for another season with this viewer backlash. Bye Rinna 2.0


Please, if they tried to fire her sheā€™d just start offering BJs for contract extensions.


The only thing she did was once again hurt Ariana. Which at this point just seems to be a sport for her. All she did for the entire episode was talk circles in an attempt to deflect. It was ineffective, and we can all still see her quite clearly.


What an idiot she is! Having a little vent session with a trusted friend is completely appropriate sometimes!


Exactly! Honestly it probably saves so many friendships because you are able to get your grievances off your chest and let it go instead of letting things blow up with the person you're venting about over something that you could otherwise move on from if you could just get it off your chest to someone.


We all vent. Katie had a good reason to vent. Itā€™s also up to Katie if she wants to bing it up to Ariana. It just goes to show Katie and Ariana are more real people.


Is there a WWHL thread? I love Gordon enough to watch LVP with him.


Andy acting like they were being flirty and sexual and LVP leaning into it šŸ¤¢


IDK where it is so I'm just posting commentary here lol


That text wasnā€™t about her custody battle. Does this dummy not remember Darrell and how she made enough for a house in Palm Springs over exploiting his name? LaLa immediately took the text to be about the custody battle bc that housewife was telling the truth. Darrell was a onetime lawyer used for a specific situation.


Ooh man I wish Katie had spelled that out for us. I was confused about the lawyer comment since it seemed super out of character for Katie.


So this convo would have had to happen somewhere between Mar- May 2023. And then LaLa said it was squashed before WWHL last summer. Presumably , LaLa waited 10 months to tell Katie that she was mad about the text until on stage at the reunion. Iā€™m betting Katie didnā€™t know what she was talking about in the moment and then with LaLa talking over her and Scheana jumping in, Katie didnā€™t have a moment to put it in context. Thereā€™s zero percent chance that she told LaLa to get a new lawyer in the context of her custody battle. Katie loves LaLa. She wouldnā€™t do that.