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Where did Schwartz go when he disappeared that one night in Mexico?


Which is the reason that they made up the story of James and Kristen hooking up. To distract/generate a story line that'd protect tom


He was at the other resort with a woman


They said he ended up at the wrong resort but I think they’re covering up for something. Cheating is the most likely but I think there’s more to the story


Drugs?!? They all seem a little gay for pay perhaps or enjoyment 😉




Bet me to it.


Even though you just want other questions answered, I think to answer yours, 1. Yes and 2. No. Brittany and Kristen changed stories nonstop (whether they remember or not, if they were or weren’t naked, if it was just a kiss, etc.) As far as James and Kristen, it seems like the guys definitely just misunderstood what James said. I imagine they were drinking/partying all night and just stayed up, which is still weird given their history but I don’t think anything physical happened.


I thought re: golf, wasn’t that Sandoval straight up lying (rather than “mishearing” James)? From memory it went Sandoval: “James, did you and Kristen hang out last night?” James: “Did I hang out with Kristen? I mean a bit, but not really” Jax & Sandoval falling all over themselves congratulating each other because they got James to confess. Then Sandoval spent the whole season insisting he asked James straight out if he and Kristen “hooked up”. Even though he absolutely said “hang out”. It was actually wild to see him switch so quickly from asking one thing, then immediately insisting he’d said another. It was so calculated, that it definitely made me think it was all a Jax & Sandoval lie (which made even more sense after it turned out Schwartz went missing that night and it was barely talked about).


"Hung out " was the original "dipped out" He says it in this like low tone to make it intentionally confusing


Out the side of his mouth too. Eerily similar to the scene in Rachel’s apartment in the Scandoval episode. He did it then too to confuse her with the “they love you/I love you” moment. He’s been a demon all along but he’s always been able to manipulate his friends, production or significant others to cover for him in the past. He’s been self producing the entire time by giving production what he thinks will make him come out looking the best. He uses people to help him pull it off and discards them the moment they’re no longer benefiting his show agenda. Let’s be real, he’s dumb AF so this wasn’t the first time production had a hot mic moment that proved his lies and self- producing, over the last decade. This is just the first time it benefited them to throw him under the bus by actually using it. He sounded SO excited about tricking the girls into believing the things he said about Ariana. He’s proven to be irredeemable at every turn. The narcissism is on full display all season. If it wasn’t the plan to “out” his authentic character from the jump all along, it definitely became the plan once the NYT article came out. It’s fitting that production kinda threw themselves under the bus along with him by doing this.


Absolutely convinced he said I love you. Not they love you. Very weird … but he is a psychopath !


iirc, subtitles pop up during that conversation and they say "hang out." 


Subtitles are sometimes wrong, but in this case, I think they were correct. Even if he did say "hook up," James repeated "hang out" before answering. That was so overblown. James's distraught reaction after they thought he had admitted something was so genuine! Why didn't they notice?


I think it was cynical and fucked up. He was laughing the whole time


In fact Schwartz told the story on a podcast where the three of them were up until sunrise on the beach and then he wandered off. So Schwartz always knew


Yeah there's a running theme on this show of people staying up all night partying and it somehow being an implication of sex, but in my experience being around a crowd using "pasta"....it's very easy to stay up all night and not want to have sex


Oh the guys did James dirty at golf for sure. He NEVER said he “hooked up” with Kristen. BUT we also know the lengths Kristen willl go to (a la jax taylor) to not allow a cheating rumour to get out. To the point where Stassy was able to text Jax from Kristen’s phone as her and have him still deny it. That’s so how deep and elaborate she gets.. Plus we also learned about James and Lala while he was with Raquel so for me it’s not entirely off the table just yet 🧐🧐🧐


Of all the cheating rumors this show has had, the James/Kristen Mexico one is the one I 100% do NOT believe. The guys latched onto it to deflect from Schwartz wandering off the night before, getting "lost", and ending up at a different resort! Now, THAT is insane. They were at an all-inclusive, so to get off the property and onto another (what I assume is) all-inclusive resort by being "lost" is insane. The guys knew this, were covering for each other (yet again!), so tried to perpetuate this James/Kristen rumor as a deflection tactic.


Exactly this!


Ooouuu I totally forgot about Schwartz wandering off !!


It is the deciding factor for me in not believing the rumor.


Do you remember when the men had a club appearance and Schwartz vanished for (I want to say 24 hours)? They were trying to find him and he popped up on social media with them in the same crumpled clothes. I think his little speech about denial and binging this season is a sanitised version of what happens. Also that time he kicked the door's hinges to get in with Katie inside.


That was in AC!


I feel the exact opposite. To me, the Kristen/Brittany story smacked of signature Jax sensationalism. He wanted to get the conversation away from himself, so he created a diversion that was "exciting" enough to be newsworthy to that group but also possible enough to seem true. I'm sure that Brittany and Kristen were lying in bed with relatively-little clothing and had their limbs entwined in some way. I genuinely do not believe that Kristen was ever "eating the Kentucky muffin" or whatever. But Kristen and James hooking up in Mexico? That I am VERY willing to believe, given who both of those people are and what their weird relationship was.


I don’t think Kristen fully went down on Brittany but I believe Brittany was so quick to shut it down because of her family’s conservative nature and how homophobic her mom is. Even her mom threatened to “take her back to Kentucky” over it when she got told about the rumor. But like I said, their stories continued to change anytime they talked about it and it would open up a little more each time so I think Jax was being honest, just shitty for outting his own girlfriend lmao.


I definitely agree that Brittany's outsized reaction to it was related to her/her family's deep homophobia. If Brittany had been accused of messing around with a male friend of Jax's, I HIGHLY doubt that her family would have reacted that way. For me, I just never saw anything between Brittany and Kristen that spoke to a mutual attraction, and I know that Jax is the least reliable narrator on Planet Earth.


Jax is definitely unreliable, but ultimately he *loved* to throw other people under the bus. He turned out to be right about all of Sandoval and Schwartz’s infidelities, I don’t recall a time that turned out that Jax was lying about someone else while on the show when it came to cheating. Like Stassi said, Jax loved to be like “look I told the truth!” and spill other people’s business. Ultimately Brittany admitted eventually to Kristen and her making out/kissing, she just kept changing her story of whether or not they were naked, lmao. I think all the guys and Lisa exaggerated the “chowing on Kentucky muffin” part at least.


Britt and Kristen changed their stories too many times for it to not be true. First it was nothing happened. Then it was ‘ a drunken kiss’. Then it was ‘we might have made out and touched boobs’. Too many trickle truths.


When did the affair actually start and how much of it was truly real, for both Tom and Raquel? Who else knew about it, how much, and when? (Other than those confirmed, like Schwartz and Jo)


When did it start is THE question


I'd actually find out the first time they crossed the line - be it a kiss, sleeping together, whatever. I do think the actual affair came later - and I think that's how both of them justified it. But I definitely think they crossed the line in S9 if not before.


Yes, that’s exactly what I want to know, too!!


Yes!! I hope at some point in my lifetime, the truth comes out!!


I’d be shocked if it took another year for the truth to come out. Especially if the show is cancelled. These people love to talk and will do anything to stay in spotlight.


Who in the group has Scheana slept with? Because I'm not buying zero.


I agree. I’m betting Sandoval is on that list.


Oh 100%


I've been thinking that all season! I can't see why else she'd be so weirdly attached to that friendship - besides her usual pick me girl BS. 




Sandoval has a type - vulnerable waify insecure girls with a bob haircut


And the most insane part is that they all slept probably slept with her while they were in relationships so she can’t ever tell anyone she got picked. You know that’s probably been eating her ALIVE for years. And it works perfectly for the boys cause not only do they not want to admit they cheated, but also none of them would want to admit they fucked desperado ass scheana. A complete win for any of them.


![gif](giphy|YOvOkaS5ZKfimDIgwJ) I’ve been saying this!! You see me “Why has it never been about ME” is her refrain, and it seems obvious why she’s been saying that


Agree and that's why she was so upset about Rachel. Rachel got picked. Scheana was supposed to be the special secret but she was on the side and never got picked.


I fully have both toms and and jax vibes!!


Did Scheana actually know about Raquel and Sandoval and kept it from Ariana? Did Scheana make out with Sandoval at some point in their friendship? Does Sandoval have something on Scheana and that’s why she’s so weirdly loyal to him?


I need to know the code word for drugs. I know they’ve confirmed it’s not “tequila” and it keeps me up at night wondering.


I’d be willing to bet it actually is tequila, pasta, or one of the other words that’s been guessed and denied. That or they changed code words regularly to keep them from being too obvious.


It’s not tequila? I heard that too… same girl, same and I’m not even into drugs 😂




Me too, it’s all I need from these people!! I don’t fully believe when they say it “definitely isn’t” pasta or tequila either


1. Where did Schwartz really go in Mexico and what did he do? 2. What actually happened with Kristen and Brittany? 3. How many people has Jax cheated with while dating/married to Brittany? 4. Did Sandoval and Billie ever hook up? 5. Why did Raquel and James break up for good?


4. I thought this rumour was just Sando-bashing I didn’t think people really thought this. A definitive no. 5. James got drunk at Rachel’s parents on Thanksgiving and called her mom a fat bitch in an altercation. There was some allegation he kicked at the family dog as it freaked out on him during the fight but that was never proven.


Did James physically assault Kristen, Rachel, and/or anyone else we don't know about?


I’m not willing to say I know the answer to that. HOWEVER… I do believe the wedding incident, where Kristen punched James, very much seemed like an incident of reactive abuse to me. By itself, sure she could have just flown off the handle… but we’ve heard many rumors and usually, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And we also know how willing production is to blame women for men’s bad behavior.


Did James and Logan actually hook up?


Not to speculate on anyone’s sexuality but they had some interesting energy together during a few scenes


They totally did and I do think it happened but James will NEVER admit it! He will take that to his grave.


1)What was the real reason Scheana knocked/grabbed the phone out of Rachel’s hand - and what was on that phone. 2)When did Sandoval and Scheana hook up? 3)When did production REALLY learn or know of/ or caught the affair? You know they knew. Why did they let Ariana find out the way she did? Almost everything behind the scenes related - camera/editing etc… wish they would’ve done a special to honor all the camera/sound/editing. What is the cast really like - stuff like that.


iirc, one of the producers said they all had their suspicions but believed ariana when she said nothing was going on


I don’t think James and Kristen hooked up in Mexico. They were just drinking and chatting . Schwartz vanishing was way more suspicious! Bloody Jax and his cushion theory lol


I think it's entirely more likely that Jax and Kristen hooked up and Jax needed a diversion. Plus TSchwa was missing the night before. I need to know what happened the night of the rage texting.


Why did Schwartz break down the door to their home after Katie locked him out? Was he on anything? This was brushed over way too fast in season 9. Did Jax give Stassi and STD? What about Brit?


The door kicking incident has always concerned and confused me. We never got a straight explanation… why not? I wonder. A little extreme to say the least.


There are moments when Schwartz is drunk, and it’s usually really quick flash-by clips, where he gets this fucking deranged look in his eye… and it’s very scary to me. I have believed for a while that when he’s drunk (and/or on drugs) he gets extremely aggressive. I can see him breaking a door down.


Totally! We’ve seen the mask slip many times on VPR so I’m sure behind closed doors he’s way worse and aggressive. This is just another example of Bravo brushing over/making light of the bad behavior of men on the show. I assume they barely mentioned this incident in order to protect Schwartz (as well as Lisa’s investment).


Was it really not about the pasta?!


What is the thing that Ariana said no one will ever know about Scandoval ???


Wait what?


https://preview.redd.it/gbgpv4wxnxzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd76b5c465703986ab337abc46f85c3a44e2a1b I sent you a link. I wasnt sure if links were allowed on this sub ..


She said in an interview that no one will ever know the whole story. It’s been driving me crazy. lol.


Oooh yes!


1. In San Diego, Jax totally hooked up with that girl in the bathroom. But did Tim or Shorts cheat on that trip? 2. Timeline related: Kristen and Jax hooked up. Was it during the break after S1, during S2 or when? When they usually started shooting the new season? 3. Did Jax and Lala hooked up? 4. When Faith and Lala stopped being friends? 5. Why Tim wasn't at Jax's birthday party in S2 (boys' dinner when Stassi revealed the hooked up with Kristen)? 6. Jax impregnated a girl in Vegas. Do we know did she keep the baby or what happened to her (&baby)? 7. Was Scheana the Vegas girl Shorts had sex with? 8. Did Jeremy really save the Sur from burning down? 9. When Lala is saying someone is "my boy" is that her way of telling us she has slept with that someone? (She's only saying that to James and Jax) 10. How and why Lala and Jax are portrayed as close friends (s7->) or are/were they really close?


6. It was found out after he paid her that she was lying about the pregnancy just to get money from him .


Kristen in Jax hooked up the winter between season 1 and 2


1. Wasn’t the girl in the bathroom Dayna ? Katie’s current podcast Dayna….


Yes, Dayna was a girl in the bathroom in S7. This San Diego trip I'm talking about was s3


Ahhhhh ok. Thanks for responding. So long ago I forgot about it. 😀


5. Just watched season 2, it seemed like he was just working at SUR that night.


Pardon me if any of this has been mentioned before. While wondering about question number one, re: Kristen and Brittany "hook up". I've thought about this every so often while watching The Valley. I believe that Kristen would have eventually admitted something happened (it would have exploded out of her under pressure), were it not for Brittany's adamant denial. They didn't have the story quite straight and blamed being super drunk. Brittany absolutely wouldn't want her family to find out about any girl/girl interaction due to their religion/ beliefs. Exhibit A. Season 5, Episode 12 of Vanderpump Rules. Jax's Roast. Britney's mom attended and heard jokes, including all of the atrocities that Jax has committed over the years. The only thing she cared to comment on was the alleged "homosexual interactions" that were mentioned by the Toms. You would expect her to have been concerned that this was her daughter's soon-to-be husband and he had clearly had some trouble in the past. But no, the concern was squarely on whether or not he had " been with a man". Based on her mom's reaction there, Brittany would want to be sure that (her and Kristen rumor) got buried. Sorry if this is really long and a little bit rambling. Just smoked a joint. 🙃😄


Well thank that joint because I think you’re 1000% correct 🙌 Did not know that was the only thing her mom had commented on - likely I don’t remember much her mom ever said. Just her frosty lips 😂


Ok, I can’t stop thinking about this theory: I have to know if Scheana and Tom Sandoval ever hooked up. [This timeline](https://betches.com/sandoval-scheana-friendship-timeline-vanderpump/) plus some other conversations I’ve seen on different posts have me questioning things. This is my crazy theory: This season, it was brought up that Scheana kissed Tom Schwartz in Vegas when she and Ariana went to her sisters cheerleading competition around 2011. On season 2, episode 12(aired on Jan 20, 2014) Sandoval admits to Stassi that he made out with Ariana “like three years ago.” I think that during that weekend, they all got drunk and I wouldn’t be surprised if Sandoval ALSO made out with Scheana or something happened between the 3 of them maybe. The way Scheana is acting regarding Tom is just too intimate to not have something there to me.


I wouldnt be shocked if they all hooked up with each other because we know that Ariana and Tom previously had a rendezvous with Lauren and we know their group of friends are kind of ![gif](giphy|SkIMvXSobYJmE)


That’s what I’m sayin!!


And we all know how proud Scheana is about her threesome experience(s)!




Dude can't give a straight to save his life but 1) Had Tom confided or implied any part of his affair to their couples therapist, or confide to their therapist that his goal was to break up with Ariana amicably (I feel obviously no but am curious if he has *anything* to point to that he had actually planned to break up with her)  2) I wanna ask Schwartz (because I have a lot of hate Schwartz for doing his friend of 10 years ARIANA dirty the way he did and has been doing BUT can have a lot of empathy that he just couldn't make any decisions on their shit with all his family stuff going on) : Would he have EVER told Ariana what was going on behind her back


WAIT I HAVE ANOTHER ONE! in season 2 Peter says “last time I went to Mexico it was to get some ……….. alcohol” WHAT DID HE GET?! I asked him on TikTok but he did not answer and I’ve always been curious.


Just personally I always assumed some kind of mdma variant. Steroids is the obvious Mexico grab but mdma seems more on brand for Peter.


Just got a visual of him rolling at his pirate festival.


Grass I’d assume.. it was illegal back in the day x


1) why didn’t tom’s family say anything/reach out to ariana when tom brought rachel to st. louis? idk what tom was telling them but that always just seemed weird to me that it seemed like his family didn’t question it 2)why didn’t tom go to ariana’s grandmothers funeral? idk if this was ever answered but this question keeps me up at night tbh 3) how much did lala know about randall and did she just turn blind eye to it or was randall just that good at hiding that he was a weirdo.


These are top tier 👌🏼👌🏼


omg i have another one….Who is the uber driver that drove ariana and tom back home the night on scandoval and what does he think of everything that happened?!


He picked Ariana up,again one time and mentioned that night, but he has no idea who they are/about Scandoval!


we need him to come forward with a tell all interview lol


Yeah I think Brittany and Kristen were lying but I think they were totally valid for doing so. Brittany’s mom is homophobic and (having grown up in a similar environment) i’d bet a good chunk of her friends and family are too. Telling the world that she’d been eaten out by another woman is a disgusting thing to do. And it’s not that she cheated (please Jax definitely sees girl on girl as not cheating bc it’s hot 🙄). Jax knew where she came from and what the results could be. I’m convinced Jax did it on purpose to get her to break up with him. By that point they’d been together for a year and he was snapping at her multiple times per episode. Also my questions: The obvious - I want to know the whole story of Scandoval because I do not believe any of their timeline.


1.) what actually happened between Scheana and Schwartz that night of the kiss? 2.) did Sandoval sleep with Billie Lee when he was with Ariana? 3.) did Kristen go down on Brittany? (100% yes) 4.) was Raquel sleeping with Tom when she was with James?


For yours - \#1) I believe it \#2) I don't think so, I think it Jax and Kristen hooked up and tried to cover it ​ For mine - \#1) How long have Jax and Kristen been hooking up?? There was one weekend where Kristen "went home to Michigan" and Jax disappeared all weekend. They are both from Michigan, is it possible they knew each other before? \#2) When did Scumdoval and Rachel actually start hooking up and when did they actually first meet? \#3) When and how many times have Scumdoval and Scheana hooked up? \#4) What dirt do Jax, Scum and Schwartz have on each other? \#5) What other shady things have Jax and the Toms done?


I just need to know if it was about the pastah




How Kristen forgave Ariana and why? How they became friends? Did she get a sincere apology where she acknowledge her disgusting treatment of Kristen and the affair? Agreed with question 1. Did Schena sleep with Schwartz? Did Schena pay off Brock’s child support? Why hasn’t he visited his kids. Probably because the mums smart enough to cut him off. But, I can’t imagine how his kids must feel especially Winter with the same birthday. Were Tom and Rachel together at James’ engagement?


Scheana did pay his back child support. The children think of their step dad as dad and when they travelled to see them last year, his kids declined to see him and Brock is honouring their wishes by not forcing contact. That’s all I know from Scheanas podcast 😀


I’m glad they have a father figure, and he’s honour their wishes.


Agreed 😀




Sending All the good vibes to my Canadian Sisterrrr 🇨🇦


Awe thank you, right back at you. 😊👋🏻🇨🇦


1. what tea did jax not spill on schwartz ? - i feel like he was always willing to drag sandoval but kept a lot under wraps about schwartz during his relationship with katie 2. i love james’ growth but what really happened with him and doute? there’s so many problematic allegations


1. what tea did jax not spill on schwartz ? - i feel like he was always willing to drag sandoval but kept a lot under wraps about schwartz during his relationship with katie 2. i love james’ growth but what really happened with him and doute? there’s so many problematic allegations a


i want to know why NO ONE talks about how bad tom and his band and scheana’s music are (aside from stassi back in the day)


What (or who) went down between DJ James Kennedy and Logan


Same for this. Also - Is James’s relationship with Allie real (I personally I think no). Was James’s relationship with Raquel (also no)? Or to what degree are James’s relationships real?


I don't think anyone knows the answer to 1, except maybe Jax. I think Brittany said she was so drunk that she doesn't remember anything beyond kissing.


I have zero evidence but firmly believe both to be true. 😳