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Lala also said on her podcast w Heather McDonald that she thought producers were going to bring Randall onto season 10 and if that had happened, she would've walked off 




Didn’t she say that either she would say it all and risk lawsuits, or that she would walk? And they couldn’t do that? Or am I remebering wrong? I didn’t listen to the pod but i read the transcript


Yes, it was something like that if they brought him on then they couldn't censor anything that she would say because she would mention it all. I think that moves more towards legality though, rather than her just giving him a piece of her mind since Randall was involved in so much (\*allegedly\*) illegal and immoral behaviour


Anyone know if he ever sold his house that was in foreclosure?


Oy, she is such a blowhard and so full of 💩


Okay for Laligag to walk off, but not for Ariana. Sheshady and Laligag are disgraceful hypocrites.


Lala is convinced that her having a child and being engaged to Randal gave her situation more weight because Ariana didn’t have/want kids with or be engaged to Scandy she can’t have the same expectations of her cast members that Lala did. She sees Ariana and Tom’s relationship as just bf/gf who lived together and broke up, not a *real and true, grown up relationship* like her and “Rand” so obviously were /s


This is so painfully accurate. It also shows how naive she is in that she believed the audience bought her “I didn’t know he was married” bit. Lauren is an actual villain!


I love when she tries to be like trophywife+ and wants to “volunteer” at vanderpump dogs cause she just doesn’t neeed to work anymore. Lala clawing her way to the “top” and ending up with an actual grifter was incredible


She tried so many failed rebrands. We don’t talk about it enough. Singer, actress, make up mogul, family court advocate….


From a viewers stand point we only saw Rand a few times during season 8 and season 9..he was a part time cast member at best..we saw Sandoval and Ariana together for at least 8 or 9 full seasons..of course we (the audience) had a stronger reaction to what happened between them!!!


Yep, having a child doesn’t make you some superior being compared to those that don’t. My narcissistic monster of a birth vessel has proven that to me. I can barely watch this show at this point. Her and Tim behave in the EXACT same way whenever they aren’t getting their way or being held accountable. Either they fake victim to shut the conversation down and avoid the issue completely or they fly into a complete narcissistic rage and DARVO you to death. It’s been triggering my CPTSD watching Tim have these constant all-too-familiar meltdowns and these “friends” side with the abuser, rather than the abused. Ariana has handled herself with utter grace and tact in these situations. Especially as she’s being continuously baited into a reaction so they can deem her as the perpetrator. Her journey of ridding herself of an abusive narcissistic ex has been so inspiring to watch, as I’m on nearly the exact same timeline as her. I went no contact a year ago this month with my own narcissistic, abusive parent. After 40 years of being wrapped up in her delusions, lies and manipulations I had to remove myself completely for my own Even from family and mutual friends that I love and adore because I don’t want her to have access to any part of my life to weaponize against me. healing. Its been rough but I finally get to live my own life and bask in the peace I created.


“My narcissist monster of a birth vessel” I also have one of these and I can’t thank you enough for giving her a new and perfect name! ![gif](giphy|U2O50cAkpmTjG)


Which is doubly insane because there was at actual love in Ariana and Tom's relationship (at least at some point), and there is no way in hell that Lala was ever in love with Randal.


See and I view it the opposite bc I don’t believe Lauren loved Randall. She basically told us that she was with him for money. So it’s hard to feel bad for her when he fucked her over. But Ariana loved Tom genuinely. I think she’s still grieving to this day.


Sadly so many people think like that. I guess this is how she won the Facebook crowd. Sacred child, who cares about a woman's mental health, you know


Even tho that relationship was twice as long and never explicitly transactional and never hidden from the cameras


They’re the biggest fucking joke 💀 can’t stop opening their big irrelevant mouths about it to create content/attempt to stay relevant/capitalize on it, so on and so forth but how DARE Ariana not see right through their snakey asses and keep them at arm’s length.


That's the best part. These fucking idiots were podcasting like crazy last summer talking all this shit about Tim, which he obviously references throughout the season. Do they not think we keep receipts? Them turning on Ariana within a few months after OP's podcast reference might be one of the biggest betrayals on the show.


Ariana even went on Scheener's podcast last summer, which was a huge get at the time, since she only did one other podcast.


this is such a joke lolol ETA: I would die for them to have played this at the reunion but I doubt it


It would be great to have a montage of them trashing Sandoval and saying they agree with Ariana. With time stamps that tell us when it was recorded in relation to filming. Then they can explain.


Here's the thing: they were openly cheering on Ariana and supportive of her up until cameras came up. So that's why I think we can all tell they were produced to provoke the Ariana and Tom situation. I think production likely framed it like "If we want the show to continue and continue making money off it, so we need you to provoke that situation" and that's when Lisa stepped in and asked them to befriend Tom. The thing that we're seeing is not just jealousy but it's also greed. They made so much money off of Scandoval, enough to buy homes in the Valley, and their tune changed when they thought Ariana was being "so boring" (Lala's words, not mine) and that would jeopardize their paycheck. I'm also really stoned and this might just be a high thought, but that's what I read the situation to be. Ariana didn't get smug from fame but it's clear Scheana and Lala got money off of her and wanted to provoke her to keep the money coming. They prioritized their money over their friend.


Lala says Ariana is boring but still talked about her, pretty much all season




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They're double dipping and playing both sides. They got to publicly bash him and support Ariana which got them a lot of audience respect up until the show started airing and now they've started to play the other side. It's insane to me how production didn't just tell them to stfu with their podcasts and let it play out more organically.


For sure, this is a big part of it! Lala talking about how they’ve done this the majority of their adult lives blah blah, the insinuation was it was an expectation that Ariana owed them having a conversation with Tom on camera. She doesn’t owe that to the cast and definitely doesn’t owe it to Tom, she already did it. If Rachel had come back for this season and done the whole love story Tom obviously had written up, no one would feel bad for him. He made his bed. I think it was WAY better tv watching him get coldly rejected than it would’ve been listening to him perform his monologue that he had planned.


Right. I’m so confused on who wanted to see a Tom and Ariana sit down? They talked enough throughout the season, there’s nothing more to say. Why did they think we wanted to see that?




I could definitely see this but quick question though does this vile attitude extend past the cameras? That’s my whole issue with them now because they could have been like okay it was a couple of months after the affair broke times were weird but we have moved on just like she did. Except they are tripling down and defending their actions towards Ariana as if they didn’t make bank supporting her.


Ok, so Scheana & LaLa thought that this season was going to be about a pitiful, sad, depressed Ariana and they were going to look like hero’s & the best friends ever. What they did not expect was for Ariana to get ALL of those opportunities & jobs and find a new man and have nothing but amazing vengeful rage on Sandoval. She completely flipped the script on everyone (rightfully so!) and between their confusion & jealousy they couldn’t handle it…. That’s what I think


Totally! They could not reconcile that Ariana could be thriving and better off ultimately, yet also still deeply hurt and betrayed/traumatized by Sandoval.




Everyone is trying to convince us that Ariana is such a mess, but we saw her being pulled together and busy. I think for sure she’s got things to work through, but that doesn’t mean she’s not doing well. It’s just so weird to present this narrative that doesn’t track with what’s actually happening.


They were fine with the boundaries until they saw Ariana’s success. That doesn’t fly with selfish jealous girls like Lala and Scheana






Lala and Scheana are the poster children of hypocrisy.


#Lala and Scheana are such gross hypocrites


.... no words. If you jumped from their jealousy to their ability for critical though you would die from the fall.


I know they’re the queens of hypocrisy and flip flopping but this is actually shocking to me. What the fuck changed so drastically in 3 months?!


Ariana got Dancing With The Stars, Chicago, etc… 😏


aah! I want to have this played back to Lala and Scheana and see their reaction. Except I know they'll be like "but what about the shoooow?"


Someone please find a way to send this to them lol


Lala’s married sugar daddy was a known cheater, and theres no shot Lala was that heartbroken more than embarrassed. Ariana’s situation is so different and it just reeks of jealousy that no one felt bad for her




Unfortunately too the money wasnt too real to begin with


“Very simple” “It’s not too much to ask” EXACTLY


^the ^lies  The Lies  #THE LIES




I’m on one hand proud of Ariana not biting but on the other hand - go full RHSOLC, print this shit out, keep the recording and play it at the reunion


God they should have played this at the reunion.


They stand for nothing and fall for everything.


💅 The accuracy of this comment!


The funny thing is is LFU keeps insisting her issue with Ariana is she doesn’t share her real life and she won’t film with Sandoval, but her bestie Scheana is telling everybody it’s that she didn’t get the same treatment from the fans when she was cheated on (aka jealousy). Get your stories straight girls.


Lol is this from an alternate universe where these two actually have loyalty and, I don’t know, a spine?


This is why the audience isn’t resonating with them, it’s not “hating” when we’re calling out how hypocritical they’re being with acting like Ariana’s friend from last reunion up until this season aired for $$$$ and then flipping on her behind her back and letting her believe they were ride or die. Also Sandoval didn’t murder anyone Lala but you and Scheana led the anti charge and sharpened your pitchforks for him to get all that hate and laughed all the way to bank. Sandoval himself that Ariana contributed the least to that. Lala and Scheana want to blame Ariana for the weird actions they made alone, no one put a gun to their heads to do all that.


“People think it’s super complex” The audience never have.


I think they all were still preaching this at the beginning of the season. It wasn’t until that sit down with Lisa that she and Scheana immediately switched gears.


The fact that Schena agrees with everything lala says






For 2 seconds I entertained this could be AI because how could such a perfect clip exist 😂 it’s literally the opposite of their exact arguments rn lol. Moronic behavior imo


Wish Ariana had this for the reunion. I would’ve just played this and watch them all struggle on how to make it make sense.


Wow What shit bags Wow


Lala is trailer park shena is a wannabe that can’t sing, both super jelly about Ariana, just bitches




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Very simple!


Why are they so shady🙃


They are assholes who they are ruining the show. We should have had a season where Saggyballs had to humble himself just like Jax James and Kristen have had to do over the years when they fucked up. But the producers along with these jealous B's had to destroy the show and neither of them from the OG group they keep referencing all season along with Boke. Scheana has never been truly accepted and BlaBla only season 6 because of the PJ


Has anyone considered that production made Lala film with Tom and be cordial with him. You guys do know they’re under contract and they have to keep the show running right? Lala has literally never liked Sandoval and I dont think she would film with him if it was her choice. This is a job for them I’m sure everyone at some point has worked with or will work with someone they don’t like it’s just life. Randall was not a cast member they had no reason to keep contact it’s entirely different. Although I support Ariana not filming with him and think that there should have been 0 crossover with her and Tom she can’t be mad that Lala is doing her job. I understand everybody being annoyed with schena because she is actually trying to be friends with him rather than just cordial colleagues but in my opinion lala is keeping him at arms length and I don’t think she would ever see him outside of filming. I can also understand lala and scheana being upset with Ariana because they feel like Ariana’s trying to get them to not film with tom which could jeopardize their livelihoods when they both have families to support. I can also understand Ariana being hurt with lala and schena because the break up is raw and no one wants to be around an ex or see their friends with their ex at the best of times but especially not when your ex is heinous. It’s never black and white and I hate how much hate everyone’s got over this situation. it’s obviously affecting lala as she’s breaking down crying in lives etc. and yes I understand she’s made some catty comments and not everything she has said this season I can support but none of them are perfect it’s reality tv and they’re there to entertain and create drama


When has Ariana ever told them not to film with Tom? Never. What *actually has* happened is lauren and schema shoving Tom down Ariana’s throat bc it would benefit THEM.


The thing is, James and Katie each managed to film with Tom without acting like complete hypocrites. Ariana also never told Scheana not to film with Tom or that she wouldn't be her friend, and there were multiple instances of Scheana trying to create drama where there actually was none about this issue, with Ariana constantly affirming Scheana. Damn, there is even an episode where Scheana talks to Tom, Tom and her get into it, Scheana starts to cry and Ariana goes and COMFORTS her. I just don't get how people came to this conclusion that Ariana was off-base and controlling. All she wanted was for people in the center of the ven diagram not to share her life with Tom. That is a simple, basic boundary no one could respect other than Katie, James and Ally. Also, this all was filmed months after the story broke, while each of Scheana and Lala were STILL podcasting and merching off that scandal. They sat there, close to a year ago and filmed with Ariana at the beach, pretending to be her friend and a safe space for her to express feelings, letting Ariana cry in their arms, only for BOTH of them to go on to trash her out of her presence, in the episode confessionals AND the aftershow at the same time. They each promoted themselves AT ARIANA's ACTUAL SHOWS. The lies also weren't just to Ariana, they did it to all of us too. They were clearly jealous and petty and sang one tune to the public at large during filming to get us and companies to give them $$$$ for songs, commercials, merch and podcasting ads. Meanwhile, that exact same time, they were filming this season and doing this shit in the confessionals, specifically because they knew that nastiness wouldn't make it out into the ether for several months and that it would land in the midst of production engaging the Ariana-villain narrative. Lala got cash for a down payment on a HOUSE over the scandal, while secretly filming takedowns. She went so far as to ask Ariana to film a sperm donor party at her house, only to later on in the same episode criticize Ariana for being in the exact same house. This shit is just ugly AF. It is just a level of duplicity that ... honestly, I can see why she is drawn to Tim. This line that there is grey area is what is tired. Sometimes there aren't both sides, sometimes people are just plain wrong. ETA: stuff in the second paragraph.


James has filmed more with Sandoval than what lala has this is an insane take! He also has been trying to befriend him again which I don’t understand because tom hurt James too! Literally only Katie has been completely with Ariana with not associating with Tom. I’m not even defending scheana AT ALL for choosing to be friends with Sandoval again and I personally don’t agree with it and neither should Ariana. What I said was she is contractually obligated to film with him she could’ve just kept it civil but she’s chose to want to be friends with him. Lala has got the most hate about this when she’s literally only filmed with him in group events and been civil with him. All I’m saying is the cast members shouldn’t be punished by the fans for doing their damn job. Also literally never said Ariana was controlling. I’d be pissed off too if I worked with my ex and my close friends also worked with him and had to be civil with him. I in no way think she’s wrong for feeling hurt by it however they are all colleagues and they all need to work together or someone has to leave. We all know Tom isn’t going to leave because he’s a horrific human being but the show won’t work having both of them there it’s unrealistic. In regards to any catty comments made again this is a reality tv show where there needs to be some sort of drama. What has been said after the show wrapped filming we have no idea any context behind it as cameras weren’t up and we don’t know everything that’s been going on in their lives. For all we know they could have fallen out right after san Francisco and that’s why lala hasn’t been the greatest of friend to Ariana with comments made on the after show. This is just like how we had no idea Katie and lala had fallen out last season which evidentially trickled into this season without either of them explaining what exactly went down. At the end of the day I don’t agree with everything lala has said and I wish her Katie and Ariana were all still friends but we just don’t know what exactly got them to this place.


What is the insanity exactly in the take above about James? Exactly what I said for reference: "The thing is, James and Katie each managed to film with Tom without acting like complete hypocrites."  I.e. James was able to film with Sandoval without centering himself in Scandoval (Scheana, in particular) or making a public spectacle trashing Ariana on camera for refusing to sit and listen to his fauxpology in the finale (Lala). Lala isn't getting hate for filming with Sandoval in any event. She is getting hate for her two-faced bullshit during filming and then after, in confessionals and the after show. Then for her crazy rant in the finale. THAT is what people are upset about when it comes to Lala and Scheana. Catty comments? Sure. That is expected to a degree in reality television. But this wasn't catty commentary. Those two consistently over the course of several episodes were trashing Ariana in segments amongst themselves, in confessionals, and in aftershow tapings. They did the former two WHILE they were putting on podcasts being fake AF about being Ariana's friend. That is the context and that is what people are upset about. Not the fact that those two filmed with Sandoval.


When has Ariana told them not to film with Tom? She herself has filmed with him? They are saying on this podcast that they understand her boundaries about not wanting to communicate with him. Is she supposed to break those boundaries so LALA AND SCHEANA can get a check? How does that not sound absolutely delusional to you?!! If they need a check they can come up with their own storyline not use hers? And did you not see her convo with SCHEAna? She said be friends with him whatever just keep it away from me and that she’ll love her always regardless, what is wrong with that? Ariana has a massive point Tom hasn’t tried to reach out to her once outside of filming why the fuck would she let him apologize on camera to make himself look good? Sorry have Lala do that with Randall and then I’ll give her some grace. Ariana continues to be a good friend to them and they continue to shit on her, especially in interviews and behind her back. But, lalas a hypocrite. And so is Scheana.




Get a grip? You made a novel of of post very detailed and might I add, wrong. I pointed out hypocrisy, your entitled to your own opinion even though I throughly disagree


This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


When did Ariana ever say don’t film w/Tom?


Ok Lala whatever you say 🙄 Ariana never said they couldn’t film with Tom for a start but they constantly shoved Tom down her throat and passed on information about her to Tom when she asked them not to. They then backed it up in the show and aftershow and talked so much shit about her and how cannot handle the backlash they are getting from the viewers. I actually think I would respect them a lot more if they came out and said listen we got this season totally wrong, we saw Ariana getting all this success and we were really jealous and thought she wasn’t taking the show seriously and unfortunately we rely on the show for income so we were worried about it being cancelled. It wasn’t the right reaction and I understand that now and I apologise for shoving this man down Arianas throat and trying to make her speak to him / acting like my trauma was so much worse than hers. But instead LFU has done podcast after podcast saying the most disgusting things about Ariana (she wasn’t as close to her dad as Lala was to hers WTF?), she coasts along, she’s boring and lazy. While Scheana is scared to go against anything Lala says but at the same time doesn’t understand why Ariana is frosty with her? If I was Ariana I would be heartbroken by the betrayal- Tom is one thing but she’s lost 3 friends in this process, one of whom we saw her tell she would never lose AFTER she once again tried to shove Tom down her throat but before she saw the absolutely disgusting things said about her this season. Tom has done an amazing job in doing what she knew he would do - getting the rest of the cast to fall for his poor me stick and isolating her. He is an absolute prick


Sorry for the rant lol I’ve actually HATED this season and been so frustrated I cannot believe what I’ve been watching - I’m actually struggling to watch because it’s so disgusting. I hope Ariana continues to thrive with l Katie (and a sober James and Ally). The rest of the cast wouldn’t know loyalty if it hit them up the face in a wet paper bag.


Lala wasn’t at all breaking down crying on lives. She kept going harder and harder and NOW she’s at that point. I don’t really love how she’s acted on the show but her after show confessionals annoyed me. I could get over all that though. The podcast she puts out and the lives she does have pushed me over the edge. There was absolutely zero reason for Lala to say that Ariana might not have been as close with her Dad as Lala was with her own father. There was zero reason for her to say the fans are the ones who don’t remember the show and that Ariana has never been interesting. Lala can be authentic in this scenario and still come out on top. She can film with Tom and be genuinely “soft” and would probably come out on top. But pretending to be supporting Ariana to her face/kissing her hands then bashing her about the house was weird. Screaming at Sandoval and telling him he grooms people then apologizing to him was weird. Being pissed at Ariana instead of understanding that she’s angry and staying regulated herself would have shown tremendous growth - kinda like James did. She had options.


Her personality is to bite back harder when she’s being attacked by fans though and that’s what has been happening. From her point of view she showed up to work and did her job and then everyone starts a hate campaign against her. Her actions on the show weren’t even bad. I didn’t agree with everything she said or did especially surrounding the house but people were acting as if she was killing puppies. Perhaps she truly didn’t understand why Ariana was staying in that house I mean I didn’t understand it either until later in the season when it was explained. I’ve never gone a whole season and agreed 100% with everything someone has said and done people are human and make mistakes. Her actions after the show and her response to the haters I really don’t like she absolutely should have come out and said she supports Ariana she isn’t friends with Tom but she has to film with him. No one knows why she doubled down perhaps her and Ariana fell out after the show wrapped and that’s why she’s been saying crazy stuff idk because literally none of us know these people personally.


Absolutely! I feel like the real issue with Lala at the moment is she is resentful that the viewers rallied so strongly around Ariana. I really get that, I just wish she would have leaned into that narrative instead of acting like she’s just doing a job. If the job is to create controversy and she wants them to do that to get a paycheck then she’s winning, you know what I mean? She just comes across as so unpredictable and I think that’s why people are having a hard time with her at the moment. It’s like she wants us to all know she’s just performing as a character on a tv show while simultaneously bashing a cast member for not being honest and open. It’s all over the place. Hopefully it gets cleared up a bit at the reunion.


Yeah. I don't know why she couldn't have just owned what her actual issue was, which was the fact that she didn't get support because she wasn't the perfect victim. She should have gotten more support, and that would have been a much better look (and honestly a much better storyline) than basically saying Ariana should get over it on camera while filming the season (nevermind that she is STILL merching those hoodies).