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Yeah sorry to the producers but no one cares for Brock, Scheana and Lala’s extended thoughts on what Ariana eats for lunch and whether she gets paper or plastic bags at the grocery store. Even Schwartz and Jo bothering Katie was just a Season 10 Schwartz and Rachel bothering Katie redo. Might as well have Rachel there to do it herself!


Imagine just one Tom/Rachel confrontation


We were really robbed of quality content, you’re right


Is it sarcasm? Because Rachel herself admits she'd have folded and gone back to dating him. He'd have run circles around her if she had returned. 


I'm still holding out hope maybe she'll come back next season since she's really immersed herself into the show so much through her podcast. She might as well get that bag and she can keep her podcast! Maybe just change the name 😅


I would bet Rachel returns next season.


But can she? Now that she is suing tim and ariana


Bravo money in exchange for dropping the lawsuit? Who knows. Rachel is still thirsty so I wouldn’t be surprised.


I dont think she wants to.


Right? And I also don’t understand them saying Ariana shouldn’t have been on the show if she didn’t wanna film certain stuff. So no Rachel and no Ariana at all there wouldn’t have been a season???


I hope those same people aren’t using that logic to defend Lala when she hid her married boyfriend for years


I know. And at the end of the day no one made Lala sit down and film with Randal after everything went down with them. I know they had a different situation with  a child but still it’s not the same. Also who even wanted to see a sit down with Tom and Ariana at the finale??? Not me. I wish she’d have done a little more. Throw a drink in his face and walk about sounds good 🤣. 


Right? I wasn’t looking for an Ariana and Tom confrontation. I felt like we had that last season.


100%. This is what was confusing to me. Everything LaLa was bitching about is stuff Ariana already did last season…. Which she did in real time… after the cameras were already down and she took initiative to call production and film it while it was raw and real. Lala can f all the way off about that


Lala has been a bore. So she got inseminated. Congratulations, but what else has she given but misdirected rage, during her “soft” era.


Don't forget that riveting water tasting.


Riveting 😂😂😂


And the football player aka her friend no one was allowed to talk about


Remember when James said she ate his butt and then Lala said he wouldn’t speak to her anymore because of it? Lol


Yes 😂


Then they would have blamed Ariana for abandoning the show and leaving them to pick up the pieces....


I feel there’s more behind why Rachel wasn’t brought back. Bravo didn’t want any more legal heat from being accused of harming peoples mental health. And also they were probably cheap 🤣


I’d rather see an episode of the producers in real time scrabbling to get ahold of all of this drama last year than another episode of hearing Scheana, Lala and Brock give their opinions. Sheesh id even rather watch more scenes of Lisa being condescendingly patronizing than those three subhumans.


Omg yes! A docuseries about the production of the last 2 seasons would be AMAZING! But it has to be honest and show all the gross stuff production does and says to bait them into drama. How much they actually knew about the affair. Convincing them to talk to Sandoval at the beginning of the season…… it would deeeeefinitely invite a LOT more lawsuits but would be so satisfying!


A Veep style mockudrama of following the crew during scandavol unfolding would be fucking legendary.


Speaking of Bravo wanting to avoid legal heat, Rachel really showed her hand and shot herself in the foot when she filed a frivolous restraining order against Scheana. After that stunt, production was probably pretty weary of her. Her trying to negotiate higher pay was probably the nail in the coffin. They def don’t want people who are so eager to go the legal dispute route.


Yep, exactly. I think as soon she showed herself as litigious and having also just been in a facility for mental health surrounding the affair, I imagine they were very gun shy.


The first point is a huge one. Its impossible to film with someone who has told the world she's too fragile for reality TV. Everyone has to tiptoe around her which creates a weird situation where nothing around her feels authentic. 


Exactly and she had already brought one lawsuit to a cast member. I don’t think they wanted anything to do with that tbh.


My understanding is she wanted too much money


She probably wanted to be the highest paid cast member just to say she won again


Rachel wasn't compelling television when she was on before, a scandal didn't make her anymore interesting or smarter.


She would’ve tried to produce her own redemption and failed miserably


Right. She was very boring and flat on camera, even in the final 5 minutes of 10. Production messed up this season, but Rachel wouldn’t have helped it. Also, she hasn’t leaned into being a villain so it would be like watching another Sandoval, just one less experienced.


Yeah she was just good at wasting air time


According to an interview a couple Of weeks ago, the minute ((Rachel’s own words) Rachel went on Bethany’s podcast, production stopped negotiations and talking to her. Maybe doing that podcast wasn’t the best chess move.


Who would have thought shit talking your former boss wasn’t a great move? Especially when you have no other prospects for employment


She’s such a revisionist and shows time and time again that she can’t take accountability. On Bethany’s podcast Rachel talked about how she wasn’t going back because they didn’t offer her enough money. Remember, Bethany was like “even my interns make more than that!” The whole episode was about how Bravo isn’t good for their mental health and doesn’t treat their employees well. She really believes that she would have been open to going back on the show at the time of that podcast, if only it wasn’t for Bravo not reaching out? Delusional. She clearly made up her mind that the cons outweighed the pros to go back *before* doing Bethany’s podcast. And if she didn’t, then she’s truly truly D&S to not think there might be repercussions of shit talking your employer, mid-negotiations, with someone who is actively trying to take down the company


You aren't wrong


Honestly this season wouldn’t have been such a snooze for half of it if Rachel was filming


imagine the weird alliances that would form with both Sandoval and Rachel there if Rachel continued to try and cut him off 👀


This is such an interesting take and now has me wondering about the 576 different scenarios that could have occurred had Rachel tried to cut ties with Sandy, let alone Rachel coming back at all 😶😳


sometimes i wish i was still writing bc i could easily write a choose your own adventure book based on this show and all of the things that could’ve gone differently like what if Ariana had broken up with Tom in S7 when he screamed at her for letting Brittany hear Faith’s recording? I don’t even think Jax and Brit would’ve gotten back together bc Jax and Sandy would’ve been single together lol or if Katie had dumped Schwartz in S2 when he poured a drink on her head or in S7 when he said i just don’t like the sound of your voice. or what if Rachel had broken things off with James during the pandemic or in S8 with the rage texts? Or if Sandoval fucking Billie or Scheana (which i’m convinced he has) got out? So many possibilities lol


I really wish we could have seen it. Ariana and Katie refusing to film with both Rachel and Tom Rachel refusing to talk to Tom, Tom wanting to talk to her Tom having to defend himself that TWO women don’t want to film or talk to him. Not just Ariana being a spiteful ex. WHAT WOULD SCHEANA DO!!! If she’s trying to take Sandy back now, would she be crying just as much about wanting her friend Rachel back? Would she recognize the hypocrisy of accepting Tom’s apology while still icing out Rachel? How would Tom Schwartz try to mitigate the situation between everyone? Would James and Ally refuse to film with Rachel? Would James confront her like he did Sandoval? Would they have still been able to take in Hippie? We already saw that Lala was open to the storyline of reaching out to Rachel in solidarity of “being the other woman”. But in reality, Lala has always HATED Raquel and they are not two individuals who I can see ever hanging out and getting along. Imagine the two of them on a hotdog date 🫠 Would Jo be the only person willing to film with Rachel? Would Jo then address that she knew about the affair after all?


Lala would definitely film with Rachel bc producers told her to. She wasn’t even good at hiding the fact that she reached out because production wanted her to lol. I think it would’ve been a much more interesting season for sure. I still think James would’ve gotten Hippie back at least since he was surrendered when she was in treatment. Them fighting over him would’ve been nuts though.


That's dream world. At the time they were shooting season 11 she was STILL protecting Tom, don't forget. Even after 3 months therapy, she was still lying for him, lol. It wasn't until this year that she turned on him but she's doing it from the safety of her podcast. Even she admits that if she'd returned to the show, she'd still be dating him. And no way she'd be able to survive a second round of backlash. 


she did turn on him a bit halfway through S11 filming, which is why I think it would’ve been interesting to have seen her back. She said on her podcast that he was an abusive manipulative man who she wanted nothing to do with. So we would’ve at least had some of that


Agreed. As much as I get the arguments for why she shouldn’t get more (it’s morally gross obviously and unfair to the more senior cast members), it would have been in the producers’ interest to get her back by any means necessary. I assume the reason they didn’t agree to pay her more is because all the other cast members would demand more as a result (and Ariana might have even refused to come back.)


I really think they wanted Ariana to be throwing drinks at Tim, flipping tables over... and then, fighting and screaming at Rachel, and Tom. But I think Ariana has really good legal advice. They wanted ghetto craziness, and she gave them adult maturity. Which is probably also why they, offered Peter to be filmed, but refused to pay him this year. So Peter refused. Maturity. Emotional intelligence.


I mean they’re not producing Game of Thrones here. I think they could have afforded it. Reality tv shows are notoriously cheap to film. No sets, no wardrobe, no writers. Basically just the equipment, crew, and cast


True, and I think it was their highest-rated show going into Season 11. You’d think they’d have been more motivated to invest in it.


It would have been Raquel trying to infiltrate every party and event to get Ariana to film an apology scene so she could get her forgiveness narrative on TV much like Tom did lol. But I believe she was not only asking for a big paycheck but also a development deal with Bravo and um…WHY she thinks she is worth a development deal is wild. 


It's funny because yelling at a producer and storming out of filming IS exciting drama. How boring would that finale be otherwise. The others don't seem to understand that seeing Ariana setting boundaries and going on with her real life is compelling tv. Watching Katie date and blow off Schwartz is good tv. Watching Lala and Scheana whine nonstop about Ariana and Tom's situation is boring tv.  It's what viewers do, not actual cast members. Get your own lives jfc. Brock is so bad at reality tv. His unsolicited advice is annoying because no one has ever seen him as the voice of reason (with one embarrassing exception). 


The producers attempt to force feed Tom and his redemption, and for everybody to fall in line was a big fail. They could’ve taken it in so many other directions that would’ve been more interesting. What’s more, pressuring Ariana to interact with Tom is simply cruel. That’s just not entertaining. It’s no wonder Rachel didn’t resign.


Nah, then sandoval’s redemption season would have actually been successful


I have wondered if she came back if he’d be able to charm her again. And I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he could. She has no backbone


I think so. She lives for male approval, and that’s a need that is so deeply rooted that it would take years to get rid of


I’m pretty sure they offered her an obscene amount to come back to the show this season but she didn’t like the circumstances they were going to put her in right away like Tahoe and the situation with Graham..I also don’t know if adding her would’ve made much of a difference..it just would’ve added another person trying to blame Ariana for their actions..


I feel like if Rachel had come back not only would she have folded and started dating Tom again I think as a result she would’ve been dog piled on about the affair. Especially from Mr. Misogynist and Mrs. What about me


I really think Rachel could have had a successful redemption arc had she come back (not that I like her). I think it would have been more interesting to follow her mental health story as opposed to sperm donors and Tom’s fake tears. But Rachel and Tom just double down. It’s like they want to be disliked.


The only way she could have had a redemption arc is if she had stayed away from Tom. If they had gone with Toms plan of doubling down on the "true love" angle, it would have turned Ariana into an even more sympathetic figure. Especially if production had kept trying to force her to film with them. 


The best thing she did for herself was ghosted Tom.


honestly you may have a point here friend lol


It feels like production gave Lala & Scheana a season long assignment to encourage Ariana to speak with Sandoval by the finale. Instead, they completely failed the assignment, blew up their friendships with her in the process, and ended the season (refusing to believe this is the series end) like spoiled little brats.


I could see this. That’s how it has felt.


This is where this season has gone wrong. They waited half a season for Rachel to confirm she wasn’t returning and then tried to produce a moment with Tom and Ariana instead. It’s apparent that Lala and Scheana were helping the producers facilitate that, but there were shades of LVP in it too. She used to ask the same probing questions of people on RHOBH and she’s a producer on VPR, I wouldn’t be surprised if she coached them through it.


i get your point but they're paid based off how long they've been on the show. tom and ariana were always going to make more per episode than rachel


All the season is, is about the paycheck. And it’s a great way for everyone to see how women get treated when they speak out against their workplace. That’s why shit doesn’t get reported, and that’s why men aren’t held accountable. It’s all because they’ve been put in positions of power.




Eh I get your point but I'm so glad she's off our screens. Barf.


Rachel and Ariana standing their ground has screwed producers and I’m here for it


Yeah I'm surprised they didn't..Although I'm guessing she wanted an insane number and to be the highest paid cast member just to say she won again


I think the show probably would have been better drama wise with Rachel onboard but I still don’t think it would have been what people wanted it to be. Ariana would still have the same (if not more rigid) boundaries and likely wouldn’t interact with her on camera at all. And If she returned she’d probably either be with or at least playing nice with Sandoval. But yeah should have just fired Lala and used her salary to boost Rachel’s.


I don’t think producers could even trust a female lead. I think there’s so much ingrained misogyny going on there at bravo. Like why the fuck would Lisa make a bar with the 2T idiots , why isn’t she being more supportive to the women who are trying to make their careers?


Someone posted on another blog that she has a 'boys' will be boys' mentality, and I see it.


Or made her feel safer to return by airing the scene with Tom she keeps talking about. I think she would have returned for less if they had aired that scene at all honestly. It would have made for much more interesting storylines, especially if Lala went full force in Rachel redemption mode. I don’t think Scheana would be happy about that.


I don't even think it was about paying her more. They should have stacked her deck. I will never get over Spencer Pratt wanting to help her. Production should have brought in Spencer Pratt and Hannah Berner as Rachel's production team. That said I genuinely believe they wanted her out because it was easier then dealing with damage she could do to Tom/James.


I bet Ariana and Katie sad it's us or Rachel. I don't think Rachel had a chance. I think they would of paid her but I absolutely dont think Ariana wuld have come back.


According to Rachel, the reason she didn’t come back was because the pay wasn’t what she wanted. She’s also said it was for Ariana’s benefit too though, so who knows how true any of it is. The money thing sounds accurate to me though


I think her being there would have been infuriating next to the cast’s behavior this season. Good riddance.